Midweek Open Thread


The BBC whines constantly that the DUP are disproportionately influential due to their alliance with the Tories.  Of course this is because the DUP in the main supports Brexit.  The BBC shows no such distaste for a small group of Tory rebels who betray their country and party and ally themselves to the Marxists of Labour in order to appease their foreign masters in the EU.  The BBC was also not concerned that the LibDems had too much influence in the coalition, nor that the SNP abused their position to malignly influence events in Parliament even on purely English matters.  Only the DUP gets the BBC’s thumbs down.

BBC bias…it’s out there…list it all here…..

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333 Responses to Midweek Open Thread

  1. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Jeremy Corbyn was called a “liar” during his speech at the Jewish Labour Movement’s Chanukah party on Wednesday night, after he said there was “zero tolerance” of antisemitism within the Labour Party.

    Mr Corbyn told a crowded room at the party’s headquarters in central London: “I’m here because I want the party to be strong in all areas, I want the Jewish Labour Movement to be absolutely part of and involved with the party at all levels.”

    Prior to Mr Corbyn’s speech, a plea had been made for all those in the room to treat each other in a comradely spirit. However, at this point a female heckler responded with the words: “But you hate us”.

    During the Labour leader’s speech, the same heckler shouted: “Corbyn, you’re a liar”, before reportedly being removed from the room


  2. Fedup2 says:

    It’s a sobering thought really that EU membership has split Blighty down the middle . It’s not even a case of left or right .
    In earlier times the landowners would have taken us to war with each other by now .

    That lie we were told about the “ ever closer union “ on the preamble to The treaty of Rome – that the term meant nothing – really is coming back to blightt and bite all of us.
    How can Blighty ever be contented again.?


    • MarkyMark says:

      It’s a choice that has been made. The problem is that we are fighting if we are allowed to make a choice or should the elders of the tribe make all the choices? The EU Referendum has exposed our politicians as empty vacuous people … Diane Abbott is a day to day case.


      • Kaiser says:

        If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom, and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it will lose that too.

        W. Somerset Maugham


        • ID says:


          A quote from Locke seems almost prescient in the case of the EU and Brexit

          Whensoever therefore the legislative shall transgress this fundamental rule of society; and either by ambition, fear, folly or corruption, endeavour to grasp themselves, or put into the hands of any other, an absolute power over the lives, liberties, and estates of the people; by this breach of trust they forfeit the power the people had put into their hands for quite contrary ends, and it devolves to the people, who have a right to resume their original liberty …


  3. StewGreen says:

    Words of the year list
    – Snowflake is not on the list yet we know it well.
    – broflake brother-flake a word made up by libmob
    Supposed to mean old white men are similarly weak about societal change.
    Of course does not work ..cos bro ..historically has black conotations.


  4. MarkyMark says:

    Backlash over ‘stay with abuser’ posts shared by Essex Police {bbc.co.uk 15dec2017}

    “We think it is positive that the campaign has sparked a debate on a very important issue.”
    (BBC End with a positive)

    – entrap Politicians with 80’s pawn links
    – ignore people who shout down – UK laws in Luton
    – paint nails to stop slavery
    – wear high heels to support women
    – paint rainbow cars to stop Hate
    – grind with Notting Hill goers
    – stay with abuser (Bill Clinton would be give full support)



    • Fedup2 says:

      So is that fella the abuser? Has he got a knife to her back . Some of these police forces are so hair brained it’s frightening )


    • BRISSLES says:

      Um, I’m sure I’ve seen that lady on the tv, – professional model. Advertisers tend to do that – fooling those that read the advert that the photographic image belongs to the story. Er, don’t think so this time.


  5. StewGreen says:

    Evidence of why media film industry people keep sex abuse allegations covered up.
    : the Great British Bakeoff’s US franchise has been cancelled by ABC after 6+ women came forward with abuse/harassment claims against the host Johnny Iuzzini.
    … That’s a lot if money the UK and US firms have lost there.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Does that mean it was only half baked ( did they have the duty Muslim who’d been shock in afgee of Siri a as per the al Beeb model ?)


  6. StewGreen says:

    Licence enforcement corp Capita shares have fallen to a 12 year low
    due to them being unable to remain profitable throughout the year.


  7. MarkyMark says:

    From six years ago. ‘Remembering Christopher Hitchens’: {Douglas Murray – Twitter}

    “Just one of Christopher Hitchens’ talents would have been enough for most people. In him those talents — like his passions — all melded into each other: as speaker, writer and thinker. Yet he was more than the sum even of these considerable parts, for he possessed another talent that was even rarer — a talent for making us, his readers, want to be better people. He used his abilities not to close down questions and ideas, but to open them up”

    We will, in other words, have to think for ourselves. (not BBC approved thought ala Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker) If we manage it then, in large part, it will be thanks to Christopher and the incomparable example – in life and work – that he provided.


  8. StewGreen says:

    The UK has more graduates so why is productivity poor ?
    Our grads are still thick.
    Cos education is more about signalling than learning.

    Matt Ridley illustrates how maths education has deteriorated over the decades


    • Fedup2 says:

      I’ve run interview boards where the grad turns up with an ‘entitled’ attitude cos he got a 2.1 at a red brick and the spelling and grandma on the application form was beyond pore. I don’t think too many universities are concerned about quality – just profit and quantity.


  9. G.W.F. says:

    Who would have thought it. Dustin Hoffman, the Graduate, accused of sexual misbehaviour
    ‘Alleged victim speaks out.

    On one night, she said, Hoffman exposed her body to the stage crew. “Suddenly he grabs the bottom of my slip and pulls it up over my head, exposing my breasts and body to the crew and covering my face,” she said.’


    Surely not the Graduate.


  10. StewGreen says:

    Good job we have UNELECTED bishops running the show in the house of lords.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Why did the refugee children arrive alone? BBC £3.5bn News Service … drop your Latte and step into the world of reporting ….


      • vlad says:

        Trojan horse to get the huge extended family in later.


        • MarkyMark says:

          Interesting .. could be relatives are with the children, but don’t tell anyone.


        • StewGreen says:

          It’s weird the bishops can’t see that.
          One child comes in,
          ..Then is allowed to the parents
          … Who a re allowed to bring in their children
          … Who a re allowed to bring in their children
          ..The original parents are allowed to bring in their aged parents
          … Who a re allowed to bring in their children
          ……. Who a re allowed to bring in their children


          • Lefty Wright says:

            I think the worrying thing is that said Bishops “see that” only too well. At what point does an appeaser become a traitor? Or maybe these days there is not and can never be such a thing as a left wing traitor.


          • Sluff says:


            And 50 years later, the Church of England minority is banned by the Religion of Peace majority.
            Who says turkeys don’t vote for Christmas?


    • MarkyMark says:

      Should the parents be arrested for neglect .. for letting their kid leave home and travel across the world?


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      More space devoted to alleged refugees

      Wall of Dreams is a large-scale visual projection onto Royal Festival Hall, produced in collaboration with Danish artist and poet Morten Søndergaard and UK poets Kayo Chingonyi and Jasmine Cooray. The poets have been working with refugee communities in London, Greece and Italy to discover what their dreams and aspirations for the future are.

      ‘I dream of my family living without fear’


      Do we all not dream of living without fear of Muslim terror attacks?


      • Kaiser says:

        wheres the i dream of killing you all and 72 virgins one


      • Dave S says:

        I thought it was the destination board at Waterloo.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Lucy, one on bottom right is a good one for all in UK who love the UK and its constituent nations and wants a better deal for all in UK from Westminster and Whitehall.


      • vlad says:

        ‘I dream of my family living without fear’

        Then go back to whatever muslim hellhole you come from and fight those terrorising them.


  11. vlad says:

    Gormless Gary (Lineker) now claiming “I’m not taking sides” after being slammed on Twitter for sharing video of stone throwing Palestinians being arrested by Israeli soldiers, with the caption “sickening”.

    His reaction speaks volumes about the beeboid ‘mind’ – I use the term loosely. By posting inflammatory, one-sided pix (he didn’t re-tweet the stone throwing, just the arrests) he obviously IS taking sides. By commenting ‘sickening’, he obviously IS taking sides. But so inured is he to sly beeboid tactics of slandering while apparently just reporting ‘facts’ in a neutral way that he can claim to be ‘not taking sides’.



  12. Thoughtful says:

    A friend had attended the memorial of a recently deceased Catholic priest after the service there was a small reception with tea biscuits and cake and some of the priests came to talk to them. In attendance was well known BBC favourite and annoying leftie Rev Phil Sumner. He had been chatting with the old dears round a table when they really gave him both barrels about the performance of Labour nationally and locally. He was more than a little sheepish and wandered off. Afterwards they were approached by another couple of priests who must have seen what happened, and said “don’t worry about him, he’s not even a real father” !

    And that’s what his local colleagues think of him so why are the BBC so keen on getting him on air ?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Al Beeb has a tame queer “ vicar ‘ and one who keeps going on about a heart bi pass – don’t know who they are but they turn up every where like that annoying amyl nitrate or whatever he is called.


  13. Sir_Arthur_Strebe-Grebling says:

    What is the bBBC trying to cover up? The main item in their 6 o’clock TV ‘news’ is a weepy 4-day old story about children killed in a fire.


    • Holly Selassie says:

      It`ll be drugs, gangland and Shameless revisited.
      Imagine the BBC are grooming their Salford Boys Club for bad actors to fake the lefty reflex to such things.
      Not enough mental health rehab, too many police and school exclusions.
      Maybe race too, will we ever know?


  14. davylars says:

    Jeremy Whine on form today
    Discussing the Murdoch Disney deal.
    Announced. “Here we have the guy that put the custard pie in Murdoch’s face. What do you think of the Fox Disney merger?”
    Guy reply’s “I don’t know anything about it. You just phoned me up”
    Whine then says “ Oh, I said to the producer, I wonder what that pie guy thinks”

    Yes. Conclusive proof that they make conspicuous efforts to seek out left wing opinions.
    Along with a guy from the Guardian. A guy who said Maggie’s got a seat by the fire waiting for him (Murdoch) and another guy who said Disney is right wing anyway with it’s princesses and princes giving kids false aspirations.


    • JimS says:

      Yes it did give the game away didn’t it? And we also had ‘Dale’, a regular rabid hate-speaker from Wales. I’m surprised the tame Muslim didn’t get a word in too.

      ‘Our listeners get in touch’, yeah right, ‘trustworthy’ BBC.


      • Al Shubtill says:

        You’re forgetting that annoying, anti-Trump American who Swine gets on his show every couple of months, to blather about what terrible things DT is doing as POTUS.


  15. JimS says:

    Despite Brexit JCB take on 1200 new workers and pay out highest bonuses of £500 this Christmas.

    Imagine what we could do with a positive national broadcaster (and parliament, civil service etc.).


    • StewGreen says:

      Despite Brexit : East Midlands Airport announced big expansion plan
      Despite Brexit : Sheffield Forgemasters announced second big rig contract of the month
      Despite Brexit : Foreign firms floating on London Stock Exchange have surged to 5 year high of £6bn in 2017.
      Despite Brexit : UK new car production increased in October, according to the SMMT. 157,056 units left UK factories in the month, a 3.5% rise compared with October 2016. #exports


      • Al Shubtill says:

        This clip is from before the referendum, but it shows Richard Tice and Arron Banks being questioned by a Labour MP, before a parliamentary committee.
        There are other clips of this, showing them answering questions from J R-M and some other, ghastly, Labour sow; who also sit on this particular panel.

        The interesting thing is to observe the difference between two very intelligent men who understand business and the economy and some vacuous politician who does not – but thinks she does.

        It is men like these who should be negotiating with our EU “partners” not politicians and civil service mandarins.


        • Holly Selassie says:

          Thank you Al.
          Never seen this before, utterly incredible the gap between a grandstanding no-nothing from the Left; and a couple of routine businessmen who simply have some facts and experience. No clearer indicator of the gulf between those who DO make an honest living in trade-and those who want to grab their profits in order to fund their endless idiocy and media showings.
          And Rachel Reeves-so I recall-IS actually better qualified than all other Labour politiclans, certainly has some qualifications as opposed to say Abbott or Burgon. WE are in REAL trouble if we ever let that lot of thick class warriors anywhere near the levers of economic power.


      • RJ says:

        “Despite Brexit : UK new car production increased in October, according to the SMMT. 157,056 units left UK factories in the month, a 3.5% rise compared with October 2016. #exports”

        They’ll need to produce a lot more than 157,000 a month when we no longer import German cars because the EU won’t sign a free trade agreement with us.

        Of course if we do continue to import German cars (despite Brexit) the WTO tariffs we can charge on them will pay the EU’s leaving fine (if we pay the EU anything once they’ve refused an FTA).

        I’ve never heard the BBC cover any of these points.


  16. StewGreen says:

    One Shows presenters “Oh look it’s Ed Balls guest appearance on strictly”
    My aged mum just turned over.


  17. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Question Time last night was one of the best for a while.

    We actually had TWO leavers on the panel with the three remoaners.

    The audience seemed fairly balanced (from 68% leave Barnsley)

    Isabel Oakeshott, beauty and brains, was excellent.
    I’ve mentioned it before, us lot have all the good lookers and the remoaners have all the mingers.
    Not only us brexiteers, Melania and Ivanka are gorgeous, Hillary is a dog.


    • Al Shubtill says:

      Ivanka’s politics are probably closer to Hillary’s than her father’s, truth be told.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Emmanuel – please don’t be offensive to dogs .

      It’s not surprising that the government uses the negotiation process ( or always saying yes to the EU in order to get a round of applause ) to shroud what this process means to the people who voted for it.

      And it’s a shame that if May is in office cum the next election the conservatives will lose.


    • Lefty Wright says:

      Your right. That’s one area where we do have an advantage. The Right have the Cinderellas and the Left have the Ugly Sisters.


  18. MarkyMark says:

    BBC news show Donald Tusk’ s tweet congratulating Theresa May … only 145 likes. Nobody is interested me thinks … @12:27pm.


  19. Lobster says:

    I watched Pointless on BBC1 tonight, and the 8 contestants consisted of 1 student, 6 public sector workers and 1 retired public sector worker. Not very representative of the population as a whole, but very BBC.


  20. Fedup2 says:

    Al Beeb interesting news value

    They report on a fire fighter being killed in California ( tragic but not near us ) but have not said anything about the knife man being shot in Amsterdam airport – which has direct links to Blighty . I just can’t think why that might be.

    The threshold for the reporting of Islamic terrorism seems to be rapidly going up….mind you with organised rape gangs being ignored I suppose it what we should expect .

    I suppose when there’s a mushroom cloud over a British city it might get a mention on the weather forecast.


    • Scroblene says:

      “I suppose when there’s a mushroom cloud over a British city it might get a mention on the weather forecast.”


      ‘Small fire in London, not many burned’.

      Ooops, sorry, have to check where it actually is, there may be a story we can copy and paste.


      • Fedup2 says:

        They’ve started reporting it now – bet it’s gone in the morning ….

        Sluff has said that lovely grandmother – angie Rayner – is guesting on that sad old news show thing I stopped watching years ago. I think it went down after the original chair got caught with coke and toms ( not a recipe ) so had to go – should have stuck to kiddies like that nice sir jimmy saville .


    • Holly Selassie says:

      Or what about the sentencing of that lovely Muslim couple on Wednesday? The woman got her partner to practice stabbing full dummy models and they both had plans to kill/behead Katie Hopkins. Did the BBC mention this these last few days?
      Probably not.


  21. Sluff says:

    Deep joy.
    Have I Got News for You features leftMob Gobshite Angela Rayner who, totally beyond parody, is the shadow education secretary. Be afraid.
    Needless to say there is huge applause for all anti Tory jokes, however slight.
    The few anti Labour jokes seem to get muted applause or cries of anguish.

    So, the usual impartial panel and audience. Business as usual.


  22. Dover Sentry says:

    The BBC should be challenging Parliament’s ‘right’ to overturn a Referendum result.


  23. Guest Who says:

    See… BBC ‘balance’.

    Rob Burley would be proud.


    • wronged says:

      I have complained about the BBC on many occasions to this committee. I have beeen very polite. However, I find that if you do complain about the Beeb there is a moderater who is clearly a lefty who will block you for reasons of your language falling short of their standards. (As if the BBC has standards).
      My language has not, repeat not been rude.
      Her name is always a person called Chloe Challender. I believe she is blocking the BBC complaints for political reasons.
      I have now taken up the issue with my MP.


  24. Dover Sentry says:

    There was a very disturbing post earlier about Tommy Robinson being followed by uniformed officers in a panda 24/7 because of his beliefs.

    Robinson challenged these officers and they admitted that they were following orders. (I personally don’t feel antagonism. These officers have no choice).

    What the hell is going on?

    Robinson has no intent to carry out terrorist attacks. There are perhaps more than 4,000 Jihadis willing to do such attacks.

    The police and Security Services do not have the resources to monitor the vast majority of these jihadis.

    Why spend time and resources following Robinson?

    I suspect that the elite fear that Robinson may ignite a response that cannot be controlled.


    • RJ says:

      The positive spin would be to see them as bodyguards. While they’re there TR is safe from attack.

      The alternative view would be that TR can use them as an early warning device. When they disappear he knows he’s about to be attacked.


  25. Holly Selassie says:

    Am I the only person who`s giving up on BBC “News” until they actually HAVE some?
    As far as I can see, it`s all Russia, Trump, Brexit bitchings and blather.
    Ask yourself-when was the last time the BBC or their like , actually told you something that was new. Or objective, or NOT with some damned liberal agenda attached?
    Tonights “A Point Of View” on Radio 4 being the only thing I can think of that was not laden with Remoaning Trumpbait in recent memory.
    Did hear the great Kelsey Grammer on Desert Island Discs though. And last week it was Tim Martin. That is the first time in living memory that there`s ever been TWO Alt-right types on that lefty fest , back to back as it were.
    Now THAT is newsworthy.


  26. Holly Selassie says:

    Must say I`m enjoying no news anymore.
    I just imagine Kay Burley scrambling over the dead, the poor and the stupid to beat Jon Snow to Emoti con artistes of the Fake News Cartel Prize.
    Already guaranteed that Lily and Jon will the Choice Grenfell Gong, as they all compete to outdo each other in signalling their niceness around Notting Hill and Shoreditch. Sadly for them, Trump called them out and we`ve long left their pens, their barns.
    Nobody believes them all anymore, it`s Breitbart and clips of Rees Mogg for me.
    If the BBC say it`s news-it`ll be lies, and so run a mile.


  27. Sluff says:

    Toady this morning set some sort of Bias world record between 0730 and 0810.
    First, the programme was a ‘Prevent strategy’ special, in that the aspect to be covered was….of course…..wait for it…countering right wing rxtremists! Cue a session in a school where it sounded to me like the children were being brainwashed as to the benefits of multiculturalism. Then a few minutes later we have an interview with………Euan Blair. Now OK he was talking about apprenticeships butnisn’t it amazing who they get on the show.
    Then we have Thought for the Day which somehow managed to contort a mention of St Jo of Cox i to the narrative. why? And just to make sure you get the message, first up after the 8am news Toenails takes us straight back to the riht wing extremist Prevent narrative.
    After that lot, I think I have some sort of PTSD. If only there was an initiative in Kensington and Chelsea that could help me………