BBC appoints Fran Unsworth as next head of news
What do we know about about her?
Not much. She has a very small public profile and has worked at the BBC her whole career.
Here’s one interesting titbit.
Fran Unsworth – “Fortunately my parents were very non-gender specific.”
Your guess is as good as mine, but it certainly sounds a lot like the type of rhetoric we hear from certain activists. The rest of the video talks about *cough* diversity *cough*. Make your own minds up on this one. Perhaps she thinks unbiased reporting is very important despite her strong left wing views…let’s see…
VX, Perhaps we can come up with a word that will be candidate for Word of the Year 2018?
After “Fortunately my parents were very non-gender specific.” perhaps Trope of the Moment can be ‘tromome’ or, even better = ‘troomome’ ? Perhaps I should construct it instead from Meme of the Moment = ‘Mememome’? Yes, I think I like that. Mememome, for all those virtue-signalled right-on LeftyLibby imposed constructs as policies for all.
Fran Unsworth, mememomer.
Looking at the photo, I can understand that. It fits.
I was amused at the girl who identified herself as an Asian and asked whether it would place her at a disadvantage in the BBC. No way luv. Just follow Mishail Hussein and stick it on Jews.
More background via @MM
Guido description
Indeed see Meet the BBC drama queen laying down the law on climate change. Hardly unbiased
“True to form, her views are totally certain, totally set in stone: a consensus exists in favour of alarmism and, by golly, she and her 8,000-strong news division are going to follow it.
… An interesting parallel, I would suggest, comes in the history of eugenics, which I am currently studying.
… her degree, according to the BBC, was in drama.“
God Almighty!
From where on earth do they drag up these nonentities? Yet another reason to avoid the blasted bbbc at every turn…
They just don’t get it do they… well, yes they do, from pensioners and thick, fat, ugly stupid dumb sofa/ear-fodder for some of the crappiest programmes ever produced.
I really despair.
Whether this is a setup or not this should cheer you up. Well I find it funny. BBC news will play this over and over again. Unsworth willing o’ course
It’s fake. Just look at the state of the guardsman. Even someone in the RAFVR wouldn’t show up on duty as badly dressed as that.
Fran Unsworth – “Fortunately my parents were very non-gender specific.”
Sounds like Dolores Umbridge trying to make up fake credentials for fitting in with the new order.
Her parents were very non-gender specific? Nah, I think their genders would have been very specific. I bet that one was a man and one was a woman.
And to that schoolkid Sunny: Do you know how a woman from humble origins can reach the top in our society? It’s because we live in a capitalist, free market society.
Hey Scrobelene above,
I am one of those “old pensioners” you referred to and certainly am not a biased BBC watcher.
I do on the other hand have a guilty conscience, as I (we) qualify for a free tv licence at your expense.
The corrupt BBC went out our window years ago so I rely on this excellent site to keep me up to date with
the on going left wing Pravda.
Sometimes people here ask for evidence of right wing bias.
Really tried hard to evidence it. The nearest I can get to is the “apprentice’ which supports the idea of people going into business and making money . For some lefties that would be distasteful because only public sector jobs can have value. Any thing else is the exploitation of the ‘vulnerable ‘ my word of the century so far…