‘Christmas bomb plot’ broken up by dawn raids in Sheffield and Chesterfield
Armed police have seized four men in a series of dawn raids to break up a suspected Christmas terrorist bomb plot.
Police raided four addresses in South Yorkshire and Derbyshire after intelligence suggested the men were planning to build or acquire a bomb in an Islamist plot to strike a target in the UK.
Oh the irony as the BBC promotes #MuslimChristmas.
The BBC is pushing hard the narrative that Muslims love Christmas and are just like ‘us’ and Islam is completely harmless and essentially an exotic version of Christianity. Shame one on Adrian Chiles[11:50] suddenly burst out into a rant about Muslims not being able to become students [lol…so many Muslim extremists are in fact students…it’s a well known recruiting arena] and then went off on one about Britain having a lot to anwer for due to its foreign policy ruining the world. Hmmmm…might suggest it was Muhammed in the 7th century who has had the most baleful and damaging effect on world history turning the Middle East and so many countries into cultural, scientific, industrial and artistic deserts….not to mention what is basically an Islamically inspired terrorist world war against non-Muslims now in progress.
And why is the BBC promoting #Muslimchristmas?…as if Christians don’t mind Muslims hijacking their major religious festival and trying to make it all about Muslims as they do with everything else. Then again what’s new…The warlord Muhammed hijacked Christianity claiming Moses and Jesus were Muslim prophets……and that everyone is Muslim except they just don’t know it…hence any ‘converts’ are called ‘reverts’. He did this of course to make his ‘religion’ sound familiar and attractive to Christians so that they would join him and his war machine as it plundered and conquered the Middle East.
Maybe about time Christians hijacked Islam…#ChristianEid….let’s take over the Koran and rewrite it so that all the violence, misogyny, anti-semitism, homophobia, Kufar hating, slavery promoting bits are removed…..not much would be left….lol.
Would the BBC promote that? or #SikhChristmas, or #BuddhistChristmas or #HinduChristmas or #Jewish Christmas or #JediknightChristmas? Doubt it somehow.
I think the BBC and other deluded leftists are like a battered woman when it comes to the islam cult. They fear it, so try to convince themselves that really the cult loves them, and only hits them because they have done something wrong.
It is hard to understand why the leftists bend over backwards to accomodate this violent, misogynist cult. It stands for everything they oppose. If anyone else proposed supporting a system which entailed prayer five times a day, the separation of men from women, male polygamy, the subordination of women, female genital mutilation, the murder of apostates and unbelievers, and veneration of a man who was a murderer, rapist and paedophile, the feminists, the leftists, all the so-called progressives would be up in arms. But if you call this cult “islam” they roll over like kittens asking it to tickle their tummies.
It may be linked to some sort of guilt, as evinced by the cretinous Adrian Chiles, that all the ills of the world are the fault of our foreign policy and the Sykes-Picot agreement, so that by loving islam they can better demonstrate their hatred of our own country. Maybe there is just no rational explanation for the Left’s love of islam. They have often struck me as deeply stupid people. This just goes to prove it.
Shame the rest of us have to suffer for their delusions.
Rob in Cheshire ‘It is hard to understand why the leftists bend over backwards to accomodate this violent, misogynist cult’ – actually easy to understand, it’s called votes.
Leftists hate Christianity because along with Reagan and Thatcher, the Catholic church, brought down the centre of the socialist empire. The USSR to Leftists is like the caliphate is to ISIS. Leftists have that same visceral hatred of Reagan and Thatcher too.
On a more fundamental level, Christianity does not promise heaven on earth. A Socialist society too is not to be achieved in the Kingdom of Earth. But for socialists, marxists and communists, that utopia can be achieved. They persist in this folly even now. It seems 150 million deaths in the most gruesome conditions is not enough evidence that socialism is far worse then Nazism – on body count.
You raise a fascinating question Rob: why on earth do lefties and so-called liberals revere that most il-liberal of ideologies, which goes against every single tenet of Leftism. A whole book could be written on the subject. Your battered wife metaphor may well be part of the reason, a sort of Stockholm syndrome.
And that weird leftist ‘guilt’ whereby every problem in the world is ‘our’ fault. (Of course they don’t really mean ‘our’, they mean past and present generations of evil, conservative, colonialist white men, or Tory scum as they charmingly put it.)
Another strand of this leftist psychosis is that they hate the capitalist West so much that its enemies are de facto their friends.
There’s also an element of good old English snobbery: Ordinary, thick, tabloid reading proles and the despised Daily Mail-reading middle classes and Little Englanders instinctively understand the true nature and true threat of the Religion of War, but we’re so much more enlightened and cosmopolitan, we celebrate it – aren’t we sophisticated?
Then there’s the absolute terror of appearing racist, drummed into the population since birth from every side.
But it’s a complex mental illness and I’m sure readers will have their own theories.
I do enjoy your posts vlad. If I may add to your comment; I find that most leftists are indoctrinated from a young age that Conservatives, or anyone sharing Conservative views, as you mentioned – must be evil. This over years of repetition has given them an unearned sense of moral superiority.
As a result, when a person shares an opinion about “sensible migration policy” or “radicalisation in schools” and other ‘sensitive’ subjects; without pausing for thought, if that voice is Conservative or right-leaning it must be hiding something sinister. We are all bigots, after all.
It makes them feel good to instil that sense of moral superiority in others by making you the bad guy. I think it has little do with defending the religion of Islam itself.
“Ordinary, thick, tabloid reading proles and the despised Daily Mail-reading middle classes and Little Englanders instinctively understand the true nature and true threat of the Religion of War, but we’re so much more enlightened and cosmopolitan, we celebrate it – aren’t we sophisticated?”
I often wonder too.
On this point, I would like to invoke Jung and the concept of the shadow. It’s easy to dupe oneself into blotting out the unpalatable aspects of world in favour of an idealised scenario. There is great pride built on lofty intellectual views rather than anything practical and experience-based. Think Gordon Brown and the “bigoted woman”. It affirms your own worthiness. Everyone wants to feel self-worth, to think of themselves as a better person.
But it’s a Disneyland view of reality. I look at the beeb now and can’t help but think that the content is generated by 13 year olds who are incapable of facing the shadow. It’s an infantile approach to issues.
A tremendous relief comes from dropping the need to be worthy in the eyes of others, and you’re then able to look more clearly at the dark shit going on as well as the good.
Just my 2 cents… fascinating question indeed.
[edit — just saw the post by Rx above and think we are on the same wavelength]
Interesting to note also the beeb headline mentions ‘alleged’:
—”Sheffield arrests over ‘alleged UK Christmas terror plot'” (none of the other main outlets do)
And also those subtle attempts to shift attention for the oh-so-pesky public disturbance. Err… remind us please what exactly is the unsettling aspect of this event??
—”Derbyshire’s Assistant Chief Constable Bill McWilliam said: “We of course understand that police activity of this nature can be unsettling.”
Female and male mutilation.
BBC doing its bit.
Any pet goats?
A whiff of goatism, there, I suspect…
Nanny state rules
This, I believe, is TWMTB encouraging illegal behaviour.
Using a dog as a beast of burden was, and AFAIK, still is, illegal.
Not a great crime in the blood-stained history of this Commie supporting organisation.
But it should be closed for this last straw offence.
Then we can feed them to the dogs, let the dogs get reaaaaaaally hungry first.
Jingle bombs!
Jingle bombs!
Freedoms go away!
O what fun,
It is to know,
They could strike any day!
MELBOURNE – At least 14 people were injured, several critically, after a car drove into a crowd in Melbourne’s central business district on Thursday (Dec 21) in what the police called a “deliberate act”.
The white Suzuki SUV “collided with a number of pedestrians” on the corner of Flinders and Elizabeth streets – an area popular with tourists – just before 5pm local time (4pm Singapore time). Police have arrested the driver as well as a second man, Australian media reported.
Speaking at a press conference at the scene just after 7pm, Victoria Police commander Russell Barrett did not rule out terrorism as a possible motive.
“We believe based on what we’ve seen it is deliberate act,” he said. “It is too early in the investigation to discuss motivation.”
Tis the season for burning churches, and killing Infidel Christians. Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la. .
Latest, of course, the commander now says that this Australian national, of Afghani descent, had mental issues……… Not exactly unexpected, was it……..
MELBOURNE – At least 14 people were injured, several critically, after a car drove into a crowd in Melbourne’s central business district on Thursday (Dec 21) in what the police called a “deliberate act”.
The white Suzuki SUV “collided with a number of pedestrians” on the corner of Flinders and Elizabeth streets – an area popular with tourists – just before 5pm local time (4pm Singapore time). Police have arrested the driver as well as a second man, Australian media reported.
Speaking at a press conference at the scene just after 7pm, Victoria Police commander Russell Barrett did not rule out terrorism as a possible motive.
“We believe based on what we’ve seen it is deliberate act,” he said. “It is too early in the investigation to discuss motivation.”
Tis the season for burning churches, and killing Infidel Christians. Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la. .
What about the Beep promoting a “Christian Ramadan”? Guess there is no chance of that!!
Is there any tradition of murder and mayhem caused by Christians who strictly observe Lent?
Debunking a YouTube hit {bbc.co.uk 04aug2009} – interesting old BBC article that should be reviewed again. Some people blocking the video and others wanting to discuss it. Very interesting …
“A big YouTube hit makes startling predictions about the Islamification of Europe over the next few decades and has been viewed more than 10 million times. But can you believe what it says?”
I’ve been travelling to Greece for the last three decades and I have noticed that the immigrant population (legal and illegal) has exploded. Most of them are Muslims. I think it is very logical for Europeans to have open discussions on this topic because it will change the face of Europe forever.
– John L, Toronto, Ontario
How to get around FGM … all cultures are equal … religion is special …
A lawyer for Dr Nagarwala, who was arrested on 12 April (2017), has claimed the procedure was not FGM, but rather a religious ceremony to wipe off a small amount of mucous membrane, which was given to the family on a gauze pad for burial.
“Two more arrested in Michigan in first FGM prosecution in US” {bbc.co.uk 21apr2017}
– 2017 – first! 2017!!!!! FIRST!!!!!
Death threats? From followers of the religion of peace? Surely not!
Amir Khan bombarded with abuse and a death threat for putting up a Christmas tree – The Sun
In the mirror too.
Is it on the bbc?
But of course it’s the “far right” we need to be afraid of. Such intolerance clearly demonstrates where the problem lies.
S4C (mostly financed by BBC Wales) is doing its bit. In Dechrau Canu Dechrau Canmol last Sunday they had three kids’ views of Christmas and one of them was Jewish, expaining hanukkah in Hebrew with Welsh and English sub titles!
BBC would like to convince the British people that Muslims are just like us. Except they are not. The BBC likes to pretend that Muslims are distrusted due to irrational fear of Islam – the false charge of Islamophobia. The reality is that Muslims are distrusted in Britain for the same reason, that Muslims are distrusted worldwide, while Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, and Christians, are not. Just as the only case of beheading of a British soldier was done by a couple of Muslims. Or for that matter terrorist attacks in Britain – Muslims only.
All Muslims believe in Sharia, or else they wouldn’t be Muslims. Sharia law is perfectly compatible with Nazism. Specially the bit about exterminating all Jews. Then Christians. As they are doing in all Islamic countries.
Muslims killing Christians at Christmas is already underway. Muslims always do this, just prior to Christmas or Easter. Its a way to ruin Christmas for Christians. Muslims also attack Hindus prior to major Hindu festivals. Its an Islamic cultural thing, and we must respect all cultures.
Yup, Muslims are just like us.
The BBC, once again, provides a platform for Islamic propaganda.
We come in peace,We come in peace, Ack Ack Ack Ack..We come in peace…..Vroom, Vroom..
“At this time police believe this is a deliberate act, however we do not yet know the motivation and it is only very early in the investigation.
Clueless as ever. Well let me offer a hint