So Ofcom is to investigate the BBC for bias….on Brexit or on Trump, or how they reported the election? No…on an interview with Lord Lawson on climate change. The BBC friendly Ofcom is playing to type as expected. After all the endless pro-climate change propaganda that the BBC has pumped out year after year after year, after its all too close association with climate change promoters and lobbyists, after its decision that the ‘science is settled’ when that is far from the truth, Ofcom has decided that the bias it must investigate is a blink and you’d miss it interview with Lord Lawson. As Gary Lough might say ‘What a f***ing joke!’
Is the science settled…is it science at all? You might think not as Delingpole notes….
Environmentalists have discovered the two new things most likely to turn the planet into a molten orb of glowing red climate death.
Yep. They’re not joking. Bitcoin and porn are the two latest things which, experts tell us, are causing “global warming”.
Liberals are great believers in the power of central banks and the expertise of Neo-Keynesian economists like Paul Krugman. They do not believe in cryptocurrencies because they are much more of an anarcho-capitalist thing, beloved by people who are in to stuff like Kek and Pepe the Frog memes. Ergo, liberals have missed out completely on the crypto-currency goldrush. Ergo, they are feeling sore and will do anything to diss Bitcoin.
Definitely, though, if pornography causes global warming then liberals should be worried most. That’s because, at a conservative estimate, liberals consume approximately 150 x more pornography than young right wing males do.
And also, of course, as we would put it in Britain, because liberals are a bunch of grade A, copper-bottomed, ocean-going wankers.
Meanwhile, for those who need a reminder, here’s a handy list of all the other things which are responsible for causing global warming.
Take a look at this from WUWT:
The sun is blank, NASA data shows it to be dimming
As the sun gets successively more blank with each day, due to lack of sunspots, it is also dimming. According to data from NASA’s Spaceweather, so far in 2017, 96 days (27%) of the days observing the sun have been without sunspots.
Across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, the sun’s output has dropped nearly 0.1% compared to the Solar Maximum of 2012-2014. This plot shows the TSI since 1978 as observed from nine previous satellites:
Look at the graph….does it not correspond exactly to how ‘warming’ has occured? Most recently we have had the famous ‘pause’ from 1998…and then a pick up in the last couple of years [which the BBC claimed now showed we are having record heat]…you can see it in the graph. The sunspot activity corresponds exactly to the global warming. Now ‘man made’ global warming may have an influence on top of that but it looks ike there is no denying the influence of sunspots on global temperature…and there is still no proof that it is man-made CO2 that causes global warming….either the primary cause or any cause at all…the ice core evidence pointed to CO2 being a result of global warming.
Is the science settled? Far from it. Only at the Spanish Inquisition that is the BBC which has declared the ‘earth is flat and that’s how we like it’…anyone who says otherwise is a heretic and shall be excommunicated and flamed on twitter.
The first Ofcom ruling about a BBC programme has been made. Prepare to be open-mouthed….very. Gavin Hunt, a BBC1 Question Time viewer, found that in the 25 editions of the programme between January and July 2017, 22 had more EU Remainers than Leavers. The Ofcom Content Board decided it was not ‘proportionate’ (i.e they could not be bothered) to examine all the programmes, so instead they analysed only one which had a 5-0 Remain bias. Their verdict? David Dimbleby was a fair and balanced host and he marshalled the debates impartially. And second, Damian Green (who, for years before the referendum, was a passionate EU advocate) advanced the ‘Hard Brexit’ perspective. Therefore the complaint from Mr Hunt was dismissed. Ofcom, it seems is as effective as a regulator as a chocolate teapot. The full sorry saga, along with a link to the 5-page Ofcom ruling, is chronicled here: The Ofcom Board, of course, is stuffed full of worthies with BBC connections:
As I said yesterday, making Ofcom the BBC’s regulator was simply a diversionary tactic by the ‘elite’. It’s not there not to regulate or challenge the BBC, but to deflect criticism.
We no longer need to tear down the BBC, but Ofcom as well – it’s part of the problem.
The very concept of “regulators” is redolent of the nanny state.
There should be no need for “regulators”, just as there should be no state broadcaster. The free consumer should be trusted to watch what he wants, not what the left wing establishment deem is good for him. I don’t mind a left wing channel which promotes islam and multi-culturalism, so long as no-one is forced to pay for it under threat of prison.
If I recall at least half of the board of Ofcom have direct connections to al beeb – having been employed there .