SPOTY…Sir Mohamed…institutional ‘racism’?
Paula Radcliffe insists husband Gary Lough did not call Sir Mo Farah’s SPOTY win ‘f****** joke*
Spot the BBC bias and list it here……
SPOTY…Sir Mohamed…institutional ‘racism’?
Paula Radcliffe insists husband Gary Lough did not call Sir Mo Farah’s SPOTY win ‘f****** joke*
Spot the BBC bias and list it here……
So many examples to discuss, not enough time…
Brexitcast Live: Is a second EU referendum possible?
Why should Laura Kuntsberg be the authority on that?
She speaks for the nation. Apparently.
It`s all in those questions chosen and framed by the elite isn`t it?
“Is a 2nd Referendum possible?”-this would be a Laura question and will run for as long as they like and with Anna and Dominic, Kier and Vince all rolling around the BBC Green Rooms like fat jereboams of Junckers piss.
“Is there likely to be a Muslim attack on us at New Year or before?”-this is NOT a question where Douglas, Jacob etc will be asked for an opinion-because the elite have no intention of framing THAT question(which is of more moment to us). They`d see it as provocative and hypothetical. But the 2nd Referendum conflab is NOT provocative, insulting and intended to thwart our will-this will be “consciousness-raising” or “awareness”. It`s in the questions-who sets them, who is allowed to raise them and who gets answers , as opposed to getting ignored.
Fishing, setting off foxes with burning tails, hare coursings with pants on fire. This is the media and its “burning questions”.
“How come Laura gets paid so much and needs BBC security if she dares go anywhere near Labour?”…another question or two NOT to be discussed by we, the lower orders.
Looby, what amazes me about these calls for a second EU Referendum is that the people calling for it do not seem to realise how difficult it would be to frame the questions, even how many to have. (It raises interesting possibilities, too, over Theresa May’s decision to hold a June 2017 GE.) It will certainly tie the Westminster Parliament in knots.
I suspect that ‘they’ want another Yes:No choice with some sort of EU Membership-Lite being on offer for a Yes and they will want to set a threshold of somewhere around 60%/65%/66% for a No vote.
They do not appear to have considered that a Referendum after the Article 50 period really requires at least three or four questions, perhaps more, on the ballot paper with a simple majority being required for one of them across the UK. The questions have to be In (Accept the offer) In (Reject the offer) Out (No further negotiation) and Out (Negotiate – perhaps with conditions).
They obviously have not thought it through. Their occasional canard – recently revived in my hearing on BBC R4 – “The EU Referendum in 2016 has been terribly divisive” & “The nation is split over the result” suddenly disappears with the call for a second EU Referendum. A bit strange!
Once we`ve had enquiries into the shenanigans and bias, fiddled double votes, appalling bias in money and access gathered for the elites desired outcomes(Remain with Corbyn as PM)?…THEN I`d at least think we could get the next election clean enough to get Rees Mogg and similar in to give the hardest, nastiest of Brexits with a resurgent REAL Conservative Party like , say ,For Britain.
But as we saw in 2015 and with the Referendum-and even earlier this year-the elite have now decided to act like the Chinese Communist Party with a parallel Chinese-lite Soviet Bureaucratic State by which to “re-educate” or “euthanise” those who are older or resistant to their Benetton kinda views.
No-three years of enquiries into how Blair left us with THIS travesty of a democracy is urgently required. But has the BBC ever asked for this(as opposed to polls lying about us wanting a second referendum?
No-wrong question, my dears. Inadmissable.
They`ve been fiddling now since student days, the EU likes this and our birthright is now at stake.
I think what they really want (apart from thwarting the will of the people of course) is for the EU to give Britain a really bad offer. Their ideal question would then be along the lines of “Would you like to accept this terrible offer which will devastate British industry” or “Would you instead like to stay in the good old EU which has provided strength and security to its members since time began”?
They are confident that, with such a rigged poll, they would get the answer they wanted. I am not so sure. One thing we can say about the British people is that they don’t like being bossed around by snotty elites. Nick Clegg, this means you!
Rob, I don’t think so. A grotty deal risks rejection by Remainers (who would look stupid advocating it) and Brexiteers alike.
It will probably, almost certainly, be a seductively nice offer on the face of it, with “some areas still to be agreed” and including an extended transition period offer of an extra three years beyond 2021. By 2024 a lot can happen, including a change of Government and/or a putsch in Labour by the Fabianites in concert with the Blairites, pushing Corbyn & McDonnell aside.
I suspect the Remainers are hoping that by mid-decade the nation would have happily signed up to EU-lite in another Referendum and be largely happy with it. Then in time, an elite Leftish* Government will be looking to take us back in on the basis “Well, we are paying so much for this, we might as well have a seat at the table” (re-run of 1975 from the pro-EU Labour MPs like Jenkins) and at THAT point, the EU will really screw the UK for every cent possible.
Blair will be too old, probably, but think Keir Starmer & Chukka Umunna or Stephen Kinnock & Euan Blair running a Labour Government or Labour-led Coalition Government.
I used to think Theresa May called the June Election to make the most of her Polling lead and reduce the influence of people hindering Brexit such as Heseltine, Clarke, Grieve, Hammond, Soubry, etc.. I am now wondering whether she deliberately tried to lose the GE, either to set up a weak, frustrated Brexit (as it is looking now) or just possibly (being too clever by far) putting a Corbyn-led Labour in power so that by 2022 they would have made such a hash of things that either the EU would be wanting to throw the UK out or – much more likely – Theresa May’s successor could take over within the sanctuary of the EU and make the UK fully compliant. “We have no choice in our present weakened economic position but to remain in the EU.”
Whether Labour-led or Remainer Tory-led, we will then also be forced to join the Euro at unfavourable rates, without a Referendum on that specific point. The UK will then be ‘the poor man of Europe’ for ever more.
Borders gone, currency gone, sovereignty gone.
Game over.
The politial class and its camp following elites at the BBc might think we`re still engaged with their politics-but we`re really not.
Nobody I know will settle for anything but a brutal Brexit , one where Clegg and Campbell have to slime over on the last Eurostar to grovel before their paymasters, for being unable to justify the money spent on them and their ludicrous project to thwart what we voted for.
Best not to bother with the media, they`re miles behind(well kilometres in their vernacular).
There`s more of us than there is of them, and I for one will be proud to tell my snowflakes that there`s a bit of Rosa Parks, Christabel and Jayda in me…thought that they were trained to rather like strong and rebellious girlies. Be nice to be a history maker anyway.
Just don`t bother with the media-look at Malcolm X and how HE got his cause so up the liberals register.
Holly, you may have a better class of friends and relatives. Many of my friends are pro-EU and voted Remain for idealistic reasons or voted Remain for personal advantage. Many ‘acquaintances’ went for Remain for that same latter reason.
I don’t think we have the attention span as a nation now to keep Brexit momentum going. It has been interesting to observe the BBC HYS Threads and the new posting names appearing, especially the swing toward Remain opinions. If a ‘deal’ should be offered in another Referendum, I reckon it will be a seductive one. In that event it will take an amazing No campaign to keep all of the 52%, let alone add to them.
We are really going to need another major miracle, in my view, to get us out and clean away. Remember Holland and Ireland over Maastricht? The Noes vanished, second time around, like mist with the rising sun.
How matters seem may depend partly on where you live. Like Katie Hopkins I now realize that I live in a country called “The Rest of England” where common sense still applies, and Remainia appears as an alien disease.
Ban, true, very true. Londoners are generally more used to being in a world city for forty years or more. I still voted to Leave the EU. 😉
“I am now wondering whether she deliberately tried to lose the GE…”
Theresa May is not capable of such Machiavellian thought. She is a rather dim woman. She was a very poor Home Secretary, and is an equally poor accidental Prime Minister.
In early 2016 the Conservatives were well ahead in the polls after Labour elected Worzel Gummidge to lead them. They did very well in the local elections, and won the election for Mayor of Birmingham. Theresa May just thought she’d take a chance and cash in on a certain election victory.
Unfortunately, she was so certain of victory that she did not bother to campaign, did not bother to take part in the TV debates, and, it seems, did not bother to read Nick Timothy’s disastrous manifesto with its ridiculous commitment to foreign aid, while at the same time introducing the “dementia tax”. As an exercise in kicking your own supporters in the teeth, that has never been equalled.
There is no need to credit Theresa May with carrying out a cunning anti-Brexit plot. She just isn’t a very clever politician.
I’m sure you’re right, Rob. From my short time in the civil service at a very junior level years ago, I would say most ministers spend their time fire-fighting and trying desperately to avoid a bad press – especially from the Guardian/BBC.
Well I think anyone watching that is very brave as I am meant to go to bed calm.
It’s very simple. A second ref will be fixed to remain followed by hugs all round , adoption of the euro and the disassembly of the UK into the federal states which is the dream of the EU. President Blair and an EU army to replace NATO.
Then we can start learning German as was the plan for 1941 after sea lion
Not bBBC bias as sky covering it too:
Sexting to online porn: What should sex education lessons cover?
IMO an excuse to push the LGBT agenda
“Not bBBC bias as sky covering it too:
Sexting to online porn: What should sex education lessons cover?”
A warning guys n gals!
In Australia they call it: Safe Schools!
Its coming here very soon!
Parents be very aware! Though I doubt the parents will be informed about it! Tis only for the ears/eyes fro 5-12 yr old children!
Remember that name: Safe Schools. Hard core videos/DVDs/ Books written by the rainbow fascists for school children only and deviously hidden behind the name: Bullying!
Well they won’t need much guidance on the best free pornsites as they ll already know them.
Listening to some mouthy Mum on Toady when her angel son got lifted for sending a noody picture of a class mate – perhaps parents have some responsibility to prevent their scorn from getting a record .
First, second and third! Boom!
RAF Mildenhall: Shots fired in security alert at US Suffolk airbase
Hard to believe they are going to investigate why firearms were discharged. Are we all going collectively bonkers?
Will we get to know who it was?
Probably on a reconnaissance mission to see how far he could get. Here’s a previous similar attempt…
But nothing to see here move along….
BBC Online News:
“‘You are never mutineers’ – Bercow urges MPs to uphold principles””
“”Commons Speaker John Bercow defends the right of MPs to vote on Brexit in line with their principles, saying they are “dedicated public servants” and “never mutineers, traitors, malcontents nor enemies of the people”.””
Anti-Brexit Bercow fully supported by the Brexit-Bashing-Corporation.
Yeah, serving the public to their own ends rather than public’s end. What a nest of arrogant contemptible fools.
Just like the pigs in animal farm. All votes are equal, but ours are more equal than yours.
“Let me control the media and I will turn any nation into a herd of pigs.” (Goebbels)
Berk’o is an obnoxious treacherous little toad.
If parliament doesn’t represent the people, what does it represent then? Eh?
Expenses Lucy expenses and giving the family a job on taxpayers cash.
The political class – and I’d now include Farage in that – have let all of us down .
I reckon the brexit vote would have gone the other way if governments had been firm on immigration control and abuse over the years but for class or profit reasons neither chose to.
Dover Sentry, funny how ‘High Toryism’ suddenly pops up in all sorts of places, now with The Speaker and often including those on the Liberal and more Socialist Left. This Patrician view is almost exactly one hundred years way out of date, having started to go mouldy long before that..
Hopefully, Parliament will be reminded of that constantly next year. In a fully emancipated UK, MPs are paid by the people to work for the people in representing our views. (Come on Gina, please go for another Court Case to get that underlined.)
Jacob Rees-Mogg could do himself (and his supporters) a world of good by formally and repeatedly acknowledging that as much as possible when before microphones and cameras.
If I ever want to get lectured by an arrogant, pint sized cuckold, at least I now know where to go. Gee thanks, Mr Bercow.
RiC, he doesn’t recognise irony does he!
Toady are plugging David Lammy’s report into bias in the criminal justice system. You should not be a judge in your own cause; of course Lammy will see racism everywhere – he makes a living off it. Lammy accused the smoke released by the Vatican during the process of choosing the new pope of being racist, for God’s sake. He also stated on Master Mind that King Henry VII was succeeded by Henry VI – hardly the sort of coruscating intellect you want advising the judiciary.
He says the judiciary needs to be more ‘diverse’ to build trust. What a racist, how can you only trust people of your skin colour? Why don’t they call him out on such a ridiculous argument?
Honestly our justice system is extremely fair – it is fair to a fault. And we were told that more ‘diversity’ would solve problems with the ‘respect’ that ‘communities’ have for the Police. Now the Met Police is more diverse than ever yet crime is sky high.
Who cares what colour skin your arresting officer or magistrate has? The key is to not commit crime in the first place. Why do some cultures think crime is a legitimate and often glamourous way to make a living? Some b**tard pickpocketed me in London yesterday. As the thief counts my notes, will he think: “If there were more black judges then I would never have stolen this”? Of course not. He will get a new pair of trainers whilst I have to wait till bloody Friday till I get paid. The BBC act like the perpetrator is the victim here – they are a disgrace.
I think it’s funny that al Beeb thinks a system which reflects the colour of someone is going to be better in every way than one which is blind to it. It’s the same with gender . I have never heard a clear logical explanation for this thinking. It is an al Beeb reflex.
After pressure from ms Abbot stop and search has fallen and stabbings and killings of young black men has increased. My local London paper has a weekly list of stabbings which al Beeb never covers and you won’t know about. That is more important than John humpreys wanting a black law Lord to make his smug snow flake liberal multiculturalism feel good.
Where is the outrage? Why no street protests to demand more stop and search – I thought black lives mattered? So often it is the minorities they seek to protect who suffer most from their feeble liberalism.
Instead they publicise some Devon MP saying ‘n**gger in the woodpile’. Devon – that hotbed of Nazism.
I really don’t understand it. Mostly those who get dead or stabbed are part of that “culture” so I couldn’t give a damn. They not matter to me.
But every so often an underserving punter gets caught in it and no outcry . The tearful Mum ( if there is one) . Ritual call for something to be done – thoughts and prayers are with – nonsense .then forget it. It’s not albeeb bias – it’s al beeb enabling kids to die because liberal human rights are more important .
The judiciary in the UK is skilled at preserving its Constitutional position, rest assured.
David Lammy is a prize twerp. Anything with his name on it should be treated with the utmost scepticism.
Not sure what sort of stupid he is -he might be after Diane’s job as Home Sec – he’d have to sleep with Corbyn though .
I wonder if the bBBC will be all over this….
Jeremy Corbyn supporters accused of ‘corruption’ over Momentum seizing control of Labour Party – The Sun
Seeing as it was founded by a group of lefty London intellectuals from the Fabian Society, has there ever been a time when the Labour party has actually been ‘free’? It was Militant Tendency in the 1970’s and Blair & co. (Fabians) in the 1990’s. Now he’s at it again with the ‘Brexit must be stopped’ tour.
No they won’t Dysto. The BBC use a reverse scale for assessing public opinion, the higher the circulation the lower its relevance and the greater its liability for derision. Using the lowest circulated newspaper as a basis makes the practice both logical and acceptable.
“Jeremy Corbyn ”
Did you hear his fake, forced anger yesterday in Parliament!
Can’t stand the fella!
The BBC is spreading its Russian wings further, sources say, in ‘quotes’….
The BBC know all about how to divide Britain.
Nick climbs an even higher horse… and falls off the other side.
Maybe Rob Burley can advise on tweets you make, tweets you don’t make, and when to suddenly stop tweeting in response?
The BBC clearly believe they should have a monopoly and be the sole Ministry of Truth. All other voices should be deplatformed/unpersoned. If they are so obviously right about everything they should have nothing to worry about. Alas they have been rumbled and, like with all despots, the only weapon they have is censorship.
” All other voices should be deplatformed/unpersoned. ”
You mean like: “Verdict by Volume”
The sort of volume we see most weekends on the streets of England – Pride walks!
If only they would name it: Pride Run!
Or, Pride parachute-with-no-parachute on!
So now you know Nick Robinson what it’s like to be denounced by association .
Ah…….hindsight is a wonderful thing… cock-eyed twat!
Main item on Sky News home page:
“Arctic under attack: Why the world must ‘act now’”
And who offers these hysterical words? A scientist? A geologist? A Physicist? Nope. Step forward one Lewis Pugh, erm, er, “a cold water swimmer”.
I appreciate cold water makes your dick shrink but could it also make your brain shrink?
Sky backs up this nonsense with quotes from, yep(!) you’ve guessed it, the NAOO. Surprise, surprise.
Perhaps Mr Pugh and Sky ‘journalists’ should check a few facts first. This is the second coldest period mankind has known in last 10,0000 years. That the world has been cooling for 10,0000 years. If you go back to the Holocene Optimum, just 5,0000 years ago, the Artic temperature reached 9 degrees C at the height of summer, (far better circumstances in which to swim around it, MR Pugh). The world has only had ice on it for 15% of its entire existence ….
Aargh. But this is Sky/BBC/Guardian news. Arts and humanities graduates whose eyes glaze over at the mention of the word science.
Honestly, Sky was a serious news channel only a few short years ago.
Little bit of light in our tunnel. Murdock was seriously talking about dumping sky news as it loses £600 000 000 a year. The guardian and al Beeb are to be sued over breach of confidence on the panama papers. Hopefully this will bankrupt the guardian and put a hole the size of the One Show in al Beeb.
The BBC will just increase the LF to pay the fine. Better to sue the indivual managers at the BBC.
I think there is an open goal opportunity for any news channel who can present neutral news coverage. You’d think sky might seize this opportunity but they seem happy to follow the BBC lead.
Fingers crossed that we get our own Fox News here in the UK.
Lasslo, you are right. The country is crying out for neutral news, such as Sky once offered.
However failing a neutral news service, then a channel needs to be soft right, like the Telegraph, to balance the soft left, Guardian like, BBC, Ch4 and Sky news.
Oddly the Guardian is the worst selling national newspaper, so given a choice people would not bother with it. Thus any news channel that offered non left news should do well.
Of course, the buyers and readers of The Guardian revel in the fact that it has a low circulation, for this reinforces their misguided perception that they are special – the elite thinkers of Britain!
The rest are the common herd.
Could do it here? Start with radio and on-line ‘print’.
Maybe something to discuss over Christmas-New Year?
Breitbart tv please.
Too tainted, I fear, among UK liberals and Lefties.
I said this at the time – these papers were stolen (leaked – a new synonym for stolen) as far as I could see and the BBC then used privative personal information publicly – I hope they do get sued – but doubt you will hear it reported on BBC – a bit life Sir Cliff suing them – haven’t hard much has anyone else?
Police? Case of ‘one down, one to go’ hopefully. Problem is, it is taxpayers/licence fee payers money.
But, best of luck to him, there is an increasing army waiting for the BBC to crash.
Last week the courts/prosecution service? warned him (threatened) that his ‘financial affairs’ might be made public if he pursued the case against the BBC
An al Beeb example of institutional racist
Gradually the names of those killed in the crash in Brum 3 days ago are being released . All are asian men ( there is no suggestion they were involved in raping white girls) but any one watching the coverage of al Beeb pouring on the tragedy with a spade – far more than the usual ritual. Anyone would this a plane on its way to the haj had gone down.
The web report mentioned that the car which threw 4 Asians out was a “powerful s4 Audi” so implying the cause.
If the language used is precise enough to describe the car as an Audi, then it is precise enough to describe the men as Pakistani.
Newsflash: Any suggestions to link a ‘powerful S4 Audi’ and its occupants with the drugs trade will be seen as scurrilous and unsubstantiated. Ends.
Fake news!!
It was an Audi S3, type and colour matching a Facebook pic posted by one of the dead, reputed to be a drug dealer previously imprisoned following a 130 mph police chase.
Substance thrown from car, allegedly. Old Bill will charge him posthumously with littering.
Hope like Tottenham, Brum is braced for the return of the Burley, if one can say that.
It has already been mentioned that one of these guys had previously been involved in a high speed chase on the M6 with police, where heroine had been thrown out of the car. Might have been on Sky.
I don’t believe in speaking ill of the dead, but this case looks like a total mess, literally and figuratively. Reading about that case, you could be in the Middle East/Pakistan. And a father of six, at 33, I am shocked.
Part time taxi work, 6x child benefits, 6x child tax credits, working tax credits…..
I agree, the taxi driver seems to have been blameless in this, and was rather the victim of the increasingly lawless Pakistani community who make their money dealing heroin to kaffirs. However, I found the fact he had six children at only 33 rather chilling. If each of those six children have six children themselves, he’d have had 36 grandchildren and 216 great-grandchildren. This is how demographic replacement happens, it only takes a couple of generations, especially if they are allowed to bring their Pakistani cousins over here to marry.
People are stressing over Brexit, but in a few centuries it may just merit a footnote in the history of al-Britani.
Purely speculative at present, but the bbc has been known to engage, so…
The Transporter of choice.
Bet we won’t hear about the autopsy report on booze and drugs in the dead drivers .
GW, has that Tweet been through some sort of time warp? Dr Who to investigate.
Or Dr. Frank N. Furter, dressed to please the BBC’s finest.
what a mess our country is in
We need to take it back!
“He was jailed for three years in November 2017. Three years. It’s now December 2018. You can do the maths”
So that’s 5 lives that could’ve potentially been saved had 3 years meant 3 years!
Well 6 as he would also still be alive.
Subject – The Cane Toad.
An amphibian.
Introduced deliberately into new, for them, geographical areas.
Introduced deliberately to kill the native fauna.
Now considered a pest in all areas into which it was introduced.
Officially an invasive species.
Certain species of native fauna being driven towards extinction.
Performs no useful function.
Introduction universally considered a failure of massive proportions.
Measures being considered for its eradication to preserve the native species.
Subject – The CainToad.
A primate.
Introduced deliberately into new, for them, geographical areas.
Introduced deliberately to kill the native fauna.
Now considered a pest in all areas into which it was introduced.
Officially an invasive species.
Certain species of native fauna being driven towards extinction.
Performs no useful function.
Introduction universally considered a failure of massive proportions.
Measures being considered for its eradication to preserve the native species. I wish.
TS, never seen them described that way before but, totally accurate.
Toady watch
Humph interviewing some old cow moaning about empty second homes as £300k in some place which is full of English speaking people in the sticks. She wants second homes banned. I was wondering how many beeboids have them ? How Humph – who admitted buying a fucking farm for his hobby – could sit there with a straight face. Amazing .
Their poll tax is probably paying for her bus .
If people have the money – they should be free to spend it how they choose within the law – except for tv licencing of course.that is a matter of conciounce
Their children and grandchildrens chances of buying a house never crossed their mind when the sold the houses for inflated prices, they were happy to take the money, but now expect someone else to solve the problem they helped create
Another great success for Donald Trump – –
Seems strange to be quoting CNBC, but equally hard to ingnore. Except for the BBC – they have entirely ignored this, keep talking about “Donald Trump’s troubled Presidency”.
Toady in overdrive today. Was it a favoured minorities special?
In quick succession we had an interview by Michel ‘useless’ Hussein of the new lady Bishop of London. The sole focus of the interview seemed to be Gay Marriage and LGBT issues. Five minutes later we had another LGBT mention. And then the main news was of course a report by that famous beacon of impartiality……errrr……David Lammy (ffs) on BAME in the judiciary. So it was minorities minorities all the way.
Note – A common mistake in sales and marketing is to target a market share e.g. 10% for the year. Sounds simple? But if you start with nothing, then to get to 10% for the whole year you must finish the year with a run rate of say a 20% share.
Apply this to BAME in the judiciary. Wht does the judiciary not represent the 14% of BAME in the population, asks thi ko Humphries?
Errrr, because BAME was only 5% when the lawyers were starting out.
Elementary. For everyone except the overpais biased BBC SJW virtue-signallers.
They make everything about sexuality, gender and race. How much is the new Today editor paid? Her job cannot involve much more than cutting and pasting stories from Buzz Feed and the Guardian.
Will they ever stop banging on about race, sexuality and gender? For the overwhelming majority of people these ‘issues’ are of no importance or interest whatsoever – quite the opposite, in fact. If I hear another story about ‘diversity’ I might actually hang myself.
i am appalled, truly appalled, by your lack of committment to diversity and equality and multiculturalism.
You have totally ignored the lethal injection, electric chair, and firing squad communities.
Not to mention the stoning, beheading, and throwing-off-the-top-of-buildings communities.
The Guardian and the BBC messages are just not getting across to you.
I’d turn off by then – did the lady bish mention Jesus or god or the gospels much? They seem ashamed of it these days. Welby was interviewed the other day and mentioned it in the ‘tick box’ wat people do when being interviewed for a job.
As soon as Lammy was announced as the next interviewee, I turned it off.
It’s interesting that the powers that be drew a line at tintedness quotas for judges as demanded by Loony Lammy. Even they can see that this would undermine the much vaunted “impariality of judges”. If a hideously male, stale and pale judge cannot calibrate his bias in relation to ethnics, why would judges publicly known as pro-EU campaigners have been able to attenuate their bias in the Gina Miller judgement? How are Britain First supporters accused of “hate crimes” ever going to get a fair trial from judges drawn from the progressive, liberal elite? I suppose the next step is jury quotas to ensure that all jurors hold the correct political ideology of the day.
I’d like judges to have a bit of intelligence about them. If David Lammy and Dianne Abbott are the best the black community can come up with, I think I’d prefer to stay as we are.
“Does profiling make sense – or is it unfair?” asks the imbecilic beebistan.
In other words should elderly white nuns be searched at airports or bearded brown youngsters?
Should the police pay more attention to black teenagers in Brixton for guns, knives and drugs, or to members of the Salvation Army singing carols outside the tube station?
The article manages to muddy the waters on what should be a no-brainer, and of course comes to the wrong conclusion.
Evil morons.
Why on earth are British organisations falling for this ‘institutional racism’ thing? It is complete rubbish, and an INSULT to staff- and there will be many, many who are NOT ‘instituionally racist’, probably most. The little virtue signallers up in ivory towers who accept such a judgement without fighting back are beyond contempt. The judges (eg Mc Pherson) either very misguided or very mischievious, or both.
I spent many years in HRD, OD and Management Development. I can tell you that you simply DO NOT find organisations where the whole bunch share one value, let alone one that is a figment of self-loathers imagination. You CAN have racist behaviour from one or more person in a chain of command, and that can even be AGAINST WHTES. But you are most unlikely to find that everyone in the organisation behaves in negative fashion towards another ethnic group.
The BBC nd others like to blur this, by popping up a photo of Stephen Lawrence on screen, but that CUTS NO ice.
It is irrelevant to the present issue. It is inappropriate. And none of us knows what really happened – photos of Lawrence with a fist raised in black power salute have long disappeared, it seems.
The BBC LOVE anything that speaks of institutional racism, because the implication is that it is whites who are racist. They are full of people who feel ‘hideously white’ as Greg Dyke once put it before he had to leave the BBC over the Hutton report.
They need to get over their self-loathing and virtue-signalling and not foist it onto other people and organisations because some NGO or pressure group demands it.
Institutional racism: garbage, there IS nO SUCH THING.
Fake ,
It was always fucked up reasoning but the government wanted another stick to beat the old bill over the head so they got what they wanted. Individuals screw up but to blame people across a whole organisation is just wrong . It’s just another way of getting people to stay quiet and think their thoughts but not say things out loud .
Look at us here – my name isn’t fedup and you are not fake but we have to cover ourselves because of what the likes of maxi and his type would do to us if they got the chance. As well as of course the TV licencing Gestapo
Ps – if you sign up for the al Beeb player don’t use your real details as they go to tv licencing …..
Why on earth are British organisations falling for this ‘institutional racism’ thing? It is complete rubbish, and an INSULT to staff- and there will be many, many who are NOT ‘instituionally racist’, probably most. The little virtue signallers up in ivory towers who accept such a judgement without fighting back are beyond contempt. The judges (eg Mc Pherson) either very misguided or very mischievious, or both.
I spent many years in HRD, OD and Management Development. I can tell you that you simply DO NOT find organisations where the whole bunch share one value, let alone one that is a figment of self-loathers imagination. You CAN have racist behaviour from one or more person in a chain of command, and that can even be AGAINST WHTES. But you are most unlikely to find that everyone in the organisation behaves in negative fashion towards another ethnic group.
The BBC nd others like to blur this, by popping up a photo of Stephen Lawrence on screen, but that CUTS NO ice.
It is irrelevant to the present issue. It is inappropriate. And none of us knows what really happened – photos of Lawrence with a fist raised in black power salute have long disappeared, it seems.
The BBC LOVE anything that speaks of institutional racism, because the implication is that it is whites who are racist. They are full of people who feel ‘hideously white’ as Greg Dyke once put it before he had to leave the BBC over the Hutton report.
They need to get over their self-loathing and virtue-signalling and not foist it onto other people and organisations because some NGO or pressure group demands it.
Institutional racism: garbage, there IS nO SUCH THING.
The idiots are on a roll at present. Seems to me that a day doesn’t pass where nonsense is dressed up to be some form of reality and the rest are being pushed into believing it. It is a sick, sick World…………
“instiutional racism” simply means that the institution was initially set up at a time when Britain was still Britain. If you can’t actually speak English, don’t think British law applies to you and your “community” and have never bothered to understand British social and cultural norms, then you may think the institution is not pandering to your every wish.
The BBC (as well as some MSM ) will continue to stoke the dying embers of racialism in accordance with the wishes of the powerfull globalists (their masters)
It comes under the heading of ‘divide and rule’ a well worn and proven tactic to weaken e.g. organisations of people. The last thing they want are strong cohesive communities that could disrupt their plans; communities such as the mining villages of yesteryear, that took some defeating. So they will continue to import immigrants and make sure that some tension prevails between cultures and races.
What suprises me is that so many left wingers (so called representatives of the working class) cannot see this and even endorse it e.g. ‘easy movement of people’ ref Kier Starmer, Dianne Abbott and all (in the case of Abbott, Lammy etc. constant harping about racialism)
The US tells the UN to ‘get stuffed’ in relation to Jerusalem.
Quite so fakenews. All this endless banging on about imaginary institutional racism just increases the sense of grievance and victimhood, and poisons race relations. It also prevents the police, courts and other organisations from doing their jobs properly, resulting in the obscenity of muslim paedophile rape gangs across the country, and unchecked drugs, gun and knife crime on the streets among certain minorities.
The puzzling thing is that after 50 years of of mantras like “Britain is racist”, “foreigners are treated worse than dogs”, third and secondworlders still flock here in their hundreds of thousands every year. They must either be very, very dim to want to subject themselves to this denigration or masochists who enjoy the pain and humiliation.
Good point ID.
I felt sorry for the Iranian man who was murdered by his idiot white neighbour. Who wouldn’t?
Then again, I do wonder how many British people could go to Iran and claim political asylum and be given a council house? We are such a terrible, racist country, and yet for some strange reason everyone wants to come here. It can’t be for the weather.
So Prince Harry will be laughing and joking with the ISIS-collaborating Obama for BBC’s Today Programme on 27 December. Doesn’t Christmas make you feel nice and warm all over?
Just the prospect makes me throw up in my mouth.
Lies, damned lies and statistics. Some of you may have picked up on the fact that the supposedly oh-so-worthy Royal Statistical Society have been promoting their ‘favourite statistics’ for 2017. You may not be surprised to hear that their favourite statistics promote a worldview that it close to the heart of our beloved liberal media.
Their most favourite has been quoted as ‘You are more likely to be killed by a lawnmower in the US than by a terrorist’ with the related ‘statistics’ being that over the last decade on average, 69 Americans are killed a year by their lawnmower, and only 2 by ‘terrorists’. The supposed deduction being that lawnmowers are more dangerous than extremist Muslims.
Judging panel member ‘Liberty’ Vittert (yes you couldn’t make it up) was particularly taken with the fact that the lawnmower/jihadists stats were tweeted by Kim Kardashian as evidence against President’s Trump’s mooted ban on immigration from terrorist-rich states. What’s interesting to note is that even Kardashian’s tweet is more honest than the Royal Statistical Society’s outpourings. If you include US citizens in the jihadists stats the number rises to an average of 11 Islamic terrorist murders per year.
Looking at Europe for the last decade, the number of terrorist-related deaths is 463 – making the average number a slightly more menacing average of 46.
Usefully for their cause, the RSS’s stats, avoid 9/11 which occurred in the previous decade. If we include only 2001 in those stats and ignore what happened between 2002 and 2006, then that average is a somewhat more sobering 194 p.a.
Apparently their other fave statistic is that ‘only’ 0.1% of Britain is ‘concreted over’. The official definition for the statistic they select is ‘continuous urban fabric’. Looking at the related map, this seems to comprise only towns, and for instance doesn’t’ include industrial areas, suburbs, roads, airports etc.
The judging panel apparently ‘included Jil Matheson and BBC News home editor Mark Easton’.
So there you have it. Fake News, concocted around dubious statistics and spin invented by an unholy alliance of Hufpo, the BBC and the establishment to counter the nasty far-right myths like the idea that Islam poses a real threat, or that Britain doesn’t need more immigration. Where would we be without them?
or as Douglas Murray puts it, if we found out a company was DELIBERATELY manufacturing murderous lawnmowers there would be a massive outcry
and they would be banned fined imprisoned immediately
Or as Taleb says, terrorism is a fat-tailed distribution. To compare fat-tailed distributions with thin-tailed distributions is a statistical fallacy. The Royal Statistical Society should know better. Click the date:
I missed this one … “Fake news at public expense from the BBC” {twitter Jacob_Rees_Mogg 27nov2017}
I have just tried to complain to Ofcom and can confirm our worst fears: Ofcom is there so that the ‘elite’ can pretend they are listening. And that is all it is there for.
The gist of my complaint was that Ofcom has announced it is to investigate the BBC, not for the many examples of bias we and others point to daily, but for having had the audacity to allow Lord Lawson to broadcast on the subject of climate change on R4’s Today programme last year.
Of all the issues it could have chosen to take on, this one must rank as the most absurd. The initial complaint was cooked up by professional activists and the BBC immediately did what it never does when caught bang to rights telling lies over Brexit, Obama, immigration and similar issues – it put up its hands and capitulated. Now Ofcom has chosen to wade in, apparently oblivious to the irony.
But how do you complain about Ofcom? Well, I tried by telephone. The call was answered by a young lady who seemed quite incapable of understanding either what I was complaining about, or even what the issue was, even when it was explained to her twice. Whether she was simply the product of our failed educational system, or being deliberately obtuse, I have no idea, but she neither understood what I was saying (and I’m not inarticulate on the phone) or didn’t wish to – or both.
Without any hope of a response I am now going to try complaining by email. It won’t make any difference but we need to make our voices heard. Appointing Ofcom as the BBC’s watchdog was a clear case of establishment diversionary tactics, attempting to pull the wool over the public’s eyes. Not content with appointing a board composed of BBC lackeys, Ofcom has thumbed its nose by choosing as its first case one that only a handful of rabid ‘Greens’ cares about.
It seems we don’t only have to attack the BBC now – we have to fight Ofcom too.
These are all state quangos, empty suggestion boxes with padded insulation no reality gets in,no changes need ever be made. I blmae Wilson and Heath for removing political decsions from political accountability, and creating these windsocks of managerial ineptitude and liberal lying bias by way of institutionalised “victim impact statements in concrete”.
No-don`t bother with them-they only think you pathetic for asking them-they need to be levelled and their houses razed in the case of injustice proved.
“We`ve had enough of (cul de sacs housing faux)experts”…we used to survive blitzes, now we feed the states therapeutic monsters that are only adddictive slot machines that pass only wind.
@GCooper try the “Complain about Ofcom” page
I read your post and didn’t know whether I should weep or laugh about Ofcom.
Someone the other day posted that they weren’t sure whether my claim that the our government was sponsoring the Islamification of our country was correct. Well you only have to look around to see that we have a pro Muslim anti British BBC totally out of control in its love affair with Islam and a supposed media watch dog , sponsored by the government, which investigates the inclusion on a BBC programme of a guest who was sceptical about climate change. We have a police force that routinely ignores Muslim wrong doing but persecutes anyone who as much as mentions a ham sandwich within a mile of a mosque. I could go on and on. In my mind I am certain that those who want to retain British culture and identity and refuse to accept the Islamification of their homeland , will within a decade or so , be regarded as enemies of the state. We have been sold down the river by all of our leaders for the past twenty years.
I can only agree, Doublethinker.
The Lammy report shows a horrendously disproportionate amount of crime is being committed by minorities; why can’t he confront his ‘community’ about this terrible problem?
That Lammy can still come on and play the victim shows how insane political correctness is. He knows that as a black man he can say anything and get away with it. It’s like scoring ten own goals for your team then moaning in the press conference that the defence is not good enough.
Stop there Beeb. The “Lammy Report”…like the “Taylor Report”? These were oafs -yet the Tories let their like write such guff and get immortalised. No-they`re all Savile Reports to me…Savile 43, 64 etc.
Lammy and Taylor?…not even fit to colour in a Grenfell Colouring Book, should THAT be seen as a “report” by the likes of Rudd or May.
Professional Black Person and renowned idiot Lammy
at a guess he now supports 4 different justice systems for Britain
The shit british one he hates for white british people
The ECJ for EU nationals
Sharia for Muslims
and a get out of jail free card for Ethnic minorities
I presume muslims get a double free pass
Really same comments as above – yesterday and today BBC word of week is diversity – I must have heard it on the half hour every half hour while driving yesterday and this morning – This David Lammy ‘report’ what the BBC still don’t make clear is that it is based on personal and organisational responses to a survey…there is not much in way of real fact inherently involved. “the consultation consisted of 39 questions; a small number of these were multiple-choice,
whilst the majority were open-text”….and when you read it there are huge jumps of logic with clear bias and omission of instances where white people are “treated worse”.
But ultimately what all this says is that all white people must be racists and act negatively against anyone who isn’t white and all BAME are fair minded individuals who will always do the right thing without bias.
Clearly this a nonsense….but just like 300K people coming in to the UK each year doesn’t affect housing, infrastructure or pressure services and multiculturalism is working so well – then I see lots of elephants dancing in the corner of the same room – eventually they are all going to need to defecate – now that will be a mess
One question was asking convicts if they felt they had been fairly treated! It’s like asking turkeys how they feel about Christmas, yet the liberal lunatics manage to massage this into a race relations issue.
Radcliffe and Louch being attacked by the meeja for not smiling enough at SPOTY awards canonisation of Saint Mo.
It’s like North Korea and the USSR where you could get into serious trouble for not clapping the Dear Leader enough or laughing at his jokes.
Big Brother is watching your every facial expression. Conform to the fascist-liberal agenda, or else…
“The sad death of BBC Sports Personality Of The Year… sacrificed on the altar of political correctness”
Miles Goslett says it all in the Sun.
Diversity does not mean quality. Diversity might be a decent side project, but it should never get in the way of the quality of programmes.
How can artists express themselves and explore ideas within the strait jacket of political correctness? If Shakespeare were writing now the BBC would not commission him as he is too risky; or they would but insist on eviscerating his plays by making the politically correct.
“Obama gave free pass to Hizballah’s drug ops in US, killed investigations to ensure Iran nuke deal stayed on track”
Here’s one you definitely won’t see on the evil Beebistan, alleging Saint O’Barmy got up to some very shady shenanigans for his muslim pals in Iran.
“In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.”
When Iran stop being fictionphobic (an irrational fear of fiction) then we might deal with them. Fictionphobe is destroying the world. Let’s #StopFictionphobe for a better world.
vlad, so when the Iranians nuke Mecca will Obama go on trial for war crimes?
Obama funnelled guns to Mexican drug gangs through Operation Fast & Furious, designed to discredit American gun owners, so it’s no surprise. The man was an absolute disgrace, but the left wing British MSM insists that the sun shines out of his arse.
Yippee , more terrorist diversity: “Four men arrested in early morning terror raids”
It’s them ‘men’ again, bastards.
Barely visible on beebistan home page, soon to be relegated to Regions.
BBC Newsnight last night presented an interview by Evan Davies and his guest Dianne Abbott. I thought for one minute that I was watching an interview conducted by Michael Parkinson or perhaps Alan Titchmarsh and not one conducted by a political and social commentator.
Davies was purring away as Dianne said nothing in particular and left the unsuspecting viewer feeling that everything about Abbott and the Labour party was fine (not one challenging question)
This is all very well provided the same approach is given to tonight’s guest who apparently is a Tory MP . Can’t wait to see.
What do we think of the ‘Express’ report that millions of Brits are not renewing BBC licences and going for Netflix etc.? Is it true?
Now that the Pope says we cannot mess with coprophilia (an abnormal interest in excrement) it seems God is against these fake news purveyors …
Pope Francis condemns ‘media disinformation’
Pope Francis has condemned disinformation as “probably the greatest damage that the media can do”.
. . . but the BBC will help everyone out . . .
BBC to help students identify ‘fake news’
The BBC is launching a new scheme to help young people identify real news and filter out fake or false information.
. . . although the BBC report in sep2015 by Gavin Hewitt replaces video footage to hide a migrant being nasty to a pregnant lady migrant holding a child . . .
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
Distraught Syria refugee pulls wife and baby onto train tracks, Hungary
– My head is spinning! God verses the BBC?
Fictionophobia – the fear of fiction or pretend stories (as per 1981)
Kyrofelonoshophobia – the fear of cartoons (as per 2005)
Islamophobia – the fear of Islam which believes in Fictionophobia and Kyrofelonoshophobia.
But Mark, So-called “Islamophobia” is fiction.
To believe in Islamophobia means you believe in Fictionophobia(fear of fiction) and Kyrofelonoshophobia (fear of cartoons). But most people don’t … so do you really want to believe in Islamophobia?
I wonder if erecting barriers to counter Islamist terrorism could be construed as “Islamophobic”. Could cause offence taking defensive measures against such a peaceful bunch.
Armed police and bollards as security boosted at UK Christmas markets – Sky News
Similarly the bollards could be of a certain size and shape, suggesting an islamophallic message – or perhaps cocking a snook at the religion of piss.
Surely the safety barriers at Christmas markets are there to protect against far-right terror, which is a far greater threat than the Religion of Peace.
Just as the East Germans called the Berlin Wall the ‘anti-fascist protection wall’.
Does not exist, here on Biased BBC many think it’s just 100% Aunty lies. Just another example of their, seemingly perpetual, fake news.
Islamonausea however, does exist. Plenty of us are suffering from it.
I am personally sick of hearing about these creatures from the palaeolithic who are still living in caves and hitting their women with clubs.
Do they enjoy The Flintstones?
There seems to be a slight divergence of approaches reference reporting of the Birmingham road accident.
Hidden away on the bBBC website under England, regions, west midlands we have this
It seems to be a tragic case with many…….. errrr..Asian community victims.
But over at the hated right wing Telegraph there is a slightly different take.
Which even the Socialist-friendly Mirror reports
So here we have a case of the biased BBC deliberately down playing the story and omitting key facts. Could it be because white British people are ‘significantly under-represented’ in the accident, perchance?
Now, remind me again what was the BBC saying about fake news?
I found this bit interesting on the BBC report
“Kasar Jehangir, 25, was jailed for three years for dangerous driving and possession with intent to supply in November 2016.”
Jailed for 3 years, 13 months ago?
So why is he out?
Millions of Brits cancelling ‘out of date’ TV licence in favour of Netflix and Amazon.
H-A-L-L-E-L-U-J-A-H !
Savour every word…
“Among the almost 3.5 million people who have scrapped their TV licence since 2013, many are moving onto streaming platforms such as Netflix and Amazon Prime…
MPs have called for the annual £147 licence fee, which increased by £1.50 in April, to be dropped.
Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg said the licence fee “model” was “out of date”.
He added: “The BBC will have to scrap this in favour of a more modern approach — be that with advertising, a subscription model.”
Tory David Davies said: “These reflect that millions of people feel that the BBC no longer reflects their outlook on life. “If the BBC don’t start representing the large slice of the populace, who support Brexit and worry about immigration, then we will end up having to move towards a subscription service.”
The MPs outcry is backed by more than a quarter of the British population.
A poll conducted last year showed that 29 per cent of people thought the licence fee should be scrapped. “
Have the FT investigated how the UK ITV Channel immobilised the 18 year old voters by broadcasting a programme about wizards during the referendum, by a JK Rowling, that potentially had more impact than the Russians? {order-order}
“I’ll use my influence whatever way I want. This country needs to be freed of fascists on both right and left.” {twitter @jk_rowling}
How the bBC rewrites stories in which to promote its prop muslim angle.
Palestinian girl arrested after troops ‘slapped’ in video
Israeli security forces have arrested a Palestinian girl apparently filmed hitting Israeli soldiers during protests in the occupied West Bank.The girl – identified by her family as Ahed Tamimi, 17 – is accused of assault and taking part in a violent riot. A video taken on Friday shows a group of females shouting at and hitting two soldiers, who do not respond.
So the bBC reports on how a poor little Pal girl was arrested for Allegedly slapping soldiers.
As this is the Mullah cock sucking bBC, they add this to the narrative:
But the arrested girl’s father said soldiers had earlier fired tear gas and broken windows at the family’s house. Bassem Tamimi, a prominent activist, added that Ahed’s 14-year-old cousin, Mohammed, had also been hit in the face with a rubber bullet fired by Israeli soldiers earlier that day.
Excuses, excuses. All the bbC does now a days is excuse the intolerance expressed by Muslims as just. they then air a video where very little happens, however they didn’t show the actual video
Which shows that, what these racist Islamic bigots wanted was to film a reaction by Soldiers against tiny little girls. Thus allowing the terrorist apologists at the bBC to scream.
Foul Play
The bBC, the not fit for purpose so called news org which continues to post fake news.paid for by you.
The amount of pressure those guys must be put under not to react must be massive
as pounce says
Israeli security forces have arrested a Palestinian girl “apparently” filmed hitting Israeli soldiers during protests in the occupied West Bank.
not as can be seen hitting and kicking
no full video by the BBC no HYS no suprise just the usual anti-semitic bollox
See how the BBC start with few (9 ads) and end article with Many (thousands)!
For the Few, Into the Many!
BBC Title: Facebook and Twitter: Nine Russian Brexit ads found by inquiries { 13dec2017}
A study by academics in the UK and US suggested that tens of thousands of Russia-based Twitter accounts, many of them apparently automated, had posted tweets about the EU vote during the campaign. (end of article)
Terror raids: Four arrests as army bomb disposal called in { 19dec2017}
An army bomb disposal team is at a house in Chesterfield after police arrested four men in terror raids across South Yorkshire and Derbyshire.
A 31-year-old man who lives at the address has been arrested on suspicion of terror offences.
“One of the reasons we moved up north to Sheffield is because we felt quite nervous living in London with all the terrorist attacks taking place.”
Wasn’t it lovely of our government to diversify us with immigrant terrorists in all parts of of UK?
That’s equality!
Wasn’t it lovely of our government to diversify us with immigrant terrorists in all parts of of UK?
That’s equality!
Egg-on-face alert.
A few days ago, readers may remember a biased BBC ‘Prevent Strategy’ special, featuring, surprise surprise, only the one third of the budget spent on combating the ‘Far Right’
In today’s news, we learn that the police have foiled an Islamic terror attack, following raids in Sheffield and Chesterfield.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Really, is there anyone who believes this rubbish, beyond a few professional liars like Yvette Cooper (no relation) and her fellow dissemblers in Parliament?
one third of the budget spent on combating Sir Nigel Farage that’s a bit much
R4 News @ 1300. Just been listening to that odious woman Yvette Cooper in relation to Twitter, YouTube, etc and their lack of control of ‘offensive material’ being posted. Suggestion? These are ‘inbetween days’ when the Government takes initial steps on the way to controlling all speech which does not suit them but, as usual we must take it in salami slices. They know where they want to be but, as always, it is the myth of ‘democracy and Free Speech’ they have to maintain. So complete control is progressed in stages. Can’t have the Russians and Chinese stating the obvious: that we are lurching toward their way of doing political business.
The Government should cut to the chase in my view to avoid the appearance of nibbling rights away. As we are well on the way to serious restrictions on using many words which can be found in any dictionary on anyone’s bookshelf, we should adopt the Chinese method of restrictions i.e. ban Facebook, Twitter and all the rest and have a state system in place. Then we will really be talking! Just imagine, our own Thought Police being used to raid homes at night to pick up offenders. Can’t wait! After all, they are becoming pretty good at policing Thought Crimes already. And more. There could be no better to manage a UK form of Twitter or Facebook than the BBC. As the police, they have a great deal of experience in lying and deceit so would be best equipped to manage it on behalf of the Government.
I heard that interview with the hateful Yvette Cooper, too. One expects no better than we got from this cretinous little Stalinist, but the smarmy interview without a single tough question was, one assumes, a dry run for when she and her fellow Communists impose the police state they so long for.
There is a long list, but she comes in the Top Ten of politicians I hold accountable for making Parliament a laughing stock, with Prescott, Abbott & Bercow the top three.
Just how so many so thick and so venal have got elected and promoted to positions of power and influence shows how broken the system is.
That the BBC still pays them heed, so regularly, is equally baffling.
Notice she didn’t mention the Labour Corbyn trolls attacking the Tory MP and his wife – No can’t do that. If what I read is true they should all be arrested for hate crime – oh no they can’t it doesn’t apply to white people.
Glad to hear there are still some in the Force doing their job of preventing islamic terrorism.
But did the Police really have to apologise for kicking down a few doors?
‘Supt Una Jennings of South Yorkshire Police said: “I understand our local communities will have concerns about this morning’s police activity but I want to offer my reassurance that we will continue to serve and protect the public of South Yorkshire.”
(‘Local communities’ is of course Newspeak for muslims.)
Derbyshire’s Assistant Chief Constable Bill McWilliam said: “We of course understand that police activity of this nature can be unsettling…”
Au contraire, I find it highly reassuring. It’s only unsettling to the terrorists and their sympathisers, supporters, co-conspirators and fellow travellers.
And the beebistan, who will no doubt soon be asking if too much force was used. No, morons, too little.
“It’s only unsettling to the terrorists and their sympathisers, supporters, co-conspirators and fellow travellers.” Neighbours?
True. I might have misinterpreted the Police statement. Unfortunately I don’t have the time and resources of our favourite Brainwashing Corp to analyse info.
“Being turned into the patronised pet plaything of leftists must make one wish to return to war torn Syria.”
On the sign: “Sex with Refugees is Jasmine-Scented and Beautiful”
Highly offensive. I’m sure the hoards of rape victims would beg to differ.
Surely that cannot be a real sign? Who the hell has commissioned that?
If that’s for real it’s the pits. In ways too many to spell out, and unnecessary on this site.
Disgusting! And I would nip down to William Hill to put a bet on that it is not jasmine scented. Utter mindless codswallop – bloody perverts.
It appears to have been real
‘Sex with refugees’ mural backfires for Shoreditch artist Robert Montgomery
Text from artist used in painting to promote pop-up shop in east London.
Montgomery says “sex with refugees is jasmine-scented and beautiful” line has been grossly misjudged.
all I can say is WTF….and I don’t swear that much unless listening or watching BBC…can you get them under the trade description act? Or the perhaps the Advertising Standards Authority?
Definitely one for The Sun – does anti refugees a big jasmine scented favour.
Me – I’d abolish the term refugee – however long and proud shelter we have been for freeloaders after tax payers cash to make politicians warm on their moral high ground . – and fuck the excuse about being the 5th richest country nonsense – we can’t even do social care for our own.
BBCagenda : BAME = #MoreThanEqual
\\The BBC is telling us that the criminal justice system discriminates against BAME people. This is apparently the only possible explanation for their over representation in prisons. I guess discrimination must also be the only reason why 22 times as many men as women go to prison.//
Oldie but a goody
Just a quick one regards that awful car accident in Birmingham the other day. The dual carriageway there has opposing traffic separated by raised a section of the road (As high and as wide as a pavement) Yet the incident was a head on crash.
BBC … Labour are about to win … again … In the BBC Universe 19dec2017 …. please note that when the BBC use a question mark they are stating what they want to happen … enjoy …
Corbyn: We’ll probably gain power in 2018
Is a second EU referendum possible?
Labour set to take big poll lead – Abbott
Is Labour ready for government?
Who believes that only ONE Corbyn fan voted twice ?
The electoral roll should be available online. Now they hide it away in a council office where it can only be seen under supervision.
Is anyone doing any checks in those university cities that had a sudden increase in registrations, did none of those students have and use a postal vote at home too?
If they have nothing to hide then they have nothing to fear, (ha! ha!).
You know how lefty Twitterati keep saying Nick Robinsin is a Tory
Spectator 2015
\\Nick Robinson: ‘Over the weekend the BBC’s former political editor confessed — in an interview in the Sunday Times — that he had written to several BBC colleagues over concerns that the corporation’s political coverage is biased against Jeremy Corbyn. //
Oh here’s something else regards the bBC POV that the UK is responsible for the suffering in Yemen:
During the 1980 aid orgs stated that Yemen faces a famine ( pop 8 million)
During the 1990s aid orgs stated that Yemen faced a famine (pop 12 million)
During the 2000s aid orgs stated that Yemen faces a famine (pop 17 million)
In 2010 aid orgs stated that Yemen faced a famine. (Pop 24 million)
Today the population is 28 million, in a land short of water but full of mouths to feed and instead of growing food they grow drugs and people blame anybody and everybody bar the Yemani
Interesting – can we do that for each Band Aid record as well … feed the world or trade and good governance? Choices!
Reminds we of the Monarch Airlines – it was losing customers year on year – but the BBC reported at the end that one of the factors was Brexit!
One of the main factors behind the demise of Monarch was islamic terrorism. Their main tourist destinations were Turkey, Egypt and Tunisia. I wonder why people stopped flying there?
In evolutionary terms this over population would have been subject the wide range of Malthusian factors and have been reduced. But these factors have been largely overcome by modern science and the generosity of the much demonised West. So now we have booming populations in the third world and a population in the West which would be fairly stable if we didn’t have the mass migration that our leaders have inflicted on us. Some liberal idiots say that mass migration is inevitable no can’t be stopped but that just isn’t true . It can be stopped and stopped reasonably and humanely if the political will exists to do so.
Dt, “Some liberal idiots say that mass migration is inevitable no can’t be stopped but that just isn’t true . It can be stopped and stopped reasonably and humanely if the political will exists to do so.”
Japan has been sort of accidentally edged into it. They appear to have no desire to throw open their borders despite their population heading toward 0 in approximately 980 years time. Not only do they have the highest savings (financial security) per capita in, I think, the developed world, their cost of living continues to fall – despite recent natural & unnatural disasters – and they are doing very nicely. Their poor (and they have had poor people in Japan), if I recall correctly, are ceasing to be ‘poor’ at a rate we can only dream of in the UK.
They have some concerns with their previous wealth creating & world dominant markets in TVs, hi-fi, other electronics and cameras meeting either market saturation or new technology or both, but they seem to be doing very nicely with a slowly ageing and declining population.
We should be so lucky.
We could be, actually, in the UK if we put our minds to it but it would require some effort along with willing Westminster & Whitehall governance.
The key difference is that the British don’t save for their retirement – the State will provide