My offspring and their offspring have watched Netflix mostly during the holiday. I think as time goes on the BBC will be marginalised more and more, and the licence fee will become very difficult to justify.
Even I thought Christmas would be a day when you leave BBC1 on in the background but this year there was really nothing on at all apart from Carols From Kings. We ended up putting CBeebies on for the kids and switching to AppleTV later on for some classic Father Ted, Only Fools & Horses, etc.
It’s funny really, for all the Beeb really went downhill with the advent of digital TV, CBeebies is (mostly) very good. It’s only about £1/year too of that license fee. Programming shared/bought with other overseas kids tv companies, if only the other channels could copy some ideas…
It is akin to black and white television once colour came along, the colour being able to choose what you want to watch and when. Their decline is inevitable.
Fred, there were five households represented at Christmas lunch. Only two had a TV Licence. One was an objector but also a highly mobile household, another was full of under-35s watching Netflix, Amazon and box sets and then there was Snuffy Villas, playing by the rules but also painfully aware that time no longer exists here for TV watching, whether there is desirable content to view or not.
The viewing – in a legally licensed house – consisted of The Queen’s Speech, a Christmas movie on disc, a YouTube vid of a band known, I think, to some on here plus Doctor Who. This latter programme at the request of a big Dr Who fan who is unhappy about the transitioning, er, beg pardon – the Regeneration, this time around.
No, that’s not me. Am personally unmoved by the change to a female Doctor and cannot understand what the fuss is about. Quite enjoyed the portrayal of William Hartnell’s Doctor, though. Shame his assistants were so poor both in casting and portrayal but were only on screen for a few ‘flashes’ and it seems that many actors – especially on the BBC – don’t do acting any more.
The thing is here is a screen dump from the Talk to Frank Drug awareness site regards Tramadol: (Note this snippet) “Having tramadol that is not prescribed for you for your own use (called illegal possession) could result in up to two years in prison and/or an unlimited fine. While selling or giving tramadol away for free, even to friends (called supplying) could result in up to fourteen years in prison and/or an unlimited fine. “
Then , there is the question nobody from the media (Especially the bBC) regards buying drugs on the NHS. In the US 10 tablets cost $11 roughly $300 for what she was carrying. Seeing as stuff in the US equates to $1 to £1 when bought in the UK. We are looking at least £300 worth of drugs, A NHS prescription for 100 tablets costs £8.60 somebody is making a lot of money or even saving it at the expense of the NHS. Seeing as the NHS is bleeding money, why are people not complaining about how this woman is guilty of defrauding the British tax payer. Instead she is been made out to be some sort of victim who didn’t know what she was doing. Which is strange as she emptied all the tablets out of the boxes they came in into plastic bottles, telling everybody that she knew they were banned in…Egypt.
I noticed that her sister, who was widely interviewed about “the plight of her sister”, was made up like someone off TOWIE for the cameras, while her sibling is “experiencing the hell of a 3rd world prison” !!
interesting how:
”confusion in the courtroom caused her to unintentionally plead guilty to charges of drug trafficking”
She was so stupid continually pleading totally innocent, like it was only a crime if the drug were going to be traded, that perhaps the judge and defense lawyer got to together to trick her into pleading guilty.
That way they could slap her with a shorter 3 year sentence. than she may have got had she not confessed, and thus get the case out of the way quickly,
“We had a big problem today,” he said. “We had a translator for Laura, which the judge didn’t use, and instead called on a member of the bench to translate for Laura.” Osman branded this development “strange”.
He continued: “The main judge demanded that a member of the bench ask Laura whether she traded or dealt in narcotics. The member of the bench then asked her in a different manner, saying: “You are accused of dealing drugs,” to which she answered ‘yes, I am accused of this’. This was was translated to the main judge as Laura admitting that she did the crime.”
Osman argued that this mistranslation made it look as though Plummer had pleaded guilty to drug trafficking, “but she didn’t,” he said.’
Beeb website reporting Bishop of Liverpool mouthing off about President Trump. Hilarious that we have two sections of our society in the Church and the beeb fitting hand in glove. Both dying a death by their own actions and so out of touch that they think anyones still believing what they have to say.
I was just going to post about that. So pathetic. What sort of news service is this – someone prominent has said something we agree with? Utter garbage. Plus you could get unpersoned for saying you actually supported Trump; we can’t take anything people say at face value when it is a criminal offence to hurt people’s feelings. Reporting on what someone has said about someone else is the lowest, laziest form of journalism.
Well I was at Westminster Abbey yesterday and boy did that stir the soul; such a sublime building, made you understand how this was a country worth dying for. What would the great men lying there think of the vile BBC and their treacherous belief in everything and therefore nothing? You can almost sense them stirring in their graves at the extent of the treachery of the liberal elite.
Thanks to left wing intrusion and too many bleeding hearts like Welby and the Bish of Scallyland, The Church of England should rename itself “The Church of Irrelevance” Though maybe “Ramadan UK” is catchier. Actually maybe not as I understand that the BBC may have reserved that one.
Not directly about the BBC, I’m afraid, but your mention of Welby (who, to my mind, has been something of a disappointment since his elevation), reminds me of a superb recent article on ‘Cranmer’,
This will resonant with those who have followed the appalling treatment of Bishop Bell (see also many articles by Peter Hitchens).
He`s the Bishop Of Liverpool. Fast tracked by Welby for the Church Of England.
He`s talking to the Guardian, presumably because he`s not worthy of Alastair Campbells lap to sit on.
But he`s as thick as mince to give us the Popes donkey droppings on “Christians build bridges, not walls”. No they don`t- walls occur ceaselessly in the bible from Jericho and before-but not one mention of a bridge in the whole book. Maybe he`s got it mixed up with “What Is To be Done” or the “Hadith” of Muhammad. When Trump knows his bibles better than the Pope or our Churchy Scouse Mouse, chances are that we`ll have to work out our own salvation in fear and in trembling.
Maybe that’s why males have always- purportedly – “Bashed the Bishop.” This phrase was my first introduction to the “Builderese” language at the age of 15 years. I guess one look at me and the veterans knew the signs. Heyho.
Did I miss something, or didn’t a minor royal do a prog for the bbbc recently?
Just reading comments from the good people here makes me wonder if Barry Formerpotus was actually asked when GB Inc would be at the back of the queue for much longer?
I’d consider that there will be quite a few lawyers getting very rich on the fallout from his particular few years in the WH. They will then start on Billary, which of course, we won’t ever see on the bbbc.
S “minor royal” Yes, very minor, in the brains department.
While I have the keyboard warm I would like to request that the heroes and heroines on this site make a resolution for 2018.
Modify your vocabulary, stop using the “e” word. The English language has almost infinite resources.
Scum, filth, traitor, there are hundreds of accurate terms with which to describe some organisms and organisations.
The “e” word is inaccurate, I believe it, like many of the organisms to whom it is currently applied, can be dispensed to the benefit of the UK.
R4…their Favourite Simon ‘arent I clever’ Schama and somebody else … N Ferguson? Basically it was a contest to see who could insult Trump the most. Full of pious self opinion with little balance – sorry no balance from presenter. Well done Brainless Bullshit Corporation..
Shama is only deserving of derision, as we all know on this blog. At the first mention of ‘impeachment of Trump’, surely any competent interviewer would have asked what grounds there would be for that. The reply would doubtless be ‘collusion with Russia to steal the election’, whereupon the interviewer would point out that there has been no evidence of that, whereas there has been much evidence of Russian collusion by the DNC and the Clinton foundation. Okay, I’m dreaming: this is the BBC, after all, and they don’t do criticism of Hussein, Clinton and the Democrats.
Schama isn’t half as clever as he thinks,as was amply displayed on QT when he appeared on a panel which included Rod Liddle; who pulled the trigger on Simon and exposed his posturing bulls**t for what it was.
There was a good example of the institutional leftist bias of the BBC on just before Christmas , when there was a programme in which a family ‘experienced ‘ Christmasses in decades past.
For the 70’ s the BBC had several clips of Ted Heath saying that there would be wide spread power cuts that year. But his speech was edited so as to avoid him giving the reason why that was and the BBC avoided any mention of the successful attempt by the miners to throw out of office a democratically elected Tory government. The rest of the decade passed without comment. So we missed the jolly Christmas when rubbish lay feet deep and bodies were left unburied in the Winter of Discontent because the unions were dissatisfied with their massive pay rises under a Labour government. The BBC were obviously reluctant to let those under 50 know how bad things were under socialism in the 70’s.
Then in the 80’s the commentary was that there was more money around to spend on Christmas but no mention was made that this was entirely due to the country rejecting socialism and supporting Lady Thatcher’s free market capitalism for four successive elections. Instead the BBC focused on the unemployed and had the family weeping into their mince pies over the plight of the homeless. No mention that unemployment fell rapidly post 83 and that living standards continued an upward trend for the next twenty years thanks to Thatcherism. This rise in living standards only came to an end as Tony and Gordon , in true socialist fashion, frittered away the strong economy that the Tories had left them.
If you are too young and ignorant to know what actually happened 40 plus years ago , you are left with images of two Tory prime ministers presiding heartlessly over a country without power and light at Christmas but with millions of unemployed. Job done, socialist narrative adhered to, Tories confirmed as evil uncaring scum. This sort of thing happens every day of the year right across the output of the BBC and has done for decades. Is it any wonder that anyone under 50 thinks nationalisation is a good thing and that socialism is the answer?
An orgy of virtue signalling about sick refugees in Bangladesh.
Poor people somewhere are poorly? Obviously. This is not news. This is why Trump calls them fake: they just sit snug and smug in their warm studios chatting about safe subjects which do not affect their viewers.
Plus an ethnic woman on the sports desk! She clearly has no knowledge about Liverpool’s tactical deficiencies, but who cares about the content of your character when your skin is not hideously white and you are female?
Lots of reporting on the weather – a lovely safe and inoffensive subject. Soon they will report solely on natural phenomena as these do not upset any particular group, though someone recently was triggered by the term ‘white Christmas.’ Soon the BBC will be 24 hours of men, women and children of all races just hugging and smiling.
David R, the weather forecast is already climate change news. For instance, the shower of shit called the Met Office has their front page title as such:
Weather and climate change – Met Office
keywords and metatags are:
Weather and climate change
The one featuring some geezer in Pakistan saying he is shovelling them in like Yvette Cooper does expenses… ‘I am Muslim and so helping them because they are Muslim’?
A bit of an ‘Ooops’ in the VS dept. chez W1A as even the faithful are noting it would be better as ‘I am human and helping them as I am human’.
Really tried not to listen but caught the 0800 segment
Someone called Ben okra ( African) going on about men in prison being unable to read. He asked them if they blamed their school. They were too thick to take the hook and say ‘yes’ . In this rapidly feminising world men do not seem to be men any more – just apologists for this and that. At least these thickos will be able to read and write so they’ll be able to do benefits fraud for a living to support their kids who can’t read….
That was followed by a meaningless interview by meeeshaaal with some twit talking about the weather in2017. I think she was trying to blame something but my mind had switched off by then.
Then there was a hilarious mess of an interview by the work experience girl about landlords evicting people because they weren’t paying their rents. Disgraceful . They chap representing landlords was clear and logical but the snowflake just ranted . Corbyn is aiming to end private renting by crushing landlord through regulation . Such fun. I am not a landlord.
Then a piece about how soft noises are good for you- a sonic cuddle. Lord god I switched off
I’m guessing there is no even moderately non lefty as guest propagandist on this Toady nonsense – just wealthy types doing that virtue signing thing.
“Is illiteracy the cause of crime in the UK?”, asks Ben Okri the black author on Toady this morning. Okri then interviews some lags who all blamed their illiteracy as root cause of their criminal behaviour. All were black. Here are some questions for Ben Okri: Why do Black people have a propensity to commit crime, especially violent crime; Why are black people over represented in our prisons (and in tv commercials)?; Why are black children more likely to be expelled, sorry, “permanently excluded” than their white classmates and finally, why are black people in a perpetual state of denial about these facts when objectively informed about them (eg Lammy and Abbott)?
Ben should now read ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ to the cons to improve their reading ability and enhance their critical thinking.
Cassandra the answer to all your questions is, of course, ‘institutional racism’ in all our institutions: nurseries, schools, universities, examination boards, IQ tests, police, courts, prisons, employers, NHS, mental health services, psychometric tests, media, sports (eh?), the music industry (eh?) everywhere. It’s all whitie’s fault, never theirs. Always. Everywhere. We are all horrible racists. Just ask the beeb.
Its also telling that many black people have a real problem with articulacy. Many 3rd generation black children who are interviewed either at school or in the street still retain the patois way of speaking that their grandparents brought over from the WI / Africa. Has anybody asked why ? Is it something they actively encourage to keep their heritage alive ?
Brissles, here in Birmingham we have third generation Pakistani kids with strong Pakistani accents that have yet to visit their country of origin, innit.
My point exactly Cass ! I have Yorkshire blood and heritage, yet don’t have a trace of a Yorkshire accent, being born in the South. So why can’t these third generations be the same ?
I have met Ben Okri and I thought his accent & pronunciation had ‘reverted’ somewhat this morning. I only heard the end of the programme and was surprised by the change. Am interested that it appears to have been noticed here, too.
You are quite right, Brissles. When young lads were rioting oop nawth in Lancashire around the turn of the century because there were no jobs for them, both the BBC and Jack Straw annoyed me by describing them as immigrants.
They were at least third generation, their grandfathers (and possibly great-grandfathers) from the Indian sub-continent having come over to work in the cotton industry. When interviewed by the BBC, they spoke with broad Lancashire accents.
That young man who ran away from the Police then swallowed drugs and died was actually reading a book when the Police questioned him on the street at 11pm. A discussion ensued about the importance of sovereignty and the youth ran away and swallowed drugs in protest.
Ben asks his question. WE all say yes.
We switch off. And let Ben flannel on for ten minutes with no further comment from us.
This is not news, not even a question.
” Is cabbge fever the cause of Noth Korean parades and cards getting held up in their one stadium”?
Over to you Ben…
Whether we might actually want to (or not) let’s consider race for a moment – touchy subject but afterall, the BBC with all their on-screen race quotas are certainly not colour blind and presumably it follows that our national broadcaster doesn’t expect or desire their audience to be colour blind.
So early today we have the already highly over-feminised (halfway to being Women’s Hour on TV) BBC Breakfast with presenters Tina Daheley and Naga Munchetty handing over to the sport spot with Reshmin Chowdhury – Three British-Asian Princesses – I guess that’s what the BBC call diversity!
Which sort of leads into a hot-button story for the BBC this morning – British NHS medics flying out to administer care to the refugee Rohingya Muslims. Who, by the way, just in case you didn’t know, ‘have been forced to flee Myanmar due to persecution’ – thanks for the superfluous footnote editorialising there BBC, that’s pretty much the definition of refugee but I guess when the term refugee gets so over employed (by the media) it loses meaning.
Can’t help but notice (see above how the BBC doesn’t want or expect its viewers to be colour blind) that our two guest volunteer NHS A&E Nurses soon to be flying out are decidedly White English. I guess there might be some interesting unspoken NHS exchange system operating here because just about every NHS medic I meet in London appears to hail from the Subcontinent (I digress).
So off they pop to Bangladesh to vaccinate against “Deadly” Diphtheria (not just Diphtheria mind you but “Deadly Diphtheria”- so there we go again with the footnote editorialising)
And there we were thinking the NHS was overstretched, underfunded, desperately in need of overseas medics to come here, yada yada.
Brown people have been persecuting each other all my life and no doubt for centuries before the birth of Lefty.
I consider it to be none of our business and we should leave them alone. I expect the two white nurses will be advising said “refugees” on the best way to get to Europe where they can be cared for properly.
I imagine the interventionist Britain Lasters will one day manage to turn Britain into a carbon copy of Myanmar. The daft,wet buggers.
Never any Chinese though. Nor any classically black Africans as we`d once have known them. Can`t think why-might have been able to once, but that part of my brain has long been limewashed and turned to oatmeal.
Too many years in education, too many towing the party line in council and in schools.
2018 … the year all socialists and Labour members give Laura Pidcock and Jeremy Corbyn their properties and savings so Jeremy and Laura can spread the wealth. Gary ‘£1.75m BBC wages paid under threat of prison’ Lineker and Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans could lead the way …for the many, Not you.
Guest Who posted about Sadiq
He does like tweeting too. And posing. And blowing money. The bbc will love this one.
2018 marks one hundred years since the first women won the right to vote – one of our country’s most pivotal moments. #BehindEveryGreatCity celebrates the women who make London the greatest city in the world.
Note his Freudian slip “BEHIND every great man”
… ie the Islamic cultural tradition of woman walking BEHIND the man
..instead of EQUAL partners walking along side each other.
Someone tweeted
\\ This man recently spoke at an event where women had to enter through a separate entrance.
They weren’t allowed to use the same entrance as men.
What a f*cking hypocrite.//
Is Sadiq/Labour PR behind the turning of the NYE fireworks into a POLITICAL message event ?
\\ As a symbolic New Year’s resolution, the second half of the London fireworks playlist will feature exclusively women artists: Annie Lennox, Aretha Franklin, Florence Welch, Ariana Grande and Dua Lipa.
It’s to celebrate 100 years since women got the vote. #CapitalReports //
That’s #EverydaySexism
I notice no Divine, no Caitlyn, no Antonia and the Johnsons, no Dame Edna though.
Our trans-lads are NOT represented, Kenneth McKellar doesn`t count either.
Hope Paris Lees and the boys get down to Trafalgar Square and cause a rumpus at being excluded.
As the previous Thread was commenced with a Damien Green header, I’ll pitch in with a bit more on this Thread. It is wild speculation, but – hey – this is a BBC related and BBC bias related site, is it not? Wild speculation and the BBC? Bias and the BBC? “Oh, hello Laura. Not working are you? It’s not yet the day after the day after Hogmanay.”
The Damien Green ‘thing’ all came about because he was going to make a bid for the leadership of the Conservative Party after a suitable stalking horse started a leadership challenge.
I hear you all exclaim. Damien Green was one of the PM’s most loyal supporters, you say. One of her few long-term friends in politics.
I am minded of what Winston Churchill once said, famously growled by Robert Hardy in ‘The Wilderness Years’: “Politics is foul!”
Also, the well-known advice, ‘Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.’
The BBC seems to be prioritizing the story of the sick Syrian children over everything else on radio and television news programs now for the last two days whereas SKY, RT and Gold Radio etc have not. Perhaps I’ve got a heart of stone or a bout of Passion Fatigue but does anyone know why?
Cassandra, peace is probably about to break out in Syria with that last enclave in the suburbs of Damascus being overrun in the New Year, if not already. The BBC have been Judge, Jury and lead-Prosecutor against Bashir al-Assad, have already found him guilty of everything including the Slaughter of the Innocents two millennia back and want to see him sentenced.
Funny how the BBC do not mention the Christian community or the Jewish community that both survive in Damascus, today, under Assad’s evil, vile, murderous regime.
I saw the item on the sick Syrian children, and one thing puzzled me. Among the children there was a girl supposedly suffering from Haemophilia. Now, when I was at school in the 60’s, there was a boy in our class who suffered from the condition and I distinctly remember the teacher discussing it with us in a Biology lesson, and she told us that it was caused by a defect in the ‘Y’ chromosome and therefore only affected males – females could pass on the defect to their offspring but couldn’t actually suffer themselves. Now, has science changed since then, of is this more BBC “news”?
Perhaps someone more knowledgeable than I am could enlighten me.
So yesterday Radio4’s 13:45 Penpal show was about someone writing to a Muslim
…whereas today “Jim Al-Khalili gets a new pen-pal”
11:00 am Here we are in Paraguay, the river is drying up
(right at the end we get “since we got back we have heard that the rains have come to the lower sectors, so once again the river is beginning to rise, but this early rain season means the bulldozers weren’t completely ready”)
3:30pm BBC favourite David Walliams … doesn’t he black up sometimes ?
4:30pm Science ..partially about how “Gibraltar is the most concentrated site of Neanderthal occupation in the world”
Wouldn’t it be great for the BBC to air a Gibraltan journalist ?
… The BBC sends eco-warrior Adam Rutherford instead ..who is always preaching that WE have to limit our carbon footprint
6:30pm The Susan Calman Show …who BTW was on Channel4 last night on the Miranda show.. Medialand is one big bubble isn’t it ?
8pm : The Future for US Democrats with Jon Sopel ..I expect it will be super biased free ride for them.
11pm : Marcus Brigstocke – “He’ll be tackling some of the sport’s biggest problems, like racism and homophobia – and also FIFA.”
Helping .. will be Margaret Cabourn-Smith (from the Miranda show)
11:30pm : All this week it’s Lenny Henry and the black drama team
Having been to places and speaking the languages does give me an advantage in checking BBC dramatic narratives
..After the Paraguay drought story I typed : chaco lluvia Paraguay ..into Twitter search
Take a wild guess what this means
martes 26 de diciembre de 2017, 11:51
Lluvia en el Chaco deja caminos y comunidades inundadas (flooded)
Prácticamente todos los días se registra lluvia en el Departamento de Alto Paraguay, que deja los caminos cortados por repunte de agua y algunos barrios inundados. Todos los habitantes pasaron la Navidad de esta manera.
The prog admitted that had been rain in lower Paraguay since they got back, but this news is talking about rain in the highlands ..admittedly the river itself is in the next Province south, but I expect there has been rain there also now.
facebook censorship ?
I got a message from my Radio4 Facebook group saying they had accidentally blocked me , so I re-applied and they let me in
What was weird just now I posted almost the same comment from above in that Radio4 Facebook group.
In a few minutes I got this
“Why your post was removed ..We removed this post because it looks like spam to us. If you did post this and don’t believe it’s spam, you can let us know.”
I clicked the “Not Spam button” and the post was immediately accepted
“Thanks again for letting us know about this post. We took another look and found it doesn’t go against our Community Standards, so we’ve restored your post. ”
FFS how can such a review be so INSTANT ? Screenshot of that (click to magnify)
For Christmas I recieved a copy of ‘Patronising Bastards’ by Quentin Letts. What a fabulous read. The author does a brilliant job of highlighting how the ‘elite’ are ruining our great country. The bbc gets a good drubbing too. Well worth a read.
Smug Patronising Bastards rather sums up yesterdays R4Today program
R4Today is normally a prog for the smug Lib/left to push their agenda at us whilst excluding non-lib/left voices
…. so having a guest editor in a sensible world would, briefly, give us an alternative view.
…….But instead the leftism is TURBOCHARGED and rammed down our throats.
Wednesday it was cute that the prog was given over to ‘the learning difficulties boy’ Harry
… And he brought on his own father to interview. *
.. And then one if his idols he’s seen on TV
* The naive boy wouldn’t realise that his father’s business benefits greatly from the Green Agenda subsidies.
nor his American idol’s Pork Barrel politics from when he first became a senator
Did anyone have the misfortune to watch Hardtalk, Review of 2017? I was at the gym and unfortunately it was on the TV right in front of me. I don’t think I have ever seen such a bunch of self-satisfied, virtue-signalling libtards in such concentrated form within a 30 minute programme. It absolutely encapsulated the self-righteousness of BBC journalism. The worst of the lot was Stephen Sackur (a surname that almost rhymes with what he is) who came across as incredibly vain and patronising and whose contributions to the programme were mostly about how incredibly great he was in obtaining the interviews he had conducted. Even my leftie husband thought he was disgusting. Paraphrasing – he thought they, the BBC, were holding people “to account” in cases where the judiciary were not. There was a rather telling snippet where Mrs Milosovich (wife of the evil Slob Milosovich) was being interviewed by Tim Sebastian for Hardtalk and she told him she thought she was being interviewed to give another side to the debate on her husband. She said Tim was one of the most unpleasant men (presumably with the exception of her husband!) she had ever met and she wasn’t going to answer any more of his questions if he wasn’t prepared to listen to the answers. This is the BBC version of “no platforming” where you invite someone disagreeable (to the BBC) to interview and then don’t let them speak. A subtle form of brainwashing…… Mustn’t let the Plebs make up their own minds, we’re not bright enough!
Doesn’t that just about sum up the BBC journalists? Only want their own viewpoint to come across.
‘ I don’t think I have ever seen such a bunch of self-satisfied, virtue-signalling libtards… absolutely encapsulated the self-righteousness of BBC journalism’
Completely agree. And funnily enough I was on just the same train of thought as I watch for about the umpteenth time that BBC News Channel countdown to the hour corporate indent trailer where viewers are supposed to be impressed and excited by the visualised news signals beamed from around the world back to the Broadcasting House news hub. But think about those images – every news location and news event has to be mediated to the viewer by some BBC personality presenter. Because how on earth could we plebs absorb, interpret and properly react to the news were we not spoon fed by the precious BBC elite?
These end of year reviews are just an excuse to give us a mash up of liberal twaddle over the year-all to the detriment of the real people of this country.
I`m doing my own…and here`s MY review(pt1)
JAN- Oscars show that those who hate Trump enough to slag him off throughout their ceremony are THAT thick that-when they get a choice of two envelopes-they STILL can`t choose the right one. What`s the betting that we`ll not be hearing too much on this in the Reviews?
PS(It was Moonlight and not La La Land that won-but eho knows of either?)
FEB-N.Korea fires its first of FOUR rockets in vilation of every agreement signed-but he`s anti-Trump so is indulged…this has gone all , all year too.
Also the Berkely riots in California because Milo shows up. How very Pyongyang-so this is admissible by the Left.
George Osborne gets job #6 at Standard-this is not news or eyebrow raisng now though, because he`s now oon the side of progressive righteousness. so not to be criticised any longer.
MAR-Article 50 agreed-but apparently , even though this is a simple clause that requires no payment-it now turns out to be really difficult and expensive, for reasons that mutate by the day. No further questions.
Death of the Great Statesman Martin McGuinness who leaves 589 widows behind.
Spring brings the Arab Spring ritual of the murder of a uniformed officer in Westminster-the Rigby songbird mating call-and the media already no longer name Massood or poor Keith Palmer(as well as the drabs and tourists who hardly merit the Cox Response do they?)
APR-Death of Darcus Howe too-so progress at least.
May calls an election, and everyone rejoices at the chance to bin Corbyns mob.
MAY-Arianna Grande “Crusaders Party shindig” gleefuly wiped out by Salfords very own Abedi-but Liam Gallgher plays his latest shit single at the cricket ground a few weeks later, so every cloud eh?…Macrons landslide(mais, naturellement!)
JUN-shit election result, Mays catastrophic decision to go to the polls slated by Aprils experts.
Grenfell Towers-Labour, EU and Greens no longer available for comment. London Bridge stabbings with weighted trucks. Days Of Rage anyway-and crappy Tories fail to fight.
Trump bins Paris Accords-a highlight for me!
JULY-Venezuela, usual lefty absolutions. BBC incurious
AUG-BBC salaries, NOT TO BE MENTIONED. Charlotteville, taking the knee crap and some Barcelona driving malfunction as yet to be determined. Brucie(WGAF?)
SEP-Merkels triumph,
OCT-Las Vegas shootings(not by the left at all), Marseilles murders(not Islam) and Mugabe gets WHO Goodwill Ambassador gig offered. Xi as new Chinese Sun God-and no jokes from the BBC either(it`s their culture). Harvey Weinstein-thar he blows oo arr! Czech election results make Left sad again! Saudi Arabia thinking of getting to 1937 mores at least.
NOV-Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, valuable only if that means Boris goes. He doesn`t topple-so all that Green Revolution stuff she may or may not have been doing for the BBC in Iran 2009 can now be swept under the shagpile. Mugabe goes( Left sad), Austria makes left even sadder with its election results. Paradise papers-great-oh dear, Bono and Lineker-abort and hush up willya? Trumps classic tweet that made Ann Coulter a name to enrage the left-finally.
DEC-Trump recognises Jerusalem, and Damien Green goes by his own effete rules of that games he`s played. But it`ll be sinister.
Best death of the Year-Darcus Howe. Worst-Tom Petty/Walter Becker.
This list would be better if only I could draw like the sainted Scot-Scottish Calvin-thanks for the cartoons, keep `em coming eh in 2018!
Thank you for the effort – it shows really how soon al Beeb tipexs events which it can’t use but repeats events it can use for its own purposes. I could list them but I would prefer to put them in their place.
ChrisH. Pretty good, but you missed out on Ian Brady who died in mid-May.
And so Darcus Howe must take his place behind Brady as the “best death of 2017”.
There is a case for Helmut Kohl mind-his funeral in June across both Strasbourg and Colmar reminded me very much of the EUs “Horst Wessel” moment.
I myself thought of poor David Cassidy, great Glen Campbell and Dishy Don Williams who was a favourite in our house way back.
Up2snuff: I’ve noticed that Assad is as popular with the BBC as Trump. That means, regardless of what happens in Syria on the ground, Assad is going to be the baddie! This effect will be reinforced by the Assad-Putin link; because Putin is also a baddie.
Occasionally someone changes in the BBC script, but not often: the Burmese lady who was soooo popular once because she seemed to oppose the Burmese military, became a baddie when the Rohinga Muslim thing started up.
This makes the BBC boring and predictable. We know exactly what Sopel is going to tell us from Washington. I could write Lise Ducet’s script for her. Eddie Mair will be entirely predictable. Etc. ,etc.
This is the very nature of propaganda. A Goebbels or a Trotsky was no different. The pain is being forced to pay for this garbage, and knowing that young minds are going to believe it.
How true fakenewswatcha!
My Red Button tells me that the CHURCH OF ENGLANDS BISHOP in LIVERPOOL spoke to THE GUARDIAN and about DONALD TRUMP.
Shall we colour it in for ourselves? Do we need a pencil or can we use a pen straight away and without nannys hand to guide it?
In short-what the f*** is the point of THAT as a story?
It wrote itself in 1981-and, all we need do is change the names for the new set of fops who know their bibles less well than their Radio Times.
fnw, yes. Their minds are made up. The BBC support terrorism and anti-democracy. Am no particular supporter of President Assad, merely an observer from afar. (And I can well believe some his henchmen are right thugs but as they are family, his personal survival, and that of his wife and children, may depend on him keeping them close and in post.) I do however have a friend whose sister is now living, relatively safely, in Damascus.
President Assad is democratically elected, however. Those who have rebelled against him and the rule of law in Syria have no doubt been ‘stoked up’ by outside forces and I would not be in the least surprised if the CIA’s grubby fingerprints were in there somewhere.
The BBC are happy to support the incursion of foreign mercenaries into Syria as well as the rebellion against Assad. They report slightly unfavourably on any Russian involvement; there is a noticeable tinge to any BBC comments on that. Yet the BBC get upset at the thought of outside forces ‘interfering’ in the EU Referendum, the US Presidential Election and the UK General Election.
The BBC are, however, quite happy to take a position on Syria. Some might say they are interfering. I definitely would.
Breathtaking hypocrisy by the BBC.
Funny thing is: in their current concern for foreign interference in the democracy of nations, they do not seem a bit concerned at all about possible Russian interference on the outcome of the Austrian, Dutch, French and German leadership elections.
An odd case of word association but I read that as Fanny – as in Cradock – BBC sure to be pulling that story out of the hot place which is the Guardian with super-safety-strength oven mits. If at all?
Ah the wonderful Fanny Craddock!
Whenever I see her mentioned I always think of that anecdote of her doing a demonstration of cooking ring doughnuts, and when she had finished the announcer said “And I hope your doughnuts turn out like Fanny’s”
With reference to increased taxi driver crime I would have thought that the first thing to do is to check out whether we are now hosting increased numbers of “Swedish men” in this country. I hear sex crimes are up in Sweden. Must be due to all those drunk vikings walking around with axes.
As for the delightful Fanny Craddock (and lets not forget “Johnny”) I saw her years ago on telly cooking a meal for Ted Heath. – Pity she hadnt fed him ground glass at the time.If she had maybe things may have been very different in this country.
Think it may have been Johnny who came out with that line, not the BBC announcer.
It was a different ‘Johnny’ who created quite a money-spinner for the BBC by saying “He couldn’t quite get his leg over.” before collapsing in a fit of giggles that became, and still are, highly infectious.
That will be the same Taxi drivers who refuse to take dogs in their cabs. I have told my 75 year old mum to call the firm and say I don’t want some bloke who refuses to take dogs – I guess she could end up getting 20 years in a BBC Re-programming camp for that
What a thoughtful guy Prez Trump is, he has put up this helpful reminder:
And isn’t it strange how things turn out, The Donald’s first ever major award, as listed by Wikipedia, was from the Jewish National Fund in 1983. The Tree of Life Award was presented to him for his contributions to Israel-United States relations.
Now, 34 years later, the same person is President of the United States and the man responsible for initiating the move of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem …
And even a Trump Train with no brakes should have a Trump Station, so why not have one in Jerusalem … :,7340,L-5062578,00.html
Greenpeace/FriendsofTheEarth/WWF/ Oxfam : Well funded multinational non-democratic orgs devoted to pushing DramaGreen activism, government spending and restrictive laws
BBC : an org supposedly funded to provide the UK public with IMPARTIAL radio/TV/web material
..But from the look of Radio5 Live’s FaceBook page they seem to think they are in the first category
an example
another : December 11 at 8:43am ·
\\#5liveYourCall: Are you helping to turn the tide on plastics? #BluePlanet2 has focused on the issue of plastic pollution to the front of people’s minds. But has it encouraged you to recycle more or use plastic less? This morning we want to know if//
A largely excellent & welcome report from Hugh contains a couple of blunders. He speaks of the collapse in the oil price. That was years ago. It has recently recovered to a three or four-year high, at just over 50% above its long-term modern norm of $30-£40pb. A significant blunder from the BBC, an organisation that is scathing of new and other media that are not 100% accurate.
Then Hugh Sykes highlighted the British withdrawal of support for a Referendum on the creation of an independent state of Kurdistan. He doesn’t mention why that should be or why other European nations and the EU would also withdraw their support. (Am not sure whether Trump’s position on behalf of the USA was mentioned.) He doesn’t speculate, which is good. He doesn’t inform, either, which is bad.
I wonder why the UK did not support a peaceful exercise in democracy in Iraq?
Answers please.*
(*A shrewd guess: the concerns of a neighbour? nudge, nudge. wink, wink.)
Gatestone previously reported that the Pakistani’s treat people of no faith more harshly than they already do with Christians. Seems those of no faith, being non-religious, have no morals or scruples whatsoever.
Radio 4 1 pm news reporting on Kabul bombing. The usual prefix ‘so-called’ added to islamic state.
What has often intrigued me is the favoured alternative term ‘the islamic state group’, now used frequently as an alternative.
Fisrstly, what is this Islamic State Group? It sounds like a mega corporation. Is IS registered as a business now? Also, the use of the term ‘group’ seems to obviate the need for ‘so-called’.
I have often wondered if this convention was arrived at by some beeb committee that decided it’s ok to leave out so-called if IS can be described as if it was a business organisation, therefore not a religion?
David Waddell of the BBC coined this “so-called” phrase. Here is his reasoning, and I quote him “Although it has its own self-styled caliph, it is not a state. Firstly, it is an organisation or a movement rather than a state, and secondly, the territory it occupies in Iraq and Syria is not recognised as a state by any sovereign nation anywhere in the world.”
Of course when “so-called” is juxta-posed with “Islamic” i.e. so-called Islamic State, rather than “Islamic so-called State” it handily distances itself from being “called” Muslim, which is what the pro-Islamic BBC wants to do. How much more honest to call it “self-proclaimed” (I’d have no issue with that) or even “self-styled.” Typical BBC obfuscation and brain washing by word-play.
It had its own currency treasury and bills, its own borders as taken by Islamic imperative and had natural resources and governance as determined by its “leaders”. It WAS a State in any meaning of the word.
As much of one as Mugabes or Chavez-and had it established stronger borders would have been like N.Korea maybe?
Waddells a fantasist. lexicon shuffling as the pyres burned and the heads rolled.
And finally before I sign out for today, on the BBC News Stories front page on my tablet this morning “The shows you won’t want to miss in 2018” they are promoting this. “The Assassination of Katie Hopkins.”
“And finally, we’ll witness The Assassination of Katie Hopkins (above) at Theatr Clwyd (20 April – 12 May) – another musical satire, this time about “truth, celebrity and public outrage”
However much you agree or disagree with K.H., the woman is ALIVE and how can this not be incitement to hatred, or murder. How do the BBC get away with advertising a play about assassinating somebody they disagree with?
Hopefully Katie will get US legal advice and sue the pants of anybody involved in this incitement to murder.
And put the BBC top of the charge sheet-they still owe Cliff and Nigel huge sums, about time they ganged up to destroy the BBC on our behalves.
A Muslim couple got put away in prison just before Christmas for planning to kidnap and kill her.
This cannot stand-Plaid Cymru used to burn cottages for less that this theatre is inciting.
Playing with fire in all senses of the phrase.
They had a good laugh about the Julius Caesar production in which the murdered leader was made to look like Trump. Haw, haw, haw! Inciting murder, how hilarious! Absolutely disgusting. They covered it as part of their main bulletin and all had an audible chuckle.
They really showed their true colours with Trump and Brexit. Clearly ‘hate speech’ is fine when they are doing the hating.
It’s just as well for double standards otherwise they would not have any.
Followed by the “killing of jo cox” I’d put money on that being in production right now with Meryl as jo and Bobbi Deniro as the limp husband . Guest appearance by Harry Windsor and Meghan with Hussein Obama . Naturally produced by . H Weinstein . Idris Elba as Corbyn , babs Windsor as T may.
Santa delivered to me the Quentin Letts book Patronising Bast&rd$ – How the Elites Betrayed Britain. A very good read and quite a few references to the BBC and the old boy network.
Fortunately we had imported ‘ginger’ Audrey Fleurot a few weeks ago in Witness and back again this Saturday in Spiral, (a very bad programme where the ‘baddies’ are more reprsentative of the real ‘baddies’ than they would ever be on a BBC-made crime series.).
So finally a “native Brit” Arthur Collins has has been convicted for an acid attack, which is great… and it’s all over the BBC which has given us a running commentry over the months.
Yet from January 2015 to April 2017 the police force recorded 833 attacks that fell into this category. Most occurred in the London Borough of Newham.
Buy why the scilence on the other 832 attacks BBC???
Of course the reason for the BBC’s enthusiastic coverage is because Arthur Collins is “native British”… and we must remember that native Brits throw acid and rape as well.
Never mind that a certain special “demographic” is doing these crimes at 1000 times the rate of everyone else… because they think women should cover up, stay indoors and be escorted by a male relative… shhhhhhhh
In 1994, Dec 30th -a Boston gunman killed two people who worked/attended an abortion clinic. This one story of ultra-evangelical brutality has long been used to show the herd that “well, Christians are no better than Muslims are, are they”?
This meme will carry us all into 2018, so come Dec 30th-remember what mileage the Left can get out of one story they like. As opposed to the few hundred this year and last that they did NOT think as indicating any problem with Islam.
People around the world are covering one eye in solidarity with a baby injured in Syria. #SolidaritywithKarim
Seems very sad and best wishes for a quick recovery to Karim.
However, the BBC seems to know ‘people’ few others closer to home are aware of. Not sure where this all fits in with the #metoo or #bringbackMichellescredibility cardboard efforts.
## ## etc.
That reminds me. Whatever happened to Michelle Obama’s “Bring back our girls”? Vanished into the ether. Yet another raving success to be celebrated in the echo chamber.
So only Muslims who drink alcohol are homophobic ?
– I note narrative inflation in the headline.
“Alcohol makes people more racist and homophobic”
Whereas the body says “violent hate crime”
"Alcohol acts as an ‘igniter’ to people expressing their prejudices in the form of violent hate crime,…
But Ropers don’t drink, are al least aren’t supposed to, but they are extremely homophobic and loath anyone who isn’t of their faith, which , even though not based on race is on a par with it.
Ban beer. Ban fun. Alcohol possibly a great moment of relief in human suffering, even Jesus approved. 2018 … beer is racist. Everyone who drinks is racist. If you voted remain and drink are you double racist?
But it`s Metro Stew.
Singletions and snowflakes working ludicrous hours, jammed into other young`uns armpits on Manchester trams, London tubes and Bristol buses. Only they read this crap-costs nothing, as valid as Osbornes Standard-being free , it has no need to be truthful. Just hate Trump. love Corbyn and crave an end to Brexit. That is ALL these metropolitan free rags are meant to convey to their post grads at Nandos who fear Muslims but would never dare say it.
This is why it`s all free-because it`s worthless as news.
I think it is more likely that all the alcohol does is diminish people’s sense of faux PC’ness and fear of saying the ‘wrong’ thing and gives them the courage to voice their true opinions.
All this confirms in my eyes is that people are letting their real feelings simmer away under the surface.
Funny thing that. Alcohol (these days) in moderate amounts makes me feel very tired and ready for bed (and by that I mean to sleep). Apparently,with Muslims, it makes them go Queer Bashing. Perhaps one of our excellent English mini breweries could invent a beer that makes Queers go Muslim Bashing. Who knows,our National Broadcaster might even be persuaded to show The Match? If you don’t want to know the score look away now.
I see that the man accused of murdering a woman in Aldi has appeared in court.
I don’t ever recall seeing this before though in any previous reports of this nature
“Neville Hord, 44, spoke only to confirm his full name, date of birth and British nationality during a short hearing at Leeds Crown Court.”
Normally the BBC would consider the nationality of the accused not worthy of mention – how odd ……
Or perhaps not.
Their website is dross: someone returned money to the person who lost it; Meghan Markle’s family love her; a giant goat decoration is up in Sweden.
The BBC is a classic example of diseconomies of scale. You would think with their expertise, budget and equipment they would be able to provide a fantastic news service. But I bet you cannot produce any ‘news’ without it first being run through numerous managers, checked with protocol etc; the virus of political correctness renders reality a hate crime. So instead of compelling news we hear about inflatable goats et cetera.
A group of bright sixth formers with a budget of £50 a day could probably produce a much better news website than the Beeb’s.
If my child behaved so badly that I wanted Santa to punish her on Xmas Day, I would question how well I am doing my job as a parent. #justsaying
BBC star ???????? does that make Huw Edwards an A lister then ? At least I can pronounce ‘Huw Edwards’ because I’ve now reached the stage where getting my tongue around the immigrant names of media ‘presenters’ is somewhat challenging, and I’m really fed up with having to second guess their names when they appear on screen. I don’t think I’m alone in this.
Zeinab Badawi (male or female)
Matthew Amroliwala – Anyone else struggle with his surname ?
Pooneh Ghoddoosi – me neither
Rajini Vaidyanathan – not even attempting
Nice try Fedup Lol ! almost as good as me. Admittedly his name in print is slightly easier when said slowly, but repeating it without seeing it is almost impossible.
Today the BBC gushed with praise that “Corronation street” tackled the thorny issue of racism. During Wednesday’s episode, potential business clients Justin and Dale Parker told Alya: “If you come here you should behave the way we do.” RACISM!
Because of course it is racist to question peoples behaviour, beliefs, and critasize the practices within Islam… a religion which is based on using the life of prophet Muhammad as a role model… such critasism just muct be racism.
Of course Muhammud married the 6 year old child Aisha who he forced to cover up, owned non-Muslim sex-slaves like Maria the Copt, force-married Safiyya the same day he robbed and killed her “kufir” husband so he could satisfy his “urges”, and married his cousin Zaynab… but to even know these facts, which are written in the Koran and Hadiths is racist.
Today we see Muhammad being copied, in Rotherham and the country wide rape gangs with upto a million victims, some raped over 100 times (so millions or tens of millions of rapes perpetrated by thr UK’s 1.6 milllion Adult Muslem males)
We also see cousin marriages of 50% and the genetic disease that comes with it. Acid attacks on women to try to make the cover their faces… and the killing and terrorism which is “part and parcel”… but just for the “Kufir” of course.
So perhaps when Justin and Dale Parker told Alya: “If you come here you should behave the way we do.”… they were just trying to be nice, maybe what they wanted to ask is “do you condemn Muhammud for marrying a kid”… because they didn’t want to be associated with someone who condones things like child marriage and other nasty practices in Islam… thanks to “role model Muhammud”.
I don’t want to hang out with people who have those beliefs either, and i don’t want to expose my kids to teachers of carers who hold those beliefs either. And that not because i’m racist, it’s because i am wary to be associated with people who have a pervert like Muhammud as their role model (a waryness based on evidence like the grooming scandal).
Corrie also had enough humour to
a) laugh at the workshy good-for-nothings like Stan and Eddie
b) mocked the students who wanted “veggie or organic” in the shop-Vera famously said” you`ll find it with t`kranky stuff down there”-as she pointed to the end of the aisle.
c) dealt with lefty snobs made good like Ken, mocked the pretensions of Annie as she ate cat food behind the curtains and voted to Remain in the E.U.
There IS a porky above-but not as bad as the BBC citing anti-racist kudos for what none of us noticed as we watched.
Why do the BBC have to suffuse everything with their toxic toady values? Only because none of us need them, believe a single word any more.
Corrie knew us until the early 80s. Then came Eastenders to compete in getting public money to give us their AIDS crap etc.
I usually find something to listen to on iPlayer as I walk the dogs. Today I made the mistake of selecting Radio Four’s ‘Jeremy Hardy Feels…Fear’. The programme isn’t supposed to be about politics at all; it’s supposed to be about human emotions, but in fact it was highly politicised and always with an extreme leftist viewpoint. Hardy made political point after political point. Many of these points could have been easily demolished had anyone been there to do it, but no, Hardy had Radio Four to himself for 30 minutes.
I wouldn’t mind that if there was ever a similar program with a right wing viewpoint, but there isn’t.
Oh Fred I’m so sorry for you – the night before it was Comrade Mark Steele still doing his Reagan/Thatcher gags in the same vain. Still seems to be very few black or ‘new commonwealth ( paki)’ comics but I suppose it’s a cultural thing . I seem to remember before Hardy became an Al Beeb institution a lot of his act was pro Ira terrorism and anti the British State like police and army. Now he’s a sweety doing just afucking minute .
Sort of sense that they`ve given up on comedy at the BBC.
Nobody laughs-except in nervous recognition that their fellow Hammersmith bus-ins might just report them if they don`t whoop and holler on cue.
They`re forever shamed as we choose to watch Fawlty, Benny and Eric and Ern year on year-if only to remind the grandkids that things used to be funny once in GB.
No wonder they hate Christmas so much-like a yardstick of how reduced we`ve become as a common culture. I mean-Mrs Browns Boys? Citizen Khan?
And the annula figures confirm this-not that we`ll ever get a real comparison. More Or less won`t be telling us anytime soon. Too painful.
It’s the same if you try the amusingly named ‘ comedy hour ‘ on 4 extra where some gobbh al Beeb professional cockney introduces embarrassingly unfunny 25 – 30 somethings who do 5 minutes for their friends and family whooping away like brainless Americans . I gave up on that as it was so bloody depressing.
Oh dear, one desperately hopes the fairy tale is not already unravelling for our Friend-of-Hussain, BBC-star Prince and his lovely diverse fiancée.
She has apparently been touching his heartstrings with stories about her sad lonely childhood, prompting him to make a comment about ‘the family she never had’. But what’s this? Her half sister disagrees:
“Actually she [Meghan] has a large family who were always there with her and for her.
Our household was very normal and when dad and Doria divorced, we all made it so it was like she had two houses.
‘No one was estranged, she was just too busy.”
But be still my beating heart, it gets worse:
“PRINCESS PUSHY – Prince Harry’s new flame Meghan Markle is ‘a social climber’ who ‘is not fit to be royal’ – according to her own SISTER
Samantha Markle slams her half-sister actress as ‘shallow’ and ‘a social climber’ who shunned her family once making it in Hollywood… The ex-model said Meghan Markle’s ultimate ambition has always been to be a princess but added: “Her behaviour is certainly not befitting of a Royal Family member.”
What, a Hollywood starlet who was a social climber after royalty? Impossible. Unheard of.
I’m so upset I must go lie down for a week. I shall resume posting in the New Year, if I make it. Sob.
Oi !! Get your eyes off that fine parakeets. They’re ‘Arry’s —- for a little while.
Double entendre courtesy of the late great Benny Hill R.I.P.
Pert – is that a real picture of a member of the British royal family in waiting ?
Prince and the show girl – I’m actually shocked that he wasn’t captured by fair British maiden of a similar class since the royals perpetuate the British class system which has let up down so badly
I’m surprised they didn’t wait for the queen to pop her clogs before dropping their standards that much. Spose she’s expecting . Al Beeb loves her anyway
no reason to believe it is not genuine but not sure if it was taken on a sofa at Sandringham!?
What has it all come to eh!?
Pert.( the Markle!)
If you were having a party at your house and there was no room for any more guests you would just not let any more guests in. You would not invite them in and tell your current, well-behaved guests they have to go into the garden while you build new rooms to accommodate the newcomers. Especially if some of the new arrivals just want to crap on the carpet and change the music.
Is net migration 250,000 a year or more? Plus so many of the new arrivals have massive families. That is the real crisis and only Brexit could hope to offer any solution to the problem.
If they crack down on ‘rogue’ landlords – a lot of Asians committing voting, mortgage and benefits fraud in my part of east londonistan they’ll be a lot of illegals/Eu guest workers on the streets…. or maybe we ll get weepy albeeb stories of planes to Warsaw being full up but coming back empty .
Is Lily Allen a “rogue landlord”? Or is she a virtuous one?
Were her tenants claiming “diplomatic immunity”? Ot was she telling porkies about a decent Italian family who were probably paying a bit more that Kensington and Chelsea would permit for their vulnerable clients from Grenfell or Calais?
Questions-none of which will ever be asked by Maxi and his Media Muppets at the BBC.
ITV keeps repeating it’s trailer for Jan 8th drama
Next Of Kin with Archie Panjabi
All the images were of completely covered Muslims, yet the online promo pics just show glamourous photo of a bi-cultural couple.
By way of a short diversion, if we can take our eyes off Megs tits and forget our problem of the Welltodo Overseas Gentlemen for a minute I have just noticed that Wednesday evening next on BBC1 at 9pm, we have part 1 of a 3 part documentary called Miriam’s Big American Adventure starring that celebrated actress Miriam Margoyles. Now, Miriam is President Trump’s most devoted fan. So much so that she not long ago publicly referred to The Donald as “A piece of shit”- Very ladylike. I think that quote gives us an inkling of what kind of adventure we will be invited to join.
“Miriam travels nearly 1,000 miles from Chicago to New Orleans,
visiting communities along the way as she gets to know the people
whose voices are reshaping the nation since the election of Donald Trump.”
“Miriam hangs out with rapping brothers J-Mac and Tray Tray in Merrill Park – dubbed Murder Park by the regulars due to a spate of gang-related killings. But fearing Miriam’s life may be in danger, AZ, her personal security guard, decides to pull her out, amid concerns of an imminent rival gang visit.”
“With Trump’s anti-immigration policies unsettling the country Miriam wants to try and understand why people from other countries still want to become Americans. She heads to Indianapolis for a mass citizenship ceremony and meets the extraordinary José, who left his village in the jungle of the Congo and is now”
and “Save the NHS. It’s your responsibility!
What’s her name, that Theresa May. She’s no good at all
. She won’t do anything”
(from the end on Philip Schofield interview)
Thanks for the preamble. I’m sure that by the end of the series many of the people who bother to watch it will be suitably convinced that President Trump is to blame for not only all of America’s problems but quite likely all the problems of the entire Western World. I think it’s time that celebrities returned to doing what most of them do best i.e. boring us shitless with their lack of talent.
After her ‘performances’ of playing to the camera and stealing every scene in the pensioners Real Marigold Hotel series, the idiot producers clearly feel she is tv ‘gold’ and capitalising on it with her own series. I really don’t want to listen to her breaking wind or see her bullying tactics when dealing with people anymore.
Cos the BBC doesn’t tackle why TMay WANTS to screw up Brexit I’ll post this idea from @Mailman
\\ Perhaps May is deliberately undermining the relationship with the US
in order to ensure there is no magnificent trade deal put in place to wean us off the teat of the EU?
Because it seems a rational, sane adult would actually be doing everything possible
to cosy up to the US to ensure we have a great trade deal in place EXACTLY
to offset the economic war that will eventually be waged by the EU upon the UK. //
The answer, is that we invade Europe as liberators, most of the European population, the real European population, would welcome our troops more enthusiastically than in 1945.
No declaration of war.
Just kill it.
Guys, help me out here. I saw on the News there’s been a sharp rise in taxi drivers sexually assaulting kafir women, and in particular under-16 year old girls. Of course they were baffled as to the causes, so I’ve been racking my brains: which group of men has a penchant for a) driving taxis, b) raping kafir women and c) young girls particularly?
Naturally my first thought was the French, but let’s be honest I haven’t heard a lot of taxi drivers with French accents.
Any Clouseau’s out there?
Once you’ve solved that one, perhaps you can turn your attention to that other great mystery of our time: why is there suddenly a shortage of housing, schools, NHS beds and doctors and other social services, just when they’re needed most for all the new migrants?
Then you might look at acid attacks which, according to Wikipedia, originated and are still most common in Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Answers on a postcard to the beebistan please.
P.S. No mention as yet of the epidemic of taxi rapes on the beeb website – strange how slow the world’s most subsidised broadcaster is to pick up on some stories.
By hiding that info they allowed the abuse to continue. They are therefore complicit and should be tried accordingly. No doubt the beebistan will do an expose’ of this shameful episode.
Will it hell.
“Burglar attempts break-in at Shropshire policeman’s home”
Reports TWMTB.
“Supt Tom Harding, of West Mercia Police, spotted the man from his window. He then drove around for an hour and a half to trying and find him.”
“The thought of someone invading your private property and private space is really disturbing,” he said.
Several aliens rape your 11yo daughter, you do not even get a crime number, then the police arrest you.
THAT is disturbing.
Lucky crime is going down right?
Or blame cuts for crime rising
Or blame it on the number of old bill tasked with suppressing anyone who they don’t politically agree with and call them “extreme”.
Some “crime commissioner” – a kind of self appointed nobody on a £100 000 a year going ‘cuts cuts cuts’ personally I prefer a smaller police force as it doesn’t represent me anymore .
1:33am Thursday : This guy must be a complete Climate nutter and BBC WS Business always has been insane @FergusNicoll is joined for Business Matters by Activist Guest was @alexisgoldstein Direct link to clip
FergusNickel : “Back in January we heard from Peter Wadhams about the situation in the Arctic”
Plays 2 minutes of alarmism from Wadhams. (He who predicts Ice-free Arctic every year and gets it wrong)
“Oh not everyone agrees” ..plays 30s of Scott Pruitt.
FN “We asked listeners and someone said listen to Ingmar Rentzhog from Sweden has started the hashtag #WeDontHaveTime” ..plays about 4 mins from him
FN asks studio guests “Alexis what do you reckon ?”
..she replies with activism saying she doesn’t believe in Scott Pruitt.
..Next asks Indian guest … “..oh these are sunset industries”
FN’s previous tweet… ffs he’s a BBC presenter
“22 Dec
Please share examples of successful #green projects – local, regional, national or international. Wouldn’t it be great to end the year with some positive and confidence-boosting stories about progress in healing the #environment ?”
2:21am Thursday R4 “UK has enjoyed its greenest ever year for electricity”
Then they play Harra.. Complete 2 min advert for “Green leccy”
“Blah blah…..Wind power cost has plunged well below that of nuclear… ….”
More misleading spin from the BBC. Dig down, and it contains stuff like this:
“The daily output of gas was outstripped by wind on just two days of the year.”
… So, now they’re attacking gas.
“Renewables overall – including wind, solar, biomass and hydropower – beat fossil fuels for ONLY 23 days of the year.”
Including biomass!!! (that’s burning all that forest in Drax)
Then they trot out an academic with vested interests, without telling you about his vested interests:
“Dr Andrew Crossland from MyGridGB and the Durham Energy Institute said:
“The government has focused on reducing coal use which now supplies less than 7% of our electricity.”
This is Dr Andrew Crossland also (from a different website):
“Dr. Andrew Crossland launches Solar Trade Association (STA) Storage CommitmentsDr. Andrew Crossland, Energy Storage Specialist for Solarcentury and Chair of the STA ‘Behind the Meter’ Storage Working Group, has launched the STA’s new battery storage commitments. The commitments are designed to encourage high standards early in the development of the UKs battery storage industry and to protect the interests of consumers.
Speaking at “Solar & Storage Live” at the NEC, Dr. Crossland said:
“I’m very proud to be able to launch these commitments on behalf of the STA and at such a crucial time in the development of the solar and storage market. It is clear that storage offers benefits to homeowners, as well as to the wider power system and Government Ministers have quite rightly talked up the importance of storage to delivering a low carbon economy. Companies getting behind the good commitments in this document will help to ensure consumers can have real confidence in this exciting, disruptive and transformative technology.””
Next up from the BBC article:
“Emma Pinchbeck, executive director of Industry body RenewableUK, called for “more boldness” from the government.
She urged onshore wind to be developed across the UK in an “ambitious sector deal with the off shore wind industry”
that could help secure a “golden age for renewables” in 2018.”
The BBC simply describes Renewable UK as “industry body”, which isn’t inaccurate,
but implies that it’s a body of the energy industry.
In fact their own website makes it clear they’re “the UK’s leading not for profit renewable energy trade association”.
“Separate findings from power research group MyGridGB
show that renewable energy sources provided more power than coal for 90% of 2017, figures up to 12 December show.”
HANGON !! That’s up to 12th December!
We know that since then it’s been very cold, renewables have virtually given up for winter,
and we’ve burned a lot of coal, even having to burn it to dig France out of a hole.
More disgracefully unbalanced reporting from the BBC.
bBBC’s re-working of Little Women this evening showed one of the eponymous characters in a New York tram sitting next to an African-American. In 1868, when it was written, surely black people wouldn’t even have been allowed to share public transport with white men, let alone white women.
Just another example of the bBBC’s subliminal bias, trying to persuade us that black was white (literally).
It seems that the old national trust Sunday night historical white only drama has fallen foul of the multi cult police . When next version of the Norman conquest will have a section of black hoody teeenagers coming up the beach at Hastings .
I’m waiting to the sequel to Little Wimmin – big wimmin with a cameo by Diane Abbottimus as a maths teacher
Apologies if this has been mentioned already but coming in the New Year is Troy: Fall of a City, a BBC-Netflix co-production showing on BBC One. Several of the actors listed on imdb are black (couldn’t see any black actresses, though), including the ones playing Achilles and Zeus. As the comments on the following link indicate, will there be the same liberal hoo-hah about ethnicity as there was with Sir Diddley Squat’s Exodus: Gods and Kings a few years ago?
The bBBC ‘news’ today is parroting Labour’s campaign against English hospitals charging for their car parks, totalling £174m in a year. No mention of what healthcare the hospitals should cut to give people free parking, or how much of our money goes to subsidise parking in Scotland and Wales.
Only 174million – that will never do – get the airports running hospital car park and the ambulances would have to pay a ‘setting down ‘ fee as well as short stay while they find a cubical in the A and E or join the queue on trolleys in the corridors – too much personal experience of our beloved international health service .
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My offspring and their offspring have watched Netflix mostly during the holiday. I think as time goes on the BBC will be marginalised more and more, and the licence fee will become very difficult to justify.
Even I thought Christmas would be a day when you leave BBC1 on in the background but this year there was really nothing on at all apart from Carols From Kings. We ended up putting CBeebies on for the kids and switching to AppleTV later on for some classic Father Ted, Only Fools & Horses, etc.
It’s funny really, for all the Beeb really went downhill with the advent of digital TV, CBeebies is (mostly) very good. It’s only about £1/year too of that license fee. Programming shared/bought with other overseas kids tv companies, if only the other channels could copy some ideas…
It will be justfied by the “I need to be paid £2,000,000 plus so pay for me or go to jail” as usual.
Ditto. The ‘Bright’ marketing was genius.
We also found Prime is free for students, so signed up for Netflix at about half the BBC ‘fee’, plus first month free.
Sorry Botney… well, Botney’s unique funders.
It is akin to black and white television once colour came along, the colour being able to choose what you want to watch and when. Their decline is inevitable.
Fred, there were five households represented at Christmas lunch. Only two had a TV Licence. One was an objector but also a highly mobile household, another was full of under-35s watching Netflix, Amazon and box sets and then there was Snuffy Villas, playing by the rules but also painfully aware that time no longer exists here for TV watching, whether there is desirable content to view or not.
The viewing – in a legally licensed house – consisted of The Queen’s Speech, a Christmas movie on disc, a YouTube vid of a band known, I think, to some on here plus Doctor Who. This latter programme at the request of a big Dr Who fan who is unhappy about the transitioning, er, beg pardon – the Regeneration, this time around.
No, that’s not me. Am personally unmoved by the change to a female Doctor and cannot understand what the fuss is about. Quite enjoyed the portrayal of William Hartnell’s Doctor, though. Shame his assistants were so poor both in casting and portrayal but were only on screen for a few ‘flashes’ and it seems that many actors – especially on the BBC – don’t do acting any more.
The media especially the bBC have been making a huge song and dance over the arrest and now jailing of 33 year old Laura Plummer, 33, from Hull, after she was found with the Tramadol tablets in her suitcase in Egypt:
Egypt drugs case: Briton ‘had no idea painkiller was illegal’
Drug-smuggling Briton Laura Plummer ‘simply naive’
Laura Plummer’s sister: Drug crime ‘was a kind gesture’
Here is the latest:
Drug-smuggling Briton Laura Plummer in ‘bad prison’
The thing is here is a screen dump from the Talk to Frank Drug awareness site regards Tramadol: (Note this snippet)

“Having tramadol that is not prescribed for you for your own use (called illegal possession) could result in up to two years in prison and/or an unlimited fine. While selling or giving tramadol away for free, even to friends (called supplying) could result in up to fourteen years in prison and/or an unlimited fine. “
Then , there is the question nobody from the media (Especially the bBC) regards buying drugs on the NHS. In the US 10 tablets cost $11 roughly $300 for what she was carrying. Seeing as stuff in the US equates to $1 to £1 when bought in the UK. We are looking at least £300 worth of drugs, A NHS prescription for 100 tablets costs £8.60 somebody is making a lot of money or even saving it at the expense of the NHS. Seeing as the NHS is bleeding money, why are people not complaining about how this woman is guilty of defrauding the British tax payer. Instead she is been made out to be some sort of victim who didn’t know what she was doing. Which is strange as she emptied all the tablets out of the boxes they came in into plastic bottles, telling everybody that she knew they were banned in…Egypt.
Funny that.
I noticed that her sister, who was widely interviewed about “the plight of her sister”, was made up like someone off TOWIE for the cameras, while her sibling is “experiencing the hell of a 3rd world prison” !!
How can you claim 300 odd are just for personal use? Does her boyfriend have 30 backs or something?
They just love an excuse to fight a cause and look virtuous. She was at best criminally reckless and at worst knowingly breaking the law.
interesting how:
”confusion in the courtroom caused her to unintentionally plead guilty to charges of drug trafficking”
She was so stupid continually pleading totally innocent, like it was only a crime if the drug were going to be traded, that perhaps the judge and defense lawyer got to together to trick her into pleading guilty.
That way they could slap her with a shorter 3 year sentence. than she may have got had she not confessed, and thus get the case out of the way quickly,
“We had a big problem today,” he said. “We had a translator for Laura, which the judge didn’t use, and instead called on a member of the bench to translate for Laura.” Osman branded this development “strange”.
He continued: “The main judge demanded that a member of the bench ask Laura whether she traded or dealt in narcotics. The member of the bench then asked her in a different manner, saying: “You are accused of dealing drugs,” to which she answered ‘yes, I am accused of this’. This was was translated to the main judge as Laura admitting that she did the crime.”
Osman argued that this mistranslation made it look as though Plummer had pleaded guilty to drug trafficking, “but she didn’t,” he said.’
Yes, why are British people convicted abroad always perceived to be innocent of the crime they have committed? Funny old world.
Beeb website reporting Bishop of Liverpool mouthing off about President Trump. Hilarious that we have two sections of our society in the Church and the beeb fitting hand in glove. Both dying a death by their own actions and so out of touch that they think anyones still believing what they have to say.
I was just going to post about that. So pathetic. What sort of news service is this – someone prominent has said something we agree with? Utter garbage. Plus you could get unpersoned for saying you actually supported Trump; we can’t take anything people say at face value when it is a criminal offence to hurt people’s feelings. Reporting on what someone has said about someone else is the lowest, laziest form of journalism.
Well I was at Westminster Abbey yesterday and boy did that stir the soul; such a sublime building, made you understand how this was a country worth dying for. What would the great men lying there think of the vile BBC and their treacherous belief in everything and therefore nothing? You can almost sense them stirring in their graves at the extent of the treachery of the liberal elite.
Thanks to left wing intrusion and too many bleeding hearts like Welby and the Bish of Scallyland, The Church of England should rename itself “The Church of Irrelevance” Though maybe “Ramadan UK” is catchier. Actually maybe not as I understand that the BBC may have reserved that one.
Not directly about the BBC, I’m afraid, but your mention of Welby (who, to my mind, has been something of a disappointment since his elevation), reminds me of a superb recent article on ‘Cranmer’,
This will resonant with those who have followed the appalling treatment of Bishop Bell (see also many articles by Peter Hitchens).
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BBC News
Christian leaders are “uncritically accepting” Donald J. Trump’s policies that contradict their faith, says the Church of England bishop.
The BBC… and UK ‘Christian’ god-botherers in year-end irony meltdown on who uncritically accepts what from whom.
The comments could be going better.
He`s the Bishop Of Liverpool. Fast tracked by Welby for the Church Of England.
He`s talking to the Guardian, presumably because he`s not worthy of Alastair Campbells lap to sit on.
But he`s as thick as mince to give us the Popes donkey droppings on “Christians build bridges, not walls”. No they don`t- walls occur ceaselessly in the bible from Jericho and before-but not one mention of a bridge in the whole book. Maybe he`s got it mixed up with “What Is To be Done” or the “Hadith” of Muhammad. When Trump knows his bibles better than the Pope or our Churchy Scouse Mouse, chances are that we`ll have to work out our own salvation in fear and in trembling.
As someone pointed out, thanks to the Religion of Peace and its homicidal adherents, now we have to build walls on bridges. Thanks for nothing, Bish.
Maybe that’s why males have always- purportedly – “Bashed the Bishop.” This phrase was my first introduction to the “Builderese” language at the age of 15 years. I guess one look at me and the veterans knew the signs. Heyho.
Did I miss something, or didn’t a minor royal do a prog for the bbbc recently?
Just reading comments from the good people here makes me wonder if Barry Formerpotus was actually asked when GB Inc would be at the back of the queue for much longer?
I’d consider that there will be quite a few lawyers getting very rich on the fallout from his particular few years in the WH. They will then start on Billary, which of course, we won’t ever see on the bbbc.
Morning Fox – great to see some proper reporting!
S “minor royal” Yes, very minor, in the brains department.
While I have the keyboard warm I would like to request that the heroes and heroines on this site make a resolution for 2018.
Modify your vocabulary, stop using the “e” word. The English language has almost infinite resources.
Scum, filth, traitor, there are hundreds of accurate terms with which to describe some organisms and organisations.
The “e” word is inaccurate, I believe it, like many of the organisms to whom it is currently applied, can be dispensed to the benefit of the UK.
R4…their Favourite Simon ‘arent I clever’ Schama and somebody else … N Ferguson? Basically it was a contest to see who could insult Trump the most. Full of pious self opinion with little balance – sorry no balance from presenter. Well done Brainless Bullshit Corporation..
Shama is only deserving of derision, as we all know on this blog. At the first mention of ‘impeachment of Trump’, surely any competent interviewer would have asked what grounds there would be for that. The reply would doubtless be ‘collusion with Russia to steal the election’, whereupon the interviewer would point out that there has been no evidence of that, whereas there has been much evidence of Russian collusion by the DNC and the Clinton foundation. Okay, I’m dreaming: this is the BBC, after all, and they don’t do criticism of Hussein, Clinton and the Democrats.
Schama isn’t half as clever as he thinks,as was amply displayed on QT when he appeared on a panel which included Rod Liddle; who pulled the trigger on Simon and exposed his posturing bulls**t for what it was.
More immigrants = More schools , more houses, more hospitals and more services etc. etc. etc. etc.
There is no more .
Yeah Harry should have taken him to task for that. How dare he try and interfere in our democracy like that.
That is one blatant and profound interference in our democracy the BBC has said little about.
There was a good example of the institutional leftist bias of the BBC on just before Christmas , when there was a programme in which a family ‘experienced ‘ Christmasses in decades past.
For the 70’ s the BBC had several clips of Ted Heath saying that there would be wide spread power cuts that year. But his speech was edited so as to avoid him giving the reason why that was and the BBC avoided any mention of the successful attempt by the miners to throw out of office a democratically elected Tory government. The rest of the decade passed without comment. So we missed the jolly Christmas when rubbish lay feet deep and bodies were left unburied in the Winter of Discontent because the unions were dissatisfied with their massive pay rises under a Labour government. The BBC were obviously reluctant to let those under 50 know how bad things were under socialism in the 70’s.
Then in the 80’s the commentary was that there was more money around to spend on Christmas but no mention was made that this was entirely due to the country rejecting socialism and supporting Lady Thatcher’s free market capitalism for four successive elections. Instead the BBC focused on the unemployed and had the family weeping into their mince pies over the plight of the homeless. No mention that unemployment fell rapidly post 83 and that living standards continued an upward trend for the next twenty years thanks to Thatcherism. This rise in living standards only came to an end as Tony and Gordon , in true socialist fashion, frittered away the strong economy that the Tories had left them.
If you are too young and ignorant to know what actually happened 40 plus years ago , you are left with images of two Tory prime ministers presiding heartlessly over a country without power and light at Christmas but with millions of unemployed. Job done, socialist narrative adhered to, Tories confirmed as evil uncaring scum. This sort of thing happens every day of the year right across the output of the BBC and has done for decades. Is it any wonder that anyone under 50 thinks nationalisation is a good thing and that socialism is the answer?
An orgy of virtue signalling about sick refugees in Bangladesh.
Poor people somewhere are poorly? Obviously. This is not news. This is why Trump calls them fake: they just sit snug and smug in their warm studios chatting about safe subjects which do not affect their viewers.
Plus an ethnic woman on the sports desk! She clearly has no knowledge about Liverpool’s tactical deficiencies, but who cares about the content of your character when your skin is not hideously white and you are female?
Lots of reporting on the weather – a lovely safe and inoffensive subject. Soon they will report solely on natural phenomena as these do not upset any particular group, though someone recently was triggered by the term ‘white Christmas.’ Soon the BBC will be 24 hours of men, women and children of all races just hugging and smiling.
I disagree. The weather forecast will become the climate change news.
David R, the weather forecast is already climate change news. For instance, the shower of shit called the Met Office has their front page title as such:
Weather and climate change – Met Office
keywords and metatags are:
Weather and climate change
The one featuring some geezer in Pakistan saying he is shovelling them in like Yvette Cooper does expenses… ‘I am Muslim and so helping them because they are Muslim’?
A bit of an ‘Ooops’ in the VS dept. chez W1A as even the faithful are noting it would be better as ‘I am human and helping them as I am human’.
Too late, guys. Waaaay too late.
Toady watch
Really tried not to listen but caught the 0800 segment
Someone called Ben okra ( African) going on about men in prison being unable to read. He asked them if they blamed their school. They were too thick to take the hook and say ‘yes’ . In this rapidly feminising world men do not seem to be men any more – just apologists for this and that. At least these thickos will be able to read and write so they’ll be able to do benefits fraud for a living to support their kids who can’t read….
That was followed by a meaningless interview by meeeshaaal with some twit talking about the weather in2017. I think she was trying to blame something but my mind had switched off by then.
Then there was a hilarious mess of an interview by the work experience girl about landlords evicting people because they weren’t paying their rents. Disgraceful . They chap representing landlords was clear and logical but the snowflake just ranted . Corbyn is aiming to end private renting by crushing landlord through regulation . Such fun. I am not a landlord.
Then a piece about how soft noises are good for you- a sonic cuddle. Lord god I switched off
I’m guessing there is no even moderately non lefty as guest propagandist on this Toady nonsense – just wealthy types doing that virtue signing thing.
“Is illiteracy the cause of crime in the UK?”, asks Ben Okri the black author on Toady this morning. Okri then interviews some lags who all blamed their illiteracy as root cause of their criminal behaviour. All were black. Here are some questions for Ben Okri: Why do Black people have a propensity to commit crime, especially violent crime; Why are black people over represented in our prisons (and in tv commercials)?; Why are black children more likely to be expelled, sorry, “permanently excluded” than their white classmates and finally, why are black people in a perpetual state of denial about these facts when objectively informed about them (eg Lammy and Abbott)?
Ben should now read ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ to the cons to improve their reading ability and enhance their critical thinking.
Wednesday it was cute that the Today prog was given over to the “learning difficulties boy” Harry
… And he brought on his own father to interview
And then one of his idols from America
that he’s seen on TV
So normally R4Today gives us narrow minded left/lib bias
… so having a guest editor in a sensible world would, briefly, give us an alernative view.
But instead the leftism is TURBOCHARGED and rammed diwn our throats.
\\ #BenOkri showing just what a diverse cross section
… of under-represented,unknown metropolitan cultural elitists there are on #R4today //
Cassandra the answer to all your questions is, of course, ‘institutional racism’ in all our institutions: nurseries, schools, universities, examination boards, IQ tests, police, courts, prisons, employers, NHS, mental health services, psychometric tests, media, sports (eh?), the music industry (eh?) everywhere. It’s all whitie’s fault, never theirs. Always. Everywhere. We are all horrible racists. Just ask the beeb.
Its also telling that many black people have a real problem with articulacy. Many 3rd generation black children who are interviewed either at school or in the street still retain the patois way of speaking that their grandparents brought over from the WI / Africa. Has anybody asked why ? Is it something they actively encourage to keep their heritage alive ?
Brissles, here in Birmingham we have third generation Pakistani kids with strong Pakistani accents that have yet to visit their country of origin, innit.
My point exactly Cass ! I have Yorkshire blood and heritage, yet don’t have a trace of a Yorkshire accent, being born in the South. So why can’t these third generations be the same ?
I have met Ben Okri and I thought his accent & pronunciation had ‘reverted’ somewhat this morning. I only heard the end of the programme and was surprised by the change. Am interested that it appears to have been noticed here, too.
You are quite right, Brissles. When young lads were rioting oop nawth in Lancashire around the turn of the century because there were no jobs for them, both the BBC and Jack Straw annoyed me by describing them as immigrants.
They were at least third generation, their grandfathers (and possibly great-grandfathers) from the Indian sub-continent having come over to work in the cotton industry. When interviewed by the BBC, they spoke with broad Lancashire accents.
That young man who ran away from the Police then swallowed drugs and died was actually reading a book when the Police questioned him on the street at 11pm. A discussion ensued about the importance of sovereignty and the youth ran away and swallowed drugs in protest.
Ben asks his question. WE all say yes.
We switch off. And let Ben flannel on for ten minutes with no further comment from us.
This is not news, not even a question.
” Is cabbge fever the cause of Noth Korean parades and cards getting held up in their one stadium”?
Over to you Ben…
Whether we might actually want to (or not) let’s consider race for a moment – touchy subject but afterall, the BBC with all their on-screen race quotas are certainly not colour blind and presumably it follows that our national broadcaster doesn’t expect or desire their audience to be colour blind.
So early today we have the already highly over-feminised (halfway to being Women’s Hour on TV) BBC Breakfast with presenters Tina Daheley and Naga Munchetty handing over to the sport spot with Reshmin Chowdhury – Three British-Asian Princesses – I guess that’s what the BBC call diversity!
Which sort of leads into a hot-button story for the BBC this morning – British NHS medics flying out to administer care to the refugee Rohingya Muslims. Who, by the way, just in case you didn’t know, ‘have been forced to flee Myanmar due to persecution’ – thanks for the superfluous footnote editorialising there BBC, that’s pretty much the definition of refugee but I guess when the term refugee gets so over employed (by the media) it loses meaning.
Can’t help but notice (see above how the BBC doesn’t want or expect its viewers to be colour blind) that our two guest volunteer NHS A&E Nurses soon to be flying out are decidedly White English. I guess there might be some interesting unspoken NHS exchange system operating here because just about every NHS medic I meet in London appears to hail from the Subcontinent (I digress).
So off they pop to Bangladesh to vaccinate against “Deadly” Diphtheria (not just Diphtheria mind you but “Deadly Diphtheria”- so there we go again with the footnote editorialising)
And there we were thinking the NHS was overstretched, underfunded, desperately in need of overseas medics to come here, yada yada.
BBC breakfast is only ‘halfway to women’s hour’? Like most of the BBC output, it’s like struggling through the women’s section of the Guardian.
Brown people have been persecuting each other all my life and no doubt for centuries before the birth of Lefty.
I consider it to be none of our business and we should leave them alone. I expect the two white nurses will be advising said “refugees” on the best way to get to Europe where they can be cared for properly.
I imagine the interventionist Britain Lasters will one day manage to turn Britain into a carbon copy of Myanmar. The daft,wet buggers.
Never any Chinese though. Nor any classically black Africans as we`d once have known them. Can`t think why-might have been able to once, but that part of my brain has long been limewashed and turned to oatmeal.
Too many years in education, too many towing the party line in council and in schools.
2018 … the year all socialists and Labour members give Laura Pidcock and Jeremy Corbyn their properties and savings so Jeremy and Laura can spread the wealth. Gary ‘£1.75m BBC wages paid under threat of prison’ Lineker and Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans could lead the way …for the many, Not you.
I’m seeing this hashtag #FBPE on lefty Twitter account
= Follow Back Pro EU
… better summed as Frequent Bullshitter Pro EU
And here was me thinking the Florida Bureau of Professional Engineers was oddly over represented in the UK.
“Have we a plot in the Neverglades for you”
It is a useful hashtag as it means the author is certifiably a hoot.
Quick link back to comments from 27th Dec
Guest Who posted about Sadiq
He does like tweeting too. And posing. And blowing money. The bbc will love this one.
Note his Freudian slip “BEHIND every great man”
… ie the Islamic cultural tradition of woman walking BEHIND the man
..instead of EQUAL partners walking along side each other.
Someone tweeted
\\ This man recently spoke at an event where women had to enter through a separate entrance.
They weren’t allowed to use the same entrance as men.
What a f*cking hypocrite.//
I wonder what kind of woman is behind every unsuccessful man? Any advice on that one Ladies?
Link for that
Is sadiq khan saying votes matter and we would listen to the 52%? Or do votes only matter when women vote?
Is Sadiq/Labour PR behind the turning of the NYE fireworks into a POLITICAL message event ?
\\ As a symbolic New Year’s resolution, the second half of the London fireworks playlist will feature exclusively women artists: Annie Lennox, Aretha Franklin, Florence Welch, Ariana Grande and Dua Lipa.
It’s to celebrate 100 years since women got the vote. #CapitalReports //
That’s #EverydaySexism
Sadiq the man who makes pledges
..and then just breaks them
..Guido has the list
Maybe celebrate women being able to drive and visit the cinema in 2018 Saudi Arabia!
I notice no Divine, no Caitlyn, no Antonia and the Johnsons, no Dame Edna though.
Our trans-lads are NOT represented, Kenneth McKellar doesn`t count either.
Hope Paris Lees and the boys get down to Trafalgar Square and cause a rumpus at being excluded.
Sadiq wants us to commit cultural suicide
He doesn’t like spending money on fireman, though, Stew.
Have a look at the GLA Budget. 😉
As the previous Thread was commenced with a Damien Green header, I’ll pitch in with a bit more on this Thread. It is wild speculation, but – hey – this is a BBC related and BBC bias related site, is it not? Wild speculation and the BBC? Bias and the BBC? “Oh, hello Laura. Not working are you? It’s not yet the day after the day after Hogmanay.”
The Damien Green ‘thing’ all came about because he was going to make a bid for the leadership of the Conservative Party after a suitable stalking horse started a leadership challenge.
I hear you all exclaim. Damien Green was one of the PM’s most loyal supporters, you say. One of her few long-term friends in politics.
I am minded of what Winston Churchill once said, famously growled by Robert Hardy in ‘The Wilderness Years’: “Politics is foul!”
Also, the well-known advice, ‘Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.’
Stranger things have happened.
The BBC seems to be prioritizing the story of the sick Syrian children over everything else on radio and television news programs now for the last two days whereas SKY, RT and Gold Radio etc have not. Perhaps I’ve got a heart of stone or a bout of Passion Fatigue but does anyone know why?
Cassandra, peace is probably about to break out in Syria with that last enclave in the suburbs of Damascus being overrun in the New Year, if not already. The BBC have been Judge, Jury and lead-Prosecutor against Bashir al-Assad, have already found him guilty of everything including the Slaughter of the Innocents two millennia back and want to see him sentenced.
Funny how the BBC do not mention the Christian community or the Jewish community that both survive in Damascus, today, under Assad’s evil, vile, murderous regime.
I wonder why?
I saw the item on the sick Syrian children, and one thing puzzled me. Among the children there was a girl supposedly suffering from Haemophilia. Now, when I was at school in the 60’s, there was a boy in our class who suffered from the condition and I distinctly remember the teacher discussing it with us in a Biology lesson, and she told us that it was caused by a defect in the ‘Y’ chromosome and therefore only affected males – females could pass on the defect to their offspring but couldn’t actually suffer themselves. Now, has science changed since then, of is this more BBC “news”?
Perhaps someone more knowledgeable than I am could enlighten me.
It’ll be because of Brexit I suppose.
Failing that, Trump.
Allegedly climate change or far right white male science
It can happen. It is very, very rare for obvious reasons.
It is mentioned in the Bible.
Luke chapter 8, verses 43 to 48.
Worth a read.
Great ending!
So yesterday Radio4’s 13:45 Penpal show was about someone writing to a Muslim
…whereas today “Jim Al-Khalili gets a new pen-pal”
11:00 am Here we are in Paraguay, the river is drying up
(right at the end we get “since we got back we have heard that the rains have come to the lower sectors, so once again the river is beginning to rise, but this early rain season means the bulldozers weren’t completely ready”)
3:30pm BBC favourite David Walliams … doesn’t he black up sometimes ?
4:30pm Science ..partially about how “Gibraltar is the most concentrated site of Neanderthal occupation in the world”
Wouldn’t it be great for the BBC to air a Gibraltan journalist ?
… The BBC sends eco-warrior Adam Rutherford instead ..who is always preaching that WE have to limit our carbon footprint
6:30pm The Susan Calman Show …who BTW was on Channel4 last night on the Miranda show.. Medialand is one big bubble isn’t it ?
8pm : The Future for US Democrats with Jon Sopel ..I expect it will be super biased free ride for them.
11pm : Marcus Brigstocke – “He’ll be tackling some of the sport’s biggest problems, like racism and homophobia – and also FIFA.”
Helping .. will be Margaret Cabourn-Smith (from the Miranda show)
11:30pm : All this week it’s Lenny Henry and the black drama team
Having been to places and speaking the languages does give me an advantage in checking BBC dramatic narratives
..After the Paraguay drought story I typed : chaco lluvia Paraguay ..into Twitter search
Take a wild guess what this means
The prog admitted that had been rain in lower Paraguay since they got back, but this news is talking about rain in the highlands ..admittedly the river itself is in the next Province south, but I expect there has been rain there also now.
facebook censorship ?
I got a message from my Radio4 Facebook group saying they had accidentally blocked me , so I re-applied and they let me in
What was weird just now I posted almost the same comment from above in that Radio4 Facebook group.
In a few minutes I got this
“Why your post was removed ..We removed this post because it looks like spam to us. If you did post this and don’t believe it’s spam, you can let us know.”
I clicked the “Not Spam button” and the post was immediately accepted
“Thanks again for letting us know about this post. We took another look and found it doesn’t go against our Community Standards, so we’ve restored your post. ”
FFS how can such a review be so INSTANT ?
Screenshot of that (click to magnify)
For Christmas I recieved a copy of ‘Patronising Bastards’ by Quentin Letts. What a fabulous read. The author does a brilliant job of highlighting how the ‘elite’ are ruining our great country. The bbc gets a good drubbing too. Well worth a read.
Smug Patronising Bastards rather sums up yesterdays R4Today program
R4Today is normally a prog for the smug Lib/left to push their agenda at us whilst excluding non-lib/left voices
…. so having a guest editor in a sensible world would, briefly, give us an alternative view.
…….But instead the leftism is TURBOCHARGED and rammed down our throats.
Wednesday it was cute that the prog was given over to ‘the learning difficulties boy’ Harry
… And he brought on his own father to interview. *
.. And then one if his idols he’s seen on TV
* The naive boy wouldn’t realise that his father’s business benefits greatly from the Green Agenda subsidies.
nor his American idol’s Pork Barrel politics from when he first became a senator
Did anyone have the misfortune to watch Hardtalk, Review of 2017? I was at the gym and unfortunately it was on the TV right in front of me. I don’t think I have ever seen such a bunch of self-satisfied, virtue-signalling libtards in such concentrated form within a 30 minute programme. It absolutely encapsulated the self-righteousness of BBC journalism. The worst of the lot was Stephen Sackur (a surname that almost rhymes with what he is) who came across as incredibly vain and patronising and whose contributions to the programme were mostly about how incredibly great he was in obtaining the interviews he had conducted. Even my leftie husband thought he was disgusting. Paraphrasing – he thought they, the BBC, were holding people “to account” in cases where the judiciary were not. There was a rather telling snippet where Mrs Milosovich (wife of the evil Slob Milosovich) was being interviewed by Tim Sebastian for Hardtalk and she told him she thought she was being interviewed to give another side to the debate on her husband. She said Tim was one of the most unpleasant men (presumably with the exception of her husband!) she had ever met and she wasn’t going to answer any more of his questions if he wasn’t prepared to listen to the answers. This is the BBC version of “no platforming” where you invite someone disagreeable (to the BBC) to interview and then don’t let them speak. A subtle form of brainwashing…… Mustn’t let the Plebs make up their own minds, we’re not bright enough!
Doesn’t that just about sum up the BBC journalists? Only want their own viewpoint to come across.
‘ I don’t think I have ever seen such a bunch of self-satisfied, virtue-signalling libtards… absolutely encapsulated the self-righteousness of BBC journalism’
Completely agree. And funnily enough I was on just the same train of thought as I watch for about the umpteenth time that BBC News Channel countdown to the hour corporate indent trailer where viewers are supposed to be impressed and excited by the visualised news signals beamed from around the world back to the Broadcasting House news hub. But think about those images – every news location and news event has to be mediated to the viewer by some BBC personality presenter. Because how on earth could we plebs absorb, interpret and properly react to the news were we not spoon fed by the precious BBC elite?
These end of year reviews are just an excuse to give us a mash up of liberal twaddle over the year-all to the detriment of the real people of this country.
I`m doing my own…and here`s MY review(pt1)
JAN- Oscars show that those who hate Trump enough to slag him off throughout their ceremony are THAT thick that-when they get a choice of two envelopes-they STILL can`t choose the right one. What`s the betting that we`ll not be hearing too much on this in the Reviews?
PS(It was Moonlight and not La La Land that won-but eho knows of either?)
FEB-N.Korea fires its first of FOUR rockets in vilation of every agreement signed-but he`s anti-Trump so is indulged…this has gone all , all year too.
Also the Berkely riots in California because Milo shows up. How very Pyongyang-so this is admissible by the Left.
George Osborne gets job #6 at Standard-this is not news or eyebrow raisng now though, because he`s now oon the side of progressive righteousness. so not to be criticised any longer.
MAR-Article 50 agreed-but apparently , even though this is a simple clause that requires no payment-it now turns out to be really difficult and expensive, for reasons that mutate by the day. No further questions.
Death of the Great Statesman Martin McGuinness who leaves 589 widows behind.
Spring brings the Arab Spring ritual of the murder of a uniformed officer in Westminster-the Rigby songbird mating call-and the media already no longer name Massood or poor Keith Palmer(as well as the drabs and tourists who hardly merit the Cox Response do they?)
APR-Death of Darcus Howe too-so progress at least.
May calls an election, and everyone rejoices at the chance to bin Corbyns mob.
MAY-Arianna Grande “Crusaders Party shindig” gleefuly wiped out by Salfords very own Abedi-but Liam Gallgher plays his latest shit single at the cricket ground a few weeks later, so every cloud eh?…Macrons landslide(mais, naturellement!)
JUN-shit election result, Mays catastrophic decision to go to the polls slated by Aprils experts.
Grenfell Towers-Labour, EU and Greens no longer available for comment. London Bridge stabbings with weighted trucks. Days Of Rage anyway-and crappy Tories fail to fight.
Trump bins Paris Accords-a highlight for me!
JULY-Venezuela, usual lefty absolutions. BBC incurious
AUG-BBC salaries, NOT TO BE MENTIONED. Charlotteville, taking the knee crap and some Barcelona driving malfunction as yet to be determined. Brucie(WGAF?)
SEP-Merkels triumph,
OCT-Las Vegas shootings(not by the left at all), Marseilles murders(not Islam) and Mugabe gets WHO Goodwill Ambassador gig offered. Xi as new Chinese Sun God-and no jokes from the BBC either(it`s their culture). Harvey Weinstein-thar he blows oo arr! Czech election results make Left sad again! Saudi Arabia thinking of getting to 1937 mores at least.
NOV-Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, valuable only if that means Boris goes. He doesn`t topple-so all that Green Revolution stuff she may or may not have been doing for the BBC in Iran 2009 can now be swept under the shagpile. Mugabe goes( Left sad), Austria makes left even sadder with its election results. Paradise papers-great-oh dear, Bono and Lineker-abort and hush up willya? Trumps classic tweet that made Ann Coulter a name to enrage the left-finally.
DEC-Trump recognises Jerusalem, and Damien Green goes by his own effete rules of that games he`s played. But it`ll be sinister.
Best death of the Year-Darcus Howe. Worst-Tom Petty/Walter Becker.
This list would be better if only I could draw like the sainted Scot-Scottish Calvin-thanks for the cartoons, keep `em coming eh in 2018!
Thank you for the effort – it shows really how soon al Beeb tipexs events which it can’t use but repeats events it can use for its own purposes. I could list them but I would prefer to put them in their place.
Exactly, Chris!
ChrisH. Pretty good, but you missed out on Ian Brady who died in mid-May.
And so Darcus Howe must take his place behind Brady as the “best death of 2017”.
There is a case for Helmut Kohl mind-his funeral in June across both Strasbourg and Colmar reminded me very much of the EUs “Horst Wessel” moment.
I myself thought of poor David Cassidy, great Glen Campbell and Dishy Don Williams who was a favourite in our house way back.
Up2snuff: I’ve noticed that Assad is as popular with the BBC as Trump. That means, regardless of what happens in Syria on the ground, Assad is going to be the baddie! This effect will be reinforced by the Assad-Putin link; because Putin is also a baddie.
Occasionally someone changes in the BBC script, but not often: the Burmese lady who was soooo popular once because she seemed to oppose the Burmese military, became a baddie when the Rohinga Muslim thing started up.
This makes the BBC boring and predictable. We know exactly what Sopel is going to tell us from Washington. I could write Lise Ducet’s script for her. Eddie Mair will be entirely predictable. Etc. ,etc.
This is the very nature of propaganda. A Goebbels or a Trotsky was no different. The pain is being forced to pay for this garbage, and knowing that young minds are going to believe it.
How true fakenewswatcha!
My Red Button tells me that the CHURCH OF ENGLANDS BISHOP in LIVERPOOL spoke to THE GUARDIAN and about DONALD TRUMP.
Shall we colour it in for ourselves? Do we need a pencil or can we use a pen straight away and without nannys hand to guide it?
In short-what the f*** is the point of THAT as a story?
It wrote itself in 1981-and, all we need do is change the names for the new set of fops who know their bibles less well than their Radio Times.
fnw, yes. Their minds are made up. The BBC support terrorism and anti-democracy. Am no particular supporter of President Assad, merely an observer from afar. (And I can well believe some his henchmen are right thugs but as they are family, his personal survival, and that of his wife and children, may depend on him keeping them close and in post.) I do however have a friend whose sister is now living, relatively safely, in Damascus.
President Assad is democratically elected, however. Those who have rebelled against him and the rule of law in Syria have no doubt been ‘stoked up’ by outside forces and I would not be in the least surprised if the CIA’s grubby fingerprints were in there somewhere.
The BBC are happy to support the incursion of foreign mercenaries into Syria as well as the rebellion against Assad. They report slightly unfavourably on any Russian involvement; there is a noticeable tinge to any BBC comments on that. Yet the BBC get upset at the thought of outside forces ‘interfering’ in the EU Referendum, the US Presidential Election and the UK General Election.
The BBC are, however, quite happy to take a position on Syria. Some might say they are interfering. I definitely would.
Breathtaking hypocrisy by the BBC.
Funny thing is: in their current concern for foreign interference in the democracy of nations, they do not seem a bit concerned at all about possible Russian interference on the outcome of the Austrian, Dutch, French and German leadership elections.
I wonder why?
OT, but BBC house journal and tomorrow’s running order:
Wonder what Franny’s fact Checkers may discover… or decide to avoid?
‘Franny’s fact Checkers’
An odd case of word association but I read that as Fanny – as in Cradock – BBC sure to be pulling that story out of the hot place which is the Guardian with super-safety-strength oven mits. If at all?
Ah the wonderful Fanny Craddock!
Whenever I see her mentioned I always think of that anecdote of her doing a demonstration of cooking ring doughnuts, and when she had finished the announcer said “And I hope your doughnuts turn out like Fanny’s”
With reference to increased taxi driver crime I would have thought that the first thing to do is to check out whether we are now hosting increased numbers of “Swedish men” in this country. I hear sex crimes are up in Sweden. Must be due to all those drunk vikings walking around with axes.
As for the delightful Fanny Craddock (and lets not forget “Johnny”) I saw her years ago on telly cooking a meal for Ted Heath. – Pity she hadnt fed him ground glass at the time.If she had maybe things may have been very different in this country.
Think it may have been Johnny who came out with that line, not the BBC announcer.
It was a different ‘Johnny’ who created quite a money-spinner for the BBC by saying “He couldn’t quite get his leg over.” before collapsing in a fit of giggles that became, and still are, highly infectious.
That will be the same Taxi drivers who refuse to take dogs in their cabs. I have told my 75 year old mum to call the firm and say I don’t want some bloke who refuses to take dogs – I guess she could end up getting 20 years in a BBC Re-programming camp for that
Has the Guardian noticed how many taxi-drivers are so-called “Asian” these days?
If you let your daughter take a taxi driven by a Roper you are guilty of neglect.
What a thoughtful guy Prez Trump is, he has put up this helpful reminder:

And isn’t it strange how things turn out, The Donald’s first ever major award, as listed by Wikipedia, was from the Jewish National Fund in 1983. The Tree of Life Award was presented to him for his contributions to Israel-United States relations.
Now, 34 years later, the same person is President of the United States and the man responsible for initiating the move of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem …
And even a Trump Train with no brakes should have a Trump Station, so why not have one in Jerusalem … :,7340,L-5062578,00.html
Roll on, Trump Train!
Greenpeace/FriendsofTheEarth/WWF/ Oxfam : Well funded multinational non-democratic orgs devoted to pushing DramaGreen activism, government spending and restrictive laws
BBC : an org supposedly funded to provide the UK public with IMPARTIAL radio/TV/web material
..But from the look of Radio5 Live’s FaceBook page they seem to think they are in the first category
an example
another : December 11 at 8:43am ·
\\#5liveYourCall: Are you helping to turn the tide on plastics? #BluePlanet2 has focused on the issue of plastic pollution to the front of people’s minds. But has it encouraged you to recycle more or use plastic less? This morning we want to know if//
long list …more
TWatO. Hugh Sykes reporting from Iraqi Kurdistan.
A largely excellent & welcome report from Hugh contains a couple of blunders. He speaks of the collapse in the oil price. That was years ago. It has recently recovered to a three or four-year high, at just over 50% above its long-term modern norm of $30-£40pb. A significant blunder from the BBC, an organisation that is scathing of new and other media that are not 100% accurate.
Then Hugh Sykes highlighted the British withdrawal of support for a Referendum on the creation of an independent state of Kurdistan. He doesn’t mention why that should be or why other European nations and the EU would also withdraw their support. (Am not sure whether Trump’s position on behalf of the USA was mentioned.) He doesn’t speculate, which is good. He doesn’t inform, either, which is bad.
I wonder why the UK did not support a peaceful exercise in democracy in Iraq?
Answers please.*
(*A shrewd guess: the concerns of a neighbour? nudge, nudge. wink, wink.)
Many Pakistani’s have dual residency with the UK. Thinks: duuuuu…… Many more arrive annually. ‘Open door’ to more islamic radicalisation in the UK? What could go wrong?
Gatestone previously reported that the Pakistani’s treat people of no faith more harshly than they already do with Christians. Seems those of no faith, being non-religious, have no morals or scruples whatsoever.
I shouldn’t be surprised if many also have Dual Identity as well, especially when it comes to benefits and voting.
Allegedly ….
G, there are over four million, church going Anglicans in Pakistan.
Probably more than the church going Anglicans in the UK. (Whistling, eye-rolling emoticon)
Radio 4 1 pm news reporting on Kabul bombing. The usual prefix ‘so-called’ added to islamic state.
What has often intrigued me is the favoured alternative term ‘the islamic state group’, now used frequently as an alternative.
Fisrstly, what is this Islamic State Group? It sounds like a mega corporation. Is IS registered as a business now? Also, the use of the term ‘group’ seems to obviate the need for ‘so-called’.
I have often wondered if this convention was arrived at by some beeb committee that decided it’s ok to leave out so-called if IS can be described as if it was a business organisation, therefore not a religion?
David Waddell of the BBC coined this “so-called” phrase. Here is his reasoning, and I quote him “Although it has its own self-styled caliph, it is not a state. Firstly, it is an organisation or a movement rather than a state, and secondly, the territory it occupies in Iraq and Syria is not recognised as a state by any sovereign nation anywhere in the world.”
Of course when “so-called” is juxta-posed with “Islamic” i.e. so-called Islamic State, rather than “Islamic so-called State” it handily distances itself from being “called” Muslim, which is what the pro-Islamic BBC wants to do. How much more honest to call it “self-proclaimed” (I’d have no issue with that) or even “self-styled.” Typical BBC obfuscation and brain washing by word-play.
It had its own currency treasury and bills, its own borders as taken by Islamic imperative and had natural resources and governance as determined by its “leaders”. It WAS a State in any meaning of the word.
As much of one as Mugabes or Chavez-and had it established stronger borders would have been like N.Korea maybe?
Waddells a fantasist. lexicon shuffling as the pyres burned and the heads rolled.
And finally before I sign out for today, on the BBC News Stories front page on my tablet this morning “The shows you won’t want to miss in 2018” they are promoting this. “The Assassination of Katie Hopkins.”
“And finally, we’ll witness The Assassination of Katie Hopkins (above) at Theatr Clwyd (20 April – 12 May) – another musical satire, this time about “truth, celebrity and public outrage”
However much you agree or disagree with K.H., the woman is ALIVE and how can this not be incitement to hatred, or murder. How do the BBC get away with advertising a play about assassinating somebody they disagree with?
Hopefully Katie will get US legal advice and sue the pants of anybody involved in this incitement to murder.
And put the BBC top of the charge sheet-they still owe Cliff and Nigel huge sums, about time they ganged up to destroy the BBC on our behalves.
A Muslim couple got put away in prison just before Christmas for planning to kidnap and kill her.
This cannot stand-Plaid Cymru used to burn cottages for less that this theatre is inciting.
Playing with fire in all senses of the phrase.
They had a good laugh about the Julius Caesar production in which the murdered leader was made to look like Trump. Haw, haw, haw! Inciting murder, how hilarious! Absolutely disgusting. They covered it as part of their main bulletin and all had an audible chuckle.
They really showed their true colours with Trump and Brexit. Clearly ‘hate speech’ is fine when they are doing the hating.
It’s just as well for double standards otherwise they would not have any.
Followed by the “killing of jo cox” I’d put money on that being in production right now with Meryl as jo and Bobbi Deniro as the limp husband . Guest appearance by Harry Windsor and Meghan with Hussein Obama . Naturally produced by . H Weinstein . Idris Elba as Corbyn , babs Windsor as T may.
Holy shit Feddy you are getting just too close to the truth. You’re gonna have to be sorta – you know—-disappeared.
Stay off the Harvey Wallbanger cocktails and don’t drink and drive
Santa delivered to me the Quentin Letts book Patronising Bast&rd$ – How the Elites Betrayed Britain. A very good read and quite a few references to the BBC and the old boy network.
Wow they’re making another “now show”.
“Under represented groups”
– Well I’m in the short ginger haired group
Yet I can only think of Ardal O’Hanlon from import show Father Ted.
And maybe Jasper Carrot years ago..where are the gingers on BBC comedy ?
By genes there should be far more ginger people than black .
Buzzfeed struggled and claimed Cumberbatch is
Fortunately we had imported ‘ginger’ Audrey Fleurot a few weeks ago in Witness and back again this Saturday in Spiral, (a very bad programme where the ‘baddies’ are more reprsentative of the real ‘baddies’ than they would ever be on a BBC-made crime series.).
Paedophiles don’t get the representation al Beeb used to give them ….
“Under represented groups”
Would this include Brexit supporters and so called far right groups?
So finally a “native Brit” Arthur Collins has has been convicted for an acid attack, which is great… and it’s all over the BBC which has given us a running commentry over the months.
Yet from January 2015 to April 2017 the police force recorded 833 attacks that fell into this category. Most occurred in the London Borough of Newham.
Buy why the scilence on the other 832 attacks BBC???
Of course the reason for the BBC’s enthusiastic coverage is because Arthur Collins is “native British”… and we must remember that native Brits throw acid and rape as well.
Never mind that a certain special “demographic” is doing these crimes at 1000 times the rate of everyone else… because they think women should cover up, stay indoors and be escorted by a male relative… shhhhhhhh
In 1994, Dec 30th -a Boston gunman killed two people who worked/attended an abortion clinic. This one story of ultra-evangelical brutality has long been used to show the herd that “well, Christians are no better than Muslims are, are they”?
This meme will carry us all into 2018, so come Dec 30th-remember what mileage the Left can get out of one story they like. As opposed to the few hundred this year and last that they did NOT think as indicating any problem with Islam.
Exactally, one “christian” event in 30 years, equals 30,000 jihad events in 16 years according to the left.
BBC News
People around the world are covering one eye in solidarity with a baby injured in Syria. #SolidaritywithKarim
Seems very sad and best wishes for a quick recovery to Karim.
However, the BBC seems to know ‘people’ few others closer to home are aware of. Not sure where this all fits in with the #metoo or #bringbackMichellescredibility cardboard efforts.
Cue Malala…
## ## etc.
That reminds me. Whatever happened to Michelle Obama’s “Bring back our girls”? Vanished into the ether. Yet another raving success to be celebrated in the echo chamber.
Yes you could make a year review of lib/left initiatives that failed and were hidden from reporting/follow-up
So only Muslims who drink alcohol are homophobic ?
– I note narrative inflation in the headline.
“Alcohol makes people more racist and homophobic”
Whereas the body says “violent hate crime”
BTW the sample size was just 23 attacks
… How can you draw proper conclusions ?
But Ropers don’t drink, are al least aren’t supposed to, but they are extremely homophobic and loath anyone who isn’t of their faith, which , even though not based on race is on a par with it.
Ban beer. Ban fun. Alcohol possibly a great moment of relief in human suffering, even Jesus approved. 2018 … beer is racist. Everyone who drinks is racist. If you voted remain and drink are you double racist?
Marky – you sound like your mullahed
Hate Crime and drink crime. Drink brings out hate.
Hate is crime.
Drink is hate.
Thus drink is crime.
But it`s Metro Stew.
Singletions and snowflakes working ludicrous hours, jammed into other young`uns armpits on Manchester trams, London tubes and Bristol buses. Only they read this crap-costs nothing, as valid as Osbornes Standard-being free , it has no need to be truthful. Just hate Trump. love Corbyn and crave an end to Brexit. That is ALL these metropolitan free rags are meant to convey to their post grads at Nandos who fear Muslims but would never dare say it.
This is why it`s all free-because it`s worthless as news.
I think it is more likely that all the alcohol does is diminish people’s sense of faux PC’ness and fear of saying the ‘wrong’ thing and gives them the courage to voice their true opinions.
All this confirms in my eyes is that people are letting their real feelings simmer away under the surface.
Funny thing that. Alcohol (these days) in moderate amounts makes me feel very tired and ready for bed (and by that I mean to sleep). Apparently,with Muslims, it makes them go Queer Bashing. Perhaps one of our excellent English mini breweries could invent a beer that makes Queers go Muslim Bashing. Who knows,our National Broadcaster might even be persuaded to show The Match? If you don’t want to know the score look away now.
I see that the man accused of murdering a woman in Aldi has appeared in court.
I don’t ever recall seeing this before though in any previous reports of this nature
“Neville Hord, 44, spoke only to confirm his full name, date of birth and British nationality during a short hearing at Leeds Crown Court.”
Normally the BBC would consider the nationality of the accused not worthy of mention – how odd ……
Or perhaps not.
Their website is dross: someone returned money to the person who lost it; Meghan Markle’s family love her; a giant goat decoration is up in Sweden.
The BBC is a classic example of diseconomies of scale. You would think with their expertise, budget and equipment they would be able to provide a fantastic news service. But I bet you cannot produce any ‘news’ without it first being run through numerous managers, checked with protocol etc; the virus of political correctness renders reality a hate crime. So instead of compelling news we hear about inflatable goats et cetera.
A group of bright sixth formers with a budget of £50 a day could probably produce a much better news website than the Beeb’s.
Who needs TV when you have… er.. TV people?
“Recounting the ordeal on his Radio 5 Live show”
BBC star ???????? does that make Huw Edwards an A lister then ? At least I can pronounce ‘Huw Edwards’ because I’ve now reached the stage where getting my tongue around the immigrant names of media ‘presenters’ is somewhat challenging, and I’m really fed up with having to second guess their names when they appear on screen. I don’t think I’m alone in this.
Zeinab Badawi (male or female)
Matthew Amroliwala – Anyone else struggle with his surname ?
Pooneh Ghoddoosi – me neither
Rajini Vaidyanathan – not even attempting
Bris oh come on any one can pronounce Matthew amwoliwoliwoliiwola … I’m sure there is an albeeb radio 4 one called shiny seat .
Nice try Fedup Lol ! almost as good as me. Admittedly his name in print is slightly easier when said slowly, but repeating it without seeing it is almost impossible.
That Sri Lankan name reminds me of this funny story related by cricketer and coach David Lloyd.
Today the BBC gushed with praise that “Corronation street” tackled the thorny issue of racism. During Wednesday’s episode, potential business clients Justin and Dale Parker told Alya: “If you come here you should behave the way we do.” RACISM!
Because of course it is racist to question peoples behaviour, beliefs, and critasize the practices within Islam… a religion which is based on using the life of prophet Muhammad as a role model… such critasism just muct be racism.
Of course Muhammud married the 6 year old child Aisha who he forced to cover up, owned non-Muslim sex-slaves like Maria the Copt, force-married Safiyya the same day he robbed and killed her “kufir” husband so he could satisfy his “urges”, and married his cousin Zaynab… but to even know these facts, which are written in the Koran and Hadiths is racist.
Today we see Muhammad being copied, in Rotherham and the country wide rape gangs with upto a million victims, some raped over 100 times (so millions or tens of millions of rapes perpetrated by thr UK’s 1.6 milllion Adult Muslem males)
We also see cousin marriages of 50% and the genetic disease that comes with it. Acid attacks on women to try to make the cover their faces… and the killing and terrorism which is “part and parcel”… but just for the “Kufir” of course.
So perhaps when Justin and Dale Parker told Alya: “If you come here you should behave the way we do.”… they were just trying to be nice, maybe what they wanted to ask is “do you condemn Muhammud for marrying a kid”… because they didn’t want to be associated with someone who condones things like child marriage and other nasty practices in Islam… thanks to “role model Muhammud”.
I don’t want to hang out with people who have those beliefs either, and i don’t want to expose my kids to teachers of carers who hold those beliefs either. And that not because i’m racist, it’s because i am wary to be associated with people who have a pervert like Muhammud as their role model (a waryness based on evidence like the grooming scandal).
Todays article:
Further Info:
Corrie also had enough humour to
a) laugh at the workshy good-for-nothings like Stan and Eddie
b) mocked the students who wanted “veggie or organic” in the shop-Vera famously said” you`ll find it with t`kranky stuff down there”-as she pointed to the end of the aisle.
c) dealt with lefty snobs made good like Ken, mocked the pretensions of Annie as she ate cat food behind the curtains and voted to Remain in the E.U.
There IS a porky above-but not as bad as the BBC citing anti-racist kudos for what none of us noticed as we watched.
Why do the BBC have to suffuse everything with their toxic toady values? Only because none of us need them, believe a single word any more.
Corrie knew us until the early 80s. Then came Eastenders to compete in getting public money to give us their AIDS crap etc.
I usually find something to listen to on iPlayer as I walk the dogs. Today I made the mistake of selecting Radio Four’s ‘Jeremy Hardy Feels…Fear’. The programme isn’t supposed to be about politics at all; it’s supposed to be about human emotions, but in fact it was highly politicised and always with an extreme leftist viewpoint. Hardy made political point after political point. Many of these points could have been easily demolished had anyone been there to do it, but no, Hardy had Radio Four to himself for 30 minutes.
I wouldn’t mind that if there was ever a similar program with a right wing viewpoint, but there isn’t.
Oh Fred I’m so sorry for you – the night before it was Comrade Mark Steele still doing his Reagan/Thatcher gags in the same vain. Still seems to be very few black or ‘new commonwealth ( paki)’ comics but I suppose it’s a cultural thing . I seem to remember before Hardy became an Al Beeb institution a lot of his act was pro Ira terrorism and anti the British State like police and army. Now he’s a sweety doing just afucking minute .
Sort of sense that they`ve given up on comedy at the BBC.
Nobody laughs-except in nervous recognition that their fellow Hammersmith bus-ins might just report them if they don`t whoop and holler on cue.
They`re forever shamed as we choose to watch Fawlty, Benny and Eric and Ern year on year-if only to remind the grandkids that things used to be funny once in GB.
No wonder they hate Christmas so much-like a yardstick of how reduced we`ve become as a common culture. I mean-Mrs Browns Boys? Citizen Khan?
And the annula figures confirm this-not that we`ll ever get a real comparison. More Or less won`t be telling us anytime soon. Too painful.
It’s the same if you try the amusingly named ‘ comedy hour ‘ on 4 extra where some gobbh al Beeb professional cockney introduces embarrassingly unfunny 25 – 30 somethings who do 5 minutes for their friends and family whooping away like brainless Americans . I gave up on that as it was so bloody depressing.
Oh dear, one desperately hopes the fairy tale is not already unravelling for our Friend-of-Hussain, BBC-star Prince and his lovely diverse fiancée.
She has apparently been touching his heartstrings with stories about her sad lonely childhood, prompting him to make a comment about ‘the family she never had’. But what’s this? Her half sister disagrees:
“Actually she [Meghan] has a large family who were always there with her and for her.
Our household was very normal and when dad and Doria divorced, we all made it so it was like she had two houses.
‘No one was estranged, she was just too busy.”
But be still my beating heart, it gets worse:
“PRINCESS PUSHY – Prince Harry’s new flame Meghan Markle is ‘a social climber’ who ‘is not fit to be royal’ – according to her own SISTER
Samantha Markle slams her half-sister actress as ‘shallow’ and ‘a social climber’ who shunned her family once making it in Hollywood… The ex-model said Meghan Markle’s ultimate ambition has always been to be a princess but added: “Her behaviour is certainly not befitting of a Royal Family member.”
What, a Hollywood starlet who was a social climber after royalty? Impossible. Unheard of.
I’m so upset I must go lie down for a week. I shall resume posting in the New Year, if I make it. Sob.
Hey, my eyes are up here.
Vlad – Phwooor One is aroused!
Oak – so are really Phil the Greek innit….!
One is ‘n all.
Oi !! Get your eyes off that fine parakeets. They’re ‘Arry’s —- for a little while.
Double entendre courtesy of the late great Benny Hill R.I.P.
That’s a fine pair of nuptials you have there Meg.
Meg’s smut on You Tube
I guess stories about Trump’s pussy grabbing have cost him an invitation. But what about Meg?
And being lawyers, they will make sure that some poor schmuck is billed for their time!
My god! Is that really Princess Meg about to go anal!!?
Pert – is that a real picture of a member of the British royal family in waiting ?
Prince and the show girl – I’m actually shocked that he wasn’t captured by fair British maiden of a similar class since the royals perpetuate the British class system which has let up down so badly
I’m surprised they didn’t wait for the queen to pop her clogs before dropping their standards that much. Spose she’s expecting . Al Beeb loves her anyway
no reason to believe it is not genuine but not sure if it was taken on a sofa at Sandringham!?
What has it all come to eh!?
Pert.( the Markle!)
Tempting though it is, i’m sure it’s photoshopped. The secret services will have combed the internet for any genuine pix and removed them.
Good luck to them with that!
I’m sick of her already.
Yeah, but my Cock is down here (indicates with thumb towards the hen house at the bottom of the studio garden)
News on 1 reporting on the ‘housing f crisis.’
No – it is an immigration crisis.
If you were having a party at your house and there was no room for any more guests you would just not let any more guests in. You would not invite them in and tell your current, well-behaved guests they have to go into the garden while you build new rooms to accommodate the newcomers. Especially if some of the new arrivals just want to crap on the carpet and change the music.
Is net migration 250,000 a year or more? Plus so many of the new arrivals have massive families. That is the real crisis and only Brexit could hope to offer any solution to the problem.
If they crack down on ‘rogue’ landlords – a lot of Asians committing voting, mortgage and benefits fraud in my part of east londonistan they’ll be a lot of illegals/Eu guest workers on the streets…. or maybe we ll get weepy albeeb stories of planes to Warsaw being full up but coming back empty .
Is Lily Allen a “rogue landlord”? Or is she a virtuous one?
Were her tenants claiming “diplomatic immunity”? Ot was she telling porkies about a decent Italian family who were probably paying a bit more that Kensington and Chelsea would permit for their vulnerable clients from Grenfell or Calais?
Questions-none of which will ever be asked by Maxi and his Media Muppets at the BBC.
ITV keeps repeating it’s trailer for Jan 8th drama
Next Of Kin with Archie Panjabi
All the images were of completely covered Muslims, yet the online promo pics just show glamourous photo of a bi-cultural couple.
By way of a short diversion, if we can take our eyes off Megs tits and forget our problem of the Welltodo Overseas Gentlemen for a minute I have just noticed that Wednesday evening next on BBC1 at 9pm, we have part 1 of a 3 part documentary called Miriam’s Big American Adventure starring that celebrated actress Miriam Margoyles. Now, Miriam is President Trump’s most devoted fan. So much so that she not long ago publicly referred to The Donald as “A piece of shit”- Very ladylike. I think that quote gives us an inkling of what kind of adventure we will be invited to join.
Lefty – Miram Gargoyle is closer to the mark. Typical BBC lefty. Suitable credentials I think even include being a lesbian.
Now can we back to the important stuff such as Megs fun bags!
Bags I get my nose in the trough first.
“Miriam travels nearly 1,000 miles from Chicago to New Orleans,
visiting communities along the way as she gets to know the people
whose voices are reshaping the nation since the election of Donald Trump.”
“Miriam hangs out with rapping brothers J-Mac and Tray Tray in Merrill Park – dubbed Murder Park by the regulars due to a spate of gang-related killings. But fearing Miriam’s life may be in danger, AZ, her personal security guard, decides to pull her out, amid concerns of an imminent rival gang visit.”
“With Trump’s anti-immigration policies unsettling the country Miriam wants to try and understand why people from other countries still want to become Americans. She heads to Indianapolis for a mass citizenship ceremony and meets the extraordinary José, who left his village in the jungle of the Congo and is now”
Her previous nuance and understanding
and “Save the NHS. It’s your responsibility!
What’s her name, that Theresa May. She’s no good at all
. She won’t do anything”
(from the end on Philip Schofield interview)
Thanks for the preamble. I’m sure that by the end of the series many of the people who bother to watch it will be suitably convinced that President Trump is to blame for not only all of America’s problems but quite likely all the problems of the entire Western World. I think it’s time that celebrities returned to doing what most of them do best i.e. boring us shitless with their lack of talent.
This C4 video from 2:43s would have got her BBC contract
Love for Corbyn, hate for May, rabid against Brexit
Seems fairly clear that the bbc needs to set up roving reporter Harry’s next fireside chat with our Miriam, stat.
Clearly both are top of the redial list at W1A, so an easy pairing.
Megs best watch out the BBC are not matchmaking for effect though.
After her ‘performances’ of playing to the camera and stealing every scene in the pensioners Real Marigold Hotel series, the idiot producers clearly feel she is tv ‘gold’ and capitalising on it with her own series. I really don’t want to listen to her breaking wind or see her bullying tactics when dealing with people anymore.
Wot you mean the woman can actually fart? And there was me thinking she was totally devoid of any kind of talent.
Cos the BBC doesn’t tackle why TMay WANTS to screw up Brexit I’ll post this idea from @Mailman
\\ Perhaps May is deliberately undermining the relationship with the US
in order to ensure there is no magnificent trade deal put in place to wean us off the teat of the EU?
Because it seems a rational, sane adult would actually be doing everything possible
to cosy up to the US to ensure we have a great trade deal in place EXACTLY
to offset the economic war that will eventually be waged by the EU upon the UK. //
The answer, is that we invade Europe as liberators, most of the European population, the real European population, would welcome our troops more enthusiastically than in 1945.
No declaration of war.
Just kill it.
Guys, help me out here. I saw on the News there’s been a sharp rise in taxi drivers sexually assaulting kafir women, and in particular under-16 year old girls. Of course they were baffled as to the causes, so I’ve been racking my brains: which group of men has a penchant for a) driving taxis, b) raping kafir women and c) young girls particularly?
Naturally my first thought was the French, but let’s be honest I haven’t heard a lot of taxi drivers with French accents.
Any Clouseau’s out there?
Once you’ve solved that one, perhaps you can turn your attention to that other great mystery of our time: why is there suddenly a shortage of housing, schools, NHS beds and doctors and other social services, just when they’re needed most for all the new migrants?
Then you might look at acid attacks which, according to Wikipedia, originated and are still most common in Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Answers on a postcard to the beebistan please.
P.S. No mention as yet of the epidemic of taxi rapes on the beeb website – strange how slow the world’s most subsidised broadcaster is to pick up on some stories.
This might be some help – except it was hidden by Birmingham council for 23 years.
By hiding that info they allowed the abuse to continue. They are therefore complicit and should be tried accordingly. No doubt the beebistan will do an expose’ of this shameful episode.
Will it hell.
“Burglar attempts break-in at Shropshire policeman’s home”
Reports TWMTB.
“Supt Tom Harding, of West Mercia Police, spotted the man from his window. He then drove around for an hour and a half to trying and find him.”
“The thought of someone invading your private property and private space is really disturbing,” he said.
Several aliens rape your 11yo daughter, you do not even get a crime number, then the police arrest you.
THAT is disturbing.
Lucky crime is going down right?
Or blame cuts for crime rising
Or blame it on the number of old bill tasked with suppressing anyone who they don’t politically agree with and call them “extreme”.
Some “crime commissioner” – a kind of self appointed nobody on a £100 000 a year going ‘cuts cuts cuts’ personally I prefer a smaller police force as it doesn’t represent me anymore .
1:33am Thursday : This guy must be a complete Climate nutter and BBC WS Business always has been insane
@FergusNicoll is joined for Business Matters by Activist Guest was @alexisgoldstein
Direct link to clip
FergusNickel : “Back in January we heard from Peter Wadhams about the situation in the Arctic”
Plays 2 minutes of alarmism from Wadhams. (He who predicts Ice-free Arctic every year and gets it wrong)
“Oh not everyone agrees” ..plays 30s of Scott Pruitt.
FN “We asked listeners and someone said listen to Ingmar Rentzhog from Sweden has started the hashtag #WeDontHaveTime” ..plays about 4 mins from him
FN asks studio guests “Alexis what do you reckon ?”
..she replies with activism saying she doesn’t believe in Scott Pruitt.
..Next asks Indian guest … “..oh these are sunset industries”
FN’s previous tweet… ffs he’s a BBC presenter
“22 Dec
Please share examples of successful #green projects – local, regional, national or international. Wouldn’t it be great to end the year with some positive and confidence-boosting stories about progress in healing the #environment ?”
2:21am Thursday R4 “UK has enjoyed its greenest ever year for electricity”
Then they play Harra.. Complete 2 min advert for “Green leccy”
“Blah blah…..Wind power cost has plunged well below that of nuclear… ….”
@Mark Hodgson pointed out the BBC’s own text debunks it’s headline narratives. And he exposes many deceptions.
UK enjoyed ‘greenest year for electricity ever’ in 2017
More misleading spin from the BBC. Dig down, and it contains stuff like this:
“The daily output of gas was outstripped by wind on just two days of the year.”
… So, now they’re attacking gas.
“Renewables overall – including wind, solar, biomass and hydropower – beat fossil fuels for ONLY 23 days of the year.”
Including biomass!!! (that’s burning all that forest in Drax)
Then they trot out an academic with vested interests, without telling you about his vested interests:
“Dr Andrew Crossland from MyGridGB and the Durham Energy Institute said:
“The government has focused on reducing coal use which now supplies less than 7% of our electricity.”
Next up from the BBC article:
“Emma Pinchbeck, executive director of Industry body RenewableUK, called for “more boldness” from the government.
She urged onshore wind to be developed across the UK in an “ambitious sector deal with the off shore wind industry”
that could help secure a “golden age for renewables” in 2018.”
The BBC simply describes Renewable UK as “industry body”, which isn’t inaccurate,
but implies that it’s a body of the energy industry.
In fact their own website makes it clear they’re “the UK’s leading not for profit renewable energy trade association”.
“Separate findings from power research group MyGridGB
show that renewable energy sources provided more power than coal for 90% of 2017, figures up to 12 December show.”
HANGON !! That’s up to 12th December!
We know that since then it’s been very cold, renewables have virtually given up for winter,
and we’ve burned a lot of coal, even having to burn it to dig France out of a hole.
More disgracefully unbalanced reporting from the BBC.
BBC TV news : What was this Polish welder guy doing getting paid with an envelope full of cash ?
Presumably one of those flying pigs has got his payslip with details of Income Tax and National Insurance deductions.
bBBC’s re-working of Little Women this evening showed one of the eponymous characters in a New York tram sitting next to an African-American. In 1868, when it was written, surely black people wouldn’t even have been allowed to share public transport with white men, let alone white women.
Just another example of the bBBC’s subliminal bias, trying to persuade us that black was white (literally).
Sir Arthur
It seems that the old national trust Sunday night historical white only drama has fallen foul of the multi cult police . When next version of the Norman conquest will have a section of black hoody teeenagers coming up the beach at Hastings .
I’m waiting to the sequel to Little Wimmin – big wimmin with a cameo by Diane Abbottimus as a maths teacher
Apologies if this has been mentioned already but coming in the New Year is Troy: Fall of a City, a BBC-Netflix co-production showing on BBC One. Several of the actors listed on imdb are black (couldn’t see any black actresses, though), including the ones playing Achilles and Zeus. As the comments on the following link indicate, will there be the same liberal hoo-hah about ethnicity as there was with Sir Diddley Squat’s Exodus: Gods and Kings a few years ago?
Edit: He looks a nice chap, but he’s hardly Larry Olivier in Clash of the Titans, is he?
The bBBC ‘news’ today is parroting Labour’s campaign against English hospitals charging for their car parks, totalling £174m in a year. No mention of what healthcare the hospitals should cut to give people free parking, or how much of our money goes to subsidise parking in Scotland and Wales.
Only 174million – that will never do – get the airports running hospital car park and the ambulances would have to pay a ‘setting down ‘ fee as well as short stay while they find a cubical in the A and E or join the queue on trolleys in the corridors – too much personal experience of our beloved international health service .