BBC News seems ever more obsessed with not the place the first ‘B’ represents:
Tyler Haire was 16 when he was arrested for stabbing his father’s girlfriend. He waited nearly four years in jail, without a mental evaluation, before his case could be heard in court.
The is the story of the US teenager locked up without trial.
Never thought I’d write this but I agree with comrade Owen Jones – fifth columnist for the al Beeb in print – the guardian who is objecting to sir Nicholas cleggs’ knighthood – obviously his objections are no where like the same as mine ,he think Clegg promising not to increase student costs and then breaking the promise was a bad thing. I , on the other hand , do not believe in state funded education – I should not be taxed to pay for other people’s kids to be educated – yes an extreme right view.
While I was writing this my view turned a bit because he might be blamed for so many people voting for Brexit as al Beeb gave the shit so much air time during the campaign to tell how thick we are. After Brexit he can fuck off to some charity like milliband senior did on 250 k a year.
Fed up,
Until about fifteen years ago I would have agreed with your view about funding the education of other people’s children. Indeed I thought that giving families tax breaks just because they had children was totally unjustified. Then I woke up to the demographic threat posed by the enormous families that immigrants , particularly Muslims , have and I changed my views. It is now probably too late for a policy which made it financially easy to have a large family, to have any effect on reducing the projections of the % of Muslims in our population in the coming decades . And of course the liberal left would go bananas if the policy was slanted heavily in favour of indigenous Brits which it would have to be to be effective.
I find that when I think about the future of this country in say 2050, I shudder . By then Muslims will constitute over 20% of the population and there is little doubt that they will be flexing their block vote to change this country into an Islamic one. By the end of the century there is every likelihood that we will have a Muslim majority. These projections fill me with horror and make me think that all other political issues of today, even Brexit, are small beer in comparison.
Double – I can’t see the connection between the demographic issue – with which I wholly agree but pray for a ‘Malthusian episode ‘ – and the payment of taxes to educate other people’s kids.
It’s like my deeply unfashionable view about persona responsibility and not have kids unless you can afford them – and they live in some sort of family . And I care not if anyone is offended by this view. The welfare state has morphed into an entitlement monster . You should only get out what you’ve put in . This needs a bit of flexibility and balance . The threshold for getting an NI number should be raised and you don’t get treatment if you ain’t got one – any I know this leads to a need for ID cards . Maybe post Brexit …
Your views on personal responsibility may be unfashionable but they are certainly not incorrect. Our problem is that for far too long we as a people have been taught that we have personal rights rather than personal responsibilities. In my view the mass media in all it’s forms have encouraged this psychology and if they really cared to they could start to reverse the damage. They have immense power over the way we think and they wish to keep it that way. It is just not in their interest to have an independent thinking population who can and are willing to take care of themselves. We all need to realise that if we don’t use that ability we will lose it. We become the eternal children in need of lifelong nursing by others.
I think that was what Maggie Thatcher was getting at with her oft-misquoted comments about “no such thing as society”. But, of course, it doesn’t suit the left to give the full quote.
“They are casting their problems at society. And, you know, there’s no such thing as society. There are individual men and women and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look after themselves first. It is our duty to look after ourselves and then, also, to look after our neighbours.” – in an interview in Women’s Own in 1987
Thank you for that. I have to confess to my shame that 1987 was before I became able to think for myself. I would always allow The Guardian, The Observer and The New Statesman to tell me what to think. In those days I even believed the BBC to be controlled by evil Rightists, although I did subscribe to Private Eye magazine for about 25 years because I considered it a gloriously rebellious organ and I revelled in the schoolboy humour, provided by the likes of Richard Ingrams, Willie Rushton, and Peter Cook etc. who I don’t think were left wing people at all – Lefties can’t do humour – I think they were more a-political. Even now looking back, it still seems funny and witty. Unfortunately I feel that the mag today is just part of the smug, politically correct establishment.
The last person I would have listened to would have been Maggie Thatcher. I’m sure that if I had been approached by Antifa I would have been very tempted to join. As it happened I never joined any political organization and now I never will.
BBC focus on clothing as it is a safe subject. “I am a Chinese hijabi”. Not Islam or Muslim faith. Would this sound correct “I am a Christian cross”? How can you hate a piece of clothing? What is wrong with you?
Omission and deflection with words. BBC tools of the trade.
Does the BBC £3.5bn News Service ask why wearing a Hijab is special … or can you do these things without a hijab. What would happen if the women did not wear the hijab – it would not be news. And what would happen if these women tried to be involved in a Majority Muslim country with the above events without a hijab?
Saudi Arabia have announced women can drive a car (on their own?) and go to the cinema (on their own?) in 2018 … the women above are allowed to do these things because of Western Freedoms not because of Islam. Remove the hijab and you have a normal women. Keep the hijab and you have a women trying to make a stand against Islam’s treatment of women. The BBC wants you to believe that women in hijabs are trying to integrate, but they are really fighting the totalitarian regime of Islam using the Freedoms given to them by the Western World.
Italian President calls an election for early March. Was mentioned on beeb website but seems to have gone and not a word on Toady’s 7 o’clock news although a lot of coverage of Liberia’s rags to riches new President. I would have thought after the German and Austrian elections this would warrant some discussion but yet again its move along nothing to see here. I’m baffled as I would have thought they would love the opportunity to get one of their European correspondents to get to say “far right” over and over.
When I read/hear the MSM and BBC ‘journalists’ telling me that something is ‘set’ to happen or that Britain is ‘braced’ for bad weather I am reminded that few, if any, understand the language that they are writing in. (‘Set’ implies that something will happen, not that it might happen and ‘braced’ implies that we have all been out and fitted shutters, stocked up with food, moved into the cellar or loft, bought a shotgun and tin opener etc. etc., not that ‘some say’ the weather will be ‘bad’ in the next few days).
If they can’t get the little things right why would we believe that the rest isn’t fake?
While on the subject of language I briefly saw a programme on Channel Four yesterday about people building with Lego. The presenter had lost half of his language bricks, all those ‘wivs’ and the like. I moved onto something else but passed through again as the titles came up. Not to be out done the continuity announcer sounded like she hadn’t even got on the banana boat. Our ‘creatives’ aren’t just ‘rubbing it in’, they have gone full-on Kingston-upon-Thames becomes Kingston, Jamaica. All a bit silly really as the West Indians are a minority of minorities here now and are only rated slightly higher than Africans by the BBC’s Brown-eyed Buddies, not very smart if one is trying to sell something to the new ‘master race’. (Sir Lenny’s pals get the acting/modelling jobs, all they got was a lousy BBC One cartoon).
We tune into the BBC News Channel and receive our daily dose of the BBC Breakfast show – well, how else would a million-odd Britons get to see what’s on the front page of the minority circulation Guardian?
The BBC go with the weather as their headline story whilst their kindred spirits at the Gruaniad (of which organ we get our daily flash of the front page) continue to plug away at their obsession with Brexit and their dopey meme – “it’s Putin wot won it”
To be fair that’s not the only dross newspaper story our BBC Naga & male whimp-in-a-compensating-beard insist on sharing with viewers; we also get a report on how best to cut the various types of cheese – oh the unconscious self-abasement.
In sport aside much chat and overseas staff postings we discern that our billion pound funded national broadcaster has no footage of the Ashes.
Some over-promoted NHS matron tells us the provision of drunk tanks are a possibly counter-productive ‘safety net’ which may give people the green light to behave irresponsibly knowing someone else will pick up the pieces….
– huh, couldn’t that be said of all free-at-the-point-of-delivery NHS services? Why else would the medics now have to be advising us all to check on-line before consulting a doc? Mind you, £700k for an NHS family doctor sounds a pretty good screw to be on.
Now about these yellow and amber snow warnings…. Wasn’t it Frank Zapper who first brought this issue to our attention?
From now on I’m calling this dumbed-down Woman’s Hour with pictures, this One Show in the morning, this increasingly feminine interest BBC Breakfast: “The Mad Woman’s Breakfast” Because, to be frank (or should that be fanny) it’s all over the place.
Thanks to whoever recommended Quentin Letts’ book ‘Patronising B**stards.’ The Twitter meltdowns off celebrities on the morning of Brexit are hilarious.
I know schadenfreude is bad but I think we are entitled to indulge in a drop of two after all we have been put through by the sneering liberal elite.
Al beeb fixated on a spat between John major and lady Thatcher from 30 years ago . Fortunately it re I forces the views that the nice Mr Major was a useless shit who helped the process of giving Blighty to the EU- along with heseltine .
Some one whose claim to fame is being 97 was the editor . She retired from the Lords last year and for some god forsaken reason wants to legalise brothels . After brexit the toms of Europe could apply so set up in Blighty . So much for morality.
The best bit was a conservative junior minister boasting about giving out £100 000 000 in taxpayer dfid cash in clearing mines from other peoples countries . There was no mention what Blighty might get out of it and no challenge to the give away . – or to clearing the falklands .
Al beeb has always liked ‘ larger than life’ characters – like Rolf, saville, Stuart Hall, Cyril Smith .
#R4Today 8:35-8:40am straitjacketed Farage was on with Jess Philips
I counted 100+ tweets from libmob who immediately swore at the idea Farage being on.
However there is a difference in being allowed on, and actually being allowed to say anything, by the way the questioner is coralling. Farage spoke only 1 minute..the topic was Plain Speaking.
Lord Humphreys opening to Farage “to you plain speaking means being rude doesn’t it ?
See how that put Farage in a straitjacket as he rebutt the slur ?
Ironic cos Jess P wasn’t so corralled opening words was a scripted insult at Farage ‘ he’s been in politics for 30 years, but I’m more successful at it”
She got about twice time as Farage.
Libmob post 100+ sneering tweets like this.
Why are you still having a friendly jokey fireside chats with failed Politicians and Crypto Fascists? #r4today
In a hundred years’ time Nigel Farage’s name will be in the history books. Not bad for a “failed” politician. He is in fact one of the most successful politicians there has ever been. I doubt the gravel voiced Jess Phillips will be remembered this time next week. It didn’t stop her sniping at Farage like the nasty socialist loser she is, of course.
I don’t know why Farage bothers with al Beebus at all, the ONLY time he got a fair shake was when Andrew Neil interviewed him during the referendum campaign; it would be better if he declined any interviews or appearances they offer – he doesn’t f*****g need them!
Stew –
A wiki on this lady shows her as the classic labour MP . University followed by various non real jobs – committees – charities – Council – get that constituency . Does say she sends her sons to a grammar but would be surprised. I guess she mouths off because of the 16000 Majority . Definitely wants to tax us to death for her personal causes.
I can’t believe Tennant, Winkleman et alia had the nerve to front a campaign in 2015 urging people to ‘celebrate and protect’ the BBC.
Yeah, celebrate being forced to give the likes of Winkleman 450k a year or face prison. ‘Presenting’ has to be the lowest of the art forms: no need to act or be funny, just talk to a camera about things other people are doing. Yeah I will celebrate having to give Winkleman and her ilk £140 a year when I can’t even afford to fix my bike until the end of the month!
Celebrate their protection racket? At least the mafia are honest about what they are up to.
This was on the BBC £3.5bn News Service with good news and no mention of Brexit causing of stopping the revival of an industry – I wonder when the investment was planned? The BBC only attach other events when they serve a purpose, otherwise they are events that have no connection with history or the everyday.
. . . UK cotton back in production in Manchester { 26dec2017}
But as production slowed, moved off shore and we began to import, the beautiful red brick mills in the North West fell silent.
Now, ending a 40-year hiatus, cotton is once again back on the production line.
After a £6m investment, textile manufacturer English Fine Cottons has started spinning cotton imported from the sunny fields of southern California to here in Greater Manchester, producing yarn that’s being used across the region in a newly reopened supply chain.
. . .
After a 100-mile round trip across the North West, we’ve seen the rawest of materials become the finest of garments, cutting out garments travelling from China, Bangladesh or Vietnam.
BBC doesn’t serve ‘our country’
..rather it’s output is aimed at libland
..Seems everyone in libland has an iPhone
..That explains the lead news is that Apple have just inserted battery-life extending software routines into old phones without warning customers the side-effect is slowing of the processor.
BBC never actually quantify how much.
I see the Guardian and, as you’d expect, the BBC are making front page ‘news’ of the fact that Mrs Thatcher refused to share her Concorde flight to the US with a panda from London Zoo. The implication being, of course, yet another example of the wicked witch’s heartlessness and total failure to identify with the panda-loving masses.
In reality sharing the confined space of a Concorde flying at supersonic speed at extreme altitude with a large wild animal, no matter how well confined to the rear of the aircraft would have been, I’d suggest, a sensible move. How any animal might react to the experience was very probably a poorly researched area at the time – but to the spiteful and petty minds involved a panda picture on the front page today might just sell a few more copies and another nail in the Lady’s coffin is always money well spent.
Grumbler – at least it gives a few welcoming liberals a dose of reality. There were suggestions the other day tha Haus Frau Mercel is having trouble getting her coalition together. Let’s hope. Anything which undermines the krauts undermines the EU
@thetimes tweeted Dec 28
Soldiers and service personnel are being urged to avoid words
.. such as “chaps”, “sportsmanship” and “mankind” under new gender-neutral guidelines
Thu Times : Police failing to protect children from sexual exploitation
Force criticised for negligence in 90% of cases
The NSPCC has said that it is concerned by “deeply troubling” and “unacceptable” police failures to protect children highlighted by The Times this morning.
The Metropolitan police, Britain’s biggest force, has not improved its safeguarding of children at risk of sexual exploitation and rape since a damning report found systemic failings a year ago.
A spokesman for the NSPCC said: “This report appears to show that attitudes to abused and exploited children are still falling short in our biggest police force. It’s deeply troubling that handling of child protection investigations appears to have got worse, not better, in the space of a year.
“It’s imperative [that] the child’s voice must always come first. The Met has rightly acknowledged it has a problem.
But lack of…/
The NSPCC is part of the problem.
I recall hearing the head of it being interviewed by Vine on his show a few years back, about the Islamic rape gangs; I think it was around the time of the Oxford atrocity.
This dangerous clown said that the reason for the over-representation of Muslims in the “sexual exploitation” of autochthonous female children, was “the economy” i.e. so many of them were employed in the “night-time economy” – taxi driving; running fast food s**tholes etc.
I cancelled my monthly donation to them within hours of hearing this c**t and explained to the girl on the phone why I was pulling the plug.
Al – It is quite likely that one of the reasons that the NSPCC defends these bunch of bastards is that I understand that the “Common Purpose” Organisation have quite an interest in charities and I would not be surprised that most of the bigger ones such as the NSPCC are probably full of their “graduates”
They would defend the perpetrators for three reasons
1 The investigating police forces, judiciary and social services would also be full of their “graduates”
2 They do not believe in a smoothly functioning society as we understand it. So chaos and hate is a means to achieve their ends.
3 Their “common Purpose” does not appear to recognise or relate to stable families/societies as these are not so easily controlled as disfunctional families are.
You will probably not be surprised to hear that Aunty is also top heavy with these marxist scumbags. Whos expensive “graduate” training has been payed for out of license fee money for many years.
Oak – the indigenous Britons will eventually wake up to the fact that voting will change NOTHING in terms of the path our “elite” have set this country on. If any nationalist party looks like it will gain ground: it is destroyed and they always will be.
I relish us leaving the EU but I recognize that it will cause there to be no change to non-white immigration into the UK nor the ill effects of the increasing numbers of blacks and browns already here.
The solution is either to leave the country or retreat to areas of it which aren’t (so far) affected by immigration, keep our culture intact and try and maintain our numbers so that although we will be a minority; it will be a sizeable one – for when, eventually and ineluctably, the wheels finally come off this evil demographic project.
The Times story on NHS group practice manager doctors getting £700K payments
BBC say “This is nonsense. I’m quite surprised at @thetimes for such a @DailyMailUK dr-bashing false story”
tweeted by mat thomas ( Health writer for BBC news online – Broadly Vice magazine)
Doctors on Twitter say yes it is possible that after collecting all payments and paying all staff, there may well be that kind of money left in the business.
That BBC guy must be an idiot who hasn’t read the article, cos the NHS actually gave the figs in replying to FOI on pension categories
– 1 doc in the earnings band £700-800K
– 4 docs in £400-500K
– 11 in £300-400K
– 193 in £200-300K
“Bilal Zafar’s British Muslim Love, in which the 25 year-old British-born, first-generation Pakistani Muslim talks about how dating, love and marriage can be an awkward area for anyone but is especially complicated for Muslims”
“…an energetic and intelligent female-anchored show…The predominantly female panel…”
“Sindhu Vee welcomes listeners to her world in Sindhustan, telling stories about her unique family life…”
“As a Chinese ex-mathematician…”
“Following the Brexit verdict, which famously saw a 106 percent rise in Irish passport applications…”
“…behind every great man is an even greater woman…”
“The new security measures planned for the Brandenburg Gate party come amid concerns about sexual assaults.
A large number of assaults and robberies targeting women at Cologne’s New Year’s Eve celebrations two years ago horrified Germany.
Hundreds of women reported being attacked by gangs of men with migrant backgrounds.”
Is this the first time the BBC has been honest about last year’s attacks in Cologne?
8pm R4 They will predict next year 2018
Revise by listen to last years edition
9m20s Sopel and all agree that Trump won’t walk away from the Paris Climate deal
27m20s Embassy won’t be moved to Jerusalem say 2
1 says yes and there will be a new Intifada
Ha thanks stew – I have listened to it for years and witnessed it turn from what I considered to be a reasonably objective analysis to a box ticking opportunity to attack the usual targets and make unfounded predictions such as the one you described. I’ve still got last years ‘ one as a podcast – must listen for a laugh.
It’s an excellent opportunity to give thick brexiters like me I good kicking – with 455 days to go…
Hoping that
a) The Euro collapses, and we get serious riots against Merkel and Rutte by Erdogans thugs.
b)Catalonia gives the Eu no place to hide and its gutless avoidance of taking sides will show everybody how contemptuous the EU is regarding its people and their votes
c) Austrians chairing the EU will link with us causing them maximum damage re no deals and an end to this transition crap of theirs.
d) David Davis to insist on Rees Mogg as his deputy-or else he`ll go and leave May to hang separately.
e) Trump to kick out the UN, Clinton to go on trial and the wall to get an extra few feet in rainbow paint.
f) The Russian World Cup to be a disaster, but Putin able to show how effete the west is regarding its players and fans.
Be nice to see a few Remainer deaths like Campbell, Heseltine, Beckett and Attenborough. Bonus if Will Self pops it.
They predicted about Trump foreign visits
..they said no early visits to mainland Europe
So they suggested Russia/Canada/UK ..which of course he has not visited
He began with Saudi, Israel, Italy
They claimed Trump has terrible approval ratings
really ??
\\ On Dec. 28, 2009, according to a Rasmussen poll, Obama had a 47 percent approval rating.
On Dec. 28, 2017, Trump had a 46 percent approval rating.
Obama’s approval rating on December 29, 2009 —just one day later — was 46 percent, the exact same as Trump’s. //
Looking at the firemen (I didn’t see any firewomen) it struck me that they are all white.
Also, other support and caring services all appeared white.
This is in direct contrast to every tv show and film where all these heroic types are non whites.
All police chiefs, US presidents and top doctors are non white, the only exception being when the character is an evil baddie, then it’s a whitey.
Next police series you watch, check out the good high ranking black cops (or Wimmin’ cops) and see if you can spot any ‘good’ white cop.
Black presidents are all kindly and compassionate, highly intelligent men (or a girl president)
White ones are the two faced, treacherous and liars.
Al Beeb is gleefully reporting any big fire from around the planet to keep the Grenfell story burning – a different propaganda from the Lawrence murder where anyone killed after st Stephen was ignored – the difference being that al Beeb blamed the police but with Grenfell al Beeb can blame Brexit , the tories, trump , British culture , the DUP , Boris and boris’s dog.
Not of course – the saintly London fire brigade which told those who called to ‘stay put’ thus consigning them to death. Bet that doesn’t feature in the public inquiry as the fire brigades union funds labour.
Point taken but there was at least one honourable exception: former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke. Trump supporter, probably working in a Trump PAC now. Tore handwringing liberals a new one every time he appeared on Fox News. Uncompromising hard arsed moral rectitude seeping through every pore.
EG – That is an interesting point you raise about the NY firemen on the news and one which Diana West noted in her book “The Death Of The Grown-Up” where she discusses 9/11; albeit without the racial element.
“More than a war was revealed to us that September morning. A throwback world was uncovered, a fireman culture more exotic than that of aborigines of the rain forest – which, after all, is a vacation destination not unfamiliar to trend conscious ecotourists. In the wilds of Queens and Staten Island, it seemed, there were men who married their childhood sweethearts, followed their fathers into the force, and died to save their fellow man. As stricken office workers fled down the stairways of the burning towers, these same fearless men kept climbing upward, shouldering their responsibilities as purposefully as their one-hundred pound packs. To the mainstream culture, it was a staggering revelation – all 343 of them who perished not to mention thirty-seven Port Authority police and twenty-three New York City police.”
“On 9/11, American society was awestruck by the same manly virtues – read: adult virtues- that our youth cultures, rock culture, our MSM culture had long ago derided as uncool, unhip, inauthentic, corny, out-of-touch, old-fashioned, schmaltzy, dry, dead and totally over.
Given the long standing entrenchment of these overlapping youth, rock and MSM cultures, the retro-virtues of the adult weren’t going to prevail as cultural norms without a fight. And they haven’t, so far. No culture war is being waged against them, exactly, but maybe a form of not-so-benign neglect.”
“Chip shop owner Andy Sami Star, 31, of Sheffield Road, Chesterfield, and Farhad Salah, 22, of Brunswick Road, Sheffield, are charged with preparing an act of terrorism.”
Not your typical English sounding names. I wonder what was their motivation.
“Not your typical English sounding names. I wonder what was their motivation.”
The Haddock was non Halal and they were off to Grimsby to get some smoked.
BBC hints that ISIS is to blame.
‘most attacks claimed by the local branch of the so-called Islamic State group.’
‘The attacks have been blamed on, and in many cases claimed by, Islamists affiliated with so-called Islamic State (IS)’.
But nowhere suggests that ordinary Egyptian Muslims could be the possible culprits.
The Egyptian military dictatorship suppresses the Islamic Brotherhood by force and the liklihood of ISIS having a foothold (other than in Sinai) is slight no matter what the authorities think about the Christian Copts. As three police were also killed one would expect that the Egyptians will pull out all stops to find the killers, even if they are lax in finding killers of Copts.
Any comment from either Welby or Nicholls welcome of course.
Let alone Papa Francisquito.
Cue tumbleweed, hot air machine in the repair shop and creaking stable doors flapping in the warm breeze.
If the church were ever bothered about getting persecuted, it need fear this no more. Who`d raise a sword to them all-they`re actively helping the Caliphate?
I had given up on comedy on al Beeb this Christmas ( expect for 2 hours of Dads Army ) until I heard The World at One. I think fatty Mardell did a story on labour and the Momentum Group. Apparently every one in labour supports corbyn so Momentum doesn’t have a reason to be any more. Which is when I started laughing .
They covered the process Momentum is using to undermine non believers in labour councils but apparently labour is so supportive of The Great Leader Comrade that Momentum doesn’t need to crush dissenters. By then the tears were just rolling…..
Labour is floating the idea of having a final referendum on the outcome of negotiations – a policy change but not as bad as corbyn becoming a remainer . Clever – but makes the assumption that the remainers will win next time.
No chance Fedup2. Until we get an enquiry into
a) how the 2015 election result was moulded by double votes, gerrymandered polls and those expenses of Momentum as a result a few years later
b) How the UNITE unions fiddled to get McClucky made President, and get his opponent off the ballot paper only a few days before-see Putin v Navalny as ongoing in Russia and read across.
c) how the referendum was groomed, bent, fiddled and funded to get the YES result they bribed, cheated and extended registrations for. Use of media and “experts”, surveys and “independent thnik tanks” REALLY need a Mueller-type of toothcomb.
d) the role of Islam, Momentum and Students in getting Corbyn boosted in the last election in June.
Until ALL this vote grooming, serial ballot fiddling and election meddling by the Left is looked into(these buggers HATE plebiscites, remember , neither Communism or Sharia have EVER been democractially elected anywhere in the world, by a free election)-well, there`ll never be another referendum-what do you think they`d do to swing THAT now?
Chris – I was wrong on the original referendum because I really thought they’d find a way of fixing the actual vote to a remain outcome. I really don’t mind being wrong again if they do go for another referendum because I want Blighty totally out of the EU as soon as it can be done. 2018 will do.
Take your points Fedup2, but
a) Think that the stakes are high now-and there would surely be serious fiddling to get the EU result required by the governing elite.
They have long disliked any effort to have democratic accountability, and -like the death penalty, immigration-the EU Project is now a Religion that will not be troubled by the heretics and thick like us.
I mean-when we voted to go into the (then) Common Market in 1975, there was no chance of any kind of second vote. Had we lost last year, you can bet that there`d be no votes given re Turkey, the EU Army or the coming Eurofiscal Pact of Frankfurt 2020.
Besides-only the little countries like Denmark and Ireland are made to rerun their votes to please the EU that threatens them ,rolls out its media stoolies and unions to get the correct vote for Juncker.
No-we are Britain, we`ll be here as a safety blanket for Catalonians and De Gaulles successors. As we were in 1940.
Chris – I agree with re vote fiddling . I expect the only reason that the original EU referendum was not interfered with (apart of course from Vladimir Putin spending 20 p on pro leave facebook adds) Was That our Euro loving globalist elite were too arrogant and believed in their own polls.
Now of course they have wised up and will use every devious trick in the book to rob us of our democratic right. I suspect the ace in the pack is our ineffectual pro remain PM – God you could not make this up !
“I was wrong on the original referendum because I really thought they’d find a way of fixing the actual vote to a remain outcome. ”
In my view they thought they’d fixed it beyond any chance of Leave getting a majority. Even the leaders of the Leave campaign thought that the cause was lost after the ruthless Remain exploitation of Jo Cox’s murder. The surprise on the day was the turn-out of working class voters who were tired of seeing their wages depressed by unrestriced immigration. The fix was in but fell apart on the last day.
The BBC still cannot understand why we didn’t believe its lies.
News on Milo legal case
He sues publisher for $10m for breaking contract & giving into activists
– in court their lawyers argue “We didn’t publish it cos it’s crap, here see the original manuscript with our comments ..the book was full of racism and fake news”
The bBC, its left-wing agenda, and an inability to report the facts: Weedon Bec Parish Council gets £500,000 for grenades clear-up Work has started to make a playing field safe after munitions from a military barracks were found….A play area mound containing waste, including explosives, from nearby Weedon Barracks has needed 24-hour security, which the council has had to fund.
There is no nearby barracks, it was closed down in 1965. (52 years ago)
The bBBC website is reporting that the stock market has closed for the year end at an all time high.
Strangely, the words ‘because of Brexit’ do not seem to appear in the text.
I wonder why not?
OK. I am a strong Brexiteer and a strong anti Beeber . But the trouble is that we cannot prove that the gains are as a result of Brexit. We really do need to keep our powder dry and wait until we see the whites of their eyes before we know for sure. When we do, count me in.
Taxi crime : UK has 1 alleged sex assault per day
London about 1 every 2 days, but zero black-taxi drivers charged, 30 minicab/uber drivers were accused of rape.
Hangon Uber drivers are much more likely to be recent immigrants than black-taxi isn’t Sadiqs campaign racist ?
There was a M&W show on one of the channels over Christmas, we were crying our eyes out within seconds. The jokes were really funny, simple, plain, non political and funny.
Which can be explained by this current story from Rome: Rubbish piles up in Rome as holidays and rain disrupt collections Mounds of uncollected rubbish have been piling up in Rome since Christmas Eve, with some residents setting them on fire in protest against a municipal administration that has failed to deliver on its promise to tackle the city’s waste.
Whilst the Guardian gives the impression of Holiday issues, here is what was been reported by the bBC in April: Why Rome sends trains filled with rubbish to Austria Rome has been struggling to cope with a rubbish crisis and Austria has spare capacity at a waste-to-energy plant near Vienna. So a deal has been struck. The Italians are paying Austrian company EVN to dispose of up to 70,000 tonnes of Roman household refuse this year.
The bBC and its mission statement that any old rubbish will do. Unless of course they are talking about actual Rubbish.
“….The Italians are paying Austrian company EVN to dispose of up to 70,000 tonnes of Roman household refuse this year.” I trust that with the new ‘anti-gimmigrant’ Government in Austria the train carriage which conveyed the gimmigrants from Italy has bee de-coupled……………
The BBC is noted for its associations and conflations, implying guilt on a selective basis depending who they a trying to smear.
Social media is a rich seam, with followers, followees, ‘likes’ etc, which the target often has little if any control over or, in the case of noting a piece, how it is logged.
Hence Beeboids have a raft of weasels, such as ‘views my own’ or ‘RTs do not mean endorsement’. Actually quite fair mostly, if normally to be taken as read (the twitter white tick/blue badge now seems more an albatross for the aspiring impartial media employee). Questions may also be raised on how many on which ‘sides’ of any issue attract such supposedly neutral additions.
And of course there is the odd way those the BBC and staff report upon those not enjoying the same exemptions those who operate under the BBC banner do. Like their FoI trawls.
Certainly it is always… ‘interesting’ what the Peroxide Puff girls either side of the pond, namely Katty and Emily, seem to ‘like’.
The bBC loves to air stories about the plight of migrant Children across Europe, especially in France, with the view that the UK should take in the thousands of unaccompanied so called Rug rats living in fear across the Utopia that is the EU, which the bBC also believes we are wrong to leave. The current Child migrant story which is gripping France hasn’t been reported by the bBC, I wonder why? France: Migrant Children found sleeping inside laundry drying machines.
Good point Pounce. If leaving the EU is so bad-why are all its migrants still wanting to get over here?
Don`t they LISTEN to the BBC, let alone the experts we have to endure everyday telling us why we`re a racist, backward cesspool with no nurses, teachers or sprout pickers?
Stay in Europe, let`s be prepared to lose a Nobel Peace Prize or a Dewsbury chiropodist or two.
It`s the price for Brexit, I guess.
Best to let Cologne cordon the fun, as Berlin, Brussels, Marseilles, Rome and Gothenburg, Malmo are preparing to do tonight and for the next few days.
A job for an aspiring stonemason, keen to leave an inscribed quote for posterity, awaits from today’s Letters in the Guardian. Attributed to one Bob Ward from the grandly named Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the LSE – surely not the birthplace of M. Thatcher sort of Grantham? – it deals with the thorny subject of freedom of speech in which the spokesperson for the GRICCE writes, and I quote: ‘When a speaker with a record of making factually inaccurate and misleading public statements, such as a climate denier, is invited to address a campus audience, he or she should be subjected to robust and rigorous rebuttal that can expose the falseness of their claims.’
The irony of Mr Ward’s words are evidently lost to him, but not, one would hope, on the rational majority.
Well, I wouldn’t give a Tom Tit what he thinks, I’ll believe my own evidence, and let him piss in the wind.
Just had to look up this ‘important’ bunch…
Bob Ward –
Bob joined the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) from Risk Management Solutions, where he was Director of Public Policy.
He also worked at the Royal Society, the UK national academy of science, for eight years, until October 2006. His responsibilities there included leading the media relations team.
He has also worked as a freelance science writer and journalist.
Bob has a first degree in geology and an unfinished PhD thesis on palaeopiezometry.
He is a fellow of the Geological Society, a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and a member of the American Geophysical Union. Bob is also a member of the board of the Association of British Science Writers and a member of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Public Relations Association.”
Well, well well…
So, here we have yet another example of a magnificent benefit to the UK’s Economy, working to bring much needed foreign payments from exports, investments and trade from manufacture, design and down-right hard graft.
Surely the BBBC should be told, they need these people…
Often called “Bob Ward the Climate Fraud”
scientifically unqualified*PR man for Jeremy Grantham’s Climate alarm raising NGOs
which accidentally help raise the subsidy income of Jeremy’s big green hedgefunds
I have physically heard him on Radio4 introduced as “Climate Scientist Bob Ward” no he isn’t
I’ve been a Master Wanker for 77 years but this dialogue makes me laugh and cry at the same time.—- Gissa Job! Come on! –I know you got one. Giss it! (Yozzer Hughes in Boys From The Black Stuff by Alan Bleasdale.)
Come on BBC for fucks sake remember your white working class viewers and listeners and give them ABSOLUTE priority.Please!!!
BBC reply : FUCK OFF we’ve got quotas yer know. there’s males, females,queers, niggers, and don’t knows.
“UK stock markets close at a record high.”
Despite, wait for it , “The Brexit effect” and
“All the dangers that were anticipated with a Trump administration haven’t materialised.”
‘Project fear’ is not working, we should have got out of the EU over a year ago .
No chance of anybody getting in the way, we’ll be out of the EU, and I’ll raise a glass (or three) of Penderyn to you and others here, who are grinding the remoaning bastards down at every turn! They have nowhere to turn, nobody here even thinks the BBBC is worth anything more than a ‘public’ service to say when the next bus will arrive!
It’s so easy to laugh off anyone around here (admittedly in a pleasant part of Kent), who even tries to argue for remaining! We all just tell them to bugger off! No chance of whingeing, just getting the back of the neck!
Penderyn! Watch that stuff – too much and a nasty hangover ensues.
Well so far its looking good despite the lack of confidence in the economy shown by Al Beeb, the media and the Bank of England’s attempt at a self fulfilling prophesy.
What the remoaners have got to realise is that talking down the economy and ‘brexit fear’ will effect their pockets as well .
They need to ‘get over’ their electoral defeat and stop behaving like spoilt brats.
OK, alright then Taff, a couple of pints in ‘The Drovers’ then?
I’m surprised brexit fear reaches that far, much better to enjoy the great places you have near you…
Must say that I like the idea of the “Patronising Bastards” as described above. Quentin Letts does us a service, but he`s probably out of touch with currrent spongiform like Daman Albarn etc….
My top Ten of 2017 would be
a) John Bercow
b) Malia Bouattia
c) Alastair Campbell (and his Blair Bum Cartel)
d) AC Grayling
e) Polly Toynbee(and Yasmin,Dame Jenni and the leftihax)
f) Harriet Harman(why no fatwa for her joke about Pakistanis that Neil hushed up?)
g) Chris Evans(and all BBC trough swillers)
h)Sadiq Khan
i) Martin Narey
j) Justin Welby.
Quote of the Year
” In 2017, surely religion or colour of skin are no longer an issue are they?”.
Martin Narey.
He said this as Childrens Quangocrat in defending Tower Hamlets placing a Christian young girl with avowed Muslim foster carers, who wanted her to conform to their faith and not hers.
Benedict Cumberbitch, for his fatuous on stage lamenting about migrants and asylumers; to the captive audiences at the end of his theatre performances.
So my Lord Adonis. A slimy unelected type who got is peerage through Blair, has resigned at the PMs infrastructure czar. No doubt he wants to spend more time with his friends – hesseltine, subray, bollock-brown, Sir Clegg, gaga Clarke, the. Chancellor and the rest of the anti democratic traitors.
Al Beeb is doing its best to hasten a recession. At lunch time that tedious ‘you and yours’ was vox popping punters with the leading question of “ how are you going to cut back as prices rise?’ Obviously they edit to how they want the outcome to sound but people were saying thing like – I’ll cut back on Netflix – whatever that is .
But that sound like the strategy of 2018 – I remember them doing it in the 80s . Obviously there will be a market correction / crash which will play into the remainer / anti trump al Beeb narrative .
5 guest editors – 2 aristocrats – both born in Blighty – 1 Nigerian ( a writer apparently ) – 1 Spaniard ( a dancer apparently ) and one not born at all . I’ve got more and more interested in this term ‘diversity’ which like many here view as a term of abuse as in ‘diverse terrorist’.
Yet by their very policy of supporting multiculturalism al Beeb fails to be diverse in failing to address or acknowledge my views – I want Blighty to be recognisably Blighty – which infers I prefer a white Judao Christian English speaking culture as dominant – which I suppose make me a racist. So be it – then that’s what I am.
Thanks Scrob – I kind of know what Netflix is but I’m having too much fun with Sky cold calling me to rejoin after i skexited ( doesn’t work does it ) because they’d been ripping me off even more than al Beeb. Hang on – there’s a knock at the door -it could be the tv licence Gestapo …
You are obviosly unable to answer my repeated questions……………………………….
“Why do you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich?
In fact why do you post here at all – what motivates you?
Two easy questions that a person of your calibre should be able answer .”
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StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
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diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
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Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
BBC News seems ever more obsessed with not the place the first ‘B’ represents:
Tyler Haire was 16 when he was arrested for stabbing his father’s girlfriend. He waited nearly four years in jail, without a mental evaluation, before his case could be heard in court.
The is the story of the US teenager locked up without trial.
(via BBC Stories)
And perps over victims.
The BBC/Left view the criminal as being more of a ‘victim’ than the actual victim.
Never thought I’d write this but I agree with comrade Owen Jones – fifth columnist for the al Beeb in print – the guardian who is objecting to sir Nicholas cleggs’ knighthood – obviously his objections are no where like the same as mine ,he think Clegg promising not to increase student costs and then breaking the promise was a bad thing. I , on the other hand , do not believe in state funded education – I should not be taxed to pay for other people’s kids to be educated – yes an extreme right view.
While I was writing this my view turned a bit because he might be blamed for so many people voting for Brexit as al Beeb gave the shit so much air time during the campaign to tell how thick we are. After Brexit he can fuck off to some charity like milliband senior did on 250 k a year.
Fed up,
Until about fifteen years ago I would have agreed with your view about funding the education of other people’s children. Indeed I thought that giving families tax breaks just because they had children was totally unjustified. Then I woke up to the demographic threat posed by the enormous families that immigrants , particularly Muslims , have and I changed my views. It is now probably too late for a policy which made it financially easy to have a large family, to have any effect on reducing the projections of the % of Muslims in our population in the coming decades . And of course the liberal left would go bananas if the policy was slanted heavily in favour of indigenous Brits which it would have to be to be effective.
I find that when I think about the future of this country in say 2050, I shudder . By then Muslims will constitute over 20% of the population and there is little doubt that they will be flexing their block vote to change this country into an Islamic one. By the end of the century there is every likelihood that we will have a Muslim majority. These projections fill me with horror and make me think that all other political issues of today, even Brexit, are small beer in comparison.
Double – I can’t see the connection between the demographic issue – with which I wholly agree but pray for a ‘Malthusian episode ‘ – and the payment of taxes to educate other people’s kids.
It’s like my deeply unfashionable view about persona responsibility and not have kids unless you can afford them – and they live in some sort of family . And I care not if anyone is offended by this view. The welfare state has morphed into an entitlement monster . You should only get out what you’ve put in . This needs a bit of flexibility and balance . The threshold for getting an NI number should be raised and you don’t get treatment if you ain’t got one – any I know this leads to a need for ID cards . Maybe post Brexit …
Your views on personal responsibility may be unfashionable but they are certainly not incorrect. Our problem is that for far too long we as a people have been taught that we have personal rights rather than personal responsibilities. In my view the mass media in all it’s forms have encouraged this psychology and if they really cared to they could start to reverse the damage. They have immense power over the way we think and they wish to keep it that way. It is just not in their interest to have an independent thinking population who can and are willing to take care of themselves. We all need to realise that if we don’t use that ability we will lose it. We become the eternal children in need of lifelong nursing by others.
I think that was what Maggie Thatcher was getting at with her oft-misquoted comments about “no such thing as society”. But, of course, it doesn’t suit the left to give the full quote.
“They are casting their problems at society. And, you know, there’s no such thing as society. There are individual men and women and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look after themselves first. It is our duty to look after ourselves and then, also, to look after our neighbours.” – in an interview in Women’s Own in 1987
Thank you for that. I have to confess to my shame that 1987 was before I became able to think for myself. I would always allow The Guardian, The Observer and The New Statesman to tell me what to think. In those days I even believed the BBC to be controlled by evil Rightists, although I did subscribe to Private Eye magazine for about 25 years because I considered it a gloriously rebellious organ and I revelled in the schoolboy humour, provided by the likes of Richard Ingrams, Willie Rushton, and Peter Cook etc. who I don’t think were left wing people at all – Lefties can’t do humour – I think they were more a-political. Even now looking back, it still seems funny and witty. Unfortunately I feel that the mag today is just part of the smug, politically correct establishment.
The last person I would have listened to would have been Maggie Thatcher. I’m sure that if I had been approached by Antifa I would have been very tempted to join. As it happened I never joined any political organization and now I never will.
Analysing the BBC website it is clear that the BBC is campaigning for global Islam. Here is another example: on the BBC news homepage they have a screaming headline in their MUST SEE section: I am a Chinese hijabi, and the BBC gives air time to a Chinese Islamist – and she talks about how Muslims are being victimised in China:
Back in April 2017 – the same story:
BBC focus on clothing as it is a safe subject. “I am a Chinese hijabi”. Not Islam or Muslim faith. Would this sound correct “I am a Christian cross”? How can you hate a piece of clothing? What is wrong with you?
Omission and deflection with words. BBC tools of the trade.
@Caliph here’s a screenshot of the top of that page

..seems to show that the BBC has a hijab fetish
– See List of about 25 BBC hijab news stories from just the last 12 months
Does the BBC £3.5bn News Service ask why wearing a Hijab is special … or can you do these things without a hijab. What would happen if the women did not wear the hijab – it would not be news. And what would happen if these women tried to be involved in a Majority Muslim country with the above events without a hijab?
Saudi Arabia have announced women can drive a car (on their own?) and go to the cinema (on their own?) in 2018 … the women above are allowed to do these things because of Western Freedoms not because of Islam. Remove the hijab and you have a normal women. Keep the hijab and you have a women trying to make a stand against Islam’s treatment of women. The BBC wants you to believe that women in hijabs are trying to integrate, but they are really fighting the totalitarian regime of Islam using the Freedoms given to them by the Western World.
relates to: Rahmah’s story: ‘I am a Chinese hijabi’
Stew – I think beeboids are sexually aroused by women / girls in hijabs. How else to explain so many hijab stories?
Italian President calls an election for early March. Was mentioned on beeb website but seems to have gone and not a word on Toady’s 7 o’clock news although a lot of coverage of Liberia’s rags to riches new President. I would have thought after the German and Austrian elections this would warrant some discussion but yet again its move along nothing to see here. I’m baffled as I would have thought they would love the opportunity to get one of their European correspondents to get to say “far right” over and over.
When I read/hear the MSM and BBC ‘journalists’ telling me that something is ‘set’ to happen or that Britain is ‘braced’ for bad weather I am reminded that few, if any, understand the language that they are writing in. (‘Set’ implies that something will happen, not that it might happen and ‘braced’ implies that we have all been out and fitted shutters, stocked up with food, moved into the cellar or loft, bought a shotgun and tin opener etc. etc., not that ‘some say’ the weather will be ‘bad’ in the next few days).
If they can’t get the little things right why would we believe that the rest isn’t fake?
While on the subject of language I briefly saw a programme on Channel Four yesterday about people building with Lego. The presenter had lost half of his language bricks, all those ‘wivs’ and the like. I moved onto something else but passed through again as the titles came up. Not to be out done the continuity announcer sounded like she hadn’t even got on the banana boat. Our ‘creatives’ aren’t just ‘rubbing it in’, they have gone full-on Kingston-upon-Thames becomes Kingston, Jamaica. All a bit silly really as the West Indians are a minority of minorities here now and are only rated slightly higher than Africans by the BBC’s Brown-eyed Buddies, not very smart if one is trying to sell something to the new ‘master race’. (Sir Lenny’s pals get the acting/modelling jobs, all they got was a lousy BBC One cartoon).
We tune into the BBC News Channel and receive our daily dose of the BBC Breakfast show – well, how else would a million-odd Britons get to see what’s on the front page of the minority circulation Guardian?
The BBC go with the weather as their headline story whilst their kindred spirits at the Gruaniad (of which organ we get our daily flash of the front page) continue to plug away at their obsession with Brexit and their dopey meme – “it’s Putin wot won it”
To be fair that’s not the only dross newspaper story our BBC Naga & male whimp-in-a-compensating-beard insist on sharing with viewers; we also get a report on how best to cut the various types of cheese – oh the unconscious self-abasement.
In sport aside much chat and overseas staff postings we discern that our billion pound funded national broadcaster has no footage of the Ashes.
Some over-promoted NHS matron tells us the provision of drunk tanks are a possibly counter-productive ‘safety net’ which may give people the green light to behave irresponsibly knowing someone else will pick up the pieces….
– huh, couldn’t that be said of all free-at-the-point-of-delivery NHS services? Why else would the medics now have to be advising us all to check on-line before consulting a doc? Mind you, £700k for an NHS family doctor sounds a pretty good screw to be on.
Now about these yellow and amber snow warnings…. Wasn’t it Frank Zapper who first brought this issue to our attention?
From now on I’m calling this dumbed-down Woman’s Hour with pictures, this One Show in the morning, this increasingly feminine interest BBC Breakfast: “The Mad Woman’s Breakfast” Because, to be frank (or should that be fanny) it’s all over the place.
Thanks to whoever recommended Quentin Letts’ book ‘Patronising B**stards.’ The Twitter meltdowns off celebrities on the morning of Brexit are hilarious.
I know schadenfreude is bad but I think we are entitled to indulge in a drop of two after all we have been put through by the sneering liberal elite.
Toady watch
Al beeb fixated on a spat between John major and lady Thatcher from 30 years ago . Fortunately it re I forces the views that the nice Mr Major was a useless shit who helped the process of giving Blighty to the EU- along with heseltine .
Some one whose claim to fame is being 97 was the editor . She retired from the Lords last year and for some god forsaken reason wants to legalise brothels . After brexit the toms of Europe could apply so set up in Blighty . So much for morality.
The best bit was a conservative junior minister boasting about giving out £100 000 000 in taxpayer dfid cash in clearing mines from other peoples countries . There was no mention what Blighty might get out of it and no challenge to the give away . – or to clearing the falklands .
Al beeb has always liked ‘ larger than life’ characters – like Rolf, saville, Stuart Hall, Cyril Smith .
#R4Today 8:35-8:40am straitjacketed Farage was on with Jess Philips
I counted 100+ tweets from libmob who immediately swore at the idea Farage being on.
However there is a difference in being allowed on, and actually being allowed to say anything, by the way the questioner is coralling. Farage spoke only 1 minute..the topic was Plain Speaking.
Lord Humphreys opening to Farage “to you plain speaking means being rude doesn’t it ?
See how that put Farage in a straitjacket as he rebutt the slur ?
Ironic cos Jess P wasn’t so corralled opening words was a scripted insult at Farage ‘ he’s been in politics for 30 years, but I’m more successful at it”
She got about twice time as Farage.
Libmob post 100+ sneering tweets like this.
Language… how to get away calling someone a fascist … use “Crypto Fascists”. Crypto means “concealed; secret.”.
Neo Fascist seems to work. You can use neo for anything you don’e agree with.
In a hundred years’ time Nigel Farage’s name will be in the history books. Not bad for a “failed” politician. He is in fact one of the most successful politicians there has ever been. I doubt the gravel voiced Jess Phillips will be remembered this time next week. It didn’t stop her sniping at Farage like the nasty socialist loser she is, of course.
R-i-C, solid post.
I don’t know why Farage bothers with al Beebus at all, the ONLY time he got a fair shake was when Andrew Neil interviewed him during the referendum campaign; it would be better if he declined any interviews or appearances they offer – he doesn’t f*****g need them!
Stew –
A wiki on this lady shows her as the classic labour MP . University followed by various non real jobs – committees – charities – Council – get that constituency . Does say she sends her sons to a grammar but would be surprised. I guess she mouths off because of the 16000 Majority . Definitely wants to tax us to death for her personal causes.
Is this really Headline News or just Anti-Tory Propaganda ?………………………..
“Thatcher and Major clashed over economy”
“Thatcher refused to share flight with panda”
All funded by you .
I can’t believe Tennant, Winkleman et alia had the nerve to front a campaign in 2015 urging people to ‘celebrate and protect’ the BBC.
Yeah, celebrate being forced to give the likes of Winkleman 450k a year or face prison. ‘Presenting’ has to be the lowest of the art forms: no need to act or be funny, just talk to a camera about things other people are doing. Yeah I will celebrate having to give Winkleman and her ilk £140 a year when I can’t even afford to fix my bike until the end of the month!
Celebrate their protection racket? At least the mafia are honest about what they are up to.
This was on the BBC £3.5bn News Service with good news and no mention of Brexit causing of stopping the revival of an industry – I wonder when the investment was planned? The BBC only attach other events when they serve a purpose, otherwise they are events that have no connection with history or the everyday.
. . .
UK cotton back in production in Manchester { 26dec2017}
But as production slowed, moved off shore and we began to import, the beautiful red brick mills in the North West fell silent.
Now, ending a 40-year hiatus, cotton is once again back on the production line.
After a £6m investment, textile manufacturer English Fine Cottons has started spinning cotton imported from the sunny fields of southern California to here in Greater Manchester, producing yarn that’s being used across the region in a newly reopened supply chain.
. . .
After a 100-mile round trip across the North West, we’ve seen the rawest of materials become the finest of garments, cutting out garments travelling from China, Bangladesh or Vietnam.
BBC Search for ‘Morality Police’ …. the BBC and Politicians prefered direction of travel … more Islam ….
Iran’s morality police storm solstice parties to arrest 230 people (no drinking)
Sudan women in trousers: No indecency charges (no western ideas)
Chechnya ‘morality police’ to stop wedding misbehaviour (no fun)
Iranian youth get app to dodge morality police (youth don’t want it)
US Navy: Penis in sky drawn by jet trail was ‘unacceptable’ (no fun)
Malaysia MP: ‘Denying husbands sex is abuse’ (men rule in Islam)
searching BBC on ‘abuse victims’, only yields stories where white people are the oppressors
BBC doesn’t serve ‘our country’
..rather it’s output is aimed at libland
..Seems everyone in libland has an iPhone
..That explains the lead news is that Apple have just inserted battery-life extending software routines into old phones without warning customers the side-effect is slowing of the processor.
BBC never actually quantify how much.
I see the Guardian and, as you’d expect, the BBC are making front page ‘news’ of the fact that Mrs Thatcher refused to share her Concorde flight to the US with a panda from London Zoo. The implication being, of course, yet another example of the wicked witch’s heartlessness and total failure to identify with the panda-loving masses.
In reality sharing the confined space of a Concorde flying at supersonic speed at extreme altitude with a large wild animal, no matter how well confined to the rear of the aircraft would have been, I’d suggest, a sensible move. How any animal might react to the experience was very probably a poorly researched area at the time – but to the spiteful and petty minds involved a panda picture on the front page today might just sell a few more copies and another nail in the Lady’s coffin is always money well spent.
Snakes on a plane! Pandas on a plane – the sequel!
BBC news website: a couple is getting divorced; politicians once argued about the economy; there is inclement weather during winter.
More brilliant journalism, worth every penny of the £3.5 billion.
At last the BBC can no longer avoid the obvious. Berlin New Year’s Eve to have safe women’s zone. To protect them from migrant sex assaults.
Grumbler – at least it gives a few welcoming liberals a dose of reality. There were suggestions the other day tha Haus Frau Mercel is having trouble getting her coalition together. Let’s hope. Anything which undermines the krauts undermines the EU
BBC latest: Sick Syrian child refugee finally arrives in London…
I wonder from where this vermin stole the wheel chair . ?
Please! Somebody wire that thing up to the mains, with him strapped in it.
That FBPE hastag backfires

Missing news : Standsted Swedish terrorist detained on Dec 20
..10 days later there has been no news of charges.
… Surely that means they let him go ?
Thu : Times comment : Brexiteers cheer Churchill & look back to 1940, there is no shame in that
@thetimes tweeted Dec 28
Soldiers and service personnel are being urged to avoid words
.. such as “chaps”, “sportsmanship” and “mankind” under new gender-neutral guidelines
Thu Times : Police failing to protect children from sexual exploitation
Force criticised for negligence in 90% of cases
The NSPCC is part of the problem.
I recall hearing the head of it being interviewed by Vine on his show a few years back, about the Islamic rape gangs; I think it was around the time of the Oxford atrocity.
This dangerous clown said that the reason for the over-representation of Muslims in the “sexual exploitation” of autochthonous female children, was “the economy” i.e. so many of them were employed in the “night-time economy” – taxi driving; running fast food s**tholes etc.
I cancelled my monthly donation to them within hours of hearing this c**t and explained to the girl on the phone why I was pulling the plug.
Al – It is quite likely that one of the reasons that the NSPCC defends these bunch of bastards is that I understand that the “Common Purpose” Organisation have quite an interest in charities and I would not be surprised that most of the bigger ones such as the NSPCC are probably full of their “graduates”
They would defend the perpetrators for three reasons
1 The investigating police forces, judiciary and social services would also be full of their “graduates”
2 They do not believe in a smoothly functioning society as we understand it. So chaos and hate is a means to achieve their ends.
3 Their “common Purpose” does not appear to recognise or relate to stable families/societies as these are not so easily controlled as disfunctional families are.
You will probably not be surprised to hear that Aunty is also top heavy with these marxist scumbags. Whos expensive “graduate” training has been payed for out of license fee money for many years.
Oak – the indigenous Britons will eventually wake up to the fact that voting will change NOTHING in terms of the path our “elite” have set this country on. If any nationalist party looks like it will gain ground: it is destroyed and they always will be.
I relish us leaving the EU but I recognize that it will cause there to be no change to non-white immigration into the UK nor the ill effects of the increasing numbers of blacks and browns already here.
The solution is either to leave the country or retreat to areas of it which aren’t (so far) affected by immigration, keep our culture intact and try and maintain our numbers so that although we will be a minority; it will be a sizeable one – for when, eventually and ineluctably, the wheels finally come off this evil demographic project.
The Times story on NHS group practice manager doctors getting £700K payments
BBC say “This is nonsense. I’m quite surprised at @thetimes for such a @DailyMailUK dr-bashing false story”
tweeted by mat thomas ( Health writer for BBC news online – Broadly Vice magazine)
Doctors on Twitter say yes it is possible that after collecting all payments and paying all staff, there may well be that kind of money left in the business.
That BBC guy must be an idiot who hasn’t read the article, cos the NHS actually gave the figs in replying to FOI on pension categories
– 1 doc in the earnings band £700-800K
– 4 docs in £400-500K
– 11 in £300-400K
– 193 in £200-300K
Absolute perfect BBC bullshit and bias.
“Bilal Zafar’s British Muslim Love, in which the 25 year-old British-born, first-generation Pakistani Muslim talks about how dating, love and marriage can be an awkward area for anyone but is especially complicated for Muslims”
“…an energetic and intelligent female-anchored show…The predominantly female panel…”
“Sindhu Vee welcomes listeners to her world in Sindhustan, telling stories about her unique family life…”
“As a Chinese ex-mathematician…”
“Following the Brexit verdict, which famously saw a 106 percent rise in Irish passport applications…”
“…behind every great man is an even greater woman…”
“New Year’s Eve party in Berlin to have ‘safe zone’ for women”
“The new security measures planned for the Brandenburg Gate party come amid concerns about sexual assaults.
A large number of assaults and robberies targeting women at Cologne’s New Year’s Eve celebrations two years ago horrified Germany.
Hundreds of women reported being attacked by gangs of men with migrant backgrounds.”
Is this the first time the BBC has been honest about last year’s attacks in Cologne?
8pm R4 They will predict next year 2018
Revise by listen to last years edition
9m20s Sopel and all agree that Trump won’t walk away from the Paris Climate deal
27m20s Embassy won’t be moved to Jerusalem say 2
1 says yes and there will be a new Intifada
Ha thanks stew – I have listened to it for years and witnessed it turn from what I considered to be a reasonably objective analysis to a box ticking opportunity to attack the usual targets and make unfounded predictions such as the one you described. I’ve still got last years ‘ one as a podcast – must listen for a laugh.
It’s an excellent opportunity to give thick brexiters like me I good kicking – with 455 days to go…
Hoping that
a) The Euro collapses, and we get serious riots against Merkel and Rutte by Erdogans thugs.
b)Catalonia gives the Eu no place to hide and its gutless avoidance of taking sides will show everybody how contemptuous the EU is regarding its people and their votes
c) Austrians chairing the EU will link with us causing them maximum damage re no deals and an end to this transition crap of theirs.
d) David Davis to insist on Rees Mogg as his deputy-or else he`ll go and leave May to hang separately.
e) Trump to kick out the UN, Clinton to go on trial and the wall to get an extra few feet in rainbow paint.
f) The Russian World Cup to be a disaster, but Putin able to show how effete the west is regarding its players and fans.
Be nice to see a few Remainer deaths like Campbell, Heseltine, Beckett and Attenborough. Bonus if Will Self pops it.
They predicted about Trump foreign visits
..they said no early visits to mainland Europe
So they suggested Russia/Canada/UK ..which of course he has not visited
He began with Saudi, Israel, Italy
They claimed Trump has terrible approval ratings
really ??
\\ On Dec. 28, 2009, according to a Rasmussen poll, Obama had a 47 percent approval rating.
On Dec. 28, 2017, Trump had a 46 percent approval rating.
Obama’s approval rating on December 29, 2009 —just one day later — was 46 percent, the exact same as Trump’s. //
The fire in New York has just been on the news.
Looking at the firemen (I didn’t see any firewomen) it struck me that they are all white.
Also, other support and caring services all appeared white.
This is in direct contrast to every tv show and film where all these heroic types are non whites.
All police chiefs, US presidents and top doctors are non white, the only exception being when the character is an evil baddie, then it’s a whitey.
Next police series you watch, check out the good high ranking black cops (or Wimmin’ cops) and see if you can spot any ‘good’ white cop.
Black presidents are all kindly and compassionate, highly intelligent men (or a girl president)
White ones are the two faced, treacherous and liars.
I suppose you all know this anyway.
Al Beeb is gleefully reporting any big fire from around the planet to keep the Grenfell story burning – a different propaganda from the Lawrence murder where anyone killed after st Stephen was ignored – the difference being that al Beeb blamed the police but with Grenfell al Beeb can blame Brexit , the tories, trump , British culture , the DUP , Boris and boris’s dog.
Not of course – the saintly London fire brigade which told those who called to ‘stay put’ thus consigning them to death. Bet that doesn’t feature in the public inquiry as the fire brigades union funds labour.
Point taken but there was at least one honourable exception: former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke. Trump supporter, probably working in a Trump PAC now. Tore handwringing liberals a new one every time he appeared on Fox News. Uncompromising hard arsed moral rectitude seeping through every pore.
EG – That is an interesting point you raise about the NY firemen on the news and one which Diana West noted in her book “The Death Of The Grown-Up” where she discusses 9/11; albeit without the racial element.
“More than a war was revealed to us that September morning. A throwback world was uncovered, a fireman culture more exotic than that of aborigines of the rain forest – which, after all, is a vacation destination not unfamiliar to trend conscious ecotourists. In the wilds of Queens and Staten Island, it seemed, there were men who married their childhood sweethearts, followed their fathers into the force, and died to save their fellow man. As stricken office workers fled down the stairways of the burning towers, these same fearless men kept climbing upward, shouldering their responsibilities as purposefully as their one-hundred pound packs. To the mainstream culture, it was a staggering revelation – all 343 of them who perished not to mention thirty-seven Port Authority police and twenty-three New York City police.”
“On 9/11, American society was awestruck by the same manly virtues – read: adult virtues- that our youth cultures, rock culture, our MSM culture had long ago derided as uncool, unhip, inauthentic, corny, out-of-touch, old-fashioned, schmaltzy, dry, dead and totally over.
Given the long standing entrenchment of these overlapping youth, rock and MSM cultures, the retro-virtues of the adult weren’t going to prevail as cultural norms without a fight. And they haven’t, so far. No culture war is being waged against them, exactly, but maybe a form of not-so-benign neglect.”
Cairo church shooting: At least 10 dead after gunmen opens fire during morning prayers
Nothing on the BBC yet
“Chip shop owner Andy Sami Star, 31, of Sheffield Road, Chesterfield, and Farhad Salah, 22, of Brunswick Road, Sheffield, are charged with preparing an act of terrorism.”
Not your typical English sounding names. I wonder what was their motivation.
“Not your typical English sounding names. I wonder what was their motivation.”
The Haddock was non Halal and they were off to Grimsby to get some smoked.
Egypt attack: Twelve die as gunmen hit Coptic Christians
BBC hints that ISIS is to blame.
‘most attacks claimed by the local branch of the so-called Islamic State group.’
‘The attacks have been blamed on, and in many cases claimed by, Islamists affiliated with so-called Islamic State (IS)’.
But nowhere suggests that ordinary Egyptian Muslims could be the possible culprits.
The Egyptian military dictatorship suppresses the Islamic Brotherhood by force and the liklihood of ISIS having a foothold (other than in Sinai) is slight no matter what the authorities think about the Christian Copts. As three police were also killed one would expect that the Egyptians will pull out all stops to find the killers, even if they are lax in finding killers of Copts.
Any comment from either Welby or Nicholls welcome of course.
Let alone Papa Francisquito.
Cue tumbleweed, hot air machine in the repair shop and creaking stable doors flapping in the warm breeze.
If the church were ever bothered about getting persecuted, it need fear this no more. Who`d raise a sword to them all-they`re actively helping the Caliphate?
I had given up on comedy on al Beeb this Christmas ( expect for 2 hours of Dads Army ) until I heard The World at One. I think fatty Mardell did a story on labour and the Momentum Group. Apparently every one in labour supports corbyn so Momentum doesn’t have a reason to be any more. Which is when I started laughing .
They covered the process Momentum is using to undermine non believers in labour councils but apparently labour is so supportive of The Great Leader Comrade that Momentum doesn’t need to crush dissenters. By then the tears were just rolling…..
Labour is floating the idea of having a final referendum on the outcome of negotiations – a policy change but not as bad as corbyn becoming a remainer . Clever – but makes the assumption that the remainers will win next time.
No chance Fedup2. Until we get an enquiry into
a) how the 2015 election result was moulded by double votes, gerrymandered polls and those expenses of Momentum as a result a few years later
b) How the UNITE unions fiddled to get McClucky made President, and get his opponent off the ballot paper only a few days before-see Putin v Navalny as ongoing in Russia and read across.
c) how the referendum was groomed, bent, fiddled and funded to get the YES result they bribed, cheated and extended registrations for. Use of media and “experts”, surveys and “independent thnik tanks” REALLY need a Mueller-type of toothcomb.
d) the role of Islam, Momentum and Students in getting Corbyn boosted in the last election in June.
Until ALL this vote grooming, serial ballot fiddling and election meddling by the Left is looked into(these buggers HATE plebiscites, remember , neither Communism or Sharia have EVER been democractially elected anywhere in the world, by a free election)-well, there`ll never be another referendum-what do you think they`d do to swing THAT now?
Chris – I was wrong on the original referendum because I really thought they’d find a way of fixing the actual vote to a remain outcome. I really don’t mind being wrong again if they do go for another referendum because I want Blighty totally out of the EU as soon as it can be done. 2018 will do.
Take your points Fedup2, but
a) Think that the stakes are high now-and there would surely be serious fiddling to get the EU result required by the governing elite.
They have long disliked any effort to have democratic accountability, and -like the death penalty, immigration-the EU Project is now a Religion that will not be troubled by the heretics and thick like us.
I mean-when we voted to go into the (then) Common Market in 1975, there was no chance of any kind of second vote. Had we lost last year, you can bet that there`d be no votes given re Turkey, the EU Army or the coming Eurofiscal Pact of Frankfurt 2020.
Besides-only the little countries like Denmark and Ireland are made to rerun their votes to please the EU that threatens them ,rolls out its media stoolies and unions to get the correct vote for Juncker.
No-we are Britain, we`ll be here as a safety blanket for Catalonians and De Gaulles successors. As we were in 1940.
Chris – I agree with re vote fiddling . I expect the only reason that the original EU referendum was not interfered with (apart of course from Vladimir Putin spending 20 p on pro leave facebook adds) Was That our Euro loving globalist elite were too arrogant and believed in their own polls.
Now of course they have wised up and will use every devious trick in the book to rob us of our democratic right. I suspect the ace in the pack is our ineffectual pro remain PM – God you could not make this up !
“I was wrong on the original referendum because I really thought they’d find a way of fixing the actual vote to a remain outcome. ”
In my view they thought they’d fixed it beyond any chance of Leave getting a majority. Even the leaders of the Leave campaign thought that the cause was lost after the ruthless Remain exploitation of Jo Cox’s murder. The surprise on the day was the turn-out of working class voters who were tired of seeing their wages depressed by unrestriced immigration. The fix was in but fell apart on the last day.
The BBC still cannot understand why we didn’t believe its lies.
News on Milo legal case
He sues publisher for $10m for breaking contract & giving into activists
– in court their lawyers argue “We didn’t publish it cos it’s crap, here see the original manuscript with our comments ..the book was full of racism and fake news”
News : Demonstrations in Tehran
.. Are they again organised by the BBC & the ‘independent journalists” it trains ?
The bBC, its left-wing agenda, and an inability to report the facts:
Weedon Bec Parish Council gets £500,000 for grenades clear-up
Work has started to make a playing field safe after munitions from a military barracks were found….A play area mound containing waste, including explosives, from nearby Weedon Barracks has needed 24-hour security, which the council has had to fund.
There is no nearby barracks, it was closed down in 1965. (52 years ago)
“It was closed down in 1965. (52 years ago)”
That would have been when Labour were in power (Harold Wilson) – I bet they forgot that as well.
News BBC forgets to cover
“Thatcher wanted to decriminalise dodging the BBC licence fee”
Radio 4 just tweeted
\\ BBC Radio 4 Verified account @BBCRadio4
“Do you weep, Mrs Thatcher,
Do you weep?” //
The bBBC website is reporting that the stock market has closed for the year end at an all time high.
Strangely, the words ‘because of Brexit’ do not seem to appear in the text.
I wonder why not?
It can’t be “because of Trump” either ……
It must be Despite them both. Naturally.
OK. I am a strong Brexiteer and a strong anti Beeber . But the trouble is that we cannot prove that the gains are as a result of Brexit. We really do need to keep our powder dry and wait until we see the whites of their eyes before we know for sure. When we do, count me in.
Taxi crime : UK has 1 alleged sex assault per day
London about 1 every 2 days, but zero black-taxi drivers charged, 30 minicab/uber drivers were accused of rape.
Hangon Uber drivers are much more likely to be recent immigrants than black-taxi isn’t Sadiqs campaign racist ?
That 30 was over a year
Tonight’s TV comedy
..Any Morecombe&Wise, VictoriaWood, Miranda ?
x3, x2, x0
There was a M&W show on one of the channels over Christmas, we were crying our eyes out within seconds. The jokes were really funny, simple, plain, non political and funny.
I was also crying my eyes out at the BBC’s offerings.
But not in the same sense ……
Just like its TV arm, the bBC is rehashing a lot of old news:
Rahmah’s story: ‘I am a Chinese hijabi’
My life as a hostage of al-Qaeda
Racist’ Dove ad: Model Lola Ogunyemi speaks out
But just like the Goodies, the bBC has refused to rehash this story The migrants making a clean sweep in Rome
Which can be explained by this current story from Rome:
Rubbish piles up in Rome as holidays and rain disrupt collections
Mounds of uncollected rubbish have been piling up in Rome since Christmas Eve, with some residents setting them on fire in protest against a municipal administration that has failed to deliver on its promise to tackle the city’s waste.
Whilst the Guardian gives the impression of Holiday issues, here is what was been reported by the bBC in April:
Why Rome sends trains filled with rubbish to Austria
Rome has been struggling to cope with a rubbish crisis and Austria has spare capacity at a waste-to-energy plant near Vienna. So a deal has been struck. The Italians are paying Austrian company EVN to dispose of up to 70,000 tonnes of Roman household refuse this year.
The bBC and its mission statement that any old rubbish will do. Unless of course they are talking about actual Rubbish.
“….The Italians are paying Austrian company EVN to dispose of up to 70,000 tonnes of Roman household refuse this year.” I trust that with the new ‘anti-gimmigrant’ Government in Austria the train carriage which conveyed the gimmigrants from Italy has bee de-coupled……………
The BBC is noted for its associations and conflations, implying guilt on a selective basis depending who they a trying to smear.
Social media is a rich seam, with followers, followees, ‘likes’ etc, which the target often has little if any control over or, in the case of noting a piece, how it is logged.
Hence Beeboids have a raft of weasels, such as ‘views my own’ or ‘RTs do not mean endorsement’. Actually quite fair mostly, if normally to be taken as read (the twitter white tick/blue badge now seems more an albatross for the aspiring impartial media employee). Questions may also be raised on how many on which ‘sides’ of any issue attract such supposedly neutral additions.
And of course there is the odd way those the BBC and staff report upon those not enjoying the same exemptions those who operate under the BBC banner do. Like their FoI trawls.
Certainly it is always… ‘interesting’ what the Peroxide Puff girls either side of the pond, namely Katty and Emily, seem to ‘like’.
And others too.
It is possible Access All Areas Amol was merely ‘liking’ a perky phrase for future discussion.
Or maybe he has a glimmer of integrity and journalistic spine, and agreed that a simperview with the Sun God was actually as ‘Yuck’ as it gets?
Could it be all was not as spiffy as it should be in the photocopying room at the BBC Xmas party?
Here is the BBC on the topic:
‘Rather than simply come out in the first line and tell everybody what’s going on…’ the BBC does love to see that narrative enhanced.
The bBC loves to air stories about the plight of migrant Children across Europe, especially in France, with the view that the UK should take in the thousands of unaccompanied so called Rug rats living in fear across the Utopia that is the EU, which the bBC also believes we are wrong to leave. The current Child migrant story which is gripping France hasn’t been reported by the bBC, I wonder why?
France: Migrant Children found sleeping inside laundry drying machines.
Good point Pounce. If leaving the EU is so bad-why are all its migrants still wanting to get over here?
Don`t they LISTEN to the BBC, let alone the experts we have to endure everyday telling us why we`re a racist, backward cesspool with no nurses, teachers or sprout pickers?
Stay in Europe, let`s be prepared to lose a Nobel Peace Prize or a Dewsbury chiropodist or two.
It`s the price for Brexit, I guess.
Best to let Cologne cordon the fun, as Berlin, Brussels, Marseilles, Rome and Gothenburg, Malmo are preparing to do tonight and for the next few days.
A job for an aspiring stonemason, keen to leave an inscribed quote for posterity, awaits from today’s Letters in the Guardian. Attributed to one Bob Ward from the grandly named Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the LSE – surely not the birthplace of M. Thatcher sort of Grantham? – it deals with the thorny subject of freedom of speech in which the spokesperson for the GRICCE writes, and I quote: ‘When a speaker with a record of making factually inaccurate and misleading public statements, such as a climate denier, is invited to address a campus audience, he or she should be subjected to robust and rigorous rebuttal that can expose the falseness of their claims.’
The irony of Mr Ward’s words are evidently lost to him, but not, one would hope, on the rational majority.
Well, I wouldn’t give a Tom Tit what he thinks, I’ll believe my own evidence, and let him piss in the wind.
Just had to look up this ‘important’ bunch…
Bob Ward –
Bob joined the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) from Risk Management Solutions, where he was Director of Public Policy.
He also worked at the Royal Society, the UK national academy of science, for eight years, until October 2006. His responsibilities there included leading the media relations team.
He has also worked as a freelance science writer and journalist.
Bob has a first degree in geology and an unfinished PhD thesis on palaeopiezometry.
He is a fellow of the Geological Society, a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and a member of the American Geophysical Union. Bob is also a member of the board of the Association of British Science Writers and a member of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Public Relations Association.”
Well, well well…
So, here we have yet another example of a magnificent benefit to the UK’s Economy, working to bring much needed foreign payments from exports, investments and trade from manufacture, design and down-right hard graft.
Surely the BBBC should be told, they need these people…
Often called “Bob Ward the Climate Fraud”
scientifically unqualified*PR man for Jeremy Grantham’s Climate alarm raising NGOs
which accidentally help raise the subsidy income of Jeremy’s big green hedgefunds
I have physically heard him on Radio4 introduced as “Climate Scientist Bob Ward” no he isn’t
I’ve been a Master Wanker for 77 years but this dialogue makes me laugh and cry at the same time.—- Gissa Job! Come on! –I know you got one. Giss it! (Yozzer Hughes in Boys From The Black Stuff by Alan Bleasdale.)
Come on BBC for fucks sake remember your white working class viewers and listeners and give them ABSOLUTE priority.Please!!!
BBC reply : FUCK OFF we’ve got quotas yer know. there’s males, females,queers, niggers, and don’t knows.
“UK stock markets close at a record high.”
Despite, wait for it , “The Brexit effect” and
“All the dangers that were anticipated with a Trump administration haven’t materialised.”
‘Project fear’ is not working, we should have got out of the EU over a year ago .
It’s all going swimmingly, Taff!
No chance of anybody getting in the way, we’ll be out of the EU, and I’ll raise a glass (or three) of Penderyn to you and others here, who are grinding the remoaning bastards down at every turn! They have nowhere to turn, nobody here even thinks the BBBC is worth anything more than a ‘public’ service to say when the next bus will arrive!
It’s so easy to laugh off anyone around here (admittedly in a pleasant part of Kent), who even tries to argue for remaining! We all just tell them to bugger off! No chance of whingeing, just getting the back of the neck!
Penderyn! Watch that stuff – too much and a nasty hangover ensues.
Well so far its looking good despite the lack of confidence in the economy shown by Al Beeb, the media and the Bank of England’s attempt at a self fulfilling prophesy.
What the remoaners have got to realise is that talking down the economy and ‘brexit fear’ will effect their pockets as well .
They need to ‘get over’ their electoral defeat and stop behaving like spoilt brats.
OK, alright then Taff, a couple of pints in ‘The Drovers’ then?
I’m surprised brexit fear reaches that far, much better to enjoy the great places you have near you…
Must say that I like the idea of the “Patronising Bastards” as described above. Quentin Letts does us a service, but he`s probably out of touch with currrent spongiform like Daman Albarn etc….
My top Ten of 2017 would be
a) John Bercow
b) Malia Bouattia
c) Alastair Campbell (and his Blair Bum Cartel)
d) AC Grayling
e) Polly Toynbee(and Yasmin,Dame Jenni and the leftihax)
f) Harriet Harman(why no fatwa for her joke about Pakistanis that Neil hushed up?)
g) Chris Evans(and all BBC trough swillers)
h)Sadiq Khan
i) Martin Narey
j) Justin Welby.
Quote of the Year
” In 2017, surely religion or colour of skin are no longer an issue are they?”.
Martin Narey.
He said this as Childrens Quangocrat in defending Tower Hamlets placing a Christian young girl with avowed Muslim foster carers, who wanted her to conform to their faith and not hers.
1. Justout Welby
2. Cucka Britbama
3. Sellmea Chipbuttie
4. Ser Nick Clegg
5. James O’Right-on
6. Mickey Swiveltime
7. Amber Fudd
8. Jimmy Krankie
9. Brake Cable
10. Yvette Balls
Oh! The 2017 Libtard awards!
Who gets the Libtard Oscar?
Geldof and Bono for a start.
Then – um – Yvette Cooper-Balls for not letting her many houses fill up with tiresome immigrants.
All the Toady ‘staff’, and their under-managers.
Heseltine and Major, that popular whining duo.
I’ll try and gather my thoughts for more after another slurp at the Waitrose White…
Benedict Cumberbitch, for his fatuous on stage lamenting about migrants and asylumers; to the captive audiences at the end of his theatre performances.
Who is he exactly, Al?
Is he some sort of acting person, or maybe a background singer in a girl band?
Never heard of him I’m afraid…
So my Lord Adonis. A slimy unelected type who got is peerage through Blair, has resigned at the PMs infrastructure czar. No doubt he wants to spend more time with his friends – hesseltine, subray, bollock-brown, Sir Clegg, gaga Clarke, the. Chancellor and the rest of the anti democratic traitors.
Al Beeb is doing its best to hasten a recession. At lunch time that tedious ‘you and yours’ was vox popping punters with the leading question of “ how are you going to cut back as prices rise?’ Obviously they edit to how they want the outcome to sound but people were saying thing like – I’ll cut back on Netflix – whatever that is .
But that sound like the strategy of 2018 – I remember them doing it in the 80s . Obviously there will be a market correction / crash which will play into the remainer / anti trump al Beeb narrative .
“I don’t like the BBC, so I’ll be cutting back on the licence fee.”
Anyone say that?
I wish Tom – if they did the al Beeb radio propaganda police got to them
Toady watch –
5 guest editors – 2 aristocrats – both born in Blighty – 1 Nigerian ( a writer apparently ) – 1 Spaniard ( a dancer apparently ) and one not born at all . I’ve got more and more interested in this term ‘diversity’ which like many here view as a term of abuse as in ‘diverse terrorist’.
Yet by their very policy of supporting multiculturalism al Beeb fails to be diverse in failing to address or acknowledge my views – I want Blighty to be recognisably Blighty – which infers I prefer a white Judao Christian English speaking culture as dominant – which I suppose make me a racist. So be it – then that’s what I am.
“I’ll cut back on Netflix – whatever that is .”
Isn’t it something where some tired old tart gets out of her fishnet tights, and flicks them across the room?
(My apols Ladies Here, you are not included, I meant all the others)… Phew…
Much better than a Firestick, which I presume is some sort of suppositorial antidote to an extra-violent vindaloo…
Thanks Scrob – I kind of know what Netflix is but I’m having too much fun with Sky cold calling me to rejoin after i skexited ( doesn’t work does it ) because they’d been ripping me off even more than al Beeb. Hang on – there’s a knock at the door -it could be the tv licence Gestapo …
Fed! Come back! The malt is here just for you!
Oh bugger, I hate not being able to help chums in distress, it ails me more than somewhat…
Once we binned the TVL, Sky was collateral, and given the death spiral of their News division no loss.
Amazon Prime filled a void across several categories.
However Netflix has proven a real complementary boon, and at half the cost of the BBC, pretty good value.
Our kids can think of no reason to watch or listen to BBC at all.
Wonder which UKIP woman will feature in this new Radio4 series about political women ?
“Wonder which UKIP woman will feature in this new Radio4 series about political women ?”
Which UKIP woman, who has done something remarkable, would you recommend?
“It’s Friday, it’s Maxi o’clock… and it’s a cracker, Jack!”
Their work in the EU parliament ..largest UK party
“Their work in the EU parliament ..largest UK party”
Stew, I asked you; “Which UKIP woman, who has done something remarkable, would you recommend?”
You are obviously unable to name one.
Case closed.
You are obviosly unable to answer my repeated questions……………………………….
“Why do you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich?
In fact why do you post here at all – what motivates you?
Two easy questions that a person of your calibre should be able answer .”
Don’t tell ‘im, Stew… he’ll be smashing up his Eminem collection in frustration in no time 🙂
Repit, pliss…