Given that our friend above says that Mrs T wanted to decriminalise the non-payment of the telly tax, surely that £147 saving would stave off the austerity that currently affects the most vulnerable in our society. And this surely would be welcome to the BBCs Justice Collective. Thanks for telling us Stew Green by the way-funnily enough, the BBC seem not to have mentioned her wishes.
PM had both pincers of the Left tonight-John O Ferrall, some Blair smartypants who now thinks Corbyn is grand…as well as some uniloony called Laura who thinks he`s doing really well.
Famed BBC balance as ever….no Bex Bailey though for some reason.
“PM had both pincers of the Left tonight… Famed BBC balance as ever”
And yesterday PM had two ‘pincers of the Right’ on, in the same slot. Don’t see to remember you (or anyone else) complaining about “BBC balance” however? How strange…
I’ve noticed ‘Patronising Bastards’ by Quentin Letts mentioned in a few recent posts.
Has anybody seen any of the University Challenge episodes being shown at the minute? I have paused in passing a couple of times in the past week as the teams have been introduced.
I have no idea who half of these people are, or why I should know who they are, or why both the bBbc and these contestants involved obviously consider themselves to be individuals of real significance. They seem to inhabit a world of talking and writing, seemingly in the main to and about themselves and their friends, and apparently share not only an agreed world view but quangos, committees and ex- partners.
I’m sure there are some people of merit or substance amongst them but these programmes offer a real insight into a wee world of privilege and pretentiousness and Paxman that means absolutely nothing to me or anyone I know.
On a similar note I’ve just walked in on a Radio 1 Extra DJ reciting the lyrics of a grime song, Boy Better Know, to a grinning John Humphreys on the generously titled Celebrity Mastermind.
I’ve a feeling the lyrics are as indecipherable and irrelevant to John as they are to me but he’s not letting on, best fake smile and laugh, overlong and over loud, an old fool fooling no one.
What’s saving the bBbc on a festive Friday night in 2017? Morecambe and Wise, covering the bBbcs’ bare Christmas arse since 1970.
Yes I have been thinking the same. Who the hell are they ? they love themselves and they think they are important they all graduated and went on to do non-real jobs. Writers you have never heard of , people who read an auto cue , some bloke who was in the civil service . They are of course all Liberal –mostly thick as two short planks.
Very odd as you say – I would bet a pound to a pinch of shit every single one of them is connected to the BBC.
Why did you interpret what I wrote in that way, just to attempt to belittle me? I’m expressing my opinion, you haven’t clearly expressed any, just insulted me.
It simply means that in my opinion the bBbc present these contestants as being important pillars of academia or modern and contemporary culture but I do not know who many of them are and am unable to recognise them immediately and so wonder how much influence they actually do have outside the bubble I believe they and the bBbc inhabit. These programmes, like so many other panel shows or current affairs programmes the bBbc produce, seem to me to be back slapping exercises full of in jokes and contrived cleverness that less and less people are interested in or find relevant or entertaining.
I’m not impressed or intimidated by them because I, and so many other people in the wider society outside their cliques, have a broadly similar educational background to many of those of them I’ve had to look up on wiki, and because they often prove to have an embarrassingly poor grasp of general knowledge and workings of the world around them despite their supposedly heightened intellects.
It just seems to me to be an outdated and clumsy presentation of cultural and intellectual snobbery and an attempt at self justification by a group who believe and assert that they are elite and in some way superior in thought to us plebs, unaware that everyone has uncensored access to knowledge now, free from their manipulation and rationing, and that they continually prove themselves mediocre and limited.
I could now end nicely on a personal insult directed at you but I can’t be arsed as I’m not interested in either you or your games and whatever it is they are an attempt to compensate for.
“It simply means that in my opinion the bBbc present these contestants as being important pillars of academia or modern and contemporary culture…”
The “bBbc” don’t present them in any such way.
“I’m not impressed or intimidated by them…”
Nobody ever suggested you should be.
I apologise for suggesting that you were proud of your ignorance. That was crass of me and you’re obviously a much more complex individual. But I think that possibly your apparent resentment of nano-celebs on University Challenge is more to do with you, than them, or the BBC.
Radio4 PM show
“Look here have a special End Of Year edition of clips edited up aimed at pushing OUR OWN “impartial” political views”
\\ Having lightly mocked Corbyn & Abbott’s attempts at maths,
#bbcpm replayed the whole of #BorisJohnson’s muddled post-election chat with #EddieMair
……. ‘BBC balance’? or just light entertainment?
Ps, Dead-Ringers on at 6.30 radio4 //
People referenced a time when Mair was presenting on TV and he ambused Boris
“Vicious Eddie Mair kicked off TV for good after this interview.
Demoted to radio, career in the toilet and rightly. ”
BBC broadcast to libland
… not to England
Trouble is all us not in the libmob still have to pay for it
#DieselsRpaedos segment was a science travesty as well’s all about pollution from cars idling, then Nigel Havers saying it kills, then ask kid what action he takes
they bring in kid, that’s #EmotionalBlackmail
“Ah the buses are always idling so I ask Mum & Dad if I can go over and tell the driver to switch off”
….Doh, the bigger/newer the engine the better the filtration,
so a modern bus idling probably puts out minimal pollution.
"Who's going to say no to a nine-year-old knocking on their door saying please stop idling – you're killing me?"
Stew – ive been on the receiving end of someone using there kid to tell me to turn the engine off. I don’t think they’ll be doing it again in a hurry. Rev those engines .
And who brought these crazy horse killing macnines onto the UK and incentivised us all to buy them?
Tax perks and all?
Yes-Gordon Brown, Tony Blair and their CMO-Sir David King no less. Who seems to know as much about diesel dangers as he purports to know on global warming things.
Yes folk-Labour, Green, Labour, EU and -yes-LABOUR-are responsible for this. Are the BBC telling us so?
Oh look, here’s Maxie back again, posting between clients, vainly hoping a Richard Gere lookalike with eyesight problems might whisk her away from her sad life.
“If you jazz up the intro and re cut the edit , like they did…”
In what way did they; “jazz up the intro”?
Explain please.
In what way did they; “re cut the edit”? You just claimed they replayed the whole of his post-election chat. How is replaying the whole interview re-cutting the edit?
Why do you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich?
In fact why do you post here at all – what motivates you?
You are not helping Al Beeb with your posts .
Two easy questions that a person of your calibre should be able answer .
“Lord Adonis quits government role with Brexit attack”
“In his resignation letter, he accused Mrs May of “allying with UKIP and the Tory hard right to wrench Britain out of the key economic and political institutions of modern Europe”, saying the UK was “hurtling towards the EU’s emergency exit with no credible plan for the future of British trade and European co-operation”.
\\”MP Iain Duncan Smith said the departure of Lord Adonis was “long overdue”.
He added: “It’s a bit rich for him to pontificate on what he calls populism, but what most would refer to as democracy, when he himself has never been elected by a public vote. He has instead relied on preferment from others.”//
Close the door on your way out Mr Adonis, the people of Great Britain have spoken. We want our country back!
According to wiki Adonis is the son of a Cypriot waiter. Adonis junior got into oxford, got a first in modern history then became a journo before 4 years in oxford as a Lib Dem councillor in the late 80s. Since then he has held unelected government posts and thinks a lot more of his fucking self than the British electorate .
She waited until the last moment to submit article 50.
She stuffed the cabinet with remoaners.
She gave the eu everything they wanted and got nothing in return.
So much more (as we all know) so I’ll spare your time.
It sounds more like allying with Clarke and Heseltine.
Emmanuel Goldstein
Lets hope she can see the light and will go for a hard Brexit ensuring her place in the next general election. Its one she could win if she put our country first and added Rees-Mogg in her cabinet .
Update to bulletin
Libdems who ‘blew it’ in the last GE on reversing Brexit added …….
\\Liberal Democrat leader Sir Vince Cable described Lord Adonis’ resignation as “a great shame”, saying it showed that Brexit was being “badly mishandled”. He added that the Lib Dems would work with Lord Adonis “in fighting to end the hard Brexit that the government is recklessly pursuing”.//
They are not listening to the people!
So May has already used Blairs retards and retreads in
a) employment-Matthew Taylor(Lauries lad)
b) health-Alan(wor geordie) Milburn
c) big train tracks-Andrew Adonis.
Suppose there`s no chance we might ever see a TORY on any May Advisory Body is there?
Just rather thought that Labour tanked the country, turned the state into a crack whore in need of taxes and therapy 24/7.
So they may not be the ideal choice of expert, unless you want North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela or Zimbabwe.
So the last remaining believers in the Religion of War and Rape are ISIS and… the Beebistan. Oh, and May. And Hussein of course. And Charlie-boy. And Emir Khant. Welby.
Couldn’t they all just move to some islamic hellhole and leave us in peace?
NORAD was tracking him on Christmas Eve for some reason… I think he might also be re reading’ A Christmas Carol’ although he ll probably sneer at the religious reference.
Naughtie sitting in his beloved Edinburgh predicting the destruction of All Things Trump and making reference to a CNN opinion poll. He must have been well on the single malt to say opinion poll without laughing. I’m surprised al Beeb used him for 2018 prediction since he is so obviously unattached to reality….. I’m talking the al Beeb annual prediction show on r4
Lord Jim DID give us the phrase that Trumps prospects might melt away like-and I quote ” a snowflake on a dyke”. Have been unable to get the idea of Owen Jones clambering over Sandi-Toksvig to straddle Angela Eagle on a Kendal Mintcake mountain.
There was FIVE blowhards on this show tonight-maybe they think that at least ONE of them might get something right this year-for once.
And be able to play it to us next year.
Whoever will be correct-it will NOT be James Naughtie. Never was, never is and never will be.
A florid flanneur, bit gone on the gingersnaps, trying to look up Craig Reids kilt with a mirror that once had a trace of Teachers on it.
Only a show like this could make Carrie Grace look as stupid a beeboid as the rest. Her agent needs to get her some REAL journalist job on CCTV.
That R4 2018 prediction show Direct to 44:30 James Robbins : “I predict a substantial tipping point in energy
– 2018 is decisively the year for renewables ..waffle waffle”
– “Tide for Fracking is running out” ..what so we can buy more Russian gas ?
– “skids under Hinckley point”
Well, i caught a moment of Eastenders a couple of weeks ago and there was a scene where the character Ian Beale is hit in the face by the character Lauren. Eastenders 2017 would never ever show a male hitting a female , so as usual their bias enables them to show men in any light they wish including female on male violence, i needed to let them know it had not gone unnoticed because in my opinion white straight men are highest on their target list.
This is their response or her response as it was a female that replied. What do you all make of this reply ? In my opinion it is yet another empty response.
Note. Mr Vai Se-Foda is not my real name but the name i always use when communicating with the BBC Vai se-Foda means ‘ go fuck yourself’ because i know they will never admit to their nasty biased totalitarian regime in my lifetime or any lifetime.
Dear Mr Vai se-Foda
Reference CAS-4704783-BGMSJ3
Thank you for contacting us about EastEnders on 19 December.
I understand you feel the BBC is promoting female violence towards men.
One of our aims is to reflect the world as it is, which means covering all aspects of human life. This includes behaviour and situations that you may find difficult to watch.
We do not wish to portray violence in a way that might appear to support it. However, EastEnders, like society, is made up of many different character types, and although we do not always condone the actions of all of our fictional characters all of the time, we don’t believe that they shouldn’t express behaviours that we personally do not agree with. If all our characters were decent, principled, and without flaws it would make for a very uneventful show.
We appreciate you feel strongly about this, so I have passed your complaint onto the programme makers and senior management on our audience feedback report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback within the BBC and help inform both current and future programming.
Once again, many thanks for taking the time to get in touch.
“One of our aims is to reflect the world as it is.”
The so-called liberal so-called art world often use this argument to justify their works.
But they’ll never depict e.g. black muggers or drug dealers etc, or muslim child abusers, because that would be to ‘reinforce negative racial stereotypes’. Or Hard Left violence.
So when it suits them, they’ll ‘reflect reality as it is’. When it doesn’t suit their liberal agenda they’ll depict reality as they’d like it to be, i.e. female/black/muslim/Left = good; Male/white/Right = bad.
“Eastenders 2017 would never ever show a male hitting a female…”
Lee hits Whitney – EastEnders:
Okay, perhaps that was just a misfortunate oversight. But why stop now? I look forward to your letter to the Royal Shakespeare Company complaining that they are ‘promoting’; pedophilia, genocide & mass eye-plucking…
“UKIP’s Mandy Jones sworn in as party’s new North Wales AM”
\\”UKIP Wales leader Neil Hamilton welcomed her to the party’s assembly group stating: “UKIP is stronger with an additional member in the National Assembly and on the front foot in Wales.
“We are looking forward to 2018, where we will be even more active and vocal, as we continue to stand up for the people of Wales against the cosy Cardiff Bay consensus.”//
” the cosy Cardiff Bay consensus” 😀 Well said that man !
Its time to get rid of another overblown expensive bureaucracy, the Welsh Assembly.
Thank you Vaz. Thank you Adonis, with your daft name.Thank you Clegg, Clarke, Mandelson, Blair, Heseltine, Juncker and Merkel. Thank you Verhofstadt – your mad expression and middle parted floppy mop has provided great amusement. Thank you Welby. Thank you to all who imagine that they are ‘royal’. And thanks to the BBC, both as a corporate entity and as a creator of peculiar entities designed to manipulate the consciousness of the masses. All of these things are nightmares paraded before us so that we can choose whether or not to slide over the cliff and into the seas of chaos. At the end of 2017 it appears that the collective strange ambitions and desires of the current gang is proving as revolting to ordinary people as Hitler’s mad ambitions did to all right thinking human beings in the 20th century.
I wish everyone on this site a 2018 filled with kindness, goodness, love and light. Thank you to all for keeping me thinking, wondering, and searching for answers.
We`re truly blessed in who God gives us by way of an opposition, a fifth column or a traitor caste!
From Roy Jenkins, through to Verhofstad via Heath and Clegg.
And from Shirley Williams to Adonis via Polly Toynbee or Yasmin A-B.
If we can`t bury this lot of bloodless entitled lushes and vermin-well, we should have let real men like Goering and Keitel take our grannies terraced houses when they flew by.
I mean-we had REAL terrors like Joan Maynard and Pat Arrowsmith-not pisspoor community care casualties like Anna Soubry.
The Bataclan Massacre – November 2015 Paris attacks by Islamists killed 130 people and another 413 were injured. The majority of the victims were attending a rock concert in the Bataclan Theatre, Paris.
France 2 are producing a for television film of the Bataclan Massacre around a fictional love story between a French woman and an Afghan Muslim refugee. The Muslim refugee is the hero of the film. The filming has been completed and is currently in the editing stage. However word has leaked out and relatives of the victims have protested angrily. Consequently France 2 are temporary suspending the film:
Hi maxincony, for someone who claims to be an atheist and who rejects the central submission and expansionist tenets of Islam, you do go out of your way to defend Islam and to indulge in various forms of whataboutery. And by the way the two main protagonists of the film as reported is the French woman and the Muslim refugee man, and the Muslim refugee man is portrayed as the hero in the ordinary English language meaning of the word.
A hero or heroine: a person or main character of a literary work who, in the face of danger, combats adversity through feats of ingenuity, bravery or strength, often sacrificing their own personal concerns for a greater good.
“According to Deadline, the film is understood to centre on a fictional romance between a single mother and an Afghan refugee who meet on the night of 13 November as they rescue survivors of the attacks.”
That’s a quote from the BBC website.
Glamourising a muslim ‘hero’ after a muslim atrocity? Nice to see France 2 are as moronic as our very own beeb. It must be something to do with State ownership that makes them all so thick.
You are an Al Beeb Troll that supports robbing the poor to give to the rich.
I.e. the telly poll tax.
“But who cares if it’s honest or truthful” only Al Beeb and you.
“’But who cares if it’s honest or truthful’ only Al Beeb and you.”
Thank you for confirming you have no interest in truth or honesty.
Took you a while, but you finally got there in the end.
Perhaps you could spend a few moments to advise your chums on B-BBC to make similar confessions; thereby avoiding the ritual humiliation of being caught out lying again, and again, and again.
Hi maxincony, you clearly are not a Christian nor of a meaningful Christian background because otherwise you would know all about bearing false witness as in: “BoBot-Caliphate was lying”. You maxincony reveal yourself to be someone with questionable personal ethics in this personal jihad of yours.
Oh dear, now even the stock markets are off-message:
“UK stock markets close at a record high after confounding downbeat expectations” – (whose expectations? the beeb’s useless and biased economic editors.)
“US stock markets have also hit new peaks over the year, helped in part by Donald Trump’s sweeping tax reforms.”
But the beeb told us it was all going to hell in a handbasket… what’s going on??
Tim Vine ‘comedy’ on BBC1 tonight featured a brown Jane Seymour and a black Thomas Wolsey, it might have been OK if the program was actually funny, but no, hits the delete button..
New year honours are out – i can only see one beeboid on it Lord Bragg of boredom becomes a companion of honour ? Whatever that is and it’s a Tragedy the Robin Gibb only gets a Knighthood . He ll have a fever this Saturday night though eh?
Not much sign of a genuinely meritocratic society being reflected – but lots of multicultural Ticky boxy
I’ve been over looked for my knighthood for services to biased al beeb – you too Alan
Oh Guardian – do hurry up and complete the process of shrivelling away. What a stupid, nasty headline. The Guardian has clearly demonstrated a total disinterest in the plight of thousands of abused children in Rotherham and Rochdale. The paper’s long stated view has been that all those who inhabit Britain are all immigrants. Why on earth should any of the 60 million plus ‘immigrants’ milling round Britain care about the opinions of some hacks employed to write for a debased old rag of a newspaper?
Tonight’s ‘Christmas University Challenge 2017’ and the BBC really can’t help themselves, even at Christmas.
We had bonus questions on ‘Tate Britain’s Queer British art exhibition marking the 50th anniversary in 2017 of the decriminalisation of male homosexuality.’ That was after bonus questions on the ‘speakers at the 2017 women’s march in Washington DC.’ In case you’re wondering the answers were America Ferrera [‘in the first speech of the protest she said we will not go from a nation of immigrants to a nation of ignorance’], Gloria Steinem and [ex-jailbird] Angela Davis [‘she used her speech to say no human being is illegal’].
One team had celebrity lezzer, Emma Kennedy while another had someone called Laura Bates. Who she? She’s an ‘activist’ and ‘the founder of the ‘Everyday Sexism’ project website that has amassed over 100,000 testimonies of gender inequality worldwide, she works closely with schools, governments, police forces and businesses.’ I couldn’t help but notice she had massive tits. Slap my wrists.
Ah, how the Barking Batty Crew spread their love of the NHS whilst spewing their loathing over the minions who created and funded it. Apparently GP’s are struggling and the public must now all ‘take three steps before visiting GP’. These steps are a) trying to self diagnose and solve; b) see a pharmacist; c) use a ‘reputable online source of information’. Now which ‘online source’ would that be?
Today their chosen spokesperson is Helen Stoke-Lampard, the Chairwoman of the Royal College of GP’s. She works one day a week in a surgery in Lichfield, Staffordshire – an area that is, as yet, comparatively unaffected by the pressures of mass immigration. She trots out the same old drone of blaming pressures on the elderly- ‘the workload has gone up inexorably because of an ageing population’ . She is intelligent in her own field but, like the BBC, too stupid to contemplate the ethics of stealing trained medical staff from other countries. Who chose this person, from a little area of England, as chairwoman of the organisation representing her chosen profession? What is her experience of the vast demographic changes affecting GPs and patients in other areas of the country?
I live in the South East, one of the areas which has taken the brunt of immigration due to its draw to economic migrants from everywhere. Waiting time for seeing a GP is 3 to 4 weeks. Most of the surgeries in my area are overwhelmed and have issued notices refusing to accept applications from new patients. We don’t live in Stoke-Lampard’s little world where worried indigestion sufferers can speak to a GP. We live in a world where patients are supposed to self disgnose on the internet or queue for a 2 minute consultation in Boots because there is no one else to ask. Sadly I know many people who have spent months battling, and failing, to get help with symptoms of cancer. The local hospital is gradually gaining the sort of reputation that Bedlam had in the 18th century. The town in which I live seems to have morphed, over the past 15 or so years, into a peculiar combo of China, North and South Africa, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Russia, Spain, France, Thailand, Poland, Romania etc. These people will also grow old and need medical care and pensions.
Perhaps Lineker, Bono, Hall, Allen, Attenborough and all of those other highly paid ‘celebs’ and great beings funded by the minions could turn their stupendous intellects to these modern day dilemmas. Or perhaps they don’t get cancers or indigestion and live out their curious lives dangling round the BBC glitter ball? Who knows?
“Knighthood for Nick Clegg in New Year Honours list”
Why, what has he done for Great Britain? Has he made it greater ?
It should have been Nigel Farage for getting us our freedom, independence and democracy back .
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Given that our friend above says that Mrs T wanted to decriminalise the non-payment of the telly tax, surely that £147 saving would stave off the austerity that currently affects the most vulnerable in our society. And this surely would be welcome to the BBCs Justice Collective. Thanks for telling us Stew Green by the way-funnily enough, the BBC seem not to have mentioned her wishes.
PM had both pincers of the Left tonight-John O Ferrall, some Blair smartypants who now thinks Corbyn is grand…as well as some uniloony called Laura who thinks he`s doing really well.
Famed BBC balance as ever….no Bex Bailey though for some reason.
Alicia Sinclair,
“PM had both pincers of the Left tonight… Famed BBC balance as ever”
And yesterday PM had two ‘pincers of the Right’ on, in the same slot. Don’t see to remember you (or anyone else) complaining about “BBC balance” however? How strange…
Where is your balance ?
Oh goodee! That’s a ratio of about 1:99999999999. That makes the bBBC “balanced?” No, it doesn’t.
I’ve noticed ‘Patronising Bastards’ by Quentin Letts mentioned in a few recent posts.
Has anybody seen any of the University Challenge episodes being shown at the minute? I have paused in passing a couple of times in the past week as the teams have been introduced.
I have no idea who half of these people are, or why I should know who they are, or why both the bBbc and these contestants involved obviously consider themselves to be individuals of real significance. They seem to inhabit a world of talking and writing, seemingly in the main to and about themselves and their friends, and apparently share not only an agreed world view but quangos, committees and ex- partners.
I’m sure there are some people of merit or substance amongst them but these programmes offer a real insight into a wee world of privilege and pretentiousness and Paxman that means absolutely nothing to me or anyone I know.
On a similar note I’ve just walked in on a Radio 1 Extra DJ reciting the lyrics of a grime song, Boy Better Know, to a grinning John Humphreys on the generously titled Celebrity Mastermind.
I’ve a feeling the lyrics are as indecipherable and irrelevant to John as they are to me but he’s not letting on, best fake smile and laugh, overlong and over loud, an old fool fooling no one.
What’s saving the bBbc on a festive Friday night in 2017? Morecambe and Wise, covering the bBbcs’ bare Christmas arse since 1970.
Rich – solid post.
“An old fool fooling no one”: that could almost be a metaphor for al Beebus these days; or possibly “An old fool, fooling no one but himself.”
Cheers Al, yours works too.
There was one dead simple modern music question he got wrong
A proper DJ would have known
Yes I have been thinking the same. Who the hell are they ? they love themselves and they think they are important they all graduated and went on to do non-real jobs. Writers you have never heard of , people who read an auto cue , some bloke who was in the civil service . They are of course all Liberal –mostly thick as two short planks.
Very odd as you say – I would bet a pound to a pinch of shit every single one of them is connected to the BBC.
“I have no idea who half of these people are, or why I should know who they are…”
Translation: *There are lot’s of things I don’t know and that’s something I’m proud of*
Why did you interpret what I wrote in that way, just to attempt to belittle me? I’m expressing my opinion, you haven’t clearly expressed any, just insulted me.
It simply means that in my opinion the bBbc present these contestants as being important pillars of academia or modern and contemporary culture but I do not know who many of them are and am unable to recognise them immediately and so wonder how much influence they actually do have outside the bubble I believe they and the bBbc inhabit. These programmes, like so many other panel shows or current affairs programmes the bBbc produce, seem to me to be back slapping exercises full of in jokes and contrived cleverness that less and less people are interested in or find relevant or entertaining.
I’m not impressed or intimidated by them because I, and so many other people in the wider society outside their cliques, have a broadly similar educational background to many of those of them I’ve had to look up on wiki, and because they often prove to have an embarrassingly poor grasp of general knowledge and workings of the world around them despite their supposedly heightened intellects.
It just seems to me to be an outdated and clumsy presentation of cultural and intellectual snobbery and an attempt at self justification by a group who believe and assert that they are elite and in some way superior in thought to us plebs, unaware that everyone has uncensored access to knowledge now, free from their manipulation and rationing, and that they continually prove themselves mediocre and limited.
I could now end nicely on a personal insult directed at you but I can’t be arsed as I’m not interested in either you or your games and whatever it is they are an attempt to compensate for.
“It simply means that in my opinion the bBbc present these contestants as being important pillars of academia or modern and contemporary culture…”
The “bBbc” don’t present them in any such way.
“I’m not impressed or intimidated by them…”
Nobody ever suggested you should be.
I apologise for suggesting that you were proud of your ignorance. That was crass of me and you’re obviously a much more complex individual. But I think that possibly your apparent resentment of nano-celebs on University Challenge is more to do with you, than them, or the BBC.
Radio4 PM show
“Look here have a special End Of Year edition of clips edited up aimed at pushing OUR OWN “impartial” political views”
\\ Having lightly mocked Corbyn & Abbott’s attempts at maths,
#bbcpm replayed the whole of #BorisJohnson’s muddled post-election chat with #EddieMair
……. ‘BBC balance’? or just light entertainment?
Ps, Dead-Ringers on at 6.30 radio4 //
People referenced a time when Mair was presenting on TV and he ambused Boris
“Vicious Eddie Mair kicked off TV for good after this interview.
Demoted to radio, career in the toilet and rightly. ”
BBC broadcast to libland
… not to England
Trouble is all us not in the libmob still have to pay for it
#DieselsRpaedos segment was a science travesty as well’s all about pollution from cars idling, then Nigel Havers saying it kills, then ask kid what action he takes
they bring in kid, that’s #EmotionalBlackmail
“Ah the buses are always idling so I ask Mum & Dad if I can go over and tell the driver to switch off”
….Doh, the bigger/newer the engine the better the filtration,
so a modern bus idling probably puts out minimal pollution.
Stew – ive been on the receiving end of someone using there kid to tell me to turn the engine off. I don’t think they’ll be doing it again in a hurry. Rev those engines .
And who brought these crazy horse killing macnines onto the UK and incentivised us all to buy them?
Tax perks and all?
Yes-Gordon Brown, Tony Blair and their CMO-Sir David King no less. Who seems to know as much about diesel dangers as he purports to know on global warming things.
Yes folk-Labour, Green, Labour, EU and -yes-LABOUR-are responsible for this. Are the BBC telling us so?
“#bbcpm replayed the whole of #BorisJohnson’s muddled post-election chat with #EddieMair
……. ‘BBC balance’? or just light entertainment?”
Is handing over 10 minutes of airtime to the Conservative Foreign Secretary, ‘pro’ or ‘anti’ right-wing bias?
Oh look, here’s Maxie back again, posting between clients, vainly hoping a Richard Gere lookalike with eyesight problems might whisk her away from her sad life.
If you jazz up the intro and re cut the edit , like they did
..then it is anti-Boris bias
Likewise if they did it to a Labour or Lib
“If you jazz up the intro and re cut the edit , like they did…”
In what way did they; “jazz up the intro”?
Explain please.
In what way did they; “re cut the edit”? You just claimed they replayed the whole of his post-election chat. How is replaying the whole interview re-cutting the edit?
Explain please.
Why do you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich?
In fact why do you post here at all – what motivates you?
You are not helping Al Beeb with your posts .
Two easy questions that a person of your calibre should be able answer .
Seems US networks have Amols too.
“Lord Adonis quits government role with Brexit attack”
“In his resignation letter, he accused Mrs May of “allying with UKIP and the Tory hard right to wrench Britain out of the key economic and political institutions of modern Europe”, saying the UK was “hurtling towards the EU’s emergency exit with no credible plan for the future of British trade and European co-operation”.
\\”MP Iain Duncan Smith said the departure of Lord Adonis was “long overdue”.
He added: “It’s a bit rich for him to pontificate on what he calls populism, but what most would refer to as democracy, when he himself has never been elected by a public vote. He has instead relied on preferment from others.”//
Close the door on your way out Mr Adonis, the people of Great Britain have spoken. We want our country back!
I just wish a quarter of what he wrote in that letter is true but it isn’t, so we’re stuck with what and who we’re stuck with.
Read IDS’s response. Brilliant put down.
According to wiki Adonis is the son of a Cypriot waiter. Adonis junior got into oxford, got a first in modern history then became a journo before 4 years in oxford as a Lib Dem councillor in the late 80s. Since then he has held unelected government posts and thinks a lot more of his fucking self than the British electorate .
A true member of the Bubble
Nice to hear from my MP
May allying with UKIP? (As Adonis says)
She waited until the last moment to submit article 50.
She stuffed the cabinet with remoaners.
She gave the eu everything they wanted and got nothing in return.
So much more (as we all know) so I’ll spare your time.
It sounds more like allying with Clarke and Heseltine.
Emmanuel Goldstein
Lets hope she can see the light and will go for a hard Brexit ensuring her place in the next general election. Its one she could win if she put our country first and added Rees-Mogg in her cabinet .
Update to bulletin
Libdems who ‘blew it’ in the last GE on reversing Brexit added …….
\\Liberal Democrat leader Sir Vince Cable described Lord Adonis’ resignation as “a great shame”, saying it showed that Brexit was being “badly mishandled”. He added that the Lib Dems would work with Lord Adonis “in fighting to end the hard Brexit that the government is recklessly pursuing”.//
They are not listening to the people!
So May has already used Blairs retards and retreads in
a) employment-Matthew Taylor(Lauries lad)
b) health-Alan(wor geordie) Milburn
c) big train tracks-Andrew Adonis.
Suppose there`s no chance we might ever see a TORY on any May Advisory Body is there?
Just rather thought that Labour tanked the country, turned the state into a crack whore in need of taxes and therapy 24/7.
So they may not be the ideal choice of expert, unless you want North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela or Zimbabwe.
@Taffman key line in Adonis’s letter is
“A responsible government should be seeking to persuade the British public to stay in Europe”
Just caught a glimpse of Al Beeb’s ‘so called’ comedy “Tim Vine Travels Through Time”
Utter rubbish supported by push-button canned laughter.
Yeh switched over – Comedy for two year olds
Two year old chimps.
Protests across Iran against “clerical rule”.
Blimey, even muslims can’t stand islam.
So the last remaining believers in the Religion of War and Rape are ISIS and… the Beebistan. Oh, and May. And Hussein of course. And Charlie-boy. And Emir Khant. Welby.
Couldn’t they all just move to some islamic hellhole and leave us in peace?
Anyone seen maxincontinent since Christmas ?
We haven’t seen my pal Exssexman since Cameron resigned.
NORAD was tracking him on Christmas Eve for some reason… I think he might also be re reading’ A Christmas Carol’ although he ll probably sneer at the religious reference.
Maybe he`s got Keith Allens Muddy Fox front wheel parked up his fundament.
It’s a busy time of year for big ears. Well he he does have a week end from going up and down all those chimneys on Christmas Day.
Now here is a thought , was Essexman Cameron ?
The media’s news Malala, 16 year old Palestinian girl Ahed Tamimi being held by the IDF
There look to be some Crusader genes in there.
16 years old? That makes her old enough to be a granny in islam. Officer, lock her up.
Naughtie sitting in his beloved Edinburgh predicting the destruction of All Things Trump and making reference to a CNN opinion poll. He must have been well on the single malt to say opinion poll without laughing. I’m surprised al Beeb used him for 2018 prediction since he is so obviously unattached to reality….. I’m talking the al Beeb annual prediction show on r4
Lord Jim DID give us the phrase that Trumps prospects might melt away like-and I quote ” a snowflake on a dyke”. Have been unable to get the idea of Owen Jones clambering over Sandi-Toksvig to straddle Angela Eagle on a Kendal Mintcake mountain.
There was FIVE blowhards on this show tonight-maybe they think that at least ONE of them might get something right this year-for once.
And be able to play it to us next year.
Whoever will be correct-it will NOT be James Naughtie. Never was, never is and never will be.
A florid flanneur, bit gone on the gingersnaps, trying to look up Craig Reids kilt with a mirror that once had a trace of Teachers on it.
Only a show like this could make Carrie Grace look as stupid a beeboid as the rest. Her agent needs to get her some REAL journalist job on CCTV.
That R4 2018 prediction show
Direct to 44:30 James Robbins : “I predict a substantial tipping point in energy
– 2018 is decisively the year for renewables ..waffle waffle”
– “Tide for Fracking is running out” ..what so we can buy more Russian gas ?
– “skids under Hinckley point”
Well, i caught a moment of Eastenders a couple of weeks ago and there was a scene where the character Ian Beale is hit in the face by the character Lauren. Eastenders 2017 would never ever show a male hitting a female , so as usual their bias enables them to show men in any light they wish including female on male violence, i needed to let them know it had not gone unnoticed because in my opinion white straight men are highest on their target list.
This is their response or her response as it was a female that replied. What do you all make of this reply ? In my opinion it is yet another empty response.
Note. Mr Vai Se-Foda is not my real name but the name i always use when communicating with the BBC Vai se-Foda means ‘ go fuck yourself’ because i know they will never admit to their nasty biased totalitarian regime in my lifetime or any lifetime.
Dear Mr Vai se-Foda
Reference CAS-4704783-BGMSJ3
Thank you for contacting us about EastEnders on 19 December.
I understand you feel the BBC is promoting female violence towards men.
One of our aims is to reflect the world as it is, which means covering all aspects of human life. This includes behaviour and situations that you may find difficult to watch.
We do not wish to portray violence in a way that might appear to support it. However, EastEnders, like society, is made up of many different character types, and although we do not always condone the actions of all of our fictional characters all of the time, we don’t believe that they shouldn’t express behaviours that we personally do not agree with. If all our characters were decent, principled, and without flaws it would make for a very uneventful show.
We appreciate you feel strongly about this, so I have passed your complaint onto the programme makers and senior management on our audience feedback report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback within the BBC and help inform both current and future programming.
Once again, many thanks for taking the time to get in touch.
Kind regards
Janine McMeekin
BBC Complaints Team
“One of our aims is to reflect the world as it is.”
The so-called liberal so-called art world often use this argument to justify their works.
But they’ll never depict e.g. black muggers or drug dealers etc, or muslim child abusers, because that would be to ‘reinforce negative racial stereotypes’. Or Hard Left violence.
So when it suits them, they’ll ‘reflect reality as it is’. When it doesn’t suit their liberal agenda they’ll depict reality as they’d like it to be, i.e. female/black/muslim/Left = good; Male/white/Right = bad.
“Eastenders 2017 would never ever show a male hitting a female…”
Lee hits Whitney – EastEnders:
Okay, perhaps that was just a misfortunate oversight. But why stop now? I look forward to your letter to the Royal Shakespeare Company complaining that they are ‘promoting’; pedophilia, genocide & mass eye-plucking…
“UKIP’s Mandy Jones sworn in as party’s new North Wales AM”
\\”UKIP Wales leader Neil Hamilton welcomed her to the party’s assembly group stating: “UKIP is stronger with an additional member in the National Assembly and on the front foot in Wales.
“We are looking forward to 2018, where we will be even more active and vocal, as we continue to stand up for the people of Wales against the cosy Cardiff Bay consensus.”//
” the cosy Cardiff Bay consensus” 😀 Well said that man !
Its time to get rid of another overblown expensive bureaucracy, the Welsh Assembly.
Thank you Vaz. Thank you Adonis, with your daft name.Thank you Clegg, Clarke, Mandelson, Blair, Heseltine, Juncker and Merkel. Thank you Verhofstadt – your mad expression and middle parted floppy mop has provided great amusement. Thank you Welby. Thank you to all who imagine that they are ‘royal’. And thanks to the BBC, both as a corporate entity and as a creator of peculiar entities designed to manipulate the consciousness of the masses. All of these things are nightmares paraded before us so that we can choose whether or not to slide over the cliff and into the seas of chaos. At the end of 2017 it appears that the collective strange ambitions and desires of the current gang is proving as revolting to ordinary people as Hitler’s mad ambitions did to all right thinking human beings in the 20th century.
I wish everyone on this site a 2018 filled with kindness, goodness, love and light. Thank you to all for keeping me thinking, wondering, and searching for answers.
We`re truly blessed in who God gives us by way of an opposition, a fifth column or a traitor caste!
From Roy Jenkins, through to Verhofstad via Heath and Clegg.
And from Shirley Williams to Adonis via Polly Toynbee or Yasmin A-B.
If we can`t bury this lot of bloodless entitled lushes and vermin-well, we should have let real men like Goering and Keitel take our grannies terraced houses when they flew by.
I mean-we had REAL terrors like Joan Maynard and Pat Arrowsmith-not pisspoor community care casualties like Anna Soubry.
The Bataclan Massacre – November 2015 Paris attacks by Islamists killed 130 people and another 413 were injured. The majority of the victims were attending a rock concert in the Bataclan Theatre, Paris.
France 2 are producing a for television film of the Bataclan Massacre around a fictional love story between a French woman and an Afghan Muslim refugee. The Muslim refugee is the hero of the film. The filming has been completed and is currently in the editing stage. However word has leaked out and relatives of the victims have protested angrily. Consequently France 2 are temporary suspending the film:
“The Muslim refugee is the hero of the film.”
There is no suggestion anywhere that the Muslim refugee “is the hero of the film”.
You just made that up out of thin air.
Hi maxincony, for someone who claims to be an atheist and who rejects the central submission and expansionist tenets of Islam, you do go out of your way to defend Islam and to indulge in various forms of whataboutery. And by the way the two main protagonists of the film as reported is the French woman and the Muslim refugee man, and the Muslim refugee man is portrayed as the hero in the ordinary English language meaning of the word.
A hero or heroine: a person or main character of a literary work who, in the face of danger, combats adversity through feats of ingenuity, bravery or strength, often sacrificing their own personal concerns for a greater good.
“According to Deadline, the film is understood to centre on a fictional romance between a single mother and an Afghan refugee who meet on the night of 13 November as they rescue survivors of the attacks.”
That’s a quote from the BBC website.
Glamourising a muslim ‘hero’ after a muslim atrocity? Nice to see France 2 are as moronic as our very own beeb. It must be something to do with State ownership that makes them all so thick.
“Glamourising a muslim ‘hero’ after a muslim atrocity?”
BoBot-Caliphate was lying, vlad. But accordingly you’ve sucked up his lie and added on your own lie about “glamourising.
But who cares if it’s honest or truthful; just as long as someone tells you what you want to hear.
You are an Al Beeb Troll that supports robbing the poor to give to the rich.
I.e. the telly poll tax.
“But who cares if it’s honest or truthful” only Al Beeb and you.
“’But who cares if it’s honest or truthful’ only Al Beeb and you.”
Thank you for confirming you have no interest in truth or honesty.
Took you a while, but you finally got there in the end.
Perhaps you could spend a few moments to advise your chums on B-BBC to make similar confessions; thereby avoiding the ritual humiliation of being caught out lying again, and again, and again.
“irony my dear boy, irony”
Hi maxincony, you clearly are not a Christian nor of a meaningful Christian background because otherwise you would know all about bearing false witness as in: “BoBot-Caliphate was lying”. You maxincony reveal yourself to be someone with questionable personal ethics in this personal jihad of yours.
Oh dear, now even the stock markets are off-message:
“UK stock markets close at a record high after confounding downbeat expectations” – (whose expectations? the beeb’s useless and biased economic editors.)
“US stock markets have also hit new peaks over the year, helped in part by Donald Trump’s sweeping tax reforms.”
But the beeb told us it was all going to hell in a handbasket… what’s going on??
Tim Vine ‘comedy’ on BBC1 tonight featured a brown Jane Seymour and a black Thomas Wolsey, it might have been OK if the program was actually funny, but no, hits the delete button..
The BBC changing history – Fuck them.
I bet they’ll never have a white Barack Obama.
New year honours are out – i can only see one beeboid on it Lord Bragg of boredom becomes a companion of honour ? Whatever that is and it’s a Tragedy the Robin Gibb only gets a Knighthood . He ll have a fever this Saturday night though eh?
Not much sign of a genuinely meritocratic society being reflected – but lots of multicultural Ticky boxy
I’ve been over looked for my knighthood for services to biased al beeb – you too Alan
Totally OT, but it is a Graun/Sky combo that is funny:
I would have thought 25 million British men are “POTENTIAL” child abusers
..language and grammar are not the Guardian’s strong points.
Beyond the Graun’s epic catch-all under a now typical ‘anything or nothing’ weasel, Sky hiring Ms, Abbott on sub duty was funny too.
Oh Guardian – do hurry up and complete the process of shrivelling away. What a stupid, nasty headline. The Guardian has clearly demonstrated a total disinterest in the plight of thousands of abused children in Rotherham and Rochdale. The paper’s long stated view has been that all those who inhabit Britain are all immigrants. Why on earth should any of the 60 million plus ‘immigrants’ milling round Britain care about the opinions of some hacks employed to write for a debased old rag of a newspaper?
Tonight’s ‘Christmas University Challenge 2017’ and the BBC really can’t help themselves, even at Christmas.
We had bonus questions on ‘Tate Britain’s Queer British art exhibition marking the 50th anniversary in 2017 of the decriminalisation of male homosexuality.’ That was after bonus questions on the ‘speakers at the 2017 women’s march in Washington DC.’ In case you’re wondering the answers were America Ferrera [‘in the first speech of the protest she said we will not go from a nation of immigrants to a nation of ignorance’], Gloria Steinem and [ex-jailbird] Angela Davis [‘she used her speech to say no human being is illegal’].
One team had celebrity lezzer, Emma Kennedy while another had someone called Laura Bates. Who she? She’s an ‘activist’ and ‘the founder of the ‘Everyday Sexism’ project website that has amassed over 100,000 testimonies of gender inequality worldwide, she works closely with schools, governments, police forces and businesses.’ I couldn’t help but notice she had massive tits. Slap my wrists.
Ah, how the Barking Batty Crew spread their love of the NHS whilst spewing their loathing over the minions who created and funded it. Apparently GP’s are struggling and the public must now all ‘take three steps before visiting GP’. These steps are a) trying to self diagnose and solve; b) see a pharmacist; c) use a ‘reputable online source of information’. Now which ‘online source’ would that be?
Today their chosen spokesperson is Helen Stoke-Lampard, the Chairwoman of the Royal College of GP’s. She works one day a week in a surgery in Lichfield, Staffordshire – an area that is, as yet, comparatively unaffected by the pressures of mass immigration. She trots out the same old drone of blaming pressures on the elderly- ‘the workload has gone up inexorably because of an ageing population’ . She is intelligent in her own field but, like the BBC, too stupid to contemplate the ethics of stealing trained medical staff from other countries. Who chose this person, from a little area of England, as chairwoman of the organisation representing her chosen profession? What is her experience of the vast demographic changes affecting GPs and patients in other areas of the country?
I live in the South East, one of the areas which has taken the brunt of immigration due to its draw to economic migrants from everywhere. Waiting time for seeing a GP is 3 to 4 weeks. Most of the surgeries in my area are overwhelmed and have issued notices refusing to accept applications from new patients. We don’t live in Stoke-Lampard’s little world where worried indigestion sufferers can speak to a GP. We live in a world where patients are supposed to self disgnose on the internet or queue for a 2 minute consultation in Boots because there is no one else to ask. Sadly I know many people who have spent months battling, and failing, to get help with symptoms of cancer. The local hospital is gradually gaining the sort of reputation that Bedlam had in the 18th century. The town in which I live seems to have morphed, over the past 15 or so years, into a peculiar combo of China, North and South Africa, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Russia, Spain, France, Thailand, Poland, Romania etc. These people will also grow old and need medical care and pensions.
Perhaps Lineker, Bono, Hall, Allen, Attenborough and all of those other highly paid ‘celebs’ and great beings funded by the minions could turn their stupendous intellects to these modern day dilemmas. Or perhaps they don’t get cancers or indigestion and live out their curious lives dangling round the BBC glitter ball? Who knows?
You like being patronised by smug ELITISTS like Blair ?
Worth repeating
\\ Liberals 2016: If Trump wins the economy will crash.
Liberals 2017: Trump has nothing to do with the booming economy. //
How Guido covers a story
How the BBC covers a story
“Knighthood for Nick Clegg in New Year Honours list”
Why, what has he done for Great Britain? Has he made it greater ?
It should have been Nigel Farage for getting us our freedom, independence and democracy back .
We haven’t quite got our freedom back yet and the Cloggman will be in the vanguard of the movement to try to ensure that we don’t.
Oh dear trouble [again] in Shiite paradise. BBC delivers a rather sanitised headline. They seem to be onside with the government this time.
Better coverage from The Mail