We are warned today that over-cooked potatoes are dangerous to our health, however what they don’t warn us about are the threats posed to our democracy by the half-baked thoughts of half-witted BBC presenters.
A short while ago it was cancer #duetobrexit now the BBC is back with the lies about chlorine washed chicken from the good ol’ USA….we’re all gonna die and all the farmers will be put out of work….this has long been a favourite BBC sensationalist anti-Brexit fable.
If you want a perfect example of why many people voted for Brexit you just had to listen to the ‘impartial’ professor the BBC dragged in[08:50] to scaremonger about ‘toxic’ Colonel Sanders and to peddle a pro-EU narrative…a more arrogant, elitist and snobbish Remainer it’d be hard to find…..did you know the real problem is not the poisonous chicken but the culture war…it’s about the wonderful ‘Europeanisation’ of the UK…don’t your kids just love those exotic foreign pizzas? So much better than the McDonaldisation of the UK that would surely happen if Trump was allowed to send over the armadas of ‘Liberty-Brexit’ ships packed to the gunnells with burgers, Cocoa-Cola and chicken marinaded in chlorine.
So chickens are washed with chlorine…a very, very dilute chlorine wash…the same chlorine that is in swimming pool water that your kids swim in and swallow in great quantities…the same chlorine that is in so much of our tap water...
Why is chlorine added to tap water?
Throughout history, epidemics of diseases such as cholera, dysentery, typhus, and hepatitis A killed tens of millions of people all over the world. It wasn’t until the mid-19th century that scientists like John Snow and Filippo Pacini discovered that these mass-killers were waterborne diseases and measures could start to put an end to the suffering.
A major breakthrough in combating cholera and other waterborne diseases was securing water safety through disinfection. In 1897 the town of Maidstone, England was the first to have entire water supply treated with chlorine.
Nowadays, chlorine is a disinfectant used by the water industry worldwide to maintain hygienic conditions within the public water supply network of pipes. At the very low levels used in drinking water (routinely at 0.5 mg/l or less, whereas WHO sets the maximum guideline at 5mg/l) it is perfectly safe. The WHO further assures that any risks to health from chlorination by-products are extremely small in comparison with the risks associated with inadequate disinfection.
Is the EU ban on safety or shutting out competition?
The ban is really just one more form of EU protectionism. EU chicken-producers don’t like US chicken because it retails for around 80 per cent the price of European chicken.
The European Food Safety Agency has passed chlorinated-washed chicken for safe consumption. As well, it might, given that it is quite happy for us to drink water which has been chlorinated in order to kill off microorganisms. At the levels used by US producers, the agency concluded, you would have to eat three whole chickens every day to risk exceeding safe limits. Even among regular consumers of US-produced chicken 99 per cent of the chlorine they ingest comes from drinking water rather than food.
The European food safety regulator EFSA looked at the issue of chlorine treatment and found “chemical substances in poultry are unlikely to pose an immediate or acute health risk for consumers.”
In conclusion, the review did not identify any likely consumer risks that might arise from the use of ASC, chlorine dioxide or aqueous chlorine (including hypochlorite) when used as decontaminant washes of chicken meat. This also includes the view that there was no evidence that the use of these washes lead to the production of substances with the potential to cause cancer, particularly at the levels of use by the poultry industry. Accordingly there was no need to identify existing risk management options.
The BBC once again broadcasting complete lies, misinformation and black propaganda for its paymasters in the EU.