BBC ‘Journalism’



The BBC reveals…

Dozens of residents of Grenfell Tower suffered electricity power surges so strong their appliances malfunctioned, overheated and emitted smoke a few years before the fire, it has emerged.

Documents seen by the BBC reveal how 25 residents claimed compensation from the council following the surges in 2013.

Some say electricity problems persisted into the months before June’s fire.

Police say the blaze, in which at least 80 are thought to have died, started in a fridge freezer on the fourth floor.

One fire expert told the BBC the electricity spikes could have been an issue which led to the fire starting in the first place.

Neither the council nor the tenant management organisation which looks after the tower have commented.


Just shows how bad BBC journalism is and its failure to research stories properly….this ‘news’ has been on the GAG’s website for years…..the BBC clearly has not read through the site…if it had it would know that the GAG is a hardcore, left-wing group of activists and not an official residents’ body…….hence possibly why the council were reluctant to deal with it and its often sensationalist and highly politicised statements…..


Grenfell Tower residents were today informed that the Council’s and TMO’s insurers ‘Zurich’ will not be compensating them for damage to electricl appliances suffered by many in the recent power surge debacle. ‘Zurich’ found that the TMO had not been negligent in regard to this incident. They therefore declined to provide compensation in response to residents insurance claims.

As if it wasn’t bad enough that our landlords would subject residents to the frightening experience of having electrical appliances blow up and catch fire in their homes – to then refuse to compensate the victims for their losses is just beyond the pale.



Posted on

An end may finally be in sight to the mysterious and distressing power surges that have bedevilled Grenfell Tower residents throughout the past month. However, decisive action was only taken yesterday after highly distressed residents descended en masse on the estate office to demand action. They had woken to find smoke issuing from various electrical appliances in their homes, including the light fixtures, and descended in panic to the estate office to demand help and assistance.  Emergency electricians who attended later in the day were finally, it seems, able to identify the source of the problem. An emergency temporary electrical by-pass supply has been provided and the necessary follow–up works will be carried out in the near future.

It is very clear at this stage that the electrical supply to Grenfell Tower has been in a very dangerous condition for several weeks. It is equally clear that the authorities had been repeatedly warned of this  but had failed to react with sufficient urgency and had failed to take adequate remedial measures.

As evidence of this we present the extract below from an email sent on 13th May by Shah Ahmed,  Chair of the Grenfell Tower Leaseholders Association, to Robert Black at TMO and various RBKC councillors and TMO officers:

“Continuous Power Surges in Grenfell Tower

There have been two weeks of power surges in the building, most notably in the early hours of the morning and throughout the evening and night time. Electronic apparatus are seriously affected by these surges. Computers are turned on and off, lights continually flicker becoming very dim and extremely bright in the space of a few seconds.

On 11th May 2013 at 9:05pm we had numerous power surges in the space of a minute, and in that process my computer and monitor literally exploded with smoke seeping out from the back and the smell of burnt electronics filled our entire computer. My monitor also fused at the same time. When I called the TMO out of hours service the standard textbook response was given to us that I was the first one to report such a problem and I was made to feel like a fool reporting such an issue, which resulted in years of data being lost forever.

Please note if the power surges continue at Grenfell Tower, it would be very dangerous and costly because it is interfering with electric and electronic items in the household, including the telephone line, television, fridge, washing machine, computer etc”.

Out of the mouths of babes



From Ian Katz….such truth…

Few species can match the brutality of a teenage child appraising its parent.

I was reminded of this the morning after last month’s election as I passed my 18-year-old daughter on the stairs. “I’m never going to believe another word you say about politics,” she announced matter-of-factly. “Because you’ve been wrong about EVERYTHING.”

It was hard to argue….there’s a tendency to tune out evidence that doesn’t fit the prevailing narrative. 

Prom-oting the EU

Last night a BBC spokesman said: “The Proms is not a political platform and all artists are booked on the basis of their musical excellence.”


From The Sun:

proms hijacked

BBC accused of turning the Proms into a platform for anti-Brexit fanatics

BBC bosses are under fire after the Proms classical music festival was hijacked by anti-Brexit stunts twice in one weekend.

Renowned conductor Daniel Barenboim ranted against the UK leaving the EU and had a German orchestra play Elgar’s Land of Hope of Glory in protest at the Royal Albert Hall on Sunday.

It came just 48 hours after pianist Igor Levit performed the official EU anthem unexpectedly on Friday night during an encore.

The BBC defended the impromptu performance of Beethoven’s Ode To Joy as an “artistic choice”.

But the brazen interventions sparked uproar from Tory MPs, who slammed the BBC for giving a platform to “Euro-fanatics.”

They were left incensed by a long speech from the conductor’s podium at London’s world famous music venue on Sunday night and broadcast on TV and radio.

Classical music supremo Daniel Barenboim, 74, hit out at “isolationist tendencies and nationalism in its very narrow sense is something that is very dangerous”.

And he hinted that Brits voted to leave the EU because of a lack knowledge, saying “the main problem of today is that there is not enough education.”

And in an interview also broadcast by the BBC before the live show, he claimed English composing hero Edward Elgar “makes the best case against Brexit because this is European music.”

Romford MP Andrew Rosindell said: “For the BBC to allow this shows their actively letting Euro-fanatics voice their views, whilst ignoring the democratic majority.

He added: “The BBC must be neutral, if its not that is wrong and can’t continue, its harming Britain.”


Pick a causation, any causation as long as it’s ‘Tory’


‘The Labour Party set up an independent inquiry to examine the issue soon after coming to power in 1997. Sir Michael was a member of that inquiry team’.

And in 2015 Sir Michael Marmot was still there advising Labour on their new ’10 year plan’….

Though Labour’s new approach to public health reflects changing times, our historic mission remains the same: to break the link between health and wealth and tackle health inequalities, so that no-­‐one’s health is disadvantaged by where they live or what they earn. To be successful, our new agenda will need to be supported by the ‘health in all policies’ approach, as advocated by Professor Sir Michael Marmot.



The BBC has two causes for all the world’s ills…..’Austerity’ or ‘Brexit’.

Today we learn that an apparent fall in life expectancy ‘since 2010’ [hmmm…why does the BBC always choose that date as the baseline?] may be linked to Tory austerity policies...’miserly public spending’…no really!!!   Yep….I can hardly find the strength to type this as my assets are being squeezed by Theresa May.

Rising rates of life expectancy are grinding to a halt in England after more than 100 years of continuous progress, says a leading health expert.

University College London expert Sir Michael Marmot said he was “deeply concerned” by the situation, calling it “historically highly unusual”.

He said it was “entirely possible” austerity was to blame and said the issue needed looking at urgently.

Er…back in 2004 he told us…

“More money does not buy better health,” says Sir Michael

Hmmm…so ‘austerity’ kills……this is the good Sir Michael’s own figures today…


This is the Office for National Statistics’…spot the difference…..


Curiously in 2015 Marmot told us that the poorest were thriving by comparison to the middle class…

“Leafy, middle” areas of England are falling behind some of the most deprived parts of the country in improving quality of life, new research by one of the world’s leading experts on public health suggests.

Analysis by Sir Michael Marmot, an authority on the effects of inequality on health, shows that while some of the poorest neighbourhoods have seen signifucant progress in recent years, other seemingly comfortable areas have effectively stagnated.

Indeed way back in 2004 he told us the prime factor in life expectancy was social standing not income…

Sir Michael believes the pattern holds true for every group in society, from politicians to those living in poverty.

He maintains that our health and how long we live is influenced to a high degree by our social standing.

‘Status syndrome’

Sir Michael calls it “Status Syndrome”, the title incidentally of his new book.

“The evidence is overwhelming. It suggests that higher society position creates good health,” he says. “People at the top of the hierarchy live longer.”

He believes this social standing may be even more important than diet and healthcare.

“People usually think it’s either medical care or smoking and diet that determine lifespan,” he says.

“These things are important, but the evidence shows that they are only part of the story.”

Sir Michael says our position in that hierarchy is influenced by two things – how much control we have over our lives and what role we play in society.

“Do they feel in control and have opportunities for full social engagement?” he asks.

Perhaps surprisingly, income appears to have very little impact.

“More money does not buy better health,” says Sir Michael

Anyone thinking that Sir Michael may be a Labour stooge?



Bursting their balloonacy



Oh nooooo!!!!!

Inflation is down.

The BBC’s major narrative that the economy is tanking with rising inflation and consumer retreat #duetobrexit has been busted.  This morning we were assured that inflation would at least remain at the dramatic and sensational highest level it has been at for four years….2.9%….and we would all die miserable, poverty stricken deaths…saved only by the hard work and sacrifice of immigrant workers.

Oh noooooo!!!!

It’s actually a mere 2.6%….and the average inflation figure since 1989?  2.58%.  So pretty much the norm as pointed out by us recently…..

Inflation Rate in the United Kingdom averaged 2.58 percent from 1989 until 2017, reaching an all time high of 8.50 percent in April of 1991 and a record low of -0.10 percent in April of 2015.

If you want news then the BBC is not the place to go.  If you want mere views, prejudice, partisan reporting and propaganda then the BBC is the place for you.

Move along, nothing to see here

It has been suggested that if everyone on the planet consumed as much as the average US citizen, four Earths would be needed to sustain them.

The average American, says GFN, uses seven global hectares, compared to a global average of 2.7, according to the most recent GFN figures (based on data from 2011). It’s this figure of seven global hectares that allows Wackernagel and his colleagues to calculate that it would take four Earths – or to be precise, 3.9 Earths – to sustain a population of seven billion at American levels of consumption.



White, blond female shot by cop in America in extraordinary circumstances and the BBC tucks the story away on the ‘America’ page with a heading that seems designed to hide more than it reveals…..

No mention that the victim was ‘white’ or the identity of the cop…indeed the full report lacks a description of the cop other than his name and there is no photo of him. The officer, Mohammed Noor, is black, a Somali immigrant, a Muslim…miraculously I have been able to source a picture of him that the fabulously well resourced BBC couldn’t seem to find….

Mohammed Noor has been an officer for two years and was the first Somali-American to serve in his precinct


If this had been a black female shot in the same way the BBC would have had this on the frontpage and been declaring it a racially motivated killing…..the BBC’s coverage of other shootings by police officers has been designed to make you think white police officers have been engaged in ethnic cleansing….being Black in the US is a crime according to the BBC.  The BBC had to silently reel back on that narrative when it emerged that many of the officers shooting Blacks were themselves either black or some other non-white identity…however the BBC still slips in the idea of a racist white America.

The BBC’s sensationalist, race based coverage will have contributed to the massive rise in ethnic tensions and the subsequent killings by Blacks of police officers….the BBC admits that…

It felt as if the nation was on the brink of a race war.

The BBC helped to create that situation….and the BBC is a growing presence  [menace?] in the US.


To the BBC today’s story may be good news…the only good white person is a dead white person….and this is one less whitey in the world….they just can’t wait for the nasty old whites to die…..

How young Americans are set to change the US forever

Older white Americans still hold most of the economic and political power in the US. But the great ethnic diversity of younger generations means that change is coming.

America’s workforce, politics and place on the world stage will soon be changed forever.

So great and so rapid are the shifts in the country’s population, that, in the coming decade, the US is set to be transformed far more than other nations.

Almost half of millennials and children are from ethnic minority groups and it is this great diversity that is at the heart of demographic changes.

As the country comes to rely on them for its future prosperity, everyone will have to consider how society must change to make a success of this new reality.

Donald Trump rode into the White House on a wave of support from older white Americans – those over the age of 45.

The white population of the United States will soon be on the decline.

The median age of whites – the point at which half the population is older and half younger – is now 43.

Among Hispanic Americans, the nation’s largest minority, the median age is 29; while it is 20 for mixed race Americans, the fastest growing minority.

The reality is that America will soon have large numbers of older white people dependent on the support of younger, more diverse, generations.

The reality of America’s changing population is likely to mean that “demography is destiny”.

The “diversity explosion” that the nation is now experiencing will alter all aspects of society.

This population growth will, in turn, help to power America’s economy – increasing production, consumption and entrepreneurial opportunities.

Yet were it not for its youthful new minorities – Hispanic and Asian Americans – the country’s workforce would actually decline.

Note the BBC’s very unpleasant racist narrative…old white people will be at the mercy of the young ethnic population, dependent upon them, so better start favouring the young ethnics especially as all these ‘immigrants’ are so good for the economy.

Seem to remember it wasn’t so long ago that the BBC was blaming the US for climate change and environmental destruction due to its ever growing population due to immigration…..when the population of the US went over 300  million the BBC told us that Americans were greedily ‘hoovering up’ the world’s resources…..I guess ‘race’ trumps climate in the BBC pantheon of virtues…just as ‘Islam’ trumps the right to be gay or freedom of speech, women’s rights or peace on our streets in the BBC’s mind.



What would Jesus do?



Have a look at these two videos from ‘Not a sheep’, the first showing what the BBC doesn’t want you to see and the second that closing down of the debate in action…



Nolan in the second video is having no truck with people who dare to ring his show and suggest we control immigration much more strictly.  When one guy suggested it was madness for people to bring migrants, completely unknown to them, into their own homes as some may be criminals, rapists or paedophiles [and so it has proven in some instances….not just in the home of course but nationwide across European countries], Nolan claimed he was labelling all refugees and immigrants that way…when clearly the caller was not.  Nolan later ‘explained’ it all to his listeners…but didn’t tell the truth, missing out the fact he had falsely accused the caller of labelling all migrants rapits and paedophiles….the BBC that labelled the whole of Britain a nastier more racist place #duetobrexit.  Nolan also tried to ask if the caller was a Christian, if he had any charity in him….which is a laugh….the BBC has spent years ‘hating on’ Christians and Christianity….the BBC only recently denouncing the DUP backward and unpleasant and extreme for their Christian based views on abortion and same sex marriage [in line with the Pope’s views]. That aside it is clear Nolan thinks that anyone who wants to control immigration is evil, immoral and incapable of showing compassion.  He naturally went straight for the ‘crying children’ ploy asking if the callers didn’t care about children.  Hmmm…most of the migrants are males of fighting age and not the women and children the BBC fills the screens with….and most of them are economic migrants.

It is remarkable how for someone running a ‘talk show’ Nolan doesn’t actually want to talk, or rather doesn’t want you to talk…if it’s not the approved language and thoughts.  More schlock than shock.

Nolan is precisely why I don’t listen to Nolan…bumptious, opinionated, sanctimonious and wrong.

But of course it is not just Nolan who peddles these sort of views, it is endemic across the BBC, it is institutionalised and ingrained, the orthodoxy.

Only a couple of days ago I posted about the BBC’s enlarged blindspot when it comes to Left-wing violence, hate and abuse, a blindspot behind which Muslim radicalism also dodges serious scrutiny from the BBC.  The Left are of course in a deadly embrace with Islamism and think that by working with the Islamists they can exploit the Muslim vote, the Far-Left wanting to use it to help them undermine and smash Western society….Iran should be a lesson for them…a similar alliance of Islamists and Left-wingers ended up with the Islamic Republic and the Left running for their lives.

The BBC are of course quite unconcerned about any of this and not at all concerned that Marxists who support terrorists and the fall of the British nation and society are in charge of the Labour Party and that they are in league with Islamist radicals….and that they could easily form the next government…not a problem?

What the BBC is very concerned about is the Far-Right.  Why I’m not sure, the Far-Right ones that are prepared to act out their prejudices are few and far between and have absolutely no traction in British society as a whole…..this is different to the Islamists whose opinions, values and beliefs are held by the majority of Muslims, those Muslims may not, though many do, condone the violence but they back the false narrative that creates the anger and radicalism that is behind the violence….as does the BBC of course….’British’ [not ‘Muslim] foreign policy, Zionism, Balfour, discrimination against Muslims etc.  Who should we be more concerned about?

This morning on the Today show [08:45ish] the BBC once again decided that the real threat is the Far-Right….a Far-Right that has become more vocal #duetobrexit.  Apparently Brexit, the idea of ‘Englishness’, wanting to control immigration, pride in your country, are all Far-Right ideas that have been taken up by the ‘hysterical press’ and UKIP as well as deluded voters.   So there you have it, the BBC once again trying to control the narrative by smearing anyone who wants to control immigration as akin to the BNP.

I think the BBC has more in common with the Nazis than UKIP or Brexit voters…the BBC using propaganda techniques honed and perfected by Goebbels in order to silence dissenters using fear, guilt and shame to do so.


H/T to whoever linked us to this…sorry I forget who it was…