Seen this?

The number of senior BBC managers paid more than £150,000 has risen, despite assurances the figure would fall. A National Audit Office report said there were 98 people on that salary level last year, up from 89 in 2012. The BBC said reductions in the overall number of senior managers mean some staff now have more responsibilities, which has been reflected in their pay.

It’s the “special funding model” which allows these scavengers to fill their boots at our expense.

They’re not laughing now


The celebs who packed out the audience and were laughing so hard in 1997 aren’t laughing so loud now as the joke becomes reality, Littlejohn aside…let’s build that wall!!!…




Shame coz they need something to laugh about as their richly diverse and cosmopolitan lives are being devastated as one of their fave ethnic foods is being sabotaged and is off the shelves…

Houmous crisis hits supermarkets as ‘metallic-tasting’ dip recalled – leaving empty shelves


Red Widgets for Deliverance


The Red Wedge celebs are out in force for Corbyn, all the usual suspects and no doubt there will be many a comedian amongst them…some aiming to be funny, some not.

It’s just as Billy Bragg once admitted, that when a Tory government comes along its like putting lard balls out for the birds…they all come flocking…the birds being the lefty right-on bunch who get gainful employment from the BBC to fill the airwaves with their prejudices and call it comedy….the Obama worship comedy workshops are back industriously churning out Red Widgets by the millions for the People’s education and bemusement.

The latest humorous narrative that is amusing the Notting Hill hill-billies [they kinda are hill-billies, so inbred, only marrying and socialising with their own, stuck in their own little cultural backwater taking potshots at anyone who dares to enter into the swamp] is that Trump has killed satire, that he is so bizarre and absurd that nothing they can come up with can trump Trump for funny.  Of course that is supposed to be a ‘satirical’ attack in itself….that Trump is so absurd….the people who really kill comedy and satire are the comedians themselves who suddenly vanish when a black man becomes president or someone who espouses their own values and beliefs…suddenly not so funny.

Nothing funny about Obama?  The man who ‘won’ a Nobel peace prize even before he was President?  Essentially because he was Black. A man who gloried in killing Osama and who dropped 30,000 bombs on the Middle East on the quiet when he thought no one was looking but made lots of noise about withdrawing all those boots on the ground out of the front door to great lefty liberal praise….never mind Iraq then was left to the tender mercies of its Shia rulers and left a vacuum for ISIS to step in…an ISIS recreated with lots of help from Assad who was free to operate and kill hundreds of thousands of his own, destabilise the Middle East and send millions of refugees fleeing across the region as Obama stood back from taking action that would mean  having to take responsibility and again reaped the plaudits from his fans at the BBC for his ‘quiet diplomacy’.  A man who was shocked and outraged by what he claimed was Russky interference in American Democracy and then proceed to lecture us in Blighty to vote to stay in the Eu and informed the German people that Merkel is the must-vote-for candidate.  A man who promised so much but failed so badly…the Middle East in flames, Guantanamo still open, racial tensions in the US increased, Obamacare a disaster, politics ground to a standstill…and a man who refused to admit that Islamic terrorism was ‘Islamic’.

The BBC naturally loved Obama and could find little to criticise him over never mind mock and abuse him as they do Trump, not just in their ‘comedy’ but in their news programmes as well.  There’s no comedy in the fact that Beeboids, to a gender-free-person, all would be appalled at anyone blacking-up and yet they all really, really want to be black themselves…well not black but you know, culturally black, with it, down with the hood, basically a form of colonialism, trying to appropriate a whole culture and say ‘we whiteys are here to help you poor little fellows…you need us to succeed’.

No, no comedy value in the BBC’s Obama worship. No comedy mileage in the BBC’s pre-Brexit hatred of Bankers, Big Business and Capitalism, its love of the populist Occupy movement and then the sudden screeching reversal when Brexit and Trump looked liked terrifying possibilities…then the new narrative became ‘populism’ is akin to Fascism, the Bankers, Big Business and Capitalism are our friends…we need them…they are what makes this country great, profitable and powerful.

Who’d have thought 40 years from now we’ll all be living in hole in t’road?  Unseen footage of a Remain campaign advert that tells us how bad times were pre-the glorious EU and what we can look forward to if we voted for Brexit…


No comedy in the liberal tears as they declare the world is at an end, that the world now stops at the White Cliffs of more trips to Paree, no more wine, no more cheese, no more baguettes….it’s all over.  Back to grey, drab, white, 1950’s Britain with rationing and living in holes in the road, with Fascists marching down the street lyncing anyone not quite white enough and the only food available is jellied eels and mash…fish and chips banned being a well known Jewish culinary creation.  Yep, farewell multicultural Britain, farewell cosmopolitan, diverse Britain, farewell my Polish maid, my Romanian gardener and my Swedish Au Pair, farewell my lovelies, it’s been nice and thanks Jews for all the fried fish.


Never mind.  Jim Davidson’s still alive and kicking…the BBC will still have him to fall back on when the luvvy comedians flee this benighted land stalked as it will be by angry little Englanders, economic ruin and deep misery.


Minority Report


It’s, we’re told, a brave man who predicts the political future…but the BBC give it a go anyway.

On Saturday Jim Naughtie signed off his report on the French election with the thought that it was ‘rather scary’…meaning of course the possibility that Le Pen may surprise everyone.  Today we had Hugh Schofield telling us that we ‘shouldn’t be fearful of a Le Pen victory…because she won’t win.’  Any bias there?  To be fair Chiles did call Schofield out on that and Schofield tried to wriggle out by saying he meant Le Pen would in essence wreck the economy and destroy Europe…no bias there then.  And of course the BBC continues to call Le Pen ‘Far-Right’ but as yet I can find no definition from the BBC of what ‘Far-Right’ actually means…and the same Hugh Scholfield in a moment of honesty produced an indepth look at Le Pen’s life and concluded she wasn’t Far-Right but actually of the Left politically….other than on immigration.

But there’s the rub….the BBC’s working definition, unwritten, is that if you want to control immigration you are Far-Right’…code for ‘Nazi’ and way beyond the pale.   It cannot be ‘nationalism’ as the BBC would then have to describe Sturgeon as Far-Right as well as the IRA….but consider that May has just reiterated her aim to reduce immigration to the tens of thousands and yet the BBC do not call her Far-Right…why?  Because they know they would not get away with it and would be called out on it.

What does this show?  It shows the BBC’s blatant manipulation of the news by using language and labels to define people and groups in order to signal either approval or disapproval of people, groups and ideologies.  Different people with very similar policies get treated and labelled differently according to whom the BBC wants you to vote for.

It’s the same with the term ‘populist’…ironically Chiles had an expert on today who pretty much spanked the BBC approach by saying people use the word ‘populist’ to denigrate those they dislike, to bash your opponents, and that it was simplistic to lump so many groups and people, such as Trump, Le Pen, Farage, Wilders [and of course Putin, Erdogan] in together…something the BBC does all the time.

Later on tonight [20:00 R4] we have another attack on Le Pen…apparently, according to all the trails for the programme, the French working class are too cultured and intelligent to vote for her…so again, no bias there.

On ‘PM’ we were treated to an ‘imaging’ of what a Le Pen Presidency would look like after 100 days…naturally she was in deep with Trump, even building a Trump Tower next to the Eiffel Tower [not saying this BBC fantasy was complete cock but it was] and of course she would destroy the economy, murder all immigrants and put all EU bureaucrats in concentration camps…but she would build motorways….so that her tanks could move rapidly on Moscow after she falls out with her new husband…Putin.

Maybe I misheard the BBC but it went something along those lines.

We later had Macron’s 100 days [17:44:50]…a similarly dystopian view…all anarchist riots backed by Mélenchon and a Le Pen wanting a piece of the action.

What’s the point of such negative rubbish?  Not as if the BBC is any good at predictions having failed to predict Trump, Brexit and a Tory majority…indeed the BBC told us that the era of one party winning a majority was over and it was coalition government all the way now.

[Also note the BBC was trying to rewrite ‘history’ for future reference at around 17:16…if Iraq and Syria implode after ISIS is finally destroyed and removed then the BBC is claiming that it will be the fault of foreign interference not actually the lack of interference then from Obama?…not the fault of the Islamic terrorists then?  And does the Iraq government and Assad not play any part at all in this?  Seems not.   No, ISIS is in fact a stabilising influence…maybe they should be left in place….how very Jeremy…fascinating how the reporter backs up his claims with quotes from an ISIS fighter in an FSA prison who tells us it is all the fault of foreigners and peace is the only answer, war only brings hatred and division…amazing but true…Hitler said he only wanted peace and that was what he worked for, the BBC believed him…if only we hadn’t fought against him Europe would be one big united family that maybe included Russia as well..and all those people needn’t have died….no more wars!  Nothing a man like Hitler could do would be worse than a war]




Corbyn Chaos?


In a prevous post we noted that Corbyn was spouting a new line on nuclear weapons, that he wouldn’t use a ‘first strike’.  This gives the impression, no doubt intended, that he may use nuclear weapons in response to an attack…when everything he has said in the past has suggested he would not, under any circumstances, use nuclear weapons.  This new position by him was completely accepted by Marr and Humphrys without questions, no journalistic scoop about Corbyn’s apparent bombshell u-turn that he would now use nukes.  That is odd because Jo Coburn on today’s Daily Politics was pretty sure that Corbyn had said he would never, ever use nuclear weapons in any circumstances…..


Note Nia Griffith also comes up with the idea that he wouldn’t use a first strike…thus perpetuating the myth that Corbyn would use it….because ultimately it would be his decision whatever ‘we’, the Labour Party, thought as a group.   The interview cuts off there in the clip and so I haven’t seen if Coburn responds to that first strike comment….it is surely a crucial phrase that utterly changes Corbyn’s position on nukes…either he is lying or he has u-turned hugely.  I wait for the BBC to clear this up….and their own reporting…can’t have one lot reporting Corbyn will use nukes and one lot saying he never, ever will under any circumstances can we?

Just watched the whole thing and after Griffith mentions ‘first strike’ Coburn ignores that and says Corbyn is mouthing his usual line…ie never, ever press the button…but that’s not true is it if he is now disengenuously suggesting he might…but not as a first strike.






The BBC’s fake news agenda is in full flow during the French Presidential election. Last night, the BBC chose to run with poll forecasts showing Macron in the lead even as the actual results showed Le Pen in the actual lead. Then, when Paris – that most enriched of French cities – came in for Macron, the BBC switched to actual results! Lamentable pro Macron bias. This morning it has become even more ludicrous as the BBC chooses to cast Macron as “the outsider”? WHAT? This former Rothschilds banker provided economic guidance to uber Socialist President Hollande! He is supported by Merkel and Obama. I see Osborne has rallied to his side. Blair supports him. He is the quintessential INSIDER, but the BBC are on one of their predictable fake narratives. What a fake broadcaster.

Broadcasting on Behalf of Corbyn….disarming Corbyn’s ‘bombshell’


Should he get to Number 10, he said simply, he would not press the nuclear button.

Think of it this way: Corbyn declared to Britain’s potential enemies that with him in charge they could disregard a multi-billion pound weapon system.

BBC 2015


Apparently Corbyn has made a massive ‘bombshell’ u-turn on his nuclear weapons policy…once an ardent, fanatical nuclear disarmer and someone who would never, ever press the button he would in fact now use them, he would press the button if Britain were attacked.  The BBC hasn’t noticed.  Apparently this has always been his policy and there’s nothing new here.  Or he’s lying to win votes…and again the BBC makes no comment on his exploitation of ‘fake news’ and post-truth politics’….free ride to No 10 from the BBC?


Corbyn is even anti-nuclear power stations having said so in 2011..

“I say no nuclear power, decommission the stations we’ve got”.

The Conservatives have said Corbyn’s position on nuclear weapons is a threat to national security and thus he is unfit to be in office as PM.  Nick Robinson says the Tories are ‘smearing’ Corbyn with such a claim.  Robinson said Corbyn had a legitimate argument and that the Tory claim was thus a smear….Corbyn is perfectly entitled to his position but then his opponents are also entitled to comment on that…aren’t they?  Apparently not according to Nick Robinson who is obviously suggesting that the Tory argument is thus not legitimate.

Trouble is it’s a claim that Corbyn’s own party must agree with as they back Trident.

And what of that slippery phrase now being used by Corbyn, that he wouldn’t use a ‘first strike’?  He used it on Marr and Marr did not blink, and Humphrys on the Today show, despite noting that Corbyn had previously said he wouldn’t use nuclear weapons, quoted the ‘first strike’ phrase without comment on the importance of that phrase and Corbyn’s slippery u-turn….the significance of which can be ascertained by the way the Labour man immediately jumped in saying ‘You’ve hit the nail on the head…he wouldn’t use it as a first strike’...leaving open the suggestion that he would use it as retaliation….when he would not, ever.  Post-truth politics?


Here’s Marr not reacting at all to the ‘bombshell’ u-turn in Corbyn’s position that he now would use nuclear weapons…just not as a first strike…


Why did neither Marr nor Humphrys challenge that positioning by Corbyn?  Corbyn would never, never, use nuclear weapons and to imply he might is utterly dishonest.

The BBC hides the  story about Corbyn’s nuclear stance on the politics page….why is such an important story not on the frontpage, or maybe even just on the UK page?  But no, you have to dig into the politics page to find it…

Speaking to Andrew Marr on BBC One, Mr Corbyn – a long-standing opponent of nuclear weapons – said he would never launch a “first strike” attack as prime minister and wanted to de-escalate global tensions, working with other countries including the US, Russia and Iran.

But hang on, is that a massive u-turn or a convenient lie?…he has made his views quite plain in the past…here’s his own Stop the War Coalition praising his position…

The new leader of the British Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, has sparked a political firestorm by challenging the myths around nuclear weapons and Cold War deterrence. Corbyn announced that he would never use a nuclear weapon.

Here’s the Guardian reporting his stance…

Jeremy Corbyn: I would never use nuclear weapons if I were PM

And here is the BBC itself reporting his ‘never, ever’ position…

Jeremy Corbyn row after ‘I’d not fire nuclear weapons’ comment

It did not take a debate, within Labour or the House of Commons. A few words on the Today programme did the trick.

Should he get to Number 10, he said simply, he would not press the nuclear button.

Think of it this way: Corbyn declared to Britain’s potential enemies that with him in charge they could disregard a multi-billion pound weapon system.

“I am opposed to the use of nuclear weapons. I am opposed to the holding of nuclear weapons. I want to see a nuclear-free world. I believe it is possible.

“I do not think we should be renewing Trident.”

Pretty clear isn’t it?  Under no circumstances would Corbyn, the terrorist sympathiser, ever press the nuclear button.

Why is the BBC now pushing all that down the memory hole and peddling Corbyn’s new ‘not a first strike’ pose as if this was his policy all along with nothing unusual going on, nothing to see here?

It’s a lie.  A lie intended to con the British public into thinking Corbyn can be trusted to defend British interests and maintain our security when in fact he has no intention of doing so and would happily surrender to the first threat in order to avoid any bloodshed at all.  And the BBC is backing that position by not challenging his lie and the subterfuge that he might use nuclear weapons if attacked….he would never use them, he has said so many times.

Shame the BBC has forgotten….a massive apparent policy u-turn by Corbyn in order to fool the voters and win an election…where is the BBC’s famed ‘Reality Check’ where are the cries of ‘Fake News’?  There came none….just as there came none when Corbyn completely fabricated a story about there being no seats on a train in order to bolster his Marxist drive to nationalise the railways.




You despoil us Mr Ambassador

Earlier this month we noted that the BBC was giving the views of ex-British ambassador, and pro-Assad mouth-piece, Peter Ford, complete credibility…The BBC…doing Russia’s dirty work for it.



The BBC interviewed him and then proceeded to use quotes from him throughout the day to promote the idea that the chemical attack in Syria may well have been a false flag operation by the rebels…in every news bulletin that I listened to the BBC did not inform us that Ford was in any way a supporter of the Assad regime, introducing him solely as ‘former British ambassador’.

The Telegraph reports Ford has indeed got very close links to Assad…

Revealed: How Britain’s former Syria ambassador appeared on BBC to defend Assad… after quietly taking a job with dictator’s father-in-law

A former British ambassador to Syria who appeared on the BBC to defend the Assad regime had already become a director of a lobby group run by the dictator’s father in law.

Peter Ford, 59, courted controversy this month by claiming that President Bashar al-Assad would not have carried out the chemical gas attack on his own people.

Now the Telegraph can reveal that just weeks before the April 4 attack  Mr Ford had become a director of the controversial British Syrian Society.

This was founded by Fawaz Akhras, a London-based cardiologist whose daughter Asma is married to President Assad, and is closely linked to the regime, frequently accused of acting as its mouthpiece in the west.

The BBC’s response was to claim…

The BBC yesterday defended its use of Mr Ford as a commentator on events in Syria.

A spokesperson for the broadcaster said: “When Peter Ford has appeared on various BBC outlets this year his particular viewpoint has been signposted in the introduction in terms the audience will understand, for example he has been variously described as a ‘long term critic of Western Policy’, or part of ‘a dwindling group who still think Bashar al-Assad is the solution to Syria’.”

Now that’s just untrue, certainly on the day in question.  The BBC was spreading doubt and pro-Assad messages purely to try and undermine Trump and his missile attack on Assad.

The BBC so hates Trump they are prepared to do anything to do him down….including supporting a man who has bombed, tortured and attacked his own people with chemical weapons.