A discussion about a female SOE operative in WWII made a massive leap of association by connecting her heroics in her fight against the Nazi’s fascism to the battle against the new fascist world order…Trumpism.
The world needs role models like her who know which is the right path, what is the acceptable, ‘civilised’ behaviour, what is wrong with the world…you must fight what is wrong….. as barriers are going up, movement stopped and people described by their religion or race…wrong, wrong, wrong. Naturally that didn’t stop them telling us it was the SOE agent’s sufi [Muslim] religion that kept her going as she was abused by the Fascists.
Might suggest the real Fascists are those liberals who don’t believe in democracy and will say and do anything to subvert it, including supporting Islamist terrorism [though of course they don’t in such cases like to make an association with Islam as they do when it suits a pro-Muslim narrative]….or killing Trump.
Remarkable….the BBC has become the seeker of Truth, a warrior cutting down falsehood and lies in order to protect us from the evil doers.
Once, not so long ago, the much fêted Victoria Derbyshire would sit in mute silence as obvious Muslim radicals used her programme to spread their propaganda, Derbyshire herself often backing what they said and indeed on one occasion, Phil Shiner-like, told us that British troops were murderers of civilians who were accidentally killed in military strikes against the Taliban.
That relaxed attitude has gone, she’s a changed woman, a changed journalist, now she scours the world for stories of injustice or extremism that she can do her bit to rectify…in fact all the way to a small, remote village in a very remote part of Europe…
Remember that ‘cabinet’ memo, you know the one that said we’re all doomed because of Brexit and which said May was not in control? Remember how the BBC splashed it over their news for days, insisting that the ‘cabinet’ memo was very important…telling us…‘the document does matter because it underlines what we have reported and others have written about many times.’?
Of course it didn’t matter one jot…it wasn’t ‘cabinet’ memo at all but a job application in essence by a company touting for business as a consultant…this was the BBC spreading misinformation on a massive scale in order to make Brexit seem an ever more unattractive prospect and put the pressure on for a change of mind.
The problem the BBC has these days is that the Internet makes lying much more tricky. Not only can people easily fact-check you but can then disseminate the truth to counter your lies that much more easily as they have never been able to before.
That doesn’t stop the BBC still trying to pull the wool over our eyes though…it valiantly battles on against the truth and the facts to spread doom and gloom about Brexit by blaming it for every price rise, every fall in sales, and so often neglecting to connect the OPEC decision that put up oil prices, or the steep rise in world commodity prices, to price rises here, instead blaiming them on Brexit. Only this morning we were told that shoppers had returned a lot of items they bought online in January and therefore the high retail sales were misleading and shops didn’t sell as much as claimed…due to Brexit. So people bought stuff…looked at the BBC news about Brexit and decided to return the items ‘because of Brexit’? Desperate stuff from the BBC.
Still, they chose to just ignore a good news story for the UK economy #DespiteBrexit as PWC announce [as the Guardian tells us]…
‘UK could be fastest-growing G7 economy if it gets trade deals right’
The UK could shake off the near-term impact of Brexit to become the fastest-growing economy in the G7 group of rich countries between now and 2050, according to a report that paints a bright outlook for the country’s prospects outside the EU.
Consultants PwC say the UK economy will not escape entirely unscathed from the decision to leave the bloc and that it will dampen growth prospects in the short term. But the brunt of the impact would be felt by 2020 and in the years that follow the UK would outperform its peers thanks to its relatively large working age population and its flexible economy.
I can’t see it at all on the BBC website, if it’s there it’s not prominent and I didn’t hear it mentioned once on the radio today…which, when you consider the torrent of anti-Brexit coverage we got as the BBC surrendered their network to the fake ‘Cabinet memo’ story , is remarkable…a report that suggest the UK could have the best performing economy in the G7 and the BBC ignores it?
The BBC spins on an industrial scale a false anti-Brexit story but ignores one that adopts a completely different perspective on the outcome of Brexit to that peddled by the BBC itself….and this report comes from PWC who were on the Remain side during the referendum.
If you visit the BBC Home news portal, it’s just one anti-Trump story after another. The hysteria from the BBC is a joy to behold. They cannot bring themselves to accept that all he is doing s enacting the will of those who ELECTED him. So instead they use every possible angle to undermine him. What a bunch of deplorables they are.
Way back in December 2014 we posted the below about the BBC and Phil Shiner…I see no reason to change anything…..it more than stands the test of time which is more than Shiner and the BBC do…..Time for Lord Hall to apologise for all the slurs and traumas he has helped put British troops through.
If like me you have been listening or watching the BBC for the last few years and hearing their coverage of the alleged abuse of Iraqis or Afghans by British troops you will know that the BBC has given itself over to the likes of lawyer Phil Shiner and his extraordinary tales, his own very singular version of the truth.
Today the BBC must be absolutely gutted as the Al Sweady inquiry clears, as expected, British troops of allegations they tortured and killed prisoners.
The BBC has put a lot of work into helping Shiner smear the Army’s reputation and put a great many soldiers through the wringer for so many years.
In 2008 the BBC’s Panorama produced a programme, On Whose Orders?, that claimed to investigate the allegations….here is what one viewer thought of the programme:
Is it just me or do these left wing lobbyists and solicitors actually work with, or very close with the BBC , they have a voice out of all proportion and seem to be able to spout whatever bollox they like on the BBC, I swear they should give Shami Chakrabati her own show, for someone who’s never been elected as any kind of public official, she seems to get more airtime than the PM!
Is it any co-incidence that her sister works for the beeb?
What I’m getting at is do these far left lawyers aproach the bbc with program ideas?
Make no mistake , this was phil shiners program, the bbc only tried to distance themselves from him at the end because of all the critisism they’d recieved in all the major newspapers , that’s the reason they emphisised the program was still being made in the newspaper reports, to do some last minute distancing from phil shiner.
The BBC were initially blocked from broadcasting the programme but went to court to force the issue so insistent were they about finding out the ‘truth’ of the matter…here they are boasting of their ‘victory’:
Panorama has won an important victory in the High Court against the Ministry of Defence which was attempting to prevent the broadcast of details of alleged abuse by soldiers in Iraq.
The Panorama programme ended with a bit of a disclaimer…as set out in the web report:
Panorama has seen no proof that prisoners died at the hands of their captors and concludes that the case being brought by solicitors Phil Shiner and Martyn Day represents the most extreme interpretation of a troubling but confusing incident. They are asking for the bodies to be disinterred and evidence to be handed to Scotland Yard.
Despite that dsitinct lack of proof for the next 5 years the BBC continued to bombard us with the allegations in a manner that suggested there was far more substance to them than there was…as we now know…they being the result of deliberate lies, reckless speculation and ingrained hatred….you can wonder whether the judge was talking about the Iraqis, Shiner, the BBC or all three of them.
The BBC was very proud of its Panorama programme stating this on the announcement of the inquiry:
Ironically the first line of this pyrrhic victory was this:
Time can make a world of difference in an emotive, ongoing story.
The BBC goes on to suggest:
In revisiting these allegations through public inquiries, the entire system of military justice will inevitably be called into question.
Well I imagine military justice has been vindicated…the RMP said there was no case…and there was no case….it was clearly a case of highly suspect allegations being encouraged by ‘ambulance chasing’ lawyers backed up by a media organisation that had its fingers badly burnt as it was caught lying about the Iraq War Dossier and has been seeking to exact revenge ever since.
As the BBC was so clearly ready to congratulate itself on firstly getting its ‘legal victory’ and then slapping itself on the back when it thought itself ‘vindicated’ perhaps it should now make a very large apology to the Public it so badly misled and not least the soldiers it helped pillory and their families who have all had to suffer these allegations for so long.
Con Coughlin at the Telegraph is of the same mind:
Looking back, it is amazing just how many people were prepared to believe the accusations that the British Army routinely tortured detainees.
Of course it was the BBC and its fellow travellers on the Left who made the most of accusations that British soldiers had committed what amounted to war crimes following a three-hour battle with Iranian-backed insurgents in Iraq in May 2004. Rather than praising the British soldiers for their undoubted heroism in tackling the Shia-dominated Mehdi Army in a fierce battle that could have gone either way, the BBC preferred to concentrate its considerable resources on Iraqi claims that some of the captured insurgents had been killed in cold blood, while others had been subjected to torture.
It is hard to imagine a more damning indictment of the Army’s accusers, and all those at the BBC and elsewhere who were credulous, or naive, enough to believe them. But now that the truth is out, perhaps those responsible for making this programme, and who gave an air of credibility to the claims, would now like to issue a fulsome apology to the British Armed Forces for their own grave errors of judgment.
They could even make a new programme explaining why they got the story so horribly wrong in the first place. Now, that really would be a first.
More seriously, though, Tony Hall, who as the BBC’s director-general has overall responsibility for the corporation’s current affairs output (in a previous life he was in charge of BBC news and current affairs), should undertake an urgent investigation of his own to find out how Panorama got it so badly wrong.
In sum, they conclude that the role of social media was overstated, with television remaining by far the primary vehicle for consuming political news….Television remains more important by a large margin.
A study of fake news in the US during the election has completely undermined the BBC narrative that Trump stole the election due to fake news on social media sites fooling people into voting for him.
The BBC has been leading the campaign against ‘Fake News’, telling us that, remarkably, and falsely, that most Americans get their news from social media like Facebook and Twitter. That’s just not true…nor is it true that ‘Fake News’ impacted in any significant way at all on the result of the US election…..
“Fake news” stories favoring Donald Trump far exceeded those favoring Hillary Clinton but did not have a significant impact on the presidential election, concludes a new survey of social and other media consumption.
In sum, they conclude that the role of social media was overstated, with television remaining by far the primary vehicle for consuming political news. Just 14 percent of Americans deemed social media the primary source of their campaign news, according to their research.
In addition, while fake news that favored Trump far exceeded that favoring Clinton, few Americans actually recalled the specifics of the stories and fewer believed them.
“For fake news to have changed the outcome of the election, a single fake article would need to have had the same persuasive effect as 36 television campaign ads,” they conclude.
The paper is worth consideration especially given overriding press assumptions about the potency of ideologically driven news coverage.
The BBC has also argued that the US is extremely polarised with Republicans only reading right-wing news and liberals only left-wing news etc but again..not true…. [as your own reading will undoubtedly reflect…the internet has opened up the world of different ideas and views, not created the echo chambers that the BBC insists is the norm now]…
Gentzkow and Shapiro countered that view by showing that most people do not get their news from ideologically driven sources, with more traditional neutral wire service and local TV fare outweighing the much chronicled cable news channels, notably Fox News, and politically skewed websites.
Can’t wait to see the BBC ‘analysis’ of this report. Any bets they’ll hum and haw and then dismiss it as not fully representative and the wrong interpretation of the data, just as they did when a highly respected black professor concluded that whites were more likely to be shot by police than blacks?
Oh..and just for interest considering the BBC’s views on race and immigration…here’s an American Black thoroughly enjoying an immigrant getting his come-uppance after he attacked a bus driver…..
What does the BBC do with your licence money? Apart from skimming off massive sums to pay itself and its ‘Stars’ a huge amount of that money to live lives that most licence fee payers could never aspire to, and then, because they are ‘celebrities’, abuse that privileged position to tell those licence fee payers how ignorant, stupid, bigoted and racist they are. Not just the BBC of course but so much of the Establishment as well.
Thus we get Brexit and Trump as the lowly worms turn. But there is another, darker side to this, an uglier dimension to the BBC’s world view that they propagate.
The BBC keeps telling us that Britain is brutally divided by Brexit. I’m unsure how they think any general election in which several parties take a share of the vote is less ‘divisive’ than a highly democratic referendum in which there are only two sides and a clear winner….and yet the country continued without riots or civil disorder after the election. It’s a simple term that trips easily off the tongue but one that is extremely harmful and the BBC knows that. Keep telling the nation that it is brutally divided, that people are angry and disenfranchised by Brexit, that those ‘left behind’ Remainders must not be forgotten and people start to believe it and you successfully whip up a narratve of grievance, anger, fear and discontent and give it justification…when none is due….Brexit was about leaving the EU there is no cherry picking the bits that Remain want which in total would mean we stay in the EU.
This is a narrative manufactured in order to create some sort of guilt that Remain voter’s needs are being ignored and thus they must be accommodated…not sure how that works as they want to stay in the EU…how do you negotiate that whilst fulfilling the obligation to leave the EU? Just a trick to try and force concessions out of May.
But such a narrative has other effects especially when combined with the BBC’s other two fictions, one , that the referendum vote was stolen by Leave lies, and two, Brexit has given licence to racism and hate…neither of course true but that doesn’t stop the BBC propagating such lies. That BBC narrative is also the template for their reporting about Trump and his election.
The effect of those three narratives is to give licence to the Left, to Remain voters, to like-minded anti-Trump agitators, to mount often violent and certainly threatening campaigns against anyone who doesn’t hold the same values and beliefs as them. The BBC and like-minded media have enabled the thugs, anti-Semites and fascists [who of course are socialists] to use violence, threats and intimidatory language to try and silence their opponents…..just where did the British man who tried to shoot Trump get his anger from? He more than likely got it from the BBC narrative that Trump is a racist, a sexist, an Islamophobe, a danger to the world. And hot off the press….a prison guard killed in the US…blamed partly on Trump due to the false stories and massive exaggerations about him no doubt….
Authorities have stormed a prison block in the US state of Delaware, ending a 24-hour hostage standoff that left one prison officer dead.
One of the prisoners told a local newspaper they were protesting against US President Donald Trump…Everything that he did. “All the things that he’s doing now. We know that the institution is going to change for the worse.”
You can see the direct effect of this in the US where a Milo talk had to be abandoned due to massive violence at the venue……the rioters given licence to attack Milo by the likes of the BBC who denounce him and his like as Far Right racists and thus it is OK to attack him…
BERKELEY, Calif. (CBS SF/AP) — Protesters armed with bricks and fireworks mounted an assault on the building hosting a speech by polarizing Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos Wednesday night, forcing the event’s cancellation.
Several injuries have been reported and at least four banks have been vandalized after demonstrators marched away from the scene of a violent protest at the canceled speaking event by controversial far-right writer and speaker Yiannopoulos on the University of California at Berkeley campus.
The BBC’s et al’s coverage of police shootings of black men in the US as racist must similarly have contributed to the many subsequent murders of police officers in ‘retaliation’…when we know that so many of the shootings of black men were not at the hands of white officers and that the shootings the BBC repeatedly still use as examples of police racism were in fact fully justified as born out by the facts which are fully available…such as in the case of Michael Brown in Ferguson.
The BBC is the real danger to democracy, free speech and a stable, cohesive society.
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