“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
The BBC continues with its highly partisan reporting, or its anti-Trump, anti-Brexit propaganda as we should call it because the truth is important no?…unless you’re a BBC reporter.
Theresa May was about to deliver her speech on Brexit and the BBC decided the one voice we needed was that of Remainder Anna Soubry giving us her thoughts on it. Anna Soubry, politically, morally corrupt, dishonest, with something of the night about her. The women who tells us she fully respects and accepts the vote to leave the EU, then denounces Leave voters as stupid, ignorant racists, and continues by telling us we must put ideology aside [yours not hers] and do what is best for the economy…and that is…stay in the Single Market and the Custom’s Union….and of course thus obliged to continue with freedom of movement. In other words totally, totalitarianly, ignore the vote for Brexit and carry on as if it had never happened. As said, corrupt and dishonest, a liar. Oh, and stupid. Trump and Brexit were a reaction to precisely that type of deceitful, shamelessly corrupt and contemptuous politics, trying to present a total lie as the truth whilst bizarrely denouncing the voters as ‘deplorables’. Just the way to win the voters around.
We were also treated to the slippery Mardell trying his best to run down Trump whilst trying to give the impression he was being impartial and fair….it didn’t work. He brought on American author Jonathan Franzen to give us his considered opinion of Trump…Franzen being in love with Obama. Trump, we hear, is heinous, he has a mastery of Twitter that is terrible to behold and his use of Twitter as a propaganda tool is also heinous. Trump will create disaster after disaster and it is appalling that so many people who get their news via Twitter will be fooled by him. Just another day at the BBC coalface. Twitter has 140 characters, Franzen seems to have none at all.
We can’t even get away from it when we try to relax and enjoy a bit of fantasy and outlandish behaviour with Sherlock as statues of Thatcher are smashed [the lefty writer said he was very conflicted about putting that in the script…of course you were luvvy], we are told ‘civilisation always relied on elective ignorance’ [oh you dumb stupid Leave voters] and that ‘we must be careful not to burn our bridges’[nudge nudge wink wink….stay in the safe harbour that is the EU]…oh and Sherlock went into a bizarre exhortation, the dramatic Henry V speech at Agincourt….a satirical, mocking, sneaky sneer at the ‘little Englanders’ who voted to leave….have to say I stopped watching about there as the programme was crap…you can put up with the nonsense if the show grabbed you but it didn’t…pretentious and overblown and far too up its own backside now.
That’s the BBC shaping its news and programming to deliver a message but they aren’t content with just preaching to you, they aim to make sure that the only message, the only values, the only beliefs, you receive are theirs.
Remember back in November when we said this…
Note how once again the news source feeding the BBC the story is Buzzfeed…..the BBC seems to have a very, very close partnership with Buzzfeed….does it use Buzzfeed to dig out stories it can’t break for fear of looking partisan and then reports them as ‘Buzzfeed stories’? [It did the same with Whittingdale…they couldn’t break the story of his dalliances with a prostitute because it would look too obviously a politically motivated hit job…so they, in collaboration with anti-Press campaigners, got a small, almost unknown, website to break the story]
The BBC et al are aiming to control who is allowed to publish on the internet and what they say….they want to have the right to judge what is news, what kind of news stories are published, to make judgement calls on not just their truth but also on their merits ethically and morally or merely whether they fit in with the likes of the BBC’s own values and beliefs.
It is an extremely sinister attack on free speech and thought. The BBC aims to police the internet so that news and views are filtered through a left-wing prism….want to talk about immigration or Islam or climate change? No, sorry, they can’t approve that.
As said many times here, the BBC is one of the greatest threats to democracy, freedom and a civilised society.
Since then of course Buzzfeed has continued to be the vehicle of choice to smuggle in news stories that a respectable news organisation wouldn’t touch…such as the sensationalist Trump ‘dossier’. The BBC were then given an excuse to report on the ‘furore’ and just what it was all about…..never missing a chance to trash Trump of course. But what else? What of that ‘extremely sinister attack on free speech and thought‘?
It seems that the BBC is exactly intent on doing just that as it sets out to police the internet and exploit its resources and power to decide what is news, what is true and what is ‘acceptable’…
Permanent Reality Check team will target false stories or facts being shared on social media
LOL…they’d be at it all day if they turned their attention to their own news output.
Amid growing concern among politicians and news organisations about the impact of false information online, news chief James Harding told staff on Thursday that the BBC would be “weighing in on the battle over lies, distortions and exaggerations”.
The plans will see the corporation’s Reality Check series become permanent, backed by a dedicated team targeting false stories or facts being shared widely on social media.
“The BBC can’t edit the internet, but we won’t stand aside either,” Harding said. “We will fact check the most popular outliers on Facebook, Instagram and other social media.
Oh dear…..so just what will be the template that guides the BBC’s information highway thought-police?…
“Normal rules [of society have been] disrupted by low growth and high inequality; technological innovation spurring behavioural change and job insecurity; identity politics supplanting the old parties and fuelling narratives of exclusion.
Hmmm…higher inequality….hasn’t the ONS just published data saying income inequality has been reduced signficantly? ‘There has been a gradual decline in income inequality in the last 10 years, with levels similar to those seen in the mid to late 1980s.’
Hmmm….technological innovation? Does he mean the internet? The internet that spreads democracy and free speech via the free flow of information and which breaks the information and knowledge monopoly of the likes of the BBC? With any luck they’ll be the ones out of a job.
Hmmm…Identity politics? That’s famously the Left’s old game….but Harding of course means UKIP, he is suggesting they are playing a racist game…just the old trick of calling UKIP and anyone who wants to control immigration ‘racist’.
If that’s the template then we can expect full-on attempts to denounce and close down anyone or any site or any news outlet that doesn’t fit the BBC’s approved profile….an irony that The Truth is in fact the enemy for the BBC.
No surprise that the BBC has teamed up with Facebook…the site that promoted left-wing news, that promoted pro-Palestinian news and blocked pro-Israel news….the site that has agreed to censor any information that is critical of Merkel’s immigration policy.
I imagine that this will blow up in their faces soon enough, one way or another, as people get sick of being dictated to by little ‘liberal’ Hitlers in their digital bunkers. It will prove vastly counter-productive.