The BBC described how the raging, embittered and resentful Remainer Lord [unelected] Adonis explained his ‘reasons in an excoriating letter’ for his resignation. Trouble is, though the BBC presented his comments as rational and hard-hitting, they were far from that, being nothing less than a furiously frothy-mouthed, eye-swivelling, green-inked screed venting Adonis’s massive arrogance and frustration that he can’t have his way…a bit of a temper tantrum with teddy going in the corner.
How many more Remainers will make the leap from their ivory towers sacrificing themselves for the cause and the headlines? Headlines the BBC is sure to give them along with a promise of constant referral to the ‘reasons’ they give for their resignation in any futher news reports that paint Brexit and the Government’s approach to, well, everything as a problem ala Alan Milburn.
Spot any more BBC bias….list it all here…..
First !!
Yippee !!
… Well done Lobby, I see you’ve clawed your way into first position… again. This is so childish but I’d hoped to beat you!
At least you’re not crabby about it …….
Just wondering , if I beat you to first place would you go pink due to being boiling mad?
You are the upper crust(acea) Lobby.
It’s a bit nippy tonight – I’ve just put my Thermidor underwear on!
Lobster, I could add that claiming first place again could be considered rather shellfish of you – but I won’t!
Sorry Lobster.
Haqve been away for a few days, and-in the spirit of being a lefty idiot unused to losing-I demand a recount before we all decide that I was the first poster.
Now if Brissels agreed to form a “Dream Ticket” tag team kind of thing, well maybe we could overturn-nay, reverse this outrage.
The blog roll starts with my entry here_I`ve been away and any efforts to argue might get me sad and in need of therapy. Do you want THAT on your conscience?
Do I go to Brussels, The Hague, Strasbourg first?
And do you REALLY want Gina Soros Miller coming here to give you grief?
I’ve been off-line since the New Year (awaiting a new hub – huuge BT delay, but what’s new), glad to see Lobby in top spot, and as for Dream Ticket – I’m up for it !!!
Your graciousness does you great credit Brissels.
But I`m a bitter old lefty who will not-nay, CANNOT-forgive, will not let go, and have way too much time on my hands.
And I sense a Supreme Court appearance in the Popular Opinion Division, under Baroness Harriet Harman.
So you`re a shoo in-and i`m happy to take the usual cut for agitating endlessly online and on You And Yours etc-just to stir a pointless pot.
My wife says I need to get out more in 2018.
I demand a recount and a medalling for Brissels-or else i`ll quite literally die…oh, just have!
The arrest of six ‘Far Right’ suspects is displayed at the top of their website, though these individuals posed no threat to the public. Less prominent is the stabbing/terror attack in Ireland, about which less is written.
It cannot be just us who see this blatant attempt to downplay the elephant marauding through the room and instead pointing to a harmless squirrel.
I am guessing these half dozen would not be preferred dinner guests around here, but the efforts by LibMob, especially the national disgrace, to damn some by association with stupid words and/or tasteless deeds whilst ignoring actual incitements and physically threatening, wounding or lethal actions, is beyond risible.
I dont really understand why they haven’t just formed a new group with a new name like the ropers do all the time
do they all have memberships cards in National Action or something to identify themselves
They were referred to by the BBC as a ‘Far Right Terror Group’ this evening.
So, what alleged acts of “terror” have they committed?
Does it include suicide bombings at pop concerts for mainly children?
Does it include mowing people down with vehicles at Christmas markets or on bridges?
Does it include stabbings/beheading of innocent civilians and/or off duty soldiers?
Does it include organising rape gangs who pass around underage girls?
Thought not.
I wonder which group of potential terrorists pose the greatest risk to our national stability and safety then??
It is pretty obvious that the state is keen to play up this miniscule group so as to justify their lies that the “far right” are as much a threat to society as islamic terrorism.
Anyone with eyes to see knows that this is not true, but that does not stop the state and its broadcaster spreading a Goebbels-like “Big Lie”.
So far, the “far right” terror campaign seems to consist of a mentally ill man killing an MP, and a man currently under trial for driving into muslims leaving a mosque. Against this, muslims in Britain have killed and maimed many hundreds of innocent people in bombings, shootings, stabbings and car attacks. They have also been responsible for the organised rape of many thousands of white British girls on a scale never before seen in this country.
Despite this, the liars employed by the state, such as Cressida Dick, insist that “far right” terrorism is a great danger to us all, and that rape on an industrial scale is nothing new. They are lying to us, and the lies are blatant. This is because they are scared. They know we can see through their lies, but they are backed into a corner. If they do not lie, they must admit that they have allowed a situation to develop whereby the native British people are being raped and murdered by a violent immigant criminal conspiracy, which they, the state, have allowed into the country.
To admit the problem means that they have to admit that they caused the problem, and therefore have lost all credibility. They will not do this. They will attempt to keep this charade going for as long as possible. They lie to us, and we know they are lying. It is how the USSR stumbled along for decades. until it all came to and end quicker than anyone would ever have imagined. The same will hapen here. The lies of the Establishment cannot keep truth at bay for ever.
Oh dear, the BBC has been caught out but I very much doubt if it cares.
It’s showing ads now on BBC 1 for some ‘marriage’ game show where the groom is black and the bride is white, its PC agenda clear to anyone with eyes.
The BBC extorts money from the public through the tax known as ‘The TV Licence’. Our views and opinions are not asked for and don’t matter, it is without doubt taxation without representation. I really am fed up to the back teeth with subsidising the multicultural and diversity propaganda it broadcasts!
Is this old news rehashed for the New Year?
Anger at BBC’s NHS story after Tory-bashing nurse is revealed to be Labour activist {express 29apr2017}
“THE BBC has come under fire after failing to mention an NHS nurse (Nurse Danielle Tiplady) condemning Tory policy was also a Labour activist.”
That is disgraceful! How the hell do the bbc get away with it? The government could act but their too gutless. The bbc are saturated by middle class, leftie Labour voters and we’re forced to pay for it. Despicable.
They do it all the time. Look at the NYE R4 annual review programme, which several of us flagged. That featured no lesser Leftie than a senior CNN ‘journalist’ attacking President Trump with a slew of lies and potentially libelous accusations. It even turns out that the hag in question is actually married to the Clinton/Obama stooge, James Rubin! Not only was she allowed to lie about the POTUS unopposed, but her nakedly political affiliations, connections and prejudices were completely concealed from the listeners.
Unless the useless Amber Rudd stops inventing fantasy Nazis so she can pretend she is doing something useful and starts turning her gaze on the BBC, this isn’t going to change.
So many of these sneering leftists owe their positions to family contacts. It is what Rod Liddle calls seven degrees of Shami Chakrabati: look at any ‘activist’ group, aspiring MP etc and they all come from the same tiny group of highly privileged people.
If they had to surivive in the real world for a second they would explode. They just pontificate from their ivory towers, safe in the knowledge that they or their family will never be affected by the ideas they propose.
I think this is pretty undeniable. The ‘political class’ which runs the BBC also runs a lot of other things in the UK but numerically is, I suspect, rather small – a nasty little self-perpetuating oiigarchy.
A bit late but for the future record, the nurse on the BBC, Danielle Tiplady, is, according to ‘Labour List’, the Momentum backed candidate to represent Thurrock at the next General Election !
How very impartial of the bBBC to giver her airtime.
I always wonder how these angels of mercy find the time for political activity given they are working 25 hrs a day saving lives. But they do seem to squeeze it in if they try, often with support from impartial media.
Well we know from previous events how the NHS unions have managed to force the employer (ie us) to pay political activists not to treat patients but to engage in political shenanigans. There is phenomenal waste and corruption in the NHS – it’s one of the main reasons it performs so abysmally
Cassandra, just don’t do it. New Year resolution: give up TV.
At current prices, in the spring of this year, I will celebrate having saved almost £2000. More, if you add the cost of the new digital TV or set-top box that I would have had to buy a few years back when analogue broadcasts were stopped.
Then don’t.
Seems the BBC are not keen to highlight the real causes of the Iranian protests. I ‘wonder’ why?
No mention that the Iranian people are fed up being tyranised by the retarded clerics of a retarded so- called religion.
It’s surprising how keen the U.S. government is to see the Islamic theocracy in Iran topple, yet wholeheartedly supports the Islamic theocracy in K.S.A.
I see that Eire has suffered its first Islamic stabbing attack. I wonder why the bBC is keeping that story pretty well low key.
The arrest of 6 ‘Far right’ people is much more important – despite the fact there doesn’t seem to be any real sign of terrorist activity – except being in the group. I look forward to hearing what they have been getting up to. My guess is not a lot. They had a ‘reporter’ on at lunch who made the claim that ‘they’ cheered at the death of Jo cox…true of fake news?….
The vegan gate enquiry is also much more important on BBC… death threats…..WTF are we coming to?
They can’t put it in UK news. It’s in Europe news.
It’s headlining the Northern Ireland section, the bBbc don’t care much for the border, which is probably why they find the hard border/ soft border bullshit so hard to report simply or correctly.
On the day my eldest daughter started secondary school a year and a half ago, which is why I remember this, the Northern Ireland home page on the red button had 10 news items. I say news, of course with the bBbc this more often means views.
8 of those stories related to incidents in or the politics of the Republic of Ireland.
The footballer Trevor Sinclair accused the Police Officer of being racist as he was arrested for drunk driving. How many other officers would have crumbled under such a heinous accusation? It certainly worked in Rotherham and other places.
We hear all about microagressions, under-represented groups et cetera ad nauseam, but what incalculable damage this fear of being accused of racism must have caused throughout society – especially when exploited by those already dishonest and/or intent on criminality? How many criminals not brought to justice? How many workplace incompetences disregarded? How many innocent people losing their livelihoods, their lives and families ruined, due to false accusations of racism? And so on.
If you read a story like the Rotherham scandal in the Old Testament you would recoil that humans were ever capable of such evil. That it could happen now in such an advanced society shows what wicked witchcraft political correctness really is.
This is well worth a listen to:
Radio 4 The Media Show
The battle for Christmas
The Media Show
Christmas has traditionally been a big event for broadcasters. But this year, how did British TV channels perform in the age of Netflix and Amazon? Also in the programme, a look-ahead to some of the big media stories coming up in 2018 including the government’s decision on moving Channel 4.
Julian Worricker is joined by Justin Sampson, Chief Executive of BARB, Clare Enders, founder of Enders Analysis, Nick North, BBC Director of Audiences, Cat Lewis, CEO of Nine Lives Media, and John Fairley, former managing director of Yorkshire Tyne Tees Television.
It is admitted on the program that the BBC has lost its younger audience, hence the preponderance of shows aimed at older viewers such as Heartbeat, (ITV) call the midwife, etc. The trouble is that they don’t appear to know where these younger viewers have gone, but the point is that the older audience do not share the political views of the BBC and although they will change their drama to appeal to them, they appear unwilling to change their politics.
Definitely worth a listen if only to give a better insight into a changing industry, and to have a slew of facts which you probably don’t currently know.
Thoughtful writes: “Definitely worth a listen if only to give a better insight into a changing industry, and to have a slew of facts which you probably don’t currently know.”
And, with respect, probably shouldn’t believe anyway. Broadcasting, like publishing and politics, is rife with made-up figures concocted to suit the beliefs of the compilers or the person paying the compilers.
Not to detract from your post, Thoughtful, which was interesting, but a necessary counter to the lies they tell for a living.
What of the hordes of highly trained ‘doctors’ and ‘engineers’ fleeing tyranny and war in their home countries in the Middle East?
Seems Germany has managed to occupy the time of about 5% of the millions that, ‘fled’ there. Just like other Governments in the West that seek to ‘hide’ the unemployment figures of a particular group (Maggie did it in the 90’s with those >50 that could not find employment) the ‘fake’ work principle is applied.
I do feel sorry for the Middle East with no doctors left as they have all fled their comfortable positions to head here.
It’s ok BB, they’re all doctors over there.
So how many people have heard this story at the bbC:
Italy: Somali immigrant enters delivery room and attempts to rape a woman in labour
He was probably a trained doctor there to offer expertise. All they do in Somalia is study medicine and engineering all day.
every day I shake my head and wonder just how far these savages can descend
This is a survey, so to be treated with all necessary caution.
It is one shared by the BBC, so doubly so.
And specifically by Mark Easton, so maybe ignore it.
That all said, given who dominates the education and information broadcasting of this country, pretty damning.
And a little voice in the back of my head just wonders if this may be an odd coincidence as the powers that lie through their teeth in the politico-media estate look for ways to concrete over green areas to accommodate voters in ‘affordable’ slums.
Thanks to this blog and the vast number of posts from the contributors here, as soon as I saw the name Mark Easton, I knew it would follow the bBC guidelines of how those with a degree in sociology, Human rights and brewing ethical lattes have a vastly superior knowledge of everything and everything ,which affords them them the right to claim that they are always right and the rest of the world is wrong.
When Easton first wrote about the LAND survey in November he called it
“Five mind-blowing facts about what the UK looks like”
ie something that most people would be VERY SURPRISED about.
Now they ask people to guess what percent of land is urban
.. it finds they don’t guess it correctly
… So that’s what his November blog expected
he talks about people having an “illusion of concrete Britain”
…. but hang on that is not exactly what they said
It’s all down to their peculiar definition of what constitutes urban, which means that most towwns and villages don’t count as urban
\\ One of the classifications is “continuous urban fabric” (CUF), applied to areas where 80-100% of the land surface is built on.
.. Continuous urban fabric is actually a very rare land use in the UK//
If you think about it that mean an average street of houses and schools doesn’t count , cos the gardens and school playing field add up to more than 20%
Basically only central London counts as this it’s the TINY percentage he quotes
\\There is another category called discontinuous urban fabric, places where between 50% and 80% of the land surface is built on.//
That is our normal street
My guess is that a lot of of people would guess that as X% and then think and say actually there’s a load of empty space in Scotland and Lake district etc so reguess as “Half X%” and they’d be about right
“The average Briton thinks XYZ times more of our nation’s land is concrete jungle than is the reality.”
What you can’t do with such stats is take 10 people of which 6 say 20% and 4 say 95% and say see the average person say look the “average person says 50%”, cos those 6 said nothing like 50%
His report is GIGO
They use a garbage definition of Urban, and therefore get a garbage percent of overestimation
In other words, lies, damn lies and statistics.
An afternoon spent watching the excellent Talking Pictures channel will tell anyone all they need to know about how Britain has been unrecognisably defaced since the 1940s, most notably by building and uncontrolled immigration.
Its changed in the last 30 years or so, as I’ve said before I’m from a very working class small town in the West Midlands and in my lifetime (I’m 52 unbelievably in April) the area has changed from one that admittedly there were extremely rough areas, but never no go.
Asian kids I went to school with, their dads owned local shops or very occasionally a chippy, a proper chippy not these halal fast food horrors all over our high street now. In fact the chippy Mr BCW and I like to use is run by a Asian family and is possibly the cleanest chippy I have been in and their fish and chips are lovely, always a bonus!
Now, we have internet cafes, eastern European shops which on the whole are OK, like the original Asian corner shops, they open until late and work bloody hard, the disgusting halal fast food shops already mentioned, little girls wrapped up in black shrouds, its really not good.
We were talking about it over Christmas, how much the area has changed, probably since the first influx of refugees in the late ’90’s, and how as a mixed bunch of white, black and Indian people all from the same area, grew up together, married or became partners, socialised together, should feel so completely alienated in their home.
Its almost impossible to get a same day appointment at our doctors, there is a procedure where you phone up at 8am and have to ask for a ring back appointment sometime during the day or, as I was told a couple of months ago, go to the Walk in centre to see a doctor, despite having paramedics come out to me the night before. The doctor rings you back and by what you say, decides if you need a appointment or if they can write a prescription and leave it at reception.
I managed to see a doctor just before Christmas, thanks to my husband’s diabetic clinician, and am now waiting for a appointment for a MRI, wonder how long I will have to wait?
On a lighter note and conceding the BBC, just come back from walking my Westie and Mastermind was on bbc1. One contestants specialised subject was the Indiana Jones films and another was Kim Kardashian!! I remember when specialised subjects were things you had rarely heard of, yet the questions and answers taught you something, sadly lacking in today’s celebrity obsessed BBC. I’m glad when I see stuff like that, we don’t pay the licence fee!
Also, a belated Happy New Year to all on the site and all contributers even Silly Maxi.
we all know where this crap is leading
ie there’s load of space , build more houses, let more immigrants in
BBC Easton is saying that 99.9% of UK land doesn’t count as urban cos to count it has to conform to being less than 20% park gardens , and “80% artificial surfaces like buildings and roads”
That’s barmy, cos you are throwing out much of the thinks people count as urban
eg school grounds, houses, football stadiums are more than 20% garden
A plot with a 30 story block of flats may well not count under his definition.
Yes. Also remember the overall percentage includes vast swathes of Highland Scotland, which cannot really be included in what most people would term as available for urbanisation.
England is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. In Europe, I think only the Netherlands are more densely populated.
If you exclude areas such as National Parks, which I hope will never be built on, people such as Easton seem to think the parts of the country which have not been built on are just empty space. But this is in fact agricultural land. Due to our benign climate, we have some of the best agriculture in the world. Unless Easton has decided to stop eating (I wish), then he might consider agriculture to be a valuable use of land.
The rapidly rising population, caused by immigration, needs land to be built on for housing. This in turn reduces the land available for agriculture. So the population grows, and our food supplies diminish. i suppose Easton thinks all these immigrants bring such prosperity that we can easily afford to buy food from abroad. That really must be how he thinks.
The time must be coming when all this has to stop.
In other news, Henry Bolton, the Ukip leader, formerly of the Lib Dems and the state security forces, has left his wife for a 29 year old glamour model. If the Deep State isn’t trying to destroy Ukip, then the party is doing a fantastic job of destroying itself.
Easton is consciously misleading
I can see from twitter his stat doesn’t seem to include ports and airports etc
I was checking the official definition of Continuous urban fabric
and I see ” This class is not applicable for:
industrial, commercial or public complexes and ports, even if those areas are > 80 % sealed (classes 121, 123);”
That definition page contains another typo error
So I checked another :
which seems to put industrial in another category 1.2.1 Industrial or commercial units
So of course you get 0.1% cos the classification only includes city centre areas.
Things we consider as concreted like airports, industrial estates and ports are by definition excluded.
Re Mark Easton concrete Britain

This map list’s all the other categories
Roughly it’s 90% nature vs 10% man
As an avid reader and very occasional poster to this site, I often wonder how and in what way the BBC will get their cum-uppance.
When one thinks of the half-complicit attitude of even supposedly conservative politicians, and the cowardly behaviour of a supposedly right-of-centre government with reference to the BBC, it is easy to get dis-heartened. Nothing seems to be happening. But Thoughtful’s remark on The Media Show above got me thinking. Consider if you will these trends that are not likely to be reversed:
1. The BBC no longer covers any meaningful sports – traditionally content with a very loyal following.
2. Declining ‘Blockbuster’ viewing figures – whereby 6m is considered to be ‘peak possible’ for a BBC Christmas show where they used to get 20m.
3. The shift to mobile. Young people now consume their media on their phones. They are not generally watching the BBC.
4. Even the conventional news website is dying. ‘Checking the news’ on news sites like the BBC’s is also a habit that the young don’t share with the middle aged. The young follow links they see on social media to what news (or ‘Fake News’) stories grab their interest.
5. It seems unlikely that the BBC will be able to charge substantially more for their license in the future. In the meantime, young people are busy signing up to Amazon Prime, Netflix as well as Sky, while they are consuming less and less BBC. Where do you think they will prioritise their media spend in the future?
6. Not only is the BBC pretty stuck with their limited (I didn’t say ‘meagre’ ?) means, but a larger and larger proportion of it goes on pensions and ludicrous layers and forms of managers – ‘Change Management Managers’. This means even less for actual – programmes.
Like a few on here I suspect – I grew up watching the communist east in a sort of stunned amazement. “How much longer can they keep up the charade?” and rejoiced in relief at the fall of the Berlin wall.
I honestly think that the demise of the BBC is equally inevitable, and the seeds of all their downfall have been sown and will increasingly show themselves. I also think that, like the downfall of the likes of Romania’s Ceausescu and his wife, it will be little bit tragic – but also rather funny. Something we can already being to savour and look forward to.
And lastly for those of little faith: Consider this too – the BBC is lost to the young – they are gone. So it is the middle-aged and old who are their core audience. And it is the educated and worldly who have historically patronised channels like Radio 4 and BBC2. And what do they put on these two channels more than any other? Exactly the kind of shamelessly biased propaganda that sends those listeners and viewers like me, and the visitors to this site into a rage. Their days are numbered. Begin to relish the downfall.
That’s a very optimistic post – I sincerely hope you are right.
I won’t pretend however, much as a I loath and despise the BBC for what it has become, that I won’t miss some of its output. For example, over the Christmas break, even though The Miniaturist was replete with cultural Marxist themes, the quality of the filming and costuming were superb. I cannot for a moment imagine any other channel making such a programme. Similarly, save for the anachrionistic choice of music, Little Women was very well done as were some of the BBC 4 MR James elements on Christmas Eve. And who, commercially, would risk making the mesmerically beautiful ‘reindeer girls’ slow TV programme?
As much as I would gladly light the blue touch paper beneath a BBC bonfire, I know I would be simultaneously igniting some things of genuine value. What a shame we allowed the Left to steal it from us.
G Coop – Worth remembering that Hitler apparently made the trains run on time. However that did not justify his other acts.
By the same token Aunty has changed from being a slightly interfering but generally passive state run broadcaster into an out of control truck, which energetically pushes policies (including the use of outright lies and distortion of facts) which ultimately (if left unchecked) will cause the destruction of our culture, society and all that we hold dear.
I too used to have a residual affection for this once great organisation but I now realise that Dear Old Aunty has turned into a drug addled, insane old whore, she is riddled with a pc cancer and unfortunately is not salvageable and should be euthanised as the earliest possible opportunity, both for her sake and more importantly – ours.
Yes there still are talented people there but I expect that they would still be able to find work with the independents. You are right it is a shame – but the trick is to recognise when the beauty spot has turned into a melanoma and in the case of “Dear old national treasure Aunty” we have clearly passed this point.
I don’t disagree but I did want to make the point that opposition to the way the BBC is used as a political tool does not mean that one is either a yahoo or a complete moron.
In an ideal world, it would be good to have a broadcaster which didn’t dumb down to the level of Amazon Prime or Sky and could experiment, make programmes covering less popular tastes (history, art, music, science and technology for example) and do so without larding almost every every programme with far Left political propaganda, as the BBC undoubtedly does.
As things stand, I agree and, as I said, I’d willingly push the button – but I wouldn’t so so oblivious to the loss that would ensue.
GC -I see your point . It is also a sad indictment to the weakness and cowardice of successive governments that they have allowed this situation, re the BBC – to deteriorate to this point..
It is, I agree. You wouldn’t expect Labour to reform the BBC but even the blessed St Margaret had her failings – one was that she neglected to tackle the Marxist takeover of education and another was that, while Bernard Ingham used to complain endlessly about the BBC, nothing was done to stop its subversion.
Since then, of course, we simply haven’t had a Conservative government at all – and we certainly haven’t got one now!
All their layers of management do not make for a better product. Their ‘news’ website is absolutely dire, a parody of itself most of the time. Imagine if you were a private company producing such a poor product – a car which cannot move, for example.
The new media is faster, interactive, infinitely more variable and comes instantly in your pocket rather than in your living room at a fixed hour. They have been overwhelmed by the new media and this process will only accelerate.
As for labelling and trying to shut down anything that opposes their lefty lunacy ‘fake’ or ‘hateful’, people are not buying their bulls**t anymore. Let people make their own minds up as to what is fake and real – we do not need and cannot trust a clergy to decide it for us. How they will regret starting the whole ‘fake news’ meme – it has really come back to bite them.
Also – and do not underestimate how significant this is – they are just so uncool. Counter-culture will always be enticing and they are the embodiment of the liberal behemoth that has brought the West to its knees.
“…….Imagine if you were a private company producing such a poor product – a car which cannot move, for example.” British Leyland et al springs to mind………………..
Interesting post, Kafir, a well-reasoned analysis. I assume that under 1. you are referring to TV coverage rather than TV and radio.
I think you are right and there are signs that a panic has started to set in.
There were some on here who said in advance that the pay revelations would start to seriously rock the BBC boat. Others reckoned not. Then some of us, myself included, had no particular view on that.
I now wonder whether the appearance of constant new ‘faces’ on TODAY is a result of more than a mere ripple from the pay revelations, more like a wave that can be surfed and one that will soak a few in the boat so that they leave to dry off.
It seems that Sarah Sands is struggling to make the transition from print to a flagship radio programme. Lord Hall seems only to appear in public to ask for more money for the BBC, apologise for some BBC misbehaviour, ask for more money for traditional media, make lectures at the BBC beanfeast known as the Edinburgh Festival where he also mentions funding issues and hints at an increase in the Licence Fee. The dire web-site is down to a Labour Party member, and so many other employees or regular contributors have direct links to the same Party, it destroys the BBC’s claim to any political neutrality.
Many of the current executives and senior managers actually seem poor in comparison to DGs and executives of the past including the bad ones. There is a crisis of leadership at the BBC. This may not be the end or the beginning of the end, but I think you may be on the way to being right, Kafir, in that it is the end of the beginning of the decline. It will take some radical & outstandingly good leadership to save the BBC as we know it.
Don’t relish it myself. Save the BBC!
We are doing our bit here, as are others elsewhere. It is time for BBC management to shape up or ship out.
I disagree – dont save al Beeb sell it to Murdock to be broken up or privatise the thing and sell shares in it after dumping the management – structure the iPo to ensure employees don’t make profit from their position . Close the pension fund.
The above – of course will never happen .
I agree with you .
Worst case scenario, Fed & taffman, then yes – maybe.
I’d like the Beeb to have a shot at reform first. I think we do need a national, independent broadcaster – and one with some integrity – but what the BBC has become, no. Not that.
Reform before it is too late, BBC!
Are they not planning to hit peak diversity by 2028 or something, having invested £250 million in the project or something obscene like that? It would be hilarious if the second they hit their sacred target everyone had just stopped watching altogether.
I think your comment about the speed and coverage ( lack of it ) by al Beeb versus the speed and coverage of platforms such as twitter proves that al Beeb news is past its sell by date. AP, Reuters and others are far faster at reporting events on line than al Beeb – which seems sending a highly paid auto cue reader – preferably black asian of female combo is all that’s needed.
” Al Beeb news is past its sell by date”.
While you are on the subject, has anyone seen my old pal maxincontinent?
Ha ha. It would appear that Storm Eleanor had slightly more reaching effects than the United Kingdom..
Can’t seem to find a costal town called Anglesea in the UK. Correct me if is am wrong, but after a quick search this is the only one I can find find….
Anglesea is a town in Victoria, Australia. It is located on the Great Ocean Road in the Surf Coast Shire local government area..
Once again the BBC amazes us with the calibre of its reporting. Unable to spot such a typo before it gets broadcast.
Where do they get these people from
Probably from filling self-imposed positive discrimination quotas.
They need to study the subject that was known in my old school days as ‘Geography’.
I saw a picture on Facebook (I think) showing 5 of those metal posts which rise up out of the road to block access.
Underneath was written ‘The 5 pillars of Islam’
We have the humour, the lefties only have hate and rage.
Migrants in Germany ‘may have fuelled violent crime rise’
In other news: Pope ‘may be Catholic’
Bears ‘may defecate in the woods’
BBC apologetics in full force here.
According to the Associated Press the link is established in the study (“Influx of young male migrants fueled rise in violence”) — whereas the BBC merely states that they “may be responsible”.
The beeb also bends over backwards to note that the reporting of alleged crimes ≠ actual crime (since it states migrants were twice as likely to be reported to police for alleged violent crimes as German nationals). It also tries its best to plant seeds of doubt over the actual perpetrators of the Cologne sex attacks, which “victims say were carried out by men of North African and Arab appearance”.
However, the main conclusion seemingly to be drawn is that violent crime is down where migrants know they are able to effect permanent stay rather than having to return to their country. Violent crime rates are higher where migrants feel no hope about their future so the (inevitable and depressing) call is for “more help with integration through language courses, sport and apprenticeships.”
NB: As a sidenote, the Dalai Lama has stated not so long ago that there are too many migrants arriving in Germany, and that refugees should only be admitted temporarily. Comments that are readily available on many news outlets, but… it seems… not to be found anywhere on the beeb.
A new year and more balanced (not) reporting by the good ol’ BBC, just more nuanced reporting:
“Ex-aide Bannon has lost his mind – Trump”. Just another excuse to belittle Trump, which the good old Beeb does at every opportunity.
“Health secretary Jeremy Hunt sorry as A&Es struggle to cope”. See above. No mention that 230,000 people migrated to the UK in the last twelve months, an increase that would put a strain on any health service. Just a nuanced jibe to criticise the government.
“Could the UK really join TPP?”, See above. A couple of paragraphs into the article: “However, even mention of Britain entering negotiations has been met with scepticism from some trade experts who argue it’s unlikely to lead to a deal – and even if it did happen, the UK would not have much clout”. Hey ho, what do you expect from the BBC.
You’d expect articles like this from the Guardian and the Independent, but I choose not to buy these publications. I have no choice however with the BBC….My licence fee is paying for it. Let’s see what tomorrow brings! Oh, and the ‘big guns’ haven’t returned from their holiday’s yet!
Hunt should not apologise . He’s just playing into the BBCs hands with its ‘nhs in crisis’ mantra. The nhs took an operational decision presumably by its chief executive that was entirely rational given that resources are not infinite and that routine operations are not a priority in winter when lives are at stake. Of course if healthcare was not provided by a nationalised industry and funded differently we would not get into these situations.
The bBBC’s headline on the ‘news’ frontpage says ‘Health secretary apologises as 17 hospital trusts declare major incidents and routine ops cancelled‘ while the first line of its linked page correctly says that patients have had their operations postponed. The rest of that report lapses into using ‘cancel’ again.
It’s only one word, but of course the bBBC is making it seem like the government is making the NHS worse. Is it bias or just their ignorance of the English language, not knowing the difference. Of course, if anyone complained, they would just point to the single use of ‘postponed’.
Anyway, for a routine, non-urgent operation, is it any big deal if the patient has the operation in February rather than January?
Spot on England. Not a crisis but pure logistics. In the distribution of goods you prioritise delivering essentials first and the widescreen TV’s can wait.
Coming up at 8pm on Radio 4 Super-Diversity signalling hour *
8pm : “Is it ok to be wary of those from other backgrounds?”
From Telegraph : Charles Moore
From Guardian : Hugh Muir (London Black guy ..bit of chip on shoulder )
Discussion is led by :Lefty/lib Anne McElvoy, aided by conflict resolution specialist Gabrielle Rifkind
8:45pm “Am I a Gentrifier? Karen Chapple discusses gentrification and how to keep our cities diverse.”
“A professor of City and Regional Planning at the University of California, Berkeley,
Karen argues that in the past we had to fit our own story with the story of the neighbourhood we wanted to move into”
* .. All 24 hours count as Radio4 normal-Diversity signalling hours
actually the 8pm is discussion is fair and reasonable ..for a change the Guardian person is listening
..maybe cos he’s actually black and not a lefty-white-person taking offence on behalf of BAME
podcast contains much longer edition
The way Churchill was handled is a powerful warning of the dangers of the BBC believing it is being balanced by excluding the voices of those who do not represent conventional wisdom.
In the early years of the BBC, Reith’s main way of steering clear of controversy was to aim for political balance. Reith did this by subcontracting the choice of political speakers heard on the BBC. The leadership of each party could choose who broadcast on its behalf. It was an approach that guaranteed exposure for the opinions of ministers and their shadows, while dissident voices were silenced. Winston Churchill and David Lloyd George jointly complained that they were being prevented from broadcasting their views simply because they were not party loyalists.
An interesting read about how political balance is no balance at all, and never has been.
If Robinson can analyse this cogently why does he sacrifice these principles every time he appears on Today?
Blinking heck : Amol is back at 9pm R4 The Imperial Inversion of Cricket
Nothing on their website about Sinclair racially abusing a police officer.
Imagine if a white ex footballer had racially abused a black man? It would be wall-to-wall coverage with endless professional victims stating how terrible the race problem is et cetera. A deafening silence when the facts do not fit their agenda.
@BB You’re wrong there mate
The BBC article begins “Former England footballer Trevor Sinclair has admitted drink driving
and racially abusing a police officer.”
“Blackpool Magistrates’ Court heard he racially abused the officer who arrested him, ”
“The court also heard that Sinclair, 44, urinated in a police car during the arrest in his hometown on 12 November.”
“The court also heard that Sinclair, 44, urinated in a police car during the arrest in his hometown on 12 November.”
The page is buried away under Lancashire local news
\\A BBC spokesman said: “We currently have no scheduled plans to use him on our programmes.”//
Daily Mail : BBC ‘axe’ Trevor Sinclair as Match of the Day pundit
after he was caught drink driving
then called a police officer a ‘white c***
@JLFoxstensays \\ BBC presenter turns out to be an anti-white racist. Who would have expected it??//
* Day 856 of BBC in Crisis ! *
Not bias in the conventional sense but a good insight into their thinking. Think quizzes.
First. Celebrity Mastermind. How about this?
Question- what is the name of the body of water between the UK and Scandanavia?
Contestant- the Pacific Ocean !!!!!!!!
Question- what Handel oratorio ends the first part with the Halllelujah chorus?
Contestant- the Water Music
What an insight into our ‘celebreties’.
Second. Christmas University Challenge. Semi- final. Won by Keble College Oxford. We tuned in about a third of the way through. On the team, a black lady in brightly coloured attire. She answered no starter questions, nor bonuses, nor did we see any contribution to the team’s cogitations.
Still, she ticked the all-important box I suppose.
Dumbed-down, politically correct……and therefore no bloody good!
The BBC. The envy of the world.
Sluff -It could of been worse! She could of been asked “what does UK stand for” “YOU C–T ”
may of been her answer.
Apparently she is the youngest graduate, and completed her GCSE in maths in primary school.
Sluff sluff
You’ve got it wrong – celebrity mastermind is al beebs version of comedy now . Take some thick diverse list z celebrity -,fat of course – sit them in the chair – hope it don’t collapse – and ask em questions for simpletons . Priceless .
BBC news … NHS happens every year. No breakdown of stats. Every hospital? Surge of admissions .. breakdown please!
its kind of odd how its all happened the week we go back to work rather than last week when we were all stuffing ourselves, sounds like a massive out break of want another week off syndrome
I too would also like a breakdown of which areas are struggling and how many recent immigrants/massively rising population are/is in that area
“its kind of odd how its all happened the week we go back to work rather than last week when we were all stuffing ourselves,”
The crisis always peaks this week and the reason is very simple.
Before the holidays hospitals empty as many beds as possible to create spare capacity. They also reduce the number of elective admissions so that they can admit all the emergency patients coming in through A&E. In most hospitals this means that over the holiday period they can admit those who need admission, and some who don’t.
Hospitals staff the beds with the vital clinical staff, doctors and nurses, but they save money by running with a reduced number of diagnostic staff, e.g. in radiology and the pathology lab. Allowing lots of these members of staff to take the week off also keeps them happy and makes managing them easier. The reduced diagnostic capacity results in a backlog of tests. This in turn keeps the beds occupied because the clinical staff are unwilling to discharge patients without these test results. The hospitals end up being full because the front doors had to be kept open, but the back doors were allowed to shut
By the 2nd January hospitals have a high percentage of patients waiting to be discharged. This becomes a crisis because hospitals need the beds for the elective admissions scheduled for the week. Bed managers are tearing their hair out trying to get enough patients discharged to allow for the pre-arranged admissions – getting them out of the back doors fast enough to keep up with the flow through the front doors. The resultant hot bedding impacts on the proper cleaning of wards and the inevitable outbreaks of infection reduce capacity and make the crisis worse.
The NHS copes with this every winter (it has unrivaled experience of crisis management), but if you throw in a higher than expected rate of flu the system crashes.
The operational managers will tell you that the answer is to ensure that diagnostics are fully staffed over the holidays – but no one listens to them.
You can add in complications from insufficient Social Care staffing over the holidays to get care packages in place for vulnerable patients, but that’s outside the control of the hospitals
Very good insight.
Very good insight.
So if what you say is true, then what we need in the NHS is some project management and logistic skills, and some critical path analysis. Sounds like you already have the idea.
Unfortunately in the closed world of the NHS, only ‘doctors and nurses’ are deemed acceptable and I doubt they cover in their training the kind of management skills we plebs in industry can do while half-asleep.
This post from RJ is outstanding. And tells me far more about what the NHS is doing and how it is managing(or not), as I could expect.
So why the heck can`t the BBC or the NHS correspondent at the BBC, the unions or even a Tory come close to telling me anything as good, clear and comprehensive as what RJ says here?
Certainly helps us in elderly social care, the next stage of the so-callled “bed blocking” ;”crisis” of “elderly care” .
Thanks RJ-can this man have a Health Correspondent role at this site?
Got some great climate-change myth busters here too-need to let them loose on threads of their own, create the REAL alternative to BBC Fake News!
Getting ready for 9pm ? BBC1 Miriam’s Big American Adventure
Trump Hater
“Miriam travels nearly 1,000 miles from Chicago to New Orleans,
visiting communities along the way as she gets to know the people
whose voices are reshaping the nation since the election of Donald Trump.”
my full previous synopsis
I watched a bit of it but turned it off. It was every bit as bad as I imagined – the usual lefty bollocks.
Mark Easton claims only 0.1% of the UK land mass is densely built upon.
However, a University of Sheffield study, nearly two months old, presents – I think – a slightly different picture.
In their survey, road & rail networks account for half of Mark’s 0.1%. Industrial & commercial sites occupy 8/10ths of Mark’s figure. Continuous urban fabric comes in at 30% more. Airports occupy twice as much space as his ‘dense development’ but tend not to leave much room for safe, pleasant housing facilities along those tarmac or concrete strips.
I suspect Mark Easton may be a recent graduate from the Diane Abbott School of Mathematics.
@Upto we already discusssed it about 10 posts above
Sorry, haven’t got that far and will not tonight. Nighty night all!
Aah, but Stew, you didn’t really get the killer line in, did you? 😉
BBC Outside Source … just used the term “Willy Waving” for Trump’s tweets.
Watched University Challenge tonight – their Xmas series for aged alumni. Ms Imafidon appeared for the Keble College Oxford team. Apparently she graduated in 2010 and now runs social enterprise stemettes (had to look the last word up apparently means runs panel sessions and hackathons supporting girls and young women who are considering a STEM career.) Her wiki page states that she and two of her siblings are child prodigies. I am curious that in her introduction she stated that she read computer science and mathematics at Keble up to 2010 – whereas most people say they graduated in a particular year. Her wiki page states that she received a Masters in 2010, why didn’t she just say it. However throughout the programme she looked bored, didn’t contribute I don’t think to a single answer. But hey ho, she fits the BBC agenda so her place on the team would be assured.
Watched a bit of Pointless over the holidays. Is it just me-but what kind of non-jobs is everybody doing these days? Pet therapists, social assistants, community building workers and events organisers?
We don`t really have an economy any more do we?
Just electronic blips from 2008, no manufacturing or worthwhile jobs.
But plenty of fun time Frankies , arts and sports enablers and play workers.
No crime to solve, get your nails done and wear a wristband.
Work has become paid playtime and sport is now taken as seriously as the Soviets (and Warsaw Pact , North Korea and Cuba) used to do. But voting, the law, infrastructure has all become trivial, flexible and comical.
Maybe those with real jobs just don’t have time to want to appear on a crappy quiz.
On this series there have been a few categories of libtards who have shown themselves to know virtually nothing. It is also revealing how many of these ignorant folks either work for the BBC or have done so in the past. In the introduction Paxman says that the teams were composed of alumni who ‘had made something ‘ of themselves. Apparently working for the BBC is the pinnacle of human achievement, at least in the eyes of he BBC it is. Has there ever been an institution which had a higher self regard than our state funded broadcaster?
Throughout everyday life, we have to meet eligibility requirements. Entry to school, entry to University, hiring a car, getting a mortgage. And proof of identity is increasingly essential. For instance, BA now require photo ID even for internal flights, so I have to carry my passport, having an ancient, pre-photo, and therefore unacceptable driving licence.
So just exactly why is is unethical and disallowed for UK citizens to have proven that a child migrant expecting our hospitality and especially financial contributions is just that – a child?
You know, given the proportion of the children have deep voices and facial hair, and that girls seem always to be ‘significantly under-represented’
9pm ITV new drama ..meets Orwell World standards
, where the world is much more minority group than the real world is
Characters are 3 mature white woman
#1 … first grandchild we see is MIXED race [ ] tickbox
#2 … we see the son of other , he’s getting into bed with his beardy Asian boyfriend [ ] tickbox
#2 .. One white son is a div who forgets that he is tagged and on bail conditions, so gets carted off ..white man is thick loser [ ] tickbox
10pm BBC1 news highlights the plight of people who have had their operations cancelled. Interview a GP, Dr Dave Triffitt who has had his heart operation cancelled. Could this be the GP who in 2015 wrote to the Oxford Times from British Columbia having emigrated because of the terrible conditions junior doctors had to work under? Yet when he needs a heart op comes back to the U.K. and expects the British taxpayer to pay for his health care.
Not far off Triffid huh Deborah?
Very Brian Pern-who died last year, let us all recall.
Or did he?
Am I giving or getting Fake News here?
My wife says she heard that he was now doing a John Stonehouse, but living in a jungle. Better than a box of course.
As long as it`s not by Royal Appointment on Windsor High St.
Maybe though we could whitewash them all, or colour their boxes a gay pastel shade.
Sprig of heather and lavender, nosegays all round?
Creating solutions Mrs May-try it sometime!
On this website we often back up our ‘extremist’ views with …errr…real .data.
So allow me to recommend the ‘Provisional Monthly Hospital Episode Statistics Admitted Patient Care Data’.
Not too easy, nor too difficult to find. And not exactly light bedtime reading.
But what interesting reading it is. The biggest reason for monthly variation of A and E admissions appears to be……wait for it…….the number of days in the month! And to the untrained eye, like mine, there seems to be nothing special about any number of Januaries at all. It is rarely if ever a record month, and against all criteria. Granted, we expect some malingerers post New Year, but this must quickly dissipate. True, there is a steady and pretty inexorable increase in demand, certainly due to total population (guess what- the BBC never mentions this of course) and life expectancy, but that general trend is dwarfed by short term month on month variability
So now just tell me exactly why the NHS is in crisis, today of all days? Why not, say, a day in March, a month where A and E admissions exceed those of the preceding January in each and every year back to at least 2007?
Does the BBC have no other news or narratives today?
As shadow health secretary said … last year the NHS was a humanitarian problem according to red cross. So things have improved!
“Dog dies after eating fish washed up on Norfolk beach”
Is this really news?
Some fish are poisonous. Common sense .
Is Blue Peter running the news now ?
It’s nice to see things as they happen without the BBC Sneer-filter.
“Dundalk stabbing suspect may have had ‘two knives”
” Garda (police) spokesman said the attacks seemed “random and unprovoked” and no motive has yet been established.
“The 24-year-old Japanese man was on his way to work when he was stabbed to death in the street.”
“Shortly over half and hour later, a man was stabbed at Coes Road in Dundalk and a few minutes after that, the third man was hit with the pole at Seatown Place.”
“carrying at least two knives”.
“When asked if it was terror-related, he said that was “a line of inquiry”.”
A clumsy boy scout, or a terrorist?
A job for Inspector Clouseau! 😀
Egyptian stabs Japanese man to death on a Dundalk street eh?
Come on Mrs Browns Bhoys…Colm Toibin, Mary Robinson, Michael T Higgins and McAleese.
Give us more guff on diversity and being nice, bringing the gathering paddy class home from all over the Ryanair hubs, Bono to welcome them at his hotel chains on Grafton Street etc.
Wasn`t Dundalk the IRAs “Stab City”…”Dodge City” only a few years back with its hooky diesel, condoms and Brendan Grace CDs?
We joined the damned EU the same day as Ireland did-yet their oafs insist on driving their cabbage patch into a travellers camp site.
That vile female supremacist Sarsour woman is in trouble (at last) for trying to cover up the sexual harassment of a young Muslim girl.
Sarsour is vile indeed but her latest transgressions won’t stick to Teflon woman: islam trumps all other identity groups. “Linda Sarsour is being accused of two of the cardinal sins of the left: siding with a sexual harasser and body shaming. It would be enough to sink your average Jane. But not when she wears a hijab and represents a victim group of superior rank to women.”
Emir Khant’s too busy obstructing Trump’s visit to bother about crime.
As Robert Spencer puts it: “Is London descending into chaos because Sadiq Khan is a Muslim? No, London is descending into chaos because its voters put identity over competence, and elected this man because he was a Muslim, to prove to the world that they were not racist, not because he would make a capable mayor.”
Khan used to undermine the Police for a living, advising criminals on how to make spurious claims of racism against the force to get them off charges. He is now in charge of the same Police force he used to denigrate constantly!
Incomprehensible that a Muslim follower of the teachings of Islam should have been allowed to stand for election to Mayor of London, surely those in charge could have seen that with over a million Muslims living & breeding in Londonstan that all would be instructed to vote for Khan. Sheer madness-never mind the gates of Vienna-the Gates of Lonodn / UK are now wide open for the insidious ideology of Islam to spread over our Christian land.
Unlike Boris mr Kahn knows he will not be held to account by the MSM for anything that goes wrong on his watch. He also knows that the MSM , particularly the BBC, will campaign for him should he choose to stand again ensuring a large slice of the people are totally misled into voting for him. This coupled with the loyal voting of his co religionists will ensure re election. Whatever goes wrong on his watch will be magically explained away by the BBC et al without the emir even having to think of anything to say for himself. As with so many on the left his sole qualification is that he isn’t white , being a Muslim is a bonus in a heavily migrant area well known for vote fraud. If you spout the approved BBC nonsense they will protect you against all comers . If you don’t tow their liberal left line they will savage you and cost you votes amongst the sheep. Such is the way our so called democracy is run today.
When he was an MP he seemed totally devoid of talent and his first year as Mayor has amply confirmed that.
I remember some Prison Governor/MI5 tail placed on Khan as he saw his Muslim mates as their brief when said mates were on remand in Belmarsh etc.
Do we have to wait thirty years now to find out why they felt the need to secretly tape him only a few years back under Labour?
Well-when Londons snowflakes rolled themselves into a snowball for the benefit of Mr Khan-they can hardly say that their need to feel good did NOT have a cost on blood and treasure.
London Bridge and Keith Palmer and utter misery at New Year?
Higher Brucie…higher, can stand the pain I`m sure.
Compare and contrast: a muslim is killed in faraway India; Home page of beebistan.
One murdered and 2 injured on our doorstep in Ireland: almost invisible on beebistan website, and of course no mention of the murderer’s religion. But tucked away is the admission he was a migrant from Egypt, which makes him, yep, you guessed, a muslim in all likelihood. Now we await the psychological excuses.
How long will it take before the IRA take up arms for ‘freedom’ from the EU?
Brexit: Corbyn’s Labour ‘aiding Tories’, says Tony Blair – The BBC’s favourite idiot
In my book he heads a very strong field of BBC idiots.
When I look at Blair he reminds me of a theatrical puppet about to sit on 60’s ventriloquest Ray Allan’s knee saying a ‘gottle of geer’.
“When I look at Blair he reminds me of a theatrical puppet about to sit on 60’s ventriloquest Ray Allan’s knee saying a ‘gottle of geer’.” Come, come now mun, thats cruel.
Where was Ray Allan’s hand ?
Excellent. I knew I’d seen him before!
Have the BBC finally gone too far? Even my lefty brother (a ‘Doctor Who’ obsessive for 50 years) cannot stand the latest doctor. To quote his recent e-mail:
‘I found it painful … Traditionally, all the doctors have looked at their new faces and expressed disapproval … So we’ve had 11 male doctors looking at themselves critically and one female greeing her own appearance with a cry of smug delight.’
(Long-term regulars may recall my indignation at his 2016 anti-Brexiteer rant e-mail. I posted on this site the sarcastic reply I lacked the guts to send, which went something like: ‘The only clichés you managed were “racist”, “stupid” and “turning us back to the fifties”, so your PC bingo card failed to win the star prize of a low carbon footprint vegan holiday for two in Phuket.’ )
I’m nursing a wild hope that he and people like him are finally starting to see their misguided multiculturalist/diversity policies have gone too far and are biting them in the posterior. As someone (‘Thoughtful’, I think) posted above, the BBC have largely lost their younger viewers, and if even the leftist older ones are finding their politically correct lecturing unwatchable, they’re stuffed.
You could be right Helena – My bellweather will be my daughter who always tries to see the good in all people. Thank God it has never occurred to her to volunteer at a “child ” refugee centre.
After 18 years in of left wing indoctrination at school I think she sees dad as some old racist because he still dares to point out that which the liberal left do not want us to talk about. The obvious deceits and contradictions which are hidden in plain sight.
I have an pitch for a BBC show called ‘Diversity Road Trip.’ Remember their nauseating Disability Road trip where they all had a holiday to Vietnam? This would be a lot cheaper and far more interesting.
All the luvvies film a year of them travelling around those wonderfully vibrant places they are forever telling us are so fantastic.
Week 1: A BBC producer sends her teenage to girls to comprehensive schools in Rochdale and lets the kids stroll home alone so they can mingle with the lovely locals. The luvvies have a good laugh as the girls are raped and tortured
Week 2: The ‘right-on’ crowd behind 1xtra spend a week in the Bristol ghetto of StPauls, chatting to locals about how much they like rap before they are stabbed and robbed.
Week 3: BBC favourite Owen Jones spends a week in Tower Hamlets with his boyfriend. They are both thrown off a building – what hilarious hi-jinks!
Week 4: An Islamic version of Strictly Come Dancing where no dancing or singing is allowed, only beatings for the immodestly dressed women.
Any other suggestions? I would love to see Lily Allen sharing her house with some ‘refugees.’ Now that would be worth the licence fee.
BB – I will never forget the concerned luvvies being stoned at “The Jungle” by all these doctors and engineers. Now that was good telly! I guess they were just practicing their “sharia! techniques.
Now that was telly worth paying for !
I think the ultimate comeuppance for them all would be forcing them to live in the Thied World hell holes they have cheer leaded for but never visit. A bit of do as you would be done by.
We are living in an episode of Brass Eye. BBC brass eye.
“Find out exactly what to think next!”
This would top the ratings and win yet another award from the BBC to themselves. Perhaps we could add Lineacker , scumerbatch and a few other prize fools into the Lilly house.
With the embarrassing ‘interviews’ with Adonis this week, the New Year panic coming from the BBC in preparation for Brexit is becoming a frenzied muddle of trying to sort out the noisiest and nastiest remoaners like Blair, Heseltine and Major, and try to plaster their dead views over the whole issue of the best deal for the UK.
As Mrs May is still a remainer at heart, isn’t it about time that a professional group of experienced negotiators, taken from the private sector (commercially minded because they have to be), to head up these ‘negotitions’? Of course, they just must not come from pseudo local authorities like G4s or Capita, but some organisation headed by a person who is a proper negotiator, like President Trump.
There only needs to be half a dozen from our side, probably with someone from law, definitely accountancy etc., but these discussions being dealt with by thick politicians backed up by gong-smeared civil servants is just no way to deal with a similar crowd in Brussels and is just not the way forward.
As the general opinion that remainers just didn’t know what they were voting for gains speed (ooops, I nearly said momentum), the BBC will be frustrated to an inch of their lattes as each section of the work done by our ‘Supergroup’, gives another black eye to the mandarins and unelecteds in the EU, and we learn of the success through sites such as here!
I wouldn’t mind the money currently being wasted by our current bunch of ‘negotiators’, being given as a bonus to the Supergroup, especially as there’s no reason why, if the bbc continue to denigrate this country, they forfeit their tax, but maybe that’s too much to wish for.
Of course, that bonus will be in about a year and a bit, our team coming out saying, ‘we stuffed them, told them to piss off, they didn’t like it, and we don’t pay a penny’. I hope they might come here first and proclaim the success, because I know one particular tax-payer funded crowd will squeal like a stuck pig.
Agreed but one would have to choose carefully. As the CBI has shown repeatedly, big business is stuffed with remainiacs. I might be tempted to recruit a team from JCB and leave it at that!
I suspect you are right abut the BBC and Adonis, incidentally. Much as happens whenever Bliar is allowed out of his coffin to frighten the children, their complete lack of self–awareness means they have no idea they are having the opposite effect to the one intended!
“I might be tempted to recruit a team from JCB and leave it at that!”
Love it, GC! Great idea! Can they be the main contractor, or should they just be subbies?
Some of the contracts managers I had to deal with, terrified the life out of me, but then I began work with a Scottish firm, and learned how to fight back…
I remember a meeting between the MOD and one of its contractors. The MOD put up three members from their contracts department versus one from the contractor. The meeting had been paused while contactor’s officer took a phone call. When the meeting resumed she was straight into the business, “We are not doing that, that and that. We will be doing this, this and this”. The senior MOD officer meekly agreed.
It was quite common to see MOD contacts that included all the options such as: a) the MOD will collect the goods and the contractor will deliver the goods. The MOD would perhaps discover this when the goods failed to arrive, (“Well you were supposed to collect them.”). The government staff knew that they would be ‘in trouble’ if they left something out so they put it all in, (even contradictory stuff); the contractor’s staff knew that they would be fired if they landed the company with ‘unecessary’ costs or risks so were very careful about what they signed up to.
Idea of the day Scroblene!
Payment by results, PFI on steroids just like Labour used to do with their mates ar Railtrack and Branson? But we`d use
a) James Dyson, John Longworth
b) Sir Timothy Martin
c) Patrick Minford, Roger Bootle and all the other toughies who just KNOW what the EU are doing. Mind you they`re that shit ANYBODY with access to a computer knows it too. Not the BBC though who don`t WANT to know.
d) I`d also include Rees Mogg, Farage Redwood, Sir Bill Cash and a competitive tender with Lady Gisela Stuart and Dame Kate Hoey given gongs for their correct choices of theother few folk from the hard end of Sceptomania like Bridgen or Raab etc.
Make a great football team picture for the 2019 New Deplorables calendar-and their place in history will be assured as much as Wengers Arsenal team of 1998!
Steve Bannon-there`s another one for us, now he`s got a world to run now!
Where`s John Bolton or Ted Malloch when you need them?
The BBC have been telling me via Radio4 that social media has been hacked by the Russians, social media cannot be trusted, Labour used social media to hack …, er…, um …… I mean … get out ….. the youth vote during the UK General Election in 2017 (er, except they do not look at THAT in quite the same way as other things on social media), so what new reliability is the nation’s most trustworthy broadcaster bringing me? In the TODAY Programme newspaper review (an important part of the programme for me for decades) they now include that unreliable, new, social media.
The NHS is in crisis. How do I know? The BBC are telling me. How do they know? They are reading tweets and Facebook and other social media posts of NHS staff who are so overworked dealing with the crisis that they have time to post on social media.
Meanwhile, in other news: the family of the President of the United States of America are traitors.
Yes. In a very old form of social media – a book – but a book not yet published, the BBC on R4 are telling me that the President’s son’s meeting with a Russian with connection to the Russian government was considered ‘treasonous’ by Steve Bannon. Who is he? A Far Right, Hard Right Fascist according to many people who do not believe that he merely ran an on-line news publisher that was not Left, Liberal, Socialist, Communist or Anarchist in output. Apparently, this awful person Bannon, led the President’s successful election campaign and then served as an advisor in the early days of the administration. The President must be awful by association.
So, a book – not yet published – containing claims by its author (who’s political orientation or background is never mentioned by the BBC, unlike that of Bannon) which are absolutely true and correct (no questions asked by the BBC on 3 January and today, on 4 January) state that Donald Trump Jr talked with, not just ‘a Russian who had links to the Russian government’, but now ‘Russian officials’ during the US Presidential campaign. The President’s family must be awful by association.
How reliable is all of this BBC output in an era of FakeNews and FalseNews?
“Dem grate BBC.
‘im all buggerup!”
That’s a really accurate picture of the BBC’s current failure as a reporting organisation. While obsessing about the damage allegedly caused by social media to the young, it has been so corrupted by it that it has completely lost sight of the traditional and (relatively) reliable methods of news gathering. It’s every bit as bad as the Daily Mail, which it loves to mock – as lost in mindless agitated commentary from the Twitterati as any 11 year old.
Been way, and what a joy to see the REAL News getting reviewed here on this site!
Up2Snuff has given us THE editorial for “The Day Today”.
Brilliant-worthy of Support Our Lefty and Scottish Calvin amongst other “Big Beasts” of this site.
And so many new posters, already primed “aboot BBC B/S”
2018 ought to be a bumper catch, I for one will come here BEFORE I bother my arse with the BBCs sewage…only if it`s recommended here will I go to IPlayer.
Happy New Year-and to quote St Cliff of Pilchard
“Power To All Our Friends”!!!…that`s you that is!
Oh deep joy. The biased bbc have Tony Bliar on Toady!
To be fair-do I sense a shift in the attitude of the Humph today?
He is clearly challenging Bliar’s notion that Brexit is to blame for everything.
On Brexit, Humphries says “we said do you want to stay in or do you wanna leave? We voted leave!”
“We’ve done it (already left)”….
“We have a result, it is now their job (house of Commons)to see it through!”
B Liar on AL Beeb now, yet more remoaners switching to brexit by the second
Rob Wainwright of Interpol was on TODAY talking about crypto currencies. He expressed the concern of law enforcers that they could be used just like the old currencies in the banking system for money laundering.
Carrie Gracie is not paying attention (prime requirement apparently for a TODAY presenter) to what Wainwright is saying and doesn’t pick him up on that reference to money laundering through conventional currencies and the banking system.
Dem grate BBC, etc., etc.
On Toady around 0740 Humphries interviewed 3 people about the ‘NHS crisis’. Two were quite reasonable with a tual ideas, the third had nothing whatsoever to offer except more pay for doctors and nurses.
Yet that paucity of thought, reasoning, and logic is pretty much the Labour Party position.
How nice of the BBC to give it air time.
Sluff.. I said the same thing to my wife….The ex medic who is now a comedian obviously made a poor career change…no wonder he didn’t make it as Medic
How is it that nobody on the BBC is even mentioning the reason why most of the complaints from staff are coming from the South/Greater London? Could it possibly be due to 250,000+ people arriving each year?
I work in the NHS in a different part of the country and I can assure you a lot of the staff are not angels or being stretched to their limits!
Has anyone noticed how often the R4 use the Guardian as their reference paper? It is almost every day.
The Humph is doing quite good job on Blair right now, tying him up in knots. The old dog still has a tooth or two left.
Bite harder, Humph, bite him harder!
I’m pleasantly surprised by the Humph this morning!
Good point made by Humphries re the elite don’t like the vote so they want it again!
Blair is on Toady to talk about Brexit.
Got that.
Blair is on Toady to talk about Brexit.
Got that.
Yes, Blair is on Toady (again).
The bBBC want to make sure you knew that, because they trailed it endlesslly, in fact the weatherman, sorry person, seemed distinctly fed up as he had no time left to,present.
Then at 0810 the big interview.
I wonder, I just wonder when a Brexit supporting person will get the same advance advertising, prime slot, and opportunity to speak.
Don’t hold your breath.
as per usual B Liar is pushing the if we dont get a good deal we should stay in bollox
no B Liar if we dont get a good deal we should leave with NO DEAL immediately it becomes apparent that a good deal is not forthcoming
ie NOW
Blair was absolutely useless…he floundered and huffed and puffed and actually I agree Dystopian, Humphries didn’t give him too easy a ride.
They say you are born with the face nature gives you and you die with the face you deserve (forgive if not exactly correct)..but I think that Blair has indeed developed the evil, maniacal face he deserves..
I started to listen but I had to switch off or I’d have punched the radio to death. I can’t stand to even listen to what that c**t has to say about anything.
I do hope they keep giving him as much airtime as possible, to talk about stopping / slowing / cancelling / postponing / re-thinking Brexit; Blair is so toxic he’s like Midas – except everything that he touches turns to s**t.
Do Blair , Heseltine and Adonis have a vested interests?
‘Follow the money’ .
Absolutely, Kaiser. Spot on!
Interesting article in the Irish Times!
Oops. Didn’t seem to post. Try this.
Ive always thought the knee jerk ban on handguns in this country had ulterior motives for a later date
Yes, yes, yes. Also the gradual stiffening of legal penalties in the criminal law.