The problem with the NHS? It’s a funding issue, not millions more patients, and ‘some say’ the NHS is being deliberately run-down by the Government. Car sales down? It’s because of ‘uncertainty due to Brexit’. Trump? A sex attacker just like Harvey Weinstein, an allegation made repeatedly on the Today show without a word of dissent. Want to fly to America after Brexit?….not a chance…all flights will be grounded….#duetobrexit [rest assured it’s not the BBC’s job to scaremonger the presenter tells us…however….lol].
Any more BBC bias? List it all here….
Well I checked in and the BBC still seems pretty obsessed about the new Trump book. Not even ABC/CNN/NBC are running with it as their main story in the states – that would be the crazy cold weather or the new marijuana laws. Nonetheless, here’s a run down on it for y’all:
The bbc was counting shmucks in the dozens yesterday.
Not bad out of 350M.
Certainly justifies their enduring obsession with one small part of a country not here,
Toady watch
When the realisation dawns that the people in charge of things aren’t that clever the state of Blighty becomes more frightening
An A and E specialist explained that part of the nhs problem is the comparative low number of beds the nhs has . Isn’t that the basis of a health service ? Especially when there is a huge uncontrolled population increase .
Patients suffer
Then Warboys . A parole board looks at what it has before it not all the cases the cps couldn’t be bothered with. So it lets him out. No one will be found culpable .
Victims suffer .,
Al beeb doesn’t look this deep though – they just want to attack President Trump. I never realised we d joined the USA. I suppose beeboids are busy watching American news as al beeb and sky are so poor.
Fed up,
Your point that those in charge are non too bright is well made. Yesterday the depths of ignorance displayed by the high and mighty plumbed new depths when Tony Blair came down from the mountain and revealed that the people of Europe had justified concerns that migrants may not be able to adapt to European values. It does show that he can, with help , learn , albeit slowly. After all he was told repeatedly in the late nineties that we the British people didn’t want mass migration for exactly that reason, now twenty years and several million migrants later this prize fool finally gets it. Well too late we will all have to live with the consequences of Blair’s mass migration for decades to come. No doubt the same thoughts are occurring to mad Merkel but too late for the Germans.
But there is a crumb of comfort in Tony’s very late conversion to common sense. If dumb Tony gets it and even says it, even if rather sotto voce , then there is a good chance that some other of the liberal left school for idiots may also finally get it and may even start to say it, ‘Europeans don’t want mass migration from third worlders’. Hopefully they are realising that President Orban et al are the true voices of the people and that if the libtards don’t start to follow the people they will soon be finding plenty of time to writie their putrid memoirs. The big question is, is it already too late to save Europe from Islamisation? The answer is , possibly , but better to start now and try than to surrender and submit to that ghastly fate.
Double ,
Toady gave John Simpson – that self venerating beeboid – time to talk about Merkel – she is trying for a coalition again tomorrow but ‘ some say’ her time is up.
Simpson avoided the Merkel Islam imports and its negative effect on her country and subsequently the rest of Europe – but he would wouldn’t he.
Trying to imagine John avoiding anything.
Surely he needs at least several nautical miles to do so?
Mr Simpson has long been known to me and my wife as ‘Sanctimonious Pratt of the BBC’, we think this phrase sums him up perfectly. He represents everything that is wrong with the BBC.
Don’t be unkind . Remember he liberated Kabul from the Taliban all on his own .
Doublethinker: The big question is, is it already too late to save Europe from Islamisation? The answer is , possibly , but better to start now and try than to surrender and submit to that ghastly fate.
Its too late. With chain migration and Muslim population doubling every ten years, I see crunch point in less then 30 years.
The only hope is a civil war which we win – and no partition. If we lose, then it will be partition just as in other parts of the world. The process then starts again, with Muslims only in the Muslim part of the country, while Muslims continue to grow in the free part.
That is why, for the good of all, to avoid a brutal civil war that will make Bosnia look like a garden party, it is best for Muslims to be in places that reflect their culture.
I sincerely believe that Burma’s policy of expelling Bangladeshis (aka Rohinyas), is humanitarian. Of course leftists and the Muslim dominated UN, believe otherwise. They hope, in the fullness of time, they will do to Buddhists in Burma what they did to Buddhists in Afghanistan- a once Buddhist country.
You may, unfortunately, be right but we should try if we can for the sake of future generations and to avoid or minimise the war that you so rightly fear my be the destination that we are being led to by our stupid liberal left leaders.
Remember BosnIa. Yugoslavia was partitioned as Muslims could not live in a state dominated by Serbs. Muslims had to be on the top. The BBC and the lib types told us that Serbs were evil. Serbs were vilified by liberal leftist marxist, and Hollywood. Everyone forgot or did not know that Muslims collaborated with Nazis.
But we know that Bosnia now is a haven for Jihadis hiding out from America’s search for 9/11 perpetrators. Now comes the news that Catholics are being forced to leave Bosnia. Not a word from the likes of the BBC.
So it will be in Europe. The best we are looking for is partition of we lose. This is the catastrophe that our idiot politicians have gifted future generations.
Except that Dumb Tony isn’t all that dumb. He knew exactly what he was doing when he allowed in all the Islamist migrants and active terrorist Jihadis on the basis they didn’t attack the UK ( no they just got others to do it for them) turning Britain into Londonistan, and he was rewarded handsomely for doing it.
Now he has different paymasters & he understands that many people voted to leave the EU because of mass immigration he is playing to their concerns and trying to change their opinion in order to force a second referendum which he believes he can influence.
He has a very high opinion of himself and his powers of persuasion as most people today are wise to his corruption double dealing and lies. He is being well paid to run a campaign to keep Britain in the EU the only reason he is talking about immigration is because he feels it was an important factor.
Wait until he says to Europe that they have to restrict it, turns to Theresa May and calls her out for her lies or puts forward some policy ideas to reduce the migrant numbers already here, then you will know the worm has genuinely turned.
T, the worm will never turn. He lies and is deceitful not only to everyone he preaches to but to himself more so. He is deluded and alters his position only to feed those delusions that he has greatness within him and desperately craves acknowledgement of this from whoever listens. This makes him the most dangerous of liars because he believes himself incapable of wrongness. Probably one of the few things he and the BBBC have in common and why he enjoys so much air time.
Still, we do owe Tony a debt of gratitude; along with Campbell, Mandelson, Soubry, Heseltine, Adonis and many others, he is being an enormous help in getting us out of the EU.
Every time Mr. Blair is out of his bunker, I find myself for some reason thinking of the movie of the book ‘The Ghost Writer’.
Coincidentally, on Netflix last night I watched a film called ‘The Foreigner’ starring Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan, the latter playing a senior Irish Ministerial type.
Interesting premise.
I agree. I enjoyed how it showed Chan not believing the politicians and their endless talk of ‘understanding’ people’s grief and not having anything to do with atrocity. Painted politicians as I fear that they might be.
Out of desperation with all the anti-Brexit trolls on the Telegraphs blogs I had a look at the BBC News Brexit site. What a surprise! I found the majority of the top rated posts were pro-Brexit. The article about Blair’s call for a second referendum got a triple whammy (Blair haters, BBC haters and pro-Brexit). Some of my favourites are:
“The only platform Blair should have is one with a guillotine on it”.
“Tony Bliar despised by left and right, adored by the Brussels Broadcasting
Corporation, what am I missing here?”
“He obviously just wants to ignore the fact that the core leave vote was from the labour heartlands. You know the ones who voted UKIP in 2010”
“A true example of the Metropoltan Elite wanting to make us vote until we give them the answer they want for themselves. He does his cause more damage merely by being associated with it”
“Why do the BBC give this self seeking B air time? Crawl back into your den Blair”.
“If the BBC were hoping to turn a tide using Blair.
Boy has it backfired!”
Clearly, the BBC moderators are not coping. Perhaps they should call for help from the Guardian?
This comment was reposted because the original disappeared
The Trump book was the lead item on the World Service’s “News” Hour last night. But they couldnt come up with any meaningful allegation why he shouldnt be President – he acts like a child and Melania was crying at the inauguration was about the best they could manage.
But they did also cover this news story as well, oh dear things are not going well in beeb land…
Clinton Foundation investigated by Justice Department
The media act like children with their constant name-calling, tantrums and saying you should call the Police if someone hurts your feelings.
Just keeping this warm for you, Brissles. Brissles. Brissles?
No Brissles. Oh well, wasn’t first anyway. Wolff wallows on at the biased BBC but at least they have spoken with him now.
Here is what I wrote yesterday but the story has at last moved on.
Here’s a thing. Authors, and their publishers, love to publicise their books. To do that, they usually do a round of newspaper, magazine and broadcast studio interviews. Book fairs, bookshops and Literary Festivals, all add to the publicity which drive sales, too.
BBC News has kept this Wolff White House expose book thing in the forefront of their broadcasts and the web-site for a week now, without, in my sight or hearing, interviewing Michael Wolff at all. Not once. His very low profile, especially at the BBC, who is very fond of promoting favoured authors of their choosing and giving them wide publicity, is – well – very surprising.
Perhaps it is because Michael Wolff is not a squeaky-voiced American female academic from the University of Somewhere that has kept him from the BBC R4 airwave.
It is something of a wonder to me that James Naughtie has not been despatched to the USA, at Licence Fee-payer expense, Global Warming & Climate Change notwithstanding, for the author to have the privilige of meeting James Naughtie.
BBC News is adamant that Steve Bannon said that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer during the US Presidential campaign and this lawyer had links to the Russian government. They were equally adamant, a couple of days later, that Donald Trump Jr. met with a group of Russian officials during the US Presidential campaign. Today they are stating that Donald Trump Junior’s meeting group has shrunk a bit. It is back down to one Russian on R4 this morning and it may have been during the US Presidential campaign but Steve Bannon has said it was treasonous. Except on the web-site where it is now a group of Russians again. FakeNews? Who knows? FalseNews? Definitely.
Here’s another thing. The BBC has shown a marked reluctance to ask Steve Bannon, point blank, on air, “Did you say to Michael Wolff that you considered Donald Trump Junior’s meeting with one or more Russians during the US Presidential campaign to be treasonous?”.
Here’s yet anotherer thingy extra. You would expect a news broadcaster of integrity to do these things, would you not? You would expect a news broadcaster of integrity who is especially concerned about FakeNews and FalseNews to check sources, would you not? You would expect a news broadcaster of integrity who is especially concerned about FakeNews and FalseNews and has a guaranteed income of £3bn plus and a vast staff of journalists as well as a worldwide reputation to be able to get hold of telephone numbers and call publishers and authors and Steve Bannon and even Donald Trump Jr. for their comments.
But apparently not.
Not the BBC. Not this time. I haven’t heard any checking of facts being done on Radio 4 News. No interviews. Nothing. Just a repetition of the same story, with variations, for a whole week.
I wonder why?
I listened to the Wolff interview, at last on TOADY this morning, complete with leading questions by Nick Robinson. Anyone spot the main howler from Wolff? It may indicate that it is the author ‘who has no clothes’.
Secondly, much of Wolff’s main claims: the President is childlike, is in need of constant gratification & is distracted or unaware could have been levelled at Kennedy, Nixon, Reagan and Obama.
Thirdly, there were other things that Wolff claimed that do not add up but Robinson did not really challenge him on. The CIA claim was laughable, Robinson’s half challenge was lamentably weak.
Yes, to all this I wonder why?
A BBC agenda here, perhaps? Am no apologist for President Trump. Am no fan of Trump. But it’s a bit weird isn’t it? The Republicans (and remember, Democrats too, in mixed Primaries) turn down savvy, politically experienced, proven professional candidates in favour of an unstable, mentally deficient, child-like adult to run for President for the Republicans.
Sofa surfing at the White House? Eavesdropping? Drawing factual conclusions from same?
No, Michael, it just doesn’t add up.
I admire your attention to this pap. I used to be fascinated by Watergate and it’s aftermath.
But this is just a similar case of people not accepting a democratic vote – and the disbelief that Clinton didn’t win . It’s the same mindset as brexit .
Al beeb has decided it wants to be the organisation to bring trump down in the same way it wants to corrupt the brexit vote .
Fed, “I used to be fascinated by Watergate and it’s aftermath.”
Me, too. Not at first. It was the TV series that kicked it off for me. I can never remember the name of it now. Then ‘All The President’s Men’. I ended up reading many of the books.
Then came West Wing.
What the Beeboids don’t appear to know and haven’t figured into their most recent attack on Trump over the (more correctly, ‘using the’) Wolff book is that:
– The writers for the West Wing WERE REALLY GIVEN UNPRECEDENTED ACCESS (sorry to appear ‘shouty’ but my attempts at italics for emphasis on this site do not work) to not just the workings of the WW but also The Residence and The Hill, and
– the set used for filming was pretty much an exact replica of the necessary locations.
If BBC radio listeners and TV viewers watched The West Wing and can remember what they saw, they were getting a pretty accurate idea of the workings of The White House & Washington, juiced up with fictional stories just to make the dull old, everyday, life of politics a bit more interesting for TV.
Wolff’s claim to have sat around and overheard things – I’m now a definite sceptic.
To have met with all on the President’s staff and interviewed them – I’m now sceptical about that, too.
Wolff wandering freely around the WH in 2017? No way. 70 years ago? Maybe. 60 years ago? Maybe. Early days of Kennedy administration? Maybe. After 9/11 and a variety of incidents and bullet marks on the ‘green’ glass of the Oval Office windows, no way. Security is tight and while someone may be granted access, they would be logged in and out (I seem to recall they have turnstile gates and scanners for staff to pass through.) and records kept. Secretaries would have records of Wolff’s meetings with staffers in their offices.
There is no physical room, I am informed, around the WH for people to linger or sit around. They are as trapped for space as our lot in Westminster are. Nor would they be allowed to overhear stuff, especially people bad-mouthing the President in open areas of the building.
Anyone hear been to Washington and done the public tour of the WH & WW? Perhaps you could confirm what I’ve been told.
Another thing about the BBC. It seems their knowledge of American politics has drained completely away since Clinton was President.
For Americans, their President is important. Really important. Almost the same notch as Queen Elizabeth II, but not quite. 🙂
For White House staffers (esp. if you’ve read Haldeman, Colson, Magruder, et al) even more, there is a fierce loyalty cult around the President, any President. Also, working in the WH, especially for a younger person, opens doors to all sorts of things, not just being part of important national and international events, but networking and possible future career opportunities. Perhaps even, later in life, getting a chance for nomination to run for office with a good career period at the WH, endorsements from Senators & Congressmen/women, Party leaders and maybe the past President and VP, too, all on your CV.
It is also seen as a patriotic thing to do for your country, by serving as a WH staffer.
So would WH staffers really want to jeopardise all that by talking freely to Wolff? I think that is highly unlikely.
It takes quite something to scramble into a WH staff position, so is it likely that staffers, especially early-term would go around bad-mouthing the President? And in public? Where Wolff apparently ‘heard things’. Aw! Comeon! (This thing is getting to me. I’m now writing American! Auuughhh! Wretched BBC. A pox upon you!)
If I was going to interview Michael Wolff, I’d want his diaries first and I’d want to cross check dates with WH Security logs and the diaries kept by WH Secretaries. I hope a reputable broadcaster or newspaper or journal in the States (if they still exist) has done that or at least tried, repeatedly to do so. And will make their attempts public.
There’s a whiff around this.
I also wonder if the President and Bannon and some others who have been inside are playing a little game of political chess as part of ‘draining the swamp’. Perhaps, just perhaps, they are setting some media players up for a fall.
All we can do is watch and wait and listen.
Great post up2, just found this.
A complete non-story this side of the water, and a typical take down by the US media and publishing cartels over there in America.
Not following it, but get the idea that even CNNBC etc pinheads are being careful.
All reminds me of the stuff abot Golden Showers-just very low and base stuff, never before had mental health getting thrown around by running gobs with no right, knowledge or expertise to say stuff about a father, husband or a bloke democratically elected by a nation.
Didn`t do this to Mugabe even-how DARE they do this to POTUS45, as we pay for this.
Bannon is right, Trump is wrong. But Trump has done plenty to mean that we need to back him, and shaft the opposition in their absences. Not In My Name BBC#
Being a member of the media class in 2018 needs to be more of an occupational hazard than it is. They`ve long gone too far, we need to rein them in.
We need a sugar daddy to fund the wars just as Gina MIller has.
Thought London was a Town called Sue-so how come Farage and Richard are still wating as their accusers still get our money.
Wake up Britain.
PS-somebody pretending to be me was crawling around Brissels-not me, this post assures my fealty for ever, sire.
And no possible effort to be the next kingmaker like Ed Davey(PBUH)…cringe, cringe, fawn, fawn…
I`m actually Chris Huhne you know!…didn`t I do well?
I used to enjoy the West Wing at the beginning but I tired very quickly of the supermen and women that were meant to be employed in The West Wing.
These people apparently work from 6.00am in the morning, write three speeches, handle a diplomatic crisis in Latin America, chair an urban regeneration forum, spend the afternoon with a trade delegation from Indonesia and stay up late prepping for the following days live broadcast from the senate. They are eventually told to go home by their boss at around 4.00am yet still apparently manage an hour in the gym, the chance to grab a shower and a bagel and return to the office 50 minutes later having explained the small business tax situation in North Dakota to the bus driver.
What’s more they manage all of this without getting haggard or older, creasing their clothes, smelling or even getting a five o’clock shadow. I can understand the need to make them seem aspirational but plain unbelievable is another thing.
It seems to me that the ‘Russian collusion’ meme is dying and that Mueller is not finding anything to pin on President Trump. In fact it seems to be rebounding back onto Clinton and the DNC. The BBC/Guardian/CNN/NYT/WaPo axis have found another route to attack and take down the President: Amendment 25. You can bet that Donald Trump’s mental health will be front and centre from now on. This will also be a useful distraction from any investigations into Clinton et al.
Thought any stigmatising of the “mentally recovering”, let alone “mentally ill” was a serious crime these days? Don`t they all have a Prince Harry to talk them through the day, and don`t they get great jobs talking bollocks or failing to go to work as they wish? The BBC do this, why not the nutties?
I suggest that Trump comes here to this open mental ward of a country and stays as long as he likes, especially for the Royal Wedding that all manner of loons will be welcomed to. And any protests?…well that`ll be harassment of the vulnerable, hate crimes and just-well inappropriate if I dare put it so strongly.
AND-a free BLUE Badge, all the drugs you can gather and a permanent place at the hospital carpark.
Come on Trumpy-Shiny Happy People UK await you!
“Anyone spot the main howler from Wolff”
No, since I haven’t heard the interview and don’t wish to subject myself to a stream of agenda-driven half truths. Care to enlighten?
Not going well for him, or the BBC’s commitment to his claims, on social media outside of the bbc’s Control, as fact after fact he has written has been shown to be provably false or denied by others, often cited.
Dozens and dozens of bbc employees may want their money back unless they bought it on exes.
“On expenses”? Natch.
RD, worth a listen just to run your own political antennae over Michael Wolff. And save me some time by checking up on me, too. 😉
If I heard right he claimed that ‘President’ Trump (actually only a candidate at the time – EU Referendum was before US Election) did not know ‘about Brexit’ and what it meant in early 2016. The EU Ref result was unexpected. So why would Donald Trump know about Brexit? The Referendum had not been held. The result was not known.
Well said upto.
I too was hoping to keep a place in the queue so Brissels would achieve her dream at the top of the blog.
Maybe we need a co-ordinating ” Brissels Sprouters” team to ensure a victory for our new President-designate. What a step change from May and Wark SHE`D be in our public, media life.
And let me say, this is all for the Common Good, absolutely no Weinstein weirdness either.
Noted in my Steve Coogan book that Harvey got Steve to meet the Pope fof that Philomena fillum I`ve got on DVD. Got to burn THAT one now, will have no films left at this rate.
Up2Snuff & ChrisH
I sadly missed out on the top spot due to a heavy night of panto rehearsal, so went straight to bed (oh yes I did…..). For your chuckle value I’m playing a Parrot in Robinson Crusoe (yes, I know)
Loved the term “Brissels Sprouters”, but you’re all too young for me to tell you the origins of the name – which in the early days was mistaken for a city in Avon.
Dear Brissels.
Much as I admire Up2 and his great track record on this site, it is ME…and not him-who has yet more time that is good, on his hands to suck up to the coming leader we need here.
I`m passionate about such things and care deeply with my borrowed cow eyes, caring my “passion”. I`m here-some of us can`t be bovvered. But who?…I cannot say!
I too grew up in Brisbane, so we have that sincere local bond. Er, yes!
In short, can I be Vice President and up2 be something lower than my role?
Unearned, unmerited-but I`m a greaser, and oily chameleon in search of an award of some sort this season. If not the Oscars or BAFTA/RTS-what the hell else can I clamber over better people in search of a soundbite os namecheck?
Love you lots up2…of course I do!
But now that Prince is Dead, a Purple Machiavelli with a squiggle where his brain shoud be may be an asset to you!Another Baileys Matron….NOW!
Oh wait-apparently I need a ward, and not an award…and Nurse Ratched has found me one.
That’s OK chris, am happy to be special counsel to you, even right your speaches, negoshiate the booch deels, that sort of thyng.
No? Maybe not then.
Perhaps I’d better read Brissles post before I go further. Onwards and upwards, as Eric Robinson would say. I luv you too Bruv. Can’t write like you. Keep on hitting us with the cool Kerouac-type thing, man! Our strength is what we all bring to the party.
Brissles, old thing. Last para: I may have guessed that but I was far too polite to ask, so laid aside the requirement to check facts, seek confirmation, verify with third parties, etc., etc.,..
Well, if the BBC can get away with it, maybe so can I?
Some of these anonymous title names are great. Mine is a ‘play’ on my maiden name, and which I answered to even after I married, but the local cricket club as was their wont back in the 70’s decided to have ‘colourful’ fun with it.
I suspect that the real objectives of Mr Wolff are twofold :
1. To get as much money as possible from the publishing/printing/distribution of this book – hence the alacrity to get on to as much of the lame-stream media as he can, around the world – and the BBC readily obliges with a puff-piece interview which basically gave Mr Wolff all the headroom he wanted to spread his ‘story’.
2. To entice Mr Trump and his lawyers to actually sue him, so that his legal team could immediately demand interviews with everyone attached to the White House or Mr Trump’s team pre-, during, and post-election (and probably for the first time, since he doesn’t appear to have done the interviews he already claims to have done) – thereby giving him room to publish yet another book of ‘revelations’ – i.e. he’s trying to create a ‘damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don’t’ scenario, with which the BBC is clearly very happy to keep that particular bandwagon rolling.
rD, the BBC appear to be pushing for President Trump to be declared insane by the Veep (under Article 25 of the Constitution or something), yesterday, or impeached (again!) today.
Since when were the BBC meant to be interfering in another countries politics?
Kettle. Black. BBC. Calling. Pot. The. The. (fill this space with adjective of your own choosing to describe the BBC.)
Seems to me that they really, REALLY want Donald Trump out of the White House.
Democracy, huh!
Funny thing is, when Donald Trump announced his running mate – Mike Pence – they were none too keen on him, either. The BBC appear to think, like some Democrats and young Americans, that if you get rid of Donald Trump from the WH you can re-run the election and get Hillary installed as President instead.
It doesn’t work like that.
Up2Snuff – “It doesn’t work like that.” very good point….but getting a non-Clinton out of the White House is the one objective Democrats can all agree on. However, you can imagine the snowflakes’ response to reality, when it hits them…… a lot of whining and foot-stamping and demanding ‘their rights’.
I will repeat what I have said before – the Republicans bit their tongues during Mr Obama’s last term of office, and accepted that he, as President, had the right to use Executive Orders, but my heavens, he came very close to, if not actually beyond, the limits of that Presidential prerogative.
However, the Democrats have thrown all of that to the winds, and have tried to target any such rulings from the current President, despite the fact that the US Supreme Court has upheld Mr Trump’s decisions at each turn. By using such tactics (e.g. employing diverse Federal Judges to try to stall every move), it should come as no surprise that the same tactics will be deployed against any future Democrat President.
In addition, one of the key objectives of the liberal left in the US, at the moment. is to prevent the Supreme Court complexion changing from a Liberal to a Conservative body – for the next goodness knows how long – with the likelihood they might actually support Conservative Federal Judges when they try to obstruct Democrat Presidents – and they are desperate to try to get Mr Trump out of office to try to stall such an eventuality – by browbeating any Republican successor into not setting that up.
If the country remains as divided as it has been now, for many years (although the liberals still wander along under the delusion that the country was ‘totally united’ under Mr Obama), then I am afraid the US is fast heading towards becoming an ungovernable state
Winter silly season
They say once, at the height of his career. American comic actor and master of the one-liner Phil Silvers was invited to the White House, where in turn he was introduced to the President, Vice President, Attorney General and the Secretary of State… suddenly the TV Sergeant Bilko glanced around the room with apparent concern and quipped : “If everyone’s here, who’s minding the store?”
No such worries for our own dear Leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition comrade Corbyn whilst he’s on his hols. The BBC is still putting in a daily job of work for Labour. Think about the previous week’s headlines. Rail fare increases, NHS Crisis… aren’t those Labour’s safest core campaign themes? The very same.
Winter silly season isn’t a great deal of fun news-wise. Named storms here at home, the Middle East going bat shit as per bloody usual and England humiliated in the Ashes. It’s not widely publicised but our apparently indispensable politicians tend to creep away on holiday.
We hear Theresa May so as to escape all the ranting and raving of Westminster prefers that rather Spartan pursuit of a long walk in the countryside. I don’t think we need worry about this vaguely Hitlerian habit – we’ve no reason to think she’ll come back with any notion to attack the big boys of Europe – going on two years of Brexit she’s still hard pressed to even stand up to the Belgians or the Luxembourgers.
From ramble to Bramble – Labour’s leader talks like Wolfie Smith but looks like Steptoe’s dad. Jeremy Corbyn we understand has jetted off to Latin America to be close to his favelas. His fellow travellers, in the political sense, must be wishing he would stay far away out of sight and simply leave the BBC to do all the heavy lifting.
Never bothered my hat with cricket-but would there be a steady solid “nightwatchman” riff here for me?
You know-dullards of the BBC in to bat on a safe, flat wicket until Corbyns back from Ciudad Juarez, Jeremy`s home from Klosters. Oh-and Davos coming up soon.
Hope they`re not planning on wasting airmiles by coming home when they`ll all be back for Soros cider punch in a few weekends time are they? Oh to be a high flying media bird like those of the BBC and Labour Party eh?
Certainly next time the news is all NHS and train fares, will be looking where the BBC and Corbyns goons are at the time.
Phoned-in stirrings…not news.
We’re all ‘Simple minded villagers’ as Eric Clapton (I think it was) suggested when being interviewed this morning. He said he used to be a racist but saw the light (once he realised he had enough money to globe-trot).
Nick Robinson said “Is that what Brexit was ALL about?” – “Yes, it’s xenophobia / Enoch Powell / etc etc”.
Thanks for that Eric.
Everyone – EVERYONE I know who voted Leave did so to be out the clutches of a clearly fascist organisation ie the EU brown shirts.
God. I’m incandescant with rage about that interview – they clearly got the Alan Partridge of Music on simply to Remain-aganda through my radio.
Brussels Broadcasting Corporation – you are clearly a fascist organ and no matter how you attempt to laugh and snigger it off (oh how the wealthy elite love to snigger) you know it and the majority of UK know it too.
Your time is up and you will soon be unfunded into history.
Nick’s tweets this morning suggest he was on the sherry last night.
Plus a whole lot of ‘belief’ in ‘claims’ with, for once, a named, if hardly credible source.
Crying Wolff too often, bbc.
Not a credible way to stay in business. Unless uniquely funded.
Such a shame that Clapton’s gifts are so badly wrapped. He should stick to shooting pheasants, he’s very good at that – as are a surprisingly high number of similar eco-warriors, although for some reason they are ashamed of the fact. They seem keen to ensure their frequent participation doesn’t get much publicity, anyway.
Beltane ,
As Mr Clapton went off on his anti brexit rant I could but remember how his young son died .a fathers first duty is to keep his family safe yet he failed that one . Rich rock musicians should stay away from politics unless they want to be on the receiving end. Suppose he’s back on the coke and booze again.,
Can’t agree with you there Fedup. The appalling tragedy of Conor’s death is a cross no father should have to bear and to blame Eric for it, even indirectly, is unfair.
Dishonesty about taking part in a sport which attracts the rich and famous is another question, and one which – if they had the moral courage to admit – would put a whole raft of ‘stars’ alongside Beefy Botham, who is one of the few to exhibit the courage of his convictions, and quite possibly change public perceptions in the process.
Yes, never had any time for Clapton, apart from the fact we all know our potted rock history as “God”-silly, when Robbie Fowler was also given that “cross to bear”.
“Tears In Heaven” is a moving song in anybodys terms I`d have thought.
As the Green Mile famously says “he`s square with the house”. He was never a racist-just a boozed up cokehead talking the same shit as Costello did.
But Claptons available and doubtless, assorted youngster at the BBC have him lined up for a Radio 2 Special or a Bookclub gig.
Costello will be brought in when he decides a Trump broadside will fill a few seats at the Albert Hall, Synchronised serendipity doo dah.
Clapton is said to have been the cause of Rock Against Racism and the ANL.
So we ended up with Billy Bragg FFS. Now THAT is worth repentance and a public apology!
Clapton doesn`t like Brexit-Roger Daltrey did and actually can SING other peoples words…not parrot what Mitch Benn might have written for him.
Beltane – yes I guess you’re right . I heard the interview and had a laugh out loud moment when Clapton started on about Brexit .
Beltane, would that be ‘Clapton started on about Brexit’ down the line from his home in the West Indies?
I am a bit of a Clapton fan (especially of old) and seem to recall he has Parkinson’s or something and the playing days are numbered. Maybe he’s straying into politics for something to do. Well, any excuse for this:
Thnaks Up2, great vid.
I remember this little nugget. A wonderful example that yes, Americans can understand sarcasm.
True generalisation: “Totalitarian regimes hate and fear the truth, because the narrative they try to impose upon their people always runs afoul of it. So they have to suppress the truth by force.”
‘Hate speech’ and rapid erosion of Free Speech in Europe and particularly the UK anyone?
Just watched the Times diplomatic correspondent Catherine Philp on Beeb breakfast telly giving us her wisdom on that book. I posted a couple of days ago she was on PM with our mate Eddie talking about the same. This morning she repeated almost word for word some of the things that were said on PM. Makes you wonder is this her own work or maybe just getting a little bit of help from the Beeb editorial department. Sky news was no better with the sneering presenters having quite a giggle at the President’s tweets. All this despite some sections of the media starting to question the reliability of some of the so called facts. Very little attention seems to be given at our state broadcaster in reporting some of the quite considerable progress that is being made by the current regime in the economy and legislative reforms. The Beebs news service is just a glorified self serving gossip column. PATHETIC.
The wimmin are out in force at the bBBC.
Shock. Horror.
At the company phase eight. There is a huge gender pay gap. Shock. Horror.
Phase eight is a women’s fashion business. I venture to suggest that very few of their shop staff are male. As shop staff are probably a large proportion of the workforce this probably accounts for the ‘gender pay gap’. Something the talented investigative journalists at our fine impartial state broadcaster may not have twigged.
Over at Easyjet there is also a big ‘gender pay gap’. Thankfully, pilots get paid a lot more than cabin crew and it turns out that only 6% of the former are women.
Now I don’t know about you, butbpersonally I want the best, well-trained, and qualified people in the cockpit, rather than fast-tracked politically correct people.
The BBC. An analysis, context free zone, where the agenda is more important than the actual news.
“…I venture to suggest that very few of their shop staff are male.” – who would know these days?…..
Easy enough to wake up one morning and declare to the World that one is a member of the opposite sex.
Perhaps all the don’t knows should piss off to Middlesex.
I see a new poll says that just 17% of people now trust the BBC .
I am surprised it is that high .
But keep up the good work everybody , the truth is starting to be realised .
The ‘news’ reports that Will Young experienced homophobic abuse.
Wow – someone called someone names! That is some news story.
Why can’t Will Young just shrug it off and return to his million pound apartment? It is this toxic victimhood mentality pushed by the likes of the BBC. Toughen up and get on with your life – don’t call the f**cking Police!
Beeb Bro
Christ Almighty! We are told that we must expect to be bombed and murdered as part of living in a big city and this bloke is upset because someone called him a shirtlifter. This country is in deep trouble.
The real tragedy for what remains of our ‘society’ Lefty is that the significance of what is seen as homophobia IS, very evidently, regarded as being of paramount importance. History outside the sphere of Beard et al is boring of course, but the parallels between today’s lifestyle choices and the collapse of ancient Rome are staggeringly close.
I had never heard of Will Young until today. Which means his whining has served its purpose.
Apparently, he admitted to being a vicious bully during his school days. Maybe a case of the biter bit?
No doubt the police will waste loads of their time and our money on the case, and the poor driver will be sacrificed at the altar of political correctness.
Not if the driver is an immigrant.
“Will Young experienced homophobic abuse”
As far as I’m concerned you can call me (a Christian) any name you like and not one single “tracker” would be on your tail! (MSM says Young wants the police to TRACK HIM DOWN!)
I am sick to f********* death of the vile leftie scum advocating open borders and increases in foreign aid while moaning about the state of the health service! Stop ALL bloody immigration unless it’s highly educated and uselful workers, halt foreign aid so we can invest in the NHS and charge all these health tourist scroungers coming here to have five kids only to disappear before paying. My blood boils.
As long as there are Britons who are unemployed or living on the streets, there should be virtually no immigration to this country.
I wonder if Lily had a bbc Tears Editor with her at the time?
But there was no time or space to report it?
She’s a vile piece of scum who encapsulates everything I despise about the over-privileged, chardonnay socialist far-left. She doesn’t give a s**** about the people of this country; like terrorist-supporting Corbyn, she has been brought up to hate this country and our traditions. The left will betray this country in the future war that will come this century. They will do a deal with our enemies. Civil war is now inevitable.
Don’t you love the mockney accent she effects though? It’s surprising considering Hill House; Millfield and Bedales are among her Alma Maters.
I can assure you Alex, in any Civil War, the likes of Allen,Corbyn. YAB and 1000’s of others have their cards marked…and they will not survive..
“Still, even if only half of what the book contains is true, it paints a damning portrait of a paranoid president and a chaotic White House, says BBC North America editor Jon Sopel”
So, here we have it..even the BBC admits that there may well be false truths in the book. That hasn’t stopped them mentioning them again, and again, and again, and again. SO, they are aware that many of these accusations could be lies, but they report them anyway.
I read (via Going Postal) that it also hasn’t stopped the atrocious Nick Robinson quoting material from Wolff’s book which he must know is a blatant lie. Specifically, that President Trump didn’t know what Brexit meant. As people have rushed to point out, Trump spoke about Brexit before he was elected and had numerous meetings with Nigel Farage, Raheem Kasaam and other prominent leave campaigners. It is inconceivable that this is a true story – and yet Robinson repeats it for a cheap effect.
That’s the state the BBC is in today – morally bankrupt and worthless as a source of news.
“President Trump didn’t know what Brexit meant”? Utterly impossible! If you don’t count Nigel Farage and UKIP members, I believe he was actually the first to publicly predict that Britain would leave the EU :
He invited Nigel Farage to speak at one of his rallies, and on election eve referred to himself as “Mr Brexit”. Has the BBC conveniently forgotten?
This is really, really terrible. I hope the BBC gets at least a Dishonourable Mention in the Fake News Awards.
‘…yet Robinson repeats it for a cheap effect’
Sources close t… oh, no, sorry, you actually have made a substantiated claim, which is more than Toenails has managed in the last decade.
Robinson is not a serious journalist…he is a gutter press man..
Surprised the BBC didn’t go full-DNA and try out ‘it’s what he might have said’. Again.
I’ve read Nick Clegg’s book How To Stop Brexit .
I won’t tear it apart now , as it’s poorly written , easily seen through and has the same bile towards Farage as the BBC has .
What I like is his priorities , same as the Beebs and other “progressives/ liberals ” .
It seems worse to them that foreigners mistakenly beleive they’re not so welcome and leave our shores than old folk dying and not being there to vote .
They’re just nasty .
I sincerely hope you got it from a charity shop and didn’t pay into sir Cleggs’ retire fund.
It`ll be Bookclubbed, Hardtalked, Book of the Week, Good Read, Front Row and Good Lived by Parris and the rest of the libby shit in “BBC arts and literature booky wooky t`ing”.
It will also be on in series after Womans Hour, Book at Midnight-and may well be the Shipping Forecast on a calm night.
Blunkett wrote his shit, and couldn`t even see anything he did!
And the BBC still thought him a Blind Seer like Jose Fellatio.
The BBC will make a musical out of it if they could get off their crack pipes-they are NOT kazoos, you mupwits!
Only on the Isle of Wight is that true.
I will never refer to him, or the other worthless creatures, on the Left, as ‘Sir’..
The ‘review’ of this book, and surely post Wolffman Jackshit there must be, by every BBC outlet must be fascinating.
Much has been made of the ‘homeless’ in Windsor lately in the ‘News’. I’ll admit I haven’t been to Windsor in nearly 20 years but, I was very familiar with it as it was my nearest town when I was growing up and I travelled through it every day to reach my High School. Later I did most of my shopping there…
I never ever saw one ‘homeless’ person in all those years. What changed? 🙁
“I never ever saw one ‘homeless’ person in all those years. What changed?”
BBC cameras were brought in so that the well shaved “homeless” persons sleeping at bus-stops were also brought in then making those mothers with children/shopping waiting for the bus must stand out in the rain!
Didn`t Labour stop people using foodbanks as a condition of getting state benefits, before the Coalition got voted in?
And didn`t Clegg and the idiot Tories remove this condition, so you could create foodbanks, and get the BBC there to film the crises generated for media consumption?
Whatever charges we can throw at the Tories since 2010, having political skills and some nous, some willingness to WANT to stay in power by gelding the fascist left? Well-they`re innocent of all that.
If I were Rees Mogg-I`d sit on my hands, and wait until the Tories BEG him to save them from themselves.
A world where a Rudd, Greening, Grayling and Green have any responsibility for ANY public policy will need some explaining to future generations.
I noticed on Breakfast this morning that whoever reviewed the Papers was pouring scorn on the fact that US stockmarkets rose 20% in Trump’s first year by saying that they rose 44% in Obama’s first year. Of course, they omitted to mention that stock markets had crashed in 2008 so were bound to rise.
I’m not necessarily saying that Trump is responsible for the improvement, but they don’t mention facts which don’t flatter the sainted Barry.
Now you’ve brought it up, can I recommend this excellent (44min) video ‘Victor D Hanson; Explains Perfectly how Trump pulled off the biggest Upset in Presidential History‘.
The points he makes are broadly transferable to the UK and Brexit; smug and entitled elites out of touch with the citizens; serial attempts to force their view through; disbelief when they lose.
Property prices in London are plummeting. I wonder why this might possibly be. According to the Beeb’s narrative, all that diversity the city endured last year would have caused the market to celebrate. Nobody wanting to live where they might get blown up – hate crime alert! Call the Police!
It’s called White Flight. When a town or neighbourhood becomes too wonderfully diverse and colourful, whitey quietly moves out, and the invaders trash it. Trouble is we’re running out of places for whitey to move to.
Many moved right out of the country. Many to Europe (e.g Spain) – but these could be fecked by Brexit because the British Government is more interested in bending over backwards to protect EU citizens that will remain in Britain, while not seeming to care a feck about how the expatriate Brits in Europe will be treated. These are ordinary native British that had spent a lifetime working in low paid jobs, who then retired to warmer climes and away from a Britain they no longer were able to recognise from their earlier days.
If whitey sells a 2 bed toilet in one of the fashionista areas in Londonabad they’ll be able to buy a piggin stately home up-north & not need to work any more.
You see the idiots on that property programme with Krusty Allsloppy: “Here’s Timothy & Olivia, they have up-to £2.5 million & are looking for a 1 bed-roomed flat in the Camden town area close to coffee shops and Quinoa cafés. Their ambition in life is to work in PR and recruitment until they are in their eighties and pass their mortgage onto their kids”. By this time the area will resemble any random street in the middle east and Amazon drones will deliver replacement stab vests through the missile holes in their flat.
Good luck kiddies, keep swallowing the BBC indoctrination, the futures so bright you better wear shades.
I think you need to check the definition of “plummet”.
Look at the meaning of “average” while you’re at it.
No shortage of undesirable places in the UK:
Then there’s Glasgow. Still manages to be dangerous in spite of recent improvements, now stalling, and without any help from the RoP.
What do that map and chart relate to?
88.6 what per 1,000 people in West Yorkshire? Ferrets? Flat caps? Pork pies? That graphic is meaningless.
What’s with Glasgow? I know Glasgow very well and the biggest danger is getting a stitch from laughing at the banter.
Muslim population in English local authority areas, 2011 The darker the green the greater the percentage of the population.
Clearly the connecting element is global warming or Brexit or Israel.
Weren`t they squauking on about the decline in the sales of new cars on yesterdays BBC News all day?
Wouldn`t Caroline Lucas and Rogger Hairpin be PLEASED with that?
Noted also some car salesman boasting that his staffs sales force are good for the planet, because they have no old cars on the road, and get rid of them after three years.
To where?
Yet our BBC business poppet seemed unable to ask the obvious.
Where do they find these BBC boys? Thought boys were good at car talk, but our Beeboy probably goes by Bloomsbury rickshaw between Pret a Manger and Starbucks to ask his silly questions.
Great post Holly.
Yes I was amazed that the Drama-Greens at Beeboz-we’re-worth-it were banging on like it was car-meggedon. Surely it means fewer new cars being produced thus saving masses of energy and a lower carbon output?
Brexit = lower CO2 = less global warming (sorry, climate change – covers us in case it cools down)
I was actually pleasd. Also….
Did they not see the connection between David Aaronovitch’s article about how he had noticed (and hoped gleefully) that Brexit voters were all going to die soon? Demographics suits them when it’s time to be hateful, spiteful and evil (a Remainer trait) but not when new car sales fall. The boomers are getting to0 old to be bothered to buy a new car. I’m not a boomer but the country will never see their like again – love em or hate em. Love the remainers and hate the brexiteers naturallement.
Still laughing at your Bloomsbury rickshaw line. Classy.
Edit ‘to old’ to ‘too old’. University education – oh no, wait, I can’t have because I’m a Leave voter – “Engerland!” etc etc – back to normal.
TOTP: The Story of 1985 and it was all Fatch, the Miner’s Strike, Greenham Common and black acts and DJ’s I’d never heard of. Of course, you just knew that millionaire socialist William Bragg would turn up. It’s funny because these days I associate Bragg with his tacky Dorset pad and not with his crappy protest music. His appearance wasn’t exactly deserved either – he had a ‘massive’ no 14 hit that year. What the miners strike and nuclear war have in common is anyone’s guess. I have to say it was the biggest load of shit I’ve ever heard.
Then, onto the Style Council who thought it’d be a good idea to support the lezzer, Commie stooges at Greenham Common. It seems, Weller spent most of the 80’s trying to live down his comments about voting for Thatcher in the 70’s. The Council went to Commie Poland but didn’t like it cos it was drab, boring and shit – your archetype Commie society in other words. The programme was a right load of lefty bollocks from start to finish. The only surprise is that Ben Elton didn’t turn up doing his Fatch monologue. Little bit of politics there …
A few years ago I got into trouble with one of my bosses over Greenham Common.
She was talking about what an uplifting experience it had been camping there to demonstrate women’s opposition to nuclear weapons. I said that men had a different perspective because we’d be the ones conscripted into the army to fight; so we didn’t see the attraction of making Europe safe for a conventional war.
I was outside the magic circle for a long time after that one.
Fiona Bruce wears her ‘Greenham Commoner badge’ with pride………says it all.
That`ll be the new Brownies and Guides awards will it?
Can we still call them “brownies”?
I was in the Rainbows(not for long)-maybe we all are whether we like it or not these days.
Doyle above.
Did you spot the ten minutes given over to Loose Ends too?
Who`d have known?
As a bit of a soulgirl, I thought I`d have known of them-Londonbeat, Beggar and Co, even Freez as well as Linx.
Hardly household names, but all the above have a bigger claim on a niche nothing market than Loose Ends.
Assume (because the BBC use the title for one of their lefty arty aural evening collages when the rest of us listen to Roger Day or Lisa Tarbuck)-that ” Hanging On A String” speaks to their current status.
Probably thinking of ” dangling by a thread”-but they`re not too clued up anymore.
Next week-Junior gets a BBC4 Special to tell us how his song got Mandela released.
Feign News.
Guardian is reporting that the current commissioner of the met wants to call knife crime ‘ a public health emergency’ WTF as I believe twitter people write .
There has been a 30 % increase in knife crime in London year on year – now over 12000 incidents .
I couldn’t find the stop search figures but I’m guess it’s down . Or the size of the male 10- 30 population now with so many guest workers amongst us.
Al beeb should be covering this but seem more concerned about bubble issues in Washington . Not a public service .,
The foreigners want(ed) less ‘stop and search’ and, as a result, they’ve got what they wanted: life more akin to what they, “fled”.
Kids can hardly spell “knife” anymore…and only know the word crime from a cop car if parked at the lights-have to tell them that “stoppers” is an aspirational suffix…bit like a norfix but that`s geography so “inappropriate”.
And not on the exam paper-so duh!
So they`ve no chance with “PHE”-which they`ll hate because it`ll be seen as Personal Health Education…without the “sex” bit as in PSHE!
STDs is about the only practical they DO get to know about-take that out of school, and they`ll never show up with the social workers without a variety pack Coco-Pops and a spliff.
No-“letter opener sciences” it stays!
Lucky he didn’t ask the BBC that question directly.
People have been banned for less.
They’re here in the UK as well. In fact they are throughout Europe.
Only problem is, they are quietly and covertly cementing their increasing power over the indigenous white population until: Hey Presto, they have reached some critical mass whereupon the indigenous whites will have islam shoved down their throats day after day until they convert to islam or, by then, become an outcast of the ‘new society’ this Government (and opposing) and the BBC would welcome.
Judging by Sweden and the Netherlands where they are a ‘cats-whisker’ away from civil war on their particular road to islamisation, the ‘critical mass’ seems to be roughly 20% of the population before serious uprisings and no-go areas become the norm.
Good post G.
Noted RT saying that French Jews are now in fear over Trumps recognising Trump as Israels capital.
Wasn`t that last year on December 6th?
In the last few days, Trump has (rightfully) stopped money to the double dealing Pakistani nation, and has (rightly) nailed his colours to those who want Iranian mullahs gone from that countrys political life.
He`s also called something for the UN to discuss that the “usual suspects” don`t like, so it`ll be right as well.
All these are todaysnews on 6th January.
So why is RT already blaming the Jews for any attacks, and attaching it to Trumps actions of last month?
Have French Muslims, the EU or Macron got nothing to do with this “news warning”-let alone Islam itself?
That, I`m told, is a rhetorical question.
Al beeb gleefully announce at top of Home page: “Trump book row overshadows Republican summit.”
Er, perhaps because ‘news’ outlets like the beeb deliberately whipped it up into a huge sandstorm.
Now after keeping it on the front page for days, they find a new way of keeping it there by linking it to the forthcoming Summit.
Even for the BBC, the amount of tongue in cheek for that conflation (or lack of) is epic.
So far few replies if any from the likes of chief whippers at W1A confronted with some awkward actual facts vs. claims, for their comment.
The BBC: Holding power we don’t like to account and biting our tongue when we do.
Dead right vlad.
Trumps book overshadows nothing here in the real world.
The investigation by the FBI into the Clinton Foundation as announced maybe might do so.
But -as ever in Beebworld-not wanted news.
So unreported on their tellybox.
The left have to account for how such an idiotic semi-literate manchild with a Twitter account was able to overturn over forty years of Washington swampery. How the good folk of America preferred THAT, to years more of Clinton and Bush, Romney or Clinton/Bush in hybrid form.
As yet, no answers, not even a question.
We`re all just racist, thick and uninformed. So be it.
Emperors News Clothes, but let them find out the hardest of ways shall we?
Another of Katty’s lengthy tweets.
Replying to this:
He’s winding you up, you fools.
The blonde bombshell clearly not paid by the letter.
Here’s a view from within, including a link to a nicely crafted tweet to Franny:
As to the wind up, having been unable to avoid the Classic FM news, I almost fell off my chair laughing at their po-faced ‘analysis’.
Excellent catch Guest Who. We know the BBC hate being made to “major on minors”-despite Savile, Hall, Harris and Denning, la-di-dah.
“Juicy Revelations” versus “explosive claims”.
Only wish I`d done linguistics.
I say this because I noted a difference between “sources” and “figures” in the White House as reported by the BBC.
We ought to make them weigh their words and explain these parsing distinctions.
Remember Trumps Tweet to May getting processed and escaleted by the day last year?
From “controversial wading in” to -“inflammatory”-and ending in “incendiary”. Before falling harmlessly to earth like an old jumping jack squib.
Bet there`s a degree here-they need to explain and account for the part THEY play in raising tensions and trouble, do the BBC.
And simply following Owen Jones Tweetline is no excuse for their irresponsible treachery.
In the words of the late great Tony Hancock: “I didn’t expect a lecture on Communism”
That’s my thought as I mistakenly tune into BBC News Channel thinking I might find out what’s going on in the word. During the week, of an afternoon, we are still sometimes greeted by the well-upholstered gravitas of a Simon McCoy. Today it’s the lightweight limp wrist of pipsqeak Shaun Ley at the tiller guiding the BBC news deep into the choppy waters of “Pay Gap” politics.
Cue a free platform for the strident never-enough-equality spokes-harridan of the Women’s Equality Party.
One hardly needs waste energy debating this tosh she so confidently spouts to our Shaun’s apparent content. One example would surffice: Our bossy greivance-monger has apparently seen a report that tells her every pound spent on infrastructure projects (double-plus-good, right? – think again) would bring greater returns if it were spent on “care”. Twice the returns… she’s seen the maths. We’ll let that one sink in for a just moment…
Guess what, boys aren’t encouraged to go into primary school teaching because “it’s not seen as cool” Whereas women caring for their own young off-spring, that’s a perfectly fine target for her and her metro elite to denigrate as uncool and letting the female side down.
Another aspect that always bothers me about this constant push for ever more State-funded childcare – who’s going to be employed as the army of millions of childminders? Females? And unless they are all paid to the level of Senior Civil Servants, or Ken Livingstone’s tube drivers, won’t they skew the pay gap figures the wrong way?
Ok I said I wouldn’t bother to debate her but I can’t quite resist quoting this bit of perceived glaring patriarchal fascist supremacy she still sees in our supposed male-dominated (laugh) education system… “You go into music lessons and all the posters are of male classical composers!” Damn that Beethoven! Get out of my sight Shostakovich! Cut the bollocks off Debussy – that’ll set the world to rights!
Just one more point I’d like to make… Marx, Engels Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Mao, Che, Castro, Pol Pot…. all geezers, so let’s take their posters down from the University walls.
Shaun Ley: “Good to speak to you, thank you so much for your time”
You do realise Shaun that she just said the world would be a much better place if you just quietly slunk away and chucked your vaguely male self off the roof of Broadcasting House – or weren’t you listening?
I think the BBC tea technician has been slipping chemical castration pills into his* pot.
*is this word still acceptable, I’ve been asleep for 8 hours so just wondered?
The only way out of this nonsense, if only temporarily, is going to be one damn good punch-up. I’ve never been a war-monger, but then in all my many years, I’ve never witnessed such a concentrated deprivation of what used to be a relatively peaceful, democratic society, as I am witnessing now.
We are heading towards self destruction – it’s as if everything has been deliberately combined in an attempt to wrest away from us everything we hitherto have held dear, and we are sitting back allowing it to happen. Is the British public that soft, and uncaring, or totally brainwashed by it all?
There needs to be a war. Yes, there’ll be casualties (if anyone can be found who is prepared to fight for their country and what’s left of their culture), but it’s a small price to pay in the long run, and at least the survivors (if any) may have an opportunity to sweep the board clean, and start over.
Our governments and associated institutions HATE us, and anyone who comes along with a semblance of common sense, and who is able to recognise the situation, and tell the truth, and try to make it better for everyone in his country (and protect them) is mercilessly pilloried and castigated. Either half the world is happy to live in a communist-styled controlled existence, with all THAT entails (and we’ve seen the miserable failures of that in the past), or they’ve gone totally mad, or they don’t give a shit.
I suppose the MSM are more than capable of achieving this state, with little effort, as they seem to excel at it.
As I’m now at the arse-end of my life, perhaps I shouldn’t really care, either…
Stick around OG.
Their total desperation and madness before our eyes would be funny if we weren`t expected to pay for it. And few of us are still doing it, none of my generation do anyway.
I had a dummy keyboard in my music lessons at school-was crap, couldn`t sing or play. My children had an “activity centre” when young, with a dummy dash and sterering wheel and a floppy lever for a gearstick.
Kept them amused as we braved the Cruddas Park Estate in the car-and we let them think that their steering and gear changes were having an effect.
Think we`re living in times where the “liberal media” think their dummies-keyboard or dashboard, no odds to us-actually have a bearing on what`s going on in real life, real time.
I`m sure that they don`t; and you`ll not see your maker before we all get some real vindication. Schools, GPs and hospitals. All gone mad, they know they`re done unless the likes of Trump or Brexit can get them out of their swamp fever delusions. Not that they could say that-they`ve not thought it yet, but the beehive is now barking( as it were).
They`ve been able to avoid any thinking as long as it was working-the current media lunacies only tell me that they`re toast. Buttered up or not-still toast.
Old Goat – I hope you are wrong but it does seem they’re setting up a ‘red’ team and a ‘blue’ team here. Akin to the English Civil War (Red and Orange teams).
Yes they hate us because we’re pointing out they’re game before it’s laid out.
Are you a boomer (don’t mean to be rude)? Your generation has kept the world fairly war-free but once you’re gone all hell will break loose.
Stop eating that cake and get some exercise Goat – we need you healthy.
No man left behind , Mr Goat.
Saw it on Toy Story, and never looked at things the same way again. It was a simpler time.
Can I firstly thank Stew Green for giving us this link on the previous blog?
“If you want defeat your enemy, read his hymnsheets”.
And Campbells anti-Semitic, deeply nasty porn rag and wankmag for Remainiacs like himself is very revealing.
Draw your own conclusions-can`t be any less literate, less funny and more offensive that thoe ones in Campbells New European anyway.
That they hate dna fear Rees Mogg is one clear thing. The other is that Campbells onanism extends to saying that he`s exonerated in the public eye, as opposed to Blair. It`s as if he`s forgotten David Kelly and his psychiatric past. I got removed for mentioning it in a recent post-but they kept up my other one. So may totter back after my next night out on the pop.
And can I secondly reproach so-called “friends of mine” here at this site who were supposed to wake me up by text when the new post was due?
Got my clever son onto it-and it had been roughly predicted when Alan would give us a new thread.
But did I get a text? did I `eckerslike`?
An internal enquiry will be held-and let my “friends” get warning that it`ll be an internal examination with full stirrups if I`m as low as “number 55” on the NEXT new thread!!!
I`m “pasionate” and ” disappointed”-let me never refer to me and team as “regretting the concerning inappropriateness” of not getting my alarm call. Number 55 is a failure-and we KNOW failure is an option, don`t we girls?
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Yeah but it’s a witty post and I read it, even at #55.
OK, so I was doing my usual wrong thing, reading up the page, but hey! – it’s the weekend. Cut me some slack!
“And they looked, and saw, and it was…. about right”
Why is the BBC allowed to avoid laws the BBC would censure others for breaching?
Follow the money.
That is this Martin Bashir:
So long as the Lord’s name was not taken in vain.
Funny who turns up where, and why.
The problem with the NHS is that it’s not fit for purpose but every day Labour/ Guardian/ bBBC lies to us that it’s the best in the world.
The NHS, being the “best in the world” rather parallels the BBCs much cited opinion of itself.
Looks like the BBC is manacled together with its NHS bezzie because the NHS DID once have a claim to be ours, a relative good. Until Stephen Dorrell and Frank Dobson turned it into what we see today.
As goes the NHS-so goes its cheerleading BBC. No need to think or reflect-too painful for them.
Indian Railways, Chinese Army and Russian cybersecurity…all are now moulding the BBC and NHS more than any historic ethics of Bevin or Reith these days.
My ex was struck on the football “Golden Generation” of footy stars at the start of this century. Ended in tears in Baden-Baden with a load of overprimped WAGS.
The arc from Reith and Bevin seems apt somehow.
This is as good as it gets – worth 1/2 hour’s attention.
Bloody hell Tom, this is something else!
I knew they were clever and both brilliant-but not THIS good.
Will be back to this with a good pad of A4-and don`t really think I`ll need much else to study now until summer. Quite brilliant-to quote Ian Dury
“Ain`t half been some clever bastards”. And as I flick theough a mute BBC output I see Terry Wogan talking about “50 Years Of Eurovision”. Why can`t we PAY the likes of Shapiro, Greenfield, Peterson and Scruton all our money to give us some REAL news and opinions that will change things?
As if I don`t know why they don`t.
Must see telly this one! Ta.
Why can`t we PAY the likes of Shapiro, Greenfield, Peterson and Scruton all our money to give us some REAL news and opinions that will change things?
You can. Or rather, you can support the work they do, and get access to private elements of their work.
I support Peterson with a small monthly donation through a site called Patreon. I get multiple times the value simply by getting access to all his videos, and a monthly live Q&A.
About a year ago, the SJW cabal made a concerted effort to have Peterson chucked out of his university job, and managed to get his research grant rescinded. A friend advised him to seek crowd-funding. He got $180,000 up front to replace his university research grant in a few weeks.
Then he turned to Patreon to get everyday sponsors for various future projects he has been working on. To the utter fury of the SJW types, Peterson’s sponsorship amount has now reached over $60,000 per month. It became such a talking point in the Leftist media that he decided to make the amount pledged invisible.
They simply cannot bear that an articulate, rational person, who pushes back against their rotten ideology, has so much support.
It was no surprise to me to recently hear a university professor (see, Lindsay Shepherd affair) liken Peterson to Hitler. That’s what they do as a last resort when their pricked vanity explodes in resentful outrage.
This is why the old media will be overwhelmed by the new. People will share gems like this via the internet rather than watch ‘news’ where they are told what to think.
BBC news website in meltdown again
Pre occupied with that book.
They quite happily spew out all of this, might be, may be, perhaps, suggest, speculation, etc. Then come out with this
‘So what’s the evidence with Mr Trump?
It is worth reiterating, there is no real evidence as nobody speaking publicly has examined the president,
It’s obvious that there will be no impeachment but still they push that issue in wishful thinking.
Just like a child would do…
The plebs having chosen their tribune to speak plain truth to the establishment – like him or not – you might think a Lefty-minded organisation such as the Beeb would refrain from piling on every effort to bring him down.
Had to smile at the latest Weetabix advert – featuring a skit on Jack & the Beanstalk. Huge giant (white) bellowing…. “fee fi fo fum I smell the blood of an Englishman”, clearly the advertising agency thought that diversity on this occasion was not such a good idea as using a BAME would not be prudent !
The Beeb however are getting their money’s worth from Ore “I’m Strictly Champion” Oduba, as he plays host (yet again) to another sporting quiz. I won’t be watching.
News that sticks in Al Beeb’s ‘craw’.
The weather , ‘Record Breaking’………………………..
Transgender on Radio4 again now
They asked how will be your 2018, and just happened to choose to do an item on a guy and his gender re-assignment programme.
Next thing on Radio 4
Now Margoyles is saying “women can multitask , you know boy”
But can she fart, lose weight and get a decent hairdo?
Seems incapable of all but the first…
Women-know your limits-as someone once said.
Whatever.At the end of the day you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.
Autogynephile? I always thought that was a type of helicopter 😉
Whatever it is, I feel safe in adding it to my long list of phobias…Autogynophobia 🙂
Auto-car, or self, automatic, reflex
Gyne-women, vaginas
Phile-lover, thing you keep on those you boss or wish to control.
Hmmm…and the clock starts.
Sounds like a female lover of wanking to me.
Am I close-warm even?
Where`s Frank Muir when I need him? or Patwick Campbell even?
Maybe I`ve hit on a new panel game here have I?
Oh \\ “Autogynephilia” is a sex-fueled mental illness made up by Ray Blanchard.
Blanchard defines it as
“a man’s paraphilic tendency to be sexually aroused by the thought or image of himself as a woman.”//
RIP Ken Wallis, 1916 – 2013
Shall we call him an Autogyrophile? 😉
Meanwhile C5 is provokitively featuring a trans in what is supposed to be an all women house. short vid
\\Celebrity Big Brother’s Ann Widdecombe slammed for referring to transgender housemate India Willoughby as ‘he’//
\\ INDIA Willoughby made history by becoming the first trans woman in the world to present an all-female talk show. She is also a respected journalist and BBC news broadcaster * – and is now starring on Celebrity Big Brother //
* regional ?
Christine Jorgensen was the first transexual to fly in the war, and do endless good for the cause. Jan Morris was the first transexual to climb Everest and write good historical books. April Ashley was the first transexual to marry a Duke and be a glamour model in the south of France and Julia Grant was the first one to have been a Fleetwood fisherman and get onto BBC.
Oh and Stephanie Ann Lloiyd was the first to run a successful transexual franchies over most parts of the UK as an entrepreneur.
Renee Richards? First tennis player as I recall.
THIS is a potted half-arsed history of transexuals in our lifetime(M/F anyway), based on cursory research and fleeting memory in part.
I could respect every woman-Jill of them…all had achieved, fought like tigers to get recognition and respect when it could only have been dangerous and wickedly intrusive and life-threatening in places like Thailand and Morocco etc.
So “making history” as a talk show presenter eh?
Don`t make me laugh-and this being the liberal freeview media , they will never do that by design.
Jan Morris is still alive, and is everything that the trasaction lobby must hate. Dignified, stoical and still “loves his ex wife”.
Yet no Graham Norton, no BBC4 series on the true history as known. Just Pete Burns and Paris Lees-funny how she came to prominence after he dies eh?
Bit addictive this, kids want their tea!
If “productivity” is that problem that the BBC says in our economy? How come they could pay and send four airheads up to Fleetwood to watch James Vardy miss a match and bore anybody rigid-had they no lives , were incapacitated and were unable to do anything but watch Dan Walker , some lady in Wimminz footy, some Everton ex and A.N other. Didn`t they all use to run pubs once or rub goosegrease on the next load of limbs offered over the orange segments?
But no-four adults on our meter saying nothing over nothing. How many airheads do you need?
I bet you`ll be getting a disabled one next with a rali and ramp between the tunnel and the centre spot-so SHE can drivel on , as we pay.
No-productivity is not an issue at the BBC. only for the drabs and drones lower down the chain somewhere vulnerable.
Burnt pasta all round kids…
The news leads with questioning Trump’s fitness for office.
I would question their fitness to broadcast, given the depths of their childish vendetta against the leader of the free world. It is totally irresponsible. They still cannot deal with being trolled, as they were earlier when he said he was a genius. They just do not get his game! They are not fit to broadcast!
Beeb Brother
“The news leads with questioning Trump’s fitness for office.”
Trumpaphobia !
Nice one taff, this will be in the DSM soon if we`re smart. Until then-didn`t the Donmeister General dodge the draft due to flat feet or something?
Surely flat feet has a fancy Latin name, making him a protected and vulnerable disability minority?
Tack-“phobia” on the end, stand back once you`ve wound up the cuddly toy. And enjoy the headmess that will ensue with these bullying lefty toerags.
How come bullying is only called bullying when the right do it? Ever since Occupys riots and student attacks in London, Dec 10-the Left seem never to be accused of fascist tactics and -well, bullying, what else can you call it?
Its nowt to do with brass bands . 😀
He didn’t actually say “I am a genius”, but rather I got from no-chance to being president against the odds doesn’t that prove genius ?
The msg was spread across 3 Tweets
\\ Now that Russian collusion, after one year of intense study, has proven to be a total hoax on the American public, the Democrats and their lapdogs, the Fake News Mainstream Media, are taking out the old Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability and intelligence…..
….Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart. Crooked Hillary Clinton also played these cards very hard and, as everyone knows, went down in flames. I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star…..
….to President of the United States (on my first try).
I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius….and a very stable genius at that! //
I think the fact that Trump has said that man-made Climate Change is a Hoax, would make Mensa members and Astronomers class him as one of the most intelligent politicians in the World. Only Members of Parliament with scientific qualifications come any were near to Trump on that level of intelligence.
For evidence of Insanity, more reliable is the evidence obtained by Meteorologists, that one of the BBC,s top scientific experts, Al Gore, must have a combination of low intelligence, insanity and dementia.×360/p05cd3rr.jpg
@RP come on Mensa boy , you should know that BBC graphics stored in ichef don’t show up in third party sites, so the trick is to find the tweet of that image :
Amol Rajan cosying us to Al Gore who pushes climate-alarmism at the same time as having a massive personal carbon-footprint. … to get away with that, whilst using climate alarmism to massively enrich yourself may also be called a kind of genius.
Good counter to alarmists shouting “trust the consensus !” , “trust the consensus !”
– Manufacturing consensus: the early history of the IPCC by Prof Judith Curry
“scientists sought political relevance
and allowed policy makers to put a big thumb on the scale
of the scientific assessment of the attribution of climate change”
They couldn’t make the Russia thing stick, even after months of breathless pronouncements, so they’ve had to turn to Plan B.
They refuse to let things settle down. What they forget is that Trump actively loves a fight, it’s what energises him. He has tremendous energy for confrontation.
If the Leftist media laid off him, and he had no clear enemies to go at, he’d have to invent some. Fortunately, they don’t get that, and never will.
libmob “Oh that Toby young he’s vile look at his tweets, he’s not fit… we lab/libs are angels”
Really ?? On @BBCRadio4’s ‘The Museum of Everything’ , “Pre-op tranny” used as a punchline.
#DespiteBrexit : Reuters : London was top destination for tech funding in 2017
LONDON London was the top city in Europe for technology investment last year, with more funding going into companies in the British capital than into firms based in Paris, Berlin and the next seven cities combined, data showed on Friday.
Funny how the BBC hasn’t mentioned this. If the report had shown investment exiting the UK, I’m sure they would have leapt on it like a bitch in heat and published it next to the failing NHS story (With continuous interviews on the BBC TV News and radio to boot) Obviously it doesn’t fit into their narrow distorted idea of what news is? Or: “Oh gosh, it’s good news about the UK economy which doesn’t reinforce all the other negative news about Brexit that we have been spewing out for many months. Maybe it means Brexit isn’t going to end in the demise of the UK economy after all? Best ignore it then and report on bus driver’s instead….anybody logged onto Twitter?”.
Twitter toughened up & banned anyone inciting racism
.. well except ther eis a #RightKindOfRacism
\\ Channel 4 referred to Dagan Lonsdale as a “junior doctor” on Channel 4 News last night without mentioning that he spoke at the launch of Labour’s “NHS New Deal” plan in May 2017.//
\\ BBC Radio 5 Live was criticised yesterday for not introducing Danielle Tiplady as a Labour Party activist during a segment on the NHS.
The show instead introduced her as a “staff nurse”.
Tiplady appeared on the BBC News Channel in April 2017 in her uniform and was introduced as a “community nurse”.
On that occasion the BBC also failed to mention her links to the Labour Party.//
… attended 2 separate west midlands hospitals in the last 3 days – brushwood blowing around the car parks; the sound of the lonely church bell !
A & E – In; X-rayed and Out in 30 minutes. This “NHS crisis” thing is Labour polticising – again. Shameful ….
This health service scare-mongering is an annual event, fixed in every Lab/Lib politicians diary and marked in red on every bBBC calendar.
Had cause, two Novembers back, to use New Cross in Wolverhampton.
First class.
Visited GP two weeks prior, first time in eight years; possible signs of cancer.
Visit went something like this:
8:50 arrived 8:50;
9:00 First text
walk to X-ray
9:15 second test
walk back to oncology, results back before I get there, waiting for me
9:25 leave hospital with clean bill of health; thanks, all.
Walk out past A&E: absolutely bl**dy rammed, seemed to me to be the usual suspects:
people who can’t be bothered to make a GP appointment;
people who think that A&E is for ingrowing toenails;
miscellaneous drunks;
an astonishingly disproportionate number of ‘minority’faces – disproportionate to the areas population, that is;
wonder how many were ‘just visiting relatives’ in the
countryarea, and know full well that there are no checks on entitlement;retire to pub.
Truth is, A&E departments are overloaded by people who either don’t need to be there, as there is already other provision most of them can use if they can be bothered, or who aren’t supposed to be using the NHS at all.
Expat John,
I concur, having a similar experience only 4 days ago when sent to local hospital’s ACU (Ambulatory Care Unit).
Arrived 10 mins before it officially opened and was seen immediately by Clinical Nurse who took bloods, ecg and all the usual trimmings.(She apologised that it may take ~2hrs to get the particular blood results back)
Examined by doctor 10 mins later who sent me for X-ray.
X-ray carried out immediately.
Back to the ACU to await blood results. There are 25 places in the ACU and only 3 others were used while I waited.
90 mins later given the all clear by the doctor and discharged.
So in little over 2 hours I had used the services of a Clinical Nurse, Doctor, Radiographer? & a Phlebotomist? Maybe not a typical day for them but no crisis here!
On a side issue , a friend is an Ambulance Tech , who spends 50% of his time responding to ’emergencies’ that aren’t or avoidable or more akin to social issues rather than medical.
The BBC is shit. But I`m flicking between Lisa Tarbuck and the mighty Jeff Barker and his rock and roll party on BBC Wiltshire. AND-I will be listening to the brilliant and mad Steve Yabsley on BBC Bristol later on, on iPlayer.
Is there a campaign to target a percentage of the licence fee to DECENT, apolitical local DJ like those I mention. And if not why not? Surely “payment by results” was a Labour construct before Corbyn got involved? And Yabsley at his best gets close to Chris Morris, he`s that good.
Maybe we need a local BBC effort to look after the few like Alex Dyke and Roger day who don`t tow the BBC party line , sense Ken Bruce is one of our own too.
Ana Matronics and Simon Mayo are OK too IMHO.
Isn’t BBC trying to be best friends with the cool guys of Buzzfeed & ViceNews ?
“A New York Times investigation has found 4 settlements involving allegations of sexual harassment or defamation against Vice employees, including its current president”
I suppose Vice are quite ashamed to be associated with the BBC since it’s paedophile /groper-coverup -central.
Oh by accident I found a another one from July I’d never heard of
Quite good trolling of the mad libmob by someone on Guido

Do you ,or anyone else of course , know how many of the ‘let’s take a million migrants ‘ brigade , have actually any migrants living in their houses. Being a generous chap I would count any third worlders living permanently i.e. For more than six months, in either their main home or second home or even third home . The main people that I wish to check on and see whether or not they have delivered on their gushing pledges are:
Lilly Allen
JK Rowling
Mrs Balls
On the BBC News Channel 4.00 p.m. news bulletin they showed Trump’s Tweet scrolling across the screen but only read out the first and third sentences omitting completley the bit about crooked Hillary. Did they think we wouldn’t notice?
Trump hating bbc is openly advertising Fire and Fury book. Disgusting.
Not exactly all over the news
MP’s tweet reads as follows:
“BBC prosecuted entirely the wrong person for TV licensing then failed to turn up on court to defend this.
Now refuse to compensate.
A total and disgraceful scandal.
Which BBC journalist wants to cover the story?”
I hate the left.
And can`t agree with much about John Mann in the bigger scene of things. But re Brexit, Livingston-and now THIS appalling story-I get the idea that we`ve a good guy here.
Not all lefties are always scum. God Bless you John Mann!
Not a BBC story but if true I am sure they will waste no time in publicising it as this could only be good news for those like the BBC who actually hate the British.
I honestly dIdnt know whether to laugh or cry about this. The fact that wee Jimmy Krankies army are even considering this tells us a lot about the SNP mentality. We know they care little about us (except of course when it comes to accepting english money) But if this is true it would appear that they must hate their own people and heritage even more than us, since they are willing to jettison all that they say they hold dear to help cling on to political power.
And of course once it has been made clear that obtaining Scottish citizenship (and all its attendant benefits) is as easy as just “being there” Scotland could well become the new “refugee” destination of choice.
What it also does is illustrate very well where the true loyalties lay with mainstream political parties. All of them – the Tories, Labour, Liberals and now the SNP have shown that their loyalties lay with their parties and keeping power (and indirectly in with the globalist interests) and not the electorate they purport to elect. They are all willing to lie, scheme and manipulate the truth to cling on to power even if it erodes the very roots of democracy.
These people are liars, cheats and charlatans and should be treated as such – and not rewarded which seems to be the case these days.
Will the sheepie ever wake up – I dont know if they actually want to. But the longer this goes on the more likely some sort of civil insurrection will be the result. Democracy a funny thing despite seeing how people are denied it, as a nation we no longer seem to value it anymore and seem quite willing to look the other way as the establishment the media and politicians sell it for twenty pieces of silver.
What strange days we live in.
Great post Oaknash.
Straight from the heart.
Spot on Oak.
There is a growing community of observers who think that the West (generally defined) is heading for a ‘singularity’, rather like the Big Bang, where everything suddenly comes together in a giant explosive confrontation, no holds barred, and a new order emerges from the wreckage.
Certainly, there is increased polarisation in many Western societies. The Left gets ever more absurd with its demands and the Right is getting ever less tolerant of those demands. The time for negotiation has almost slipped by us.
If to suggest that mass Muslim immigration to the UK may be a problem, is to be immediately vilified as a racist and a bigot, what negotiation and debate is possible? Ditto the vote for Brexit and the election as president of Donald Trump. The demonisation and prosecution of Geert Wilders. The threats made by the EU to Poland and Hungary. The appalling treatment of Tommy Robinson. And that’s to not even mention the serial treachery of the BBC.
It seems possible that the Left is actively encouraging such a confrontation now. Certainly, listening to the BBC, one gets the sense that the gloves are off. It’s broadcasting an incessant stream of increasingly crazy propaganda with almost no opposition.
Perhaps they think that having had control of broadcasting and education for the past few decades, they now have the numbers?
On its web site the Beeb has an article on axes and grinding
Gender pay gap: More than 500 firms reveal their figures
Only had a look to see the hys comments, must be very disappointing for the beeb, seems no one is buying
Disappointing? They are getting slaughtered on simple matters of fact.
And they think saturation coverage of a book of claims about another country’s President they are obsessing about is going to offset that?
I do not think so.
Just watch this and better nail your hair on because it’s more of the same of what you know is going on & our government doing nothing about it what so ever, other than supporting it through benefits and asylum:
At time of writing I count 6 plugs for the anti-Trump book on al beeb’s Home page, thinly disguised as ‘articles’ or ‘most watched / most read’.
Additionally the main one has 3 separate links to subsidiary pieces.
Click on the link ‘Trump seen as incapable’ and it’s a solid wall of anti-Trump videos and ‘articles’.
Never mind Trump’s mental health, it’s the bbc’s I’m concerned about; they’re obsessed.
vlad, they are. As a life-long R4 listener, I’ve never known anything like it.
Lucky there is no button of significance at the BBC; they have clearly lost all reason.
“The people that walk around dressed as vaginas are questioning someone else’s mental state.”
Sean Spicer.
Such progress from the progressives …
1963 ….
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
– Martin Luther King’s I have a dream speech August 28 1963
Last week the BBC also revealed it would be removing qualifications from new applicants’ CVs in a bid to increase their social diversity. { 21sep2017}
So here we have it, diversity over ability! Soon all of those economic migrants who said they wanted to be doctors and engineers will have their wish. Anybody want to buy a toaster that doesn’t work,?
They are the ones who look unhinged. Every time they try to attack him, they end up further damaging their own credibility.
Perhaps it’s because they want to bury bad news ????