Midweek Open Thread


Glorious moment this morning on the Today show as the ‘underpaid’ Carrie Gracie enthusiastically cheered as she led a discussion on female scientists and heard that a male scientist in the golden age of male dominance thought that women were just as good and just as intelligent as men….hurrah said Gracie….and then the completely unaware speaker added…‘and cheaper’.…Gracie let out a very sudden, deeply disappointed ‘Oh!!’ and came to a full stop.  Gloriously funny.

Anyway…no shortage of bias judging by a mere 15 minute listening to the Today show this morning….apparently Labour could be in government inside 12 months [top tip from Nick Robinson] and Sadiq Khan’s anti-Brexit ‘project fear’ report was produced by an entirely independent and impartial group. [LOLLOLLOL….both pro-Corbyn and anti-Brexit]].

List the bias here…..

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319 Responses to Midweek Open Thread

  1. The Sage says:

    Looks like I am first for a change.


  2. Fedup2 says:

    In fairness to our Carrie – her interviewing style does involve asking a question and then letting the interviewer speak without too much interruption – which sometimes sounds a bit unsettling because the punter expects to be shut up in a humph , Robinson stylee .

    When the comrades are elected I suppose they and their Toady accolites will spend their time blaming the convervatives for the next 5 years for everything in the previous 5 years.

    The Wimmin thing is tiresome . I’ve know women who have opened their legs for their male boss
    for promotion.

    It’s difficult for men to know where they stand now .
    No wonder stuff like male suicide gets flagged every so often – but not by Wimmins Hour and their sobbing glass ceiling


  3. s.trubble says:

    Caught that duplicitous interview by KHAN(T)
    It sounded as if he was reading script perfect from a bBC autocue
    and once concentrated on listening a flow of anti Brexit blurb flowed like a Jimmy Riddle after 5 pints.

    You nearly choke when recalling that


  4. s.trubble says:

    Caught that duplicitous interview by KHAN(T)
    It sounded as if he was reading script perfect from a bBC autocue
    and once concentrated on listening a flow of anti Brexit blurb flowed like a Jimmy Riddle after 5 pints.

    You nearly choke when recalling that


  5. BRISSLES says:

    Good on yer Sagey !!

    If we are to have vintage drama I do wish the dramatists would get it factually correct. Father Brown (BBC afternoons) is a bit of detective froth, and courtesy of the BBC is set in the 1950’s and is one of the Beebs financially global successes (apparently). This is in spite of an Inspector character who overacts like a panto villain. Today’s episode sees a black American chap romantically involved with a blonde wealthy woman – er, really ? Maybe in this day and age, but this was the 50’s where a black man would cause a stir at a very English golf club, as depicted, let alone be the object of affection by a white woman, without eyebrows being raised, but there wasn’t even a nudge nudge wink wink.

    I haven’t read the stories by G.K Chesterton – b.1874 – d.1936 so he could hardly have known what the 50’s was like, but its hard to believe that black characters would have been central in his plots. I stand to be corrected on those who have read the books.


    • GCooper says:

      BBC historical drama is riddled with anachronisms like this. Most of them stem from the fact that the BBC is run by cultural Marxists who, if they don’t like the way things were, think they have a right to change them in retrospect. Some of it is down to the fact that hardly anyone working on their programmes is over 50.


    • Jeff says:

      This was on while I was at the gym, honing my already magnificent physique (cough!) and I nearly fell off my static bike. I couldn’t hear what was being said but it was clear enough there was an interracial romance with a young black chap and a blonde woman. In the 1950’s, believe me, this would most certainly caused comment. Most of it negative.
      These cosy 1950’s mid afternoon dramas have lovely old cars, nice settings, with the plump old priest wobbling along on his bike, but the opinions and attitudes come straight the Guardian 2018. They’re not real!
      They’ve taken folk from our time and popped them back 60 odd years, complete with all their modern attitudes and angst about race, homosexuality, culture and politics.
      I’m just waiting for the transsexual story line!
      Father Brown is a bit of soft nostalgic comic drama. Unfortunately the Beeb can’t resist shoehorning in a smidgen of cultural enrichment. They’ve done it with Robin Hood, Merlin and even 1066!
      Blimey, Father Brown never stood a chance…


      • Florian says:

        Was not the hero(?) of one-time BBC employee Orwell’s book 1984 charged with re-writing history to suit the wishes of his overlords. Is not our fave broadcaster doing the same. I was around throughout the fifties & the only persons of colour I came across were on the covers of my beloved Blue Note albums.


      • BRISSLES says:

        ……..an interracial romance with a young black chap and a blonde woman. In the 1950’s, believe me, this would most certainly caused comment. Most of it negative……..

        So true Jeffrey Bubbles Gymbunny ! Like me I think you were around during that time, and it has to be said the wardrobe dept at the Beeb have done a magnificent job in recreating that era, but that’s all.


        • GCooper says:

          There was a similar situation over Christmas with The Miniaturist. The costumes, the sets and props were stunningly good (it looked like it had been filmed by Vermeer) but the story was absurd – it ticked almost every SJW box. I wonder if the people who do the design, and who actually have to know something about an era, realise what the writers, who plainly don’t, are doing to history?


      • Scroblene says:

        But ‘Is There Life on Mars’, Jeff…



  6. Up2snuff says:

    Am I correct in thinking that when in-front-of-mic/camera presenters at the BBC resign, they leave immediately, for obvious reasons?

    On Monday, Carrie Gracie resigns from the BBC for reasons of pay inequality. She has turned down a pay rise of £45,000 to remain as China Editor.

    On Thursday, I’m getting the strange feeling that Carrie Gracie has been suddenly re-employed by the BBC as a presenter on the TODAY Programme. She certainly seems well suited. I could see her sneer today when presenting certain items and I was listening on radio. Is she now staying at the BBC? Is she likely to pick up a salary increase much greater than £45,000 as the TODAY presenter salaries are evened upwards, closer to that of John Humphrys’ BBC salary?

    Already, Sarah Sands, Editor in Chief of TODAY, is complaining she doesn’t have the budget she was expecting for news gathering. Incredible!

    Beeboid integrity!

    No integrity even with resignations.


    • Lefty Wright says:

      Surely she meant to say gossip gathering?


      • Up2snuff says:

        Left, yes – and recycling, of course.

        Don’t forget today’s two-day old TODAY item [I did so enjoy typing that! 🙂 ] about the TG model on the cover of Vague magazine this month.


    • Fedup2 says:

      She did Not resign from albeeb . She resigned from her post in China and returned to The ministry of Propaganda .

      On more important matters the Guardian is recording that the EU wants fishing quotas to remain during transition .

      Now we know no politician of any colour gives a fuck about our fishing grounds and will screw uk fish industry without a thought – but if true this demand from the EU might help us to leave without an agreement . For the best


      • Up2snuff says:

        Fed, was that really made clear on Monday? I got the impression she was leaving the BBC. Period.

        Fishing is more important. If Treeza’s going green, she will have to insist on scrapping the CFP because it is environmentally unsound.

        Did you note what Arron Banks has been saying about Brexit? TWatO reckoned Nigel Farage was also in agreement. It’s coming up on PM which has just started on R4.


        • Fedup2 says:

          The Gracie thing was made clear at the outset . She must have got bunged to stay inside albeeb

          I follow Arron bank and agree with a lot of what he says . Sadly I think mr Farage has lost the plot because the remainer turnout for another referendum will be higher than brexiters who will say “ why should I have to do this again ?”


          • Up2snuff says:

            Slapped me wrist for not paying proper attention, Fed. Thanks for the clarification. As for the bung, she turned down £45K to stay in the China job – so she says. Mishal and Sara are both after substantial increases so Carrie will expect to join in if she is going on the TOADY roster.

            Yes, that’s the risk with a re-run of the EU Ref. Then there is the switchers or the confused.

            In reality, I cannot see Parliament reaching agreement on the questions. It would take them a year of arguing, as long as the Article 50 period has to run, to get a decision, then all the other processes & procedures, by which time the whole of the rest of the EU would be hopping up and down on one leg, grimacing, and saying “Hurry up, make your minds up, we wanna go!”


      • honestus says:

        FU2 (sorry),
        I reiterate several earlier posts. We will be leaving without an agreement anyway because it is in the nature of the insignificant numpties known as the council of ministers to punish those who transgress the ways of the EU righteousness. Hence they will embark upon this course even if it causes harm to EU interests because they can’t help themselves and it will be their last opportunity to stiff blighty


        • Up2snuff says:

          dishonestus, are you a Beeboid? [sorry, standing up for myself 😉 ]

          Yes, I think you are right. There’s always a chance of that. Davis & Co only have to drag their feet and it puts the EU under pressure. Brexit without a deal and anything might happen. It may actually all work out OK, especially if politicians keep their noses out. The EU may bumble along OK, the UK likewise. Or one or both may thrive. Or struggle.

          When it comes to the crunch, those providing goods and services – and making money from them – want to go on doing that because that is what they do to put food on the table.

          It will also confuse the Adonises, Blairs, Cleggies & Cables of this world, because they are all hoping for another binary Referendum choice with Remain as one of the two options.

          As I have posted here more than once, it will have to be at least three questions with a first past the post result for the winner. (Imagine the fuss if it is won by only a few votes.) One of the options will be ‘Accept whatever deal is there on the table’. Another will have to be ‘Leave, without a deal.’ You could have another option ‘Seek a better deal’ plus, of course, ‘Remain’.

          Unfortunately, Article 50, on which our Parliament has been ‘sovereign’ to an extent, means that we leave, come what may, at midnight on 29 March 2019.

          I cannot really see the EU wanting to be lax on that but who knows? It might just happen.


          • honestus says:

            apparently Nigel Farage has called for a second referendum ‘to settle things once and for all’.
            He has clearly lost his senses! Blair, Clegg and all the other anti democrats will NEVER accept withdrawing from the globalist, anti democratic EU. We have everything to lose and nothing much to gain from running this enormous risk – and since when has the losing side ever had the opportunity to re-run a vote?


            • NCBBC says:

              And since when has the losing side ever had the opportunity to re-run a vote?

              Its the preferred act when a EU policy has lost a referendum.


              • honestus says:

                you may well be right but we are not of the EU mindset and this anti democratic sleight of hand is not for us and is one of many reasons why we are leaving the institution – the sooner the better.


                • Up2snuff says:

                  Honestus, they did it to Ireland and the Netherlands, IIRC.

                  There’s that little troublesome matter of Article 50 though. The EU likes its rules. Its rules say its not reversible. Its rules say its a two year process. Would we get a Referendum done & dusted before 29 March 2019?

                  No doubt we could do it all in a rush.

                  What about after, if Remain won? Would 27 other States buy into a cancellation of Article 50? All would have to agree. Would Juncker & Barnier agree to a loss of face on their part? Both have been very firm to date: UK is out on 29 March 2019.


            • Dystopian says:

              Laura Kuntsberg practically wetting herself over Nigel Farages “call for a second referendum” over on 5 live now.
              They previously interviewed Daniel Hannis(?), a leave campaigner and the remoaners started texting in their droves whining about the lack of balance!
              The interviews with the public re a second referendum didn’t go too well one bloke staying “we’ve had the referendum how many more do you want!”
              Isn’t it funny how the remoaners want balance apart from when the imbalance is against them.
              Now they’ve wheeled Adonis back on and he reckons Farage is feeling the public mood!

              Is Farage up to something or is he worried about his EU pension.
              All he has done is to highlight the plight of Adonis, Clegg et al.
              He’s playing a dangerous game in my opinion.


              • Up2snuff says:

                Daniel Hannan(?), Dys?


                • Dystopian says:

                  “Daniel Hannan(?), Dys?”

                  Yes that’s it. Apologies.


                  • Up2snuff says:

                    No worries. Hard to catch things on the Beeb these days. Is it just me or is the famed BBC enunciation becoming a thing of the past? Every now and then while listening to R4, with exceptions, I’m doing a Gromit with a paw in one ear or the other checking for a blockage or to work out whether my ears are working and what I’ve just heard means.

                    One of the exceptions is the awful Mardell. He seems to garble all the time these days. Perhaps he’s just in a rush to get the programme done so he can get in a second lunchtime?


            • countryblues says:

              I thought that he actually said “Maybe, just maybe, I am reaching the point of thinking we should have a second referendum etc.”

              I took it to mean he was just thinking aloud but, of course, the media have translated it to “Farage demands second referendum”.



              • Dystopian says:

                I know-lets have a referendum to decide whether or not to have another referendum. Then if the answer is no we could have another referendum to decide if we should hold another referendum about whether or not to have a referendum and so on and so on until the undemocratic remainders get what they want and sell out our country completely!


            • ID says:

              If you listened to Farage on LBC tonight, he certainly did NOT CALl for a second referendum. What he actually said was that leavers should not be lulled into believing a Bexiteers’ Brexit is a “done deal”, and that the leave message should be kept alive in the media should a referendum of somekind be called by the usual suspects. Just seconds after Farage finished an LBC announcer claimed “Farage has called for a 2nd referendum” Utter nonsense.
              The idea that a 2nd referendum of somekind could not happen is simply wishful thinking. The House of Quislings and the House of Zombies have suddenly rediscovered a desire to excercise their sovereignty after handing it over to the EU for the last 40 years without the least concern.


        • Fedup2 says:

          I hope you are right at I do not believe in either giving the EU money taken from us for anything other than legally required . Nor does A50 talk about transition periods . The civil service will drag its feet because it hates change and most: all of them won’t remember a time when Blighty was free .,


  7. fakenewswatcher says:

    Watch Germany tonight: the great master of black magic, Mrs Merkel, and Mr Europe (Schulz) will tell us whether they are going in to a ‘Grand’ coalition yet again. If they decide not to, the socialist President, recently placed there by them, will decide. But one has a strange feeling they will ‘suddenly’ agree. Masters of deception, and lovers of power, they shouldn’t find that difficult.
    Either way, it’s going to be bad news. I’m no fan of May, but when I think of Merkel my heart is positively aglow with affection for Treezer.


  8. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Am I misunderstanding Nigel’s second referendum?

    Surely (don’t call me) he was just trying to make the point that leave would get a far larger majority now, hoping to shut the remoaners up from their constant whingeing.

    I think we all agree leave would greatly increase their majority (although I wouldn’t want another referendum because I 100% believe the result would be fiddled, I don’t trust our government)

    At no time did I get the impression that Nigel was calling for a second referendum.

    Also, Bill Cash was a bit too laid back on a one to one (sky news) where he let the labour bloke (geraint jones?) repeat that the nhs is not getting the money (350) promised.
    He should at least have said we haven’t left yet.
    How can these remoaners keep saying this, they must know we are still paying in to the eu. Are they really so thick?


    • honestus says:

      Em, even if he was joking and to my ears he most certainly was not, this will encourage more noise and distraction from the loony tunes anti democrats. Like it or not, our Nige’s comments still carry considerable weight and he should take this into consideration when making even off the cuff statements.


      • Al Shubtill says:

        Who in possession of real power, do Farage’s comments carry “considerable weight” with?

        I think he was possibly indulging in some trolling, a la his pal Trump.

        There’s not going to be another referendum, if there were hypothetically, it could be a very risky business.
        They didn’t rig the last one because Remain were expected to easily win: they know different now.


    • StewGreen says:

      Farage is giving his opinion on his LBC show NOW
      .. “I am not campaigning referendum
      ..but I am preparing for it to happen ..I don’t trust them”

      “..we’d be sending X, Clegg and Blair into outer space”


    • Chalkywhite says:

      Yes they are, or selectively deaf!


      • Al Shubtill says:

        Farage for Telegraph:
        “To be clear, I do not want a second referendum, but I fear one may be forced upon the country by Parliament. That is how deep my distrust is for career politicians.”


  9. NCBBC says:

    I wonder if there will come a day when women and ethnic minorities have to be fairly represented in Nobel prizes for Physics.


    • countryblues says:

      I foresee a Nobel Prize for Gender Fluids 😉


    • gb123 says:

      My fear is if they decide airline pilots will no longer need to pass anything about flying a plane or navigating. Tick all the right sjw boxes and you’re in. Skills to fly a plane? Not so much.


    • Chalkywhite says:

      Diversity over ability……Is there a Nobel prize for Transport (eg Sneaking into a lorry at Calais) yet? Just look at South Africa and the rest of that continent, although there it’s corruption and murder over ability!


      • Chalkywhite says:

        Until recently you never heard of acid attacks, FGM, killing people with vehicles, sex gangs, honour killings, arranged marriages….What’s next….Kidnapping for money and stoning gay/transgender people to death or throwing them off buildings in Amersham? All the BBC seems to be interested in is people being offended by, well, nothing much to be honest (HATE CRIME, HATE CRIME). It’s all our fault, they say (The BBC), as we are all vile xenophobes and imperialists. We may have had an Empire once, but we gave them independence. They discover that they can’t rule themselves, so what do they want to do? Move over here. Enough said.


  10. Peter Grimes says:

    18.40 on al Beeb news and our Riz is pumping a report by London Economics ( who they) suggesting every international student generates economic value of £100k pa. They choose the University of East London to interview the (mostly) multiculti students. UEL was banned from taking foreign students for a while as most didn’t attend. It is, just coincidentally, the worst Yooni in the U.K. by most rankings.

    I often think that if this money turns over so often and generates GDP, why doesn’t the Government justpay us all £100k and we will all be millionaires in no time!


  11. StewGreen says:

    6pm News – Shoved plastic bag alarmism down my throat
    18:47pm BBC Look North – Shoved electric car promotion down my throat
    7pm One Show – straight into asking top scientist Gordon Ramsay about plastic bags


    • StewGreen says:

      18:47pm BBC Look North just went in a long item promoting electric cars
      ..wonder if it’s the same in other regions

      Intro then Katie Austin
      “Vicki uses her electric car to do the school run and getting to work”
      ..”I really do love it….”
      “but this model only goes 80 miles on one charge”

      “cars like this are becoming but more common but slowly”
      … In this area for new cars only 1% one of the lowest in the country (‘please buy one’ face)


      • StewGreen says:

        Check out @BBCLookNorth tonight at 6:30pm to see one of our EV experts in action ?#evcharging #electricvehicles #greenmotoring #BBC //


      • StewGreen says:

        Another prog plugging Electric vehicle ..on Sunday

        Anyone drive an electric car in Cumbria?
        ow do you find getting around and finding charging points?
        Doing a piece on this next week for Sunday Politics.
        Feel free to get in touch bob.cooper@bbc.co.uk


    • GCooper says:

      Green politics. It’s what the BBC does in place of religion.


      • taffman says:

        Great Britain ‘the cradle of democracy’.
        A second referendum?
        Is this government causing the death of democracy in Great Britain?
        Its a disgrace to all that gave their lives for it in two World Wars


        • Dystopian says:

          I honestly think things will get a lot worse before they get better.
          As if it isn’t bad enough already, imagine if we had a second referendum and remain won. If they aren’t already obnoxious and sneering enough. There’d be a civil war.


  12. Fedup2 says:

    Do you ever notice that al Beeb never criticises the blessed NHS – oh yes – the regular fuckups and killing the old on the Liverpool pathway – but general criticism like now.

    Trusts claim they have got resource problems – Beds in corridors , not enough this , or that , but not enough cash to deal with Flu or increased numbers of punters.

    Yet trusts have highly paid managers whose job it is to make things work .but they fail. They come up against it and blame the government avoiding blame themselves – with the support of al Beeb.

    Personally I have little time for the NHS as I have said here before. It does not control costs or fraud, treats every bugger including undeserving foreigners and will never have enough cash. It’s got a lot in common with al Beeb


  13. taffman says:

    “Nigel Farage warming to second EU referendum”

    Farage suddenly gets coverage on the BBC after some absence?
    Another referendum? will it be ‘the best of three’. More and more uncertainty for our businesses and economy just as we were gearing to to get out. Its time that we got shot of our ‘plastic’ Prime Minister’ and her ‘plastic’ Tories with their ‘plastic’ Brexit.
    There is a HYS running . Do your best !


    • honestus says:

      Taff, thanks for posting the segment. I think it is clear that Nigel has given a positive position on the possibility of a second referendum as I originally commented earlier on the thread. I don’t believe there will be one for a number of reasons not least A50 is now running and I think May wants to see the process through.
      I do believe Nigel, who has risen from recent silent obscurity to being paraded and quoted throughout the hallowed BBC halls, has f****d up. The clatter and whingeing and bellicosity are already intense and we do not need the distraction and we do not need to work to the anti democrats agenda in this way.
      Nigel Farage is deserving of a knighthood for his immense contribution to the cause of freedom from the EU – no question – however he should know that the baying mob needs no encouragement, especially from himself.


  14. Soapbox says:

    I posted this on the old thread and I was last on that thread.
    Do I get points for being last???

    Anyway, not seen anyone write about this so thought it ought to go up. I think’s it’s dreadful! Well worth reading.


    THIS never hit the bbbc…I wonder why!


    • taffman says:

      “Patients are dying in hospital corridors as safety is compromised by “intolerable” conditions, doctors say.”
      What doctors ? Where are they all ?


      • GCooper says:

        Giving endless interviews to fellow Labour supporters at the BBC. What do you expect them to be doing – treating patients?


        • Synchronised says:

          I found myself shouting at the Radio last evening GC when another NHS worker was mouthing off. Even made my partially deaf Jack Russell jump, “why don’t you just get on with your f%$*”g job”.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Strongest Soapbox in the country! Can take the weight of everyone on the Thread.


      • Lefty Wright says:

        That sure is some soapbox.


        • Up2snuff says:

          Lefty, everyone seems to be on the level here and rock solid on Brexit. I guess Soapbox has good foundations to go on ….


          I’ll get me coat – nighty night, all.


  15. StewGreen says:

    ITV 9pm Transformation Street part 1 of 3
    “following people born into the wrong body through the highs and lows of life-changing gender reassignment surgery.
    Filmed over 12 months, the first film introduces Lucas as he begins the transition from female to male and undergoes surgery to have his breasts removed,
    and Wendy, a railway worker counting down the days until her surgery. “.


    • Chalkywhite says:

      What happened to a cold shower and two paracetamols?


    • vlad says:

      I knew an elderly man whose adult son John was having surgery to become a she. Meanwhile John’s female partner was having an op the other way. Dad was a stout fellow of the old school, and thought the whole thing was ludicrous, as they’d be back to square one, continue shagging each other, only the positions would be a bit different. What particularly irked him was that the NHS were paying for all the malarkey.


      • Lefty Wright says:

        And we are to believe that patients are dying through lack of NHS funding. Priorities anyone?


        • honestus says:

          and therein lies the rub. I don’t personally care if anyone wants a smaller snozzle or a bigger knob or wants to look like a cat (there is such a creature), so long as my bloody taxes don’t go toward funding it. These are mainly lifestyle choices dressed up as a treatable (on the NHS) neurosis.
          Want a new nose – pay for it. Want gender re-assignment – pay for it.


    • ID says:


      “born into the wrong body” What a ridiculous phrase.
      What is it precisely that is born into the wrong body?
      “x is born into the wrong body”
      Maybe the wrong x has been born into the right body.
      Sounds like some weird form of reincarnationism or transmigration of souls or you are born with some sort of a priori knowledge of what your gender/sex might be.
      Simply pandering to the clinically deluded.


  16. StewGreen says:

    News : on Monkey Sweatshirt boy
    “Get over it says mother”
    ..Then she is hounded by anti-racists
    ..so deletes post and lies low


    • Lefty Wright says:

      If this report is true I can only admire the lady for having the ability to think outside the box and the courage to voice her thoughts. What’s wrong with a little banter between us? With enough people like her race relations can only improve. On second thoughts Antifa wouldn’t allow that because bang would go their excuse to exist.


  17. BRISSLES says:

    It never ceases to amaze me at the outcry on Twatter when something is said that offends some bugger. Half the twatters should spend an afternoon in a mental unit where severely dementing patients are resident, and hear the stuff that comes out of their mouths. They’d soon have something to moan about, or not.


    • Number 7 says:

      What’s Twitter (Twatter) – the one of the few things that CamOron got right.

      The lefties and severely dementing patients think it is wonderful. You might call it ‘Care in the Community’.



    • Terminal Moraine says:

      Yup. And it never ceases to amaze me at the outcry on the BBC and the Guardian ‘when something is said on Twatter that offends some bugger’.

      Set up a nominal charge (say 5p) every time a ‘news’ story simply rehashes an outrage-tweet… see how long it takes before their coffers run dry.

      The Guardian wouldn’t make it to the weekend


    • Doublethinker says:

      Honestly Brissels that is what the tablet came up with when I typed in your name. You must surely be offended and therefore sue the supplier and maker of my tablet. And while you are at it accuse them of Hate Speech.
      Seriously , once being offended was taken as part of life. Remember how the BBC used to mock Mary Whitehouse. Unless what offended you broke the law you just had to ignore it , keep calm and carry on. Then the twitterati started to use social media to hunt down whatever they disagreed with . Eventually the stupid Tories came up with a law , Hate Speech, which meant anyone could break the law unwittingly by saying or doing something which offended someone else. In essence anything can be claimed to be Hate Speech. What a sorry state we are in when a few hundred thousand SJW take to twitter , now with the law on their side, and terrorise everyone else into silence.


      • BRISSLES says:

        DT. I like sprouts.

        Yes, pre-twatter it was cases of slander that we read about or reported on the tv, but now our country is being governed by twatter, and new rules are being adhered to, and made up in our schools/universities/workplaces at the behest of anonymous groups twiddling their thumbs on their Smarphones. Its becoming a frightening place to live now.


  18. StewGreen says:

    “Just left the recording of the News Quiz, omg.
    The political editor of the Daily Mail was on it.
    What an obnoxious twat.”
    “The first time I have witnessed a panel member being booked and told to shut up by the audience.”
    I’m quoting from the Radio4-NJFMA Facebook page
    FFS It’s incredible the wall of hate they spray out whilst the express dislike for Toby Young & Mail etc . for being “spreaders of hate”


    • Doublethinker says:

      The BBC gets worse and worse. It is now totally out of control and believes it’s self to be beyond any requirement for fairness or impartiality.


  19. Chalkywhite says:

    According to the BBC: ‘Nigel Farage ‘warming’ to second EU referendum’. TOTALLY taken out of context. What he actually said is that he is so sick of the whinging bremainers that he is close to thinking that a second referendum would stop them moaning. Not ‘warming’ to the idea at all. Typical BBC, twisting facts to suit themselves and their biased political agenda.


    • Number 7 says:

      Bring it on. Or do the remoaners want to try for ‘best out of five’?


    • honestus says:

      Taffy has kindly posted a link of the actual conversation above. He does not say the word ‘warming’ but says that he thinks we ‘should have a second referendum’ if only to shut the Blairs etc up.

      be careful for what you wish. The Remoaners were cocksure of themselves before and didn’t deploy their dirty tricks dept to full effect. That will not happen a second time and the BBBC are now outed as the pressure group that they have been for some time for all things left, all things globalist and all things EU. The vote will not be fair or just but the left are not interested in these outmoded concepts. They will mean to win by ANY means, which is why we must abide by the original vote as this could represent Democracy’s last stand in the UK.


  20. StewGreen says:

    Quote \\This evening, on ‘Look East’,
    we hear that staff at Peckover school in Wisbech are teaching children,
    whose first language is Lithuanian, in TWO languages – Lithuanian and English
    Why? Surely the only language in which children here should be taught,
    save as a recognised ‘other language’ class, is OUR language,
    These children have been brought here to live and presumably create a life here. ….//
    Richard Spendlove Mbe on his FB page
    He’s the presenter removed from BBC Cambridge for not conforming to PC lines.


  21. StewGreen says:

    BBC where we treat everyone with equality
    except if you are from a Special Victims Group
    ..then you are #MoreThanEqual


    • BRISSLES says:

      Expert in what ?? if one word is the only reason you can get on the tele, then no wonder most of the ‘expert’ wimmin look and sound about 16 years old. Yasmin Alibaba Brown excepted. In which case I ought to offer my ‘expert’ services. I can rabbit on about estate agency, importing of toys from China, the inside dirt on the NHS, amateur dramatics, how to make a proper Yorkshire pudding, and how to outwit a Border Terrier !!


  22. Sluff says:

    Its top rated biased shite on QT tonight.
    Question 1 from a Brexiteer gets a lukewarm round of applause. Gina Miller, one of three non-whites on the panel, and possibly one of four Remoaners (I couldn’t stand it long enough to check) gets huge applause for her smarmy and undemocratic comments.
    Could we do better over on Newshite?
    Of course not. Our Emily is twiddling her pen with a panel of 3 to debate Europe. I missed the first contributor but the next was a Remoaner and the last was an EU apparatchik.

    It really is so bad, so deliberate, one wonders where to turn. Total shit.


    • Number 7 says:

      Try Sky.
      Urr – maybe not.


    • Al Shubtill says:

      I usually have no time for Piers Morgan, but I thought he was very good on QT.

      He wound Dimblebore up a treat, saying the show might be his one day and made that Labour woman-of-colour MP out to look completely foolish regarding her party’s policy on Brexit; took Gina Miller to task for all her bulls**t and exposed the hypocrisy of the Left, by comparing Toby Young’s hounding from his role with the omertà encompassing Jared O’Mara’s and John McDonnell’s charming tweets and jokes.

      Who was the male vibrant addition? Dimbs introduced him as a “comedian” – just dreadful, about as funny as stillborn twins.


      • Sluff says:

        Al, you have a better stomach than me. I just couldn’t face it. I like Piers Morgan’s style and willingness to call a spade a spade but it tells you a lot about the level of BBC bias when you have to have an ex Daily Mirror editor and known ‘moderate Labour’ supporter to provide ‘centre-right’ balance.


  23. Guest Who says:



  24. Terminal Moraine says:

    Hey sports fans! Good news for the gay community and late developers as US ice skater Adam Rippon becomes the first openly gay athlete to compete in the winter Olympics. Press reaction?

    • The Washington Post leads with ‘Adam Rippon becomes oldest U.S. figure-skating Olympic rookie since 1936’.
    • NBC says: ‘Openly gay figure skater makes U.S. Olympic team and history’.
    • HuffPost goes with: ‘Adam Rippon Will Be First Openly Gay U.S. Man To Compete In The Winter Olympics’.
    • The LA Times digs a little deeper: ‘Adam Rippon, openly gay, overcomes bullying and self-doubt to earn a spot on the U.S men’s Olympic skating team.’

    How does our *trusted and impartial* BBC report this? ‘Adam Rippon: Gay US skater says he would not feel welcome at White House’; complete with short video. The Trump bashing begins nine seconds in. And there’s literally no time for anything about ice skating, personal challenges, the Olympics or even gay men in sports.

    Oh, BBC. What has become of you?



    • Demon says:

      He may be the first openly gay yank to take part in the winter olympics but we were years ahead with our very own John Curry. And also Robin Cousins.


  25. Guest Who says:

    Meanwhile, the older rats in the sack continue as before…


  26. Number 7 says:

    Change the EU flag to the bbc logo.


  27. Dover Sentry says:

    Good News:

    Trump in power and doing his job.

    Farage continues to runs rings around the media.

    Brexit still happening.

    BBC viewing continues to fall.

    Blair hated more than ever.

    UK Economy booming.


  28. Dave S says:

    Last three nights on BBC4 a show about Lady Jane Grey. Interesting in it’s way until the last when they could not resist a feminist take on the matter.
    No mention of how the Catholic Church was ,after the Council of Trent ,really going on the offensive and that the whole matter was about religion .
    The background to it all was just ignored and it became a contest between two women. Superficial show and sadly typical.


    • taffman says:

      Import a 3rd world people and you get 3rd world culture. The benefits of ‘multiculti’ ideals.
      Thanks to our ‘plastic’ Tory government.
      The politicians are not listening to the people.


  29. Dover Sentry says:

    Also, Emily Pankhurst of wimmins lib fame, was not in favour of votes for all wimmin. She only wanted votes for wimmin who’s husbands were land owners.

    Shall I contact the BBC?


  30. taffman says:

    Just have a look at the ‘Trumpophobia’ frenzy. Its fast becoming a joke, its infantile……………………………….
    \\”Trump ‘in Oval Office foul-mouthed outburst about migrants’//
    Evidently, Al Beeb love Trump.



  31. Dover Sentry says:

    It gets better. The BBC/Left will hate this:

    “”Donald Trump denounces immigration from ‘s***hole countries'””



    • Dave S says:

      Oh dear this will really upset the progressives. Not the good old boys in Texas though


      • Al Shubtill says:

        “Okay, yes — Trump shouldn’t call them ‘shithole countries.’ A little respect is in order. They are shithole nations.”
        Ann Coulter


        • StewGreen says:

          I see there are no official quotes or tape , so accounts differ

          Democratic Senator Richard Durbin had told Mr Trump that under the proposal, a lottery for visas would be ended but that people from African countries that have benefited from that lottery would be given other access to visas.
          Mr Trump queried why the US would want “all these people from s***hole countries,”
          Told that Haitians would also benefit, Mr Trump asked: “Why do we want people from Haiti here?” Instead, he said, the US should allow more immigrants from places like Norway.

          I don’t see how that is specifically calling Haiti a s***hole country.
          I don’t see how that is specifically calling all African countries s***hole counties.
          .. Although I can see people would want to spin it that way.

          Is it wrong to raise that matter
          that society get changed if ppeople come from basket case countires and not from more educated ones


          • StewGreen says:

            Radio 4 news, just used the s***hole word shortly after opening the item .*
            They went on play a tape of a UN guy saying the use is “racist”
            … Which as I said seems to be a spin on what Trump said
            .. Cos you can have basket case or s***hole countries who’s population is white/brown or whatever

            * That’s the first time I’m heard that strong language straight in the news at anytime never mind lunchtime.
            LIke in Blair’s office him and Campbell used the F-word all the time, but that was never repeated on the news


          • StewGreen says:

            Trump : “The language used by me at the DACA meeting was tough, but this was not the language used.”
            That’s from his series of 4 tweets

            – The so-called bipartisan DACA deal presented yesterday to myself and a group of Republican Senators and Congressmen was a big step backwards.
            – Wall was not properly funded, Chain & Lottery were made worse
            – and USA would be forced to take large numbers of people from high crime…..
            ….countries which are doing badly.
            – I want a merit based system of immigration and people who will help take our country to the next level.
            – I want safety and security for our people.
            – I want to stop the massive inflow of drugs.
            – I want to fund our military, not do a Dem defund….
            ….Because of the Democrats not being interested in life and safety, DACA has now taken a big step backwards.
            – The Dems will threaten “shutdown,” but what they are really doing is shutting down our military, at a time we need it most.
            – Get smart, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

            – “The language used by me at the DACA meeting was tough, but this was not the language used.
            – What was really tough was the outlandish proposal made – a big setback for DACA!


            • StewGreen says:

              He added

              Never said anything derogatory about Haitians other than Haiti is, obviously, a very poor and troubled country.
              – Never said “take them out.”
              – Made up by Dems.
              – I have a wonderful relationship with Haitians.
              – Probably should record future meetings – unfortunately, no trust!”


    • Loobyloo says:

      Pathetic journalism from the bBBC, just another excuse to stick the boot in Trump as he made a technical slip during a speech – I’m sure, they are linking it to Call of Duty with the aim of making him seem like a ‘gamer’.
      Should be ashamed of themselves.


      • StewGreen says:

        So Trump said F-52 after being given a script that
        mentioned 52 “F-fighter and F-35 fighter jets”
        F-fighter , would make your brain pause and think it can’t mean F**k-fighter

        Mr Trump said at Wednesday’s press conference: “In November we started delivering the first F-52 and F-35 fighter jets.

        “We have a total of 52 and they’ve delivered a number of them already a little ahead of schedule.”


        • RJ says:

          The BBC buried the story when Obama said that he’d been to 57 US states, with only Alaska left unvisited. Perhaps they expect President Trump to be more accurate with numbers because he’s white.


  32. Dover Sentry says:

    Hey Taff. Great minds think alike.


  33. Dave S says:

    It looks as if the President is not coming here . This is great news as it should bring into focus just how appalling our media and our political class has been in vilifying the President of the USA.
    I hope very much that he goes public with his reasons and lets the good people of flyover USA know just what idiots we are here.
    That the BBC bears much of the blame is clear.
    Once again he is streets ahead of our plodders. WE are about to learn a harsh lesson. Do not piss off the USA.


    • MartinW says:

      Yes, the BBC does bear much of the blame, by whipping up an anti-Trump hysteria which has infected media and the unthinking public. But Mrs May has also behaved stupidly, both in her remarks and her actions about American policy and Trump himself, when silence or abstention would have been the prime ministerial thing to do, and what would have been best for Britain. As it is, they have damaged the relationship between our countries, and made friendly trade relations much less likely. It’s just sickening stupidity.


      • RJ says:

        “made friendly trade relations much less likely. It’s just sickening stupidity.”

        It’s not stupid if they want to sabotage Brexit. If they alienate everyone who wants to be friends with us they’ll have a better case to keep a tight hold of Nanny Merkel’s hand.


        • MartinW says:

          Well, yes, quite. That’s also been in my mind, but I try not too be too cynical. After all, as one who voted in 1975 not to remain in the EEC, I must retain my hope that I shall live to see Britain free of its disastrous political entanglement with Brussels. Losing hope would be just too depressing!


  34. vlad says:

    Grauniad: “Donald Trump visit to London called off amid fears of mass protests”
    So now it’s official: the mob rules, and dictates policy.
    And the UK loses out on trade deals, defence and other agreements with the world’s most important nation and one-time ally.
    Well done Lefties. Well done al beeb. Well done Burk-o.
    F**k you all. I’m moving to Poland.


    • honestus says:

      Vlad, clearly this is causing you sleeping issues (@2.49am)?
      Seriously, the upshot of this decision by the POTUS (which has the potential for great harm to our joint relations) is that the illiberal shouters and twatterers have been seen to win again. Their approach, successful against Toby Young recently and now with the much more important victim, Trump, will only embolden them and confirms that they have the strategy right. Future targets (Tories, Brexiteers, Middle England) may need to invest in some serious noise cancelling hearphones going forward!


  35. Fedup2 says:

    Toady watch

    It’s early but there is still enough material to evidence the left bias of al Beeb . First – any easy one – Humph is presenting and strangely no mention of the reports on the front pages of national newspapers of his ‘banter conversation ‘ between himself (£650k and Sopel £250K) about pay for their female colleagues ‘ wage increase.

    However there was glee that President Trump is not to visit Blighty to open their new embassy . I doubt if he will bother coming here at all. I really hope he gets another term and still doesn’t come – even on a state visit – the way he is treated by al Beeb and others – Blighty does deserve a visit from the American President .

    Humph is holding his fire on Mr Farage who is appearing at 0810 to use weazel words to get out of his call for a second referendum – stupid to even open the box on that subject because it gives remainers hope. No doubt they’ll be sitting in their multicultural bunkers trying to work out how many brexiters the coming flu epidemic will kill off.

    On the upside the krauts haven’t form a government yet- be so nice to see merkel doing the tear ful goodbye .


    • ID says:

      Yes, the BBC’s flagship fakenews orifice did seem to be exultant at Trump’s decision. No one asked why the US embassy had to be moved and turned into a fortress in the middle of London.
      Could it be the 20,000 strong contingent of Caliph Khan’s coreligionists who are actively plotting terrorist atrocities there?
      If the security measures for a US embassy in London are on par with those in Islamabad (shouldn’t that be Islamagood?), it says a lot about the transformation of London into Londonistan.


  36. Beeb Brother says:

    They are finger wagging about Trump asking why we have to have so many immigrants from sh*thole countries.

    Why do we? You know gangs of Norwegians would not gang rape children. This poor Indian shopkeeper murdered over Rizla would never have been attacked thus by two Thai boys. Why is telling the truth thought crime? It is the MSM who is insane for welcoming all these trouble makers with open arms, and it is the poor and vulnerable – many of them from minorities – who bear the brunt of their pathological virtuosity, as they have to live amongst them.

    This is why the media’s coverage of Trump is so unhinged. Their house of cards only stays up if everyone in charge lies as one. Obviously a system based on the weakest and least successful groups being put on a pedestal and most successful being condemned could only stand through a spectacular level of deception. Time and time again Trump exposes their deceit and how they hate it.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      If they’re not sh#thole countries then why would people need to seek refuge from them in the USA (or here, for that matter)?


    • ID says:

      Beeb Brother
      Yes you are absolutely right. The elites can only cope with reality by deploying a large number of euphemisms. “third world”, “developing countries”, “economic basket case”, “the religion of peace”. Shithole describes precisely the conditions in these countries.
      The media has spouted the completely false description of Islam as the “religion of peace” so often that no one can now use it except in an ironic sense. In fact, a German Green MP Renate Künast has called for people using the phrase ironically on social media to be charged with incitement to hatred.
      Iain Stale on LBC is puzzled why Trump would rather have immigrants fron Norway rather than Afghanistan. Stale thinks that people from that shithole would work harder than people from Norway because they want to be sucessful. He obviously wears rose-tinted glasses and protective blinkers when he minces around the enriched areas of Londonistan.
      The BBC has started channelling Mary Whitehouse after pilloring her for years for complaining about foul language on the BBC. Apparently, we would all swoon like maiden aunts at Trump’s use of “shithole” and must be protected from harm by various “expletive deleted”s. Quite ridiculous when you consider Kenneth Tynan’s first use of “fuck” on the BBC (1960?) was hailed as a milestone in freedom of expression. Jesus wept. The irony of it all.


  37. gb123 says:

    Some advice from Oddball to the BBC, Treezer, the “moaning “Minnies” that negativity has consequences. I seldom watch the BBC anymore as the negative waves are driving me mad.


  38. Beeb Brother says:

    BBC Sport: Gay ice skater says he would not feel welcome at the White House because he is gay!

    They really are pathetic and desperate. Since when does Trump have an issue with gay people? An extremely gay person helped get him elected.

    I don’t care about his sexuality – this skater is clearly an idiot. If the President invites you to the White House you go.

    “Oh no I could not possibly take that once in a lifetime opportunity as I might feel uncomfortable!”


    He says if he spoke to his mum the way Trump talks to people she would kick his ass! Well – he is the most powerful man in the world and you are an ice skater. It is a slightly different skill set you moron. If you don’t talk tough as the President other leaders will walk all over you and your people will suffer.


    • JamesArthur says:

      Thought the same thing Beeb.. it shows how much prejudice (although I think slightly dumb and easily led is a better description) the skater has.
      Trump has never, to my knowledge, and if there was the BBBc would surely have run with it by now – said anything derogatory against gay people..


      • Lobster says:

        Regulars on here will know that I am gay, and I happen to think that President Trump is like a breath of fresh air. I have never felt insulted or threatened by him in the slightest – he’s never suggested that I should be beheaded or thrown off a ten storey building, unlike the “peaceful ones”, of course.
        I wonder if the BBC will report that?


  39. Fedup2 says:

    Toady 2

    Robinson interviews one Jessica Tibor QC. He mentions that she and another 49 barristers have written to the PM saying she can withdraw A50 without reference to any body ( in law ). A remainer wet dream .

    There were two problems with this interview and evidence of bias –

    1 there was no one to give a contrary legal view ( there will always be one )

    2 there was no declaration that she represented the partner plaintiff of one Gina Miller – the privately funded challenge to the government about the power to exercise a50.

    This all sounds a bit dry but the remainers in al Beeb continue to chip way.

    My view is this – if the remainers think Brexit will be such a disaster – despite the democratic choice of the electorate – and a50 has Beeb launched – Why not let it go forward , let the economy fail as a result – and then use public opinion to vote to rejoin the EU so that they can finally embrase the federal system, the euro and the authority of the Reich .

    I think it’s because Brexit will be a success , we ll control our borders and hopefully encourage foreigners to not settle in Blighty and those here – perhaps to go home.


    • Beeb Brother says:

      They talk about Brexit being a disaster, but open borders has already been a disaster for so many forgotten men and women.


    • Fedup2 says:


      Al Beeb bought Farage to 0752 giving 5 minutes to him and chuka to talk about a50, a referendum and whether the American President should come to Blighty .

      Typical al Beeb repression of discussion . Disgraceful if you listen to it.


      • honestus says:

        Fedup (is there a Fedup1 – just asking)
        the socialists (which many of them are) will continue to agitate and push the envelope. They are not interested in a democratic vote they believe we were not entitled to and were not intelligent enough to understand. They are interested only in their own agenda and the masterplan toward full globalised open borders being realised.
        The economic argument is and has always been a red herring. Any short term turbulence will eventually even off as we buy masses of their produced goods – and the arrangement was always about the market – right?
        The political alignment is what is now coming undone and this they cannot allow to happen – hence the BBBC now showing its true colours (bias) in ways unthinkable even in recent times. It is clear things will become more shrill and disruptive as we edge closer to the large wonderful door marked exit EU.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Honestus 1
          Declaration. – I was that fedup 1 – but I had the op and became 2 ( mitosis ?)

          Any way – during the brexit campaign mr Farage and others said that there might be a short term hit on the Blighty economy and that freedom might be worth a bit of GDP growth .

          I suppose every one will be affected one way or another . I’m glad the days are ticking down – a year and a month to the official taking down that damn flag .

          Then the car registration plate war will begin- flag or no flag ?


          • honestus says:

            Fedup, I am sure, even though the inhabitants of this great country have changed somewhat, that the spirit that carried us through the massive tribulations of two world wars will prevail and ensure that the market corrections that occur upon leaving are dealt with in a single stride.


  40. Dystopian says:

    Over on 5 live
    Trump cancels visit.
    Massive fire at Nottingham train station. Smoke reported coming from toilets initially.
    However much bigger news about a butcher who was saved by a black pudding.
    Are they still “allowed” to call them black puddings? Isn’t that waycist?


  41. Dystopian says:

    Surprise surprise they have brought an anti Trump labour mp on for a bit of Trump bashing over on 5 live.


    • JamesArthur says:

      Chuka Umunna..(Trump) “runs counter to British values” So Chukka decides what our values are. Not in my name !
      (Trump) “hates everything that my community stands for”…His community…who are they exactly?

      The Labour government’s allowed State visits for : Mobutu Sese Seko and Putin.. we have also had Mugabe..

      I am still looking for a campaign to get Trump’s State visit actioned!


  42. Dystopian says:

    So the liebour mp who is slagging off Trump for allegedly “supporting far right extremist organisations that seek to sow violence and discord in the UK”
    I guess it’s ok for Corbyn to support the IRA who actually carried out violence and murder?

    The hypocrisy is astounding.


    • GCooper says:

      And every it as astounding is the BBC’s refusal to keep reminding hypocritical Labourites of their leaders’ support for terrorist organisations. It’s no accident.


      • Dystopian says:

        To be fair to Nicky Campbell he did ask the labour mp (sorry can’t remember his name but he was introduced as a Trump critic!) whether he would “shake hands with Hezbollah.” So the implication was there but not particularly highlighted very well.


      • Beeb Brother says:

        Why not discuss policies to help those they serve rather than this infantile name calling? We all have skeletons in our closet. Who has not said or done something at some point which might have upset someone? It is insane – soon we will have nobody left to govern us.


    • Dystopian says:

      “Sow violence and discord” sounds more like Antifa to me actually.


  43. Peter Grimes says:

    Toady programme at 8.35 and Toenails interviewing a senior German politician about Merkel’s coalition problems. Inter alia he states that his party wants as hard as Brexit as possible to deter others.

    Should be compulsory listening for Remoaners and encourage Brexiteers to go for the so-called ‘hard Brexit’ to stick one on the Krauts and Froggies again!


    • GCooper says:

      No one would suffer more from a hard Brexit than Germany… so I’d say fine, let’s have at it.


  44. Dystopian says:

    bBBC 5 live asking for phone calls/texts re Trumps cancelled visit “what does it say about Britain?”
    Call: 0500 909 693 SMS/MMS: 85058 Email: 5live@bbc.co.uk Twitter: @bbc5live.
    Cost information. Calling 0500 909 693 is free from most landlines but some networks and mobile operators will charge you. If you’re texting us on 85058, you will be charged at your standard message rate for each message.“

    Please fill your boots!


  45. Guest Who says:

    Trouble in Paradise?


  46. vesnadog says:

    Slightly off topic I know, but this news will prick the ears of every BBC employee who comes from australia and will most likely be infesting UK society in the not too distant future:

    “Get a load of this:

    Transport bureaucrats have scrapped gender on all Queensland licences after complaints from the LGBTI community, in a politically correct overhaul of the licensing scheme. A requirement for Queenslanders to detail their height has also been removed, after concerns that the collection of personal information by transport authorities was potentially discriminatory.

    The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) last night confirmed the move but blamed the changes on a need to make driver’s and marine licences compliant with new anti-discrimination laws. However, an internal document obtained by The Courier-Mail states that gender and height are being removed because of complaints that collecting the information may be viewed as discriminatory.

    Further personal information including eye and hair colour is also being scrubbed from records attached to licences because it may be “perceived as discriminatory”, the document reveals. The State Government last night confirmed there had been a handful of complaints about drivers’ gender being included on licences.

    But a spokesman for Roads Minister Mark Bailey said the main reason for the change was federal anti-discrimination laws and improvements in technology that meant the data was not needed to identify someone.

    The Transport and Main Roads department quietly stopped recording people’s gender and height for all new and renewed licences in October 2016. People who have a current licence but do not want it to show their gender or height are able to apply for replacement card without this information.”


    Thats Transport for Australia taken care of.

    Next, Transport for the City of London.

    Don’t it make you go – Good grief!


    • Fedup2 says:

      Ves – why Queensland ? Exclusionary of kings and other orders of royalty . Shurely needs changing ( this is meant to be slightly amusing before some literalist takes me to task – as if I’d give af;;k


      • Roland Deschain says:

        It’s rather disappointing that the Australians seem to be buying into this kind of thing so much. I’d have expected them to be at the forefront of telling the authorities to XXXX off.


        • vesnadog says:

          “It’s rather disappointing that the Australians seem to be buying into this kind of thing so much”

          Are you kidding? Aussie is near as bad as the UK.

          After all, Australia is the source for “Safe Schools” which is destroying the AUS education: system!


          • vesnadog says:


            Notice the front line of teachers! How young they are! Teachers of 6-11 year olds!

            You would not believe the quality of sex education these young teachers are demanding to show their pupils. sex DVDs How to put a Condom on a penis (remember we are talking about 6-11 old girls being instructed how to slip a condom one an erect penis)

            The Parents? They are never informed by the school. Until it was past this bill was discussed in the utmost secrecy. I suppose that’s why the teachers have such big smiles.


      • vesnadog says:

        “Ves – why Queensland ?”

        I suppose this is just the beginning. Like any bad disease it spreads to other parts of the body.



  47. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Radio Newcastle currently having a phone in about what people think of Donald Trump.
    We have had two very long calls from people who hate him, one saying her and her circle of friends expect him to be assassinated.
    We have had one text read out, a one liner saying the sender supported him.
    Now another text hating him has just been read out.

    Even before the phone in started the presenter was asking for people to phone in by saying he actually knows some people who think Trump is a breath of fresh air, said in an incredulous way as if it was so unbelievable.

    Our media have certainly made a complete mess of our relationship with the USA.
    We started off first visitors to the White House and front of the queue for trade and, because of the hate from our media, he doesn’t want to come here now.

    Our media are calling half the population of the USA racist bigots and far worse.

    They wonder why he tweets.
    It’s so that his messages are not contaminated by our far left bbc and other media’s changing, manipulating or omitting what he says.

    We really need a Trump here to clear our swamp of far left media.


  48. Alex says:

    Sorry as no doubt this has been covered above. No wonder this little gem was buried way down the bbc’s ‘news’ site. ?



    • Fedup2 says:

      Being a chap who has never understood Wimmin – and not of the treat them mean keep them keen doctrine – I’m trying to work out why these famous and rich ladies get all dressed up and stand in front of photographers posing for them . But then don’t want to be subject of attention from chaps and suck up those who can give them a film contract .

      I think it will put Wimmins issues back rather than advance them once the bandwagon stops rolling alone .

      Perhaps is as simple as that human condition of the best of both worlds or having a cake and eating it …


      • StewGreen says:

        Yes @Fedup2
        “Have your tits out, and have no one comment about them”

        ..would be the modern expression


    • StewGreen says:

      On the web the story is not so buried away
      It’s at the bottom or far right
      ..but I’ve not heard it on air