Millions of cheap labourers imported and the BBC wonders about the ‘productivity puzzle’ and why the NHS is ‘in crisis’ as patient use explodes. Still, it doesn’t pay to look too hard, they might find something they don’t like.
List the bias here……
Millions of cheap labourers imported and the BBC wonders about the ‘productivity puzzle’ and why the NHS is ‘in crisis’ as patient use explodes. Still, it doesn’t pay to look too hard, they might find something they don’t like.
List the bias here……
So whilst the bBC has been banging on about how bad President Trump is and why (with their socialist mates) he shouldn’t be allowed to visit. Here is a story from this week about how an Iranian with over 2000 certified deaths on his hands was allowed to visit a German hospital for treatment.
Germany: Questions asked why Iranian Mullah with the blood of thousands on his hands,was treated for Brain Tumour
Anybody see any of the faux outraged wankers bitching about Trump have anything to say about this murdering piece of shite getting treated in Germany on the bBC, the same bBC which hasn’t spent half the time on Iran arresting and killing its own these past couple of weeks than it has with the POTUS
The problem with their faux outrage is that lefties are just as guilty as anyone else of being ‘offensive.’ Do not throw stones from glass houses.
Why all the fuss about President Trump visiting the UK?
I don’t recall there being such hysteria when the monstrous Romanian dictator Ceausescu, stayed in Buckingham Palace.
Don’t think we had Twatter then Al, and all the journos back at the time of his visit were more professional and measured in their reporting, not like this generation of idiots who rely on social media, which is fast becoming the ruination of governing.
There are no enemies on the left. The BBC might have thought Ceaucescu was a bit extreme, but he was a socialist, so basically he was OK. Trump, on the other hand, is from the right, and American to boot. He is clearly the scum of the earth to the BBC hive mind.
Of course Ceacescu can stay, while Trump cannot.
Don’t forget, the Left always rigidly upholds its double standards.
Lefties are guilty of mass murder so great that they make Nazis look decent people.
And the Nazis were lefties as well, so that makes the case even more overwhelming.
Competing lefties. Stalin , Hitler, Mao – they hated each other. And ditto the rest of mass murdering lefties that followed – Ho Ch Minh, Pol Pot, Mengistu, Castro,Shining Path leader.
Beeb Bro
To offend a left winger all you need to do is disagree with him/her/it.
To offend a right winger you must kick him in the goolies.
I’m yet to see the BBC publish poll results of whether the public (in Britain, the US or any European country) agree with the President’s view on immigration or not. I can genuinely imagine the Radio 4 news team sat round a table saying “No, the polling data must still be mis-sampled, go and have a 4th try at it and see if it’s correct this time”
Cartoon + Roundup
On LBC yesterday during Ian’s dale show, he really went out of his way to attack president Trump as a racist, problem was the vast number of callers who admitted to coming from the countries in question backed the sithole statement. That didn’t go down well with ID
The VS brigade are on shakier ground with this one than they realised as they jerked their knees.
Too many people have experience to know when something is accurate and deserves to be described accurately.
Iain Stale simply ending up confusing himself during his usual release of flatus.
According to Stale people in these countries have had “negative experiences” that induce them to leave and come to the USA or the UK with a burning desire to succeed in their new abode.
One Haitian who rang in described the Tonton Macoute coming to behead his grandfather. Stale may want to sanitise the situation through all kinds of euphemistic circumlocations and evasions but what the Haitian was describing was living in an anus mundi in anybody’s language.
In any case, how were Trump’s remarks “racist”. Even if the countries referred to have black populations (and I don’t think all of them have) it is not the racial composition that he was talking about. Was it?
Here is the youtube video of the entire meeting of President Trump with Bipartisan Members of the Senate on Immigration
One thing that struck me is the relaxed way that Pres Trump chaired the meeting of some of the best and highly experienced political minds in America. This was not a meeting of innocent and uninformed group of people.
I expected he would be overawed, and at sea, if Wolff is to be believed. Far from it. He dominated the meeting with grace and humour, and these highly experienced senators showed their appreciation.
I couldnt see myself, president or not, chair such a high profile meeting, with my presence, strength of mind, and knowledge of various interlocking issues. Specially so as I would be a virtual amateur on these issues compared to the professional politicians in the room.
PS: I believe that the Democrats had no intention of coming to an agreement. They want all illegals to be granted amnesty, including Dreamers and DACA, so they can gerrymander their way to dominating America for ever. This is the same tactic that was implemented by Blair, flooding the country with Muslims.
Meanwhile Raheem Khan dubs Khan’s London as …
Raheem Kassam Blasts Sky News, Sadiq Khan Over ‘Shithole London’
Wake up all ye people of colour you are being used, like pawns on a chess board.
“London is turning into a shithole under Sadiq Khan”
Well said that man. The truth hurts. But it is still the truth.
Yes, I watched much of it yesterday, and what came across was a president in charge of his brief and well-informed, and one who clearly knows how to chair a meeting. It puts a lie to everything the BBC would have us believe. Yes, he has downsides (what president doesn’t?), but his vision remains, I hope, what it was. btw. how amusing was his little aside that he didn’t really like some people who were round the table! What UK politician would have the self-assurance to say a thing like that?
“Millions of cheap labourers imported and the BBC wonders about the ‘productivity puzzle’ and why the NHS is ‘in crisis’ as patient use explodes.”
Patient use hasn’t “exploded”.
The NHS is is in crisis because it’s been underfunded for the past seven years whilst social care budgets have been cut in real terms by 8%.
Those cuts aren’t caused by immigration (tax revenues have been steadily rising); they are the result of deliberate Government policy.
But never mind, don’t let the facts get in the way of your ignorance.
So the size and the resources needed by the NHS is independent of the size of the population it serves. How magical and mysterious.
Haven’t seen Maxie for a few nights. Business must have been good for her.
Yes, over the last hundred years, immigrants to the UK and their descents have discovered the secret of eternal youth and even though many are now over 65, they are not to be found amongst the stale and pale aging section of the population who have multiple morbidities and are kept alive by the NHS well beyond their best by date, Even more good news is that 1 in 4 births in Britain are to women who were born outside the UK. If their children also inherit the secret of eternal youth, the future burden on the NHS will be reduced even more. Why don’t we eliminate the indigenous population entirely and save the NHS even more billions?
Immigration produces an immediate increase in population. Births create a gradual increase that can be planned for and allow increase NHS and other infrastructure on a viable time scale. It takes time to build hospitals, schools etc and train qualified staff. This is not an argument against all immigration, but against large-scale immigration over a short time-scale
M/cony …………. The NHS is is in crisis because it’s been underfunded for the past seven years whilst social care budgets have been cut in real terms by 8%….
If you had worked in the NHS you’d realise how stupid this comment was ! speak to any nurse / medic / admin worker and they’ll tell you its not the amount of money lacking, its the way its being spent, by too many Managers who are underqualified in business management. So do your homework before firing off generalisations.
Maxi – happy New Year and welcome back – an 0426 post . Respect. Any way thanks you for the post. It’s the first opinion I think I’ve seen from you. Would you agree that an extra 500000 people a year is bound to increase the workload of the international health service – or does this have no effect. …
I’m guessing you ll be asleep as I write this so look forward to your view.
Well, in bed anyway.
She doesn’t do debate, she runs away at the slightest challenge to her fantasy world!
maxi “The NHS is is in crisis because it’s been underfunded”
Had you been listening to the BBC yesterday (TWatO, IIRC) you will have heard that the NHS has been funded on average at an increase of 4% pa since its inception. Again IIRC, that figure appears correct to my recollection.
The current administration and the previous two administrations (back to 2010) have – according to the BBC – increased funding at the rate of 1% above inflation. Exceptional extra payments, I assume, not included in that.
My question to you is: what is the current rate of inflation? What is the total when 1% is added to it? What was the average, per annum non-compounded rate of inflation for, say, the period 1997-2010? What is the total if you add 1% to that? If you guess 4%, you would be correct.
So by historical standards the NHS is not underfunded. You are wrong. Will you admit it?
If increasing amounts of money are given to the NHS every year, and fraud and misfeasance and waste do not increase, the amount of demand – which is said to be causing the crisis – must have increased greater than the funding.
The same amount of people requiring more services from the NHS must mean they are getting sicker. But, we are told, more and more people are living into their 80s. Which must mean they are getting healthier, not sicker.
So if the same amount of people, healthier than ever before, are living longer, and the NHS is getting ever increasing amounts of money for the same number of people, why is the NHS in crisis, maxi?
Do get back to us with your answer.
What was that in your last line? “But never mind, don’t let the facts get in the way of your ignorance.”
When – or if – you ever come back with your answers to my questions, you may wish to retract that and apologise to everyone on here. Especially to Alan. I seem to recall you owe him several apologies.
“But never mind, don’t let the facts get in the way of your ignorance.”
Momentum’s selection weekend finally destroys the real Labour Party! Yippee!
A and E usage is up by 350,000 on the same time last year…. that is ‘explosive’ which FYO is a judge mental that Alan is entitled to use.
BTW are you going to withdraw your proven false quoting as you have been asked to many times?
We have an increase of some 350000 in population each year due to immigration , are you trying to kid us that none of these get ill ?
Dream on child.
“Those cuts aren’t caused by immigration (tax revenues have been steadily rising); they are the result of deliberate Government policy.”
Oh dear, Maxinehunnycunny. You are quite happy to infer that tax revenues are up because of immigration but, like your Al Beeb paymasters, are never going to accept that this places greater demand on the INHS.
The influx in the lat 3 years or so has been in minimum wage workers from Romania/Bulgaria. Just look it up – in 2017/8 a 35 hour week at £8.50 per hour generates £2024 in employee PAYE/NI contributions and £1161 in employer contributions IF the immigrant worker is legally employed and registered. If he works cash-in-hand in a carwash he probably ‘contributes’ nothing. The cost per capita of the NHS alone was £2069 in 2014/5.
I hope, perhaps forlornly, that even you are not stupid enough to suggest that these EE immigrants never use the NHS.
“…don’t let the facts get in the way of your ignorance.”
Classic third-hand repartee.
‘International condemnation has greeted…’ were the opening words of this morning’s radio news, so I guessed the almost daily Trump-bashing ritual was on the way. Yes! The star item was the president’s alleged use of the term ‘shitholes’ to describe countries that were – well – shitholes. This, by the way, was the BBC’s Aussie clone, the ABC.
The commercial channels here are now almost equally biased and multiculturalist. They’ve been reporting what they coyly refer to as ‘youth gang violence’ in Melbourne (though the pictures can’t entirely conceal the fact that the gangs seem not so much ‘West Side Story’ as South Sudan).
I just thought I’d warn you that it’s no use emigrating to Australia to escape the UK’s problems. Still, at least it’s sunny!
G’da Helena,
Your post reminds me of what a Scottish trawlerman said about Scotland leaving the UK if the vote went that way in the 2014 Indy-Referendum. “We’ll be just like Greece – without the sunshine!”
I thought it was Cuba, or perhaps that applied to England.
You are right about a “Trump bashing ritual”. There is something obsessive and irrational about the British media’s fixation on Trump. The intense and continual hatred reminds me of the excommunication curses of the catholic church in the dark ages
The first part of the curse calls on God, Christ and the Holy Ghost to revile the miscreant, Nowadays the gods and saints of the progressive left platy this role Then the anathema
“May he be cursed in the crown of his head, may he be cursed in his hair, may he be cursed in his brain, may he be cursed in his eyebrows,….., may he be cursed in his heart, may he be cursed in his lungs, may he be cursed in his liver,….. on and on and on through every part of the body until… may he be cursed in his toes” Slight overkill by anyone’s standsrds.
Only heretics receive this kind of unrelenting hatred. The media want to banish Trump to the outer darkness because their facile orthodoxy is challenged.
I had to turn the radio off last night it was annoying me so much.
First Radio 5 at 12.30am some activist banging on about the ‘wage gap’. No fun or humour; just whinging and demanding Humphreys be punished for hurting her feelings. I wish these activists could just get a job: pick up some litter, read to school children or drive a bus. They clearly have nothing to do so they overreact to minor things to justify their positions. How much public money is spent on such people who are basically professional sh*t stirrers? Life is offensive – get over it and do something useful.
Then Radio 4 at 1am and it is total overkill on the Trump story: an African leader mentions slavery; someone brings up Charlottesville; some tool laughably says he is so offended that someone used the vulgar term ‘sh*thole’ in the White House. Yeah – I bet nothing untoward has ever happened in that building. All finger-wagging, totally one-sided and just so, so boring – we have heard these attacks countless times. Water is wet; footballs are round; Trump is offensive. So what? If he gets black people jobs and keeps them safe then who cares about his hurtful words?
“I can provide for my family and nobody is trying to blow me up, but he called somewhere a sh*thole!”
They try to bring race into it, though of course he never said that. Once again knaves twisting his words to make a trap for fools. The same old snide, confected attacks.
And of course what he said was as true as 2 plus 2 equals four. There are sh*tholes everywhere. And for all his vulgarity he speaks the truth, and truth is beauty and beauty truth. Whilst the media with all their airs and graces are compulsive liars, and we are taught from a young age not to be dishonest. Time and time again he exposes their pathological mendaciousness.
Another round for Trump.
Just switched on Radio 4 and more ‘outrage’ over Trump. Just lining up people who support their view. So many must think him a hero for saying it as it is but of course we will never hear anything from them on the impartial BBC.
Just trawl Twitter for comments from prominent people who support your position then read them out: world-class journalism.
Agreed BB.
Frank speaking is why the left hate him so much. He refuses to walk down the lefty garden path planted with falsehoods, semantics and bullshit and “hurt feelings” and instead he says what he sees. Sometimes he may be wrong but on the whole he identifies what the problem is and tries to do something about it.
The more they hate him the more normal working people love him.
Unfortunately in the UK the lefty bollocks has spread through the garden much deeper like Japanese Knotweed. So we have an NHS in “crisis” , a housing shortage and an increase in certain sexually motivated crimes yet no mainstream politician seems to be able to identify that immigration has been a major factor in all of these. I dont have degree in maths and I can see it – so why cant they.
Yes we certainly need a Donald of our own. And when do we know when we have one – When the BBC and MSM start to do “hit pieces”, when the establishment likes of Bliar, Lilly Allen, Branson, yasmin alibhai brown, Fatbot and the London Emir all start throwing their toys out the pram, and when of course the UN starts to make major criticisms of Government policy
Whether the establishment will actually let that plain speaking person ever get off the ground – I dont know. They made a mistake once in allowing a democratic vote on brexit and lost. But I suspect if they interfere too obviously they really will be starting a fire they will be unable to put out.
Lets hope so.
They are already interfering too obviously.
What they still do not get is that he wants them to overreact like they do. He gets free media coverage for his position on immigration which is the most important thing for the majority of people.
They fall into the trap over and over again. They think they are attacking him but in doing so expose how dishonest they are and thus damage their credibility even further. That CNN woman refusing to say if she would rather live in Norway or Haiti – such a disgusting fraud.
You cannot solve a problem unless you identify it, just as you cannot liberate a country if you cannot find it on a map.
How can problems be solved if there is ‘outrage’ when someone speaks the truth? It means we just carry on forever groping in the dark, and it is the poor and vulnerable above all who will suffer from the dishonesty – not the smug liberals in big houses pretending to be offended on their behalf.
Humphrys, Beeb Bro, not Humphreys.
You cannot be too correct. Maxincony is watching!
After the Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964, it was reported that Lyndon Johnson said “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” But that remark did not come out until 1995. There was a time when the President of the United States could have a private conversation, but that has surely passed.
Any weapon will be used to attack Donald Trump, and yet the press wonder why he despises them.
The cynicism and insincerity implicit in that remark should tell “those niggers” all they need to know about left wing politicians. The Liberal left will use anything and anybody to achieve their aims and that is why I lost faith.
I wonder if the BBC will broadcast this video of some doctors, engineers and architects from Africa integrating peacefully in Cork…
Another case of ‘refugees’ escaping the poverty and violence from the countries they come from and recreating them here.
All well dressed and funded it seems. The Irish are still very wedded to the EU. I wonder when they will realise their mistake? The freebies are now cut-off and going to Eastern Europe. The EU doesn’t give Ireland much opportunity to strut its stuff unless it’s in attacking Britain in Brexit negotiations. Irish corporate tax policy will be changed by the EU. And now the cultural enrichers are coming in. I hope they’re not en route to Britain over that soft border .
“All well dressed”
All prepared and shaved for their Army Recruitment interview with the Army Office just out of picture on the other side!
When the Irish wake up, those doctors and engineers will be over here pronto. So keep sleeping, our friends over the water.
Nobody has ever explained to me how these people “enrich” me or asked whether or not I would like to be “enriched.” All very democratic-not.
I’m guessing they are on some state paid art course….
Some work indoors too. Apparently.
Damage for the sake of damage?
Yep, that’s what shitholers love to do.
P.s. Thank you Donald for giving us a brand new word.
Damage for the sake of damage. We are doing this to ourselves. I believe the posh word for that is masochism. The last word in self abuse.
Self abuse? Anyone in favour of mass third world immigration is a wanker, I’d agree with you on that.
Would you like to take a bet? If all the folks who post on this site were to walk down a street in Tooting with placards bearing your last statement. Would we be greeted with cheers or jeers? Certainly not beers. Perhaps knives or guns? Or acid? Anyway, Deal or No Deal?
This is a direct result of the recent BBC hate campaign against H&M, which was headlined on their homepage and news homepage.
H&M produced in their catalogue under children’s wear a hooded top with the wording “coolest monkey in the jungle” and making sure they were meeting all the diversity protocols paid a black child model to wear it as well as other stuff. This took the notice of a few social justice warriors who got the social justice media including the BBC to widely broadcast their hate campaign against H&M which was labelled racist:
BBC Headline: H&M apologises over ‘racist’ image of black boy in hoodie
BBC Headline: The Weeknd won’t work with H&M after ‘racist’ advert
BBC Headline: Rapper G-Eazy ends H&M partnership over ‘racist’ advert
Phrases such as “you cheeky monkey” is now deemed off-limits to white folk.
This is what can happen if you take the tyre swing away.
I wish those drivers would just slam right into them.
I used to live in S London and they were always crossing roads provocatively, forcing cars to brake.
Bless you Vlad. You are so kind.
Many years ago some Irish acquaintances were forever moralising us Brits for our alleged racism and islamophobia, from the safety of their mono-cultural island. As cultural enrichment begins to bite, I wonder if they’d be so smug today.
Coincidentally I had the same experience with Swedish acquaintances. It’s easy to point the finger until it’s in your backyard.
Note to Merkel: Ireland is a relatively large island with a tiny population, why not send a few million of your doctors, engineers, rapists and terrorists there?
Do you happen to know if it’s still OK to refer to the Irish as Paddys/Paddies? I have worked alongside Irishmen years ago and always found them friendly and ready to take the piss out of themselves,much like the Brits (used to)
Doubts are creeping in though. They do seem a mite shaky on Brexit, but then they are not all Brits are they?
It’s always been derogatory, I don’t think it was ever ok. To the Irish. Tolerated maybe, grudgingly accepted by people seeking a better life, trying to earn decent money with better housing, education and benefit prospects and rewards for their family and , most importantly, willing to integrate in to a society culturally, socially and religiously similar to their own. I suppose that’s why so many go to Australia instead of England now.
Although if you look at the number of second generation Irish, or ‘plastic paddys’ as you might call them, who are involved in far left politics, militant trade unionism, socialist journalism, and other such shite, along with many of their Jock cousins, often also ‘plastic paddys’, this is probably not such a bad thing as both their gratitude to and their willingness to better British society is debatable.
But calling someone Paddy. No, a bit condescending and quite insulting. Especially to someone like myself who is one of the British ones.
Now, if you want some really insulting terms and names that’ll really offend the sanctimonious feckers this jaffa b%#@&#d knows loads of them. And agrees with most of them.
Lefty Wright
The Irish ?
‘The first referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon held on 12 June 2008 was rejected by the Irish electorate, by a margin of 53.4% to 46.6%, with a turnout of 53%.’
They may not be part of the UK but they are part of the British Isles. When we get out they will get out.
Taffy, Paddy , Jock, Janner, Mackem, Geordy etc etc all taken as terms of endearment except by ‘Snowflakes’
Rich, live with it Snowflake.
Snowflake? I hope you’re joking.
I just think there’s no excuse for not calling someone by their name if you know it although I’m sure that Geordie, Mackem, Tyke, Scouser, Skate, are all fine if the people being called that are happy with it. Just like Taffy I suppose.
Paddy however, in my experience, has often got ‘thick’ in front of it and like fat and bald is usually followed by ‘bastard’. I’ve been called Paddy many times in England; at work, in pubs, playing football. Usually only once. I don’t like it.
It associates me with a nation that, as a Northern Irish Protestant, despises me and my culture, has driven many like me from within it’s borders and aided the attempted ethnic cleansing of the areas outside close to them. A nation that conspires against us through collusion with terrorists, offers murderers sanctuary and succour, and meddles in our domestic politics. Labelling me with that term belittles the service my family gave to Britain as British subjects in India, North Africa, Italy, South East Asia and Aden. It links me to a nation that socially, culturally and economically through their government, attack and undermine Northern Ireland, and also Britain, at every opportunity. It suggests that I am part of a duplicitous and untrustworthy parochial state who have tried to and will continue to try to shaft us, as they did their own people, through every stage of Brexit, a Brexit that my area of Northern Ireland voted for. Hail fellow well met applies to many of the Irish, and whilst charming company over a pint, I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could throw them.
So Taff, I am certainly no Paddy myself, or indeed a snowflake, and will most certainly not defend them, I just think the term is clumsy and lazy and is, much like your nemesis Maxi, on the whole offensive. In fact I offered to give Lefty advice on how to offend them much more effectively if that’s the aim. I live next door to millions of the feckers ( their word, not mine) after all.
You can however see, I hope, why those who are actually Brits as Lefty suggested, like me, might be offended if called Paddy. It’s much as an Indian would be offended if called Paki.
I was also trying to point out to Lefty that, in my opinion, the Irish put up with it because it benefitted them but at home many were fireside fusiliers instilling in their children a strong dislike of the British that can now be seen amongst our chattering classes. It’s really surprising how many on the left have Irish Catholic heritage, a heritage full of romantic rebels and daring acts of bravery and valour against the British oppressor. Who insist on calling you Paddy.
The other point is, just because you can take the piss out of yourself, as Lefty says, it doesn’t mean you enjoy other people doing it.
Hi Rich, excellent comment. On a more general note when an individual demonstrates ignorance one can ask “how do individuals know what they know” – which makes you consider more structural issues such as what is being taught at schools, what is being absorbed through a lifetime of exposure to media, within popular films etc – the zeitgeist of their environment. A lack of knowledge of relevant history, an inability to discern, and a lack of awareness of what is important to different groups of people all contribute.
I read Robin Aitkens 2008 book Can We Trust the BBC? and was taken aback at the revelations of the extent of the BBC bias and mainstream media bias in general against British northern Irish protestants.
I won’t call you Paddy again.
Maxi + namesis , me?
No problem Taff, more offended by the snowflake one, but I’m sure I’ll get over it.
Ieychd da, mate.
These people know they can do what they want to do without redress. “we don’t follow your laws” sharia claptrap. This is what this racism/hate crime political correctness crap is doing to our society. It is destroying us and our values! When will we see somebody who will stand up to these a r s e holes !!!
If these countries aren’t shit-holes, why are millions and millions trying to leave them?
Will the BBC ask this?
To those who are having a touch of the vapours at the use of shit-hole in describing a place, I would ask if they have never used a derogatory term when incensed with something or someone. (even vicars have days-off). Hands up those who have been cut up on the road by someone other than a white person, and you’re first thought was “you f…….g b….. b…….d “, and not the pc version of “oh dear, I must have got in the way of that coloured chappy”.
You incorrigible racist! You!
Will you never learn that the correct term is “chappy of colour”
Right on Dover!
Dover sentry
The BBC never ceases to inform us that Britain is overflowing with white supremacists, neonazis, islamophobes, racists overt, covert and institutional, as well as 17.4 million xenophobes, chauvinists, Little Englanders and isolationists, I can’t understand why any nonnative would want to subject themselves to such hostility and dangers in the UK. Other than that they were fleeing real shitholes, of course.
The BBC to me is irrelevant. (as is virtually all mainstream TV) I use it only to occasionally view Ceefax to get an idea of their latest hate campaign. Once I get their gist I usually jump in the opposite direction to which they invite me to jump. Unfortunately, the one drawback to this is that I can only respond to what you good people on this site post regarding their output and that is why I have no constructive comments to make, so you could say that I’m a fucking pimp. Sorry.XX
Lefty wright
Belching cows provide more information content than the BBC. Is there any programme that does not have some progressive axe to grind? To regard piffle as irrelevant is an excellent strategy.
Almost none. Drama has been turned into a platform for Leftist morality plays designed to teach us how to think, historical programmes routinely lie about the past, nature and science are under the control eco-zealots, light entertainment and comedy are there to encourage the joys of miscegenation and the hatred of traditional culture, food programmes ditto… Antiques shows seem to be all that’s left. For now…
You have a problem with food programmes? Blimey, you really are using your wildest imagination to find a conspiracy to whine about! Come on, do tell, what’s your gripe with food programmes?
We’ve had this debate, years ago. R4’s The Food Progamme has been the chosen vessel of eco-loon propaganda and multi-culti love-ins for decades. It carries more soft-Marxism in one episode than even The Listening Project.
Have you ever listened to it? Or do you find radio hard?
Au contraire, mon petit chou. Radio 4 is the standard background to my day. I have heard The Food Programme many times, although I miss the dulcet tones of Derek Cooper. Sometimes it’s up its own arse and sometimes it’s really interesting but I’m struggling to see how it’s ever encouraged the joys of miscegenation (how quaint! Unlike the United States, Britain has never had a problem with inter-racial sex since long before the Romans came (and the Romans certainly didn’t, since Romans came in all shapes, sizes and colours), except in those communities where everybody knows your private business before you know it yourself, through the curtain-twitching network, and there are dark mutterings of ‘no better that she ought to be’. Hatred of traditional culture? Well, it does tend to celebrate what you might call ‘messed-about foreign muck’ but it also sometimes has a good line on traditional domestic beer, pies, cheese and so on, which is hardly hating traditional culture.
How quaint. I seem to recall the shade of Derek Cooper being evoked the last time some BBC type decided to pretend the Food Programme was anything other than a flagship for cultural Marxism. He seemed to believe the old boy was still alive. Would that he were and waffling about whisky, instead of Ms Dillon doing her missionary work among the savages.
In either case, as you are obviously satisfied having your brain pickled by TFP and having R4 as your ‘standard background’ why bother to come here?
You’ll be telling us there was no political motive behind ‘Nadia’ winning that silly cake show, next.
There is no reason to suspect a political motive behind Nadiya (no quotes, and that’s how she spells her name) winning the Great British Bake-Off. Why would there be? Have you any evidence beyond your own knee-jerk prejudice?
As for why I come here, I’m sure you appreciate a little variety in the responses. 🙂
You seem to have obtained your ideas about Romans bringing an ethnically diverse society to Britain from a BBC cartoon for children which depicted a “typical family” in Roman Britain as consisting of one white woman one man of colour and four children of varying hue (as far as I can remember). That was of course absurd. Septimus Severus is also supposed to be the first the first black emperor. Looking at his staute, I defy anyone to see anything “black” in the modern sense.about him. It is also hard to see what “race” in the modern sense might mean to a Roman. It is not as if Romans were free of racial stereotypes and were intent on making Rome a multicultural society. Cicero considered Britons only fit for physical work and Martial stated his preference for Ethiopian boys because they were so horny.I don’t think this means that Romans were liberals with a progressive attitude to gay rights. The BBC loves anachronism in an attempt to create a new national foundation myth.
Lefty #MeToo. Uless of course I am feeling particularly strong stomached when I sometime listen to Toady.
Because they ARE well—–shitholes I suppose.
Well, we’ll leave that one with the powers that be
That was the ever glib Samira Ahmed who presents Newswatch a show designed to air BBC viewers’ concerns about news programmes but which can be summed up in the familiar phrase ‘we think we got it about right’.
I have theory – based on experience – that whenever on those very rare occasions the BBC (or NHS or Social Services or Police) puts its hands up to any mistake the resolution for the future will always be to be more PC.
And so it seems with the Carrie Gracie affair. Our Samira airs one Licence Payer comment saying BBC presenters in general are over paid and two rather passionate sounding individuals backing the wonderful brave Gracie.
Can you already guess where this saga will end?
In which the BBC tweets with irritation about stuff about them in other media, ironically
But still feels the need to tweet about it.
Seems Don is not the only one to out troll the trolls.
What makes these BBC nonentities think they are so important that anyone cares what they think or feel? Reading from an auto cue is a low level job.
It’s on a par with stacking shelves at Lidl (although probably a bit easier), and should be paid as such. Does anyone really think John Humphrys is worth £7.50 an hour?
8.45 Corbyn hagiography on Today under the guise of his minor reshuffle. Polly Toynbee in full flow and some trendy young female ‘ Corbyn activist’ too. Brexit bashing Tory bashing Corbyn is god apparently. BBC impartial?
Given she is under pressure from the actual editorial of integrity corner of the media for BBC levels of inaccuracy in claims, it is no real surprise the BBC rewards her with more pulpit time.
How often do they get that infuriating woman on? And the child ‘ activist’ – but more annoying is that they were given a free ride. Despite the supposed conversation about JC not really living up to his rhetoric it was a whitewash with no real criticism…a waste of a conversation and a promotion of Labour..
And the bit about the Guardian changing its size….an advert for the paper and its outstanding journalism (sic)
Good job I am going out
They just read out the guardians statement that the size change would allow it to fund world class journalism . BBC bias at its best.
Maybe they will be able to afford to have correspondents in Haiti and El Salvador to tell us what really great places they are.
BBC pretty sh*t itself on facts too, sources close to them have learned. Apparently.
Guest, in the interests of accuracy [maxi is about 😉 ] I would point out 1. it doesn’t state the year there, 2. total payments for ‘a given year’ are not actually known until about three years later, and, 3. the Commission have the power to then call for later, additional increments to be paid.
On the 2014 estimated figure, which was used for the notorious bus display, the BBC were almost certainly very accurate in their calculation, which came out at £361m per week. They used ONS figures which have since been confirmed and I think, finalised. The Beeb got something right! My calculations at the time of the EU-Ref, on the basis of proposed budgets not the ONS figures, were approx. £375-£390m per week. BBC wins there!
U2S. I stand corrected. Tx… dodged a bu..(or whatever Maxi flings through his bars) there.
Facts are hate speech.
Tough! Get over it.
Comments going well.
Looks like they needed to increase attendances somehow.
If there’s a handball during the football match, does the person have his hand cut off?
Disgusting – that tart is showing the soles of her shoes. Stone her.
Is that the ‘minder’ sat in the back row?
Given the exclusion zone around them, probably.
Don’t believe that’s a photograph of Saudi where women still have to wear the full Niqab (veil) and have to be accompanied by a male chaperone.
The scarves around their necks don’t look like the Saudi flag either as it is all green save some Arabic writing in white.
I’m calling this as a fake photo, if not fake news as Saudi has allowed women to attend football matches.
Don’t believe that’s a photograph of Saudi where women still have to wear the full Niqab (veil) and have to be accompanied by a male chaperone.
The scarves around their necks don’t look like the Saudi flag either as it is all green save some Arabic writing in white.
I’m calling this as a fake photo, if not fake news as Saudi has allowed women to attend football matches.
It is interesting reading the comments under BBC news posts on Facebook. People really are fed up with their nonsense.
Some girl in Canada apparently had her hijab cut off. Probably a faked event and even if not how pathetic that one tiny incident like this should be international news – it shows how little ‘hate crime’ there really is, in spite of such relentless provocation. Do they really expect us to swallow that Islam is some noble religion of peace which deserves our eternal sympathy, although it brings such misery wherever it goes?
BB – It is the religion of Infinite Grievance
There appear to be increasing signs that BBC News & Current Affairs is in trouble. It is obviously no longer getting enough of a share of a guaranteed annual £3.8bn BBC budget for it to find major worldwide news stories.
It tells me today that comedy actress Bella Emberg has died aged 80.
Who, I hear you say?
Yes, not a front rank, incredibly well-known comedic actress. And not news. She was 80. Old. Old is when people tend to die. Especially in winter. Roger Harrabin, please take note, both when you next and into the future speak about Global Warming & Climate Change.
It is not news to me. Why?
She died yesterday. How do I know? The BBC told me. The BBC N&CA team, with its share of a £3.8bn income, repeats yesterday’s news today, about a not particularly well-known actress, to tell me she has died in old age.
My condolences to her family and friends and former colleagues, by the way. Among them I am sure she will be hugely missed. And with the help of a photo and a brief CV I remember her and agree she had a special talent.
Something is very seriously wrong, however, with BBC News & Current Affairs if it has to spend (part of) a massive fortune to bring me 24hour old news as part of its news coverage about someone who was not in the front rank of their profession and who was old has died.
‘At the drop of a hat’ these days, a BBC presenter or journalist, will tell me that we are living in tumultuous times. “The days a turbulent.” they say. “The threats on the world stage are increasing.” “The future looks increasingly troubled and worrying.”
Oh, no it is not! (Nudge. See what I did there?)
You have just proved it is not, BBC.
The BBC.
Faking and falsifying. On £3.8bn a year. ‘Nice work’ if you can get a big enough share of it.
Trump is bad.
Someone famous said or did something.
SJW/diversity propaganda.
Something is underfunded.
Help the environment.
Someone famous has died.
PR plugs/adverts/churnalism masquerading as news.
The same stale and flat promontory day in day out.
Beeb – you forgot that something has gone viral – or there has been a twitter storm about something .
Beeb Brother how the hell did you get hold of that “BBC Top Secret Document ” ?
I believe it to be the universal master-script that BBC news progs work from
Up2S. I remember Bella Emberg, just. And agree it surprised me too that a lengthy news item about her death was bewildering. What surprised me even more, was the fact that she was even mentioned at all, given the age group of those in the backroom news departments of the BBC. To them anyone over 60 is dead already.
BBC sport: Konta’s views do not align with those of Court.
She is an athlete – I do not care about her views on homosexuality. Just play tennis well for f**k’s sake. Equally, George Washington was a great political philosopher and I could not care less how good his forehand was.
Is there any safe space from the SJW onslaught? Should goals count double if they are scored by minorities? Should Konta get a one set head start over an opponent who has the wrong opinions about something?
Hi Beeb Brother, this is the usual BBC set-up. The BBC have a huge team holidaying in Australia at British taxpayers expense, ostensibly for the tennis and have one of their number give Konta a loaded question along the lines of “what are your thoughts on the homophobic and racist views of that evil Christian white bitch Margaret Court? Don’t you think you should boycott playing at the Australian Open?” and Konta replied diplomatically “I don’t agree with her. However, she’s entitled to her opinion, But in terms of playing, if I’m scheduled to play on Margaret Court (Arena), I will go out there and compete.”
The BBC have been running a long running hate campaign against Margaret Court, quoting her out of context, trying to force a name change of the “Margaret Court Arena”, and inciting hatred and violence against her and her family. Margaret Court expressed a view that although she has nothing against homosexual relationships she thinks marriage should be reserved for the traditional man – woman family arrangement.
BBC headline 27 May 2017:Margaret Court Arena: Name to remain despite ex-player’s same-sex views
BBC headline 31 May 2017: Margaret Court says tennis is full of lesbians
BBC headline 1 Jun 2017: Martina Navratilova says Margaret Court is ‘a racist and a homophobe
BBC headline 12 Jan 2018: Billie Jean King wants Margaret Court Arena renamed
BBC headline 13 Jan 2018 Johanna Konta’s views ‘don’t align’ with Margaret Court:
Why can’t someone have a different opinion on something?
Once a minority (homosexuals) was persecuted because they did something the majority found disgusting. It is not good to bully a minority because you have different beliefs to them, are we not agreed on that? Alas no – it has gone full circle. The bullying inflicted by some of these SJWs on those who oppose them is just as bad as the ostensible oppression they fought so hard to overturn in the first place.
Reports of Panic buying of flu vaccine leading to… panic buying … leading to… al Beeb beating up the government because people are too thick to look after their health .
GP s have been vaccinating since October because of the annual danger of flu. Bit more important than whether the leader of a foreign country took a view on some failed state getting lot of our tax money
The BeeB never mention you can go into most Pharmacies and just get the jab…but that would go against their ..look people can’t get GP appointments and are dying of’s all because of those nasty Tories
I know that there are areas of this nation where GPs are under pressure and I think that we know why, mainly immigration and poor and selfish practice management, but my experiences seem to be the opposite of the rest of Britain. According to the bBbc.
Despite large numbers of pregnant Eastern Europeans and their interpreters seemingly encamped in the waiting room at my doctor’s, when I phone to make an appointment if I can’t get one the next day, or sometimes the same day, the receptionists are almost apologetic. I never have to wait more than a couple of days to speak to my doctor and am usually seen punctually. This is in a two doctor, town centre practice, in an area now colourfully enhanced by ever increasing numbers of Roma that was once working, now non-working, class, in a large Northern Irish town.
I just don’t recognise the picture that the bBbc paint with regards to GPs; doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, but it’s doesn’t reflect the experience of myself or anyone I know.
I will accept that the problems associated with hospitals, especially A & Es, are obviously of major concern however but suggest they aren’t to do with money as the bBbc reports, and aren’t to do with the Tories as the bBbc suggests. Nor are they the fault of an ageing indigenous population as the bBbc also tell us.
Illegal or itinerant and transient immigrants who do not want to register with GPs and feckless, pathetic, grasping natives are the main problem. A shared culture of want and entitlement. Education is needed, a few polite refusals and stop wasting our times, and non-entitled attendees should be charged, they’ll find pharmacy advice is cheaper. The bBbc won’t tell us this though.
Add to this poor management and an institutionalised public sector mindset, oblivious to waste and accountability, and the causes of many of the NHS ills are obvious. Again the bBbc won’t identify these as they clearly also describe them and it doesn’t suit their agenda, to ensure the NHS remains politicised.
So like the snake oil salesmen they are the bBbc mislead and misrepresent, fake smoke and mirrors, but without any miracle cures. No advice or guidance, never anything constructive or any truthful search for answers. Lots of poison, no cure.
I go to the BBC News page on their w/s to check the newspaper front pages. Top (as is often the case) is the Guardian, proudly carrying the strapline “The Final Berliner souvenir edition”.
The Guardian.
I’m reading ‘Fools, Frauds and Firebrands: Thinkers of the New Left’ by Roger Scruton. Its not always an easy read, and yes Scrutton is right wing, so uses the book to tear apart left-wing ideology with a vigour normally associated with the BBC denigrating the Tories.
Scrutton points out that David Irving is quite rightly pilloried for denying the holocaust and defending Hitler.
Yet, as he points out, left wing historians like Eric Hobsbawm continuously denied the murders of Stalin in books that were used as school text books when I were a lad. As an historian he still is revered today in left wing circles.
(Other left wing 20th century historians also available: E P Thompson, Ralph Miliband, Christopher Hill, etc the great left thinkers of the times either denied or justified the deaths in Russia and China).
But it got me thinking. How can those who apologise for the millions of appalling deaths caused by Stalin/Lenin or Mao, be given such an easy ride by society today. Seamus Milne is Jeremy Corbyn’s advisor, he justifies the millions Lenin/Stalin murdered by Stalin. The shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, said that “Marx, Lenin and Trotsky” were his “most significant” intellectual influences.
How can the Guardian newspaper be sold on Virgin trains when it gave these extremists a platform. In fact, The Guardian and the BBC remain in denial, if not being downright deceitful, about Cuba and Venezuela.
Why doesn’t the BBC offer up a David Irving style warning when they interview or quote these Labour left wing extremists?
You make a good point. We definitely live in a country in which the left and their SJW red guardians are in charge and decide what is good and what is bad, who should be punished and who should not be. It gets more like Mao’s cultural revolution every day.No crime need to have been committed to warrant punishment only the unforgivable one of not towing the leftist line. Hence we have Toby Young driven out of his post for anti feminist remarks made more than a decade ago but leftists eg McDonald can spout their mysoginistic views with apparent impunity. Muslims have become the darlings of the left and are given free rein to do as they please whilst anyone eating a bacon sandwich within a mile of a mosque is for the high jump.
I keep on thinking that eventually my fellow countrymen and women will wake up and make short work of these SJW who seem to call the shots. But it isn’t happening! If we don’t wake up soon these malignant hard leftists will be in total control and destroy our democracy. History tells us that It will then take decades of suffering before they and their successors are over thrown.
Thank you, Doublethinker, and indeed I agree with your response.
You could have gone further on Toby Young being forced out by the left. The Labour MPs for Stoke and Sheffield have sent the most disgusting tweets, and do so without the BBC/Guardian troubling selves. John McDonnell said a Tory female MP should be hung, and yet again this dreadful statement is met with silence from the finest broadcaster in the world.
How can we change this situation? Why doesn’t the Tory party flag up these despicable people?
I think the Tories do try but such is the power of the BBC et al that their voices get little or no air time. On social media the right is outnumbered ten to one by the red guards who manipulate the impressionable snow flakes. In short it looks as though the Gramscian march through the institutions had worked and the left have control.
He makes a good point that the Left fight dirtier as the utopian ends justify the means. Who would not lie to someone if it meant they could create heaven on Earth? The right accept that we have left Eden and just need to be pragmatic and try and do the best we can. We see that any attempt in creating utopia never works because of our fallen nature.
With Trump and Brexit we have seen just how dirty the Left will fight. How glorious it has been to see Trump use their tactics against them and give them a bloody nose.
Thomas Sowell’s Vision of the Anointed is another excellent read in the same vein.
The Anointed (guess who they are) believe that by ‘fixing’ society, they will bring about Utopia. The rest of us believe that human beings are so complex and unruly, that ‘solutions’ are not possible; the best we can do is a series of trade-offs.
Solzhenitsyn, who saw the Anointed up close, says that the inevitable conclusion of their actions is that everyone ends up “with the same piece of rotten bread.”
Churchill summed it up succintly years ago.
“The worst thing about capitalism is the unjust distribution of rewards, the best thing about socialism is the just partition of abject misery”
‘Impartiality’ on the BBC. A classic brought to you by Daisy McAndrew.
Goebbels ministry couldn’t have been any more impartial in the thirties and forties than giggly, manipulative Daisy Mc Andrew on the Radio4 news at 10.00 last night.
We knew the Trump-bashing would rise to fever pitch last night, and Daisy didn’t disappoint us. R4 should have called it the Daisy Human Rights show, not the ‘news’. She started off with about 5 anti-Trumpers from the UN, the AU, the US Democratic party etc. With lotsa prompts and leading questions, she manouvered everything down outrage alley, getting carried away with emotion at times, giggling often (Goebbels mightn’t have liked that) she outdid even Sopel and his ilk. It was never clear what Trump actually said, but that wasn’t stopping Daisy! She was gonna have a non-stop drumbeat of the R word, rolling away like the rhythmic throb from a jungle in…oh dear….
Lengthy exposure for the indignant Democrat, Clay. Wild jumping to conclusions. A lecture of stuff Clay THOUGHT Trump said, but all of it in Clay’s head. Then, suddenly, after all the lengthy rants, the ‘balance’: a short insert from a Mr Burns, trying to show how Blacks have benefitted from the Trump economic programme.
Now ain’t THAT impartial? We heard the other side, not so? Next on Daisy’s hit list the Australian government for its asylum policy. Was that the R word, throbbing away from well… er….. you know?
Better not use the J word actually! Could prompt comparisons between conditions in Norway and the Congo, which – we all know- are very similar.
Then Daisy got on to India, where she had issues with the Chief justice and Mr Modi….
Where did the BBC find this woman? Oh yes, from ITV. That would explain a lot.
First they came for the Communists, and I did not speak out because I was not a communist.
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for BBC employees, but it turned out that they had them all already!
Then they came for the Muslims, but I did not speak out because I was not a Muslim.
Then they came for the Greens, but I did not speak out because I was not a Green.
Then they came for the druggies, but I did not speak out because I was not a druggie.
Then they came for the transgendered, but I did not speak out because I am not transgender.
Then they came for the feminists, but I did not speak out because I am not a feminist.
Then they stopped coming, because all the problems were pretty much sorted out by then.
We were told by Beeboids that if we just made the Police force more diverse so as to reflect the communities they serve then there would be more ‘trust’ and crime would fall.
The Met Police is more diverse than ever and the man in charge of it is both Muslim and not white, yet crime is higher than ever. It is almost as if their entire argument was absolute bollocks.
That’s something I don’t get . Why would a policeman be better or worse if he has a particular skin colour , unless there are great differences between races ?
And that is because the concealed and real intention, as opposed to the stated one, is the annihilation of ‘bourgeois’ society so that a ‘socialist paradise’ can be fashioned to replace it.
This isn’t even a clandestine position. It relies on people being too lazy to read the Left’s own books. Astonishingly, this is something that the ‘educated elite’ at the BBC have failed to do too, which explains why they are actively conspiring in its destruction. They are too ill-educated to realise what they are doing.
The Times Grammar column awards the BBC 1/12 for their own grammar quiz
(It’s common for grammar half experts to be wrong, cos they fail to understand the flexibility of English, so call hard & fast rules which don’t exist.)
Times letters are not normally all from one side, but in 3 letters today, two former ambassadors to the US and Lord Rickets all call the cancellation a bad thing for Britain.
The so-called, “Developed” World is in a very sick state all of a sudden. Lives ridden with a Marxist plan is developing into an attempt to shut down the blinding obvious. Its all illusory in fact. No one with any sense agrees with what’s happening.
But yet, it is a race to the bottom.
You need look no further –
Surprise surprise teachers are lefties.
Gave up on the news quiz after Simon Hoggart gave up on it.but caught the first 5 minutes before my finger met the off switch ( can you feel the rant) Peter Oborne – commenting that he was on a programme of lefties instantly got called a “fascist “ by the chair man – a person called “Myles” – not many of them in my bit of walford geezer .
The tame beeboid audience screamed with laughter being relatives and friends of alleged funny girls called “Lucy” . Ditto the Walford reference .
I don’t know if myles knows what a fascist is but beeboids and guardianistas banding the term around like … like… the false region – Islam.
So glad I don’t pay for it
I hope any one here who stuck with this enjoyed it . Not for fedup2 .
Miles High Barratt Jupp has 5 kids and shipped them out of his Peckham home to Wales …. he unusually didn’t go to oxbridge but went to Edinburgh where he got a first class degree in Smug
Bung him on the list…..
Apols for the spilling – the rant cheque on me yfone played up .
Yu soily kint
….and out of the helicopter.
Viva Peter Oborne!
Have Pride in the Al beeb news – another fatal stabbing ( male 25 black – doesn’t count – not teenager ) murdered Thursday – reported on nation news today – satdee -strangely didn’t mention when he was killed .
Meanwhile the bus mans son / former human rights lawyer – mayor / PM in waiting spends his time focusing on a popular left totem like President Trump .
I suppose the BBC is beside itself with delight now that President Trump won’t be visiting London to open the new American embassy. The creeps.
I truly think Trump cares more about Britain than they do. When Baroness Thatcher passed away on 8 April 2013, he tweeted:
“Margaret Thatcher was the Iron Lady of the West. She promoted freedom & democracy — a great leader & ally of America.”
And this was his tweet of 17 April (the day of her funeral):
(Original source:
It is sad and extremely disappointing that Britain’s second female PM, rather than cementing the special relationship, speaks to or of Trump as though she was Britain’s answer to Hillary Clinton (come to think of it, they seem to have the same policies, and I would not be at all surprised if PM May considered Trump and his supporters “deplorables” or worse).
I really need to end on a cheerful note. Thankfully, there’s one – Madame Tussauds to the rescue! Sky News reported that the staff had the rather jolly idea of bringing the waxwork figure of Trump round to the embassy. I don’t think they would have done that if they had thought people would lob eggs or tomatoes at it or try to damage it in some way.
And they were absolutely right – both construction and office workers rushed to have their photos taken with “The Donald”:
Thank you, Madame Tussauds!
Right Angle
Most of us love a rebel. But we are governed by renegades. Big difference. And by renegade I don’t just mean the present government. They are just pawns in the game and that is why PC always gets worse and not better.
\\ Muslim trainee lawyer beat up girlfriend over fear pregnancy would be revealed. Harris Imran “shunned” by family, his parents said he had brought shame to his family and disowned him //
You burn the coal – you pay the toll.
So a Muslim family disowns their son for having a mixed race relationship and that’s neither racist or hate crime?
EXACTLY! Islam is NOT a race!
So let me get this straight: to prove they’re not animals they act like, erm, animals?
(Protesters against H&M ‘monkey’ ad)
You won’t find it on beebistan news site.
End of Christianity: ‘Will I be next?’ Terror of life as a Christian in Egypt REVEALED
‘Michael’ said 2017 had been the worst year on record for Christian persecution, with more than 130 worshippers slaughtered inside churches.
On April 9 last year twin suicide bomb attacks took place in the Egyptian cities of Tanta and Alexandria. Officials said 45 people were killed and more than 125 injured.
And last month gunmen opened fire on a church in Cairo, killing nine people including a police officer who raced to the aid of worshippers.
Christian persecution watchdog Open Doors revealed Egypt has risen to 17th in a table of the world’s worst places to be a Christian after a year of bloodshed.
And where is the outrage at the beeb? Nowhere.
Even our church leaders don’t seem too bothered.
Church leaders? The ones that used to believe in the brotherhood of man but now embrace the Anotherhood of fools? Satan (who He?) has bought and paid for them all. Still- who cares? Not I said the blind man to his deaf wife.
Good value beyond the main feature.
I know this isn’t bias, just awful radio. I had Radio 4 on Saturday 5.30 whilst I prepared supper. There was a young man (gay) man and woman (I presume straight) discussing their experiences of internet dating. Certainly in the man’s case, sex might be a better description. His details of using Grinder were not suitable for 5.30 pm any evening. Both people were embarrassed and discussion was slow and stilted. Why do the BBC think this was of main stream interest at a time when young children could be with their parents? I know that had my son been in the car with me 10 years ago the radio would have to have been switched off hastily. As it was, once I had finished food preparation and the hands washed, the off switch was used.
In a way it is bias. It’s the innate bias of the BBC towards cultural Marxism and its intention, by using moral relativism at every opportunity, to advance the collapse of traditional Western society.
Looked at in that way, it’s the worst bias of all. And yes, hasn’t R4 become a cesspit?
Crikey! What’s that putrid stink? Mrs Wright. Can you turn the radio off—–Please?
GC – try googling ‘cultural Marxism’.
Note how Google returns as many links dismissing it as a right-wing conspiracy theory as it does for serious explanations of its origins.
Google is a polluted source, I’m afraid. Unfortunately, as with Wikipedia, only a small minority know that.
Once a person begins to think with their brain instead of their gonads it becomes obvious.
Don’t get me wrong. After all where would we all be without our gonads? Unborn.
I’m trying to work out where al beeb goes next – after queers and trans or fluid or whatever – I think the answer is animals . Sex with animals. I mean some people s best friend is their pet . So why not sex with them .?
Perhaps al beeb could have a programme dedicated to it what about “animal magic?” . Gender equality for animals . Some one should speak for out dumb friends.
The European convention on animal rights .
Yes . I’ve lost it.
It’s only three months until the BBC take their cameras to Aintree. Just enough time to prepare a documentary on “How to enter a Horse in the Grand National”.
Please forgive my sewer of a mind, but the thought of a man entering a horse———————–
Brilliant, RJ! It brought to mind the old joke: ‘I think all this bestiality, necrophilia and sado-masochism is just flogging a dead horse!’ Oops, I’m afraid the necrophilia reference may inspire BBC writers to break yet another taboo, with a sitcom called ‘Stiffs’, with hilarious sexual goings-on involving an aroused staff of undertakers.
It does bring a whole new meaning to that lovely pastime ‘dogging’!
No. You haven’t “lost it.” I can remember as a raggedy arsed boy of 15 going to work on a building site and when the brickie was told his bricks would not be delivered until the next day he exclaimed ” Well fuck a stoat. So what am I expected to do for the rest of the day”?
The carpenter replied “Well, fuck a stoat i suppose but I’ve only seen a few scabby looking cats around”
These were men who had actually seen action in WW2 but rarely spoke about it. I cherish their memory to this day. Salt of the earth. I know that they would not like what Britain has become and neither do I.
Thank you Lefty .
The g has an article on why white Wimmin want sex with black men . I didn’t read it but I think there is a club in somewhere like Dunstable that caters to “needs” maybe race is the next sex angle . Can marry queer , ladies , black , Islamic – all in one go . And animals of course . A whole al beeb series presented by a gabbi, divina or a cursty – or maybe Carrie
No thank you mate. I’ll hang onto my memories which more closely follow Mother Nature’s guidelines and -who knows- maybe one day I will again meet the brickie and chippie who made me laugh till I almost shat my raggedy arsed pants.
Lefty in my “lefty” days – I used to look down my nose a bit at all these older blokes (including my dad) who as younger men had put their lives on the line for England. I thought of them as stuck in the past with loyalty to the past and not the future.
What in my arrogance I did not catch onto until much later, is that they realised (because of what they had been through and seen) that the civilised behavior and civilised mores of our society (which we all take for granted) is but a very thin veneer.
It relies on accepted standards of behavior and accepted standards of morality. What the left (cheerled by the BBC) appears to want to try and do is to rip up all these old rules and replace them with what? – Chaos I suppose
Whilst I realise that no moral rules are perfect (Alan Turing in WW2) suffering greatly . You still need to at least have some norms for society to follow. And if these rules need improving then tinker with the edges only without throwing the whole baby out with the bathwater.
In days gone by I doubt that many people followed the rules to the letter but rules they were and they acted as an anchor. Our elite left wing rulers today are trying to sink the anchor into alien waters. They, like all the despots before them will eventually come unstuck, but many people will have to suffer before the truth dawns.
The danger is that the despots will succeed in completely rewriting our history that will be taught as fact in all our educational institutions. However, my faith in Mother Nature remains undimmed. Cheers.
FE2 – I dont think that there is any limit to the depravity and perversion which the BBC will not plumb if it can be even remotely be justified under the banner of “diversity”
I suspect this is all part of a left wing mission to break the bonds and links of existing conventional society so something else can replace it
I am sure if a certain religion advocated sex with goats Aunty would be the first up there with breakfast TV Doctor Ol Mcdonnel giving advice on viewers how to maximise their pleasure with these fun loving ruminants. Maybe a nice bit of “grooming” or a hot rub down.
The BBC views morality as a mutable and malleable resource which can be utilised depending on need and which political point is currently fashionable.
Hence Rotherham enrichment OK. A drunk MP touching a journalists knee – DISGUSTING! We also see it with their dual standards dealing with Trump and the Clintons.
Pretty much everything Aunty touches at the very least needs to be taken with a big bag of salt and in all truth is better off in the bin.
I have said it before but this organisation truly is a “whited sepulcher” On the outside it presents itself as caring, sharing and moral but within it is inhabited with worms, decay and corruption which despoils all that it comes into close contact with.
Thank God I dont have a telly anymore.
Oak – hey come on – they’ve had “ animal magic “ before so they could bring it up to date – like they did with that cum dancing thing they do now
FE2 -I see where you are coming from – Maybe we could have the new improved “Springwatch” introduced by Evan Davies and Graham Norton and maybe even Eddie Mair (to make it a bit more highbrow)
This could be filmed from a hide located in the bushes outside the bogs on Clapham Common at 11pm on a Saturday night.
Oak – now you are deviating from the original idea ….
They could get that amyl nitrate bloke who does the meeja stuff to do it.
And yes-yes -yes-sorry about the dribbles- but maybe we could get that Spanish crooner Soy Jorge to join us. Just the thought of it gives me the horn. (exits left to the toilet to oil his fucking rifle)
I know FE2/Lefty – but I think its got legs – How about “BOGWATCH” for a title?
We could get Conchita Wurst to sing the intro – How inclusive is that!
I’m worried now that some beeboid reading this blog is gonna run with this idea ….
I may well file the title “Bogwatch” as my intellectual property
Yippee – Im rich!
How about ‘Chain gang’ then, Oak?
‘Four people wearing chains go around pulling them all the time, with hilarious results…’
It’s to their natural first love – children.
Having trouble with those nasty white patches? The Merkel Corporation brings you new and improved MIGRANTO! Only MIGRANTO removes up to 99% of stubborn white patches!
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Put us to the test! We guarantee that SCHULZIE gets rid of UNWANTED DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES! How? It contains DICTATORAZZIA, a chemical that will WIPE OUT democratic principles faster than you ever thought possible! Fully 1.3% of users can attest that DICTATORAZZIA KILLS all known democratic principles!
FREE! FREE! FREE! When you buy one of our products you get a free copy of EUROPEAN BEAUROCRAT! If you don’t LOVE this publication already, we have ways und means. Your MIND will be cleaned out for once and all if you read the EB!
PS. If you weren’t happy with your first wash with MIGRANTO, a se cond one will do the trick! (In co-operation with new Liblab! Liblab tablets are lovely round tabs, full of fizzy Corbenium, the ACTIVE ingredient designed to appeal to YOUNGER readers – under 5 or so). And if your not clever enough to GET IT RIGHT after your first reading of the EB, well mate, you’re just plain UNEDUCATED. GOT IT?
Splendid post but with your very obvious talent you could be an employee of Procter & Gamble and if you’re not I’m sure you could make a very good living in the advertising business. You almost had me fooled anyway – not.
Thank you
“While the incident itself was alarming, what may have shocked the Jewish community more was the response from Dutch officials who refused to call the incident anti-Semitic or a hate crime. Despite the clear crime committed, the video evidence and the fact it was witnessed by two police officers, Saleh Ali was released just two days later.
“In contrast, a Dutch Jew, Michael Jacobs, was arrested and held for a week simply for standing next to anti-Israel protesters wearing an Israeli flag. He committed no crime and yet was punished far more severely.”
Try googling ‘BBC anti-jewish violence Netherlands’.
The silence is deafening.
A counter attack that should be used against BBC “journalists” at every opportunity.
I’d hoped that the cartoon would have been displayed rather than the link. Yet again I’m defeated by the technology.
The cartoon is displayed perfectly. Message received. Thanks.
Try this.

I’ve mentioned it before, but Scott Adams has a very good handle on how Trump works. It’s well worth following him on Twitter @ScottAdamsSays.
Roland, thank you.
So Mr.Khan has had a speech delayed by a protest. Both the Mail and Guardian describing the protesters as Far Right. On what evidence? Oh, hang on. Pro Trump and Brexit. I await my future arrest and confinement.
I can hardly believe my eyes. A left wing speech being delayed by the far right? But-but- ( courtesy of taffman thanks) surely even the loony lefties can see that this is a highly unusual occurrence. Sorry lefties, I forgot, your sight is impaired. I find Spec Savers quite good.
Lefty Wright
But-but I wasn’t there man!
‘…Both the MAIL and Guardian describing the protesters as Far Right…’
Anyone else notice how in recent years the Mail has been drifting to the left? Even O’Brien has started to praise some of its journalists.
Leveson shewed how close the Mail’s Editor was to Gordon Brown. It’s a false flag operation.
‘…Both the MAIL and Guardian describing the protesters as Far Right…’
Anyone else notice how in recent years the Mail has been drifting to the left? Even O’Brien has started to praise some of its journalists.
Leveson shewed how close the Mail’s Editor was to Gordon Brown. It’s a false flag operation.
All the media are sliding Leftward. I blame the beeb: a huge object in the universe distorts space-time so all smaller objects nearby slide towards it.
And no object so huge as the Bloated Brainwashing Corporation.
Why are they described as “Far-right”? Yet the Momentum activists, of the type who (daily) laid siege to that female Conservative Party candidate’s house in London and called her a “c**t” in front of her young daughter are never described as: “Far-left”; “Left wing extremists” or even “hard left”?
In fact their activities are hardly ever reported or exposed by al Beebus at all.
It doesn’t really matter what the msm think or do nowadays. I don’t give a Tom-tit.
The Mail and Express are obsessed with enormous fat bums and bosoms and ‘celebs’ whom nobody has ever heard of, and I get all the headlines from these online rags, then come to good sites like here to get the real info, and leave it at that!
The Guardian is banned from this house, and I can’t be arsed to even consider the Telegraph, Times or Indie.
Of course, the bbc is the worst, but then again, I’m afraid that being a lazy sod, I never watch the news and see what I need from others here, but I occasionally listen to R5Dead, when I can’t sleep.
So although I don’t use Twitter or Facebook, I’m in a pretty happy state of mind for most of the day, especially during the witching tincture hours of lunchtime and 6.00pm, when Mrs O’Blene and I chat for England!
MSM? Who cares?
The BBC are absolutely disgraceful..
On Casualty tonight they had a white man throw acid in the face of an Asian woman.
The BBC typically trying to skew reality for their own agenda.
We all know who the real perpetrators of these crimes are and it ain’t white men. The bBBC are beyond belief..
FFS what is the biggest source of vote changing FakeNews ?
the MSM egged on by libmob
So when people start pushing extreme stories about how Toby Young was fired.. and reference a Private Eye article ..would you just believe them ?
I’m seeing lib mob post/tweet stuff like this
The BBC’s Paul Lewis Tweeted
The key part of Young’s reply in the Spectator ……………………………………..
Given what I just said about vote changing FakeNews being a MSM/libmob thing’s interesting to listen to today’s edition of “BBC-what-we-want-to-be-Trending” they insist that the term FakeNews was invented to described foreign sites promoting Trump, yet he has stolen it and is using maliciously against the poor MSM.
‘He got desperate when he heard Hillary use the term and decided he had to own the term FakeNews’
The BBC accepted Obama as President.
The BBC cannot accept Trump as President.
Can we draw any conclusions as to BBC politics?
Dover Sentry
Trump is draining the swamp and Al Beeb do not know how to handle it, nor do they like it.
Al Beeb’s control is waning.
Once again Taff, great minds think alike 😉
We have to take the long view. Trump will win a second election without doubt.
Did Trump say Hellholes ?
This Republican senator did in 2013
..strangely he was also in the Trump meeting, but claims he rebuked Trump about something which people interpret as being about coarse language
“I said my piece directly to him yesterday”
Have just watched a drama with an all white cast, and the perpetrators are……. black !! Of course it isn’t English although its screened on BBC4 – quelle surprise. Its a French crime drama called Spiral. As there is so much rubbish on most channels, these continental offerings on BBC4 (Saturday nights) are well worth watching.
My general rule is to avoid all British TV dramas, especially BBC ones but ITV/Channel 4 offerings are just as bad. I don’t watch live TV anymore so only have Netflix but there’s a good choice of quality TV on there if you know what you’re looking for.
You’ll still get American or foreign shows with a PC message of course, it’s just they tend not to shove it down your throat. Plus they have much better scripts and direction overall.
British TV drama – at least from the ’80s onward – I find very one-note, dour and always behind the times. They keep making Eastenders for middle-class people. It’s like all those radicals from the Miner’s Strike and Greenham Common era grew up and have been infesting the airwaves ever since.
5-Live The British News station : Saturday night papers discussing Brexit
Guest1 : Edwina Currie : fair enough
Guest2 : yassmin_a (Yassmin Abdel-Magied) The Australian oil worker, who fled Australia to London after being called out for racism..why is she privileged* with a position on R5 AGAIN ???
Presenter : Nihal who has toned down his racism, seems fair today he is taking care to mention “white working class boys” not doing well etc.
* Edwina just called her out when she talked about “privilege”
\\Who are you to talk about privilege the reason why you got into being an engineer is cos your Dad was a big engineer who got his PhD from Imperial//
Nihal called Yasmin out when she said “immigration is about get rid of people that are different to us”
..he pointed out it’s often about controlling immigration to stop wages falling.
I see that maxincony is back on ‘nights’ again . Perhaps he will tell us why he trolls here, what motivates him? My new year’s message to him and his beloved Al Beeb is to quote the following………………………….
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”
maxi, check it out .
Is anyone offended?……………….
What did Trump say about ‘**** holes’?……………..
“H&M stores in South Africa trashed over ‘racist’ hoodie”
Why are they so obsessed with this chap/chapess ?
“Chelsea Manning: Ex-army leaker to run for US senate”
His sex change “treatment” was actually paid for by the U.S. military.
Remainiac : \\ Charlie Mullins OBE
Don’t forget to tune in to @BBCRadio4 at 9am tomorrow
when I’ll be reviewing the papers on #broadcastinghouse! //
Still all they have against Trump are childish shouts of ‘racist!’ It did not work during the election and a year into his presidency they are still trying to accuse him of racism, even on the most spurious grounds. They really are pathetic. Nobody even cares about race anymore, but these Leftards who have forgotten how to argue just scream ‘racism’ as they know it is a trump card which silences any uncomfortable discussion. They have got away with if for decades and thus allowed terrible problems to grow, by shouting ‘arsonist’ at anyone who pointed out there was a fire.
We slayed the dragon of racism long ago. Who on earth is actually racist now? Who even registers when they are talking to someone with a different skin colour? We have reached a level of racial harmony beyond the wildest dreams of those who arrived in the sixties.
The problem we face now is not racism but political correctness, which makes confronting clear and present dangers so difficult – illegal, in fact. It is so sinister that we can be put in prison for the wrong opinions, no matter how reasonable. God bless Trump for being the one honest voice with a backbone in a world of dishonest, invertebrate leaders.
I wish I could say I’ve got Liam and Noel on my show
Would-be trendy Andy Marr banters with the Salford-centric BBC Breakfast team after they had been banging on about some Oasis story in the papers today.
Unfortunately, Marr will not be playing Jules Holland to the former rockstar Gallagher brothers, he is actually playing host to the bloody ‘Proclaimers’, I mean Nicola Sturgeon and Emily Thornberry.
Lady Nugee and Lady Macbeth.
I’ll make a point of missing that.
Surely Marr highlighting the appearance of those two is proof in itself that the BBC is now only broadcasting to a lefty-minded audience that can stomach a dose of them of a Sunday morning and still keep down their muesli. Or the odd masochist.