Two Republican Senators [one and two] say Trump did not make the infamous comments claimed by a Democrat…and of course Trump denies it himself though admitting ‘tough’ language as he questioned the need to keep the borders so open. The BBC is still not quoting them and giving their denials prominence such as the one below….
Perdue said, “The gross misrepresentation was that language was used in there that was not used and also that the tone of that meeting was not contributory and not constructive.”
He added, “I’m telling you he did not use that word, George. And I’m telling you it’s a gross misrepresentation. How many times do you want me to say that?”
The BBC of course is not noting the rather dubious past of Democrat Durbin, his hypocrisy and penchant for lying about what went on in meetings. Durbin himself has used the term ‘Chain migration’ and insisted such as system had to end, but now it is a ‘racist’ term, a slur. He was caught out before lying about what was said in a meeting….
In 2013 when, during bipartisan negotiations to avert a government shutdown, Durbin claimed that a Republican leader had told President Barack Obama, “I cannot even stand to look at you.” The claim was refuted by those present, and even by then-White House Press Secretary Jay Carney.
Dick Durbin vs The [Obama] White House
The Senate’s number two Democrat says a GOP leader said something nasty to Obama during the shutdown. The White House says it never happened. They can’t both be right.
“It did not happen,” White House spokesperson Jay Carney said when questioned about the incident.
No interest from the BBC in Durbin’s credibility….surely important when it is purely based upon his word that they make these ‘sensationalist’ claims of Trump being a racist [even though calling a country a ‘shithole’ is not racist, merely a matter of fact based on the situation not skin colour].
The BBC is in fact doubling up on its ‘alternate facts as news’ presentation as its latest report, not mentioning those denials, tries to make out that a Republican supports the Democrat version….but he does not, here the BBC reporting a ‘no denial’ as proof and then goes on to misrepresent what he actually said in his news release [odd how the BBC can quote one Republican whose words they can twist but not two whose words are quite clear and contradict the BBC ‘truth’?!]….
But another Republican senator who was there, Lindsey Graham, did not deny the comments were made.
“Following comments by the president, I said my piece directly to him yesterday. The president and all those attending the meeting know what I said and how I feel,” he said.
But look at the news release and it gives no indication he is talking about Trump saying ‘shithole’, it can be read, and is probably meant to be read, as Graham not being too happy with the idea that a loose immigration system as they have now should be tightened up in the way Trump wants…….nothing to do with ‘racism’ or ‘shithole’ language…..
The BBC then slips in this misleading quote….
House Speaker Paul Ryan, a senior Republican, said that Donald Trump’s immigration comments were “very unfortunate” and “unhelpful”.
However Ryan [not a friend of Trump] wasn’t at the meeting, he was reacting to reports he had read….
“I read those comments later last night, the first thing that came to my mind was very unfortunate, unhelpful,” the Wisconsin Republican said at WisPolitics Luncheon
You can judge the dishonesty and bad faith whirling aorund when you hear Ryan go on to celebrate immigration, thus trying to distance himself from Trump…..
Ryan discussed his Irish roots and said immigration is “a thing to celebrate.”
“I read those comments later last night. So the first thing that came to my mind was, very unfortunate, very unhelpful. But you know what I thought of right away? I thought of my own family.
And yet he is also in fact against chain immigration and illegal immigration…
Our immigration system is broken, and the evidence is overwhelming. Eleven million undocumented immigrants are living in the United States. Because they lack legal status, they are outside the scope of the law. We don’t know who they are or in what activities they are involved. We encourage people to break the law and punish those who follow it. Immigrants who attempt to come to this country by legal means find themselves wrapped up in endless paperwork and bureaucracy. The current backlog for family-sponsored visas is so vast that it could take up to 11.5 years for the visa to be processed.
Reforming our immigration system will help strengthen America in several important ways.
We often give out visas based primarily on people’s family connections, not their talents or skills. Consequently, we are missing out and falling behind.
We need an immigration system that upholds the rule of law and helps our economy grow.
An illustration of how context, politics and relationships mix together to create events….and the BBC dodges all that as it sees what it wants to hear, Trump is a racist, and joyfully reports that as fact.
These articles give an indication of what the USA and President Trump in particular is up against regarding illegal immigration from Mexico into their country.
With neighbours like the Mexicans, who needs enemies?
It’s an amazing state of affairs when the person accused of saying something says he didn’t and witnesses corroborate that he didn’t, yet because one Dick says he did, he must have.
How is that anything close to proper journalism?
From literally nothing, with no evidence, obvious motive from the ‘Dick’ concerned and previous form of lying from the ‘Dick’ concerned and Trump is obviously guilty.
Seemingly now you can make up anything you want and then just let the obsessed media run with it. Indicate a negative opinion/attitude about somewhere and they’ll happily apply the worst words and then add a racist tag for good measure.
Payne – it actually works on all side .,John McDonald is accused of wanting to hang the new dwp minister – but is you listen to what he said – he is only repeating what some of his supporters said .,
Now unless I’ve missed him actually expressing that view he is being mis quoted . Don’t get me wrong . I know what sort of future I would like for mr mcdonald -,but sometimes the truth might get in the way of reality .,
Just to add – I’m sure my mcd would want to “off” anyone in that Stalinist way they have .
unfortunately he has expressed other odious views which are ascribed to him and him alone – not least the ‘assassinate Thatcher’ statement which he did make. In fact, he later tried to lighten the mood music around the statement but then said, ‘anyway, many people have contacted me to say they agree with me’ – FFS.
I struggle to find anyone as abhorrent and unlikable as this numptie.
Yes I knew his line about the lamented Mrs Thatcher. Stick a decent suit on him, teach him to smile – which they have done – and the c almost looks respectable .
How to play the media
Wasn’t this in a Paul Joseph Watson tweet?
I can see it on the net dated Jan 13th so PJW could have got it elsewhere.
john in cheshire
Probably, but I don’t use Twitter. I saw it in Raheem Kasseem’s FB page and many other sites. I can try to put together a list of sites I have seen it in, but it will take time. I think it has gone viral, as they say.
I guess that is the difference between social media and original works of poetry and art. Things spread quickly and unique authorship is scarcely credited.
Well done Alan, good analysis.
People should know to check Breitbart’s twitter tweets first for news, instead of getting it thru wondering into rooms where our idiot relatives are watching BBCnews propaganda.
It certainly came over in our house that the only denial came in Trumps tweet.
but that Breibart video of the other 2 Republicans certainly backs him up.
Obama used the word “shit show” about Libya, when BBC was revving up the outrage bus they forgot to add that important context.

– It was even on the front page of the Independent
They got it from a behind the scenes reporter reporting in Breitbart that how the President used coarse words in PRIVATE and these were tidied up for PUBLIC consumption
The soft spin I can put on it, is that Obama is taking some responsibility for the situation and not blaming a foreign tin pot ruler.
BUT BUT it is monumentally misleading for BBC never to have mentioned it’s recent reports that Obama had used a phrase similar to “sh*t hole” about ONE country.
…Snopes spins the story much softer
Google shows that before this week used the word Sh*t Hole … or Sh*thole mostly in BBC scripts
Once in a news report
\\ Paul O’Grady was reported to have called Southend a “shit hole” on discovering a couple had won a date in the town.//
But really, many African countries are shitholes. That is a common parlance designation. Even Africans recognise it.
The Democrat owned media is trying to pretend otherwise. .
Trump is trolling them again. They are like a spoiled toddler with Tourette’s shouting: “Racist!” It is pretty much all they have done for 18 months and it is pathetic – nobody is listening to them anymore, let alone believing them. The more they shout and stomp their feet the more they expose their pathological dishonesty, as what he said was as true as two plus two equals four.