Had to turn off the radio this morning as, on the one hand, somewhat enraged that the BBC presenter made no attempt to do his job and question what was being said and in fact not only went along with it but positively agreed with the thoughts being expressed going on to add his own comments to reinforce them…but also it was so funny, funny/ridiculous, and beyond any rational and ‘normal’ sense of the world that anyone outside a BBC studio would understand and recognise, that it was just unlistenable after a time…beyond satire but I’m sure any ‘right-wing’ comedian could live for a year on this material alone.
The programme was all about the evil european colonists and ‘white guilt’, though apparently that is a white supremacist’s term used to shut down debate and criminalise liberals do-gooders rather than a genuine expression of what the mindset of those who are guilty of ‘white guilt’ is, lol.
Peter Carey on legacies of the past
The prize-winning novelist Peter Carey tackles head on for the first time the legacies of colonialism in his native Australia in his latest book, A Long Way From Home. He talks to Tom Sutcliffe about the damage and loss for the Stolen Generations. The writer and broadcaster Afua Hirsch believes Britain is also a nation in denial about the past and present, and argues it’s time to talk more openly about race and identity. The Dutch journalist Geert Mak once travelled the breadth of Europe to explore what it meant to be European at the end of the 20th century. He found countries struggling to understand the wrongs they had committed during the Holocaust, the Second World War and decades of dictator rule.
The basic premise is that Europeans should be guilty [???] about their past and make reparation to the indigenous populations whose culture and identity is very, very important….which is where the problems start with the programme and its narrative.
So culture and identity are important and yet Guardianista Afua Hirsch tells us that there is no such thing as ‘British identity’ or ‘Britishness’ [so very BBC]. She tells us it is our belief in our own identity that is what’s wrong with this country…we believe the lies and myths about our identity….we believe, wrongly, that immigrants have come here and the country has been changed by immigrants…this is a deeply problematic delusion embedded in the concept of Britishness…apparently. Naturally we are ‘othering’ others…ie immigrants.
She claims that only ‘brown’ people get asked where they come from….er….complete rubbish….ask any Scouser, Cornish or Welsh person etc etc. A Scot living in England will be ragged for being a Scot and then ragged for being a Sassenach when he goes back to the homeland…she needs to get over being black…it ain’t unique, white people have separate identities just as strong and not based upon colour….she invents her own myths and lies to back up her own anti-white racist narrative that she earns a living off as a professional ‘black victim’.
Hirsch hates being asked about her roots, being ‘othered’, she just wants to be accepted for what she is….and as a ‘British’ person….so no such thing as ‘British’….and yet.
She tells us of her trips to Ghana where her mother came from and how the language is the culture and culture is the language….and how they called her ‘white’, a foreigner, despite herself identifying as ‘black’. And yet she goes on to claim that identity is not part of a place…but it clearly is all about place and the people who live there and who have developed a particular and singular culture and identity based upon that….she talks nonsense.
She then goes on to moan about the liberal do-gooders who are well-meaning but ‘other’ her as they claim not to see ‘blackness’.
Now she wants to be ‘black’ and for people to ask about her roots saying ‘it is my heritage..let’s talk about it.’
You can’t win can you?…ask her about her roots and she is ‘othered’, don’t ask and treat her as just a person, it is ignoring her heritage and identity as a black person….marginalisng her and her race.
Peter Carey jumps in to say it is ridiculous to claim you don’t notice colour…it is one of the most basic things we notice first about a person.
A tangled web indeed.
Hirsch is full of nonsense about race and identity…on a previous BBC interview a week or so ago she rambled on about ‘white privilege’, ‘cultural appropriation’ and ‘structural racism’ and though she isn’t a conspiracy theorist ‘there are reasons society is set up as it is [racist]....it is in certain people’s interests to keep things as they are [white’s on top]’. In other words ‘society’ has been set up and shaped purely to keep the black man down.
Hirsch, as said, likes to say there is no such thing as Britishness and yet clearly clelebrates her own Ghanaian identity and does not notice the contradiction as she talks of the Ghanaians calling her ‘foreigner’. Carey blasts the Europeans for ruining Australia and destroying the indigenous society…and yet neither of them see any problem with mass immigrants coming here and destroying British culture…something which Hirsch conveniently tries to claim doesn’t exist…thus it doesn’t matter if mass waves of immigrants come here and take over.
Colonisation and cultural imperialism by people such as Hirsch who are clearly attempting to set up a narrative that there is no such thing as a British society, culture and identity and want to replace that ‘non-existent’ indigenous culture with their own. Hirsch’s narrative is a part of a bigger one being used by Black extremists to weaponise race and demonise white people, their culture, society and history…the puerile ‘#xxxxmustfall’ campaigns just a foretaste of what is too come as they set out to make ‘whiteness’ unacceptable and white people criminals. The BBC should stand up to such racism and extremism instead of promoting it.
Any thoughts that the BBC would celebrate and support an indigenous British Hamas or IRA that sought to expell the colonisers as they support Hamas and the IRA?
Just the usual BBC programme channelling that ‘white guilt’ and giving a platform to the radical black activists who seek to undermine society and impose their own racism.
Missed that programme cos I knew what it would do to my blood pressure . Ms Hirsch is the new Owen Jones – flanking him to become further to the left . I’ve seen some of her divisive stuff in the G . Al beeb and The G love her. At least the lives of own and Toynbee can cause the occasional unintended titter but she really is a bitter being
I bet comrade Corbin would like to give her one- a safe seat that is.
Anyway – what’s the Yorkshire ripper doing on al beeb and are they going to bar Hirschy?
People like her are now the epitome of Britishness. What she and her kind are not and never will be is English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish. They come with a blood tie to them.
Isn’t odd that the leftists never criticise the Arabs and their long legacy of violent conquest and slavery in Africa? Other former colonial powers such as France and Germany also seem to an easy ride from the Left compared to us Brits, who seem to have to apologise everyday for everything that eent wrong over the centuries. The Arabs were the original slave traders and taught the Europeans everything they needed to know about slavery and tyranny in Africa. And yet I never hear the leftie Guardian readers trying to instil feelings of guilt in those Muslim countries where slavery and conquest were traditions. I wonder why? What about the horrors unleashed by Stalin? Will Corbyn’s goons start criticising Stalin’s fascism any time soon? No, because it doesn’t suit their hypocritical narrative.
Haven’t seen it and no intention as it will be normal guilt trip Stefan Molyneux has a fantastic video called rac and IQ (or something similar which puts all this colonial angst into logical and understandable perspective. Some of these ‘shithole’ countries are pre-ordained to be poor and hellish places to live as the average IQ levels are low and will not grow any higher. Indeed, we ‘steal’ the brightest and best amongst the local inhabitants (inward migartion to the west) ensuring that these third world countries will remain that way in perpetuity.
Nor the Turks Alex, not the Ottomans, nor the Persians nor the….
Only whitey so it seems.
Certain people have realised that THE card to play at the moment — endlessly, is the race card. The ‘other side’ seem to have forgotten what THEY are all about, so -if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em? Worth a lot in this situation is the CAPTURE of the agenda by the race card players, including the beeb. Funded by all of us, it is sitting pretty (it would appear).
Personally, I am HIGHLY OFFENDED by the Hirsh types of this world. Their theme is to engender guilt, and in that, they play a thinly-disguised anti-white game. It’s wrapped up in phrases about ‘colonialism’, ‘discrimination’ etc, but the Hirshes of this world believe no-one will examine them closely enough to realise this.
So, our job is to identify and CALL OUT anti-white RACISM. There is PLENTY about, so get down to it. DON’T STAND FOR IT! Don’t let the race card players get away with it. FOR THE RACE CARD IS AN attempt to engender GUILT. Don’t ever forget that. Watch the beeb, for instance: some of its presenters love the phrase ‘pale, male and stale’. What is it? RACISM, SEXISM and AGEISM, all in one breath.
So if you are feeling offended by anti-white racism, under whatever guise, do something about it. The pen is mightier than the sword!
I don’t think our current world let’s us do anything about it apart from boycotting the publications ( paying anyway).
Everyone knows complaining to al beeb about albeeb is a waste – I can’t / won’t do it because of my ‘no tv licence ‘ strategy .,
Really don`t care, but do wonder how the BBC gets these serial race hustlers to drool on the airwaves on our dime and insult us.
Like O Briain and Norton from Ireland-they seem to sneer at us, but won`t live where(surely) they`d be much more welcomed and able to bloom without the shadow of empire and prejudice they seem to know of.
I see Darcus Howe as the archetype-always welcomed by the left, but not an ounce of self-awareness, irony, gratitude or humility in his stony soul. The ultimate “Devils Advocate” as he was blunt enough to call himself.
The BBC seeks out these Satanic shills, never once asks them how Ghana or Ireland compares. The role of the Boston Irish in denying black civil rights won`t be getting the BBC magnifying glass any time soon will it?
Maybe Ms Africa here and Norton could debate it for us, so we know whcih of these two groups, blacks and irish can get bragging rights over the other.
As if-we`re supposed to bow down before both, well no!
Phil Lynott was both-did he discriminate against himself I wonder?
“The Dutch journalist Geert Mak once travelled the breadth of Europe to explore what it meant to be European at the end of the 20th century. He found countries struggling to understand the wrongs they had committed during the Holocaust, the Second World War and decades of dictator rule.”
This implies that genocides, wars, and dictatorships are unique only to Europe. He has a shaky grip of world history if he thinks that those have never happened outside Europe.
At least the lefties’ hand wringing angst in the educational system is not brainwashing all the kids. From what I’ve heard from parents, kids aren’t as stupid as the brainwashers think they are and they are figuring out the truth for themselves.
“struggling to understand the wrongs they had committed during the Holocaust, the Second World War and decades of dictator rule”
And no doubt coming to a profound understanding of the role played by the British, and our then Empire, in fighting and ultimately destroying said holocaust perpetrators and other miscellaneous dictators from Adolf H. to general bloody Galtieri?
Our blood, our boys, our history – be proud of it.
Fedup2: You’re mostly right I guess. However, I would like to put all this equality talk/legislation to the test. I have no problem with it, IF it applies to me too, in a non-discriminatory fashion.
If I find I can be freely slagged off about my race or gender because of current fashion, well, I’d like to see where that legislation goes. Also what worries me about not complaining is that, if no-one complains, we will all fall silent. Would that be a good thing? I dunno…
Englishtothecore: I do hope you are right in your conclusion. What would back it up is that I notice, in many European papers, reader’s comments are overwhelmingly small ‘c’ conservative when they respond to largely lefty articles. That has intrigued me for a while. I say ‘lefty’ rather than ‘liberal’ as liberalism is concerned with freedom. The current obsession is with a sort of blind and biased egalitarianism. Even ‘lefty’ doesn’t mean much; if being for the ‘worker’ is left, then I am ‘left’ too. We are prisoners of distorted and manipulated language.
As for Mr Mak, sounds like he choses what matches his guilt agenda. We all know that, were he to look at the history of other continents, great cruelty (or kindness) could easily be found.
Sub-Saharan Africa – “What have European Colonists ever done for us? Well, roads obviously, but other than roads what have……….”
etc etc ad infinitum.
Bravo, popeye.
“What have European Colonists ever done for us?
Roads, food aid, drastic reduction in Infant mortality, antibiotics, migrant welcome shelters from shithole countries, Smartphones, Designer clothes, Adidas and Nike etc
In the opinion of young Africans, the last four are the most important.