We’ve been bbc free for about a year now, just watching and listening to enlightened comments here, and life is so much more pleasant!
As our pensioner-funded broadcaster gets more irrelevant each week, its only a matter of time before the money they get will become a real political issue at the next election.
Henry Bolton all over the news channels this morning.
Without wishing to defend his poor political judgement, can somebody please explain to me why, at a time when wimmin are supposed to be so independent, so many critics seem to think that his girlfriend’s views should be somehow linked to his?
Even more amusing are the secondary denunciations of Bolton on the pretext that “he had been married more than once”. Sky/BBC outraged at this “violation of the sanctity of marriage”. I love the stratospheric levels of hypocrisy, The BBC being more catholic than the Pope on matters of sexual morality.
Joke O’Burn on Daily Politics is now asking Suzanne Evans” “What did he actually do wrong?”. Good question. Another good question is why is Evans always the BBC’s shit-stirrer of choice?
She then helpfully reveals all – Nigel scuppered her chance of becoming leader. Bitter and twisted – how could anyone think that.
ID, exactly so in the same way that they scream about obesity but push food at viewers and listeners and BBC web-site users constantly. Or pretend to preach fidelity but are divisive at the drop of a hat.
Just seen post of StewGreen and others below between noon and 3pm – a great example of BBC’s variable approach to morality. A great illustration of this.
I’m beginning to have my suspicions about her. She seems to have been tweeting exactly what you’d want to tweet if you wished to discredit a politician.
Of course, even if I’m right, he’s a fool led by his gonads to have fallen for it with a girl half his age and should resign immediately.
Here’s something to think about – Oprah Winfrey is 9/1 second favourite to become the next President of the USA.
If you really want to stretch your imagination George Clooney is as short as 25/1
New British Army recruitment video:
[video src="http://video.dailymail.co.uk/video/mol/2018/01/14/855460910798061037/640x360_MP4_855460910798061037.mp4" /]
Are we supposed to be impressed by all this praying?
The thing that annoys me most about the MSM attitude to the muslim invasion of Britain is the assumption that most of them aren’t violent or terrorists so, otherwise, what’s not to like? See how pious they are with their five prayers a day. Well of course I loathe the 23,000 estimated terrorists and umpty terrorist supporters and sympathisers, but I also loathe this painting by numbers false piety. Also religious dress my a*se.
I think I read somewhere that the same words are used every day but can’t find the exact content. I don’t think they are saying allah bless Mummy and Daddy and Auntie Mavis and please make me a good boy, five times a day.
The prayers muslims say are by rote. There is a morning prayer, a mid-day prayer etc, and they are the same every day. The prayers are also in ancient arabic, so I would not like to say if they are even understood by many of them.
Unlike the Christian notion of prayer, for the muslim, prayer is merely a public recitation of the articles of the faith, five times a day, every day, until you die.
The Shahada
“There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.”
The declaration, in its shortest form, reads (right to left in Arabic):. لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا ٱلله مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ ٱلله: lā ʾilāha ʾillā llāh muḥammadun rasūlu llāh:
“This is the basic statement of the Islamic faith: anyone who cannot recite this wholeheartedly is not a Muslim.
When a Muslim recites this they proclaim:
That Allah is the only God, and that Muhammad is his prophet
That they personally accept this as true
That they will obey all the commitments of Islam in their life”
“are we supposed to be impressed by all this praying?”
Don’t worry; they have their reward:
“And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.”
Our local MP, Johnny Mercer, Conservative, Afghan veteran fully supports this ad…’We clearly have more to do to encourage men and women of all backgrounds to join up. The military needs to change and adapt as we go forward and I strongly encourage them to do so’.
Let us hope that, as well as ‘pausing in battle’, Trooping the Colour, changing the guard at Buckingham Palace, etc. also do not coincide with prayer time.
At the risk of Section 2 of the OSA, in 2000 the answers were:
1) to an accuracy of less than 1 foot or to read newspaper headlines;
2) some of them;
3) selectively if of interest to the controllers of said satellites.
Forget satellites, why is cctv footage used by our police in this country almost always or near to ‘useless’? Could you recognise anyone here? ………….. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-42689025
I have seen better footage on TV’s “Most Haunted” .
The answer to your question is no. Take a look at the Google earth images, and most of those are from low flying surveillance aircraft, you can’t even make out people, farmyard livestock the size of cows is difficult so there’s no chance of facial recognition.
The Newspaper headlines story is I’m afraid fantasy. The laws of physics determine resolution and if I remember right the smallest area a telescope can resolve on the moon is something the size of a football field, and that’s with perfect optics and no atmospheric distortion.
There are however other ways which people can be tracked, the most obvious being mobile phones which carry a code which can’t be changed even if the SIM card is.
I seem to recall an enricher involved in a terror attack here being caught in Italy because even though he changed the Sim, his phone was still traceable.
I heard that satellites are used to spy on farmers, to make sure they are growing the right things and not burying carcases. The same person told me that the satellite can read number-plates and help to trace stolen vehicles and machinery. Is this a rural myth?
Well thanks, folks, but all you have done is confirm the stories I have heard and am not sure where between them the truth lies. However, imaging science, developments & improvements march on. Had an ex-military bod been able to confirm the excellent extreme of imaging capability my next question would have been:
‘Do news organisations have access to satellites of lesser capability but nevertheless tracking movement of armed troops and identifying clothes, travel routes, vehicles, etc.?’
My problem is that the BBC keep telling me things about Syria, Burma, Bangladesh, Trump, etc., that come from a single source and are unverified and also unqualified by the BBC but presented to me as hard, indisputable facts.
Mishal Husain appeared to be totally gullible on TODAY on Monday 15 January when broadcasting from Cox’s Bazar. When one refugee ‘victim’ told her that soldiers came from the north and attacked their village, Mishal did not ask which village. Depending on location, it would have been very interesting if Burmese soldiers had come from the north.
Unfortunately, Mishal’s political, geographic & journalistic instincts deserted her completely at that point.
News : Virgin back down over Mail, after tweet from Branson
The claim is that he wasn’t involved in the original decision.
He has now overruled it, on principles of free speech.
Lefty/lib mob nutters :Over on the R4 Oldies Facebook group they picked up the “Trump is a racist” narrative, banged on and on about it
..They are so carried away they make clearly factual errors, I correct one ..then they put another saying ..
..but whilst I write to correct it ..they closed the thread
Their incorrect ending post said
\\ it was a meeting with senators with reference to Martin Luther King Day (oh, the irony!). //
Then I wrote the post pointing out that No it wasn’t and point out that the media didn’t cover the actual MLK Park signing 2 days earlier and then sneeringly covered the MLK bill signing 2 days later.
So shouting racism about the immigrationt does fit the Democrats MO that they would do everything they can to disrupt an image of the President getting on with and respecting black people /POC.
I hit the send button ..and get a msg from Facebook effectively saying “You cannot reply as this thread is closed’.
Bloody libmob ..building and controlling narrative.
Thanks very much for posting this. It is really heartening to know that these hypocritical, double-standard liberals/lefties got so scared they closed the thread! It shows just how fact-averse they are. I once wrote that Margaret Thatcher’s tactic was to drown her opponents in facts and figures, and when they came up for air, to pour on some more …
The MSM, and especially the BBC, are a prime example of what happens when there is no accountability, or when you have toothless watchdogs. As President Trump said at a press conference, “you are out of control”. Absolute power will always corrupt absolutely.
And on what basis do they call President Trump a “racist”? What right do they have to do so? Republican Senator Rand Paul, an eye surgeon by profession, went on a medical mission trip to Haiti in 2015 as part of a team to treat Haitians for eye diseases and to carry out operations. They did exemplary work there, and many Haitians had their eyesight restored. The Guardian at least reported on this trip: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/aug/22/rand-paul-haiti-blindness
Why don’t the virtue-signalling mob tell us how much was done by the Democrats and the Clinton Foundation to help Haiti? (I have heard that they didn’t help very much, in fact quite the opposite, but I suppose it would be unfair to repeat the allegations).
All we are asking for is accurate, unbiased, and professional reporting. In its absence, no wonder a King of Fake News Trophy is about to be awarded …
Haiti: a possession within the French Empire which was the jewel of the Caribbean; subject to a revolt of Blacks led by mulattos in which all the Whites were slaughtered, including women and children. The mulattos then being murdered in turn by the blacks.
Bill Clinton being accused of using the money to Clinton Foundation to help Haiti actually funded Chelsea’s wedding. Now trending in some USA news – not usual MSM news of course
Ah yes, the Clinton Foundation; a charity where about 95% of the funds go to administer the…ahem…work of the foundation and around 5% are put towards doing the actual…er…”charity work”.
R4 Now : 11am prog about foreigners, women in Rotherham and sex
The woman is a white called Sharon
..First guy Serge is from Cameroon
… he was obsessed by having a baby so he can fix his immigration over stay problem.
He emotionally blackmails her,
He then moves in with another younger girl, who quickly gets pregnant.
They discuss her second husband who was an Alabanian drunk who used her to get immigration papers
.. “I don’t date white guys”
Later she meets some other guy , thinks he’s OK ..but on a date it becomes apparent that she has been drugged and raped by him and mates ..she gets away they disappear
My error it’s not a repeat
..The drug rape was not with the guy, she woke up naked
She is warned to stop going to the African nightclub in Rotherham, cos the men are not acting like “they would at home”, they play around whereas in their own land they’d be shamed by relatives.
Sharon moved in with her daughter ..seems a different town
Last part of prog ..a Muslim man has slept in house
says “I don’t like people who pray all the time”
..she met him 2 days ago on internet
She’s joking about will she have sex with him, but she doesn’t know what he looks like cos he arrived in morning.
She explains her life experience is that there’s no dating, men come round and they have sex.
..End of prog she deletes her internet dating, complaining that all the men lie ..like she only found out that last guy was a Muslim when he arrived “he were gud looking, but he never told me before”
You’d think the woman comes from a crazy gypsy community or something, but her daughter seems sane.
The woman herself is like a big kid, the taxpayer would save money if they family or a social worker were closing guiding her life.
The BBC titled the prog : Looking for Love
I would have titled it : Vulnerable Woman repeatedly abused by immigrants from Africa etc.
@Rob You say slag , I say big (vulnerable) kid
I think it amounts to the same thing
She obviously costs the tax payer a load of money
..and if people like her were knocked onto the straight and narrow there’d less prey for these exploitative largely foreign men, who exploited her.
Anyway “They’ree just white slags” is the Rotherham Labour Council, liberal authorities attitude.
These women were not always slags
and although she doesn’t recognise that her internet groomers are really raping her ..the same bad guys will be trying it on with teenage girls like your daughter , the next day.
The BBC chose to title this story of serial abuse as “Looking for Love”
Again, with no benefits, if she had to support herself and live with the consequences, she might find that being an easy shag for all manner of immigrants was no longer an attractive career option.
The British underclass is a truly wondrous thing. The influence of the benefits system has made them far worse than say in the pre 70s period by breaking up family support systems . The rest is largely down to the collapse of ‘traditional morals’ regarding marriage and the work ethic , which were there for a reason.
Of course when I posted about this on the R4 Facebook, there was not reaction like the outrage bus for Trump/Weinstein.
That forum was totally infiltrated by libs, so they were largely silent
One comment said “There is no onus on anybody raped to report it. It’s not her responsibility to stop other women (or anybody else) from being raped.”
…. Jesus ..facepalm
Now the liberals turned to attack me as is predicted with such things
As soon as they say something wrong ..and I point out the logical error , they have a tantrum as they perceive it as a personal attack.
\\ as a man talking to women. a bit of empathy, and a little less “logic and evidence” would go a long way //
Somehow in a discussion about men who have raped and serially abused, I am the bad man cos I dared to challenge one incorrect comment
Could the BBC be held to account for its lack of reporting of Jimmy Savile and its hounding of BBC reporters that wanted to reveal the story … WORBOYS PSYCHOLOGIST CAMPAIGNED FOR SOFT JUSTICE FOR SEX OFFENDERS … I guess we should keep quiet about such things just like the BBC did with Jimmy Savile and give them safe spaces on TV to practice their trade and to pay them via the BBC TV Tax so to give them a job and keep them off the street ….
I had the misfortune to be driving early today and I actually couldn’t stay on R4 for more than 30 secs at a time for Today – hoping there would be some real news and current affairs..
Some questions with the – “is it me?” after each:
– Why did the BBC feel the need to spend the whole morning on the Rohingya situation?
– Why did Mishal Hussain have to go there at our expense?
– Why are we paying 2/3rds of the cost (£2m) for a diphtheria programme..
-Why are A&E doctors out there when the NHS keeps telling us it is stretched and Pakistan seems quite capable of sending its medics here to work?
– And for irony one of the local officials complained that the refugees now outnumber the locals and that their infrastructure is being overwhelmed…The BBC seem happy to accept its an issue there but not here?
Rohingya are muslims and so high priority refugees in beebland. Christians and various other religious minorities displaced, murdered etc by ISIS are not worth much attention.
If you wonder why John Humphries gets paid what he gets and Mishal Hussein gets what she does, listen to her interview on the Today programme this morning between 7am and 8am as she interviewed an academic about the Rohingya. She stumbled from question to question, unable to follow a train of thought or line of questioning, long pauses between questions. I thought this would have been her area of expertise, she showed pretty little understanding of her subject this morning.
– BBC still using word ‘EU divorce’ rather than EU demand. And nobody has seen the demand bill yet … but the BBC aren’t worried about that because emotion overrides actual list of demands from the EU.
– BBC put word priciest in quotes …. why? Are they not sure or is this an episode of Friends?
James Purcell takes 300k a year off us plus perks to be the BBC ‘director of Strategy.’
Strategy 1: Continue to send people to prison if they do not pay our wages.
Er . . . that’s it.
If they made it subscription only then they really would come up with some strategies to improve their product. Until then they will continue to talk down their noses to us.
“A BBC Trending report about predators on YouTube prompted a reader to investigate – which led to an international tip-off that resulted in the jailing of a dangerous paedophile.”
– Remember the BBC were paying for a paedophile to appear on the TV … but the TV Tax payer was not able to defund it to show how they felt.
Good article. Can't wait to see the @BBC response, esp from @BBCr4today management? How is John Humphries still an appropriate interviewer on ANY issue relating to women? https://t.co/RfL0SHBwSt
Yes … that is the end game. No one can say anything or express anything unless it is the right and approved thing …
‘You haven’t a real appreciation of Newspeak, Winston,’ he said almost sadly. ‘Even when you write it you’re still thinking in Oldspeak. I’ve read some of those pieces that you write in The Times occasionally. They’re good enough, but they’re translations. In your heart you’d prefer to stick to Oldspeak, with all its vagueness and its useless shades of meaning. You don’t grasp the beauty of the destruction of words. Do you know that Newspeak is the only language in the world whose vocabulary gets smaller every year?’
Winston did know that, of course. He smiled, sympathetically he hoped, not trusting himself to speak. Syme bit off another fragment of the dark-coloured bread, chewed it briefly, and went on:
‘Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.
A nice little quote from a Marxist of years ago called Willy Munzenberg
“We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks”
That prophesy isn’t too far from being fulfilled I would guess.
It is describing the late, great Cyrille Regis as a pioneer for black players (in top flight football) in the 1970s. It was in the 1960s that BAME (non-white) players started playing top flight football, BBC – the 1960s not the 1970s.
Oh, I forgot. The BBC has a very short memory, doesn’t do history (properly) and has a one track mind.
Memo to James Purnell: please fix these faults as part of a future strategy for the BBC.
It will be a good chance for them to have a virtuous wallow in racism in football back in the seventies. These days there just is not enough racism around for the Left; their whole worldview of oppressors versus oppressed is destroyed by the hate fact that most people are decent and we all rub along pretty well.
I remember when Chiles made a programme about some testimonial game in the 70’s when an ‘all black team’ played an ‘all white team’. Chiles was suitably horrified and banged on and on , none of the players could care less and appeared to treat AC with contempt !
BBC still going on about Regis today, as are the newspapers.
I feel sorry for Clyde Best (West Ham Utd – 1960s) and I don’t think he was the first BAME, First Division player, either.
Regis was an outstanding player but Clyde Best was no slouch. A very solid, traditional centre-forward but with a devastingly deceptive kicking action that kept the ball low and fooled defenders & goalkeepers. I remember watching him on Saturday MotD (back when it was unmissable) as a kid.
I must confess that just recently I’ve been feeling a ‘bit-out-of-it’ here since I decided not to renew my TV Licence last September. No view – little to contribute. I have just received my, “No Licence Needed confirmation” looking just like a watermarked certificate from the friendly TV Licensing people. Think I’ll frame it. They called me one evening to enquire why I had not renewed my licence. I told them in no uncertain terms.
Only bit of news worthy of imparting is that of a New Year resolution. Since the visit to my home last year by two of the local stasi one Saturday evening at 2015 acting on a complaint, from ‘a person’, that I uttered ‘Hate Speech’, I’ve actively taken on a new dedication – so be warned!
Having used the abbreviation, “muzzie” for ‘you-know-who’s’ in local circumstances, I am now primed with a zealotry. You know, we retired Brexiteering ‘ol-gits’ can think of nothing constructive to do. So, I am now dedicated to hounding out those who use, ‘hate speech’ (naturally, being a reformed character dontchaknow). Living in Wales, I’m waiting patiently for someone to use the abbreviation, “taff” or perhaps, “foreigner” in circumstances where I am offended. My bar, needless to say, is pretty low now….. Just doing my duty.
I need to feel rewarded by other human beings, to feel a sense of community. My new found zeal will satisfy that and the police? well, they haven’t anything better to do anyway other than chase up alleged ‘Hate Crimes’.
Thinking about it there exists a wonderful business opportunity. The first dictionary of words that constitute ‘hate speech’? We all need a guide. Problem is that most of the words used in the Oxford English Dictionary would be held to be taboo. Ah well, perhaps another day.
Anyway speaking enough Arabic to get by and knowing certain derogatory Arabic words used to describe me and all other disbelievers, I might be found skulking around any muslim hang-out on the considerably likely event that I overhear hate speech that I can then report to the police. ‘Two can play at that game’.
Did you speak to the Stasi? My inclination, were I to get caught up in such a thing, would be to say nothing to them. Other than “leave the house, please”. And put my phone on record.
RD, I was conned by one of the police. He said (on opening the door), “we know you’ve had problems with x (a neighbour) can we come in.” Thinking that the conversation was to involve that neighbour so a level of confidentiality was required, I let them in. When Inside, I said, “what have they been up to now?”. Too late, they were inside, effectively having conned their way in, then to say, “it’s not that we want to talk to you about”. And so on.
Searching the internet, you find many warnings about letting them in to your property. When in, and spotting anything, “suspicious” which to investigate, they then have an implied right to search. Fact is, you can no longer trust the police. That’s a fact sorry to say. To deal with a similar scenario again, I would open a window and ask them to state their business on the doorstep. If they are unprepared to do that I would end the conversation there and then.
There was a time, many years ago, when I would not think twice and dive in and help the police either physically or intellectually. I have done so on a number of occasions. One I remember, ‘big time’, furnishing the CID with crucial information they needed to prosecute a gang that gang eventually being locked away for total > 60 years. Thanks? I was invited to a ceremony with the Chief Constable handing out awards to the ‘team’. Me? a couple of vol-au-vents and a cup of tea.
I don’t know whether the police even consider their public persona.
Good source of info here: http://crimebodge.com/never-allow-the-police-into-your-home/
It should be read and thoroughly digested.
I would advise not speaking to the police about anything – ever – because they score points for finding comments which anyone considered to be racial.
A lot of people now seem to be just listening for someone to say something they can use against them. It is just better to keep your mouth shut.
I was walking in the street once and a black woman was so busy on the mobile she bounced off me. I kept walking. Next I have her running up to me screaming at me that I’d pushed her over. I kept going . Never said a word. I knew that if I said anything – even sorry – I’d have been the racist whitee
It’s getting a really unpleasant country to live in. Neighbours spying on you, the police looking for Evidence of Hate Speech , fear of saying anything, fear of being accused of Hate Speech because you accidentally bumped into someone. We live in a police state and our justice is now corrupted to justice by denunciation . If I could I would emigrate but where to?
Think I noted Nick Clegg as the first one who called us “Brits”.
2009 I think.
Ever since, I`ve got the measure of those who call us this. And am yet to be proved wrong.
Guido claims that Brexit has driven Adonis mad whereas Campbell had a pre existing record of mental disorder . Pity he can’t leave politics alone and do something calming.
Heard Adonis on Farage’s LBC show.
Adonis was simply glib, facile and evasive. Snide remarks about Farage being the “real prime minister” of the country. Made no serious arguments. He seems to be popping up everywhere on the media to proffer forth. I have no idea what his “claim to fame” is and why he holds the media spell-bound. He makes Campbell seem a “stable genius” by comparison.
These people always pretend that the EU is about economics when it is really about the creation of a new superstate. The flag, the anthem and legislative supremacy should be clues enough.
The EU is good at “slow boiling a frog in a pot”. I worked in a German bank in the 70s and like many did not see the significance of the introduction of “currencies of account”, currency baskets, eurcos, ecus and other what turned out to be precursors of the euro. Even when there were articles in the tecnical press floating the idea of issuing bonds in the ecu, the penny did not drop at that time. The euro, freedom of movement, european law and so on are designed to increase interdependency to such a degree that it is impossible to reverse. Adonis and Campell are simply lying or deluded when they deny that this is the ultimate endpoint or claim that Britain inside the EU could divert the EU from the strategy it adopted decades ago.
Is it too much to hope that Farage will be head of UKIP again, now this oaf Bolton is toxic to half the population in one go?
Might start to speak some sense again, he`s been a clown these last few months.
I doubt it. UKIP is beyond saving. If Farage is thinking of making a comeback I suspect he intends to start a new party.
Maybe he’s done as much as he can and will stick to his LBC job. At least until some confected “offence” is caused to some troublemaker and he’s sacked.
Coburn truly on form on Daily Politics. A German tells us that we are arrogant and Brexit has brought it out. And there was I thinking that May and Davis were deferential and the arrogance came from Barnier, Juncker, Verhofstadt, Tusk , Merkel etc. A German lecture on arrogance , beyond belief!
Labour’s Emma Somebody given a free ride to moan about Brexit too.
I’ve almost stopped stopped watching now Brillo is gone.
I heard the Schleimscheisser use the term “national egotism”.
This is what the EU and the German media say when EU countries refuse to accept the “refugees” that Germany wants to get rid of after Ma Merkel’s Madness. Without consulting anyone, she invites in a million people and then expects other countries to help her out. Who’s the egotist?
Some of the delay in forming a new German government is due to our idol Martin Schulz demanding that the families of refugees be allow into Germany. The “Schulz Effekt” is so great that the SPD has asked their candidate Martin Horn to change his name in the forthcoming Freiburg mayoral election.
The CSU interior minister of Bavaria, Hermann is also demanding that unaccompnied child migrants be age tested.
At least two UCMs have raped and murdered German women and it has become a legal necessity to determine what their true age is as sentencing would be so different.
The case of Hussein K. in Freiburg has to be read in detail to understand the chaos that has been created.
H.K. claimed that he was a 17 year old, Afghan UCM. Later tests showed that he must be at least 22 years old. His father was also contacted later on and claims his son is 33. It also emerged that in Greece he had been arrested, charged and sentenced to 10 years for attempted murder. He was released early because, apparently, the Greeks wanted to empty their jails of juveniles.
True to form, the Germans as saying the Greeks are entirely to blame for the tragedy.
EE – you should forget the ‘almost stopped’ . I gave up when Brillo left. I knew what it was like without him. He really was the last independent journo on al Beeb. After writing the last sentence I really did have a head scratch to think of any independent – fair – journo on al Beeb – can’t think of one.
Their website reports a newsreader is ill and a television presenter is getting divorced.
If I want celebrity gossip I will buy Heat magazine. At no point does their charter mention their need to fill our heads with profoundly shallow inanity. We do not pay £3.6 billion for celebrity gossip, or ‘showbiz’ as they illiterately refer to it. If one were interested in such things there are countless other websites who do it much better than the BBC.
Never mind is Trump a racist, is the BBC useless? They provide little we cannot get better for free elsewhere.
They`ve just got no news.
And 24 hours a day to fill with this so-called no news.
Trump has got them by the windpipe and gives them nothing that`s “news”.
Just endless fake tittle tattle that we all can see behind now-and the media are incandescent and irrelevant at one and the same time.
Enjoy it-their news and analysis is student lefty posturings-and completely alienates the few elderly like us who still watch the telly. Nobody under 40 does, so all the BBC get is set ups where we refuse to pay or complain non-stop at their lies and bias.
Reminds me of Nelson from the Simpsons apologising for his being compelled to hit the Mike Tyson character-crying, apologising but having to do it, knowing that he`ll he hospitalised when he`s done.
We`re on a “crash course” with the Beeb-and we need only refuse to pay and scorn their efforts with Trump. Brexit and the NHS-as well as sport or Weinstein.
Sitting ducks these days, great fun, self-satire.
Now, I think that the scum that rape and abuse women should be separated from their genitals…. so was interested to hear from a woman on Breakfast TV this morning. What horrors has she suffered ?
Well, it seems that some bloke once said to her ‘Cheer Up, Love’ !!
I thought this was possibly a ‘wind-up’ but the interview went on – even the Breakfast TV half-wits seemed a bit bewildered and awkward glances were exchanged. Still not sure if this was for real – but there actually IS an online campaign called ‘ Cheer Up, Love’ !
PLEASE, somebody tell me this was done ‘for a laugh’ !!!
Often the ‘news’ seems like a parody. It is inevitable when you decide that anything which might hurt someone’s feelings should be a criminal offence.
Political correctness has killed comedy on the BBC – The Office, Only Fools and Horses and Fawlty Towers would fall foul of the censors today. The best comedy the Beeb produces these days is their ‘news.’ I loved their article on how you should only touch a girl at the end of a second date, and in a non-sexual area; and lengthy invocation of The Holocaust in relation to Charlottesville. My all time favourite was when they accused a journalist of being racist for likening footballer Ross Barkley to a gorilla because Barkely’s grandfather was racist, thus suggesting one must research someone’s entire family tree before speaking to them in case you inadvertently offend them by-proxy.
I used to quite like listening to the Archers. Silly storylines at times but entertaining and occasionally informative about farming e.g I know more about lambing than I think I wanted to.
Now, however, I find myself turning it off in disgust at the pc storylines especially gay Ian’s quest for a ‘Baybee’ of his own. No one in this presumably conservative community could possibly air the view that 2 (50 ish) men, however firmly ‘married’ can’t have babies and there’s nothing normal about finding two women, one for the DNA and one for the womb, to provide them with one.
Great news –
Corbin’s momentum disciples have taken over the NEC of the Labour Party – first decision – change the name from Labour to Communist Party .
I gave up the Archers when the BBC pushed Nigel off the roof. Heard a couple of minutes today by mistake with poor old Roy droning on (not sure what about), just such a poor script that seemed a million miles from proper conversation. Then someone (Hayley?) went for a swim in the river (why?) and with no other comment she was suddenly ringing up someone (the environmental agency?) to say all the fish were dead. No conversation with anybody on the ‘get me out of here, or i’m getting out because there are all these dead fish floating on the surface, etc. And wasn’t it a good job that she had the number to ring with her to be able to report dead fish (I carry it with me all the time). I think I know why I have never returned to Ambridge,
Psychological pollution. As the George Harrison song above puts it “pollution of the highest degree.” I suppose if Allah does conquer this country the only gain will be that he won’t tolerate this kind of bollocks. Poetic justice.
The Guido thread on Dennis MacShane is a goldmine https://order-order.com/2018/01/15/denis-macshane-put-finger-bum
To me sexual misbehaviour by McShanes raises the question that he might be not too keen to bother pushing investigations of others in his ROTHERHAM constituancy.
Also ..
Good to see the Home Office in full control of immigration,
”A gang including a Home Office worker masterminded a conspiracy to allow illegal immigrants to stay in the country, a court has heard.
Shamsu Iqbal was allegedly the lynchpin of the group that used his ‘trusted’ Home Office position to falsify documents – with investigators identifying 437 potential cases over five years.
The 61-year-old changed the records of migrants who had permission to stay in the UK, giving their identities to people who were in Britain illegally”
Reminds me of when, after the Paris attack massacre, it was revealed that one of the Jihadi’s aunties was working on the Immigration and deportation department in Belgium. (Is that really true ?)
In other words, the people doing the screening are the ones we should never have let in the country in the first place. They are prioritising their muslim brothers and sisters from around the world, as is their religious duty. Do you really think a muslim is going to see a fellow muslim as a threat? They see them as allies in the eternal struggle against infidels.
I think if I was walking along minding my own business and mr mcshane stuck his finger up my bottom I would nt wait until I was publishing a book to mention it… but there again — no fingerprint evidence now is there ?
Absolutely Stew, the inmates (invaders) are in charge of the asylum and letting all their mates (invaders) in. We’ve had it. The situation can’t be reversed.
Yes, they’re all employed in local authority and Government jobs where they, ‘on the inside’ and can deflect blame and/or ‘lose’ complaints against their fellow muslims. It had to happen. Fact is, they even want them in the Army now and that’s really dangerous in my opinion much less, the move to employ more of them as police. God forbid!, another 10/15 years and just think what the level of corruption will be like. I won’t be here then so, best of luck to all including the two 20 year old white/Welsh PC’s that came to visit me (refer above).
You are quite right. I had personal experience of that, when one member of “the community” working in the council planning department gave planning permission to another. The planning application was completely unsuitable, and should have gone to the planning committee instead of being rubber stamped.
The council accepted that “procedure” had not been followed, but apparently once permission is given, even in “error”, that’s it.
That’s just one example that I know about, I expect it happens all the time.
The Application for Judicial Review will work to ‘unpick’ the matter and tell the LA Planning Authority to have another, ‘go’ but get it right next time.
I have looked at JR in connection with another planning matter, but the costs are just too high, unless you can get a “human rights lawyer” working on Legal Aid. Ordinary British people need not apply.
“They are prioritising their muslim brothers and sisters from around the world, as is their religious duty. Do you really think a muslim is going to see a fellow muslim as a threat? ”
We need to make a distinction between an extremist muslim and a moderate muslim.
The extremist muslim wants to cut your head off.
The moderate muslim wants the extremist muslim to cut your head off.
And they want more muzlims in the armed forces!
Apparently in Germany they join for the weapons training, the better to fight the infidel.
Ye gods. I want to move to another planet.
Thank christ for YouTube. I know Google and it’s leftist agenda are doing everything they can to shut it down (or rather restrict what they don’t ‘approve of’) but mainstream terrestrial news just infuriates me with it’s shocking levels of left wing propaganda bias and it really does offer (along with this website and Brietbart) the only avenue to make you not believe that the whole world has gone insane.
Hope this is not the same German Anti-Terrorist dept. that employed a Islamic gay porn terrorist … oh dear …
Arrested German spy was a onetime gay porn actor — and a secret Islamist {washingtonpost nov2016}
“BERLIN — Two weeks ago, German intelligence agents noticed an unusual user in a chat room known as a digital hideout for Islamic militants. The man claimed to be one of them — and said he was a German spy. He was offering to help Islamists infiltrate his agency’s (In April 2016, the man began working for the BfV, assigned to monitoring potentially violent Islamists in Germany.) defenses to stage a strike.
I waited until the new thread to post about this, and because I wanted to give the lying BBC the time to report it, I see that they have decided not to do so.
Home Office worker ‘was lynchpin of plot to let illegal migrants stay’: Employee is accused of falsifying records that could have seen hundreds benefit
Yet again we see corrupt enrichers allowed into jobs where they are in a position of trust because the Left simply cannot accept there is any difference in the culture of other countries and the people who come to Britain from therm.
Pakistan is one of the most corrupt countries in the world and when migrants come here absolutely nothing is done to counter than culture because the left can’t accept it’s even a part of their lives.
Virtually every country in Europe has provision to repatriate migrants who are 1st or 2nd generation, Britain does not, but it’s time we started !
#lib-landPriorities : Following the conviction of 18 people after an investigation into sex exploitation in Newcastle’s West End.
However, the force received a complaint after a number of comments were left on the page, referring to the race and religion of the perpetrators in the case.
An investigation was launched and police have now traced six people who were behind the posts deemed to be offensive and potentially criminal.
Officers have now spoken to these individuals and warned them about their behaviour.
However, the force received a complaint after a number of comments were left on the page, referring to the race and religion of the perpetrators in the case.
An investigation was launched and police have now traced six people who were behind the posts deemed to be offensive and potentially criminal.
Catherine Deneuve et al’s letter was eloquent, justified and sensible. It needed no apology, but the ensuing faux ‘outrage’ was so predictable. You could almost feel the bBBCs skin prickle to have to print that long article about the authors of the letter – Deneuve and many other ‘not very well known’ frogs. And then comes the predictable formulated take down…someone has expressed a view which is contrary to the agenda! They will be vaporised.
It wasn’t printed here, they are French and have a different culture, certainly with respect to sex. The way Britain and the us are going, it won’t be long before women will have to cover up and not be allowed to be in the presence of men unaccompanied. It’s ok though because you can easily marry someone of the same sex, or change your genitals.
“……it won’t be long before women will have to cover up and not be allowed to be in the presence of men unaccompanied. It’s ok though because you can easily marry someone of the same sex, or change your genitals.” With that level of concealement, perhaps marry a male of the Islamic persuasion.
The, ‘evil one’ Yvette Cooper’s committee suggestions? http://www.westmonster.com/wet-home-affairs-committee-urge-government-to-scrap-tens-of-thousands-migration-promise/
Sounds good? –
“Replacing the net migration target with an evidence-based framework for different types of immigration that takes into account the UK’s needs.”
Will the, “different types” of immigration contain a category (the largest no doubt) which contains those who live on State Benefits as distinct to those who have employment when arriving?
The top rated comments were complimentary of Trump, such as this one, which got the most likes:
‘Trump is the one and only true God. Long live God Emperor Donald Trump! May he reign for a thousand years, and spill the blood of the weak, to pave the way for a Supreme empire that will force the rest of the world into submission. May he live long and prosper and may he drink the blood and tears of liberals for eternity. Till Valhalla, my brothers!!!’
This was the second most popular comment:
‘Watch what happens here, all you haters, watch what happens…. The racism of the left is about to have it’s cover blown wide open. Watch what happens.’
Later in the day, the BBC posted another link to the same article. This time, the comments were far less complimentary (presumably as a higher proportion of the people commenting were based in the UK, due to the time of day it was posted).
I cannot see why the BBC would post a link to the article a second time, except because they thought the comments were too pro-Trump the first time around.
So typical that the Beeb deliberately ignore UKIP and it’s leader for all this time. Intentionally don’t speak to them or call them in for interviews about Brexit but when the leader makes an error of judgement suddenly he’s blown up to main headlines.
If being head of UKIP let him get down with some young filly, then he was wise to use that in his playbook.
In all seriousness, I’m not excusing him but the MSM didn’t bother reporting anything he was saying because they deemed him so irrelevant. Yet suddenly when there is a scandal of a nobody, they have to jump all over it because the nobody is a member of the right and hence deserving of a good kicking.
I believe that he is waiting for UKIP to go t*ts up before he launches a new party to fill the void created. The current internal structure of UKIP was the reason why he stepped away.
I suspect UKIP is fairly full of ‘sleepers’ put there by other parties to disrupt them as soon as they started to achieve some success. Add in those who are politically naive, given responsibility way beyond their level of competence, and you have a recipe for …
Lefty – I struggle to recall such a terrible judgement call – to make a big thing about a new lady friend – but then go on the media to talk about the stupid tarts twitter comments and think he can still keep his job when he is a joke. What’s his name – Toby idiot Young? Dick leads head.
There is a lesson here for anyone wishing to be under the scrutiny of our treacherous media.
Although I still believe he is a common purpose plant, Bolton appears clueless in many respects. Faced with his cock ruling his brains, did he not foresee questions?
The first question requires an answer of:
My private life is my concern, fuck you.
So, she posted racist remarks, you’d better ask her about that, not me, I’ll shag anyone I want. Who did you shag last night Evan Davies.
Not interested in what she posted or tweeted, so fuck off.
Maybe John Humphries would have choked on his coffee.
If you enter public life your private life is gone-up to the point where wives and children get involved – as soon as a politician uses these they are fair game . Tough but that’s the way it is.
This character was the leader of a political party with 4 million votes last time. He had a girlfriend you made public comments about a member of the royal family – so he is toast – tough – there’s always another politician ready to take over.
FU2, well one disagrees. An interviewer probing about your private life needs to be put in his place.
If they pose as the archetypal solid family man for election purposes, while behaving otherwise, yes, we are all entitled to be informed. But as for confirming it yourself, you dont have to.
And is he supposed to be responsible for her tweets? No way. And Humphries should have been told.
I wonder if the Beeb will put up the new report from Professor Patrick Minford that was in The Telegraph that a No deal could lead to a loss of £509 billion for the EU and a gain of £641 billion for the UK?
I guess not and ultimately why bother? Theresa and her bunch of spineless capitulators aren’t interested in giving the UK an advantage. They aren’t bothered about putting the interests of the British people above those of the EU. Oh god no, much prefer to virtue signal our pliability to ensure that everyone else benefits.
She’s running through the playbook to perfection. Try to talk tough, run an awful GE campaign, shrug off a potential blockbuster trade deal with Trump so she can cosy up to misguided lefties who would never vote for her anyway and perpetuate the talks and process for so long that even Farage begins to talk about how they will hit us with another referendum with the hope that UK apathy pies the whole thing off and that we crawl back to the EU whipping block to serve our penance for daring to consider leaving our dominating partner.
Payne by name
I think a lot of people including myself were expecting rather better from the PM after her assertion that Brexit means Brexit. I still harbour a vague hope that she may yet come from behind and win by a nose. Wishful thinking? The snag is that in the General Election she came from the front to win by a nose. I have to agree with you that it doesn’t look good.
I was one of those hoping for good things and her straight talking ‘No deal is better than a bad deal’ was one of the best things she has ever said.
Even though I knew she was a remainer and a poor Home Secretary, I still thought she might be able to step up but my confidence has gone. She’s just so weak, so disinterested, so ticking the boxes that this great opportunity is going to be squandered by her incompetence, tedious Tory in-fighting and endless MSM fuelled negativity.
Agreed that she seems easily constantly distracted, racing from one wall to another to fend off irritatingly minor scuffles and over reacting to every tweet and twatter. However, I do think that her calling is to see Brexit through to it’s conclusion and to be fair keeping the kindergarten which passes for a cabinet aligned in the correct direction would try the patience of a saint.
Do we have the makings of a British folk singer who will actually sing Britain’s praises and not use his popularity to piss on us? I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Toronto police investigate ‘scissor attack’ on girl’s hijab
oddly the BBC didn’t feel the need to link back to their original write up.
You can but admire this bit of phrasing: “Canadian police are investigating a possible hate crime after a man tried to cut the hijab off a young girl.”
Which seems to say it is possible it was a hate crime but leaves little doubt in the mind of the reader that the thing happened.
Read on and there is this odd statement “Khawlah sent a message to her attacker during a press conference”
Can’t help but feel the BBC got their initial headline all wrong. Well, assuming they don’t have an agenda to play up supposed hate crime.
Good spot, just another one of these fake hate crimes that Lefties love to light up QT with before somebody points out they weren’t actual hate crimes.
Like the one the BBC got deep into of a black waitress who cried about some nasty whites writing on her receipt that they wouldn’t tip her. I never did see the Beeb correction on that piece of self inflicted fiction.
The Times :
‘The cause of equality is damaged when those guilty of serious crimes are given lighter sentences’: @ClareFoges on why women must face the same justice as men
link: http://spr.ly/6015DzEJ1
No outrage from the ‘equalities’ industry about this.
My nephews go to a mixed primary school and the girls get away with more than the boys do. It is probably a deeply wired evolutionary thing for men to want to protect women.
Beeb Bro
From 1950 t0 1955 I attended a mixed secondary modern school and the whole time I was there as far as the male teachers were concerned the boys were called by their surname and the girls by their Christian name. It never bothered me then and it doesn’t bother me now. Nevertheless it does kind of illustrate your “deeply wired” point. Today’s radical wimmin seem to want that basic instinct to be branded as sexist.
I scan the Daily Mail a couple of times a week, admittedly not the greatest source of serious news, but when a big story breaks they are quick with it. Anyway they often have those ‘in the courts’ stories and there’s almost always one where a woman has committed fraud, benefit fraud to the tune of hundreds of 000’s, glassed another person while being drunk, ran someone over or wasted police time through a rape allegation.
They virtually never get put away inside for offences that a man would get 5-10 years for. I think the radical feminists have convinced judges that women are actually infants and so below the age of criminal responsibility.
I don’t know about you but mr mason doesn’t come across as the full load – not in what he believes – but in his whole attitude.
Unless of course he does it to try to make a crust turning up on c4 or qt of writing poison for the G. It’s a bit of a competitive field though ‘mad white hating lefty’.
He never did, especially when wheeled out as Newnight’s notional ‘economics’ but actually ‘anger and protests’ editor, scooting off on exes around the world at the drop of a Molotov Cocktail to ‘report’.
Wonder what the BBC saw in him that the Graun eventually grasped was NOT “unique …. honest … fearless journalism … free from commercial or political interference … from hidden influences …. and truth”?
And will doubtless have him back soon on this very basis?
Tonights episode, Hull to Malton – series 9:11
The information given by the BBC about the program (on the BBC TV Guide);
“Michael Portillo begins in the East Yorkshire port of Hull, where he heads for the docks THROUGH WHICH ‘MILLIONS’ OF MIGRANTS PASSED AT THE TURN OF THE 20TH CENTURY”
I don’t doubt that there could have been substantial numbers of migrants “passing through”, perhaps on their way to Liverpool and on to foreign destinations (USA), BUT ‘millions’? And through the port of Hull?
Can’t help thinking that for some, the use of the words ‘millions’ and ‘migrants’ in the same sentence conjures up an image that our shores have been subject to “mass immigration”, on the scale of recent years, before. Am I just being overly cynical?
The beebies love Google.
They have lifted this http://www.bbc.co.uk/legacies/immig_emig/england/humber/article_2.shtml
from this http://www.norwayheritage.com/articles/templates/voyages.asp?articleid=28&zoneid=6
Dr Nicholas J. Evans (Univ. of Hull) says that, during the period 1836-1914, over 2.2 million transmigrants from Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Russia and Sweden passed through Hull en route to the US, Canada, South Africa and Australia via British ports.
I assume Evans may have reached this figure by checking passenger lists (but of course one can’t be certain!).
At any rate, the BBC have missed out the fact they were TRANSmigrants in their Railway Journeys description.
ti, there is a contradiction in this: “Dr Nicholas J. Evans (Univ. of Hull) says that, during the period 1836-1914, over 2.2 million transmigrants from Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Russia and Sweden passed through Hull en route to the US, Canada, South Africa and Australia via British ports.”
It does not seem particularly clear as to whether it is either through Hull or through British ports including Hull.
Probably bad paraphrasing by me.
He writes in http://www.norwayheritage.com/articles/templates/voyages.asp?articleid=28&zoneid=6
“Though migrants have been travelling to or via the port for most of her history, it was during the period 1836 – 1914 that Hull developed a pivotal role in the movement of transmigrants via the UK. During this period over 2.2 million transmigrants passed through Hull en route to a new life in the US, Canada, South Africa and Australia. Originating from Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Russia and Sweden, the transmigrants passed through the port, from where they would take a train to Glasgow, Liverpool, London or Southampton – the UK ports which offered steamship services to the ‘New World’ they had dreamed of.”
I wish to God the “millions of migrants” our Elite imported for us, from the end of WW2 to the present; had all come from Scandinavia and Germany instead of places falling within that recently defined Trumpian category.
ti, I did wonder if it was found in transcription!
But back to your point. If you look for facts about Hull as a port in 19th century, you strangely find no reference to migration. Well, in about half an hour of my searching. Trade, yes. Especially outgoing trade, ie. freight, but not migration. TBomK, Newcastle was the port for people in the region.
Like you, I hope this Prof checked shipping lines and passenger lists. Will you challenge him?
Life’s too short (at least for me) to do all the necessary research! However, it is certainly true that all “academics” should be challenged. I have no idea whether Prof. Evans is correct or not. I guess the place to start would be to get hold of his original bibliographies/references and work back using his sources, in addition to searching out other (original) sources. This, of course, applies to every history one reads (or watches).
The BBC don’t do any real time-consuming research.
I felt I’d been stitched up by BBC1 Sunday morning show The Big Questions.
Read the full interview with Alice Roberts in the new issue of Radio Times
“I was once invited onto a debate where I was told it would be even-handed, with a diversity of people there. But there weren’t,” she says, about her appearance on BBC1 Sunday morning show The Big Questions.
“When I tried to find common ground, the person running the debate was not interested and wanted to stimulate a bust-up. I couldn’t get up and leave as it was on television… I was really unhappy and felt I’d been stitched up.
I’m never going back on there.”
7:30pm BBC Inside Out : Most region editions seem to be about the BBC telling you how to manage your money.
…. How’s that BBC pension fund black hole going ?
Will ..”Tories/poverty/food-banks/homeless people/” be mentioned as part of agenda pushing ?
“Is universal credit forcing people into debt?”
Now : East Mids has the Derby Muslim bombers plans
(why the hell is this not on the website blurb ?)
Talking bout plotters looking to bomb shopping centre
Mo works in Kerry foods Burton on Trent ..working on ready meals
..he was reading about how to poison food for ISIS ..his planning had not gone further
He’d got the job by using fake Dutch ID
If you’re talking about the recent case, he was a Sudanese illegal migrant who was caught jumping off a lorry on the M1 but allowed to stay by our safe and strong border system. He wanted to put ricin in food products purchased in Derby’s principal shopping centre. So again all our elites are working hard to keep us safe, labour or Tory.
I see the Beeb is making as much political hay as it can from the Carillion collapse. Dare I say it, another opportunity by them to try and bring the government down? Not that they’re pushing what Corbyn says at all.
The ‘hate crime’ against the Muslim girl in Canada turns out to have never happened – what a surprise! Will the BBC be issuing a prominent correction having breathlessly ran with the story? We know how strongly they feel about fake news. I wonder if the school children they have been teaching to spot fake stories could have noticed this was a whopping great lie from our free, fair and impartial Ministry of Truth?
It’s incredible the racism of white people
So many of them are refusing to live in Brent
“Brent, the most ethnically diverse borough in the country,
has the highest percentage of non-white British pupils in secondary school at 94.5% ”
Check other London areas https://www.theguardian.com/uk/datablog/2012/apr/12/london-school-pupils-poverty-race
Fedup2Jan 31, 11:53 Midweek 29th January 2025 Steady ..as a PPL (H). I could get me knickers in a twist over that one …
tomoJan 31, 11:46 Midweek 29th January 2025 oh, gawd…. Trannies seem to be attracted to rotary wing piloting…..
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tomoJan 31, 11:06 Midweek 29th January 2025 I’m certainly not going to claim that it (DEI) was a factor in the Potomac collision but having had some…
MarkyMarkJan 31, 10:24 Midweek 29th January 2025 Diversity is our strength …. no black people…”College of Commissioners” https://commission.europa.eu/sites/default/files/styles/oe_theme_full_width_banner_3_1/public/2025-01/New_college_banner_1920x640.png.webp?h=61ca0bd2&itok=zPl7Jxz1 The College of Commissioners meets once per week to…
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“Carillion collapse raises job fears”
How long will it take before Al Beeb blames this one on Brexit?
Does Carillion have the property maintenance contract for the BBC?
Or climate change?
I stopped listening to Toady three months ago….boy do I feel better. Even my wife agrees!
We’ve been bbc free for about a year now, just watching and listening to enlightened comments here, and life is so much more pleasant!
As our pensioner-funded broadcaster gets more irrelevant each week, its only a matter of time before the money they get will become a real political issue at the next election.
Damn. 3rd.
Henry Bolton all over the news channels this morning.
Without wishing to defend his poor political judgement, can somebody please explain to me why, at a time when wimmin are supposed to be so independent, so many critics seem to think that his girlfriend’s views should be somehow linked to his?
I hear that Diane Abbott’s ex-boyfriend has some nasty connections with some nasty people and Diane should step down because … oh, wait ….
Even more amusing are the secondary denunciations of Bolton on the pretext that “he had been married more than once”. Sky/BBC outraged at this “violation of the sanctity of marriage”. I love the stratospheric levels of hypocrisy, The BBC being more catholic than the Pope on matters of sexual morality.
Joke O’Burn on Daily Politics is now asking Suzanne Evans” “What did he actually do wrong?”. Good question. Another good question is why is Evans always the BBC’s shit-stirrer of choice?
She then helpfully reveals all – Nigel scuppered her chance of becoming leader. Bitter and twisted – how could anyone think that.
ID, exactly so in the same way that they scream about obesity but push food at viewers and listeners and BBC web-site users constantly. Or pretend to preach fidelity but are divisive at the drop of a hat.
Just seen post of StewGreen and others below between noon and 3pm – a great example of BBC’s variable approach to morality. A great illustration of this.
BBC = variably awful but constantly hypocritical.
I’m beginning to have my suspicions about her. She seems to have been tweeting exactly what you’d want to tweet if you wished to discredit a politician.
Of course, even if I’m right, he’s a fool led by his gonads to have fallen for it with a girl half his age and should resign immediately.
Here’s something to think about – Oprah Winfrey is 9/1 second favourite to become the next President of the USA.
If you really want to stretch your imagination George Clooney is as short as 25/1
On a positive note Jacob Rees-Mogg is 4-1 on being the next leader of the Conservatives .
The sooner the better I say .
I’m into months now of waiting for a reply from his ‘team’ in relation to his policies and thoughts on islam………………….
Can you say any more about his “team”. Do you think that JRM is biding his time till the right moment?
New British Army recruitment video:
[video src="http://video.dailymail.co.uk/video/mol/2018/01/14/855460910798061037/640x360_MP4_855460910798061037.mp4" /]
In memory of Lee Rigby. “Lest we forget…..”
Or as al Beebus would prefer: “Lest we remember…”
Are we supposed to be impressed by all this praying?
The thing that annoys me most about the MSM attitude to the muslim invasion of Britain is the assumption that most of them aren’t violent or terrorists so, otherwise, what’s not to like? See how pious they are with their five prayers a day. Well of course I loathe the 23,000 estimated terrorists and umpty terrorist supporters and sympathisers, but I also loathe this painting by numbers false piety. Also religious dress my a*se.
I think I read somewhere that the same words are used every day but can’t find the exact content. I don’t think they are saying allah bless Mummy and Daddy and Auntie Mavis and please make me a good boy, five times a day.
Does anyone know?
The prayers muslims say are by rote. There is a morning prayer, a mid-day prayer etc, and they are the same every day. The prayers are also in ancient arabic, so I would not like to say if they are even understood by many of them.
Unlike the Christian notion of prayer, for the muslim, prayer is merely a public recitation of the articles of the faith, five times a day, every day, until you die.
Welcome to the new normal.
The Shahada
“There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.”
The declaration, in its shortest form, reads (right to left in Arabic):. لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا ٱلله مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ ٱلله: lā ʾilāha ʾillā llāh muḥammadun rasūlu llāh:
Not compatible with Christian doctrine.
BBC understands
“There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.”
“This is the basic statement of the Islamic faith: anyone who cannot recite this wholeheartedly is not a Muslim.
When a Muslim recites this they proclaim:
That Allah is the only God, and that Muhammad is his prophet
That they personally accept this as true
That they will obey all the commitments of Islam in their life”
Thank you Rob and Lucy.
The Five a day are the same then. I thought they would be different.
It’s written on the Saudi flag.
“are we supposed to be impressed by all this praying?”
Don’t worry; they have their reward:
“And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.”
Matthew 6:5.
Our local MP, Johnny Mercer, Conservative, Afghan veteran fully supports this ad…’We clearly have more to do to encourage men and women of all backgrounds to join up. The military needs to change and adapt as we go forward and I strongly encourage them to do so’.
Let us hope that, as well as ‘pausing in battle’, Trooping the Colour, changing the guard at Buckingham Palace, etc. also do not coincide with prayer time.
We are a laughing stock.
“We are a laughing stock.”
Under the present Tory government.
Some questions for Pounce (and anyone else on here who actually knows about such things – am aware of all the media hype & conspiracy theories):
Can Military & Security Services satellites track the movement of people down to the detail of what they are carrying and even the clothes being worn?
And would those satellites ever pass over Rakhine State in Burma?
And are the records (image files) kept of what is seen and tracked?
At the risk of Section 2 of the OSA, in 2000 the answers were:
1) to an accuracy of less than 1 foot or to read newspaper headlines;
2) some of them;
3) selectively if of interest to the controllers of said satellites.
Forget satellites, why is cctv footage used by our police in this country almost always or near to ‘useless’? Could you recognise anyone here? …………..
I have seen better footage on TV’s “Most Haunted” .
The answer to your question is no. Take a look at the Google earth images, and most of those are from low flying surveillance aircraft, you can’t even make out people, farmyard livestock the size of cows is difficult so there’s no chance of facial recognition.
The Newspaper headlines story is I’m afraid fantasy. The laws of physics determine resolution and if I remember right the smallest area a telescope can resolve on the moon is something the size of a football field, and that’s with perfect optics and no atmospheric distortion.
There are however other ways which people can be tracked, the most obvious being mobile phones which carry a code which can’t be changed even if the SIM card is.
I seem to recall an enricher involved in a terror attack here being caught in Italy because even though he changed the Sim, his phone was still traceable.
I heard that satellites are used to spy on farmers, to make sure they are growing the right things and not burying carcases. The same person told me that the satellite can read number-plates and help to trace stolen vehicles and machinery. Is this a rural myth?
Well thanks, folks, but all you have done is confirm the stories I have heard and am not sure where between them the truth lies. However, imaging science, developments & improvements march on. Had an ex-military bod been able to confirm the excellent extreme of imaging capability my next question would have been:
‘Do news organisations have access to satellites of lesser capability but nevertheless tracking movement of armed troops and identifying clothes, travel routes, vehicles, etc.?’
My problem is that the BBC keep telling me things about Syria, Burma, Bangladesh, Trump, etc., that come from a single source and are unverified and also unqualified by the BBC but presented to me as hard, indisputable facts.
Mishal Husain appeared to be totally gullible on TODAY on Monday 15 January when broadcasting from Cox’s Bazar. When one refugee ‘victim’ told her that soldiers came from the north and attacked their village, Mishal did not ask which village. Depending on location, it would have been very interesting if Burmese soldiers had come from the north.
Unfortunately, Mishal’s political, geographic & journalistic instincts deserted her completely at that point.
News : Virgin back down over Mail, after tweet from Branson
The claim is that he wasn’t involved in the original decision.
He has now overruled it, on principles of free speech.
Lefty/lib mob nutters :Over on the R4 Oldies Facebook group they picked up the “Trump is a racist” narrative, banged on and on about it
..They are so carried away they make clearly factual errors, I correct one ..then they put another saying ..
..but whilst I write to correct it ..they closed the thread
Their incorrect ending post said
\\ it was a meeting with senators with reference to Martin Luther King Day (oh, the irony!). //
Then I wrote the post pointing out that No it wasn’t and point out that the media didn’t cover the actual MLK Park signing 2 days earlier and then sneeringly covered the MLK bill signing 2 days later.
So shouting racism about the immigrationt does fit the Democrats MO that they would do everything they can to disrupt an image of the President getting on with and respecting black people /POC.
I hit the send button ..and get a msg from Facebook effectively saying “You cannot reply as this thread is closed’.
Bloody libmob ..building and controlling narrative.
Thanks very much for posting this. It is really heartening to know that these hypocritical, double-standard liberals/lefties got so scared they closed the thread! It shows just how fact-averse they are. I once wrote that Margaret Thatcher’s tactic was to drown her opponents in facts and figures, and when they came up for air, to pour on some more …
The MSM, and especially the BBC, are a prime example of what happens when there is no accountability, or when you have toothless watchdogs. As President Trump said at a press conference, “you are out of control”. Absolute power will always corrupt absolutely.
And on what basis do they call President Trump a “racist”? What right do they have to do so? Republican Senator Rand Paul, an eye surgeon by profession, went on a medical mission trip to Haiti in 2015 as part of a team to treat Haitians for eye diseases and to carry out operations. They did exemplary work there, and many Haitians had their eyesight restored. The Guardian at least reported on this trip:
A trip like this requires funding. Who helped to pay? (Hint 1: don’t bother asking liberals/lefties. Hint 2: it wasn’t the Clinton Foundation). Rand Paul speaks up here:
Why don’t the virtue-signalling mob tell us how much was done by the Democrats and the Clinton Foundation to help Haiti? (I have heard that they didn’t help very much, in fact quite the opposite, but I suppose it would be unfair to repeat the allegations).
All we are asking for is accurate, unbiased, and professional reporting. In its absence, no wonder a King of Fake News Trophy is about to be awarded …
Haiti: a possession within the French Empire which was the jewel of the Caribbean; subject to a revolt of Blacks led by mulattos in which all the Whites were slaughtered, including women and children. The mulattos then being murdered in turn by the blacks.
Bill Clinton being accused of using the money to Clinton Foundation to help Haiti actually funded Chelsea’s wedding. Now trending in some USA news – not usual MSM news of course
Ah yes, the Clinton Foundation; a charity where about 95% of the funds go to administer the…ahem…work of the foundation and around 5% are put towards doing the actual…er…”charity work”.
R4 Now : 11am prog about foreigners, women in Rotherham and sex
The woman is a white called Sharon
..First guy Serge is from Cameroon
… he was obsessed by having a baby so he can fix his immigration over stay problem.
He emotionally blackmails her,
He then moves in with another younger girl, who quickly gets pregnant.
They discuss her second husband who was an Alabanian drunk who used her to get immigration papers
.. “I don’t date white guys”
Later she meets some other guy , thinks he’s OK ..but on a date it becomes apparent that she has been drugged and raped by him and mates ..she gets away they disappear
I think prog is a repeat.
My error it’s not a repeat
..The drug rape was not with the guy, she woke up naked
She is warned to stop going to the African nightclub in Rotherham, cos the men are not acting like “they would at home”, they play around whereas in their own land they’d be shamed by relatives.
Sharon moved in with her daughter ..seems a different town
Last part of prog ..a Muslim man has slept in house
says “I don’t like people who pray all the time”
..she met him 2 days ago on internet
She’s joking about will she have sex with him, but she doesn’t know what he looks like cos he arrived in morning.
She explains her life experience is that there’s no dating, men come round and they have sex.
..End of prog she deletes her internet dating, complaining that all the men lie ..like she only found out that last guy was a Muslim when he arrived “he were gud looking, but he never told me before”
You’d think the woman comes from a crazy gypsy community or something, but her daughter seems sane.
The woman herself is like a big kid, the taxpayer would save money if they family or a social worker were closing guiding her life.
The BBC titled the prog : Looking for Love
I would have titled it : Vulnerable Woman repeatedly abused by immigrants from Africa etc.
Take the slag’s benefits away and let her support herself for a change.
@Rob You say slag , I say big (vulnerable) kid
I think it amounts to the same thing
She obviously costs the tax payer a load of money
..and if people like her were knocked onto the straight and narrow there’d less prey for these exploitative largely foreign men, who exploited her.
Anyway “They’ree just white slags” is the Rotherham Labour Council, liberal authorities attitude.
These women were not always slags
and although she doesn’t recognise that her internet groomers are really raping her ..the same bad guys will be trying it on with teenage girls like your daughter , the next day.
The BBC chose to title this story of serial abuse as “Looking for Love”
Again, with no benefits, if she had to support herself and live with the consequences, she might find that being an easy shag for all manner of immigrants was no longer an attractive career option.
The British underclass is a truly wondrous thing. The influence of the benefits system has made them far worse than say in the pre 70s period by breaking up family support systems . The rest is largely down to the collapse of ‘traditional morals’ regarding marriage and the work ethic , which were there for a reason.
Yet another thing Orwell was spot on about in his depiction of the proles in 1984. There is a definite underclass in this country.
Yet another thing Orwell was spot on about in his depiction of the proles in 1984. There is a definite underclass in this country.
Of course when I posted about this on the R4 Facebook, there was not reaction like the outrage bus for Trump/Weinstein.
That forum was totally infiltrated by libs, so they were largely silent
One comment said “There is no onus on anybody raped to report it. It’s not her responsibility to stop other women (or anybody else) from being raped.”
…. Jesus ..facepalm
Now the liberals turned to attack me as is predicted with such things
As soon as they say something wrong ..and I point out the logical error , they have a tantrum as they perceive it as a personal attack.
\\ as a man talking to women. a bit of empathy, and a little less “logic and evidence” would go a long way //
Somehow in a discussion about men who have raped and serially abused, I am the bad man cos I dared to challenge one incorrect comment
Could the BBC be held to account for its lack of reporting of Jimmy Savile and its hounding of BBC reporters that wanted to reveal the story … WORBOYS PSYCHOLOGIST CAMPAIGNED FOR SOFT JUSTICE FOR SEX OFFENDERS … I guess we should keep quiet about such things just like the BBC did with Jimmy Savile and give them safe spaces on TV to practice their trade and to pay them via the BBC TV Tax so to give them a job and keep them off the street ….
Liz MacKean is the second high profile BBC journalist to die in suspicious circumstances after attempting to expose the truth about the pedophile ring operating in the upper reaches of the establishment. Jill Dando, former Crimewatch host, also tried to alert her bosses to the pedophile ring at the BBC, warning that “big name” stars were implicated. {libertytoday aug2017}
I had the misfortune to be driving early today and I actually couldn’t stay on R4 for more than 30 secs at a time for Today – hoping there would be some real news and current affairs..
Some questions with the – “is it me?” after each:
– Why did the BBC feel the need to spend the whole morning on the Rohingya situation?
– Why did Mishal Hussain have to go there at our expense?
– Why are we paying 2/3rds of the cost (£2m) for a diphtheria programme..
-Why are A&E doctors out there when the NHS keeps telling us it is stretched and Pakistan seems quite capable of sending its medics here to work?
– And for irony one of the local officials complained that the refugees now outnumber the locals and that their infrastructure is being overwhelmed…The BBC seem happy to accept its an issue there but not here?
Rohingya are muslims and so high priority refugees in beebland. Christians and various other religious minorities displaced, murdered etc by ISIS are not worth much attention.
If you wonder why John Humphries gets paid what he gets and Mishal Hussein gets what she does, listen to her interview on the Today programme this morning between 7am and 8am as she interviewed an academic about the Rohingya. She stumbled from question to question, unable to follow a train of thought or line of questioning, long pauses between questions. I thought this would have been her area of expertise, she showed pretty little understanding of her subject this morning.
Let the scaremongering begin …. Newspaper headlines: Brexit arms deals and ‘priciest’ divorce {bbc.co.uk 15jan2018}
Boris’s Brexit fears
Black is the new black
– BBC still using word ‘EU divorce’ rather than EU demand. And nobody has seen the demand bill yet … but the BBC aren’t worried about that because emotion overrides actual list of demands from the EU.
– BBC put word priciest in quotes …. why? Are they not sure or is this an episode of Friends?
I’ve noticed that their headline for the newspaper front pages always emphasises Remoaner stories and never pro-Brexit ones.
James Purcell takes 300k a year off us plus perks to be the BBC ‘director of Strategy.’
Strategy 1: Continue to send people to prison if they do not pay our wages.
Er . . . that’s it.
If they made it subscription only then they really would come up with some strategies to improve their product. Until then they will continue to talk down their noses to us.
BBC are now interested in paedophile, but what about Jimmy Savile …. How a BBC report led to the capture of a paedophile {bbc.co.uk 15jan2018}
“A BBC Trending report about predators on YouTube prompted a reader to investigate – which led to an international tip-off that resulted in the jailing of a dangerous paedophile.”
– Remember the BBC were paying for a paedophile to appear on the TV … but the TV Tax payer was not able to defund it to show how they felt.
Tweeted originally ‘without comment’ by Samira confident that the sisterhood will step up.
Guess she still gets to ‘interview’ colleagues then?
Where will this outrage culture lead? Soon nobody will be allowed to fill any position because at some point they might have hurt someone’s feelings.
Yes … that is the end game. No one can say anything or express anything unless it is the right and approved thing …
‘You haven’t a real appreciation of Newspeak, Winston,’ he said almost sadly. ‘Even when you write it you’re still thinking in Oldspeak. I’ve read some of those pieces that you write in The Times occasionally. They’re good enough, but they’re translations. In your heart you’d prefer to stick to Oldspeak, with all its vagueness and its useless shades of meaning. You don’t grasp the beauty of the destruction of words. Do you know that Newspeak is the only language in the world whose vocabulary gets smaller every year?’
Winston did know that, of course. He smiled, sympathetically he hoped, not trusting himself to speak. Syme bit off another fragment of the dark-coloured bread, chewed it briefly, and went on:
‘Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.
– 1984, Orwell
A nice little quote from a Marxist of years ago called Willy Munzenberg
“We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks”
That prophesy isn’t too far from being fulfilled I would guess.
Poor old BBC: it cannot even get its racism right.
It is describing the late, great Cyrille Regis as a pioneer for black players (in top flight football) in the 1970s. It was in the 1960s that BAME (non-white) players started playing top flight football, BBC – the 1960s not the 1970s.
Oh, I forgot. The BBC has a very short memory, doesn’t do history (properly) and has a one track mind.
Memo to James Purnell: please fix these faults as part of a future strategy for the BBC.
It will be a good chance for them to have a virtuous wallow in racism in football back in the seventies. These days there just is not enough racism around for the Left; their whole worldview of oppressors versus oppressed is destroyed by the hate fact that most people are decent and we all rub along pretty well.
Probably the influence of Adrian Chiles, the BBCs in house gurner and expert on WBA
I remember when Chiles made a programme about some testimonial game in the 70’s when an ‘all black team’ played an ‘all white team’. Chiles was suitably horrified and banged on and on , none of the players could care less and appeared to treat AC with contempt !
Is he the ugly tw@t who once said he had looked again at his wedding photos and was appalled at how “White” they were?
BBC still going on about Regis today, as are the newspapers.
I feel sorry for Clyde Best (West Ham Utd – 1960s) and I don’t think he was the first BAME, First Division player, either.
Regis was an outstanding player but Clyde Best was no slouch. A very solid, traditional centre-forward but with a devastingly deceptive kicking action that kept the ball low and fooled defenders & goalkeepers. I remember watching him on Saturday MotD (back when it was unmissable) as a kid.
I must confess that just recently I’ve been feeling a ‘bit-out-of-it’ here since I decided not to renew my TV Licence last September. No view – little to contribute. I have just received my, “No Licence Needed confirmation” looking just like a watermarked certificate from the friendly TV Licensing people. Think I’ll frame it. They called me one evening to enquire why I had not renewed my licence. I told them in no uncertain terms.
Only bit of news worthy of imparting is that of a New Year resolution. Since the visit to my home last year by two of the local stasi one Saturday evening at 2015 acting on a complaint, from ‘a person’, that I uttered ‘Hate Speech’, I’ve actively taken on a new dedication – so be warned!
Having used the abbreviation, “muzzie” for ‘you-know-who’s’ in local circumstances, I am now primed with a zealotry. You know, we retired Brexiteering ‘ol-gits’ can think of nothing constructive to do. So, I am now dedicated to hounding out those who use, ‘hate speech’ (naturally, being a reformed character dontchaknow). Living in Wales, I’m waiting patiently for someone to use the abbreviation, “taff” or perhaps, “foreigner” in circumstances where I am offended. My bar, needless to say, is pretty low now….. Just doing my duty.
I need to feel rewarded by other human beings, to feel a sense of community. My new found zeal will satisfy that and the police? well, they haven’t anything better to do anyway other than chase up alleged ‘Hate Crimes’.
Thinking about it there exists a wonderful business opportunity. The first dictionary of words that constitute ‘hate speech’? We all need a guide. Problem is that most of the words used in the Oxford English Dictionary would be held to be taboo. Ah well, perhaps another day.
Anyway speaking enough Arabic to get by and knowing certain derogatory Arabic words used to describe me and all other disbelievers, I might be found skulking around any muslim hang-out on the considerably likely event that I overhear hate speech that I can then report to the police. ‘Two can play at that game’.
Did you speak to the Stasi? My inclination, were I to get caught up in such a thing, would be to say nothing to them. Other than “leave the house, please”. And put my phone on record.
RD, I was conned by one of the police. He said (on opening the door), “we know you’ve had problems with x (a neighbour) can we come in.” Thinking that the conversation was to involve that neighbour so a level of confidentiality was required, I let them in. When Inside, I said, “what have they been up to now?”. Too late, they were inside, effectively having conned their way in, then to say, “it’s not that we want to talk to you about”. And so on.
Searching the internet, you find many warnings about letting them in to your property. When in, and spotting anything, “suspicious” which to investigate, they then have an implied right to search. Fact is, you can no longer trust the police. That’s a fact sorry to say. To deal with a similar scenario again, I would open a window and ask them to state their business on the doorstep. If they are unprepared to do that I would end the conversation there and then.
There was a time, many years ago, when I would not think twice and dive in and help the police either physically or intellectually. I have done so on a number of occasions. One I remember, ‘big time’, furnishing the CID with crucial information they needed to prosecute a gang that gang eventually being locked away for total > 60 years. Thanks? I was invited to a ceremony with the Chief Constable handing out awards to the ‘team’. Me? a couple of vol-au-vents and a cup of tea.
I don’t know whether the police even consider their public persona.
Good source of info here: http://crimebodge.com/never-allow-the-police-into-your-home/
It should be read and thoroughly digested.
I would advise not speaking to the police about anything – ever – because they score points for finding comments which anyone considered to be racial.
A lot of people now seem to be just listening for someone to say something they can use against them. It is just better to keep your mouth shut.
I was walking in the street once and a black woman was so busy on the mobile she bounced off me. I kept walking. Next I have her running up to me screaming at me that I’d pushed her over. I kept going . Never said a word. I knew that if I said anything – even sorry – I’d have been the racist whitee
It’s getting a really unpleasant country to live in. Neighbours spying on you, the police looking for Evidence of Hate Speech , fear of saying anything, fear of being accused of Hate Speech because you accidentally bumped into someone. We live in a police state and our justice is now corrupted to justice by denunciation . If I could I would emigrate but where to?
How often does Al Beeb use the term ‘Brits’.
Worth thinking about?
Think I noted Nick Clegg as the first one who called us “Brits”.
2009 I think.
Ever since, I`ve got the measure of those who call us this. And am yet to be proved wrong.
They use it a lot. But they don’t mean what you and I mean when we use it.
anyone seen Adonis and Cambell on Farages LBC show
jeez Adonis makes Cambell seem reasonable
Guido claims that Brexit has driven Adonis mad whereas Campbell had a pre existing record of mental disorder . Pity he can’t leave politics alone and do something calming.
Heard Adonis on Farage’s LBC show.
Adonis was simply glib, facile and evasive. Snide remarks about Farage being the “real prime minister” of the country. Made no serious arguments. He seems to be popping up everywhere on the media to proffer forth. I have no idea what his “claim to fame” is and why he holds the media spell-bound. He makes Campbell seem a “stable genius” by comparison.
These people always pretend that the EU is about economics when it is really about the creation of a new superstate. The flag, the anthem and legislative supremacy should be clues enough.
The EU is good at “slow boiling a frog in a pot”. I worked in a German bank in the 70s and like many did not see the significance of the introduction of “currencies of account”, currency baskets, eurcos, ecus and other what turned out to be precursors of the euro. Even when there were articles in the tecnical press floating the idea of issuing bonds in the ecu, the penny did not drop at that time. The euro, freedom of movement, european law and so on are designed to increase interdependency to such a degree that it is impossible to reverse. Adonis and Campell are simply lying or deluded when they deny that this is the ultimate endpoint or claim that Britain inside the EU could divert the EU from the strategy it adopted decades ago.
Is it too much to hope that Farage will be head of UKIP again, now this oaf Bolton is toxic to half the population in one go?
Might start to speak some sense again, he`s been a clown these last few months.
I doubt it. UKIP is beyond saving. If Farage is thinking of making a comeback I suspect he intends to start a new party.
Maybe he’s done as much as he can and will stick to his LBC job. At least until some confected “offence” is caused to some troublemaker and he’s sacked.
Coburn truly on form on Daily Politics. A German tells us that we are arrogant and Brexit has brought it out. And there was I thinking that May and Davis were deferential and the arrogance came from Barnier, Juncker, Verhofstadt, Tusk , Merkel etc. A German lecture on arrogance , beyond belief!
Labour’s Emma Somebody given a free ride to moan about Brexit too.
I’ve almost stopped stopped watching now Brillo is gone.
I heard the Schleimscheisser use the term “national egotism”.
This is what the EU and the German media say when EU countries refuse to accept the “refugees” that Germany wants to get rid of after Ma Merkel’s Madness. Without consulting anyone, she invites in a million people and then expects other countries to help her out. Who’s the egotist?
Some of the delay in forming a new German government is due to our idol Martin Schulz demanding that the families of refugees be allow into Germany. The “Schulz Effekt” is so great that the SPD has asked their candidate Martin Horn to change his name in the forthcoming Freiburg mayoral election.
The CSU interior minister of Bavaria, Hermann is also demanding that unaccompnied child migrants be age tested.
At least two UCMs have raped and murdered German women and it has become a legal necessity to determine what their true age is as sentencing would be so different.
The case of Hussein K. in Freiburg has to be read in detail to understand the chaos that has been created.
H.K. claimed that he was a 17 year old, Afghan UCM. Later tests showed that he must be at least 22 years old. His father was also contacted later on and claims his son is 33. It also emerged that in Greece he had been arrested, charged and sentenced to 10 years for attempted murder. He was released early because, apparently, the Greeks wanted to empty their jails of juveniles.
True to form, the Germans as saying the Greeks are entirely to blame for the tragedy.
EE – you should forget the ‘almost stopped’ . I gave up when Brillo left. I knew what it was like without him. He really was the last independent journo on al Beeb. After writing the last sentence I really did have a head scratch to think of any independent – fair – journo on al Beeb – can’t think of one.
I have stopped watching completely.
Their website reports a newsreader is ill and a television presenter is getting divorced.
If I want celebrity gossip I will buy Heat magazine. At no point does their charter mention their need to fill our heads with profoundly shallow inanity. We do not pay £3.6 billion for celebrity gossip, or ‘showbiz’ as they illiterately refer to it. If one were interested in such things there are countless other websites who do it much better than the BBC.
Never mind is Trump a racist, is the BBC useless? They provide little we cannot get better for free elsewhere.
They`ve just got no news.
And 24 hours a day to fill with this so-called no news.
Trump has got them by the windpipe and gives them nothing that`s “news”.
Just endless fake tittle tattle that we all can see behind now-and the media are incandescent and irrelevant at one and the same time.
Enjoy it-their news and analysis is student lefty posturings-and completely alienates the few elderly like us who still watch the telly. Nobody under 40 does, so all the BBC get is set ups where we refuse to pay or complain non-stop at their lies and bias.
Reminds me of Nelson from the Simpsons apologising for his being compelled to hit the Mike Tyson character-crying, apologising but having to do it, knowing that he`ll he hospitalised when he`s done.
We`re on a “crash course” with the Beeb-and we need only refuse to pay and scorn their efforts with Trump. Brexit and the NHS-as well as sport or Weinstein.
Sitting ducks these days, great fun, self-satire.
“Trump has got them by the windpipe and gives them nothing that`s “news”.”
Posted below – perhaps pertinent.
Cheer Up, Love !
Now, I think that the scum that rape and abuse women should be separated from their genitals…. so was interested to hear from a woman on Breakfast TV this morning. What horrors has she suffered ?
Well, it seems that some bloke once said to her ‘Cheer Up, Love’ !!
I thought this was possibly a ‘wind-up’ but the interview went on – even the Breakfast TV half-wits seemed a bit bewildered and awkward glances were exchanged. Still not sure if this was for real – but there actually IS an online campaign called ‘ Cheer Up, Love’ !
PLEASE, somebody tell me this was done ‘for a laugh’ !!!
Often the ‘news’ seems like a parody. It is inevitable when you decide that anything which might hurt someone’s feelings should be a criminal offence.
Political correctness has killed comedy on the BBC – The Office, Only Fools and Horses and Fawlty Towers would fall foul of the censors today. The best comedy the Beeb produces these days is their ‘news.’ I loved their article on how you should only touch a girl at the end of a second date, and in a non-sexual area; and lengthy invocation of The Holocaust in relation to Charlottesville. My all time favourite was when they accused a journalist of being racist for likening footballer Ross Barkley to a gorilla because Barkely’s grandfather was racist, thus suggesting one must research someone’s entire family tree before speaking to them in case you inadvertently offend them by-proxy.
I used to quite like listening to the Archers. Silly storylines at times but entertaining and occasionally informative about farming e.g I know more about lambing than I think I wanted to.
Now, however, I find myself turning it off in disgust at the pc storylines especially gay Ian’s quest for a ‘Baybee’ of his own. No one in this presumably conservative community could possibly air the view that 2 (50 ish) men, however firmly ‘married’ can’t have babies and there’s nothing normal about finding two women, one for the DNA and one for the womb, to provide them with one.
Why not try something new … Muslim “Little MOSQUE on the Prairie” Canada show proposed to Hill Clinton to air in the U.S
BBC version of ‘Little Shithole on the Prairie’ would guarantee good viewing figures 🙂
Great news –
Corbin’s momentum disciples have taken over the NEC of the Labour Party – first decision – change the name from Labour to Communist Party .
I gave up the Archers when the BBC pushed Nigel off the roof. Heard a couple of minutes today by mistake with poor old Roy droning on (not sure what about), just such a poor script that seemed a million miles from proper conversation. Then someone (Hayley?) went for a swim in the river (why?) and with no other comment she was suddenly ringing up someone (the environmental agency?) to say all the fish were dead. No conversation with anybody on the ‘get me out of here, or i’m getting out because there are all these dead fish floating on the surface, etc. And wasn’t it a good job that she had the number to ring with her to be able to report dead fish (I carry it with me all the time). I think I know why I have never returned to Ambridge,
Psychological pollution. As the George Harrison song above puts it “pollution of the highest degree.” I suppose if Allah does conquer this country the only gain will be that he won’t tolerate this kind of bollocks. Poetic justice.
The Guido thread on Dennis MacShane is a goldmine
To me sexual misbehaviour by McShanes raises the question that he might be not too keen to bother pushing investigations of others in his ROTHERHAM constituancy.
Also ..
I think if I was walking along minding my own business and mr mcshane stuck his finger up my bottom I would nt wait until I was publishing a book to mention it… but there again — no fingerprint evidence now is there ?
Absolutely Stew, the inmates (invaders) are in charge of the asylum and letting all their mates (invaders) in. We’ve had it. The situation can’t be reversed.
It can, but only by Rule 303.
Yes, they’re all employed in local authority and Government jobs where they, ‘on the inside’ and can deflect blame and/or ‘lose’ complaints against their fellow muslims. It had to happen. Fact is, they even want them in the Army now and that’s really dangerous in my opinion much less, the move to employ more of them as police. God forbid!, another 10/15 years and just think what the level of corruption will be like. I won’t be here then so, best of luck to all including the two 20 year old white/Welsh PC’s that came to visit me (refer above).
You are quite right. I had personal experience of that, when one member of “the community” working in the council planning department gave planning permission to another. The planning application was completely unsuitable, and should have gone to the planning committee instead of being rubber stamped.
The council accepted that “procedure” had not been followed, but apparently once permission is given, even in “error”, that’s it.
That’s just one example that I know about, I expect it happens all the time.
The Application for Judicial Review will work to ‘unpick’ the matter and tell the LA Planning Authority to have another, ‘go’ but get it right next time.
I have looked at JR in connection with another planning matter, but the costs are just too high, unless you can get a “human rights lawyer” working on Legal Aid. Ordinary British people need not apply.
“They are prioritising their muslim brothers and sisters from around the world, as is their religious duty. Do you really think a muslim is going to see a fellow muslim as a threat? ”
We need to make a distinction between an extremist muslim and a moderate muslim.
The extremist muslim wants to cut your head off.
The moderate muslim wants the extremist muslim to cut your head off.
And they want more muzlims in the armed forces!
Apparently in Germany they join for the weapons training, the better to fight the infidel.
Ye gods. I want to move to another planet.
Thank christ for YouTube. I know Google and it’s leftist agenda are doing everything they can to shut it down (or rather restrict what they don’t ‘approve of’) but mainstream terrestrial news just infuriates me with it’s shocking levels of left wing propaganda bias and it really does offer (along with this website and Brietbart) the only avenue to make you not believe that the whole world has gone insane.
Payne by name
Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought Mr Google owns YouTube.
They do and they are doing what they can to de-monitise the videos that right wing and libertarian bloggers put up.
‘Well, blow me down with a feather, you just couldn’t believe it, could you? Muslim terrorism, surely not?
Hope this is not the same German Anti-Terrorist dept. that employed a Islamic gay porn terrorist … oh dear …
Arrested German spy was a onetime gay porn actor — and a secret Islamist {washingtonpost nov2016}
“BERLIN — Two weeks ago, German intelligence agents noticed an unusual user in a chat room known as a digital hideout for Islamic militants. The man claimed to be one of them — and said he was a German spy. He was offering to help Islamists infiltrate his agency’s (In April 2016, the man began working for the BfV, assigned to monitoring potentially violent Islamists in Germany.) defenses to stage a strike.
I waited until the new thread to post about this, and because I wanted to give the lying BBC the time to report it, I see that they have decided not to do so.
Home Office worker ‘was lynchpin of plot to let illegal migrants stay’: Employee is accused of falsifying records that could have seen hundreds benefit
Yet again we see corrupt enrichers allowed into jobs where they are in a position of trust because the Left simply cannot accept there is any difference in the culture of other countries and the people who come to Britain from therm.
Pakistan is one of the most corrupt countries in the world and when migrants come here absolutely nothing is done to counter than culture because the left can’t accept it’s even a part of their lives.
Virtually every country in Europe has provision to repatriate migrants who are 1st or 2nd generation, Britain does not, but it’s time we started !
#lib-landPriorities : Following the conviction of 18 people after an investigation into sex exploitation in Newcastle’s West End.
If you want to know the religion and ethnicity of grooming/rape gangs work backwards from prosecutions of those who criticise them.
Why do these people apologise?! They put their heads above the parapet to express their strong views, presumably.
Catherine Deneuve et al’s letter was eloquent, justified and sensible. It needed no apology, but the ensuing faux ‘outrage’ was so predictable. You could almost feel the bBBCs skin prickle to have to print that long article about the authors of the letter – Deneuve and many other ‘not very well known’ frogs. And then comes the predictable formulated take down…someone has expressed a view which is contrary to the agenda! They will be vaporised.
It wasn’t printed here, they are French and have a different culture, certainly with respect to sex. The way Britain and the us are going, it won’t be long before women will have to cover up and not be allowed to be in the presence of men unaccompanied. It’s ok though because you can easily marry someone of the same sex, or change your genitals.
“……it won’t be long before women will have to cover up and not be allowed to be in the presence of men unaccompanied. It’s ok though because you can easily marry someone of the same sex, or change your genitals.” With that level of concealement, perhaps marry a male of the Islamic persuasion.
The, ‘evil one’ Yvette Cooper’s committee suggestions?
Sounds good? –
“Replacing the net migration target with an evidence-based framework for different types of immigration that takes into account the UK’s needs.”
Will the, “different types” of immigration contain a category (the largest no doubt) which contains those who live on State Benefits as distinct to those who have employment when arriving?
It seems we have a pressing need for Big Issue sellers.
I’ve never read the rag but I’m willing to bet it never mentions the biggest problem of all.
Early in the morning UK time, the BBC News Facebook page posted a link to this article, about Donald Trump saying that he isn’t a racist: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-42685356.
The top rated comments were complimentary of Trump, such as this one, which got the most likes:
‘Trump is the one and only true God. Long live God Emperor Donald Trump! May he reign for a thousand years, and spill the blood of the weak, to pave the way for a Supreme empire that will force the rest of the world into submission. May he live long and prosper and may he drink the blood and tears of liberals for eternity. Till Valhalla, my brothers!!!’
This was the second most popular comment:
‘Watch what happens here, all you haters, watch what happens…. The racism of the left is about to have it’s cover blown wide open. Watch what happens.’
Later in the day, the BBC posted another link to the same article. This time, the comments were far less complimentary (presumably as a higher proportion of the people commenting were based in the UK, due to the time of day it was posted).
I cannot see why the BBC would post a link to the article a second time, except because they thought the comments were too pro-Trump the first time around.
So typical that the Beeb deliberately ignore UKIP and it’s leader for all this time. Intentionally don’t speak to them or call them in for interviews about Brexit but when the leader makes an error of judgement suddenly he’s blown up to main headlines.
It’s almost like they have some kind of agenda…
Payne by name
Unless this bloke thinks with his cock he must have known this would happen. Come back Nigel for fucks sake!
Most blokes think with their cock but it never harmed the likes of Keith Vaz did it?
Unfortunately UKIP have become a nest of vipers all desperate to bite each other as the ship sinks beneath their feet.
Nuttall should have stayed or they should have gone with Raheem or even Marie Ann Waters
The few hetrosexuals left at the BBC are jealous that he pulled a girl half his age.
So am I but for the sake of UKIP couldn’t he have been a bit more discreet about it? You know, a quickie behind the bike shed.
Payne by name
Blokes think with their cock. Eureka! That would account for me being unable to think big. Thank you Mr Payne.
If being head of UKIP let him get down with some young filly, then he was wise to use that in his playbook.
In all seriousness, I’m not excusing him but the MSM didn’t bother reporting anything he was saying because they deemed him so irrelevant. Yet suddenly when there is a scandal of a nobody, they have to jump all over it because the nobody is a member of the right and hence deserving of a good kicking.
Exactly, but shouldn’t have anticipated what would happen? I did and I ain’t no politician.
Yes, he should have but let’s face it, he was so far down the list of possible leaders that he was hardly the sharpest tool in the box.
I believe that he is waiting for UKIP to go t*ts up before he launches a new party to fill the void created. The current internal structure of UKIP was the reason why he stepped away.
Hope you are right. It’s a theory anyway.
I suspect UKIP is fairly full of ‘sleepers’ put there by other parties to disrupt them as soon as they started to achieve some success. Add in those who are politically naive, given responsibility way beyond their level of competence, and you have a recipe for …
…. Ukip today.
Tomorrow? ukip.
Day after? theycorpsed.
Lefty – I struggle to recall such a terrible judgement call – to make a big thing about a new lady friend – but then go on the media to talk about the stupid tarts twitter comments and think he can still keep his job when he is a joke. What’s his name – Toby idiot Young? Dick leads head.
There is a lesson here for anyone wishing to be under the scrutiny of our treacherous media.
Although I still believe he is a common purpose plant, Bolton appears clueless in many respects. Faced with his cock ruling his brains, did he not foresee questions?
The first question requires an answer of:
My private life is my concern, fuck you.
So, she posted racist remarks, you’d better ask her about that, not me, I’ll shag anyone I want. Who did you shag last night Evan Davies.
Not interested in what she posted or tweeted, so fuck off.
Maybe John Humphries would have choked on his coffee.
If you enter public life your private life is gone-up to the point where wives and children get involved – as soon as a politician uses these they are fair game . Tough but that’s the way it is.
This character was the leader of a political party with 4 million votes last time. He had a girlfriend you made public comments about a member of the royal family – so he is toast – tough – there’s always another politician ready to take over.
FU2, well one disagrees. An interviewer probing about your private life needs to be put in his place.
If they pose as the archetypal solid family man for election purposes, while behaving otherwise, yes, we are all entitled to be informed. But as for confirming it yourself, you dont have to.
And is he supposed to be responsible for her tweets? No way. And Humphries should have been told.
The reason all this is required?
Quite simple really. Government missmanagement for decades and decades. Nothing more, nothing less.
I wonder if the Beeb will put up the new report from Professor Patrick Minford that was in The Telegraph that a No deal could lead to a loss of £509 billion for the EU and a gain of £641 billion for the UK?
I guess not and ultimately why bother? Theresa and her bunch of spineless capitulators aren’t interested in giving the UK an advantage. They aren’t bothered about putting the interests of the British people above those of the EU. Oh god no, much prefer to virtue signal our pliability to ensure that everyone else benefits.
She’s running through the playbook to perfection. Try to talk tough, run an awful GE campaign, shrug off a potential blockbuster trade deal with Trump so she can cosy up to misguided lefties who would never vote for her anyway and perpetuate the talks and process for so long that even Farage begins to talk about how they will hit us with another referendum with the hope that UK apathy pies the whole thing off and that we crawl back to the EU whipping block to serve our penance for daring to consider leaving our dominating partner.
Payne by name
I think a lot of people including myself were expecting rather better from the PM after her assertion that Brexit means Brexit. I still harbour a vague hope that she may yet come from behind and win by a nose. Wishful thinking? The snag is that in the General Election she came from the front to win by a nose. I have to agree with you that it doesn’t look good.
I was one of those hoping for good things and her straight talking ‘No deal is better than a bad deal’ was one of the best things she has ever said.
Even though I knew she was a remainer and a poor Home Secretary, I still thought she might be able to step up but my confidence has gone. She’s just so weak, so disinterested, so ticking the boxes that this great opportunity is going to be squandered by her incompetence, tedious Tory in-fighting and endless MSM fuelled negativity.
Agreed that she seems easily constantly distracted, racing from one wall to another to fend off irritatingly minor scuffles and over reacting to every tweet and twatter. However, I do think that her calling is to see Brexit through to it’s conclusion and to be fair keeping the kindergarten which passes for a cabinet aligned in the correct direction would try the patience of a saint.
Not bBBC , but could this should be the UK’s Eurovision entry for this year!
Not sure how long Zuckerburg will allow it to remain!
Do we have the makings of a British folk singer who will actually sing Britain’s praises and not use his popularity to piss on us? I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
That warmed me cockles 🙂
“Toronto police say scissor attack on a girl’s hijab ‘did not happen'”
28 minutes ago
Apology for wasting our time with fake news, BBC? Anyone out there have a link to the original BBC reporting on this one?
No news of yet from Canada of any charge of ‘wasting a Mountie’s time’ ?
found it
Toronto police investigate ‘scissor attack’ on girl’s hijab
oddly the BBC didn’t feel the need to link back to their original write up.
You can but admire this bit of phrasing: “Canadian police are investigating a possible hate crime after a man tried to cut the hijab off a young girl.”
Which seems to say it is possible it was a hate crime but leaves little doubt in the mind of the reader that the thing happened.
Read on and there is this odd statement “Khawlah sent a message to her attacker during a press conference”
Can’t help but feel the BBC got their initial headline all wrong. Well, assuming they don’t have an agenda to play up supposed hate crime.
Good spot, just another one of these fake hate crimes that Lefties love to light up QT with before somebody points out they weren’t actual hate crimes.
Like the one the BBC got deep into of a black waitress who cried about some nasty whites writing on her receipt that they wouldn’t tip her. I never did see the Beeb correction on that piece of self inflicted fiction.
Times : bbc Clickbait
Now where have we heard the word ‘unique’ before?
The Guardian is unique …. it’s honest … fearless journalism … free from commercial or political interference … no hidden influences ….we seek TRUTH … not APPROVAL ….
The Times :
‘The cause of equality is damaged when those guilty of serious crimes are given lighter sentences’: @ClareFoges on why women must face the same justice as men
link: http://spr.ly/6015DzEJ1
No outrage from the ‘equalities’ industry about this.
My nephews go to a mixed primary school and the girls get away with more than the boys do. It is probably a deeply wired evolutionary thing for men to want to protect women.
Beeb Bro
From 1950 t0 1955 I attended a mixed secondary modern school and the whole time I was there as far as the male teachers were concerned the boys were called by their surname and the girls by their Christian name. It never bothered me then and it doesn’t bother me now. Nevertheless it does kind of illustrate your “deeply wired” point. Today’s radical wimmin seem to want that basic instinct to be branded as sexist.
I scan the Daily Mail a couple of times a week, admittedly not the greatest source of serious news, but when a big story breaks they are quick with it. Anyway they often have those ‘in the courts’ stories and there’s almost always one where a woman has committed fraud, benefit fraud to the tune of hundreds of 000’s, glassed another person while being drunk, ran someone over or wasted police time through a rape allegation.
They virtually never get put away inside for offences that a man would get 5-10 years for. I think the radical feminists have convinced judges that women are actually infants and so below the age of criminal responsibility.
OTish now, but in the spirit of the BBC old trots’ network…
Bet the BBC will still find editorial space for their old mukka.
I don’t know about you but mr mason doesn’t come across as the full load – not in what he believes – but in his whole attitude.
Unless of course he does it to try to make a crust turning up on c4 or qt of writing poison for the G. It’s a bit of a competitive field though ‘mad white hating lefty’.
He never did, especially when wheeled out as Newnight’s notional ‘economics’ but actually ‘anger and protests’ editor, scooting off on exes around the world at the drop of a Molotov Cocktail to ‘report’.
Wonder what the BBC saw in him that the Graun eventually grasped was NOT “unique …. honest … fearless journalism … free from commercial or political interference … from hidden influences …. and truth”?
And will doubtless have him back soon on this very basis?
True or False?
Great British Railway Journeys:
Tonights episode, Hull to Malton – series 9:11
The information given by the BBC about the program (on the BBC TV Guide);
“Michael Portillo begins in the East Yorkshire port of Hull, where he heads for the docks THROUGH WHICH ‘MILLIONS’ OF MIGRANTS PASSED AT THE TURN OF THE 20TH CENTURY”
I don’t doubt that there could have been substantial numbers of migrants “passing through”, perhaps on their way to Liverpool and on to foreign destinations (USA), BUT ‘millions’? And through the port of Hull?
Can’t help thinking that for some, the use of the words ‘millions’ and ‘migrants’ in the same sentence conjures up an image that our shores have been subject to “mass immigration”, on the scale of recent years, before. Am I just being overly cynical?
The beebies love Google.
They have lifted this
from this
Dr Nicholas J. Evans (Univ. of Hull) says that, during the period 1836-1914, over 2.2 million transmigrants from Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Russia and Sweden passed through Hull en route to the US, Canada, South Africa and Australia via British ports.
I assume Evans may have reached this figure by checking passenger lists (but of course one can’t be certain!).
At any rate, the BBC have missed out the fact they were TRANSmigrants in their Railway Journeys description.
ti, there is a contradiction in this: “Dr Nicholas J. Evans (Univ. of Hull) says that, during the period 1836-1914, over 2.2 million transmigrants from Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Russia and Sweden passed through Hull en route to the US, Canada, South Africa and Australia via British ports.”
It does not seem particularly clear as to whether it is either through Hull or through British ports including Hull.
Route was Baltic/NorthSea into Hull
then overland
Out via Liverpool/Southampton/London etc.
I don’t see the contradiction
Probably bad paraphrasing by me.
He writes in
“Though migrants have been travelling to or via the port for most of her history, it was during the period 1836 – 1914 that Hull developed a pivotal role in the movement of transmigrants via the UK. During this period over 2.2 million transmigrants passed through Hull en route to a new life in the US, Canada, South Africa and Australia. Originating from Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Russia and Sweden, the transmigrants passed through the port, from where they would take a train to Glasgow, Liverpool, London or Southampton – the UK ports which offered steamship services to the ‘New World’ they had dreamed of.”
I wish to God the “millions of migrants” our Elite imported for us, from the end of WW2 to the present; had all come from Scandinavia and Germany instead of places falling within that recently defined Trumpian category.
ti, I did wonder if it was found in transcription!
But back to your point. If you look for facts about Hull as a port in 19th century, you strangely find no reference to migration. Well, in about half an hour of my searching. Trade, yes. Especially outgoing trade, ie. freight, but not migration. TBomK, Newcastle was the port for people in the region.
Like you, I hope this Prof checked shipping lines and passenger lists. Will you challenge him?
Life’s too short (at least for me) to do all the necessary research! However, it is certainly true that all “academics” should be challenged. I have no idea whether Prof. Evans is correct or not. I guess the place to start would be to get hold of his original bibliographies/references and work back using his sources, in addition to searching out other (original) sources. This, of course, applies to every history one reads (or watches).
The BBC don’t do any real time-consuming research.
I felt I’d been stitched up by BBC1 Sunday morning show The Big Questions.
Read the full interview with Alice Roberts in the new issue of Radio Times
“I was once invited onto a debate where I was told it would be even-handed, with a diversity of people there. But there weren’t,” she says, about her appearance on BBC1 Sunday morning show The Big Questions.
“When I tried to find common ground, the person running the debate was not interested and wanted to stimulate a bust-up. I couldn’t get up and leave as it was on television… I was really unhappy and felt I’d been stitched up.
I’m never going back on there.”
7:30pm BBC Inside Out : Most region editions seem to be about the BBC telling you how to manage your money.
…. How’s that BBC pension fund black hole going ?
Will ..”Tories/poverty/food-banks/homeless people/” be mentioned as part of agenda pushing ?
“Is universal credit forcing people into debt?”
Now : East Mids has the Derby Muslim bombers plans
(why the hell is this not on the website blurb ?)
Talking bout plotters looking to bomb shopping centre
Mo works in Kerry foods Burton on Trent ..working on ready meals
..he was reading about how to poison food for ISIS ..his planning had not gone further
He’d got the job by using fake Dutch ID
Hey they’ve got a hash tag
that no one should abuse #BBCdebt
If you’re talking about the recent case, he was a Sudanese illegal migrant who was caught jumping off a lorry on the M1 but allowed to stay by our safe and strong border system. He wanted to put ricin in food products purchased in Derby’s principal shopping centre. So again all our elites are working hard to keep us safe, labour or Tory.
I see the Beeb is making as much political hay as it can from the Carillion collapse. Dare I say it, another opportunity by them to try and bring the government down? Not that they’re pushing what Corbyn says at all.
Change CNN to BBC/Sky.
Unbiased Norman Smith says the Carillion news will ‘ will help Jeremy Corbn’s argument for an expanded state sector ‘.
The ‘hate crime’ against the Muslim girl in Canada turns out to have never happened – what a surprise! Will the BBC be issuing a prominent correction having breathlessly ran with the story? We know how strongly they feel about fake news. I wonder if the school children they have been teaching to spot fake stories could have noticed this was a whopping great lie from our free, fair and impartial Ministry of Truth?
BB, they have done.
But why on earth did they run with such a minor alleged hate crime in the first place? And all the way from Canada too!!!
God how I hate the BBC!!!
Flashback from 2013
It’s incredible the racism of white people
So many of them are refusing to live in Brent
“Brent, the most ethnically diverse borough in the country,
has the highest percentage of non-white British pupils in secondary school at 94.5% ”
Check other London areas
How can they be the “most ethnically diverse” if 94.5% are non-white? Surely that means the opposite?