I think that means
“UK vaccination firms have got a big slice of the £4m vaccination contract the UN fund
..the UK is giving £2m to the UN”
£2m is one thousandth of the money the NHS spends in ONE week
8:30pm Panorama
Donald Trump has changed the face of American politics,
but what do the people who voted for him make of his tumultuous first year in office? (BBC’s opinion, he’s not started a war)
Filmed over the course of 12 months in Michigan, Wyoming, Texas and Florida, this programme hears from his supporters who hoped that he would `make America great again’,
(= we filmed massses, so we can cherry pick the ones that best suit BBC narrative)
Reasonably balanced on first viewing. And mercifully, no Sopel. That’s my initial sentiment on viewing the TV1 programme on Trump supporters, and whether they would vote for him again. A second or third viewing might change all that, not that I’m going to bother.
I merely say that because I know a) how much the BBC love Trump and b) there was a lot tucked away in that programme; subliminal, I think the word is. Much negative footage in flashbacks, for instance. No surprise when you look at the source channels.
And, were I paranoid, I’d wonder about the highly ambiguous final sentence.
If this programme was perceived as balanced, I wonder what it would have been like if an impartial tv company had edited it.
Maybe the bbc got as much anti Trump stuff in as they could but the truth was there was too much positive stuff and hardly any negative stuff.
I didn’t see the show but I’m aware of how the devious bbbc can manipulate, omit and change facts to suit their anti Trump agenda.
Emmanuel: I should say that my assessment of the Trump supporters programme was made against a background of low expectations. An independent tv company would be expected to make a neutral report.
Then again, there is such a widespread feeling that any comment on Trump or his supporters HAS to be strongly negative, that most would have succumbed to this line?
The Bbc programme could have picked 3 out of 4 who weren’t going to vote Trump again. It didn’t. So then we must ask: were the people chosen meant to be cast in a negative light in the first place? Now we get to a more interesting question…
Looking at Katie’s comment, I think she’s really asking the same question. And that’s what I meant by saying there’s a lot tucked away in that programme, so one would have to take a second and third look and make a little list.
It’s then that you will notice little things like things like a pollster saying that Trump was doing well, but implying that the good work had started under Obama. etc etc etc
People love him because he is not a politician, and therefore is not compulsively dishonest and understands their concerns.
Do they honestly expect us to believe everyone loves career politicians above the normal person standing up to them? Hillary Clinton was the apotheosis of all people hate in politicians: devious, greedy and patronising.
Democracy is meant to be the government of the people, by the people and for the people. That someone can be so demonised for talking like a normal person shows how spectacularly it has failed. Our elites do not see us as equals but as naughty children who must be told what to do and disciplined by them – the responsible parents. Instead it is the government of the people, by a tiny clique for the tiny clique. Normal people’s opinions are diametrically opposed to those of the elite on so many issues but they bully us into submission. How they hate Trump for standing up to them.
Silly me. Had it in mind to listen to the vaunted BBC “Comedy slot” after the 6pm news on the radio.
Must have changed that then, because all I got was Tom Shakespeare and Mrs Charlie Brooker on. Neither the remotest bit funny, but both lefties to the core. And didn`t we know it?
Apparently Shakespeare gets his wad from the UEA for-get this- “teaching non-medical subjects” to medical students”.
To wit-inequality, disabilty rights, poverty and social justice. And all from his reinforced, padded wheelchair seat, fresh from the UN or some other world grievance-seeking quango in Davos or Zurich. Alright for some isn`t it?
Let`s hope I too can get to teach “non-social care subjects”instead of looking after old people-rather fancy a job for life being able to bang on about Grenfell Towers or Leveson to the drooling and disabled instead of feeding or cleaning them.
And no need to stand up, some intern can wheel me around in a blagged commode.
As for comedy-dream on, just watch the news and listen to You and Yours as usual I guess. Funnier by the month I find.
“So-Called” news we call it.
I agree – their ‘news’ is by far the funniest thing on the BBC, albeit a dark and unintentional humour. It is beyond parody at times. The second story the other day on their main news story was a politician’s partner saying something offensive on social media. The second story? And all told by reporters who take themselves so, so seriously – as it were of utmost importance to everyone that someone had committed a thought crime.
Re. Carillion going bust.
Corbyn, delighted, states this marks the end of the PFI rip-off, to absolutely no BBC scrutiny whatever.
Two issues
1. If it is, according to Jezza, ‘time to end the PFI rip off’ , how come Carillion have gone bust?
2. If Carillion won all those government contracts, they must have offered the lowest price or at least the most competitive overall offer, yes? It being a competitive tendering process. They have gone bust, so the contracts were underpriced, in effect they bought the business.
And so any successor will charge more. So it is incomprehensible to believe the public sector could do it cheaper. Or more effectively.
3. So this is a failure of a company but not of the system. In fact it is a measure of the market economy that poor companies fail.
Whereas in the public sector, poor ‘companies’ indeed all ‘companies’ never fail, they just get propped up and bailed out incessantly by the taxpayer, at a usually hidden, but enormous cost.
Take a look at BMC/Triumph/Rover/MG and British Steel in the ’70s to name just a few.
I can remember how the BBC were regaling the Wilson (Labour) government’ssuccess, in the ’60s, for selling yet another steel plant to what are now our competitors.
A bit like the ongoing BBC Trumpossession, the axis of weevils seem so desperate to trash their boogey hates, they will latch on to anything and blow it up without getting coherent and coordinated first.
People are already pointing out it is hard to reconcile what one lot are saying Carillon did and ‘the government’ should have done with another.
All I know is I see another ‘too big to fail’ cluster FUBAR revving up, with a large mismanaged company and its employees enjoying support small ones never have, do or will.
I heard some Labour MP spluttering about pensions. The media gob sounded truly onside, perhaps empathising with another 20,000 strong outfit who should enjoy retirement on the rest of the country with a pension that goes only up or up,
There is the BBC/Labour version, and this one I have just come across:
fascinating how many punters on Twitter don't seem to understand this point. (leaving aside legitimate questions about PFI, directors' pay, FCA investigation, general wisdom of outsourcing etc) https://t.co/GYuJ2DFyAi
“No, Carillion is not being “bailed out”, taxpayers are not “picking up tab”. All shareholders & creditors will lose ££. Pension fund will go to industry-funded PPF, services will revert to gov & be re-tendered/contracts sold on. This is not a “bailout”. It’s called “going bust””
I am erring now on this one as the default with the BBC is ‘Nah’.
No, Carillion is not being “bailed out”, taxpayers are not “picking up tab”. All shareholders & creditors will lose ££. Pension fund will go to industry-funded PPF, services will revert to gov & be re-tendered/contracts sold on. This is not a “bailout”. It’s called “going bust”
Have just sat through Silent Witness, and aside from the yet again mixed race coupling (all white couples are so yesterday darling), am I a dinosaur in my thinking that today’s prepubescent kids are all undisciplined brats ? Time and again on dramas (don’t watch soaps but I understand its as bad on them), parents are portrayed as forever saying ‘sorry’ to their unruly kids. In the edition tonight, a 12 year old girl yelled at her father, answered back and was bloody rude. The father attempted discipline and apologised for God’s sake. I’ve also seen parents giving a well deserved slap to their overbearing offspring, and then shown to say ‘sorry’. Er, why ? does this actually happen in real life ???
Growing up I can count on one hand the number of times my parents apologised to me – zero ! My Mum was a dead eye shot with an unwieldy dishcloth when I got lippy, and my Dad would count to 3 before he started to get out of his chair – he only ever reached two and a half before we did as we were told. It never occurred to scream or yell at my parents, or moan that they never had time for us, we just got on and played whether they were around or not. So what’s happened to society ?
Another delightful touch in the mortuary was the fully opened and peeled back flesh of the entire chest area, overcoming the prohibited and voyeuristic risk of breast exposure. As one who remembers the regular and extensive revelations of Helen Mirren, I feel the sisters have done mankind a further disservice.
Please get yourself Netflix, watch The House of cards, The Crown, Narcos, 13 Reasons Why ….etc. You will not regret it, though you will ponder why you have to pay a licence fee for the rubbish you mentioned above
Maybe advertisers have inadvertently realised that it’s not with the majority of whites where the real problems around racism exist?
I had explained this in more detail, black Democrats voting for Obama but not Hilary and that, but lost about three paragraphs and can’t be arsed typing it all out on a tablet again.
Ok the BBC wins “stupid video of the year” so far, with this angry video of dark skinned girls angrily complaining that they are always portrayed as angry on TV ?????♂️
It is quite special, and I now know ‘colourism’ is also a thing. Apparently.
Very interesting to see how the Left are gradually taking control of Labour.
It is amazing what can happen where you have a poll which one side thinks its got in the bag (Brexit; Labour leadership; the last GE) and how it can all unravel so spectacularly.
I really think the Tories need to rid themselves of May before the Summer or there’s a very real possibility, incredible as it seems, that Corbyn could be the next PM.
If Corbyn went for an all out Brexit he would win the next general election hands down.
A warning from the past from Labour’s Peter Shore in 1975…………..
Another one came up after the above video. I didn’t agree with a lot of Tony Benn’s other views but this is a powerful description of what is happening.
A woman was gang raped yesterday, a Sunday afternoon, in broad daylight in a cemetery by three men. This happened in Clay Lane, Essex. England.
This is reported on the Essex page of the bBbc website. It doesn’t appear on the News Home page or the UK page or even the England News page. In fact this crime is deemed less important on the Essex page where they do manage to report it than the pseudo-political headline story concerning the apparent and alleged bullying behaviour of the Essex Police Deputy Chief.
This would be the Deputy Chief of the police force, using the f-word lightly, that, although they are appealing for witnesses to the crime, are unable to give any description of the perpetrators that could jog someone’s memory or perhaps help to narrow down the range of potential suspects.
CCTV and even dashcam footage is being sought and door to door enquiries continue but other than the fact that the bastards who did this are men, there is no other description of them available from the police or given or possibly even sought by the useless bBbc. No heights or weights given, no build or colour of hair, not even a description of what they were wearing.
And of course most noticeably and so jarringly, blatantly and as always so predictably not described, usually unless they are white, is the race, ethnicity or colour of these pieces of shit. Now, not only is this a poor show from the Essex Police, smacking slightly of cowardice and appeasement, but it’s also yet another example of the poor and contemptuous journalism we’ve come to expect from the bBbc. Once again no real respect or real empathy for the victim, just a carefully contrived piece of filler to pay lip service. As usual, like the police, trying not to offend rather than apprehend.
I may be proven wrong but, just to help out the obviously confused police and bBbc in their search, thorough as it will be seen to be, I’d say they’re at, ironically, IC6s and 7s rather than IC1s or 2s.
The bBbc, biased, useless, and rotten to the core.
Solid post Rich.
There has been a policy at al Beebus for decades to downplay or downright ignore the ethnicity of offenders.
It’s a good general rule that if they DON’T provide a description of the perpetrators: they aren’t White.
You can be certain that if the scum who carried out this crime in Essex were White, that fact would have been included in the reporting of it and it the story would have been given much wider coverage.
I remember years ago one of the things which first outraged me about al Beebus, was the way they reported a case where someone had broken into a house and raped a young girl.
The Radio 2 news at 6.00am played a statement being read by the police, it included a description of whom they sought:
“A black man, aged…etc.”
By the time the 7.00am news came around, this had changed to: “A man, aged…etc.”
I remember thinking then, what kind of twisted news organisation omits a critical part of the description that the police have issued publicly because it doesn’t want the ethnicity of the perpetrator of a wicked crime to be widely known? Even if it means that omission means there is less likelihood of his being caught.
The BBC England page leads with more campaigning type stories
BTW how common is rape in Essex ?
Tuesday, January 9. : Police received reports that a woman, aged in her 30s, was attacked by a man who approached her and asked her for directions
Officers arrested the man from Clacton at around 10.35pm in Tyler Way, Brentwood, on Friday (January 12) and he has been released on bail until Friday, February 9, pending further enquiries.
We got weeks of non-stop coverage of Charlottesville as here they finally had a story which fitted their narrative. The countless hate facts which contradict their narrative go straight down the memory hole.
Well said. What a shitty state of affairs that if the description of attackers doesn’t fit with an agenda, they are simply omitted and censored, and the poor victims chance of seeing any form of justice diminished just to appease a diversity edict.
‘Staggering’ trade in fake degrees revealed http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-42579634
Wow, the bBBC are reporting that third world countries, namely Pakistan, are fraudulently selling fake degrees to UK nationals!! Well who would buy such a thing, without thoroughly checking it out? I mean, you wouldn’t intentionally want to purchase a fake document, surely? Turns out professionals in the sainted NHS and other health workers did do this. Of course there is no suggestion that their original medical documents are false…they are all thoroughly checked out by…..someone. So these intelligent folks think it is normal and ok to buy a degree online, presumably without completing any studies.
It’s great, however, to welcome any refugee/immigrant who says they have medical qualifications, because of course they would never lie.
Talking of BBC Radio4 comedy agenda’s and it’s briefest nod towards non-libs
Daliso Chaponda the Malawian born comic is on our local radio talking about his forthcoming BBC Radio 4 series called Citizen of Nowhere
his current tour is “What the African said”
“The comedian has lived all over the world with his refugee-turned-diplomat father, and now frequently performs in both Africa and the UK.”
Long article on BBC website: were Trump’s words racist?
Is the BBC pathetic?
Definitely. The US economy is booming and they are focussing on a naughty word. Nobody cares. Stop focussing on ‘offence’ and worry about things which actually matter to people. We are fed up of being sneered at, patronised and told what we are suppose to think by the Nurse Ratched media.
My sister, who is an avid film watcher, says that most new US movies will have at least one instance of the ‘s-word’ before the titles have completed!
No BBC ‘comedian’ can make an appearance without uttering the ‘s-word’ at least once. It even occurs routinely in Radio 4 daytime dramas.
I borrowed it myself from this brilliantly article which encapsulates eloquenly why I love Trump.
We must try and share articles like this as much as possible. The Left may have massive institutional power but they do not have the truth on their side.
Thanks for the link to that article. A really good well written piece and as you say gets right to the nub of why Trump is so popular with some, including myself.
Thanks for the link to that article. A really good well written piece and as you say gets right to the nub of why Trump is so popular with some, including myself.
Beeb Bro, it is a bit strange – is it not – that something that one Senator heard in the meeting has not been confirmed by ANY OF THE OTHERS PRESENT at that time. (Sorry about the shouty letters but I have not yet worked out how to add emphasis to anything I type here.)
The BBC have not been careful to use the word ‘alleged’ in relation to President Trump’s supposed racist remarks. They have not made clear that the claim is uncomfirmed, either.
I’m losing total trust in the BBC, down from a recent high of about twenty per cent.
Toady mentions possible ‘powder kegs of radicalisation’ among the Rohingya. Here we get a sniff what is actually going on here. Weird how Buddhists never seem vulnerable to ‘radicalisation.’
Of course we would never do something as brutal as expel our enemies. No, we just let them rape our children, blow us up and let the constant threat of terror cast a pall over everything. Plus so many of these fraud cases tend to be ROP – terrible cases where old people have been conned out of everything. And of course we pay millions for their legal aid. Free speech, remember that? Being able to make a joke?
Well, at least we never seemed racist, eh? They can write that epitaph on the nation’s gravestone.
Totally agree BB – Seems to me that wherever you have large numbers of followers of the “The Religion that must not be named” (unless portraying them as victims or in a positive light) there always seems to be conflict.
Could it be anything to do with their “holy book” which recommends dealing with members of other religions/non believers as serfs/sexual slaves/people to be killed or is the rest of the world just all waycists who allow these people into their own countries just so they can be shitty to them for a bit of fun?.
Unfortunately with the immigration agenda IS being set and powered by meglomaniac sociopaths such as Soros. And with most powerful positions being held by self hating liberals such as Merkel/May. I am afraid at the moment the loonies are well and truly running the asylum.
Hence the complete lack of concern when the BBC constantly whines about muslims being victims of “far right lashbacks” Whilst it pays only lip service to the vast majority of violence sexual depravity which appears to be visited upon host populations by some followers of the “Religion of Peace”
Is Paul Mason a moron? Surely the question is how do we ensure the PFI projects are managed properly…intrinsically there is nothing wrong with them..and as somebody who has been involved in multimillion pound projects I have some experience…Perhaps he would like to comment on the in house NHS projects that always go over budget, over schedule and fail to deliver what they should.. As usual the politicians elected or not…use anything to push their cause. He seems to be affiliated to the Guardian…what a surprise
“intrinsically there is nothing wrong with them [PFI contacts].”
There has never been anything right about them! Governments can always get ‘cheap’ money as low-risk borrowers, tax raisers or money printers. A PFI contractor borrows money at commericial rates and puts his cut on top so any PFI project must cost more than buying outright.
The reason for PFI is that it is an accountancy scam whereby capital spending, buying a building, is converted into ‘current’ spending, renting the building. It also fits in with the Civil Service mantra of ‘transferring the risk’, whereby the private contractor is supposed to take responsibility for all the ‘unkowns’. However when the ‘risks’ prove to be small the contractor makes a cosy profit; when the ‘risks’ prove to be large and swamp the contractor the costs all come back to government, who then pay to do the same job again but at a higher price.
Even The Gradunia seems to have seen through comrade Mason. He’s apparently lost his column in the new pre-shrunk edition.
I find it remarkable that he was ever appointed by Newsnight as its Trot-in-residence in the first place, a role for which he had no experience and background, other than a ruggedly authentic all purpose Northerner-on-a-miner’s-strike-picket accent and matching chips on each shoulder.
And then, once he had fled the mess there, the Corporation still keeps inviting him back, as it did this morning on Toady. Why? Comedy value?
Carillion was a perfect product of Bliar era crony capitalism, incompetently managed by the usual boardroom suspects, the sort of management ‘experts’ who have done as much damage to this country. We need a fire, to rid ourselves of both parasitic classes – incompetent, overpaid ‘executives’ squandering shareholders’ assets and incompetent, overpaid politicians squandering ours. What we don’t need are Mason’s evening class lessons in Marxism.
If even the Guardian is done with him, so the BBC should be. He’s a circus act.
Paul Mason is aware that PFI literally exploded under Tony Blairs government building umpteen new and fancy hospitals and schools that then proved so expensive to service the debt that existing hospitals had to be closed (a great example being Lewisham hospital).
Paul. This is a lie. I've checked and there were five witnesses to that conversation. They all confirm she kept calm throughout. While you were talking to her @mrjamesob was covering Carillion, and I will be in my show. Every show has covered it since early Monday. #Facthttps://t.co/Tkm0arnpqc
So the world is pretty much being dominated by rich, ideological, venal, authoritarian, deranged, dangerous crooks overseen or assisted by thick, venal, partisan, ideological crooks.
And such abuses of power are held to account by such as James O’Brien and Paul Mason, impartially.
Rt Hon Keith Vaz MP – – suspended for medical reasons
Ms Michelle Donelan MP
Ms Michelle Donelan MP
Mr Ian Paisley MP
Mr Chris Heaton-Harris MP
Mr Virendra Sharma MP
Mr Paul Farrelly MP
Mr Tommy Sheppard MP
Mr Paul Girvan MP
A favourite line of the BBC is to make comparisons between the UK and other countries, always to our disadvantage. Using this technique we are made to look like the worst place in the World. (Weren’t we worse than Bangladesh for goodness sake, because we were ‘slow’ to reduce our use of plastic bags?).
Some countries are perfect in the BBC world, the Scandinavian Socialists, for instance, like Sweden.
Lately we had the trivia item about H&M’s ‘monkey hoodies’, the company having followed the trend of having 90% ‘ethnics’ in their advertising, and the race-mongers turning that into a racial slur.
Not that I care, but it serves H&M right for going with the mob and I don’t shop there anyway. But why don’t the headlines read Swedish Store In Slur Scandal? Selective ‘good’ country picking again!
Coming to a tv screen near you? You can rest assured the BBC are working toward it. Perhaps when the time comes, they could see fit to interview Archie Bish of Nothing and get him to endorse the programming development – https://www.infowars.com/pray-to-allah-soap-opera-tells-german-kids/
Is it just me, or does anyone else find this disturbingly dystopian and simultaneously deeply offensive? (maybe I should sue… oh hang on a minute I’m a white, British guy, no one cares what I think)
Not really bias, but I think I have discovered how people like Maxi get a start in the BBC after a spell on the casting couch or a weekend visit to the BBC hotel with glory holes.
I guess they have to start somewhere with something as banal as this.
Man ruptures his throat by blocking a sneeze. A warning to us all.
‘Sneezes can spread diseases, so although it is good to “let them out”, make sure you catch them in a tissue, say experts.
The highest rated in that HYS could be going better. Those not simply pouring scorn on bbc editorial priorities have been modded. Franny’s Day just gets better.
When are these Licence Tax Thieves going to give the people of Britain who pay for them an in depth investigative analysis into the true extent of illegal immigration of people who have invaded our country.
Its almost like a semi hidden third world has been “facilitated” into the country bringing with it medieval practices and high costs to the public services and welfare – just at the very time we need to divert more cash into looking after genuine elderly time served British
Hogan Lovells. Another British law firm called out by Peter Hain for helping with ‘state capture’ in South Africa. Anybody know them? KPMG had to let some of their people go for a similar offence. Another UK firm, Bell Pottinger, had to close down completely for helping to stir up anti-white sentiments in SA. It seems Hain called out Hogan Lovells in the Lords…
In the past, Hain was a pain; now he is helping with the struggle against corruption in SA. Still not hammering the ANC though, which one would have hoped for, had he been really consistent. Still, some progress; credit where it’s due.
A thought that comes to mind is whether WE need to look out for ‘state capture’ in the UK. Looking at how C and Landsman, or whatever his name is, are taking over the Labour Party, I could foresee quite a lot of ‘state capture’, should Labour ever get into power. And I can’t see the BBC calling that out, were it to happen. Their comments on the whole Momentum thing reminds us of how much they’re all one happy big family. Very little analysis of WHO M. really are, and the implications for the opposition, and therefore Britain. Ditto for the government. the lady seems very quiet on this, or am I wrong?
Like a lot of UK companies seem to have been part of the ANC big happy family in SA.
10pm C4 : Working Class White Men Part 2 Family Men
Because Channel4 and BBC are seemingly the same network last Monday afternoon R5 Show was a joint show with Professor Green
Today he was on Woman’s Hour doing the promo
he spends time with three more young men determined to turn their lives around.
– Carl has swapped his drug habit for family life.
– Gav has just served his second prison sentence and wants to be a better role model for his son.
– Jake has followed in the footsteps of his successful builder father, but yearns to be a catwalk model. (He might be gay, but I suspect that could be C4’s agenda)
– Green looks at how the crisis in working-class identity impacts on family life, reflecting on how his father’s suicide affected him.
Their website has a story about workplace conversations on the menopause, after a BBC investigation found 70% of respondents did not tell their employers about symptoms.
I am fed up with ‘BBC investigations’ as it means they create the news rather than report on it. You can decide to an investigation into anything you feel strongly about, which is useful for ideologues like the impartial Beeb. This is not news but activism and we pay for a news service. There is never a ‘BBC investigation’ into no-go zones, male suicide, the dangers of political correctness or countless other important issues. Why not investigate how many are annoyed with only hearing about narrow, politically correct messages from the BBC? Well over 70% of people I would imagine.
December: ‘inflation sky-rockets up to 3.1%, up 0.1%. How will families and vulnerable people manage?’ Let’s hear from John McDonnell……..
January: ‘small dip in inflation, prices STILL rising, too early to say if it’s a downward trend. In other news, ‘a never won anything tennis player’ has bought two punnets of blueberries from a supermarket in Australia and forgot to take them away. ‘That’s 5 dollars I won’t get back’ says multi-millionaire tennis ace.’
Ha the BBC wittering on about Carrillion.
Now I have this question who actually does the work Carrillion as a Prime Contractor or Carrillion subcontractors.
This is I suspect an example of what happens when Prime Contracting goes bad.
Now I don’t think he has done anything illegal and hence it probably won’t get reported (unlike stuff that Trump does that isn’t illegal but is reported endlessly), however I do think there is an interesting correlation in Aziz being someone who preaches to other men about how they should act – and then doesn’t act in that way. Almost like the Beeb preaching on gender pay and then being shown up on it.
Anyway, here’s my thoughts on the story for those that might have been following it.
I don’t think either party are innocent here and don’t have a great deal of sympathy for either one of them. Grace traded numbers with Azi whilst on a date with another guy and ignored or brushed over the clear signs of a sexual predator because she wanted something from him. For his part, Azi clearly wanted to get his knob wet with the least amount of effort and expenditure.
My only real comment is that while Azi is parading himself as this feminist white knight, his actions – informing her what to wear, choosing what she drank, not bothering to engage in small talk and wasting little or no time in getting it on after he’d bought her dinner – don’t really convey an impression of a guy that is sensitive, considerate and possessing a real understanding of women.
It’s the sham of acting like this noble champion of how to treat women properly and making a living from slating other ‘un-enlightened’ males as Luddite Neanderthals, whilst then acting like the very a-hole that you regularly ridicule. The classic hypocrisy of his words and proclamations not being reflected in his actions.
Hell, it’s almost like he’s acting like he believes that “when you’re a star, they let you do it, grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything” – a line that I’m sure he would have criticised vociferously to court favour with women and liberals.
To the casual observer, their output does look severely skewed towards minority groups. So, searching their site for “sex and relationships” and analysing the first 30 results:
– 10 relate to sex education for children
– 8 relate to same sex relationships
– 5 relate to sex in long-term relationships for women/mothers
– 2 relate to sex/relationships in non-British ethnic groups
– 2 relate to unconventional sex/relationships
That means 3 out of 30 which appear to relate to conventional heterosexual relationships from a man’s point of view*. (* I’m guessing here; because those features are no longer available online.)
Under ‘Public purposes: Reflecting UK audiences’, they state ‘BBC viewers, listeners and users can rely on the BBC to reflect the many communities that exist in the UK’. Maybe the progressives at the beeb are right that it’s nearly all minors, same-sex and non-Brits having sex these days, and they are simply reflecting UK audiences as per their stated remit.
In which case being interested in adult, conventional heterosexual sex is now a minority activity. Anyone want to start a campaign fighting for equal rights, or write an article for the Grauniad detailing micro aggressions and how society just doesn’t understand?
I think it’s reflective of the London centric / metropolitan thinking of beeboids coupled with their age range – which is in my opinion – very limited .
They will keep on the likes of humph (74) £650 k if they adopt / reflect beeb values but limit life over 45/50. If I’m wrong ( any one ) please correct me .
I suppose there’s a few daytime types but I’m talking news and more popular stuff
Fedup2 I agree, I live in London and am in that age range (just about) but also find their target audience very limited. I stopped thinking of the beeb as a news source and these days view their output as a mix of the light and frothy real-life stories of Take A Break magazine, crossed with the globalist propaganda of New Internationalist.
The term ‘diversity’ is a microaggression for me – they bang on relentlessly about it. It is their solution for everything, even though it patently is not.
They interviewed a top judge on Toady and asked what the Supreme Court was going to do about the diversity problem among the judges. What problem? The only issue is if you are qualified and competent. It is so moronic to think that ‘diversity’ can magically fix everything; does not being white give you super human powers? David Lammy and Sadiq Khan are both ‘diverse’ and extremely bad at their jobs. Clearly ‘diversity’ is not the panacea yet still they bang on about it like religious zealots.
Beeb Brother
The World Service has claimed a number of times recently that “diversity” in the board room leads to greater business success.
Supposedly, this is an antidote to “group think”. On the other hand, you find the financial press hailing the success of all-women companies like EBS (Executive Business Services) in Lanark. An all women team had bought out the hideously male former management. So is diversity the nec plus ultra of business success or have the BBC pundits just been talking PC ballocks as usual?
Supposedly, the august members of the House of Quislings can maximise their performance by “looking more like the people they represent.” If this were the case, you would simply take a random sample of UK citizens every 5 years, say, and make them MPs and let them elect the executive. At least that way the Chamber would better reflect the Brexit vote.
After banging on about “diversity”, they wonder why the country is “divided” and lacking cohesion. These are the kind of people who would cut off their own legs to show solidarity with the “otherly abled” and then be surprised they can’t walk.
I’m puzzled that the BBC is using the term “Calais jungle”. Isn’t that dehumanising language? “Calais shithole” or “Calais jungle”? What subtle distinction is the language Gestapo making?
Newshite is discussing “sensitivity readers” as I write.
Words fail me.
@beeb brother — microaggressions will surely seem old hat in a year. Then we can look forward to nanoaggressions and picoaggressions. No one will be able to leave the house for fear of offending an ambient molecule
Why did these self-interested tits take the jobs in the first place? Do they live in a bubble so small that they have not heard of any of Allen’s past? Not like he’s low profile. And if they haven’t, they aren’t really doing a very good job. And they think they are qualified to lecture us on current affairs and politics, grrr.
Migration has no effect on services the Politicians say …. but …but ….
The £100 million Controlling Migration Fund to alleviate pressures on local services such as housing, education and health services resulting from recent migration.
Libby Purves is popular but wrong today
The @BBC salary controversy: LIBBY PURVES @lib_thinks suggests “vain & greedy” men are paid more than women because they “flick their carefully tended hair and purr, like a L’Oréal ad: ‘Because I’m worth it!’.” Ouch!
Link: http://bit.ly/2B7aPHc
Tosh men/women have same opportunity
Just some men’s agents have negotiated extraordinary terms
Remember Anne Robinson has a £40m fortune.
Now z BA was grounded due to bedbug infestation
..on the Ghana route
… Hardly surprising
Passengers living in tropics might bring bedbugs with them onto the plane.
When I lived in Ghana I never saw them.
But in Asia we had to deal with them loads of times.
Bug bomb and clean all clothes at same time.
Seems Chibok girls refusing to come home
Have authorities/media failed them ?
BREAKING: Boko Haram releases videos showing some of the remaining Chibok girls who they claimed vowed not to go back to their parents #BringBackOurGirls Videos obtained via Ahmad Salkida, a journalist that specializes on reporting the conflict in the Lake Chad region pic.twitter.com/5x9xwE1FzF
Stew I remember the BBC -R4 doing a report – (possibly last year) On one of the Boko Haram abductions. I seem to remember that it gave the impression that many of the Boko Haram abductees had “fallen in love” with their Muslim abductors. I wonder whether the BBC would have been so interested in giving a positive spin on the kidnappers if the abductors were Christian and the abductees had been Muslim
I guess what more could a girl want – forces to wear a burkah in a hot country, probably become one of many wives, regularly beaten and have little say or custody over your children.
So thats alright then – No wonder the sisters are all for sharia.
Love really is the sweetest thing!
I see no mention of the fall in the inflation rate on the current biasedBBC news website…..Just the usual ‘on Topic’ and self indulgent whinings of the libleft mob.
Northern – it was mentioned on daytime news. It’s a marginal difference either way. Next month it may be up a bit or down. The trend is up – largely dependent on oil prices – which are trending up too.
With borders as uncontrolled as ours I don’t think deportation is a viable option . I’d prefer execution – would it make things any worse? Act as a recruiter for their cause? I don’t think so. Putting them in prison just enables them to infect more so kill them .
The current one is an RE teacher at an Islamic school in East London –
I’m still waiting to talk to ‘purdy’ Who posted here a while ago who accused me of being full of bile about the condition of Londonistan – which was English and white when I was growing up in it.
So the French president Emmanuel Macron is to visit the UK this week to discuss among other things, his wish for the UK to take in more Calais migrant children over the age of 18. The BBC use his first name, what a pity they don’t use Donald more often when referring to POTUS ‘Trump’. How about a big twitter/facebook campaign to stop his visit, after all, he is white, male, and french.
Anyone watch the Anna soubry show today.
She appears to have taken over from jo Coburn on the daily politics.
Coburn gave her the easiest interview I’ve ever seen on Brexit and let soubry go on and on without interruption.
She then just wouldn’t shut up and on the odd occasion any other guest tried to say something she would first of all complain that she wanted to finish what she was saying and then interrupt the guest while doing her usual tutting and eye rolling.
When asked if she understood that about £200 million would be returned to us (possibly part for the nhs) each week when we left the eu she said she didn’t know.
She was very dismissive of JRM and said he wasn’t a proper Tory (like her?)
JohnCMar 5, 02:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Putin is a pragmatist. He sees what needs to be done and he does it without flinching or caring much…
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god. https://twitter.com/darrengrimes_/status/1897058871908155401
“UK sends medics to halt Rohingya diphtheria outbreak”
But we have this ?
“Hospitals to delay non-urgent operations”
All because we have an ‘International’ Health Service paid for by us.
I think that means
“UK vaccination firms have got a big slice of the £4m vaccination contract the UN fund
..the UK is giving £2m to the UN”
£2m is one thousandth of the money the NHS spends in ONE week
8:30pm Panorama
Donald Trump has changed the face of American politics,
but what do the people who voted for him make of his tumultuous first year in office? (BBC’s opinion, he’s not started a war)
Filmed over the course of 12 months in Michigan, Wyoming, Texas and Florida, this programme hears from his supporters who hoped that he would `make America great again’,
(= we filmed massses, so we can cherry pick the ones that best suit BBC narrative)
Reasonably balanced on first viewing. And mercifully, no Sopel. That’s my initial sentiment on viewing the TV1 programme on Trump supporters, and whether they would vote for him again. A second or third viewing might change all that, not that I’m going to bother.
I merely say that because I know a) how much the BBC love Trump and b) there was a lot tucked away in that programme; subliminal, I think the word is. Much negative footage in flashbacks, for instance. No surprise when you look at the source channels.
And, were I paranoid, I’d wonder about the highly ambiguous final sentence.
I thought that programme was fairly balanced by al Beebus’ standards.
If this programme was perceived as balanced, I wonder what it would have been like if an impartial tv company had edited it.
Maybe the bbc got as much anti Trump stuff in as they could but the truth was there was too much positive stuff and hardly any negative stuff.
I didn’t see the show but I’m aware of how the devious bbbc can manipulate, omit and change facts to suit their anti Trump agenda.
Emmanuel: I should say that my assessment of the Trump supporters programme was made against a background of low expectations. An independent tv company would be expected to make a neutral report.
Then again, there is such a widespread feeling that any comment on Trump or his supporters HAS to be strongly negative, that most would have succumbed to this line?
The Bbc programme could have picked 3 out of 4 who weren’t going to vote Trump again. It didn’t. So then we must ask: were the people chosen meant to be cast in a negative light in the first place? Now we get to a more interesting question…
Looking at Katie’s comment, I think she’s really asking the same question. And that’s what I meant by saying there’s a lot tucked away in that programme, so one would have to take a second and third look and make a little list.
It’s then that you will notice little things like things like a pollster saying that Trump was doing well, but implying that the good work had started under Obama. etc etc etc
I have to avoid programmes like that as they will send my blood pressure through the roof.
They preach about hate crime, but what about sneering? How I hate their sneering.
@BB +10
over 60 million voted for him and they can only find those four in a year. Give me strength
People love him because he is not a politician, and therefore is not compulsively dishonest and understands their concerns.
Do they honestly expect us to believe everyone loves career politicians above the normal person standing up to them? Hillary Clinton was the apotheosis of all people hate in politicians: devious, greedy and patronising.
Democracy is meant to be the government of the people, by the people and for the people. That someone can be so demonised for talking like a normal person shows how spectacularly it has failed. Our elites do not see us as equals but as naughty children who must be told what to do and disciplined by them – the responsible parents. Instead it is the government of the people, by a tiny clique for the tiny clique. Normal people’s opinions are diametrically opposed to those of the elite on so many issues but they bully us into submission. How they hate Trump for standing up to them.
Well said Brother, cracking post.
Beeb Bro, “People love him because he is not a politician, and therefore is not compulsively dishonest and understands their concerns.”
But he is a businessman running (until elected) an international company built on debt.
“You mean a bit like Carillion?” 😉
Silly me. Had it in mind to listen to the vaunted BBC “Comedy slot” after the 6pm news on the radio.
Must have changed that then, because all I got was Tom Shakespeare and Mrs Charlie Brooker on. Neither the remotest bit funny, but both lefties to the core. And didn`t we know it?
Apparently Shakespeare gets his wad from the UEA for-get this- “teaching non-medical subjects” to medical students”.
To wit-inequality, disabilty rights, poverty and social justice. And all from his reinforced, padded wheelchair seat, fresh from the UN or some other world grievance-seeking quango in Davos or Zurich. Alright for some isn`t it?
Let`s hope I too can get to teach “non-social care subjects”instead of looking after old people-rather fancy a job for life being able to bang on about Grenfell Towers or Leveson to the drooling and disabled instead of feeding or cleaning them.
And no need to stand up, some intern can wheel me around in a blagged commode.
As for comedy-dream on, just watch the news and listen to You and Yours as usual I guess. Funnier by the month I find.
“So-Called” news we call it.
I agree – their ‘news’ is by far the funniest thing on the BBC, albeit a dark and unintentional humour. It is beyond parody at times. The second story the other day on their main news story was a politician’s partner saying something offensive on social media. The second story? And all told by reporters who take themselves so, so seriously – as it were of utmost importance to everyone that someone had committed a thought crime.
Re. Carillion going bust.
Corbyn, delighted, states this marks the end of the PFI rip-off, to absolutely no BBC scrutiny whatever.
Two issues
1. If it is, according to Jezza, ‘time to end the PFI rip off’ , how come Carillion have gone bust?
2. If Carillion won all those government contracts, they must have offered the lowest price or at least the most competitive overall offer, yes? It being a competitive tendering process. They have gone bust, so the contracts were underpriced, in effect they bought the business.
And so any successor will charge more. So it is incomprehensible to believe the public sector could do it cheaper. Or more effectively.
3. So this is a failure of a company but not of the system. In fact it is a measure of the market economy that poor companies fail.
Whereas in the public sector, poor ‘companies’ indeed all ‘companies’ never fail, they just get propped up and bailed out incessantly by the taxpayer, at a usually hidden, but enormous cost.
A bit like the BBC, in fact!
Take a look at BMC/Triumph/Rover/MG and British Steel in the ’70s to name just a few.
I can remember how the BBC were regaling the Wilson (Labour) government’ssuccess, in the ’60s, for selling yet another steel plant to what are now our competitors.
Government owned businesses???
You’re having a larf Mr Corbyn!!!!!
A bit like the ongoing BBC Trumpossession, the axis of weevils seem so desperate to trash their boogey hates, they will latch on to anything and blow it up without getting coherent and coordinated first.
People are already pointing out it is hard to reconcile what one lot are saying Carillon did and ‘the government’ should have done with another.
All I know is I see another ‘too big to fail’ cluster FUBAR revving up, with a large mismanaged company and its employees enjoying support small ones never have, do or will.
I heard some Labour MP spluttering about pensions. The media gob sounded truly onside, perhaps empathising with another 20,000 strong outfit who should enjoy retirement on the rest of the country with a pension that goes only up or up,
There is the BBC/Labour version, and this one I have just come across:
“No, Carillion is not being “bailed out”, taxpayers are not “picking up tab”. All shareholders & creditors will lose ££. Pension fund will go to industry-funded PPF, services will revert to gov & be re-tendered/contracts sold on. This is not a “bailout”. It’s called “going bust””
I am erring now on this one as the default with the BBC is ‘Nah’.
No, Carillion is not being “bailed out”, taxpayers are not “picking up tab”. All shareholders & creditors will lose ££. Pension fund will go to industry-funded PPF, services will revert to gov & be re-tendered/contracts sold on. This is not a “bailout”. It’s called “going bust”
Axis of weevils – I like that!
Have just sat through Silent Witness, and aside from the yet again mixed race coupling (all white couples are so yesterday darling), am I a dinosaur in my thinking that today’s prepubescent kids are all undisciplined brats ? Time and again on dramas (don’t watch soaps but I understand its as bad on them), parents are portrayed as forever saying ‘sorry’ to their unruly kids. In the edition tonight, a 12 year old girl yelled at her father, answered back and was bloody rude. The father attempted discipline and apologised for God’s sake. I’ve also seen parents giving a well deserved slap to their overbearing offspring, and then shown to say ‘sorry’. Er, why ? does this actually happen in real life ???
Growing up I can count on one hand the number of times my parents apologised to me – zero ! My Mum was a dead eye shot with an unwieldy dishcloth when I got lippy, and my Dad would count to 3 before he started to get out of his chair – he only ever reached two and a half before we did as we were told. It never occurred to scream or yell at my parents, or moan that they never had time for us, we just got on and played whether they were around or not. So what’s happened to society ?
Another delightful touch in the mortuary was the fully opened and peeled back flesh of the entire chest area, overcoming the prohibited and voyeuristic risk of breast exposure. As one who remembers the regular and extensive revelations of Helen Mirren, I feel the sisters have done mankind a further disservice.
Please get yourself Netflix, watch The House of cards, The Crown, Narcos, 13 Reasons Why ….etc. You will not regret it, though you will ponder why you have to pay a licence fee for the rubbish you mentioned above
What, and miss such as this?:
You missed out the really exiting part of that tweet.
Worth every penny, as they say.
Why is there nobody white in adverts anymore?
Maybe advertisers have inadvertently realised that it’s not with the majority of whites where the real problems around racism exist?
I had explained this in more detail, black Democrats voting for Obama but not Hilary and that, but lost about three paragraphs and can’t be arsed typing it all out on a tablet again.
Raheem on Facebook shares a BBC Three clip:
Ok the BBC wins “stupid video of the year” so far, with this angry video of dark skinned girls angrily complaining that they are always portrayed as angry on TV ?????♂️
It is quite special, and I now know ‘colourism’ is also a thing. Apparently.
Very interesting to see how the Left are gradually taking control of Labour.
It is amazing what can happen where you have a poll which one side thinks its got in the bag (Brexit; Labour leadership; the last GE) and how it can all unravel so spectacularly.
I really think the Tories need to rid themselves of May before the Summer or there’s a very real possibility, incredible as it seems, that Corbyn could be the next PM.
If Corbyn went for an all out Brexit he would win the next general election hands down.
A warning from the past from Labour’s Peter Shore in 1975…………..
Mrs May, take heed .
Another one came up after the above video. I didn’t agree with a lot of Tony Benn’s other views but this is a powerful description of what is happening.
“You have one employee and 60 thousand employers. Everyone in your constituency employs you. You can say what you (MP) like but they (electorate) can get rid of you.” @2:52 Tony Benn
I similarly don’t agree with Benn’s other views but he speaks an awful lot of sense here.
A woman was gang raped yesterday, a Sunday afternoon, in broad daylight in a cemetery by three men. This happened in Clay Lane, Essex. England.
This is reported on the Essex page of the bBbc website. It doesn’t appear on the News Home page or the UK page or even the England News page. In fact this crime is deemed less important on the Essex page where they do manage to report it than the pseudo-political headline story concerning the apparent and alleged bullying behaviour of the Essex Police Deputy Chief.
This would be the Deputy Chief of the police force, using the f-word lightly, that, although they are appealing for witnesses to the crime, are unable to give any description of the perpetrators that could jog someone’s memory or perhaps help to narrow down the range of potential suspects.
CCTV and even dashcam footage is being sought and door to door enquiries continue but other than the fact that the bastards who did this are men, there is no other description of them available from the police or given or possibly even sought by the useless bBbc. No heights or weights given, no build or colour of hair, not even a description of what they were wearing.
And of course most noticeably and so jarringly, blatantly and as always so predictably not described, usually unless they are white, is the race, ethnicity or colour of these pieces of shit. Now, not only is this a poor show from the Essex Police, smacking slightly of cowardice and appeasement, but it’s also yet another example of the poor and contemptuous journalism we’ve come to expect from the bBbc. Once again no real respect or real empathy for the victim, just a carefully contrived piece of filler to pay lip service. As usual, like the police, trying not to offend rather than apprehend.
I may be proven wrong but, just to help out the obviously confused police and bBbc in their search, thorough as it will be seen to be, I’d say they’re at, ironically, IC6s and 7s rather than IC1s or 2s.
The bBbc, biased, useless, and rotten to the core.
Solid post Rich.
There has been a policy at al Beebus for decades to downplay or downright ignore the ethnicity of offenders.
It’s a good general rule that if they DON’T provide a description of the perpetrators: they aren’t White.
You can be certain that if the scum who carried out this crime in Essex were White, that fact would have been included in the reporting of it and it the story would have been given much wider coverage.
I remember years ago one of the things which first outraged me about al Beebus, was the way they reported a case where someone had broken into a house and raped a young girl.
The Radio 2 news at 6.00am played a statement being read by the police, it included a description of whom they sought:
“A black man, aged…etc.”
By the time the 7.00am news came around, this had changed to: “A man, aged…etc.”
I remember thinking then, what kind of twisted news organisation omits a critical part of the description that the police have issued publicly because it doesn’t want the ethnicity of the perpetrator of a wicked crime to be widely known? Even if it means that omission means there is less likelihood of his being caught.
To be fair the Mail report doesn’t have any details about ethnicity, height etc.
A white victim would I guess be able to pinpoint things about a white attacker, but not black attackers might
The BBC England page leads with more campaigning type stories
BTW how common is rape in Essex ?
Reading the BBC’s or Guardian’s reports of any particularly heinous crime, you can almost feel their gleeful relief if it turns out to be a white man.
We got weeks of non-stop coverage of Charlottesville as here they finally had a story which fitted their narrative. The countless hate facts which contradict their narrative go straight down the memory hole.
Like the Californian couple with 13 children held prisoner and tortured…an awful story, but top story on the bBBC and its twin sister Sky’s websites?
Well said. What a shitty state of affairs that if the description of attackers doesn’t fit with an agenda, they are simply omitted and censored, and the poor victims chance of seeing any form of justice diminished just to appease a diversity edict.
‘Staggering’ trade in fake degrees revealed
Wow, the bBBC are reporting that third world countries, namely Pakistan, are fraudulently selling fake degrees to UK nationals!! Well who would buy such a thing, without thoroughly checking it out? I mean, you wouldn’t intentionally want to purchase a fake document, surely? Turns out professionals in the sainted NHS and other health workers did do this. Of course there is no suggestion that their original medical documents are false…they are all thoroughly checked out by…..someone. So these intelligent folks think it is normal and ok to buy a degree online, presumably without completing any studies.
It’s great, however, to welcome any refugee/immigrant who says they have medical qualifications, because of course they would never lie.
8pm The R4 show about fake-degrees
BUT at 6:30pm there is NON-lefty comedy with Simon Evans
They’ve given him just 4 episodes
Talking of BBC Radio4 comedy agenda’s and it’s briefest nod towards non-libs
Daliso Chaponda the Malawian born comic is on our local radio talking about his forthcoming BBC Radio 4 series called Citizen of Nowhere
his current tour is “What the African said”
“The comedian has lived all over the world with his refugee-turned-diplomat father, and now frequently performs in both Africa and the UK.”
Long article on BBC website: were Trump’s words racist?
Is the BBC pathetic?
Definitely. The US economy is booming and they are focussing on a naughty word. Nobody cares. Stop focussing on ‘offence’ and worry about things which actually matter to people. We are fed up of being sneered at, patronised and told what we are suppose to think by the Nurse Ratched media.
Clearly the Katty Kay editorial method is catching on.
The BBC should surely by now have a grasp of what actual racism is?
“The controversy arose out of a 2013 BBC interview”
My sister, who is an avid film watcher, says that most new US movies will have at least one instance of the ‘s-word’ before the titles have completed!
No BBC ‘comedian’ can make an appearance without uttering the ‘s-word’ at least once. It even occurs routinely in Radio 4 daytime dramas.
‘Nurse Ratched media’ – that’s a brilliant one, I’ll have to pinch it!
I borrowed it myself from this brilliantly article which encapsulates eloquenly why I love Trump.
We must try and share articles like this as much as possible. The Left may have massive institutional power but they do not have the truth on their side.
Thanks for the link to that article. A really good well written piece and as you say gets right to the nub of why Trump is so popular with some, including myself.
Thanks for the link to that article. A really good well written piece and as you say gets right to the nub of why Trump is so popular with some, including myself.
Beeb Bro, it is a bit strange – is it not – that something that one Senator heard in the meeting has not been confirmed by ANY OF THE OTHERS PRESENT at that time. (Sorry about the shouty letters but I have not yet worked out how to add emphasis to anything I type here.)
The BBC have not been careful to use the word ‘alleged’ in relation to President Trump’s supposed racist remarks. They have not made clear that the claim is uncomfirmed, either.
I’m losing total trust in the BBC, down from a recent high of about twenty per cent.
Toady mentions possible ‘powder kegs of radicalisation’ among the Rohingya. Here we get a sniff what is actually going on here. Weird how Buddhists never seem vulnerable to ‘radicalisation.’
Of course we would never do something as brutal as expel our enemies. No, we just let them rape our children, blow us up and let the constant threat of terror cast a pall over everything. Plus so many of these fraud cases tend to be ROP – terrible cases where old people have been conned out of everything. And of course we pay millions for their legal aid. Free speech, remember that? Being able to make a joke?
Well, at least we never seemed racist, eh? They can write that epitaph on the nation’s gravestone.
Totally agree BB – Seems to me that wherever you have large numbers of followers of the “The Religion that must not be named” (unless portraying them as victims or in a positive light) there always seems to be conflict.
Could it be anything to do with their “holy book” which recommends dealing with members of other religions/non believers as serfs/sexual slaves/people to be killed or is the rest of the world just all waycists who allow these people into their own countries just so they can be shitty to them for a bit of fun?.
Unfortunately with the immigration agenda IS being set and powered by meglomaniac sociopaths such as Soros. And with most powerful positions being held by self hating liberals such as Merkel/May. I am afraid at the moment the loonies are well and truly running the asylum.
Hence the complete lack of concern when the BBC constantly whines about muslims being victims of “far right lashbacks” Whilst it pays only lip service to the vast majority of violence sexual depravity which appears to be visited upon host populations by some followers of the “Religion of Peace”
A bit long but the following is of interest only for the commentators listing of Far Right ‘white’ atrocities against muslims.
He does not possess the brain to equate his condemnation of, the ‘Far Right’ with the muslim atrocities Worldwide not just in the UK.
“What was it that first attracted BBC Newsnight to the rare economic and often political insights of Paul Mason”?
Say what you like about the bbc; they know who they like…
Is Paul Mason a moron? Surely the question is how do we ensure the PFI projects are managed properly…intrinsically there is nothing wrong with them..and as somebody who has been involved in multimillion pound projects I have some experience…Perhaps he would like to comment on the in house NHS projects that always go over budget, over schedule and fail to deliver what they should.. As usual the politicians elected or not…use anything to push their cause. He seems to be affiliated to the Guardian…what a surprise
“intrinsically there is nothing wrong with them [PFI contacts].”
There has never been anything right about them! Governments can always get ‘cheap’ money as low-risk borrowers, tax raisers or money printers. A PFI contractor borrows money at commericial rates and puts his cut on top so any PFI project must cost more than buying outright.
The reason for PFI is that it is an accountancy scam whereby capital spending, buying a building, is converted into ‘current’ spending, renting the building. It also fits in with the Civil Service mantra of ‘transferring the risk’, whereby the private contractor is supposed to take responsibility for all the ‘unkowns’. However when the ‘risks’ prove to be small the contractor makes a cosy profit; when the ‘risks’ prove to be large and swamp the contractor the costs all come back to government, who then pay to do the same job again but at a higher price.
In answer to your first question, and on a purely personal basis, he seems a few Molotov’s shy of a revolution, yes.
He was a Graun feature, but IIRC their new format did not find space for him any more, so expect more BBC ‘expert’ analyses.
Even The Gradunia seems to have seen through comrade Mason. He’s apparently lost his column in the new pre-shrunk edition.
I find it remarkable that he was ever appointed by Newsnight as its Trot-in-residence in the first place, a role for which he had no experience and background, other than a ruggedly authentic all purpose Northerner-on-a-miner’s-strike-picket accent and matching chips on each shoulder.
And then, once he had fled the mess there, the Corporation still keeps inviting him back, as it did this morning on Toady. Why? Comedy value?
Carillion was a perfect product of Bliar era crony capitalism, incompetently managed by the usual boardroom suspects, the sort of management ‘experts’ who have done as much damage to this country. We need a fire, to rid ourselves of both parasitic classes – incompetent, overpaid ‘executives’ squandering shareholders’ assets and incompetent, overpaid politicians squandering ours. What we don’t need are Mason’s evening class lessons in Marxism.
If even the Guardian is done with him, so the BBC should be. He’s a circus act.
The bbc seems, at best, very loyal in its support for its old chums…
Which, given its frequent resort to dragging up old (well, he was on a few hours ago) associations, seems odd.
This guy was The Economics Editor for a major evening news magazine. And whose politics were left at the door, and even more left everywhere else.
Paul Mason is aware that PFI literally exploded under Tony Blairs government building umpteen new and fancy hospitals and schools that then proved so expensive to service the debt that existing hospitals had to be closed (a great example being Lewisham hospital).
Getting even more popcornworthy:
And Mason and O’Brien are to wrestle in mud.
Lord Hall Hall’s BBC today…
“Hold my champagne”
Maybe Tone can get all the old gang back?
The Labour position on Brexit is a mess as well … clarity? Honest Politics?
Yet the BBC, with a few honourable exceptions, trots out the trots to sound bite their wisdom mostly on a pulpit rather than debate basis. Unique.
Labour’s position …. on Brexit … RED Leave … GREEN Stay …
Fran Unsworth going to be earning her equal megabucks today…
It’s a DNA thing, apparently. Ask Hugs.
Iceland Supermarket – please issue a statement telling the BBC to go fuck themselves in their gender neutral holes.
Mark Steyn talking about monopoly of the internet
So the world is pretty much being dominated by rich, ideological, venal, authoritarian, deranged, dangerous crooks overseen or assisted by thick, venal, partisan, ideological crooks.
And such abuses of power are held to account by such as James O’Brien and Paul Mason, impartially.
If the citizens are not interested in its politicians, then the politicians won’t be interested in its citizens.
Jared O’Mara is not appearing on the parliament conduct committee …
Allegations under Investigation by the Commissioner
Rt Hon Keith Vaz MP – – suspended for medical reasons
Ms Michelle Donelan MP
Ms Michelle Donelan MP
Mr Ian Paisley MP
Mr Chris Heaton-Harris MP
Mr Virendra Sharma MP
Mr Paul Farrelly MP
Mr Tommy Sheppard MP
Mr Paul Girvan MP
Currently Labour MP Jared O’Mara has not turned up for work for 4 months … Sheffield has no MP to represent them in Parliament. {order-order}
Sorry, I HADN’T meant to report a comment (Stew Green, I think), I was looking for the ‘newer comments’ thingee and pressed the wrong button!
A favourite line of the BBC is to make comparisons between the UK and other countries, always to our disadvantage. Using this technique we are made to look like the worst place in the World. (Weren’t we worse than Bangladesh for goodness sake, because we were ‘slow’ to reduce our use of plastic bags?).
Some countries are perfect in the BBC world, the Scandinavian Socialists, for instance, like Sweden.
Lately we had the trivia item about H&M’s ‘monkey hoodies’, the company having followed the trend of having 90% ‘ethnics’ in their advertising, and the race-mongers turning that into a racial slur.
Not that I care, but it serves H&M right for going with the mob and I don’t shop there anyway. But why don’t the headlines read Swedish Store In Slur Scandal? Selective ‘good’ country picking again!
Coming to a tv screen near you? You can rest assured the BBC are working toward it. Perhaps when the time comes, they could see fit to interview Archie Bish of Nothing and get him to endorse the programming development –
This really is disturbing stuff. Thanks for posting.
PFI? – Lest we not forget the genesis……………
It’s that Bliar again!
Is it just me, or does anyone else find this disturbingly dystopian and simultaneously deeply offensive? (maybe I should sue… oh hang on a minute I’m a white, British guy, no one cares what I think)
‘I found my baby’s father on Craiglist’
Men, nothing more than walking sperm donors.
Not really bias, but I think I have discovered how people like Maxi get a start in the BBC after a spell on the casting couch or a weekend visit to the BBC hotel with glory holes.
I guess they have to start somewhere with something as banal as this.
Man ruptures his throat by blocking a sneeze. A warning to us all.
‘Sneezes can spread diseases, so although it is good to “let them out”, make sure you catch them in a tissue, say experts.
Do I let out 50% of my sneezes? Expert? Help – I’m confused.
And it has a HYS. Bless.
The highest rated in that HYS could be going better. Those not simply pouring scorn on bbc editorial priorities have been modded. Franny’s Day just gets better.
A number of the most popular comments appear to have fallen foul of the house rules.
Presumably the Rule that says “Thou shalt not take the piss out of the BBC”.
When are these Licence Tax Thieves going to give the people of Britain who pay for them an in depth investigative analysis into the true extent of illegal immigration of people who have invaded our country.
Its almost like a semi hidden third world has been “facilitated” into the country bringing with it medieval practices and high costs to the public services and welfare – just at the very time we need to divert more cash into looking after genuine elderly time served British
Like these?
Hogan Lovells. Another British law firm called out by Peter Hain for helping with ‘state capture’ in South Africa. Anybody know them? KPMG had to let some of their people go for a similar offence. Another UK firm, Bell Pottinger, had to close down completely for helping to stir up anti-white sentiments in SA. It seems Hain called out Hogan Lovells in the Lords…
In the past, Hain was a pain; now he is helping with the struggle against corruption in SA. Still not hammering the ANC though, which one would have hoped for, had he been really consistent. Still, some progress; credit where it’s due.
A thought that comes to mind is whether WE need to look out for ‘state capture’ in the UK. Looking at how C and Landsman, or whatever his name is, are taking over the Labour Party, I could foresee quite a lot of ‘state capture’, should Labour ever get into power. And I can’t see the BBC calling that out, were it to happen. Their comments on the whole Momentum thing reminds us of how much they’re all one happy big family. Very little analysis of WHO M. really are, and the implications for the opposition, and therefore Britain. Ditto for the government. the lady seems very quiet on this, or am I wrong?
Like a lot of UK companies seem to have been part of the ANC big happy family in SA.
10pm C4 : Working Class White Men Part 2 Family Men
Because Channel4 and BBC are seemingly the same network last Monday afternoon R5 Show was a joint show with Professor Green
Today he was on Woman’s Hour doing the promo
I’ll give you 3 guesses as to who destroyed working class identity. On second thoughts you’ll probably get it one.
Clue- it wasn’t UKIP
R2 has Vince Cable coming up to talk about Carillion
..a free kick at te Tories I guess
Then Amol will give him a free plug for a second referendum
Stew, aah, do you mean Vince Cable, former Sec of State for Business?
Their website has a story about workplace conversations on the menopause, after a BBC investigation found 70% of respondents did not tell their employers about symptoms.
I am fed up with ‘BBC investigations’ as it means they create the news rather than report on it. You can decide to an investigation into anything you feel strongly about, which is useful for ideologues like the impartial Beeb. This is not news but activism and we pay for a news service. There is never a ‘BBC investigation’ into no-go zones, male suicide, the dangers of political correctness or countless other important issues. Why not investigate how many are annoyed with only hearing about narrow, politically correct messages from the BBC? Well over 70% of people I would imagine.
May go up or down #DespiteBrexit …
UK inflation rate drops back to 3% {bbc.co.uk 16jan2018}
December: ‘inflation sky-rockets up to 3.1%, up 0.1%. How will families and vulnerable people manage?’ Let’s hear from John McDonnell……..
January: ‘small dip in inflation, prices STILL rising, too early to say if it’s a downward trend. In other news, ‘a never won anything tennis player’ has bought two punnets of blueberries from a supermarket in Australia and forgot to take them away. ‘That’s 5 dollars I won’t get back’ says multi-millionaire tennis ace.’
‘Death spiral’: 4,000% inflation in Venezuela
“Venezuela’s money is nearly worthless, and its cash crisis is only getting worse.”
Yes, I’m closely watching the Welsh Assembly which is the junior version of Venezuela under Labour.
Ha the BBC wittering on about Carrillion.
Now I have this question who actually does the work Carrillion as a Prime Contractor or Carrillion subcontractors.
This is I suspect an example of what happens when Prime Contracting goes bad.
“Woman in her 30s kidnapped and gang raped in broad daylight at Essex graveyard”.
No descriptions given. You thinking what I’m thinking…………..
If we say we think such actions are evil are we likely to get a visit from Treezer’s cops?
I wonder if the Beeb will comment on Aziz Ansari?
Now I don’t think he has done anything illegal and hence it probably won’t get reported (unlike stuff that Trump does that isn’t illegal but is reported endlessly), however I do think there is an interesting correlation in Aziz being someone who preaches to other men about how they should act – and then doesn’t act in that way. Almost like the Beeb preaching on gender pay and then being shown up on it.
Anyway, here’s my thoughts on the story for those that might have been following it.
I don’t think either party are innocent here and don’t have a great deal of sympathy for either one of them. Grace traded numbers with Azi whilst on a date with another guy and ignored or brushed over the clear signs of a sexual predator because she wanted something from him. For his part, Azi clearly wanted to get his knob wet with the least amount of effort and expenditure.
My only real comment is that while Azi is parading himself as this feminist white knight, his actions – informing her what to wear, choosing what she drank, not bothering to engage in small talk and wasting little or no time in getting it on after he’d bought her dinner – don’t really convey an impression of a guy that is sensitive, considerate and possessing a real understanding of women.
It’s the sham of acting like this noble champion of how to treat women properly and making a living from slating other ‘un-enlightened’ males as Luddite Neanderthals, whilst then acting like the very a-hole that you regularly ridicule. The classic hypocrisy of his words and proclamations not being reflected in his actions.
Hell, it’s almost like he’s acting like he believes that “when you’re a star, they let you do it, grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything” – a line that I’m sure he would have criticised vociferously to court favour with women and liberals.
Minority Report from the beeb —
To the casual observer, their output does look severely skewed towards minority groups. So, searching their site for “sex and relationships” and analysing the first 30 results:
– 10 relate to sex education for children
– 8 relate to same sex relationships
– 5 relate to sex in long-term relationships for women/mothers
– 2 relate to sex/relationships in non-British ethnic groups
– 2 relate to unconventional sex/relationships
That means 3 out of 30 which appear to relate to conventional heterosexual relationships from a man’s point of view*. (* I’m guessing here; because those features are no longer available online.)
Under ‘Public purposes: Reflecting UK audiences’, they state ‘BBC viewers, listeners and users can rely on the BBC to reflect the many communities that exist in the UK’. Maybe the progressives at the beeb are right that it’s nearly all minors, same-sex and non-Brits having sex these days, and they are simply reflecting UK audiences as per their stated remit.
In which case being interested in adult, conventional heterosexual sex is now a minority activity. Anyone want to start a campaign fighting for equal rights, or write an article for the Grauniad detailing micro aggressions and how society just doesn’t understand?
I think it’s reflective of the London centric / metropolitan thinking of beeboids coupled with their age range – which is in my opinion – very limited .
They will keep on the likes of humph (74) £650 k if they adopt / reflect beeb values but limit life over 45/50. If I’m wrong ( any one ) please correct me .
I suppose there’s a few daytime types but I’m talking news and more popular stuff
Fedup2 I agree, I live in London and am in that age range (just about) but also find their target audience very limited. I stopped thinking of the beeb as a news source and these days view their output as a mix of the light and frothy real-life stories of Take A Break magazine, crossed with the globalist propaganda of New Internationalist.
Seems to make life (a bit) easier
The term ‘diversity’ is a microaggression for me – they bang on relentlessly about it. It is their solution for everything, even though it patently is not.
They interviewed a top judge on Toady and asked what the Supreme Court was going to do about the diversity problem among the judges. What problem? The only issue is if you are qualified and competent. It is so moronic to think that ‘diversity’ can magically fix everything; does not being white give you super human powers? David Lammy and Sadiq Khan are both ‘diverse’ and extremely bad at their jobs. Clearly ‘diversity’ is not the panacea yet still they bang on about it like religious zealots.
Beeb Brother
The World Service has claimed a number of times recently that “diversity” in the board room leads to greater business success.
Supposedly, this is an antidote to “group think”. On the other hand, you find the financial press hailing the success of all-women companies like EBS (Executive Business Services) in Lanark. An all women team had bought out the hideously male former management. So is diversity the nec plus ultra of business success or have the BBC pundits just been talking PC ballocks as usual?
Supposedly, the august members of the House of Quislings can maximise their performance by “looking more like the people they represent.” If this were the case, you would simply take a random sample of UK citizens every 5 years, say, and make them MPs and let them elect the executive. At least that way the Chamber would better reflect the Brexit vote.
After banging on about “diversity”, they wonder why the country is “divided” and lacking cohesion. These are the kind of people who would cut off their own legs to show solidarity with the “otherly abled” and then be surprised they can’t walk.
I’m puzzled that the BBC is using the term “Calais jungle”. Isn’t that dehumanising language? “Calais shithole” or “Calais jungle”? What subtle distinction is the language Gestapo making?
Newshite is discussing “sensitivity readers” as I write.
Words fail me.
Just think the opposite of what the BBC portray and you will be about right.
@G — good advice!
@beeb brother — microaggressions will surely seem old hat in a year. Then we can look forward to nanoaggressions and picoaggressions. No one will be able to leave the house for fear of offending an ambient molecule
RE: Aziz Ansari.
A gentleman is a patient wolf.
When the fun is removed from society …
“…birthdays, remember, are the practices of disbelievers and immoral people. {bbc panorama video 2010}” @8:33
And more Hollywood hypocrisy:
Why did these self-interested tits take the jobs in the first place? Do they live in a bubble so small that they have not heard of any of Allen’s past? Not like he’s low profile. And if they haven’t, they aren’t really doing a very good job. And they think they are qualified to lecture us on current affairs and politics, grrr.
“A Lithuanian Gang”. Wow! quick enough to name where they come from.
What if it had been a muslim gang from goodness knows where (Somalia likely)? Would that fact have been mentioned?……………
Councils in England will receive an additional £29 million to boost their support for unaccompanied asylum seeking children (UASC) and care leavers, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government Sajid Javid confirmed today (16 January 2018). {gov.uk 16jan2018}
Migration has no effect on services the Politicians say …. but …but ….
The £100 million Controlling Migration Fund to alleviate pressures on local services such as housing, education and health services resulting from recent migration.
Libby Purves is popular but wrong today
The @BBC salary controversy: LIBBY PURVES @lib_thinks suggests “vain & greedy” men are paid more than women because they “flick their carefully tended hair and purr, like a L’Oréal ad: ‘Because I’m worth it!’.” Ouch!
Link: http://bit.ly/2B7aPHc
Tosh men/women have same opportunity
Just some men’s agents have negotiated extraordinary terms
Remember Anne Robinson has a £40m fortune.
Watch as Greenland disappears from the Map in 1985 ….{wiki}
Oh Sheffield skyline now

Now z BA was grounded due to bedbug infestation
..on the Ghana route
… Hardly surprising
Passengers living in tropics might bring bedbugs with them onto the plane.
When I lived in Ghana I never saw them.
But in Asia we had to deal with them loads of times.
Bug bomb and clean all clothes at same time.
Seems Chibok girls refusing to come home
Have authorities/media failed them ?
Stew I remember the BBC -R4 doing a report – (possibly last year) On one of the Boko Haram abductions. I seem to remember that it gave the impression that many of the Boko Haram abductees had “fallen in love” with their Muslim abductors. I wonder whether the BBC would have been so interested in giving a positive spin on the kidnappers if the abductors were Christian and the abductees had been Muslim
I guess what more could a girl want – forces to wear a burkah in a hot country, probably become one of many wives, regularly beaten and have little say or custody over your children.
So thats alright then – No wonder the sisters are all for sharia.
Love really is the sweetest thing!
I see no mention of the fall in the inflation rate on the current biasedBBC news website…..Just the usual ‘on Topic’ and self indulgent whinings of the libleft mob.
Northern – it was mentioned on daytime news. It’s a marginal difference either way. Next month it may be up a bit or down. The trend is up – largely dependent on oil prices – which are trending up too.
#MENtoo is the new hashtag
The sexist ultra feminazis assumed men never get abused. .hence a backlash.
The attached bio is of value for understanding what we face if the worse happens ….
British man planned terror attack on Big Ben, reports BBC.
It is time that British men were deported. There can’t be that many still around.
With borders as uncontrolled as ours I don’t think deportation is a viable option . I’d prefer execution – would it make things any worse? Act as a recruiter for their cause? I don’t think so. Putting them in prison just enables them to infect more so kill them .
The current one is an RE teacher at an Islamic school in East London –
I’m still waiting to talk to ‘purdy’ Who posted here a while ago who accused me of being full of bile about the condition of Londonistan – which was English and white when I was growing up in it.
So the French president Emmanuel Macron is to visit the UK this week to discuss among other things, his wish for the UK to take in more Calais migrant children over the age of 18. The BBC use his first name, what a pity they don’t use Donald more often when referring to POTUS ‘Trump’. How about a big twitter/facebook campaign to stop his visit, after all, he is white, male, and french.
Anyone watch the Anna soubry show today.
She appears to have taken over from jo Coburn on the daily politics.
Coburn gave her the easiest interview I’ve ever seen on Brexit and let soubry go on and on without interruption.
She then just wouldn’t shut up and on the odd occasion any other guest tried to say something she would first of all complain that she wanted to finish what she was saying and then interrupt the guest while doing her usual tutting and eye rolling.
When asked if she understood that about £200 million would be returned to us (possibly part for the nhs) each week when we left the eu she said she didn’t know.
She was very dismissive of JRM and said he wasn’t a proper Tory (like her?)
All in all a very unpleasant creature.