For days the BBC gave prominence to a story that a Canadian girl had had her hijab cut off in an Islamophobic hate attack. Turns out this hate attack never happened….the BBC did report this surprising revelation but blink and you’d miss the retraction, it’s vanished from their pages unless you google it….the BBC doesn’t think it worth filling its pages with stories about Muslims lying about hate attacks…after all there are so many that the BBC’s website would be full to overflowing with them.
Toronto police say scissor attack on a girl’s hijab ‘did not happen’
Canadian police say an alleged scissor attack on an 11-year-old girl’s hijab never happened.
The girl made headlines last week after she said a man came up to her and tried to cut her hijab off.
Toronto police now say the incident, which they were treating as a hate crime, “did not happen”.
The investigation sparked a national outcry, including from Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who expressed his concern on Twitter.
“After a detailed investigation, police have determined that the events described in the original news release did not happen,” the police said in a brief press release on Monday morning. “The investigation is concluded.”
The girl’s mother had emotionally said last week that: ‘this was “just not Canada”.’
Turns out she was right. But it is so so the BBC.
This is an excellent example of people wanting to believe what they are told as it supports their view of the world – and then rebroadcasts it to strengthen the case for Muslims as victims as opposed to Muslims as mass murderers.
The imbalance on clarification also evidences the bias.
FE2 – All depressingly predictable when the levers of power in Canada and the UK are held by a hand wringing, virtue signallerS, who has no real conception or interest of the real world.
I expect the vast majority of people realise that many of these hijab “attacks” are purely figments of the lefts and of course Islamic imagination. However most people, still are more interested in “Strictly” and footie to bother about what is happening in the world around them.
Pathetic and implausible though most of these claims are – they do however perform a more serious function. They play into the hands of those who want to extend special protection to muslims at the expense of the freedoms of the population as a whole. It is a gift for the likes of the ghastly Amber or Alison Saunders who are just itching to extend more control over what we say or do and at the same time demonstrate their “socially concerned” credentials. And of course it also aids Islamic influence in the West.
Additionally it plays into the hands of the muslim grievance industry enabling them to further justify the horrors and brutality visited upon the civilian population. And of course we are all such waycists – we just deserve what is coming our way
And even if the majority hijab “attacks” were genuine it is not exactly the same as driving a lorry into crowds or plunging a knife into people just minding their own business.
Sometimes I just cannot believe the insanity of this whole situation. You allow vast numbers of people into your country many of whom are innately hostile to our culture. Some of them start to do just that, acting in a savage and hostile way and the Government is more concerned about real or imagined low level retaliation than they are about real savagery – You just couldnt make this up!
Its why thousands of white girls have had their sexual abuse virtually ignored, its why FGM is ignored and it is why the death of thousands of victims of Islamic terrorism worldwide will continue to have their deaths downplayed.
I suppose at the end of the day courtesy of the MSM and the BBC in particular, what we will end up with is a cowed indigenous population and very little left in the way of democracy.
Still I expect its what Jo would have wanted .