Radio bore @mrjamesob is a menacing threat
— (@JOE_co_uk) January 17, 2018
The above Tweet is from the lefty which of course employs gobby Jobby…..and if you wish to be bored to death feel free to take a butchers at one of his interviews. The grey paint drying on the wall is more interesting. The Tweet is meant to be witty and ironic, ironic that it is also so so true…..and is of course a response to the Sun’s observant assessment of Jobby today….
Radio bore
IF you’ve never heard of James O’Brien, you’re not missing anything.
The radio host is the epitome of a smug, sanctimonious, condescending, obsessively politically-correct, champagne-socialist public schoolboy Remoaner,
He imagines himself on a higher moral plane than anyone voting Tory or backing Leave, yet wilfully spreads lies on social media if they fit his worldview.
How can the BBC still feign political impartiality with this professional leftie propagandist presenting Newsnight?
The BBC should ditch him.
Hmmm…did they know something coz gobby Jobby has gone from Newsnight saying he came off the roster 6 months ago?….Curious neither he nor the BBC trumpeted his departure and we only learn of it after the Sun lays into him and the BBC for employing him.
MediaGuido had heard a few whispers about why James O’Brien had been canned by Newsnight – chiefly that BBC bosses were fed up with his Trumpian hyper-partisan attention-seeking both on their programme, on Twitter and elsewhere. One insider says they simply ran out of patience with him always going off on one. O’Brien has today essentially confirmed that version of events, tweeting:
“I withdrew from the roster some months ago to retain my right to criticise Brexit and Trump in my other work”
You just have to ask what took the BBC so long to let him go….and why did they employ him in the first place? But surely it can’t be his anti-Brexit stance, nor indeed hus anti-Trump stance that got him the push…..anti-Trumpiness is de rigueur at the BBC and he was employed on the basis of his abysmal and incompetent hatchet job on Farage…a flood of lies, half-truths and loudly asserted non-facts that Farage easily batted away…and yet Newsnight thought ‘That’s our boy…sign him up!’. Can only imagine he will eventually go the way of most sad and desperate Remoaners and slip loudly into madness subjecting his listeners to crazy rants about his pet peeves….oh, there already. Ex-Newnight Paul Mason makes an ideal template for the way to go….or as Guido puts it...a shouty crackers descent into mid-life crisis.
Jobby’s response to the Sun’s take down….to promote his own attack on the Sun…from June 2016….so very up to date…and of course, based purely upon his own bigotry, bias, lies and ignorance….and apparently Muslims are just like everyone else…apart from dress, culture, religion and views about what British society should look like…..
“This also, of course, is the newspaper in which we’ve read recently that Muslims are not like you or I, they’re not like the rest of us”
O'Brien Slays The Sun Over Racism Hypocrisy @LBC
— James O'Brien (@mrjamesob) January 17, 2018
Sadly missed.
Guido reports that mr o brien – with whom I am vaguely unfamiliar – is no longer on the Neesnight presenter roster .
I understand that he had a serious fixation on all things associated with the legitimately elected president of the USA and has no question about whether he was born there or in Kenya like the last one
Anyway -,as he is not required to present a current affairs programme any more perhaps he can spend more time at his pharmacist exploring the effects of various white powders .c::t that he is .
If ever someone had a “face for radio” it is he. Watch on-line if you can bare it, to see him picking pustules through the beard. Revolting.
Freedom to ctriticize Brext & Trump is a pre-requesite for BBC employees. So there is something else here – hopefully.
It is about time LBC canned him. He gets very few callers in comparison to all the other presenters. His soul searching, self obsessed monologue/ rants often go on for 25 mins.
I have given up on LBC.
JHB is now on Talk Radio at breakfast – thank God !