A couple of weeks ago the BBC brought us a tale of rampant sexual harassment in Muslim Egypt where the victims were to blame…for disgracefully laughing in the street or talking too much and enjoying themselves:
Shaimaa Khalil recalls growing up in Egypt and her first experience of sexual harassment aged 11 #metoo.
We know such behaviour is endemic and blatant in Islamic countries….visitors to Saudia Arabia may tell you that even when dressed as a Saudi and fully covered up they fall victim to worse harassment than they have ever had in the UK or other Western countries.
This is the culture we are importing into Europe. The BBC reports it in Egypt but covers it up when it is migrants in Europe doing the harassing. In fact they try to put the blame not on the migrants but on some outside conspiracy…such as the far-Right or ISIS….
Remember Hugh Sykes telling us that Cologne was a Far Right conspiracy?….‘There are conspiracy theories in the air that the New Year’s Eve attackers were encouraged to make sexual approaches to German women, told that it was the normal thing to do on New Year’s Eve. If true, they may have fallen into a well-laid trap.’
Remember the BBC report that said Cologne was an IS conspiracy? …’Some analysts have suggested that IS has encouraged a link between refugees and terrorism in order to foster hostility to refugees in Europe, although it is not known if the latest attack was carried out in co-ordination with the IS leadership in Iraq and Syria.’
The BBC shaping the news to suit its own agenda.
Any more bias list it here…..
The temptation to be first is too great….
Minister for loneliness appointed to continue Jo Cox’s work
Oh dear dear, where to begin….it gets more like 1984 every day! Right up the beebs alley, so to speak.
Congratulations on your being first on the comment list – I hope thus changes your life to your benefit ( dry funny or not ).
Anyway – what an excellent idea by our current labour government . Lots of government ministrys based on human emotion. Ministry of fear jealously and loathing . Ministry of love / hate.
Are ethnic minorities , gay,blt types lonelier than others? Vulnerable groups ( isn’t every one?).
Seriously – if loneliness is an issue it is one for charities and local people – not central bloody government. There are more important issues like social care – physical care for the demented and elderly.
Your life will never be the same again Loobyloo – you’ve joined the ‘firsties’ club !!!
Dem grate Beebycee. im all buggerrup!
Dem Bias Beebycee grater, much.
Dem grate Bias Beebycee writah, dem orl very grate, dem Looby, dem Fed, Brissles an orl.
Dems best.
Czech is in de post !
The police will set up a hub monitoring Twitter comments referring to people as Billy no mates and any other expression which is deemed to hurt feelings of the lonely community.
Did you not notice the great lie in this article?
“The Commission on Loneliness was first set up by Ms Cox, who was killed before the EU referendum by a man who shouted “Britain first” during the attack.”
Firstly what relevance has what a man shouted during his murderous attack to this story?
Secondly why publish as fact something which has been determined not to be true by the very person who first said it?
At worst it could have been reported correctly as allegedly shouted “put Britain First” but for a massively biased BBC the temptation to blame Saint Jo’s death on ‘far right’ group Britain First appears to have been just too great !
I did notice that, but in fact there was so much shite in that article, I thought it was an April fool! I wasn’t aware that Jo Cox had set up an anti loneliness organisation, but then I’d never heard of her before her murder.
I did think that one idea to combat loneliness would be to move a refugee in with a lonely person?
Now I understand why she was against BREXIT. Britain will be lonely when we’ve left the EU. None of the other 27 will want to be our friend.
And another one bites the dust (white male):
Tory MP Ben Bradley ‘sorry’ for blog post about jobless
The left must have an army trawling through social media to find ammunition for a take down. Over to you Theresa…
They do have such an army checking for thought crimes. Being a BBC ‘journalist’ seems to involve little more than searching for offensive words on Twitter and ‘activism.’
More useless click bait on the envy of the world:
Residents of Oslo, Norway ski along streets
Snow in Norway, people ski.
What happened to global warming ?
They’ve blamed the unseasonably cold and dark December on warming – something which isn’t true, and which they provided no facts to support the claim, nor even who it came from !
Harra has released more GreenBlob propaganda
Radio news
Lord Deben is misleading
“You see extra green costs are just £9/year in your leccy bill”
Nope cos unicorns DON’T pay electricity bills of business/charity/government
.. rather granny PAYS in her shopping & tax
when you pay for anything else you are paying for green subsidies that go to rich people
+ the green inefficiency/infrastructure costs
+ You subsidize rich peoples electric cars £4,500 + what they should be paying in road/fuel tax
Looks like there are moves on the way to curtail our domestic woodburning, too.
What does that leave us with?
Just cost of subsidies costs each household £400/year

(£9.4bn thru 23m households)
Not even including green gimmick inefficiency/infrastructure costs such as cables from Scottish ocean windfarms which average operating at 1/3 of their capacity.
Back to previous thread last night’s posts
Today’s punchbag Ben Bradley MP
\\ Ben Bradley, who was appointed the vice chair for youth last week, used a 2012 blog post to support the controversial benefit cap introduced by the Conservative-Lib Dem coalition.
“Vasectomies are free,” Bradley wrote on his personal blog, consbradders32, in a post arguing that welfare cuts were vital to preserving British culture.
“Families who have never worked a day in their lives having 4 or 5 kids and the rest of us having 1 or 2 means it’s not long before we’re drowning in a vast sea of unemployed wasters that we pay to keep!” //
This makes me really angry – vasectomies are free ? Surely these over productive wasters should have to pay something towards it . Or 2 for the price of one . Or compulsery in particular cases – eg more than 3 kids on benefit.
Ben Bradley sounds like a good MP to me but he’s in the wrong party poor sod
I think the Left do have a team just trawling then using the Twatteraties to pummel anyone they don’t like – Tories normally
What about everyone – like me and my wife – who say yep, nothing wrong with suggesting that you should be able to pay for your own kids and maybe not have any more and vasectomies are free…
Fed, the real Ben Bradlee would have been more robust!
“This makes me really angry – vasectomies are free ? Surely these over productive wasters should have to pay something towards it ”
If you opt to pay the doctor uses a scalpel; but if you decide on the free option he uses two bricks.
As I’ve recently posted long pieces on the NHS I should add for the benefit of the BBC trolls that the above isn’t true
\\ David Vance tweeted
The punchline is that you should only have kids IF you are able to afford them.
Stop expecting the taxpayer to fund your fecundity!
@bbradleymp was right in what he said. Nothing to apologise for.//
Like this f-ing story:
Tina works in a food bank. Tinas house looks quite nice. Tina seems very comfortable in front of a camera. would tina be a labour party activist by any chance. Tina wouldnt lie would she with the help of the beeb
I had to smile at 0.58 in the video at the bottle of “Waitrose Balsamic Vinegar Of Modena” on the food bank counter!
How nice! It must be one of life’s essentials at the BBC.
Perhaps it was the Kensington branch Lobs.
Is this story for real?
Mum seems blonde Caucasian.
But… so does the baby.
Beeb whinging about Trump only giving Palestine half their aid money; saying humanitarian crisis etc. Well if they really need the money that badly they will have to behave properly – it is not that hard.
The best description of the difference between left and right wing I have read is that of the loving mother (left) against the strict father. You do need unconditional love, but too much protection and you grow weak and dependent and never learn to fend for yourself; my mum was too nice to me and I suffered long term as a result. The father (right) still loves you but his love is more conditional: stand up straight; get a job – I am not giving you any money and it’s good to work; et cetera.
Why should the US take abuse from others and still get money in return? “But we need it to help our poor people!” Well – you might have it but you had better show some respect first.
Another problem with career politicians is they are always thinking of the next step in their lucrative career after they leave office. Coming across as harsh is bad for the brand so they try to please everyone, even to the detriment of their country. A parasite like Blair would never rock the boat like this as he wants to schmooze his way along the gravy train. The glorious thing about Trump is that he just does care about upsetting people.
I meant to say he just does not care about upsetting people, not that he does care!
Toady watch
Al Beeb in clover because of stats about nurses leaving the nhs .
So what are the doing when they leave? Australia? Private ? Agency ? That might be the real issue. Can’t really say that these wonderful angels/ saints care more about money than caring but there you go.
I have had the misfortune of witnessing plenty of district and hospital nurses and as a result have little regard for them. Most are jobsworths and punters are too scared to criticise because of reprisals – ranging from neglect to being killed off.
( I know someone will come on here to say how wonderful they are but it won’t change my view – nor that of medics as a whole ).
Fedup – can’t agree more . The trouble with figures is that it depends on where the biggest issues are and I am guessing the South – London particularly. Wonder why…
I’ve mentioned before I work in the NHS and I don’t see these stressed out desperate nurses..
What I do know is that since they made it a degree and got rid of SENs it has gone to pot..a lot of these degree nurses qualify then decide they are too good for a nursing job. It would be interesting to know how many move to ‘management’ or Agency
Strange though the 2017 RCN figures show there are more registered nurses, 690,000, a figure that has gone up year on year for the last 5 years according to their own reports..BBC fails to mention that..
Thanks James
I thought al Beeb did a disservice to us about not saying where nurses leaving the NHS were going . Are they going out of the job? Or just to another bit of the medical industry as I said above.
That’s not just bias that’s bad journalism – unless I have provided the answer being a lowly taxpayer.
For any one who missed it there was some unintended humour at the end of the programme when some silly little girl from the Marxist society at SOAS – an institution at which I had the privilege to study – tried to defend something called communism .it didn’t even make grade d o level . Pitiful but touching and funny. I bet John McDonald got a stiffy.
None the less, it never ceases to amaze me how the BBC will allow someone on air to defend an ideology which has killed more innocent people than anything or anyone since Ghengis Khan. When do the Nazis get their airtime for a free plug? Compared with the litany of Communist psychopathic murderers, they’re a Sunday School outing.
No advocates of such a creed responsible for such misery should be allowed on air without a reminder of the millions it has killed. Of course, had the Left not been allowed to get away with this there would be a lot fewer idiots like that child from SOAS.
The girl seemed to have become a communist because she would never be able to buy a house. So if she was able to get on the housing ladder, communism would cease to appeal?
She made the familiar excuse that communism had not failed because it had never been tried. But it can never work because you can never get there. Every time communism is tried, it invariably descends into totalitarianism. Venezuela is accelerating on that downward spiral.
An unfortunate young man attempted to defend capitalism, but was constantly interrupted by the £650,000 man, and never given a chance to make a proper argument. One day an interviewee must really grow a pair and tell John Humphrys to fuck himself.
I heard that bit too. Humph tried to position him to “apologise for capitalism “ but he stood his ground and said there was not need to apologise . I thought it a bit rich ( irony) for humph to talk about capitalism when he is probably really taking a million taxpayers cash a year plus his pension to come plus his 10 k after dinner speaches. Capitalism sucks eh?
Marxist theory has turned out to be wrong on so many levels.
“real existing socialism” has failed practicaly everwhere it wss tried as a form of government, but theory predicted that socialist revolutions would occur in more advanced capitalist societies. However, revolutions occurred in Russia and Mexico rather than USA or Britain. In Mexico peasants were promised that land would be taken from landowners and given to them. That was the real reason for the revolution and contradicts theory. In her delusion, the girl probably thinks that the housing stock in Britain will be partitioned amongst the “proletariat” rather like land amongst the peasants.
The original “science of history” failed to predict fascism and so the theorists had to do a lot of post hoc fudging. The application of Marxism to biology in the Soviet Union led to the pseudoscience of lysenkoism and an agricultural catastrophe.
So it’s pretty much failure on failure.
What joys “cultural marxism” has also brought us.
….It would be interesting to know how many move to ‘management’ or Agency…..
More than you think James, a lot of nurses reach the top of the pay scale so cant progress any further and are too young to retire, so they take a few management exams and then climb the ladder again on the admin tier. I saw it happen so many times, which is why the NHS is top heavy with ‘management’. Do we ever hear this mentioned in the media, er, of course not. No-one in nursing will ever admit to it.
Many also play the ‘sick’ game. Entitlement is 6 months sick, and because there is no-one in overall charge to question it, a lot will take off say 5 months, return to work for a month, and then be off for another 6 months – usually stress related. I saw it happen time and time again. I entered the NHS from the private sector and I was astounded that this was allowed to happen – when it certainly wouldn’t be in the private enterprise.
Funding is often moaned about, BUT nothing is ever said about the ‘away day’ seminars/meetings that nursing staff and medics enjoy with full buffet lunches (usually courtesy of pharmaceutical companies) away from hospital grounds and usually at hotels or large manor houses about half an hour away; of course hospitals don’t have meeting rooms do they.
I have to thank you all on this site for helping me to awaken.
Every morning now when I listen to the BBC so called news and so called reports, the first thing I do is think to myself “why are they telling me this? What’s the agenda?
Today on 5 live it starts with “3000 more nurses have left the NHS than have joined” the numbers of nurses “going down”.
Despite the BBC’s own correspondents data that the number of nurses has gone up or is at least static, the interviewed nurse contradicts this and insists we should ignore statistics and listen to the “real stories”.
Some guy called Mike just texted in and said you go to any hospital you will see 2 or 3 nurses standing around chatting.
Listening carefully, that the nurses are leaving due to intense pressures, but nobody thought to ask from where that pressure comes. Nothing to do with the mass invasion of illegals demanding free healthcare having never paid into the system.
See the bBBC push the narrative that their aren’t enough nurses cos we need to import more.
Personally, I suspect that the properly trained nurses are leaving because, like with the building trade, they just flood the system with unskilled workers to get the numbers up, but the “real” properly trained nurses are doing their work and carrying them because they aren’t capable.
So the narrative is NHS “crisis” = governments fault.
Carrilion = governments fault.
Also later on 5 live they are going to be talking to pupils who have been excluded from a school in south east London
It ain’t my fault bruv. “We ain’t bad kids we just made bad decisions in life” I can already hear the victim narrative.
No doubt their behaviour will be the governments fault due to lack of life chances being a minority efnic area.
Now they are talking about Saint Cox
God give me strength!
And, hearing this from my sibling who works in the NHS, the normal pattern for many immigrant nurses is: start work, bring family over, get pregnant. Then comes maternity leave etc. So the shortage is never solved, maybe temporarily alleviated, and immigration goes up.
Be fair – if we didn’t have the immigrant nurses we wouldn’t be able to communicate with the immigrant patients. That would leave the UK doctors working as vets.
Actually, I’m not being unfair. We are working on a visa in another country at present, and I have nothing against others doing that in Britain. My issue is, are they really needed? Are they being sufficiently trained and recruited in the UK? And, as a nation we need to realise that many of them will bring families with them into the UK and will rightly need access to services. I also hope their qualifications are adequately checked, and that their language skills are sufficient. Re patients, I doubt there are too many Filipino ones.
Toady 2
I’m sure Sopel and others spent time questioning whether the president of the United States Of America was exhibiting mental issues such as dementia .
Yes now that a doctor has declared him healthy we only get to hear of it in the paper review with a sneering comment about the alt right being happy.
So where is the balance? Fine for free speech speculating about that important issue but when the finding goes against al Beeb it should have equal treatment – if al Beeb wasn’t biased of course.
They have a long article about Trump’s mental health, begrudgingly admitting (albeit in inverted commas) that the physician to the president has said he is in ‘excellent mental health.’
They counter the opinion of a doctor with decades of experience at the highest level who has done a lengthy examination on Trump with tittle tattle from Michael Wolff, that well-known medical authority with zero years of experience as a doctor, who was obviously going to make as many sensationalist claims as possible to sell his book. Of course the BBC side with Wolff.
Yeah, BBC: Trump is the mad one here. There is nothing deranged or unreasonable whatsoever in your coverage of Trump.
Breitbart has some very good news (although not for journalists suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, which seems particularly rife at the BBC):
This is the link:
A billion cheers for America’s Very Healthy & Stable Genius and pro-Brexit President!
You apply those cognative tests to Jon Snow at C(ommunist)4 and that fucker would fail flat out.
Last night forgot on three occasions the question he was meant to ask.
I am glad you noticed that.
Bishop Snow is 70 now, and decades of left wing sneering do seem to have rotted his faculties. It is time for him to make way for a younger man, woman or trans.
I expect Paul Mason has already got his CV in, though Channel 4 News might be a bit hard left for him.
Del Trot had a gig there too, as with the Graun, and even they sussed he was a liability.
Seems the number of other interests he is pursuing is in line with the constraints he is not longer held by.
Louise on Breakfast also gave her medical opinion on cognitive tests with comments along lines of ‘we’ve got them , oh sorry we’ve left them in studio – but they didn’t look that difficult to me’
So somebody who has all her words written for her, in front of her on a screen, forgets the one item she needs… hmmm says it all…
Toady 3!
Sometimes it’s difficult to believe what one is hearing . Our Justin swallowing the ludicrous diplomatic nonsense of the frogs lending us the beyeur tapestry- “is this the start of a special relationship now that the American one has gone up in smoke ?” Says our Justin.
There we are – France – the great enemy – which cost us dear twice last century – and America – with whom we only had one war and did reluctantly help us out a bit in the past.
Ps I can’t be bothered to find out how to spell byeur so take it how you wish
The BBC just can’t help being disparaging about Britain and comparing us unfavourably with other countries . The French economy is sluggish, entrepreneurs are mired in regulation, unions are still too strong, unemployment is high, migrants are a huge social problem, are corralled into sink estates and there is much racism. I could go on. So what do we need to learn from France?
BBC 5 live presenter highlights the fact that Napoleon used the tapestry politically to assert Frances greatness and also how the Nazis did the same to promote their superiority.
There has to be some irony in this especially when Treezer the appeaser is now sucking up to Macron.
How to surrender to the Germans.
Is it anything to do with that Bayeux-diversity I’ve been hearing about? 😉
Louise on Breakfast still probably sighing with relief that she is not Cathy Newman right now.
Readerouting is haard!
David Lammy complains about the increase in stop and search, arguing that white students on campuses smoking cannabis are not prosecuted whilst young black men face a criminal record when they are stopped and searched which spoils their life chances.
Well, white students on campuses are not stabbing each other to death. Quite a big difference here. There is nothing worse for your life chances than being dead.
Why do the BBC give dangerous morons like Lammy a platform?
Yes BB, but according to the upcoming 5 live feature at 1pm, these efnics are not bad people bruv they just made bad decisions init!
The Canada hijab Fake News story had some suspicious timing from the start
OT, but truly a lovely start to my day:
Fantastic. Jordan B Peterson is awesome – his podcasts on the psychological meaning of the Biblical are an intellectual orgasm.
Progressives try to characterise anyone who opposes them as extreme, bigoted or ‘Far Right’ when in reality so many are highly intelligent and educated people who can see how wrong and dangerous their beliefs are.
If ever a gob was epically smacked that was it. Bet she’s off to kick an imam right now.
Mr. Jordan is either being scrubbed from every interview list on a ‘there be dragons list’ or the entire MSM Editorial Skunk Works is off to a retreat to handle such a thing.
I watched the entire interview. Here is a clinical psychologist exposing what patent nonsense PC dogma is, in spite of her constant attempts to bully him and put words in his mouth.
Would be good to have a count of the number of times she says “But you say..” and then he follows with “No I didn’t”.
This is why language is important …
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {youtube – Jordan Peterson @6:12}
Channel 4’s 30 minute version.
Thanks for the full link Jim, interesting that C4 called it a ‘debate’, it really sounds more like two people having a different conversation in the same room, one of whom is not listening.
Thanks for the post – he really did a job on our Cathy . He used the JRM method of remaining calm and just explaining stuff using words formed into logical sentences. Twitter types like her cannot cope with that .
I bought his book
Not so much BBC bias but BBC errors, obsession and outdatedness.
They do like certain females. That can be the only reason for posting, yet again, a picture of the beautiful Jessica Falkholdt – again. Apparently she has now – sadly – died as a result of a car accident. Except the BBC told me that last week. Ooops!
I wake this morning and turn on R4 to hear the BBC’s Trump obsession has been sunk.
Well, sunk a bit further. There’s no chance of the Veep taking the 25th. That is Americanese for the Vice-President, Mike Pence, going to the Congress and declaring the President unfit for office (due to insanity) under the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution. I have to say the American language version is somewhat snappier.
Jon Sopel is so sad, so overwhelmed with grief, that he has to stay in bed and the North America correspondent has to stand in for him to provide full broadcast details of the good health of the President on TOADY. Didn’t stop the BBC trashing the President’s supposed diet and – by inference – trashing the President.
Also on TOADY, poor old Simon Jack is also having a ‘ ‘mare of week’ over Carillion. Adding more erroneous (false) information today to the colossal error of yesterday. The BBC’s Business Editor appears to know less and less about business as the Carillion tsunami washes over us courtesy of BBC R4.
Oh well, he’s a good match for the Economics Editor who has demonstrated that he knows little about economics.
Meanwhile, on the BBC web-site, it appears to me that at least 18 items (out of 54 – excluding broadcast info) on the Home Page are out of date by 24 hours or more. That is one third of the news content.
This from a leading provider of news?
Soaphole, the BBC’s Trump Excoriator in the USA, did say something interesting on today’s Toady.. He was explaining that CNN presenters “saw themselves as part of the political opposition to Trump” and would undermine themselves by personally stating on air “Trump is crazy”. “Can you imagine any Today presenter sayng on air that Trump was mad?. No, we invite people on to say that”.
Such candour! Is Soaphole trying to undermine the BBC from within?
He’s right about CNN but he is willfully blind to the fact that the BBC is almost as bad – it’s just a little more restrained in its dementia.
I took what he was saying to mean that everyone at the BBC hates Trump but we are more weasely than CNN. To maintain our veneer of impartiality, we simply invite in guests that will denoince Trump for us day after day after day – after all, every decent person must hate Trump, musn’t they?
There is no fire or energy. They are just sitting on a wad of cash and power knowing they do not need to battle to win hearts and minds.
The right wing memey stuff on YouTube and social media is so much more exciting. They are fanatically devoted to their beliefs and are so witty and inventive. It is the 1984 equivalent of the brotherhood rising up against the Ministry of Truth; or the rebel alliance fighting the vast, black liberal Death Stars like the BBC. The BBC are so uncool and the alluring counter culture is against progressivism – we have had pretty much a generation of this crap and the promised utopia is clearly never going to arrive.
We’ve had a bit of snow so the kids are off school and have tuned in to CBBC for their new favourite car crash telly, ‘Marrying Mum and Dad’.
This is a programme where some well meaning kids treat their unmarried parents to a Blue Peter made themed wedding, usually involving lots of tinfoil, charity shop costumes and a horse and carriage. My daughters are in awe at its awfulness.
I’ve caught them watching it three times this week. Twice it involved same sex marriages so should really have been ‘Marrying Mum and Mum’ but my youngest informed me that today ‘it’s a man and woman’. So it’s just the traditional child arranged Wizard of Oz civil ceremony then.
Last week we were treated to the long-established British custom of a Nigerian lady marrying a Polish man James Bond style.
It never stops does it? Bring back Swap Shop.
‘Not in Front of the Children’!!!
Whatever happened to ‘Tom Tom’, How?, ‘The Banana Splits’, ‘The double deckers’, ‘Timeslip’ and ‘Out of Town’ with the great Jack Hargreaves?????
At least we still get ‘Tales from Europe’ !!
Imagine old Jack lighting his pipe now. Tom Heap would shit himself.
I caught a bit of Michael Mosley’s promotion of coconut oil at the weekend. It began with two female experts who were of possible Indian and Chinese stock. Next expert up was a white Australian and then an albino African. I think all the guinea pigs were white-British, (perhaps all Poles?).
At that point got called away. It does go beyond chance doesn’t it!
‘Wanted Down Under’ featured a Jamaican couple the other week which I just thought was strange. Not black British but actually from Jamaica, although their kids were born here, so basically just passing through and not exactly reflective of a typical British family seeking a new life.
Fair play to them, I fully understand a desire to move to Australia, but I agree, it just all seems so contrived.
On today’s edition Rich, I thought I was watching the Jeremy Kyle show ! single mum who had experienced everything in her young life from debt to domestic violence , 3 kids, one being a stroppy 16 year old complete with acrylic talons and ‘eyebrows’ refusing to move. Fair play to the mother who wanted to have a better life for her kids down under, but again, like my comments the other day, we see an underage child dictating terms to a parent who clearly had no control.
The pendulum (as long ago predicted) has swung too far the other way – since discipline has been outlawed by teachers and parents. And we’re at the stage where parents dare not even reprimand their offspring without being screamed back at. Those parents shown on programmes like Wanted Down Under, should turn around and say to their sullen kids, “you can do what you like the rest of your life, but while you’re under my roof you’ll do as your told”, its not rocket science. I’m staggered that the opinion of children are considered when making moves abroad, Jeez kids make friends wherever they are, and dictating the lives of their parents is beyond the pale.
I caught a bit of that as well and agree with you. I thought the eldest seemed an ungrateful little bitch and so self absorbed she just couldn’t grasp what her mother, who seemed a decent enough sort, was trying to do for her and was old enough to know better.
What struck me most about both mother and daughter was how poor their grammar was and, although both spoke plenty, how undeveloped their communication skills seemed. The mother is a Social Worker, surely that’s a skill set she should excel in.
A regional accent is one thing, were they Lancashire or Yorkshire or further north, but ‘were’ instead of ‘was’ every time? It’s not that difficult. I’ve got a much maligned regional accent myself (think Liam Neeson/ James Nesbitt on a good day, Jimmy Crickett the rest) but from the daughter, ‘Me heart aren’t in it’. What?
Couldn’t you just remove the fuse from the power plug and tell the kids that the TV is broken. Then you could play Scrabble or Ludo or Snakes and Ladders. My 10 year old grand daughter recently taught me how to play Monopoly. CBBC rots their brains and warps their outlook.
To be fair they don’t watch much terrestrial tv or CBBC at all, breakfast and supper is about it, and only in passing even then. Usually just long enough to realise they’d rather do something else. Thankfully they all love reading, and Monopoly seems to be on the go in our house at the minute as well. Television as presented by the bBbc just isn’t a big part of their lives, there are so many alternatives.
I had Sky but cancelled it last year mainly because of it’s political posturing and the ridiculous amount they paid for less football, and recently got Netflix, on top of Prime, which seems alright so far. This is ably supported by one of those stick things that gets me programmes, football and films from all around the world for free through a hub and a smart tv.
That’s why, although the bBbc might be on in our house sometimes, as a family we can take it or leave it. The bBbc offers us nothing that we can’t find elsewhere as we’re able to watch any programme we want at any time through streaming, free of any unwanted or intrusive bullshit, and are now far more selective and interested in what we decide to watch, either alone or together as a family.
In reality the bBbc is now pretty irrelevant to my daughters and their generation as a whole and increasingly more so to myself and to most of the people I know. I’ve even seen me streaming a match that’s being shown live on bBbc rather than listen to their football pundits and commentary because even there the jaundiced bBbc view of our society and their continued attempted manipulation of it and us can’t be escaped.
Or so they think, thankfully me and my girls know different.
Early this morning and not sleeping, I tuned into BBC World Service. Caught the news. Leading feature? – President Trump’s medical pass. BBC additional (and unnecessary) comment? “…….because there was some question of his mental health…..”. Pumped out for the World to hear!
This Corporation is not only too big for its own boots but it is positively evil. Glad I no longer financially support it with the tv Licence fee.
G, hear hear!
In my opinion the BBC is one huge lunatic asylum and should be treated as such, then the wicked Tory Government could starve it of funds. Boo Hoo.
Women who identify as men are not being routinely offered potentially life saving NHS screening for breast and cervical cancer, amid fears it might offend them it is claimed. {telegraph 14jan2018}
However men living as women are being invited for cervical smear tests even though they do not have a cervix, an official guidebook states.
. . . . from 2017 to 1984 ….
In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense. And what was terrifying was not that they would kill you for thinking otherwise, but that they might be right. For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the past is unchangeable? If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable – what then?[21]
Yes, I read that….women who have changed to men will not be asked for routine checks. If they have changed their birth certificate/registered as a man, then you have made the decision – you can’t have your cake and eat it. Oh wait….according to the libmob, you can.
What has happened to Britain……………why do we have a Licence tax funded national broadcaster that hates us ……..why are we allowing a coordinated bunch of militant socialists and republicans so much air time on this bBC ……….
We’ve gone from the Ministry of Funny walks to the Ministry of Loneliness……….
Lets get a grip here.
It’s quick fire bias time!
bBBC webshite front page headline “Government inept over Carillion crisis”
Click and the headline is “Carillion, government inept over crisis, SAYS GMB BOSS”.
So the views of a Trade Union boss, who is not impartial but to be fair makes no claim to be so, are reproduced without that context by the biased BBC. How very convenient.
The government of course may be inept but it is not the job of the BBC to tell us. Just give us the facts without the usual leftmob biased editorial selection and we can work it out for ourselves, thank you.
BBC news not mentioning that BBC have contracts with “troubled Interserve”
If you Twitter search you find stuff
\\ Troubled Interserve notches up another win with £140m BBC contract http://dlvr.it/Px649S // 23 Oct 2017
As everyone in the media from Cathy Newman to James O’Brien are having a bad week with facts, accuracy, lines to take, editorial integrity…. this may cheer them up.
Or not.
Please let the bbc wheel on a Labour Lady drone to intone a scripted waffle to nods from the girls in the studio. And the women.
“he isn’t a scripted robot”
Not like our prime minister then.
By contrast…
The Bbc, in the form of Mr. Neil at least, delivers in… digging implements.
Theresa May “Well comrade here we are again, how is the failed state of Islington going after 34 years sending it to the bottom of the league table – worse place for women and housing in Britain according to a BBC report in 2017?”
Jeremy Corbyn “Still the same position, bottom due to my leadership and socialist ideals. So have you sorted the mass immigration which would make it impossible to build a cohesive society according to you in 2015 yet?”
Theresa May “Sort mass immigration? No, I just mentioned stopping plastic and lonely people and the people start ranting about it to the point where all other problems vanish.”
Jeremy Corbyn “Excellent .. same time next week then.”
order-order – PMQS
How can the BBC employ 6000 journalists? They all say exactly the same thing.
The BBC employs 6000 ‘people’, but only about 30 of them are journalists in the true sense of the word.
8pm R4 has a debate about Feminism and they’ve allowed a non-lefty on
..Yes incredible I know
Topic : Should we all be feminists’ ?
– Joan Smith : author, journalist and human rights activist
– Laura Perrins. : former barrister, now co-editor of The Conservative Woman
If lefties don’t like her so she must be good
\\ Someone called Laura Perrins (she has a blog) on the radio this evening.
A Tory, and as with Tories, in denial about reality, especially
– and almost incomprehensibly – with regard to women.
How does the BBC find these people and why does it choose to give them a public voice? //
look #FamousLeftyTolerance
Trudeau (I’m a feminist) hails “ (Muslim) sisters upstairs” at sex-segregated mosque {Trudeau is a feminist}
Laura Perrins is very good.
Anyone have any experience with Rape Crisis and other seemingly extreme-feminist bodies ?
You know when historic abuse cases come up ..we always think : “Why did not speak up ?”
It now looks to me that extreme feminists could be part of the problem.
After Radio4 just brushed over a woman not reporting a gang rape, I went to the forum and raised the Question : Surely it’s the principle is that you report abuse, cos that helps prevent future victims ?
.. As can be predicted : who is the bad man ? The serial abusers/rapists ? or me ?
Well the fems with their 2+2=5 thinking turn my statement into ‘you are telling women to relive their terrible experience at a police station .. there is NO ONUS on women to protect future victims ‘
Jesus if they thinking like that, no wonder long abuse chains don’t get uncovered for years.
– FFS Reporting doesn’t have to be scary, it can start with a support charity online
– I helped with a case in an unfree country : When the complainant spoke up, another complainant popped up and said
“Oh he did that to me 2 months ago”.
Both were 26’ish Americans
That second event wouldn’t have happened, if the first person had reported in first place. And it’s not “victim blaming to mention that.
It’s noticeable that in discussion fems were sexist it was all “us women” vs men
eg they made generalised statement about men
and never seemed to consider that men are ever victims
Is it true that the BBC are going to cover the annual migrant games in Calais? Apparently the invaders compete against each other in the demanding Border Force Evasion Relay with the victor getting a reserved place in the back of a Norbert Dentressangle lorry of his choice travelling to the United Kingdom. I hear Karthi Gnanasegaram, the Today Radio 4 sports presenter is already lined up.
Do they get creamed by an hgv at the end of it or do the marathon and get wiped jumping out on the m25.
That can only happen in the hurling the tree trunk on the motorway or dropping the concrete block on the truck driver events if the competitors are not careful, Fedup. As you are aware, maximum points can be scored if you can convince a BBC journalist that you are an unaccompanied 12 year old despite bearing a striking similarity to Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson.
I liked the zig-zag to the front of benefit office queue!
I will refrain from comment apart from saying this is an impressive display of athleticism.
BBC 5 live now “what’s it like to be a kid excluded from school? Sarah and Nihal find out”
Lad takes a knife to school but was “kinda vexed” cos they kicked him out. “I’m only a hothead if I feel like you’ve touched up on me wiv somefin dat offended me”.
I sense due to da lingo dat dey is efnics like init.
III. Duties of Members (The Code of Conduct for Members of Parliament)
5. Members have a duty to uphold the law, including the general law against discrimination.
Why can’t Buddhists and Christians get jobs in Sadiq Khan approved Halal Slaughter Houses? This is positive employment discrimination for a certain religion.
They say Treezer is pleased that Macron is lending us the Bayeux tapestry. It depicts Norman France beating the British in War.
Come on Treezer send him some photos of British troops liberating Bayeux from the Germans in 1944.
I think their EU would like to turn the commonwealth war graves into a nice neutral “peace park” and it can all be forgotten .
There’s some discussion about where it should be displayed. A few suggestions:
Waterloo Station
Trafalgar Square
Apsley House
Stratfield Saye
or perhaps just Frogmore House.
No, it shows a Viking who invaded and settled in Northern France who refused to swear allegiance to the French King invading Saxon England over a promise made.
Nothing to do with the Frenchies who didn’t regain the land until Henry VI came to the throne.
Ethnically the Normans were a combination of Viking, Cornovii (Cornwall) and Demetae (West Wales). In other words Danish/Celt.
No wonder the Saxons had a problem.
“Switzerland has moved a step closer to breaking free of the European Union (EU) after the government allowed proponents of a campaign to curb immigration to start canvassing public support for a referendum.”
Trump calls certain places sh*tholes and we hear all about the ‘outrage’ and abuse is hurled at him.
When most people feel outrage at Rotherham, terrorism and countless other things this is deemed ‘hate speech’ and totally unacceptable.
Why is liberal outrage acceptable and leads the news bulletins, whilst Conservative outrage can land you in prison?
So north and South Korea are going to jointly carry a flag at the coming olympics . Terrible news for the snowflakes – unless they attribute it to the great peace making of Hilary “ I’m not well” Clinton and that hero of peace making osama heisein Obama .
Perhaps mad president Trumps occasional comment about the rocket man has had an effect ( yes I know the North Koreans are pesky buggers).
I’m guessing apart from the website albeeb won’t give it much .
As an aside – nice to see al beeb pull away from PMQs before its ends so beeboids can get down to slagging off May – rightly or wrongly . It’s a habit now
RE: Trump’s medical test.
I would love a clinical psychologist to examine the SJW mindset which afflicts Beeboids. I suspect it contains many pathological traits. I am sure if Freud had sat down with Emma Barnett he could write a sequel to l’homme aux loups.
1. Narcissism: my feelings trump any facts.
2. Bullying.
3. Extreme in-group preference – there is no tolerance for any countervailing opinion.
4. Neuroticism – their reaction to Trump has been so off-kilter.
5. Psychotic symptoms: ‘structural racism’; ‘micro-aggressions’; ‘pay gap’. None of this nonsense exists, yet they believe in this demons with a religious zealotry.
I am sure we could come up with many more.
Don’t get to post here often as I’m usually short on time, but recovering from ‘Aussie ‘flu’ this week I’ve actually had time to catch up on the (excellent and thought provoking) posts here – well done Alan, well done everyone!
Someone, sorry I forget who, posted a comment about the Beeb’s ‘Father Brown’ series which is, according to Wiki, a daytime TV series ‘loosely based on the works of GK Chesterton’.
As I haven’t had a TV licence, or watched live TV, for several years now, and am usually too busy working to see daytime TV anyway, this series seems to have totally missed me by. Which is a bit odd as I’m a big fan of the original works of Chesterton, and of his hero, the understated and dry witted, Father Brown.
Having read the wiki on these series (there are now apparently 6 series of between 10 and 15 episodes each!) and still reeling in horror from the BBC’s ‘Sherlock’ (which many friends absolutely recommended I must watch), I have to admit I wasn’t expecting much… and rightly so, as it happened, this is an absolute abomination!
The setting (50s – why?), the totally inappropriate and predictable characters, the PC agenda rammed down your gullet, are all completely out of synch with Chesterton’s subtle work and wit. As with ‘Sherlock’ I’m just left wondering why? Why take extremely well written, classic, works of fiction and totally rework them in this way when there’s nothing stopping anyone creating something totally new? The only conclusion I can come to is that someone has decided (probably correctly) that the name will sell the ‘new version’, and therefore it’ll be more profitable to rip off some classical work in this way. It’s not a new phenomena is it, I mean look at Hollywood. Still, vile, reprehensible behaviour really, and ought to be condemned as such.
Some years ago I started to notice (as others have said) the creeping PC agenda entering BBC ‘history’ documentaries, and it’s ruined those for me too. History is just that, history, and when reporting it surely the emphasis should be on illustrating the differences between then and there, and here and now – not on recreating some kind of idealised ‘PC here and now’, there and then, what’s the point in that? You might not like some of the things that went on during a historical era, or the way people thought then, but that’s the whole point isn’t it, it was a different era with different attitudes!
The original Father Brown stories are well worth reading, if you like that sort of thing. Chesterton was writing in the Edwardian era, and Father Brown is something of a bridge between Doyle’s Holmes and Christie’s amateur detectives, with a character all his own. In many ways the eponymous Father Brown is rather like Miss Marple in personality, although more acerbic and dry witted – in fact, I’m quite sure Marple was partially based on him, as was Peter’s Cadfael (albeit in a different era).
What marks Chesteron’s Father Brown stories out is that the crimes are often more low key, more squalid (and realistic?), the perpetrators and victims more ordinary, often working class, or down and out, types. There are some distinctly ‘foreign’ individuals in some of the stories, but usually (as with Doyle’s Holmes and Christie’s novels) to add an element of the exotic, or a touch of the macabre to a mystery, and no PC agenda in sight, unless you count the ‘bad people eventually get what’s coming to them, unless they repent and make amends’ theme you’d expect from a pious Catholic author.
“Why take extremely well written, classic, works of fiction and totally rework them in this way when there’s nothing stopping anyone creating something totally new?”
It takes originality to create something new and talent to produce something well-written. We see the same in modern software creation; any fool can ‘code’ someone else’s algorithm, thinking up a new concept takes a special, (and rare?), ability.
I’m not looking forward to the fashionable Aussie flu – I had the jab but fear it don’t work . I hope you are better . Plenty of fluids apparently.
Anyway : father brown – above average daytime teli – I saw the first couple of series which were fairly low profile but noticed the diversity creeping into the grey and white austerity 1950s – proper austerity that is .
I gave up on it – even though I am a fan of GK – however deluded he was with the krauts .
I’m glad you have had time to read the posters here and appreciate your views. I worry that we are just reciting the same stuff and nothing is achieved . But it’s still the least we can do- apart from not paying the tv tax . Pity Carillion didn’t have the contract for TV licence gestapo. That really would have been something.
As for his alleged reference to shit hole countries, he should have said that they were third world countries
SKY are trying to claim he cheated by holding his tummy in (or something).
Their staff’s parents must be soooooo proud.
The beeb now posting a ‘similar’ online quiz, so we can all see how easy the cognitive test was (and retain the hope that he’s still an impeachable imbecile):
And over on Sky they are promoting this:
The media and twitter have gone collectively mad, and everyone else is letting them get away with it. We need to make a stand and say STOP! It’s similar with the sexual abuse/harrassment movement.
But can we make a stand via a postal group rather than a digital one? The last thing the world needs is another outrage hashtaggy online campaign.
Perhaps we could all coalesce randomly in fields at non-specific times and just feed the squirrels or something
Thank God Carillion has gone bust, we have less “Builders” to worry about.
…………..And ‘butchers’.
More ‘global warming’ on the way……………………………………..
“Forecasters issue new warning of persistent heavy snow”
Snowflake warning for snowflakes.
Half inch of snow near me and cars were stuck.
Don’t they teach new drivers how to use their gears to gain traction. I sailed past all the idiots in third!
Shock. Horror. The latest bBBC ‘exclusive’ investigation reveals that there are 3000 fewer nurses than a year ago in the NHS. 30,000 have left and 27,000 have joined.
What gets rather less publicity and no headlines is the fact that there are 300,000 nurses in the NHS. So a shortfall of 3000 is a drop in the ocean. Its the same ‘crisis’ as a 100 person factory unit with a single vacancy. In other words, a non-issue and certainly no ‘crisis’ at all.
Except of course to the baying mob in the BBC narratives office who desire it to be so for their own political reasons.
Hello BBC … where are all the pieces of data …
BBC to help students identify ‘fake news’
Presenters, reporters and correspondents are the public face and voice of the BBC – they can have a significant impact on perceptions of whether due impartiality has been achieved. Our audiences should not be able to tell from BBC output the personal prejudices of our journalists or news and current affairs presenters on matters of public policy, political or industrial controversy, or on ‘controversial subjects’ in any other area. They may provide professional judgements, rooted in evidence, but may not express personal views in BBC output, including online, on such matters.
I notice they don’t mention the editorial prejudices.
Some of the autocuties may speak the words with a straight face but the words written for them give the game away.
As does the body language. When Fiona Bruce speaks forlornly and shakes her head we can be pretty sure where shevis coming from.
Yes, in any unbiased organisation, newsreaders would have been instructed to give the news in a neutral tone and without such facial expressions and head shaking. Robert Dougal and Richard Baker (of blessed memory) did not let their own feelings show. In contrast, Michael Burke (for whom I now have considerable regard) was notorious in making faces as if to imply “‘this is what you the viewer should be feeling about this piece of news”. Pretty outrageous when looked at in that light.
Deliciously ironic that Jonny Sopel should deliver the truth on Toady this morning, certainly not fake news, that certain news organisations seem to be setting themselves up as the opposition to the PoTUS.
This morning bbbc Radio 5 live- they were interviewing a nurse who had left the profession. Turned out it’s nothing to do with being under pressure she just couldn’t work nights as she had chosen to have a family and had no one to look after the kids.
It was suggested that it is a snowflake mentality where they don’t like working unsociable hours.
Do they say how many will come back eventually – illness, pregnancy, break.
nutter tried to avoid baggage charges by wearing 8 pairs of trousers …dangerous
– Then when refused boarding cakls it “racial profiling”
@Ryan_hawaii re ur Q:
“@British_Airways hi being held at Iceland Keflavik airport because I had no baggage put all the clothes on and they still won’t let me on. Racial profiling?”
; no, it’s because you were being a dick.
Was that unclear?
Way to unjustly pull the race card, dick
Seems like Mr. ‘Hawaii’ (West of the river?) was trying to generate a gutter media story.
Only managed to hit BBC level?
Last night’s TV
On C4 we saw model agency was disproportionally favouring black boys.
Today we find they are murdering each other.
Damn! What are John Lewis, Tesco, Sainsburys, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, McCains, Halifax, Guiness, BBC etc. going to do? Let’s hope Sir Lenny lives in a gated community!
Had the biggest shock ever this morning when watching with my granddaughter. There was an Anglo Saxon-looking presenter on CBeebies! I could have been mistaken, though.
It looks like a visit to Specsavers* is called for!
(*Other opticians are available)
Presumably a female?
BBC Radio 5 live reporting some non story about a pizza delivery driver who tried his luck and sent a text message to a customer after delivering her food.
She complained and “just eat” offered her a £10 voucher.
Presenter was speaking to some restaurant owner and asked about CRB checks.
What’s the point in that? Most taxi drivers and take away drivers turn out to be rapists but nothing gets done about it anyway!
Also not sure what ‘Just Eat’, which IIRC is an online national fast food connection service, has to do with a local takeaway and their choice of delivery service.
“Justine Greening: Next generation of MPs could ‘improve or undo’ Brexit”
She is just not listening to the people, there is a HYS running . Let her and Al Beeb know how you feel about it.
In thanks to Macron and the French for offering to lend us the Bayeux Tapestry we could offer them this famous relic from the Battle of Trafalgar …………………
In wales we can offer the tapestry made to commemorate the last invasion of British soil by a foreign army. It took place at Fishguard in 1797, and the ragbag frogs were rounded up by a woman.
The locals have a tapestry on show made by locals, which is longer than that bayeux rubbish.
You seen it Taffman?
Shwmae D G !
Yes and those Welsh women weren’t trannies either .
Good old ‘Jemima Mawr’ !
Da iawn iddi hi !
She can’t decide her sexuality, she’s got no chance working out what to do about Brexit. Just another oxygen thief on 75 grand a year.
The cultural Marxists split us all into oppressor and oppressed: men oppress women; heterosexuals oppress homosexuals; whites oppress non-whites.
This is patently false on so many levels: most people are benevolent and would never oppress anyone. How many men devote their entire lives to attracting a woman then serving her? Utter nonsense.
But what happens when one protected group oppresses another victim class? Here the PC mind does not compute, like the trope of a robot short circuiting when told a paradox. So all those girls in Rotherham were allowed to be raped because the attackers were ‘Asian’. And this epidemic of black boys stabbing each other is not addressed as it does not fit their PC strait-jacket.
The great irony is that it is the groups they hoped to protect who suffer the most from their blinkered ideology. Surely all the white men in the history of this island have not inflicted as much misery as these rape gangs have in the space of a few decades.
Blink and you missed it,
The bBBC still banging on about nurses leaving the NHS.
But they had to admit in a single passing phrase between the 99% anti Tory coverage of England (Remember remember, the NHS is a devolved issue) that the problem is the same in Wales…..which inconveniently has….errrr….a Labour administration !
I wonder if the bBBC will be door-stepping the Welsh health spokesperson.
Think we all know the answer to that one.
Did Big Brother just drop a National Black Polices Association item into your regional news ?
“More Must be done to recruit more BAME”
I was in town today and of course I didn’t see any black people, cos they are not common in Lincolnshire
Our news told us “In Lincolnshire only 2% of staff are BAME and in the Humberside Force it’s only 1%
They say ..It’s 25 years since the murder of Lee Rigby (Sorry) Stephen Lawrence and some police forces are still institutionally racist ..”
Then they played central vdeo
with material from this page BBC has made from BPA PR material
“We police are currently about 6% of population as compared to 14% of population”
END of report
#1 Of course there are no BAME police in Lincs/Humbs ..it’s largely rural and BAME tend to stick to urban ghettos
#2 14% is certainly not the working age proportion cos BAME are skewed towards youth.
#3 Omitting context is deceit
cos it’s instantly noticeable that when you step into a large NHS building BAME are way OVER REPRESENTED, so of course less of them are available to be in the police… They can’t be on two payrolls at the same time (..oh hang on) .
Oh and a disproportionate of BAME are in prison /got a criminal record.
The pool BPA have to comparing, is NOT the general population but the “Working age population, who don’t have a criminal record, and don’t work in the NHS”
\\ Police Autism UK said on the topic of “institutionally racist”
‘Institutionally conformist’ would be a better description
– officers who look, act or think differently to the norm are often not appreciated,
..as our members will attest //
In light of this information Stew, Is Lincolnshire, England’s best kept secret ? if you can get a doctor’s appointment there within a week, then I’m moving !!!
“Man’s bomb hoax to stop wife’s night out in Minehead”
Is the ‘perps’ name real ?
How did it slip past the PC Censors?
Dylan Farrow says she feels “outrage” after “years of being ignored, disbelieved and tossed aside”.
Woody Allen’s adopted daughter has appeared on CBS This Morning to talk about her sexual assault claim against the director.
The BBC manages to write this report without mentioning that clouds surround the fact that Allen married another of his adopted daughters.
So,in this instance, the BBC choose not to amplify the accusation. This is contrary to the BBC’s oft used tactic of closing a report with a para bringing in an ancillary fact to undercut or flesh out the argument (dependent on circumstances). E.g. (best I can find just now from today) on Trump’s medical we get into Trump’s participation in the “birther”
debate, saying “It has been widely derided as a racist conspiracy.