A couple of weeks ago the BBC brought us a tale of rampant sexual harassment in Muslim Egypt where the victims were to blame…for disgracefully laughing in the street or talking too much and enjoying themselves:
Shaimaa Khalil recalls growing up in Egypt and her first experience of sexual harassment aged 11 #metoo.
We know such behaviour is endemic and blatant in Islamic countries….visitors to Saudia Arabia may tell you that even when dressed as a Saudi and fully covered up they fall victim to worse harassment than they have ever had in the UK or other Western countries.
This is the culture we are importing into Europe. The BBC reports it in Egypt but covers it up when it is migrants in Europe doing the harassing. In fact they try to put the blame not on the migrants but on some outside conspiracy…such as the far-Right or ISIS….
Remember Hugh Sykes telling us that Cologne was a Far Right conspiracy?….‘There are conspiracy theories in the air that the New Year’s Eve attackers were encouraged to make sexual approaches to German women, told that it was the normal thing to do on New Year’s Eve. If true, they may have fallen into a well-laid trap.’
Remember the BBC report that said Cologne was an IS conspiracy? …’Some analysts have suggested that IS has encouraged a link between refugees and terrorism in order to foster hostility to refugees in Europe, although it is not known if the latest attack was carried out in co-ordination with the IS leadership in Iraq and Syria.’
The BBC shaping the news to suit its own agenda.
Any more bias list it here…..
The BBC produces bias by omission, not merely the odd fact here and there, but in its complete indifference to horrific events which do not fit its all whites bad, others good, narrative.
I have admired Lauren Southern’s you tube productions, where she has covered the antifa and leftists movements, the Calais Migrants and much more. She is in South Africa at the moment.
One young woman doing what a multi million pound state broadcaster would never touch.
Here is her first report of the plight of the white South African farmers.
I do hope that she is the future of broadcasting
Yeah they are cowards. ‘Tolerance’ is a newspeak word for cowardice.
I think it is worse than if they were just cowards and merely too frightened to report the real news. I think that they don’t report it not because they are afraid to do so but because they don’t want the world to know that there is a genocide of white people going on in SA. In just the same way they don’t report the genocide of Christians by Muslims all over the Middle East and Pakistan.
They don’t want us to know because it is completely contrary to the lib left narrative that white people are evil exploiters and native peoples who the white have oppressed are good and wholesome. Whilst the people on this site know that this is nonsense there are millions of credulous snowflakes who believe it. Offering them the truth would wreck the fragile tissue of lies that lib left have built up over the years.
I think we see the same lies and distortions over the migration in Europe, rape and murders in Sweden and Germany, the mass rapes in our own country. The MSM are not to be trusted in any way.
I may be mistaken but I can’t remember a single occasion that I have read or heard of any one of our bleeding heart Liberal Lefties screaming about the injustice done to whites in South Africa since majority rule. Still less have they insisted that these people should be made welcome if they wish to emigrate to Britain to escape the persecution meted out to them by blacks. To our wonderful,caring left wingers it would seem only whites are capable of evil. I did however read on this site recently that Peter Hain, who certainly has a history of protesting about apartheid has spoken out on this problem. If that is true then thank you Mr Hain.
If he did it was probably to encourage blacks to kill even more of them.
But why when Apartheid was ended did Mr. Hain stay in the UK? Surely he would have been welcomed back with open arms and had a fine career as a politician in the Rainbow Nation?
All part of the drive to drive farmers off the land. Frequently there’s torture as well. Many ANC greats support this, not to mention the EFF.
It’s all OK, cos it’s anti-white. Must be the black ‘supremacists’? Hello CNN? BBC?
Do a little research. It will be surprising to find out how many big names in the ANC like/d to sing things like ‘kill the boer, kill the farmer’, or simply say it openly.If asked, they say it’s just a ‘cultural’ song, which doesn’t mean what it says..!
Is that the great Cyril speaking? Yup. New deal, same old story.
Far better to report on clearly fake stories of a girl in Canada having her hijab attacked with scissors rather than the persecution of whites going on in S Africa.
I guess when a corporation is ingrained with ignoring Winnie Mandela’s burning tyre necklaces and an array of staggering SA corruption, it’s not surprising.
South Africa really is the African jewel that turned into a shithole with no one wanting to acknowledge what happened to make it go from good to bad…
Having seen Sky News, heard the BBC radio news and listened to Jeremy Corbyn, I am given to understand that Carillion collapse is because of evil people doing evil untold crimes, whilst squirreling away fortunes for themselves.
As one of the directors of a company who tried to prevent a company from going into receivership, may I explain something to the lefty BBC journos and Jeremy Corbyn? It is a fight to try and keep the company afloat. It is a bruising battle that runs every hour of the day, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is relentless. One is totally conscious of the staff, who have their own fears as they have heard rumours. In the end you win or the sea rolls over and drowns you. There is very little sympathy, apart from other business people who have been through tough times.
Jeremy and the BBC need to understand that state run providers go wrong, all the time, its just that tax payer’s money is poured into any holes and everyone goes home after 8 hours, has their weekends off and their pay guaranteed, by the tax payer.
Please, will an adult take over the BBC.
SS – it is a very lonely place. Well said.
“It is a bruising battle that runs every hour of the day, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is relentless.”
25 years and counting. The price you pay is not always evident.
And unlike Corbyn, I’ve never had a £140k salary.
Don’t know if it’s been mentioned here but Cathy Newman – a beeboid in waiting – desperately tries to take apart Prof. Jordon Peterson on wimmin. It’s on the Spectator website and it’s worth a 30 minute watch. The poor girl / Lady/ ladette meets the limits of her intellect and the pitch of her voice goes up as she is beaten again and again. It’s a beauty as is the column which goes with it. Highly recommended.
Some earlier comments.
I think this shows how the media destroys democratic politics as the technique that Cathy Newman employed is used all the time, i.e. “my job is to put you down, reinforce the ‘accepted’ opinion, derail your argument and look smug”.
Usually a politician only has a minute or so to put their point over so they tend to stick to the ‘party line’, often repeating it like a slogan. The result is that we learn nothing and the politicians keep in the ‘safe space’ that our overpaid ‘media’ define for them, and by implication, us.
Here Newman gives Peterson thirty minutes or so and reveals that she has nothing else in her ‘toolkit’ – she gives herself way too much ‘rope’ and duly hangs herself, over and over.
Lessons should be learned. Sadly that will mean sticking with Soubry, Clarke, Campbell etc. the ‘on message’ folks.
Newman didn’t listen to or engage with any of his answers, she had a shout sheet and she read from it regardless, that’s what I found most cringeworthy and she should be embarrassed about this interview. She does not speak for wimmin. He had a lot of thoughtful ideas – young men – could they do better if they had higher self-esteem? If they took responsibility and knew they could contribute something? My God, what a bastard.
People are really waking up to how badly they have been lied to. The future is watching viral videos like these on your phone or device, not sitting in the living room to be lectured to by corporations. It is only through censorship and threats that the house of cards stays up, and the message is getting out despite their despotic attempts to label anything they disagree with as fake or hateful. Who could watch that video and not side with Peterson? The truth will out like dawn rising after a long, cold night.
Mumsnet isn’t very happy – ‘Peterson just doesn’t understand us’. (Who does!!)
Peterson was more thoughtful about a woman’s role in a complex society than I heard from Newman, who just wanted to bang the drum about high-earners. Wonders… if Peterson was a left-wing comedian (add a bit of slap as desired) and yet said the same things, would there be outrage? I thought we vivaed la difference and that femininity in management was a good thing? and if a woman could choose to spend time with a young family, or not, it would be her choice, isn’t that feminism? Not if a man says so, apparently.
I’ve read through quite a few of those mumsnet comments. Reading between the lines I think that they have a big crush on our Dr J P. They know their middle-class college feminism made them slightly unfanciable, let alone aligning themselves to the radical nonsense of bossy postmodern marxists.
And now they are mums, wondering what might have been if only they hadn’t married Mr Dull N Boring. There is a dim appreciation about what Peterson is saying, but they can’t go all out against the herd. Fighting against majority opinion is not one of women’s strongpoints. In general 🙂
According to one Mumsnetter on the Peterson-Newman bout:
‘She could have ripped him to bits with better prerparation (sic). ‘
I have to laugh at all their comments about how he ‘doesn’t understand feminism’. It seems to me he understands it all too well!
Brilliant. She will need therapy after that.
I just spotted this comment on Guido’s site from a poster named The Onslow
“Memo to all Film crews at BBC,ITV,C4 and Sky.
When filming in hospitals for articles that fit our NHS narrative…
Rules that must be followed:
1. Only film in geriatric wards and then only film old white people. NOTE – Make sure you capture the ethnic diversity of the staff though. This fits the narrative that old people are clogging hospitals and not immigrants
2. Never film in A&E without very heavy editing – under no circumstances show that A&E is full of immigrants – if you find a white person make sure that are drunk.
3. Only ever interview doctors on the ‘approved list’ which was distributed by the Right Honourable Jeremy Corbyn’s right hand man, Jon Lansman.
4. Ensure the phrase ‘underfunded’ is mentioned at all times.
5. Please note absenteeism of 10-12% of NHS staff is never to be mentioned as we all know they are all very hard working and under immense pressure and work every hour God sends.
6. Never film in Maternity wards without proper authorisation. Prior to filming we will select mothers – always must be white – and no filming of the 35 babies called Mohammed born that day must be undertaken – UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!!
7. Do not film in the car park as it’s full of Range Rover Evoques driven by the nurses – again this goes against the narrative in the ‘Foodbank’ memo.
8. All film must be edited by our local UNITE rep prior to broadcast for double checking as to adherence.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding.”
Lobster, I really want to find this, can you provide a link?
This is the thread it was on, but you’ll have to scroll down for ages before it appears as several hundred comments have been posted since I saw it.
Choose ‘Best’ – it’s up near the top.
Direct link to that NHS comment from TheOnslow
got that by right clicking over its posting time
Does Ofcom still exist ?
Taffman: if it does, it’s probably full of ex-beeb staff?
O/T Can you explain how Guido chooses “Best”?
Thanks for that Lobster!
Good stuff, but be under no illusions. This is no spoof.
“6. Never film in Maternity wards without proper authorisation. Prior to filming we will select mothers – always must be white – and no filming of the 35 babies called Mohammed born that day must be undertaken – UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!!”
That is absolutely true, and I know it.
Friends of mine had a little girl five years ago, and on the day she was born she was on the BBC news because she was born on the day the world’s population was supposed to have reached some milestone, 6 or 7 billion.
They told me that she was the only white baby in the maternity ward, but she was the one who was put on the TV. The truth might have been too disturbing perhaps.
She is a nice little child, but I feel only dread about the country she will grow up in.
That is fantastic!
Always narrative over facts with these bastards.
I would add: “Never film nurses standing around looking relaxed, and chatting.”
I have worked in busy places, I have worked in places where people have little to do. I know the difference. I don’t recognise the descriptions of stressed, overworked staff that I regularly hear on the BBC. Maybe the hospitals and surgeries I’ve visited have not been representative, or maybe we’re being lied to.
Lobster! How very topical after the Peterson interview!
It happens in Wales also …………………………….
“Swansea imam ‘abused children at mosque’, court hears”
Oh noes, Paul Mason running out of pulpits, Polly Toynbee flogging her Tuscan villa, and now Aunty ditches their main Newsnight albatross.
But fear not, normal BBC ‘service’ will be restored to fill the void.
The likes of mr mason and mr o brien having some sort of disclosure about their mental health issues can’t be too far away
Dif subject – up north it’s really cold and snowy. Al beeb sez it’s the worst winter since last year and the they are desperately looking for some thick pregnant woman delivering in the car/,minibcab whatever
Certainly one can only anticipate a press release that they are hoping to spend more time at home with their marbles.
Forget Mr Mason and Momentum……………
Stand by for Moggmentum ! …………………..
Do we get a new political party in the UK ?
Fogarty .. says Alistair Campbell used to do this bellowing down the phone at BBC producers
… that’s shades of Trump*
..that is not the kind of politics I want”
* She has an unnecessary dig at Trump,
That’s unfair cos Trump is not known for dictating to journos, rather just calling them out on past bias.
“That’s unfair cos Trump is not known for dictating to journos, rather just calling them out on past bias.”
Donald J. Trump,
“With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License?”
Good to hear from you maxi – always look forward to you astute intellectual argument as opposed to you excellent skill in cut and paste. Go watch the channel 4 Peterson interview if you need a hint..
Non sequitur @Maxi
So what motivates you – Is it your salary ?
Why do you support a broadcaster that robs from the poor to give to the rich?
Hi StewGreen, I should point out that the sentence Maxincony quotes from you is entirely consistent with the sentence he says comes from Donald Trump – in which Trump is NOT dictating to the press but calling the press out on their bias and fake news and questioning whether they are meeting their License agreement (similar to what the BBC has) which was in place well before Trump came into power and in relation to which Trump has no influence (their License agreement).
Trump presents the Fake News Awards tonight. He is hilarious.
You beat these bullies by punching back and ridiculing them, not by apologising when they denounce you for thought crime. It’s glorious to see them finally get the taste of their own medicine.
I so hope what he has started builds and more start to attack the virus of political correctness, destroying our critical faculties just as HIV attacks the immune system. God, to hear some honesty and laughter. It has been a long time coming . . .
I feel that he may well be the saviour of Western civilisation
I think he understands that as well. Amidst all the grifters and lying opportunists you see this steely gaze in his eye – a man with true purpose.
LBC now Ian Collins is on the ball NOT
“I can’t believe the number of people who prefer blogs & forums written by weirdos & nutters, over the mainstream media”
..That looks like he’s trolling his listeners
Can I trust the BBC?
Coconut oil ‘is as unhealthy as beef fat and butter’ No, says the American Heart Association
Can coconut oil cut cholesterol? Yes, says BBC’s Trust Me I’m A Doctor
Either way the BBC ‘got it just about right’!
Comments Unlikely To Be Overheard In The BBC Canteen:
1. I voted for Brexit, did you?
2. The Donald doesn’t seem to be doing a bad job, does he?
3. The country would be a better place if Margaret was still around…
4. Do you think that immigration could be the cause of the NHS and housing crisis?
5. Does our boss really deserve to be paid more than the Prime Minister?
Dover Sentry
“Does our boss really deserve to be paid more than the Prime Minister?”
Does he? I hope that Mrs May knows this ?
“Bayeux Tapestry to be displayed in UK for the first time”
Well, all you ‘Brits’ how about this little tapestry ?………………..
Perhaps we could lend it to Macaroon and his French people ?
British troops marching through Bayeux, with the cathedral in the background, 27 June 1944.
Our Irish friend tells us that this invasion wasn’t to liberate France but to support EU values . The Fourth Reich?
I wonder how many of those lads made it through to May 1945?
Emmanuel Macron should crawl on his hands and knees to thank us for what we did to liberate his country. All we get is appeasement from the pathetic Theresa May. Apparently we are going to take more bearded children who are nothing to do with us, and pay handsomely for the privilege. Could we have a worse government? Could even Worzel’s lot be as useless as this shower?*
Incidentally this is NOT the first time the Bayeux Tapestry has “been in Britain” as claimed on BBC News at Six last evening. It was embroidered in Kent.
Is this the future that every news bulletin has to have a segment from President Corbyn ?
“UK pledges extra £44m for Channel border security”
More appeasement, or are we being blackmailed ?
Like Foreign Aid, its money wasted that could have been better spent on the NHS ? Disgusting .
Time for Moggmentum !
It is ridiculous isn’t it?
The French let the migrants into their country and grant them free passage through their country but when they get to a dead end, it is suddenly the fault of the country that said from the start ‘we don’t have an open border’.
The immigrants are your problem Frenchie man because you let them in to your country.
Was very sorry to hear of the early death of Cyrille Regis. Fine footballer and a decent cove by most accounts.
If only the idiot BBC would have played “Ebony And Ivory” for an hour on loop-instead of replaying some horse shit from bloody Adrian Chiles.
Chiles spent an hour holding his nosegay at some 1979 testimonial where white players played a black team for a TESTIMONIAL.
In other words-a game where novelty or interest might raise the attendance for the player being honoured.
That Chiles can squeeze an hour out of the propostion that blacks v whites might be a money spinner and some fun seems to torture him.
What a wet lettuce. All the players knew the point of the game, and none were arsey or antsy about the match.
But Chiles dug around to ensure that whitey was trashed at all times, than black power (lite tho`-not thretening to BBC salaries natch) was seen to civilise us all. Within reason, for racism will never go as long as Chiles has an arse to scratch.
Utter crap-poor Cyrille deserved far better. Couldn`t they have shown the 5-3 win at Old Trafford instead?
No-Chiles fat smug mug would be down a few quid and Jane Garveys palimony would be missed.
Funnily enough the Black and White Minstrles got put in the dock, but no Lenny Henry. Len Cantello got no interview or family to speak-and the BBC can fuse race with sport to get extra love from the Darcus Howe endless bitchslap of whites from forty years ago. Utter crap.
Word to Chiles-getting curry sauce with your chips in 79 may well turn out to be cultural appropriation. And being allowed to keep Chiles and his flatus enclosed in a car until kick off after said curry surely broke all manner of health and safety stuff . What DID his grandad die of?…we should be told.
Word to Chiles-footy was a bit mean in the late 70s, hooliganism and the like. Hope Charlie George gets a good payday out of all those hurt feelings that we must have caused him when he came up north in the 70s.
RIP Cyrille-but don`t let the BBCs Burke and Hare get digging over the grave with an egg spoon, the BBC are wankers!
Today marks the 17th anniversary of the death of Auberon Waugh-the day that satire died, and Private Eye gave up on being worth a candle.
Chiles seems to be the go-to for ‘expertise’ On late 70s and 80s football. Yet he has no particular background to justify this. The game was very different then. It was much more tribal, working class and technically just isn’t comparable to the light ball game now played on a billiard smooth surface. I watched top flight football throughout the 70s and personally would not swap it for today’s premier league offering . Charlie George did make friends in the midlands when he moved to Derby, the kind of transfer that just couldn’t happen today.
I saw the info bar on this where it claimed that if the game was played today i.e. all black team vs an all white team it would court controversy.
But would it really- of course it wouldn’t? This notion that we are still this nest of intolerance is just flat out wrong and another example of the endless put down of dreadful country that the BBC love to create.
When are the Beeb and the MSM going to understand that in the main people just don’t care.
So you’re white, so you’re black, so you’re gay, so you’re a tranny – so what?
Oi ChrisH.
Left this as long as I could, but when I was a girl up in Durham, we knew a song about this. A footy chant, begging to be the title of this hopeless suckup to black players( hardly Pele huh?).
“Gannin doon the Scotswood Road”
Is there a Best Pun Award for 2018, been very smug all morning hoping somebody would say it?
“A couple of weeks ago *the BBC brought us a tale* of rampant sexual harassment in Muslim Egypt where the victims were to blame…”
Of course the BBC didn’t say “the victims were to blame”.
The narrator (after being sexually harassed) told of how her Grandmother said it was her own fault for wearing a shirt that was too short;
“I had no idea how the conversation turned from me complaining about three horrible boys and what they did to me – to my being blamed for THEIR actions”
For proper and fully authentic “victim blaming”, one only has to return to your own blog post from one week ago;
“how can they complain about sexism when they play on their sex appeal?”
[If you wear a shirt that’s too short and you’re harassed it’s YOUR FAULT].
“…so they made that choice….submit to the advances of the ‘Weinsteins’ in order to further their careers and make no fuss…”
[If you were raped or sexually assaulted, it was YOUR CHOICE].
About the Carillion failure – I’ve linked to this blog before, he’s a mechanical engineer (and budding novelist recently), so not someone in the loop politically – but overall his posts are well written and make good sense.
This is the only Carillion I understand. With a name like theirs, (THE BLACK DYKE BAND) I’m surprised they haven’t been warned that they must find a new one. Bloody nice tune though.
Fake News Awards are out
looks like he just did USA results only.
Shame i would like to have seen the Beeb getting a gong for their efforts. The site was down for about 50 mins, quite probably a denial of service attack was orchestrated by the msm.
Nice. I really hope someone like Paul Joseph Watson or Tucker puts together a definitive watertight put down of some of the hysterical crap that has been spouted.
I saw a nice piece which had amongst other Mark Cuban, the billionaire entrepenaur saying “In the event Donald wins, there is no doubt in my mind the market tanks,” Cuban said.
Stuff like that is just priceless. The best thing I’ve seen that shows this is this segment in Sargon of Akkaads review of 2017.
If you go to 36.20 in the video and then just watch. It is a wonderful segment showing loads of people ragging on Trump, how useless he is etc set to the slow building music of In the hall of the Mountain King. As you’ll know from the music it builds to a wonderful moment.
If only Radio4 had a Media Show on Wednesday’s , they could had time to talk about the awards.
…It does, they didn’t.
i didn’t see the evening bbc news as it is banned, but the the itv evening news finished with a pathetic attempt to make out the fake news awards weren’t going to happen and it was fake news itself. I really do think Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real syndrome now.
It is real. In my social circles it is rampant. I want to know if there’s a cure.
Is there a doctor on the blog?
Perhaps it’s something like “take these red pills once a day and stay away from the msm for a while. Oh and give up the BBC for good as it can seriously damage your mental health.” Possibly showing some videos of John Sopel to ram home the last point home.
Completely partial reporting from the BBC today on PFI, in the wake of the Carillion fiasco.
Yes, PFI was introduced under John Major’s government, but according to the New Statesman it thrived under Blair and Brown. Between 1997 and 2008, 90% of all hospital construction was under PFI agreements. The tax payer is now living with that reality and it is very clear where the responsibility lies. And it is not with the Tories.
The BBC have blatantly laid the blame at the door of John Major either by omission or by the deliberate distortion of the facts. This is scandalous reporting by any standards and is, in effect, fake news. Is this really what we can expect from the BBC?
Radio 4 emphasised that PFI started under Thatcher this morning. All very deceptive. PFI really took off under Blair and his flawed chancellor.
Yes, the BBC is doing its absolute best to throw the collapse of Carillion not at the true perpetrators (rotten politicians, useless civil servants and incompetent directors) but at the current government which, however feeble, cannot be responsible for McDoom’s love affair with PFI.
To make it worse the BBC is supporting the insane policies of the far Left by not highlighting the equally profound failures of nationalised industries in the past.
What commentators in the leftie papers and the bbc still can’t understand, is how long it took a good PFI to get going.
Five years was the miminmum before a single penny was paid, so those five years of executive’s time and expense was the burden they had to fund out of their own coffers, before a pay-back commenced.
But of course, because the guys and gals who did all the work in the PFI offices of the bigger contractors are now making a good profit, the rotten politicians, failed councillors and civil servants have started to whinge and whine. It’s pathetic.
Interestingly, the BBC amended their online article later on Thursday morning to include a paragraph to the effect that it was Blair and Brown that did most of the PFI damage. Needless to say, no mention of this surreptitious edit was acknowledged, but it had the effect of making my original comments look foolish, as though I had not read the piece comprehensively. That in itself is underhand journalism; the print media have their mistakes writ in stone, but the BBC can cover up as it goes along.
Hi Keith, by printing to file online articles, you will have a permanent record of the BBC articles. I have sometimes had the fortune and time to print to file the various articles of an updating BBC article. This can be most revealing and I have learnt from it some aspects of the processes by which the BBC push out propaganda and abuse their position. I incorporate the date and time of printing to the filename so I have various ways of chronologically checking the various versions of the articles.
Probably was always possible, but my mobile and tablet and PC all have ‘save to PDF’ functions that have proven most useful when BBC staff seem unaware that colleagues have ‘evolved the story’.
Does not of course address the blatant misleading of the majority who read the original and miss the rigged archive preserved for credulous DGs and monumentally thick or ex-BBC MPs who seem to get invited on inquiries.
I saw that today on the homepage, which was just dripping with leftie outrage and Tory spite.
But the PFI thing was disgusting. That dreadful scheme has been running for years and as you say is well documented for blowing up majorly when Blair was in power. Hell we even had a situation where a hospital had to close because the council couldn’t afford to run two after the crippling payments for the shiny new hospital that had been duped into.
But seemingly the Beeb only wants to do a hit piece on PFI when they arrogantly point the finger at the nasty Tory government.
Radio 4 managed to sneeringly mention Trump’s Fake News Awards, saying ‘senior Republicans lambasted it.’ Ah, that good old BBC journalistic rigour: find someone who agrees with us and report on their agreement. The envy lf the world. . .
The Highly-Anticipated 2017 Fake News Awards
Pity it wasn’t open to UK media. The BBC would have been at the top of the list
For once the BBC might have to share an award with the Daily Mail, whose Trump Derangement Syndrome matches the BBC’s in every way. Today’s DM sets new levels of toddler tantrum.
What joins these two organisations at the hip is fear. They are both terrified of losing their control over the news.
I send them an email saying they should do a special international award for the BBC. Maybe next year – I am sure they will do more than enough to stay in the running.
In a sense, ignoring them altogether is even sweeter. It’s a measure of the BBC’s irrelevance, for all its pompous claims to be the world’s broadcaster.
That’s a very good point GC.
For anyone who has not watched that Jordan B Peterson interview on Channel 4 I cannot recommend it highly enough. He is up against a typical bullying lefty wallowing in victimhood and eviscerates her hollow slogans with relentless data and research. One by one he smashes PC idols: the ‘wage gap’; men and women are not the same; identity politics being the same philosophy that inspired Mao as it puts group identity above that of the individual; why there are fewer women CEOs (most would not want to devote 80 hours a week to obtaining that goal); why it is essential to be able to offend people; on and on – like a heroic knight slaying dragons.
Honestly, how did they manage to pull such a dastardly trick – make it impolite and even illegal to state the truth? The video has gone viral and must have red pilled millions.
Totally agree. It’s the best demolition of a lefty progressive I’ve seen on MSM. Newman’s bias and sneering superiority has long irritated me. Don’t expect C4 news to allow Peterson on again.
Just watched it all.. CN really did show hers colours and her ignorance didn’t she..It was a classic at taking words and turning them into your own rhetoric. The truth has no meaning, facts are irrelevant..the answer is what you deem it to be..reminds me of 1984
There are many versions of the interview on Youtube, but the full version has received an impressive 42,000 likes (786 dislikes) and
“Breasts, ovaries and fallopian tubes” this morning on the show I like to nickname ‘The Mad Woman’s Breakfast’
I’m not saying the BBC shouldn’t cover health issues but wouldn’t there be some more suitable time and place?
Just give us workers and school kids the news headlines weather and travel reports. Save the adult female only interest issues for Vicky Derbyshire.
Can’t help but feel as a viewer who happens to be a bloke I’m being deliberately made to feel unwelcome by the increasingly feminised editorial ambitions of the BBC Breakfast show.
AsISeeIt…That’s why my wife (yes, not me) calls it Breasts Beat Co*ks…
Andrew Neill asked Diane Abbott to comment about Carillion. “How many is a Carillion, Andrew?” she replied.
(I’ll get my coat…)
BBC reports that now, to appease Macron, Treezer is going to agree to take even more migrants-only children of course (although probably bearded).
Which part of ENOUGH IS ENOUGH does she not understand!
She just doesn’t get it does she?
Meanwhile a school is Salisbury comes under fire for applying a ceiling to the aspirations of pupils by sending a letter to parents re an upcoming “world of work” day, stating that they shouldnt dress up as pop stars, sports stars or “you tubers”.
Apparently this is because they say it’s too difficult to achieve this.
Well let’s hope none of the children dressing up aspire to be porn stars, prostitutes or even Jihadis eh!
Nothing about the Fake News Awards on their website, though they report on the weather and Emily Maitliss’s fear of her stalker. Odd – I would have thought the awards were by far the most fun and interesting thing to have happened recently, and they also deal with the crucial issue of honesty in the media which we know the BBC feels so strongly about. Perhaps none of their 6000 journalists can find time to report on it.
Yes, odd that, they are usually very eager to over analyse his utterances & deliberately ignore his humour ( unlike their fawning over his predecessor’s cabaret turns.)
Imagine if Obama had created his own awards to mock right wing enemies! The Beeb would be in perpetual orgasm and lead their bulletins with it.
I thought that is what he did at the White House Correspondents dinner. You remember the time when he lampooned Trump in the audience for wanting to be president?
I hope Trump watches that clip everyday to remind himself of what he achieved against Obama’s sneering arrogance and contempt.
The awards should be held in CA which, I am informed by some sources, is seceding from the Union.
One imagines the BBC would see this decision by the state and its people as a good thing, and no second thoughts necessary.
Would it be fair to let the BBC compete in the Fake News awards ?
Actually it should be BBC, Australia’s ABC. Canada CBC & CNN competing in the Professional Awards
And the rest of the media competing in the Amateur Awards.
BBC R4 currently knocking Trumps fake news…and Jon Sopel at his best….you get the impression that he doesn’t like Trump :-), all quite subliminal though…
Apparently Trump has made the life of reporters more difficult – they actually have to think about what they are writing/saying..
The BBC really are inept at seeing their own flaws….
The Bent Beauty Censors are torn between hissy fit and full black hole today.
Maybe Katty Kay can tweet J’Obsworth for comment on his career track? Ouch!
They think that just because they have a famous brand like ‘BBC’ they can lie compulsively and everyone has to believe them; with their slick studios, money and experience of all the dirty tricks they were convincing. In the past this worked perfectly well as the politicians were in on the game and went along with it.
Now a politician refused the Faustian pact of going along with their lies so of course their first instinct was to do everything to bring him down, how thought criminals have been dealt with in the past. That did not work and Trump rightly bears a grudge against them and will continue to give them hell; they started the fight after all.
It’s great to see the traumatised journalists at the White House press meetings. Ha – now you know what it is like to suffer you smug bastards. They wanted this jolly to go on forever; just virtue signal in a circle, lazily repeating the same comforting lies and half-truths which the politicians happily go along with.
They complain about attacks, but how they have betrayed ordinary decent people and attacked all they hold dear with their insane promotion of ‘multiculturalism’ and so many other poisonous liberal ideas. It takes some doing to bring down the greatest civilisation in history; we got a foretaste last year, but who knows just how bad it might get in the coming decades thanks to these traitors asleep at the wheel?
So it seems the next Tory bashing agenda is the “free nursery places aren’t actually free” narrative.
BBC 5 live reporting that it is costing parents more as the nurseries are charging for extras to make up the shortfall in income.
I wonder, BBC if you are reading this whether you will conduct an investigation into the numbers of free places taken by ethnic minorities with several children attending whilst the mothers are not even “allowed” to work due to their “religion”
Also could you please conduct an investigation into whether or not these same non working mothers are subject to the same rules with regard to “must be actively seeking work in order to claim benefits”?
Serious question. Is there an exemption from the rules on grounds of religious beliefs?
Disappointed that James Landale , BBC “Diplomatic” Corespondent , did not make the Fake News top ten. He most undiplomatically tweeted that Trump had chosen to ignore a speech by the Italian PM. This assertion was based on Trump not wearing the basic issue headset to receive the translation. In fact Trump was wearing his 21st century non-hair mussing earpiece. Landale later issued a little seen correction (but no apology) for his much re-tweeted comment .
The Graun is claiming the President faces ‘a backlash’ from the media over this.
And things have long been going SO well for Trump in terms of the media!
Boy, he`ll know about this won`t he?
We now live in a world where Trump gets trashed by the UN for not stumping up money to Palestinians to launch rockets into Israel, as Obama seemed to want.
And the Palestinians say this is wrong because?…the UN say it`s really, really bad because?….
And the BBC simply don`t even question what dung goes out from their leaky orifices?..nothing in that story makes any sense. Trump`s just being-well “normal” I guess. Which makes him…well, mad in the case of the media class.
Come on POTUS, kick the UN out of New York forthwith, let them relocate to one of their shitholes on a ,low rent. And give the UN Building to American workers from the rust belt as a Youth Hostel until you can give us another Trump Tower.
They`d like that.
Cathy Newman’s attempt to expose Jordan Peterson as a bigot was a big mistake, says Douglas Murray {twitter}
First comment … “This has to be one of my favorite interviews. He is an intellectual heavyweight and his rhetorical skills are far superior. It actually demonstrates how far our media have fallen.”
This video is worth watching. Cathy Newman is so used to living in the Guardian/BBC world she cannot handle a calm, reasoned argument with the back of data.
It’s also worth watching her go into girly, emotional meltdown while he remains calm and rational. Which would you want running a FTSE 100 company?
Its also worth noting how he calls her out when she lies about what he is saying, others should try it on the BBC.
I particularly like this tweet:
‘I could imagine her storming into the producers office immediately after going off air, and apoplectic with rage: “YOU TOLD ME HE WAS GOING TO SAY LOADS OF RACIST AND SEXIST STUFF.”’
That bit towards the end where she just freezes is priceless and can never be taken seriously again as she sits in front on the nation being all knowing. Priceless .
Mark Steyn material is not behind a paywall (his members club is excellent) ….
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {youtube – Jordan Peterson @6:12}
So that bloody woman has agreed with Macron to take more migrants from the Calais camp, especially child migrants. Great! Twenty breeding years hence, what effect will that have on the UK population?
I think of Mr Barraclough from Slade Prison having had a sex change, and then becomeing Tory Leader and then Prime Ministress.
Barraclough ( to be fair) was a Man Of Iron in comparison to May, who`s turned to rust before our eyes.
Get her out-at least we can deal with Corbyns goons, Mays cow eyes and hunted look is pitiful-and simply not worth the fight compared to a Starmer or a Burgon.
Martin – 20 years hence? More like next year by the look of the receding hairlines and stubble I saw on the 100% male children on view smirking and being welcomed into the UK from Calais last year (before the bloody do-gooders shielded the poor loves from us frothing at the mouth bigots).
Toady watch
Slept through but heard something about the poor frogs being given 44 000 000 pounds to strengthen their border to stop teenage 30 year olds from invading Blighty. In return we get…… nothing …..
And then we’ve agreed to take more 30 year old male teenagers to reunite families. I fucking despair.
The paras have not got anyone to kill at the moment – maybe send em to Calais….
Interview each one and ask how they got to Calais … walk the dog and plug the hole. That’s where the money should be spent.
If the parents decide to enter the UK using their children then they should be arrested for neglect – sending their children into the world as drop-babies for another country.
Yes they allow more under the guise of “children” but neglect to mention that, once settled, they will have the right to send for their so called families (can family status even be proven?)
We need our own leader with balls like the POTUS to put an end to chain migration.
We need a real leader to put our interests first.
Just imagine: if the POTUS had declared, “We will bring immigration down to the tens of thousands” and, “Enough is enough” we could rely on him to carry them through. That’s the difference between his refreshing governance compared with the non entities we describe as “politicians”. This swamp needs draining urgently by a reboot of the system.
Send the ‘family’ in the uk back to Calais to be reunited with their 30 year old boy child
This country really is well and truly up the proverbial creek without a paddle!
I travel to France on a regular basis and enter and leave via the port near Caen. I have been watching the migrants who hang around the ditches using their cell phones. They are comfortably dressed with leather jackets and hats, some with woolly hats, but warm. I don’t know how they charge their cell phones or pay the costs, but one thing is certain: they are not sleeping rough.
Although the authorities check each lorry and the cars I am suggesting that somehow they are getting through without too long a wait.
GWF If you stop off at the petrol station by Lidl in Ouistreham, you will see a number of these dusky gentleman hovering outside. Back in November, we were there for half an hour using the car wash ( French plates so not bothered by them). Saw various people delivering clothing and food to them. Instantly, they were on their mobiles, and within a few minutes, their brethren arrived to share the spoils. During the day, they seem to occupy the ditches on the port approach road. At night, the Lorry drivers ignore traffic signals to avoid stopping. Back in 1944, Rommel flooded all the local ditches to deter invasion. A lesson in history perhaps for the current mayor.
Great work by Jordan Peterson in his recent discussion on Channel 4. He could have really gone for the jugular a couple of times if he had wanted to but just kept giving her enough rope to hang herself.
The real kicker in this, and other stuff that I’ve recently heard, is how these Marxists want equality of outcome (which is only down to the individual) rather than equality of opportunity which is something that already exists.
A woman can be successful in politics – two female UK PM’s
A black man can make it in politics – a black US president
A woman can be successful in big business – 7 CEO’s of FTSE 100 companies.
Black people can make it in movies – numerous Oscars awarded to blacks
So this all demonstrates that equality of opportunity does already exist and that it is up to each individual how they use that opportunity.
Unfortunately the Marxists aren’t happy with this (are they ever?) and want a society where they can artificially engineer the ‘equality’ of outcome to suit their warped perceptions of society.
Hence it’s not enough that we all have a fair chance of becoming what it is that they think there should be more of, they want to impose the outcome regardless of the individual and it reeks of Marxism.
“Black people can make it in movies – numerous Oscars awarded to blacks”. – even the BBC’s series of ‘Line of Duty’ contained a disproportionate number of Asians and Blacks. Blacks in leading roles I might add. I mention this because I was gifted the box set of DVD’s and watching the series in a concentrated way (one after another) you see the trend to disproportionately represent ethnics.
What message does that stupid woman think it sends letting them all in?
Abdul straight on the iPhone to Nigeria – ‘we’re in – come quick!’
I like the line al beeb was parroting from the American msm that the doctor who examined President Trump has mental issues …. please .
Lord God please let Our President get a second term .,
I guess Macron failed with Africa … so has to turn to the UK for money and use Calais Children as bargaining chips …
A speech by Ghana’s president (Akufo-Addo) calling for Africa to end its dependency on the West is a viral hit
“I hope that the comments I am about to make will not offend the questioner too much and some people around here”, the latter part widely interpreted as directed to his much younger counterpart.
“We can no longer continue to make policy for ourselves, in our country, in our region, in our continent on the basis of whatever support that the western world or France, or the European Union can give us. It will not work. It has not worked and it will not work”, he stressed.
Al beeb linked Carrileon to the PFI mess. Costing 10 000 000 000 a year with an overall cost of
200 000 000 000 pounds . This wonderful idea was bought to you by a mixture labour and conservatives – Major and Brown . Schools and hospitals costing more than 40% than they should .
And we have to vote for these fools and put up with a civil service which is meant to know what it’s doing.
source: order-order.com
That tapestry looks ‘hideously white’ to me! Are they Calais locals trying to leave France?
Radio4, about 6.10, Justin Webb thought HE could be US president cos the mental cognitive test given Trump was so easy! Where does the beeb get these people?
Noticed how R4 kept reporting on Toady that UK was taking ‘some’ ‘child’ refugees. So May has caved in again. No surprise.
But what does ‘some’ mean? 10? 100? 1000? Does anyone know?
I have said before how Merkel is the teacher and May the pupil. Looks as if she’s learning fast.
France can’t or won’t control its borders. So the UK has to pay for it. Why? And in return we get to look at a tapestry! Wow…
Wonder if they’re ‘child’ migrants who drifted over from Germany.
If Macron is up front, can Merkel be far behind? He looks just as devious and -for the moment- looks as if he’s going for ‘most powerful leader in Europe’. Aren’t they all a pain in the butt?
It’s time those who compare current conditions to that of rescuing kids from nazi kraut land to put there heads up. Lily Allen must be due for a quick sob .
Get out of the EU get rid of May and get a proper conservative Government . Please . And then privatise al beeb
UK pledges extra £44m for Channel border security {bbc.co.uk 18jan2018}
Relationship a ‘permanent open door’
– A ONE WAY OPEN DOOR!!!!!!!!!!
Cathy Newman says it shows oppression that there are not many female CEOs. Jordan says well do women want to work 80 hour weeks and devote nearly all their lives to work? Plus the terrible responsibility, do most women really want that?
I am sure the vast majority of CEOs are married and their wives do extremely well out of the situation with all that money pouring into their joint bank accounts for them to spend, women making 80% of consumer decisions. I would love a high-earning woman to sweep me off my feet and work 80 hours a week while I look after the children, but what women would be happy with that arrangement? It is clear which side has the best deal here yet they manage to twist it into some form of ‘oppression.’
Do young women dream of marrying a rich man or dream of having a 70 hour work week so they can provide for one?
as milo I think once pointed out If women earned less, men would all be unemployed
Beeb Bro
Katie tells it like it is.
Old news is still NEW news on the BBC Brexit Page “Tusk: UK can still change mind on Brexit” (16 jan – 2 days old)
Yes, And he has closely briefed the Irish Prime Minister who is now arrogantly spouting forth his very words in the Irish press recommending a second referendum.
This is a carousel story-will SOMEONE please take this bloody old sack of crap off the baggage carousel?
The BBC continue to think that this “so called story” return is -well-newsworthy.
Wonder who the BBC keeps putting it back on until we notice or care, instead of getting riled by them?
How`s Catalonia Beeb, am told there`s been a few folk on the streets making hay with the EU and Independence.
And the BBC says…well what do YOU think?
Radio4 now BBC finally addresses the Sweden problem
What BBC parallel universe actually address the problem with “so call refugees” in Sweden ?
…Yes the poor little dears children get Resignation Syndrome
The prog is called : Sweden’s Child Migrant Mystery
.. the symptoms get much more severe as soon as the family’s asylum request get turned down
…The Swedish law was that if you have a sick child you cannot be deported.
Actually I think this R4 prog is a repeat of one that was on World Service a couple of months ago.
Yes 26 October : http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p05kygzn
The BBC ran a mag article in October
The prog led in quite a nasty way, by beginning with a Swedish pensioner who has the syndrome, but after thirty seconds the prog became all about refugees.
(Something strange ..the Father of the specific child ..just spoke in Russian, behind the BBC voice-over …He must be Chechen or something ..I’d thought it was all about Syrian and Yazidi refugees)
Just like last nights ridiculous Channel 4 “interview”between Jordan Paterson and Cathy Newman on Channel 4.
No woman could sit through it without squirming as how thick our lefty ladies now are. Newman simply had no language, just spluttered and threw monkey faeces.
At least our Germaine, Melanie etc have great brains and can think on their feet. Newman hadn`t a clue, didn`t even give Peterson the courtesy of actually LISTENING to what his answers were to her increasingly mad “questions”. Not see anything like it since she did the same with Milo.
Embarrassing-enough to hand myself in to Cairo College and beg to not learn or read again if Cathy is what results.
Ramble over-my point was that he`d been ostensibly asked on about MEN and BOYS getting a crap deal and turning to feckless fops. Yet Cathy spends the whole interview moaning on about womens pay at the BBC and 7% of women as CEOs of FTSE companies.
The woman has no links to our reality, hence her caste hogging the liberal free media…whilst real women do hard jobs for little money-funnily enough just like my sons coming to think of it!
R4..How do they find these issues….a mystery illness affecting migrant children…Is there nothing else to discuss about Sweden or in Europe?
Is everything about refugees and migrants and always how hard done to they are?
UK universities bastions of free speech ?
YES if you wont to spout conspiracy theories about Jews & eugenics
NO If you are a Jew and you want to get into the meeting
Melanie’s Facebook discussion
What do you think of that Mr PARODY Corbyn ?
The Post is just another , ‘aren’t we in the liberal left media just great’ , film. They portray them as courageous seekers after truth , standing up to the dark forces of the US government on behalf of the people. You don’t have to be a genius to work out that they are trying to claim that the present day MSM is doing the same job when it spreads it bile about President Trump. But the big difference is that today it is the President who is fighting for the people and the MSM who are the corrupt enemies of the people.
On that subject, I heard a trailer this morning for a forthcoming interview with Tom Hanks to be aired at 2pm (19/01/18) on 5 live. The trailer went as follows;
Tom Hanks: “Is this state sponsored radio?”
Presenter: “No, it’s the BBC”
Tom Hanks “ Oh that’s even better….”
Paul Adams, suggesting on the BBC one lunchtime news that some of the £44.5m should go to helping the ‘most vulnerable’ migrants, says it takes them such a long time to go through the legal process to get into the UK that they do their own thing. But the UK is apparently hoping to have a kind Macron not being too hard on it in the Brexit negotiations, so who needs legal procedures.
Ms Merkel has shown that you can ditch all that legal stuff. Seem’s that approach is catching. Wonder what else we have to do for Macron to be kind to us?
So that’s why, I didn’t realise it took at least ten years to get through our legal immigration process. That explains why all the child refugees look mid twenties by the time that they actually arrive here. And there’s me thinking that they might be telling porkies ( did you see what I did there).
It’s all bollocks. Sky’s latest report showed they were all young men. Of course they reckon they are really young men, with relatives in the UK. They know exactly what to say.