A couple of weeks ago the BBC brought us a tale of rampant sexual harassment in Muslim Egypt where the victims were to blame…for disgracefully laughing in the street or talking too much and enjoying themselves:
Shaimaa Khalil recalls growing up in Egypt and her first experience of sexual harassment aged 11 #metoo.
We know such behaviour is endemic and blatant in Islamic countries….visitors to Saudia Arabia may tell you that even when dressed as a Saudi and fully covered up they fall victim to worse harassment than they have ever had in the UK or other Western countries.
This is the culture we are importing into Europe. The BBC reports it in Egypt but covers it up when it is migrants in Europe doing the harassing. In fact they try to put the blame not on the migrants but on some outside conspiracy…such as the far-Right or ISIS….
Remember Hugh Sykes telling us that Cologne was a Far Right conspiracy?….‘There are conspiracy theories in the air that the New Year’s Eve attackers were encouraged to make sexual approaches to German women, told that it was the normal thing to do on New Year’s Eve. If true, they may have fallen into a well-laid trap.’
Remember the BBC report that said Cologne was an IS conspiracy? …’Some analysts have suggested that IS has encouraged a link between refugees and terrorism in order to foster hostility to refugees in Europe, although it is not known if the latest attack was carried out in co-ordination with the IS leadership in Iraq and Syria.’
The BBC shaping the news to suit its own agenda.
Any more bias list it here…..
Before I go to seek out Jordan Peterson, as well as the Trump Fake News Awards?
Can only hope that the Cologne Reports of New Year 2016 won the Lifetime Achievement Award as well as Best Foreign Entry.
Just heard Mardell interview the mighty Mogg on TWAT-what is the point of Jacob giving answers to Mardells idiotic barbs, when the next piece that they prepared earlier will STILL be featured?
Even if JRM has completely contradicted all premises that Mardell raises in telling us of its message and meaning in advance? Lord-are they dumb or what?
Will they EVER listen and recallibrate anything, no matter how clear and clever it was put to them?
If Webb thicker than Mardell or vice versa?-any chance of some kind of cognitive test for these liberal cabbage heads?
Questions-so many questions-so what?
“Sincere piece of work”. So using that.
Work, they call it. She read scattered remarks from a sheet of paper, showing little understanding of what was been said. Still, I will give her credit for not trying to shout him down like Mishail the Moslem does.
What a bunch of cry babies! If women want to be treated equally then they stand up to the same scrutiny as men/everyone else (trans etc…). Wouldn’t you want to see your appraisal/critique after doing an important job? And with regards to criticising social media – ha! What’s good for the goose – they’re quite happy to use it when it suits them. Krishnan is just as bad – great interview of Tom Cruise from him…and he’s also forgotten his lines before. Grow up and meet the real world.
You know the ladies. After they get what they want they don’t want it. Present company excepted of course. (exits left to the garden shed – sharpish.)
The BBC Midlands lunchtime news showed a trailer of an item about Womens Underwater Rugby! (I kid you not!)
I gave it a miss.
Does that trump men’s wheelchair tennis? They had that online the other week. I wonder if a single person watched it?
Beeb Bro
Next up. One legged men’s arse kicking contest. This is meant as a joke but at what point do we say enough is enough?
Wet t-shirts? Why? People are running out of real things to follow … looking for distractions galore.
Excellent news – India has announced that it has test fired an intercontinental ballistic missile. It’s good to know the £350 000 000 of tax money we give it each year from the Department of giving away our money isn’t completely wasted .
We now know both India and the pakis can have a proper nuclear war when they want .
Bet al beeb won’t carry that event much
From the parallel universe the media live in
All media carry this narrative
“Facebook is yielding to parliamentary pressure to expand
its internal inquiry into the possibility that Russia used the platform
to try to influence Britain’s vote to leave the European Union”
I don’t know what the Russian’s did
But I do know that I have dozens if screenshots of Facebook group pages which have right hand banner adverts pushed into my face promoting Labour/Corbyn/Remain and no other political angle
Also all media push this : First Muslim minister speaks in House of Commons
.. I expect one spoke in House of Lords before
I always find it odd people need to declare their religion, ethnicity or gender when it comes to being a ‘first’. In this case she isn’t the first woman, she isn’t the first Muslim…will the next first be a disabled, female, muslim?
I really don’t care – as long as they do their job well…
She may be okay, only time will tell, but with a background in charities and the BBC I am not hopeful…
First Christian Female Minister in Iran Parliament says … oh, wait ….
Except she’s not a Muslim ! NO Muslim woman would refuse to wear a Hijab! She’s as Muslim as I am !
More beeb indoctrination —
Online there’s ‘BBC Ideas’, a platform which “brings together short factual videos from many sources, and organises the videos into playlists by topic.”
There appears to be a very heavy tech/AI flavour to the videos, betraying a fairly obvious techno-globalist/transhumanist agenda. (Sample vids: ‘Can you form a relationship with a robot?’; ‘Humanity 2.0… Smarter, fitter, better?’).
Under the playlist titled ‘Ideas for making the world a better place’ we have:
– Why I chose refugees for housemates
– The country making sure women aren’t underpaid
– The bikes you can rent and leave anywhere
– A radical solution to expensive childcare
– How Peru is solving its height problem
– A solution to Arab sexism: Teaching girls to fight back
– How one girl’s illness changed what a nation eats
– How one country dramatically cut teenage drinking
– A solution for refugee suffering: Give them cash
Interesting to note that these ideas have little to do with broader themes of happiness or a deeper enquiry into philosophical questions (e.g. the pursuit of truth, ethics). Just more refugees, women’s oppression and the reeducation of children on an endless loop.
The beeb is becoming more and more like a specialist magazine catering for niche interests. There’s a brilliant Simpsons episode where the camera pans across a magazine rack in a store, highlighting periodical titles such as ‘Ballpoint Pen Digest’, ‘Faberge Egg Owner’ and ‘Modern Jewish Father’.
This is where the beeb sits. If it wasn’t quite so sinister it might even be funny.
As BuzzFeed closes down … BBC will step in ….
17 Times Graham Norton Perfectly Roasted The Hell Out Of People
– Note that Graham ‘£900K BBC Wages Paid Under Threat of Prison’ Norton did not roast Hillary Clinton ….. nope.
Ahh, Graham Norton, the BBC’s premier chat show who made me switch off from watching it and take it off the series link because I couldn’t bear the tedious Trump bashing at the beginning of every show.
So predictable and so goddam boring. Can’t we just watch a chat show without the tiresome and never ending agenda pushing.
Money for old rope. I have often wondered how these people arrive at such exalted positions since I don’t believe it is by chance. Won’t somebody in the know tell us exactly how the system works. I always imagined the entrance exam would be of a similar nature to the one for entry into M15 or the CIA or even the Freemasons. It must be a case of who you know and not what you know because as far as entertainment is concerned you can go to any holiday resort and find performers who are the equal of any of this lot and very often superior. I find it very spooky that they all seem to spout the same political viewpoint, so THAT cannot be an accident. I’m no conspiracy theorist but this pongs pretty rancid.
Before you before commence your nocturnal troll patrol, please can you tell us all why you post here?
Do you agree that Al Beeb robs from the poor to pay to the rich as in the above image?
What incentive ‘drives’ you to support such a biased organisation?
Taff – our maxi enjoys trying to stir the pot a bitbut using cut and paste technique. Probably amuses at 2 in the morning.
I’d just like a clear logical exchange of views as opposed to the normal ‘your a disgrace —-Alan’ at the end of each post.
It’s hard to balance between becoming an echo of sane like minded people and the screamers you get on The Guardian – comments are free( as long as it’s not a sensitive subject).
Honestly ? I couldn’t care less whether its man, woman (or anything in between), they’re all earning far too f……g much for what they do. Its not as though they are the best brains in the world either, at its very basic I wonder how many of those pictured would actually win the jackpot on Celebrity Pointless, let alone the genuine editions of Mastermind.
Foreign men having a porno-movie-type view of white women again ??
Bad/good guys can be of any background
But it seems such big cultural differences can make the chances of abuse more likely.
If you burn the coal: you’ll pay the toll.
As Europe tries to find space for whole of Africa and Calais …. don’t look East ….
Tents for pilgrims attending the annual hajj pilgrimage are seen from a helicopter over Mina, Saudi Arabia, on Friday, a day after a more than 700 pilgrims were killed in a stampede. (AP)
. . .
China Built a Replica of Paris, And It’s Now a Complete Ghost Town (There’s Even an Eiffel Tower!)
The ‘single mum who can’t afford to work’ says that she was in a long-term relationship for four years. Four years! That’s now considered to be ‘long-term’?
Makes my 56 years seem paltry.
Times : “Have you heard the one about Guy Verhofstadt?
New un-PC comedy night to skewer targets that get an easy ride from BBC-friendly comics”
“BBC panel/standup comedy = A Guardian sermon with a punchline”
“Comedy has become a Wing of Establishment orthodoxy
…you feel like you are getting a Guardian sermon “
( Andy Shaw , Comedy Unleashed )
From Twitter I spot the Lefty comedy biz getting triggered by this story
Good find StewGreen …. ‘The theme of the night is “no self-censorship”. It encourages comedians to make jokes about targets that often escape the barbs of mainstream satirists, from Remain politicians to Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour and the global warming consensus.’
Guess I`m missing something here, but I heard Jon Sopel last night damning Trump withj faint praise with his “playing to his base”-some such phrase anyway.
How comes that`s a problem to Sopel?
Since Brexit and Trump, the BBC and other legacy media have done nothing other that “play to THEIR base”.
Certainly not news as I` ve ever known it.
Great to see Trumps “Fake News Awards”-well done CNN, ABC and Time in particular for impressive hauls. Yet no BBC opinion?
And the wonderful howls of rage and hyperbole from the likes of Vox and others surely makes another award inevitable. Call it the Y2K Award for media hysteria in its so called “news”.
Just shows how out of touch the Beeb are with that thing called democracy. You know that thing whereby people vote for you on a platform of things that you promise to try to do if you win.
And hence when you do then win and start doing the things you said you would do, they simply dismiss it as ‘playing to their base’.
What a bunch of contemptible disgusting individuals they are.
You are forgetting that we are a “representative democracy” where parliament not the people is sovreign. Thanks Gina! Our MPs are “representatives” not “delegates” who simply act on the instructions of their constituents. The Romans could elect a dictator with supreme power for the limited time of 6 months. Britain has, for some reason, opted for an elected oligarchy.
Brexit has shown how farcical the situation is – the views of less than half the voters are pushed by 80% of the MPs.
Apparently, referenda and pleiscites are not part of our glorious democratic system and are merely ruses by populist politicians to seize power and create a Nazi police state – just look at Switzerland. Yet the opponents of referenda are hypereager to have another one on the “deal”. What the House of Zombies is good for Christ only knows.
Radio 4 iPM a disgrace tonight as it focuses on the Emily Maitless stalker.
I think most of us know that the media is quite happy to ignore all kinds of ills perpetrated on the people of this country providing it doesn’t happen to them. When it does happen to them, suddenly it’s a big issue that has to be dealt with immediately.
Worse than all that though is the fact that they seem incapable of seeing their own cynicism and hypocrisy as they tell us now that loads of other people are suffering similar harassment from prisoners.
Well, if they knew all this, and they tell us it’s so very important why have they waited to do anything about it until now?
There’s a larger issue here though. If this can be viewed as part of a bigger picture then there are loads of things going on, such as people like Tommy Robinson has been complaining about which hasn’t happened to the BBC staff, so it doesn’t report on them because it either doesn’t believe them or it doesn’t consider them important until its own staff are affected !
Um, this sounds oddly like where we’re living now. {twitter}
“We must picture hell as a state where everyone is perpetually concerned about his own dignity and advancement, where everyone has a grievance, and where everyone lives with the deadly serious passions of envy, self-importance, and resentment.”
BBC 1 6pm news.
Renewed winter NHS crisis especially flu epidemic.
But bless them, today the focus is on the Welsh NHS.
Which is a Labour administration and the NHS is a devolved responsibility. So this is actually an issue for Labour. Not that viewers would know. The word ‘Labour’ is missing from the coverage and the interview with the Welsh Labour health minister is……err.. decidedly gentle, shall we say.
After all, we don’t want to jeopordise the ‘evil Tories underfunding the NHS’ narrative, do we?
The bbc has a relationship with Welsh NHS which, like so much, is often very ‘unique’.
“Theresa May meets Macron with pledge of extra £44m for border”
Blackmail & appeasement ?
We are being invaded – The Royal Navy, the British Army and Royal Air Force should now be given the job of defending our borders. That’s what they are for.
No, no – they won’t have that – they’re far too busy inviting SWJs, and LGBTs, and other misfits to join, and allowing them to say their prayers, rather than confront anyone. There’s no contingency left for fighting people, or protecting the country. Somebody else can do that…
May is so incredibly weak. Macron threatens May and May blinks. Useless,useless,useless.
Never mind at least we can visit the Bayeaux tapestry. I saw it in France not much to see really.
We have thousands of children who can’t find foster homes, ex servicemen homeless yet May agrees to more refugee children (middle aged men) inhabiting our shores.
I wonder if Lily Allen or Benedict Cumberbatch will take in the refugees?
Or is there collusion at work here ?
Wronged – It actually shows how out of touch with real life “The appeaser” truly is . Most people buy their curtains – they certainly dont hire second hand ones !
Our military is not the only one with problems. Maybe the European army project is not going as well as planned. Tanks have similar problems. Total operational U boats = 0.
Why do you think Mrs Meerkat has imported a million engineers?
SJW Warning! This is the talk about the book (12 Rules for Life) that ‘triggered’ Cathy Newman to ‘demolish’ Prof. Jordan Peterson.
Surely this has gone too far. Treezer appeasing a little twat like Macron.
G.W.F – A good friend of mine who works for the Prime Ministers Office sent me this a copy of one of Theresas upcoming speeches. Apparently she has decided we are not quite ready for it yet but it wont be long
“we shall give them the seas and oceans,
we shall surrender with declining confidence and declining strength we shall not defend our Island, whatever the cost may be,
we shall surrender on the beaches,
we shall surrender on the landing grounds,
we shall surrender in the fields and in the streets,
we shall not fight in the hills;
we will never fight, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were freed from Europe and had an improved economy with decreased migration, then our Child “Refugees” beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the French and the Germans and the MSM, would carry on the struggle, until, in Allahs good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the conversion of the old.”
Great stuff
I have one similar
G.W.F -Not fair – I am afraid I am a bit of a luddite and still cannot do pictures! I have to say it though – I think this particular photo says everything we ever need to know about our PMs commitment to our interests.
She really did get the inspiration for this speech on a London Underground trip. And , being a modern British PM , she was able able to translate it from the patois comments she jotted down.
Today I’ve heard the first ‘lone wolf’ news item that I actually believe.
When are we going to have a serious debate about our immigration and asylum laws post Brexit? May won’t change anything. Yet the use of family connections to
justify entry from Calais is a wide open door. The connections are to other successful asylum seekers or more often to
Illegals . It’s a cascade effect. Can’t this government see that?
The answer is never because politicians are absolutely terrified of being accused of the ‘R’ word, this prevents them from ever dealing with the existential threat Briton’s face within their own country.
That’s funny . There’s a whole load of potential immigrants in Calais itching to get to the UK , yet EU nationals , we are told by the Gramscian BBC et al are worried about their future here .
I must try to analyse this , so
1 ; there are uncounted hordes at Calais who want to get to the UK .
2 ; the people of Britain don’t want them to get here .
3; the French don’t want them there either
4 ; they have no documents of identity , which is illegal in France
5 ; the French could deal with them .
6; but they don’t
7 ; so they charge us for that
8; then insist that we act illegally by accepting bogus immigrants
9; and charge us for more
10; and it’s a good deal for the UK !
Don’t put any money in an Oxfam tin . They might turn up on your doorstep and insist you take in a couple of migrants . Then charge you for the privilege .
I think we should welcome them in. They are obviously anti Eu and brexiters. Therefore they can off set the brexiters dying off – according to the remainers – so when we have the next referendum ( best out of 3 ) we can give them a vote .
Next we ll be told that the flu is killing off more brexiters than remainers so the vote is invalid. Desperate loons.
Oh yes, they see it all right but the component of actually caring is missing. I guess they see it as, ‘well the blue voters have no option other than us, so we’ll do as we want’ – business as usual.
BBC headline news. Prince William has had a haircut.
Just on the sides though?
The Question Time panel tonight (January 18th) contains 2 Remainers, one definite Leaver and a fourth person who thinks that the single market might not work in the interests of people in the north of England. The fifth person is an American. So fairly balanced on the Brexit question. But one member is openly lesbian and another is a homosexual activist so hardly representative of British society in regards to sexual orientation.
Nibor, just watching Brittania on S.Atlantic, and nothing appears to have changed since 43AD ! We’re invaded and taken over by Southern Europeans (as opposed to Eastern Europeans), they’ve marched their way through Gaul (France) clearly with no border controls then either. Dentists obviously hadn’t arrived on our shores, – all the Brits have rotten gnashers, but the one black Roman Centurian has immaculate Hollywood pearlies – bit of a cock-up in the authenticity department on that score.
Question Time – normal service has been resumed.
I was slightly amused today on Toady hearing Emily Mateless complaining that the authorities failed to “join up the dots” when it came to dealing with her pet stalker.
Pretty ironic methinks when this is just what the BBC does all the time especially when it comes to connecting increased levels of migration with the housing crisis, NHS crisis, education problems, inner city violence etc etc.
Perhaps if the blessed Emily and co lived in some of the more “vibrant” areas they too could join up the dots better.
Maybe the bbc could ‘investigate’ what it is that West Yorks seems very adept at doing, and what other aspects of policing it is supposed to conduct that seems to suffer?
Oak, the BBC need to be very careful about not over-labouring this Maitliss thing because I seem to recall that the BBC, itself, indulges in some out-sourced stalking of the public.
It has been going on a very long time.
Which seems to have afforded the BBC an opportunity to feature images of her from another time.
I would love to hear the other party in this – they were at university together apparently where he got the hots for her.
Maybe if one drops ‘innit?’ In the CV?
I heard you are guaranteed an interview if you apply via a rap video.
Yo Beeb! You got to let me winnit,
Cos I is a propa swift learner innit!
Toady interviews a Black Lives Mattwe activist on Toady, that socially acceptable hate group which incited the murder of Police officers not long ago – an event which went down the Beeb memory hole as opposed to Charlottesville which has saturation coverage for more than a week.
They would not give the KKK a platform, why is this any different? Oh – but equality means that we can’t hold black people to the same standards as white people. Just as we can never tell the Muslim community to get its house in order in the wake of an atrocity – that would be be hateful – whereas others are told in the strongest terms that there must be no ‘backlash.’ How racist is that?
And of course the BLM activist frames the narrative of Trump being a baddie. What a surprise that a member of a race hate group – treated with the utmost reverence by the Beeb – would think their white president was a problem.
Always narrative over facts; vox pops which can be edited to create any narrative. I am sick of it.
Toady so far ;
Prisons shouldn’t be bad
Immigrants are wrongly blamed for things
Trump is not good
NHS needs more money .
Surely open borders have not helped prisons? Or the ROP gangs?
So many elephants stomping through the room the BBC ignores.
Open Borders created the Black Death according to the BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-42690577
Four legs goooood, two legs baaaaaad.
Immigrants gooooooood, Tories baaaaaaaad.
A comment on the Toady FB page made me LOL:
“Would someone tell Robinson aka The Bald Ego, that it’s John’s Hopkins University, not John Hopkins.”
Bet he’d hate it if that got used as much as Toenails.
Nibor – I rattle on with my own little toady watch sometimes but it’s not good for my health so thanks for the brevity which says so much..
Isn’t it strange that Global Warming & Climate Change is “the greatest threat we face” when I need to climb in my car to go to work or to visit Granny thirty-five miles away but when politicians want to spend taxpayer money on some grandiose scheme, GW & CC disappears like mist on the water on a summer morn.
BBC Breakfast and R4..Boris calls for a Bridge….however Naga on breakfast changed her words before she said bridge..I can’t find anywhere, in any of the Left papers especially, that he said the word Bridge…he may have done but it seems he said link or connection.. I look forward to seeing if the BBC headline Boris calls for a Bridge is fake news or not..
Breakfast review of Trump’s first Year…ask Farage, slag Trump and ask about Boris’s bridge….excellent review full marks Naga…
At least if we had a bridge we could thrown the illegals over the side ( no no did I say that maxi). We could give the French tax cash to give them swimming lessons .
Seriously – poor Boris so desperate for publicity – bit like the Essex island airport – thought up after a couple of bottles of red. Fruit loop
Coughs and sneezes spread diseases. Do stats and praises spread complacency?
BBC tv news this morning is ramping up the so-called NHS winter flu crisis. They even ask their guest doctor for his permission to move on from using the word crisis to the word epidemic. Possessing an apparently good bedside manner Dr Paul Cosford mildly attempts to calm the presenter down. No wonder they were agitated, the casualty figures in on-screen graphics the BBC provides appear more comprehensive and alarming than anything we might see out of the Syrian Civil War. Tons of praise is heaped on NHS staff and the BBC presenter manages to associate the favoured narrative of funding and resources. This being public service broadcasting, our consultant prescribes basic hygiene and inoculation. But what’s this…? Only 60% of NHS staff have taken up their flu injections. (It’s put this way rather than the more alarming 40% have failed to get inoculated). I’m now calling our medic Dr Phil E Buster because he waffles on without really answering the conundrum: how come our NHS angels can’t be bothered? Perhaps as they come on shift there could be someone waiting at the door with a hypodermic? That seems to be the Doc’s off the cuff, roll up the sleeve, dab with an antiseptic ball of cotton wool answer. Oh, and that’ll be a conversation we medics will have among ourselves afterwards. Perhaps we’ll also get stats on the NHS relative rate of absenteeism, on numbers taking annual leave, attending conferences? I doubt it. So we’ll have to live with the somewhat unsatisfactory answer we were provided. Of course, we licence payers, we tax and national insurance paying employers of these medics, get no follow up questions to the half-answer as to why 4 in 10 of our dedicated highly-praised NHS staff don’t bother to take the precautions they recommend to their patients. Seems all BBC questioning of the NHS is never more than a minor jab. And the interviewer, Charlie Stayt, is no more than a little prick.
Very good points. Any sensible journalist – that rules out the bBBC of course – would ask and investigate further. Why do so few nurses get the annual flu vaccination? Why are so many nurses fat/ overweight/ obese? Why do so many of them smoke?
The New Zealand Prime Minister is pregnant, why do they report on this garabage? Woman has baby – what a scoop. £3.7 billion and threats of prison for this?
This is what happens when free speech is curtailed: drab, profoudly shallow ‘news’ as anything important might offend someone. Reality, which is infinitely offensive, is effectively illegal.
The BBC made much of this pregnancy announcement. I have to admit I’d never heard of the woman, but in her TV appearance she struck me as a narcissist and her husband was taking the typical beta male role. Jordan Peterson would have a field day. What are New Zealand voters thinking of, putting a person like this into power?
What if she has major post-natal depression? It is a very serious condition. Symptoms can include extreme mood swings and inability to make decisions and think clearly – not exactly ideal for a Prime Minister.
‘What if she has major post-natal depression? ‘
Sound the alarm bells now, the BBC was telling us last week that PRE-natal depression is a thing. I call for cognitive tests and a full and comprehensive prime-ministerial medical and psychological examination – the results to be given to the media to pour over.
It is a perfectly legitimate concern, but thought crime to mention it.
Re the pregnant New Zealand Prime Minister – lunchtime news bbc drone signed off as in ‘Sydney’
These fuckwits don’t even have a basic grasp of geography.
That new zealand prime minister was an advisor to old Tony blair which they will never tell you about. Their is always a reason why they focus on certain people and this lady the beeb love. As for new zealand wtf were they thinking. Expect enrichment aplenty to be hitting them shortly
Does anyone here know what “Jim” Naughtie said in his regular essay on Trump’s America (R4 Today Programme)? I hit the off button the instant I heard his name mentioned.
Actually, I don’t want an answer, for I know exactly the sort of snide, biased, partisan comments that Naughtie will have made.
He did talk to some Trump supporters but it was mostly your standard BBC sneerathon.
I would love for someone from this site to do a tour of broadcasting house and report on what an abject state our national broadcaster is in. Imagine what conversations are had in their ‘news’ offices? It would surely shock and disgust most people.
Hopefully you won’t get a positive answer as so many hit the ‘off’ button whenever he tries to do his Alistair Cook impersonation – not fit to lick his boot – as it were
Wow breaking news!
I’m so glad we have the bBBC to enlighten us about Prince Williams £180 hair cut.
Nicky Campbell: “What’s the difference between a hairdresser and a barber?”
Interviewee: “One cuts women’s hair and one cuts men’s”
Oh and now a bit of Trump bashing, totally irrelevant
Speculating about whether or not he has a comb over and how the hairdresser would sort it out.
Surely there are plenty of people other than the POTUS who they could consider needs their hairstyle improving. It’s just totally unnecessary relentless anti Trump rhetoric and it’s becoming very tiresome.
I think we need a new hate speech definition for insulting someone on the basis of their hairstyle.
[Could site admin please delete my identical post which I mistakenly posted on the Jordan Peterson (you said what?)thread please?]
Toady watch
Not much today as the head girl was on and she grates as much as the work experience asian.
Anyway – interestingly – al Beeb admitted that there is left liberal bias ( didn’t use the word) in general humour attempt out put ( I can’t call it comedy). They had that Steve *unt on- public school oxbridge – son of a bishop – if I recall explaining that lefty audiences like lefty people and on the right some hopeless yank/Canadian who couldn’t come up with anything funny when asked. I’d have said go watch Cathy Newman .
I noted this yesterday when the so called “comedian”, Nish Kumar was on Radio 5 live. They were discussing how the “comedy” had to be left wing because if they tried “far right” wing humour it would offend too many-so implying that the mainstream of the audience are, therefore, left wing.
They were talking about inviting right wing comedians on and couldn’t resist the opportunity to once again bash Trump implying that he was providing enough right wing humour from the White House.
So basically it’s ok to offend people not of the left but not the other way around.
I was tempted to suggest that maybe they ought to experiment with a bit of Islamic humour/satire!
Was he not the one on QT recently and universally accepted as as funny as Alabama Rot in Crufts?
It’s his nasally, whiny, drone on top of his smugness that stops me from listening long enough to be offended. Still long enough to realise he’s nothing more than a pseudo gobshite though.
The Mash Report? Re-hashed report. It’s all been done before, better. Just not half as clever as he thinks he is.
Why do so many of these supposed comedians or whatever they see themselves as have to use so many words to say so little?
Do they really think people will watch his show just because he is ‘diverse’? Obviously the most important thing for a comic is that he is funny, not the colour of his skin.
I go to the Edinburgh Festival every year and Mr Kumar was not very good when I saw him. There are so many brilliant acts who never get to be on national television whilst Nish Kumar has his own show on BBC 2. I wonder why?
the daily mash got put on the tele last night with Nish Kumar
rude, completely unfunny, obvious, un-subtle absolute garbage
turned tele off went to bed
Dystopian, sadly Nish Kumar may be right, that ‘comedy’ had to be left wing. On the fleeting occasions I’ve turned mistakenly to Live from the Apollo, just look at the age group of the audience laughing their heads off at some puerile comedian, being (to my mind) totally unfunny, – not exactly the old school way of telling jokes, but making comments against the entire right wing way of life.
Listening to the Today programme’s coverage of the Inspector’s report on HM Prison Liverpool, I wanted to know when the prison was previously inspected and what did they find. But that was never asked or mentioned. But with minimal effort, I discover that the Prison Inspectors reported last on that prison in 2003 when David Blunkett was Home Secretary (followed by Charles Clarke, John Reid and Jaquie Smith). Interestingly, the 2003 report found remarkably similar conditions – cockroaches, all-pervading dirtiness, broken windows, inmates unable to shower. So the obvious question – which also should have been asked on the Today programme, was – what did the last Labour government do in the face of the 2003 damning report. But ….. silence. Tumbleweed.
Impaired BBC takes yet another pop at President Trump in the closing minutes of the TOADY Programme.
It is starting to become a joke.
Who? Trump?
The BBC.
After the public stop laughing, that is when the BBC and its DG should start to feel very, very nervous.
So R4 doing bit on short sleep and implication is that people of sleep for short periods don’t think very well and will have cognitive decline….and who are they focussing on Trump and Thatcher!
That’s a surprise…
R4″ just a quick comment..someone running the world on 4-5 hours sleep?”…..Expert “not a good idea”… just what they wanted to hear.
They are so bloody transparent. There is no real interest in the subject it’s all just a way to knock anyone they don’t like – Trump currently…
heard them advertise it, but missed the article as i had left for the train station but I knew what was coming
Trump, Thatcher blah blah
glad i missed their nonsense
And so to other pressing issues I go, leaving you with the country’s national broadcaster doing the same…
Interesting. Offence seems all the rage. Recall seeing a similar expression to that on the face of that lady at the start recently too. Being out SJW’d can do that. That little bit at the end offers a hint as to why he passed the bbc audience written test.
BBC reports on Boris’s channel bridge. Unrealistic?
If it makes it easier for migrants who can simply walk from Calais it is worth the money. At least that is how I see it from the perspective of the BBC and their Government
In my view the idea of a Channel bridge is ABSOLUTELY to facilitate illegal immigration into Britain by those in power who wish to replace our populations with pliable foreigners. At present, the only routes are either by sea-going vessels, by air, or by train. All three are run by private companies which do not wish to take non-paying passengers. If, however, a public toll-free road bridge is opened, there will be nobody with any vested interest in preventing migrants from using it.
Heard someone talk of “investment” in our prisons !
Investment ,.!? Not cost ? What’s the return on investment for the taxpayers on this enterprise ?
Question Time last night….
Another appalling leftie audience…. I genuinely believe that Labour and Momentum have rent an audience lined up to appear on this show by what ever means possible..When questioned before they appear in the audience they lie about what political party they support.
Hereford is a safe Conservative seat, do you really think that young,loud and disruptive crowd were impartial, my arse..
The BBC is now so blatantly bias, they dont give a shit when anybody complains, and the reason why is, because nobody does fuck all about it.
The Left hold the whip hand in most of the countries in the West. They control the banks and the media so nothing can change unless the whip is taken away from them. Easier said than done I suspect.
Lefty Wright…
You may be correct, i dont know.
Labour just seems to be more organised and savvie.
I just dont understand why nobody seems to be doing nothing about this appalling bias.
Its now getting to the stage where Mr &Mrs Joe Public may be finding it difficult to make an informed opinion on politics in this country because it is now becoming so one sided in the media.
Ah well, perhaps the worm will turn one day..!!!
There were Soviet show trials less manipulated than Question Time.
It’s all about the art of the deal … {facts4eu}
source order-order.com
Perhaps the British have lost the plot and don’t even know where to start looking for it. Perhaps they have advanced dementia. No way back from that.
Interview each migrant at the camp and work out where they came from, what they want, how they got to Calais, details of their families and who informed them that the xenophobic and racist UK was the best option rather than Germany or France or Saudi Arabia (100,000 tents in Mecca) or China (ghost cities ready to fill).
From the article. Bloody heartbreaking
We recognise the frustration felt by those of our readers who support the Conservative Party, when we have to criticise Mrs May and her government. Once again we will repeat that we adopt a party-neutral stance and only comment on matters relating to Brexit and the EU.
What happened yesterday was directly related to Brexit and the EU, and we must say very simply that Mrs May is an embarrassment to us.
It gives us no pleasure whatsoever to speak of the country’s Prime Minister in these terms, but if anyone can tell us how we can interpret yesterday’s events in any other way, we’re all ears.
The Prime Minister of this country along with her Cabinet, is totally oblivious to the mood of the people, certainly > 17 million of them.
I and no doubt others here, hope the bastard is right –
The BBC love censorship … no fight for the British values in them for freedom of speech and thought … China is the future …. how could the BBC end the article in this manner?
China congress: How authorities censor your thoughts {bbc.co.uk oct2018}
In short: Chinese censorship works, and plenty of other governments around the world are looking on with admiration.
Garry ‘£1.75m BBC Wages Paid Under Threat of Prison’ Lineker …
Gary did not want to let migrants have dental checks.
The silence from our media about this FISA scandal in the US is deafening.
They characterise fake news as untrue stories, but the issue is the media’s refusal to cover things which do not fit their agenda. So we are told about Prince William’s haircut but not a political scandal on a par with Watergate. A haircut is news but Obama’s illegal use of surveillance to undermine democracy is not?
R4 Jon Simpson did a short section on Trump first year and perception of US overseas. All negative and used misinformation (which I checked) to basically sh.t on Trump. A complaint has gone in…
And the Asiz Ansari (who I have never heard of, but seems to have had a bad date and she didn’t like it).. interviewing some snowflakes and one said something along the lines of ‘ you don’t expect it from him.. blah blah….it’s so white misogynistic!!! I’m sorry he isn’t white….do they not get what they are saying is so absurd..
Nobody is believing them anymore. They are like the drunk weirdo dribbling in the corner at a party spouting nonsense: you just ignore him the best you can.