A couple of weeks ago the BBC brought us a tale of rampant sexual harassment in Muslim Egypt where the victims were to blame…for disgracefully laughing in the street or talking too much and enjoying themselves:
Shaimaa Khalil recalls growing up in Egypt and her first experience of sexual harassment aged 11 #metoo.
We know such behaviour is endemic and blatant in Islamic countries….visitors to Saudia Arabia may tell you that even when dressed as a Saudi and fully covered up they fall victim to worse harassment than they have ever had in the UK or other Western countries.
This is the culture we are importing into Europe. The BBC reports it in Egypt but covers it up when it is migrants in Europe doing the harassing. In fact they try to put the blame not on the migrants but on some outside conspiracy…such as the far-Right or ISIS….
Remember Hugh Sykes telling us that Cologne was a Far Right conspiracy?….‘There are conspiracy theories in the air that the New Year’s Eve attackers were encouraged to make sexual approaches to German women, told that it was the normal thing to do on New Year’s Eve. If true, they may have fallen into a well-laid trap.’
Remember the BBC report that said Cologne was an IS conspiracy? …’Some analysts have suggested that IS has encouraged a link between refugees and terrorism in order to foster hostility to refugees in Europe, although it is not known if the latest attack was carried out in co-ordination with the IS leadership in Iraq and Syria.’
The BBC shaping the news to suit its own agenda.
Any more bias list it here…..
And on it goes…
‘Children in poorer countries have higher career aspirations than UK’
Without reading the article, what is the subliminal message from this headline? Actually, this is another example of where the headline from the main webpage (which is ‘Ugandan children more ambitious than UK’) is different from that of the actual article.
We are not able to think or criticise anymore … from the Age of Reason (Thomas Paine, 1794) to the End of Reason (BBC, 2018)….
A UK beauty blogger says she’s delighted to be part of a “game-changing” new campaign for shampoo that features her wearing a headscarf. {bbc.co.uk 19jan2018}
This website should be renamed biased british broadcasters. Sky News has not only taken up the cudgels from the bbc but in my view has eclipsed it for liberal, anti-british, anti-brexit leaning.
Retailers suffer worst December since 2010
December’s result marked the biggest month-on-month fall since June 2016 – the month when the UK was focused on the Brexit vote on 23 June.
Small print
still recorded year-on-year growth of 1.3%
Sky News where bad news is good news
We are only interested in crises,
If it’s not a crisis, we’ll make it one.
I agree, in fact it is sometimes worse than the bBBC, but then it’s not funded by a tax. it is funded by a whacking subscription though..
That whacking sub joined the TVL in this household to fund Prime and Netflix instead, with a tidy sum to deploy elsewhere fruitful.
Same in this house GW, we don’t miss it at all.
Purges do seem ‘in’ these days, especially at one end of the political spectrum.
Hull : Habib who married his wife in Afghanistan aged 16 , has convicted of murdering her and dumping the body.
BBC story link Hull man Habib Noorzai murdered wife in home
Yorkshire Post : There are so many repeats on TV, you might as well send them a photocopy of last years TV licence cheque.
Says McNicholas in pg 13
Few repeats can beat that of Flog It ! tonight’s edition was first shown 9 years ago in 2009 when Paul Martin had just left school. Escape to the Country shows out of date values from 5 years ago. You know its an old version of Bargain Hunt when Tim Wonnacott is hosting – he left 4 years ago, and Homes Under the Hammer still shows editions with just Lucy and Martin before the footballer muscled in and ousted poor Lucy.
My extensive vhs video collection of ‘homes under the hammer’ and ‘white people escaping from vibrant diverse cities ‘ is really growing because these timely repeats.
When we vote to stay in the EU and we have take the Reich euro the programmes might age a bit…
Link to that Neil McNicholas article
Standby for BBC banging on re Macron tweeting about the £4.99 dinner pub instead of the £30 one Theresa May took him to.
…no that’s only done for Trump
It’s about time some enterprise advertised for intelligent, white, heterosexual, and sound of body and mind applicants for vacancies.
The shit would hit all manner of fans, and we’d never hear the last of it. A whole squad of common-purpose police would be engaged in the investigation, and no stone would remain unturned until those despicable people responsible for the advertisement were found, tried, and confined to prison indefinitely for daring to apply some reasonable selectivity in their quest of finding a suitable person to hold the advertised post(s).
Of course, none of that would apply to the BBC, who appear to be exempt from the laws which WE are expected to follow, on pain of prosecution.
No whites.
No dogs.
No English.
Cruelty : Afghan interpreter falls outside the line of qualifying to get UK residence.
..My guess is his payments would enable him to live in Indonesia/ Nepal or India quite easily
The video wasn’t censored, rather that guys account was closed due to “multiple copyright infringement”
Raheem vs Reverend Giles Fraser* immigration vid is easily found on ON YOUTUBE link
* I can’t believe such a radical lefty and Guardian columnist is a BBC favourite /sarc
R4 now doing gender pay gap again.
About 10% difference on hourly median wage.
Claim that even accounting for men being more likely to be in managent, 70% not explained
Now they’re doing BBC pay gap.
… Doh they shouldn’t be comparing at gender level, since we are all individuals it should be done at that level.
If two similar individuals are paid way different that’s a problem..
surely other broadcasters have been making offers for all this cheap underpaid talent now they know how badly paid they are, the poor dears phones must be ringing off the hook day and night
and im guessing Jordan Peterson wasnt available to comment for the program
How the bBC see’s racism everywhere it Looks:
The bBC hints along the lines that she was replaced due to her skin colour, and thus stopping the first black crew member of ISS. Err actually there have been quite a few black visitors to ISS such as Leland D. Melvin who has visited twice. In fact the woman who has been the most is Sunita Williams who is half Indian. There’s been lots of non white people have a butchers:
List of International Space Station expeditions
In fact out of the current crew:
Joseph M. Acaba is Porto Rican,
Paolo Nespoli is Italian,
Sergey Ryazansky is Russian,
Norishige Kanai is Japanese,
Scott D. Tingle is American
Anton Shkaplerov is Russian.
The bBC finding racism where it simply doesn’t exist.
Laura Kuensberg displaying her usual impartiality:
Laura Kuenssberg
After the Grayling mystery, reshuffle glitch number 2 – Maria Caulfield new tory vice chair opposed decriminalising abortion – BPAS response https://twitter.com/bpas1968/status/950362166732972033 …
3:31 PM – Jan 8, 2018
Stop swooning over Justin Trudeau. The man is a disaster for the planet – Bill McKibben (Guardian 17apr2017)
That is to say, Canada, which represents one half of 1% of the planet’s population, is claiming the right to sell the oil that will use up a third of the earth’s remaining carbon budget. Trump is a creep and a danger and unpleasant to look at, but at least he’s not a stunning hypocrite.
Anybody else noticed how so many European leaders have been allowed a spot on the bBC in which to say that the UK was wrong to vote to leave of late. Its as if they are shit scared of having to finally pay their way, instead of laughing at how the UK has done that for them for so long. But not to worry with May in charge she is seeing that the cunts in Europe are still stuck to the British teat:
so I ask again why doesnt france want all these engineers and doctors
it would appear to be much more profitable to have britain pay to take them as opposed to the cost of deporting them
I wonder why the bBC isn’t reporting this shooting of 2 black innocents
There have been some comments on these pages recently about the left-wing bias of BBBC comedy.
On the face of it – at least on this subject, the BBBC seem to have a defence – I honestly believe that it is true that there are probably more left-leaning comedians that right-leaning. This principal has probably held true since the days of the court jester. Comedians always have been – and probably should be a challenge and alternative view to those in authority.
One problem is that paradigm has got distorted in recent years. In Britain we have a left-of-centre government, a left-of-centre state broadcaster, and an education system completely dominated by the left too. So the left IS the establishment. Most comedians don’t’ seem to have realised this, and it may very well be why so many of them are no longer funny – they are merely reinforcing ideological dogmas held sacred by the authorities, not satirising them.
However, the role of the BBBC is not as innocent as they suggest. This was brought home to me recently by going to a night at London’s Comedy Club and also attending a gig by Ellie Taylor. Given my exposure to BBC ‘comedy’ (which I have now completely given up) I was aqctually palpably nervous that I might have a meltdown and need to be dragged, frothing at the mouth from the auditorium. What a surprise I was in for.
While I would say that none of those on stage came over with a worldview somewhere close to Nigel Farage, what was hugely striking was the political balance in their comedy. Trump and UKIP got a couple of mentions on-stage in town – but so did Corbyn and Clegg. I think Ellie Taylor made one Trump joke, but in a way this isn’t the point. The point is that 98% of their humour was observational not political.
And this is where the BBBC bias comes in. Just as we have all learnt to recognise their most sinister of bias comes from omission, so their context for humour is the perfect excuse for bias. They make sure the context is news-related. Whether the News Quiz, The Now Show or even HIGNIFY, the humour on all of these is around 75% politically orientated. (And of course, with a 70% share of news coverage, we know that the news itself is 75% politically orientated.) The BBBC don’t provide a context for e.g. ‘Stand-up’, or observational comedy, they just provide a platform for people they know will try to humiliate those they hate – and stand by shaking their heads and saying – “well, I’m sorry – most comedians are left wing”.
Who are those right-leaning comedians? 🙁
Jim Davidson ?
This may all be true but the fact is that whenever a non-conforming comedian rears his or her head every attempt is made to drive them out of the business. Partly this is done by the BBC, which simply refuses to employ them, partly it is done by the nasty cabal of ‘established’ comics who can raise a Twitter storm in minutes.
Lee Hurst is just one who has fallen victim to this ruthless Marxist orthodoxy.
Al Beeb ‘don’t do’ comedy.
even steve punt said as much this morning on radio 4
comedians used to punch up at the establishment
now they punch down for the establishment
i was really quite shocked by his honesty
Is it me or was the presenter on Radio 4 PM wetting themselves with delight at the thought of a bridge across the channel?
I would have thought any rational person would be screaming Nooooo!
True, but is a Radio 4 presenter a ‘rational person’?
I had to look at the date, I thought it was an April Fool joke !
This isn’t what the BBC want to hear
News organisations in the states starting to admit defeat and accept that Donald trump may be around for some time to come.
12 times Trump’s White House has insulted Britain.
So we’ve been insulted by a house? A white one!
Mmm I wonder how many times the BRITISH broadcasting corporation have insulted Trump?
12 Times Donald Trump’s White House Insulted Britain In His First Year As President – HuffPost UK
Has anybody got any idea what the ratio of women and
men is on news programmes on the BBC? On tonight’s main
news and the Londonistan news programme which followed
I reckoned it to be 75-80% women presenters and reporters. As for
indigenous London men on the programme for the ethnic
community in London if it reaches 20%, that’s going something.
The most “interesting ” part of the Londonistan programme was
the item on a primary school in East London where I reckon 90-100% of
the kids are Muslim ,the head teacher had the affront to want
to make a rule where the girls between 6 and 10 should not
wear the hijab. She had to be kidding!!
Do their parents really want to give the kids the chance to
maybe become open minded ? The head will probably be
informed sooner than later that all female teachers at the
school will have to wear the hijab whatever their religion!
Ratio of Remainer to Brexiteer presenters
Ratio of lib-establishment to non-libs ?
* BBC where Diversity= Conformity *
To be honest on local regions, cos the men stick around they are leading the shows : Peter Levy on Look North, Fred Dinenage on Anglia .(yes I thought he was dead)
Tho most shows have the Boy and Girl presenters
ARD, the German equivalent of the Beeb, and just as sickeningly PC, was heavily criticized by viewers after showing a biased interview with new Austrian chancellor, Kurz. The lady who conducted the interview also brought Green bigwig, Trittin, into the interview, which irritated viewers even more. One is able to comment on the ARD website, and rate programmes (a big advance on the Beeb) and boy, did ARD ever get a thumbs-down. It won’t matter, of course, as the self-righteous PC brigade know better than the ordinary ‘uneducated’ people.
On Sunday the socialist SPD will decide whether it wants to go into another ‘grand coalition’ (GroKo) with Merkel’s CDU. Read whichever online paper you want, people are sick of Merkel and dislike SPD boss, Schulz. But he, having insisted his party wouldn’t do another GroKo, has changed his mind. It is now focused on being Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister, with big salary, big car, fame etc. Suddenly little Schulz, who wants MORE Europe and no limit to immigration, looks as power hungry as the master of the black arts and magician extraodinaire herself.
Readers comments across the board: Merkel must go. All surveys (six figure responses): Merkel must go. But she makes an elephant appear thin-skinned, so -no go; she wants 4 more years. And, of course, she will have the full support of the ARD.
And you thought we had it bad with May and the beeb! Then again, if M&S get in with their Groko, to keep Macron company, we are going to be in the proverbial big-time. I would have said only a Nigel would keep us alive, but since he chose to smile on a second referendum, even that looks pointless.
Dystopian: you misinterpret the BBC on Trump: bashing him is their calling. Their profession. The very air that they breathe. Every bash shows how wonderful they are. How clean. How good. How educated. How superior. Light years clear of the racists who voted for him (if they voted for him they must surely be racist, by definition).
Insulting Trump is not what they do. It is what they ARE. (Like they insult certain ‘uneducated’ Brits on a regular basis; they enjoy sneering). They could no more objectively comment on Trump than a camel could hoof through the eye of a needle. Wanna bet?
Tower Hamlets ban Trump
..Heavily accented Councillor Ahmed is speaking on RT now
.. So illegal economic queue jumpers welcome
but democratically elected foreign leader not ?
… What will the backfire be ?
I won’t be shopping in Tower Hamlets, but will US businesses be ?
Can I be the first to congratulate Loobyloo on being the first at the top of the bill for this site and thread?
A few days ago you say? Well, I was there when Brissels won and it changed her life I`m sure.
Like the BBC, I refuse to leave my cycle of news-now is NOT the time to hold an enquiry into whether certain key people always get to be top of the bill. But I like to give off the whiff of corruption that i`m imagining, and I look forward to all Twitchfork Twatterati clcking this bait crap, and hopefully getting an enquiry under Judges Dredd, Jules and Nutmeg to see if there has indeed been any Russian or Zargian influence on who wins these ballots.
Didn`t Loobyloo have some insider thing with Little Weed and Andy Pander?…drugs and Andrew Marr-all makes sense now!
Me_I`m just a strimmer, had an oil change from when I used to be a lawnmower…
Which reminds me.
I opened the wrong envelope and declare now that Brissels-yes Brissels actually won the race to head this thread.
Chris – I was pipped to the post by looby so I’m staying up all through Friday night so I can be for the weekend open postings- and welcome to a certain someone who posts bitter cut pastes at 0200
On more substantial matters – I am trying to work out who the current government represents . It seems to be multi cuturals- and now the French . They are carefully preparing for a labour government .
Reckon I just might join you Fedup2.
Imagine many others here might just stay up tonight-would love to know who among us might tip us off should the miles on the clock flick over from that 99,999 to 100,000 tonight.
Good excuse to get a few beers close to hand, am sure the family will be glad to know I`m out of mischief.
A “Stop Brissels” Campaign is now an option-sorry, my former heroine,-I`m bloody fickle as an old snowflake, I`m sorry to say.
But easliy bribed, so await any offers!
Al Beeb reporting that some bloke who drove cars fast got killed in a helicopter crash in the States – also on board was a prominent Rhodesian opposition leader – who also died. Politicians dying in helicopter crashes – no alarm bells ringing for al Beeb.
Do you weirdos really think the lib-establishment media has a #agenda ?
Have had a good week, barely noticing anything said in the heritage media. Why bother? But glad that others here still do.
I continue to look at the Fake News Awards of Mr Trump earlier in the week, That is the only story needed for a few weeks, given just how incandescent and revealing they`ve been.
Who knew that you could be an “Old New Journalist”
Who knew that a report would no longer be differentiated from a prediction? You can slag Trump off if you think he`ll make things worse-this is not fake news but licensed speculative predictions-so inadmissable as far as MSM are concerned. And who knew that a journalist can call himself a mere writer if that means he can lie in print and not get consequences? Thanks to Trumps Awards-I know all this now, and Lord alone how much else the bendybus of media handbrake turns, joyriding and trailed lies are to be revealed.
Personally, its probably better for us to look at the roots of the BBCs serial lies and attack them at source.
Time to stop chasing trivia and look at where all their lies and deceits stem from. I`m a Trumpeteer, makes things so much easier.
Unusual for c4 to have any other comedy than “father ted “. I wonder what they’ll say Obama inspired the rest of the world to do? . He did make lovely speeches though.
By sheer coincidence, the BBC appears to have commissioned one Richard Hall to pass judgement on the last year, representing 350M Americans in much the same way the BBC speaks for all 70M here.
Stew: Now there’s a President! Great man, great. Just been listening to R4 news. Congresswoman Lundgrin (DEM) said that US financial problems (to run government) are the fault of the EXTREMISTS. And Trump, goes without saying. Wondered who these extremists are? (other than Trump). Not Democrats, presumably. Nope, all angels. To a man. (Is one still allowed to use that term ‘man’?) And we know the Prez in your picture is doing his best to undermine Trump. So he’s not an extremist. (Seditious maybe, a lawbreaker perhaps, possibly not even qualified by birth, but not an extremist.) Always grateful for the many Democratic congresspersons R4 regularly digs up to educate us, the uneducated folk. Great man, great.
The latest idea is that Obama pretended sometimes to be born in Kenya for self promotion.
He’s never explained why his first book actually said on the cover that he was born in Kenya (see Snopes)
Had a good look at the New European today.
Piles of them lying in the sidebin at Waitrose, no one buying. Norwich seems to have the printing and registration rights, no one advertising in it. Yet clearly oodles of money to howl at its concrete moon.
Having spent half an hour looking through it,am blabbing on endless sites about what they fear and hate. As good an indicator re how to screw them as I know.
An odious, unlovely and nasty little rag…but as long as it calls Alibiah Brown a journalist, and Hardeep SinghKohli as a cook-then we need not do any other but recall what THEY`VE been saying and doing these past few years.
Harvey Weinstein in a turban. Don`t tell Campbell though and his merry band of vinegar toffs.
Noted one thing about the New European. Surprisingly low on news regarding Europe.
1. Prison Officers fighting police on the streets in France.
2. Catalonian mass protests in Spain, on a nightly basis
3. Paris Metro trains refusing to stop in their own stations where the druggies and migrants put their very lives in danger as well as those of the poor passengers.
4. Austria telling the Germans to scoot in regard of any migrant sharing quotas, etc.
There`ll be loads of others, but these seem to be enough to be getting on with. But not a peep from the New European-any ideas why?
Meanwhile-Macron is a world statesman, Merkel is leading a stable coalition and is strong at home.
Has Campbell had more than 19 nervous breakdowns yet?…
ITV news at ten
“But despite Trump’s woes support for him in his heartland hasn’t waived (raises eyebrows)”
..Well at least this lib-establishment media did get around to airing some Trump supporters , instead of the normal Trump haters
Oh suddenly I’m blocked on Twitter by BBC Look North
Wonder why ?
Ah yes last week they had a promo piece about Electric cars
..some PR company that sometimes promotes green politics tweeted underneath Look North’s post
..and I dared to POLITELY point out that everyone else pays for the subsidies. … thread
He sneered back I rebutted twice
… I bet he didn’t get blocked
LookNorth’s enviro correspondent 3 months ago after I pointed out some negatives with eco-homes – after he had promoted them without mentioning the massive price.
The BBC:
holding power to accstirring shit up around the world just because they can.Comments suggest a few have noticed.
Did I hear a rumour that the thread here was about to change?
Mateus rose in hand, nibbles on the go.
As for BBC bias?
Don`t mean to go all Deirdre Spart on everyone, but I`m currently reading lots on cases in our history when we didn`t just moan and shrug our shoulders-but we DID things.
1. Home Rule and the tactics of Charles Stuart Parnell.
2. Votes For Women and the tactics of the the Pankhurst girls(especially, my heroine Christabel).
We have FAR easier battles than either of these-no force feeding, no tortures or tarring and featherings.
Just Nick Clegg and rodents like Emily Thornberry.
Let`s turn those tellies off and learn how bigger things that Brexit and Trumps visit, abolition of the BBC and the gelding of the left were achieved in the face of REAL oppostion and terrors of the establishment.
And my predecessors did all things like this in whalebones and hideously pinching boots. And no Mateus rose either.
Just because the Left no longer know their history on how to effect a true rebellion to last for ever doesn`t mean that WE can`t use their tactics to endure a nasty hard Brexit and a triumphant visit of Trump and family to the Stadium of Light or Southend Pier.
You may say I`m a dreamer….
Quite a big thought I think
: It’s lib-establishment .. vs ..the real world
not actually the Left vs Right thing we often talk about
The BBC/ITV/Sky practically all of them are lib-establishment
@seismicboy said at the top of this page
“This website should be renamed biased british broadcasters.”
Our common thread here is that we are opposed to lib-establishment lording it over the 80% who are non-libs
I came up with this idea as thinking about comedy
They say ah righty comedy isn’t funny only lefty is
No hang on old comedy wasn’t pure lefty
..it challenged the establishment AND its audience
now comedy is lib-establishment
Inspiring this, StewGreen.
Thank you.
I`m guessing that the lib-establishmnent is simply a confused mass of hacks who wanted to be comedians, writers who wanted to be politicans and quango chiefs and academics who wanted to be celebrities. And they`ve all got mixed up in the dressing up box, and confused “All the Presidents Men” with some Star Wars stuff. Don`t really know, but obviously a bendable truth fuses with a missionary zeal over endlessly shapeshitting shadow puppetry. And all on drugs, all with degrees that blend into each others domains.
None of them will fight a war, cure a patient or face a real criminal or Islamist-but since their script researchers highlight the issues that need the megaphone (and make-up will paint on the grimaces,mud and scars);well, it`s reality to all of them in their bubbles, their spacesuits.
We`re paying anyway, so who`s counting?
The rest of us live out here, down there. And after Brexit and Mr Trumps election, we despise them as they do us.
We`re paying for them. Not only our taxes and tuition. But also in blood and fundings that result from their words and come-ons to the criminals and terorists, migrants and moochers on the NHS.
An example of old comedy from Not The Nne O’clock news
It actually takes the P out of kids who’s been prograamed to say “Tories” in response to issues
and it mocks teacher/social worker types and wooly idealistic thinking
Remember the Talking Gorilla sketch that was actually taking the P out of the professor .
Never mind that it took the P out of JSP’s buck-teeth appearance.
Wow-local paper with a good article!
Reckon Trump might go to Headingly first now if he knows Yourkshire is so nice to him.
Yes it was a strange page today
pg 12 Shock : Y Post has a pro fracking logical letter.
It’s from Third Energy boss.
Next page pg 13 has Pro Trump column from Bill Carmichael
And column from Countryside Alliance complaining about Bradford Council banning grouse hunting from Ilkley Moor even though over last 10 years the hunters have helped restore the moor doubling the amount of heather..
And the column complaining about TV repeats from Neil McNicholas , that I mentioned above.
Al Beeb do not like this, it does not like this meeting at all.
“Theresa May to meet Donald Trump in Davos”