Voice-over by Sky’s Julie Etchingham but policy confirmed by Tory MP Ben Bradley.…
A Conservative MP has apologised for a 2012 blog post in which he suggested benefit claimants should have vasectomies.
In the post Ben Bradley, made Tory vice-chairman for youth in last week’s reshuffle, hit out at what he called a “vast sea of unemployed wasters”.
Did think it was in a way actual Tory policy as they cut benefits for families with more than two children thus encouraging birth control with financial incentives.
Poor people are being told to stop having children. It’s an outrage!
Within minutes of the Chancellor George Osborne announcing in his Summer Budget that those starting a family after April 2017 will only be entitled to child tax credits for their first two children, there was uproar.
The BBC et al of course are up in arms, shocked at Bradley’s suggestion couched as it was in rather harsh language, but is it any different to what is the generally accepted notion that if you want children you should be able to afford to bring them up?
Jeremy Hunt made similar remarks in 2010:
A Cabinet minister has provoked a storm by suggesting that the workshy should stop having children if they cannot afford them.
Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt called on the jobless to take responsibility for their families.
He said it was not the duty of the state to fund an increasing number of offspring with benefits.
Of course Toby Young was similarly hung out to dry for merely attending, briefly, a conference about intelligence which had some speakers who voiced ideas that appeared to support eugenics. Young was actually researching for a speech he had been asked to make at a well established and respected organisation about intelligence later in the year, he was not visiting this conference due to personal interest. That didn’t stop the usual lynch mob from attacking him.
Curiously the BBC doesn’t hold everyone to the same standard….such as the beloved Hillary Clinton who has fully endorsed a woman who actually practised eugenics on Blacks in the US.
Sec. Clinton Stands By Her Praise of Eugenicist Margaret Sanger
‘Now, I have to tell you that it was a great privilege when I was told that I would receive this award. I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision … And when I think about what she did all those years ago in Brooklyn, taking on archetypes, taking on attitudes and accusations flowing from all directions, I am really in awe of her.’
Mrs. Sanger, of course, wasn’t the benevolent advocate for human rights that Clinton’s remarks make her out to be. In fact, Sanger’s “vision” for birth control seems to be united to a eugenic vision. In the October 1921 issue of The Birth Control Review, Sanger wrote that “the campaign for Birth Control is not merely of eugenic value, but is practically identical in ideal with the final aim of Eugenics.” Sanger laid out the “principles and aims” of the American Birth Control League in an appendix to her 1922 work, The Pivot of Civilization. Two and a half pages are devoted to the principles of the American Birth Control league, which begins:
The complex problems now confronting America as the result of the practice of reckless procreation are fast threatening to grow beyond human control. Everywhere we see poverty and large families going hand in hand. Those least fit to carry on the race are increasing most rapidly. People who cannot support their own offspring are encouraged by Church and State to produce large families. Many of the children thus begotten are diseased or feeble minded. Many become criminals. The burden of supporting these unwanted types has to be borne by the healthy elements of the nation. Funds that should be used to raise the standard of our civilization are diverted to the maintenance of those who should never have been born.
Maybe this from Sanger might have alerted Clinton that Sangar had views that are frowned upon today:
It is said that the aboriginal Australian, the lowest known species of the human family, just a step higher than the chimpanzee in brain development, has so little sexual control that police authority alone prevents him from obtaining sexual satisfaction on the streets. According to one writer, the rapist has just enough brain development to raise him above the animal, but like the animal, when in heat knows no law except nature which impels him to procreate whatever the result. Every normal man and Woman has the power to control and direct his sexual impulse. Men and women who have it in control and constantly use their brain cells in thinking deeply, are never sensual.
Still, Clinton is untouchable at BBC Towers whilst anyone on the Right is demonised and written off as a Nazi.
There are no enemies on the left.
For the BBC hive mind, Hillary Clinton is a left wing progressive, and therefore is a good person to be supported at all times. Every conservative is a morally evil person who cares only for himself, does not believe in society and would turn the poor into pet food.
This is how they think, and you will never reform them.
Progressivism is in it’s death throes. The recent hysterical reaction to Trump & Brexit is it’s move to inflict as much damage as they can on civil society, before it’s PC culture finally goes belly-up. Unlimited immigration is the nuclear option for them.
The Left always fails, because the only reality they connect with is their narcissism, but the destruction they cause destroys societies.
I’m really glad the concept of people limiting the number of offspring being paid for by you and me – the taxpayer -,is being discussed .
It’s apparently a distasteful subject – not to fedup. The concept of parents being responsible for their children has been out of fashion since the late 60s- responsibility lies with the state ( and blame when things go wrong) . I don’t agree with that
The last thing the Left want to do is to raise the living standards of the poor. They want to keep people dependent and powerless. That is Socialism in a nutshell.
Well you can’t have a Class War without an underclass of Class War Warriors for you to convince to fight it for you, can you!
“Forward Brothers to the Revolution” doesn’t have a great deal of success when the peasants have full bellies, warm homes and clothing and are happy with their lives.
The last thing the Left want to do is to raise the living standards of the poor. They want to keep people dependent and powerless. That is Socialism in a nutshell.
Outrage bus : Ben Bradley said somethinasty about 2011 rioters !”
For Tories you need to wade through six years of social media to find something to fuel the outrage bus, but that his own voters like
– For Labour you’d just have go bag 5 minutes to find something outrageous that also today’s Momentum thugs support.