This retweet from Sopel pretty much sums up his and the BBC’s world view….as usual Sopel picks one that is about him….most of his tweets seem to be about him and his love affair with The Donald….
Have read three amazing books so far this year. How to Stop Brexit @nick_clegg (insightful and hopeful), If only they didn’t speak English @BBCJonSopel (insightful and funny) and Collusion @lukeharding1968 (insightful and terrifying). Recommend all three.
— Boris (@borispomroy) January 17, 2018
Sopel must be pretty gutted that Trump hardly knows who Sopel is, Sopel not making it to the Trump Fake News Awards.
Interesting that Sopel retweets that ‘Boris” tweet…who is Boris? A deeply involved Labour Party man, or one who was a member of the Brentford & Isleworth CLP….until now, when he has resigned due to Corbyn. I have no idea why Sopel follows ‘Boris’, what their relationship is, but why does Sopel have no interest in his buddy quitting Labour #duetoCorbyn? Not even a tweet from Sopel. Guess only some tweets are of interest…those that support the Sopel/BBC world view and not those that show Corbyn in a bad light.
Today, after much thought and with great sadness I tendered my resignation of the Labour Party.
An increasingly disenfranchised and distrustful population is crying out for change. Craving a party and a leader with a positive vision for the future.
The sad reality is Labour and Jeremy Corbyn are unable and unwilling to provide this vision.
What we did get this morning on the Today show was Sopel blaming Trump for the disdain that the public hold the media in….and yet at least 54% of Democrats distrust the Media…so how is that Trump’s fault? The reality is of course it has always been thus…journalists have always been thought of as dishonest scum…and often rightly so…and is Trump not right that the Media is now the enemy of the American people? 90% of the Media is against Trump and actively works to oppose him and has done so since his nomination to run if not before and will say and do anything to unseat him…to effect a coup d’etat. The fabrication of stories about collusion with the Russians, collaboration with the intelligence services to attack Trump, the invention of faked-up dodgy dossiers, the very partisan reporting aimed at bringing down a President…..just why should the media be trusted? And worst of all the BBC has been complicit in all of this.
Sopel admitted this morning that the Media has set itself up as the opposition, the enemy, but he blames Trump calling out their fake news for driving them to this stance….which kind of gets the cart before the horse….it was their fake news that led Trump to call them out…and they just don’t like that. They want a President who does what they tell him to do and who is afraid of them and their power…..Trump just doesn’t care…and they hate that.
The BBC has not stood apart from the fray but joined in with relish as seen when Sopel himself backchatted with Trump rather than restrict himself to doing his job, instead grandstanding with some cleverdick comments.
The BBC spent the election running Trump down, calling him a racist, a sexist, an Islamophobe, a madman, a liar, a Russian stooge and a white supremacist…..and have continued with those slurs after his election. All of it their own subjective intepretation of events or complete lies based upon no evidence whatsoever.
Any wonder Trump has so much disdain for the Media? Look today and the BBC, and Sopel, are telling us that a Republican senator, Jeff Flake, is calling Trump ‘Stalinesque’ for saying the Media is the enemy of the people….the BBC not telling us Flake is a long time, vocal opponent of Trump and that the only people listening to his outburst were two Democrats. If anything is Stalinist it is the reaction of Trump’s opponents who invent grand conspiracies and hold show trials…and of course use the classic Stalinist technique of labelling his opponents psychologically unfit…and then locking them up in the Gulags.
Sopel thinks it important to note Flake [well named] is a Republican….
Worth adding the person making this charge is a Republican Senator….
— Jon Sopel (@BBCJonSopel) January 17, 2018
Not so eager to admit that Flake is the enemy of Trump as are quite a few Republicans like McCain and Ryan who worked hard to oppose his nomination. Not ‘worth adding’?
More BBC fake news about fake news intended to discredit Trump and make themselves the arbiters of what is true and what is not.
Well said. Several anti-Trump articles today on the BBC website, but I am still not seeing any coverage of the Fake News Awards.
If Sopel thinks Trump is a republican in any accepted sense of the term then he has just revealed his complete ignorance of the current state of politics in the USA. Trump ran under Republican colours but he has nothing whatsoever in common with many (most?) of that party’s leading figures. They are ‘the swamp’ too.
Oh the shock, to hear that Senators Flake (!) and McCain are against President Trump. They always were, and they always will be. The fact that they have an “R” after their names means nothing.
In using this item to make his point, and giving the impression the Republican Party is turning on President Trump, Sloppy Sopel is actually guilty of peddling fake news. The irony!
I think there’s a cell being prepared in Guantanamo bay for Mr McCain. Mr flake, I haven’t heard anything about him, he seems to be a nobody.
I wonder why the Beeb are not referring to Mc Cain as ‘pale, male and stale’ ? He more than qualifies for the Beeb’s favourite insult. Norman Smith, Paddy O’Conell i.a. love this term, but it doesn’t seem to have reached Sopel yet. At least not for Mc Cain and Flakey.
We always know what to expect from Sopel. Even repackaged old news from CNN and the Washington Post. Stale, you might say.
Pale male and stale is an insult the BBC would love to use, however like much of the left there is a hierarchy.. a sort of pecking order in that it is more important to attack the POTUS,. however if Mc Cain were say standing against a female candidate he would be P S and male.
Likewise over here feminism rules, except when it comes ta clash with Islam, then Islam rules.
I just love the consistency of the left.
The exception to feminist rules is when someone like Jack Dromey wants to become an MP.
As Katty may say…
Or, more likely, not
Couldn’t believe that so I had to check it for myself. The Google search result is accurate. Bing returns search results similar to Duck Duck Go. Google is clearly corrupt.
It was so glorious that news conference where Trump called on Sopel.
Trump: BBC – that’s another beauty.
Sopel: Free, fair and impartial.
Trump: Yeah, right. You’re worse than CNN.
I read Sir Nick Clegg’s book and recommend it to every Leaver because
1; it shows how the Remoaners are planning to scupper Brexit
2; it’s laughable .
Nick Clegg, washed up Liberal.
Jon Sopel, biased BBC leftist.
Luke Harding, leftist Guardian hack.
Yeah, a great reading list.