Quite extraordinary.
You might think that Apple repatriating its huge overseas profits back to the USA and paying $38 billion in taxes, investing $350 billion over the next 5 years, employing an extra 20,000 and stating that Trump’s tax measures would increase employment and speed up the economy would make it onto the BBC news somewhere. But no, the website is Apple free….oh hold on….there’s a new story about Apple buses being attacked by people angry at the gentrification of Silicon Valley…..damn Trump voting knuckle-dragging Rednecks!!!!
The BBC only prints negative stories about Trump it would seem…such as this latest effort….
Trump sows confusion as Republicans scramble to avert shutdown
President Donald Trump has appeared to undercut his party’s attempts to reach a budget deal with Democrats, on the eve of a possible government shutdown.
In a tweet, the Republican president criticised a sweetener added to the spending bill by congressional leaders to win Democratic lawmakers’ votes.
Another conservative lawmaker vented his frustration with Mr Trump.
“We don’t have a reliable partner at the White House to negotiate with,” said Senator Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina, according to the Washington Post.
Hmmmm…..good old Rep. Senator Graham…who works hand in hand with the Dubious Democrat Durbin…and oh look…the Flake….funny how Breitbart can give a much more rounded picture of events than the BBC…a totally different perspective on events…..
Pro-amnesty GOP Senators are working hand-in-glove with Democrats to block a government budget until President Donald Trump agrees to break his campaign promise and his presidency by amnestying millions of wage-lowering illegal immigrants.
The hostage-taking is being fronted by a group of GOP legislators, led by Sen. Jeff Flake and Sen. Lindsey Graham, who announced Wednesday they would not allow 2018 funding for the Pentagon until Trump approves an amnesty.
And note….how familiar in the UK…..mass immigration is good for whom exactly….the workers or the fat cat bosses who support Remain?…..exactly the same problem in the US….
Because of the successful cheap-labor strategy, wages for men have remained flat since 1973, and a large percentage of the nation’s annual income has shifted to investors and away from employees.
Al Beeb is praying for the great correction – the stock market heading south so they can really get into gear on the President . They must also be praying for a war as president trump inst eating money and American boys on stupid wars with no win. Much better to use drones and non conventional methods.
American pay packets start seeing the changes soon which will also have an effect soon.
Apologies for the spelling . I was saying that America isn’t fighting an unwinnabe foreign war to salve liberal minds but costing the blood of patriotic American kids .
Fiat Chrysler CEO: Moving Ram Production to Mexico Was a Mistake
I believe more and more American companies are going relocate back to the USA.
Lets hope that we do something similar to get British companies to do move back to the UK.
Besides defeating ISIS, what are Trump’s wins this year?
Tax cuts: Congress has passed a tax overhaul, but just the anticipation of tax reform, which will cut the corporate rate to 21%, has excited business owners and fueled stock market records.
Economic growth: The gross domestic product has grown by more than 3% for two quarters in a row.
Consumer confidence: In October, consumer confidence rose to the highest level in 17 years, according to the New York-based Conference Board.
Deregulation: Trump has cut 67 Obama-era regulations and added only three new rules. The rollback on regulations has spurred business confidence, economic activity and stock market growth. Trump said the actions have saved $8.1 billion in lifetime net regulatory costs.
Stock market: The Dow has set record highs 70 times this year, rising 5,000 points in a year for the first time in history.
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POLICING THE USA: A look at race, justice, media
Judicial appointments: Trump has staffed the judiciary with constitutionalists such as Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch.
Unemployment: Granted, Trump inherited low unemployment numbers from President Obama, but the number of people collecting unemployment benefits has continued to fall to a near 44-year low.
Trade: Trump worked out a trade deal with China, Vietnam and South Korea.
Israel: The United States’ relationship with Israel has been much improved since the last administration.
Immigration: In August, illegal border crossing apprehensions were down 41% on the Southern border compared with August 2016.
U.S. energy: The Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines are under construction. Jobs to be created: 42,000.
Wasn’t Trump’s pledge on illegal working migrants that they had to return home and apply to return, via the legal immigration process? An amnesty would continue to encourage the illegal route.
I think the most telling part about California democrats is that they relentlessly go on about how the US should have nationalised healthcare like Europe yet there was a bill to introduce Single Payer Healthcare (the government picks up the tab) in California at the tail end of last year. By mistake is actually got to the floor and (realising that it would either bankrupt the state or rely on career-destroying tax rises) they had to vote it down. Most legislators made excuses about the implementation or the failure of certain aspects of the bill saying they’d vote no while supporting it in principle.
If you want to learn about ‘saying one thing and doing the other’ or just ‘general duplicity in leftist US politics’ then there’s you story to learn from.
To be fair to the beeb on this one, it is reported: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-42723367
(Their own search function doesn’t return results by date, so sometimes you need to scroll down to find stuff. Or just use Google or another non-evil search engine).
It is indeed quite extraordinary what the BBC fails to report in the interest of unbiased public service broadcasting. It is possible that it did report the 8% capital amnesty that is behind Apple’s enormous repatriation that is leading to a direct injection into the US public finances of billions of dollars. But if you blinked, you might have missed it. And many more companies are planning to follow, not that you would know if your sole source of information was poll tax-funded journalists.
There just is not space on the airways to report all this stuff since we are still on the “RUSSIANS wot won it” Trump election agenda. It may well be that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians to rig the Presidential election. It would be nice if there was any proof to back it up, but let’s not allow such a small matter to get in the way of a good story. After all, what other stories can be gathered if one spends a great deal of time sleuthing at Georgetown dinner parties? – a suggestion recently made in the Sunday Times about North American editor Jon “there’s another beauty” Sopel.
For another inexplicable and extraordinary reason, the BBC has given little coverage to the suggestion, widely reported in the US, that the Clinton campaign and the Democrats provided up to $12m to fund the Fushion GPS dossier. Written by ex British spook, Christopher Steele, this is said to have alleged that candidate Trump was photographed with Russian prostitutes doing all manner of unusual things, not suitable for reporting in a family website. Well all the unpleasant things got a wide airing of course – nicely timed, just before the election – but who paid for the dossier? – not of interest suggests the BBC by its actions and “mere opposition research” according to Democratic Party apologists.
Some might argue that blaming the Russian for Trump’s victory was entirely the imagination of Hillary Clinton, dreamt up to explain her terrible loss. But then, to coin a phrase, it is all “quite extraordinary”.