Remainders losing it again…James O’Brien of course leading the charge…he clearly can’t let a day go by without a good dose of moral indignation to ease the flow of bile. Today’s moral reprobates? The Sun for their satirical take on the Bayeux Tapestry. Jobby froths…
Giving his verdict on LBC, James said: “Just for pause, because everyone likes a giggle, how do you think we would cover a French or a German newspaper depicting Theresa May, Philip Hammond, David Davis, Liam Fox and Boris Johnson as having had their heads chopped off?
“That’s all, I’m not asking whether it’s right or wrong, good or bad, but this whole thing only begins to make sense if you accept this perception of European countries, European neighbours, European people as somehow being our enemies.
“Which historically isn’t an unfair position to take, there has been war in continental Europe and often involving us for hundreds of years – which is why Winston Churchill loved the idea of a European Union so much, to stop those wars.”
He’s making no judgement but….why is he trying to make sense of a bit of nonsense?….and it’s not European people who are the enemy but the unelected dictatorship that seeks to crush all dissent and take to itself ever more power and control….not to mention our money. Why no mention that Cameron gets an arrow in the eye and Boris is stabbed in the back? Would that be somewhat inconvenient to his message that violence is only being meted out to the EU barons?
Churchill of course didn’t expect Britain to be in a United Europe….such a structure was intended to tame Germany and France not Britain which has come to save Europe’s liberties again and again….and if anything it was the Soviet Union that kept the peace in Europe not the European Union…not forgetting the US army and NATO.
Jobby has a problem with a cartoon that is clearly not inciting people to go out and decapitate EU leaders but he doesn’t have a problem comparing Amber Rudd to Hitler….telling us her views are the slippery slope to Nazism….
James O’Brien Compares Amber Rudd’s Speech To Hitler’s Words
“If you’re going to have a sharp line of distinction between people born here and people who just work here, you’re enacting chapter two of Mein Kempf. Strange times.”
So EU leaders are not the enemy but our own Home Secretary is? Who is inciting whom? Who is really demonising people…the Sun or Jobby with his faux sanctimonious lefty indignation?
Apart from the ever-indignant Jobby we have the usual suspects as Remainders get over-excited about a cartoon…..trouble is, as Old Holborn points out, the same Remainder was tweeting out ‘Jesuischarlie’ not so long ago in his desire to promote free speech…..
I still go back to the memo the FCO sent mr Churchill in the early 50s as PM when he was asked for his opinion of 6 European countries forming an iron and coal (might have been other combos )confederation (to stop the krauts making panzers again) – his reply was something like “ good let’s hope they are very happy “ in his anglo American Empire mind he had no conception of being part of some fucking European federal project.
Which is the same for many brexiters like me now .
I’m guessing my LLM in EU law still makes me a thick brexiter
I think there is something serious here . Both Brexiteers and Remainers have a point . There have been accusations and insults by both sides thrown about , and sometimes this has clouded the debate , and even it seems as though the two sides aren’t talking to the other side . Now rapprochement is needed to unite our divided country and common ground needs to be found to still the waters and calm the mood . I think I’ve found a common cause to bring us together which we can all agree .
James O’ Brien is a humourless git .
If the Remainers decided to stop throwing insults (the leaver – majority side – being shut out of the argument) at the rest of us. Just, perhaps, we might might not be such a divided country (c. BBC/SKY).
The wee JO’bby is a prime example of the ‘ Dunning-Kruger effect’; he’s too stupid to recognise how stupid he actually is.
I’m certain that thats the one time in our history when we had 2 (two) invasions from two differtent invaders occuring at the very same time.
That’s why the vikings/normans managed to win their war agaisnt us!
Now which nation on earth has had to cope with 2 sets of invaders when Brexit as no part to play?
Jobby needs to grow a pair and recall that humour can come from any direction, not just the ‘left’.
Stop drawing cartoons …. where have I heard this before? You are as free as James says you are free.