Turkey is supposedly about to launch an offensive against Kurdish forces in Syria continuing its decades long assault on the Kurds, destroying hundreds of villages and killing 10’s of thousands of Kurds whom they consider terrorists. It will be interesting and possibly instructive how the BBC reports further such assaults on the Kurds, will they adopt a strictly neutral approach reporting the facts or will they become emotionally involved, taking sides as they have done with the Palestinians. The lack of outrage over the years towards Turkey’s actions in comparison to the reaction to Israeli ones is already instructive, not just the BBC’s of course but all those Kefiyah clad pro-Palestinian, or rather anti-Jewish, campaigners whose whole existence is wrapped up in wiping out the Jewish state ignoring the far greater crimes going on in so many other countries around the world…mostly Muslim.
You can see classic pro-Palestinian BBC bias in this piece brought to us by Sue at Is the BBC biased?...
Hotovely patiently sets out the case against UNRWA, even inventing a new word ‘registrated’ into the bargain. She explains that their (the Palestinians’) great grandparents started the war (of independence) and lost ….Willcox is not impressed.
“Different versions of history of course…. different..”
Hotovely Interrupts: ”No no no! There’s only one”
What’s also interesting here is the BBC claiming that there are ‘different versions of history’ or what you might call ‘alternate facts’…how they laughed and mocked when a Trump aide suggested such a thing…meaning naturally that the Media lies….but the BBC always dodged explaining that. Wilcox of course is the man who suggested Jews are legitimate targets for terrorists in Europe because of what he considers are Israel’s criminal actions in Gaza.
Plenty of other BBC bias bubbling up all around ….list it all here….
The Kurds are a people who deserve a nation. Without them, the fight to defeat Isis could never have been won. But I fear that nothing will be done to prevent Erdogan from attacking them. The hatred which Turkish nationalists have for Kurds is visceral, they seem to find the very existence of the Kurds to be an insult. I can only hope that President Trump will stand by the Kurds, and tell the Turkish dictator to back down.
The kurds are all that is stopping Turkey joining Iran via direct landmass connection. Islam on steroids.
I bet the nonces at the buggering British Children will be wanking themselves silly at the news.
Was whoever edited the video told this would be a piece about immigrant ‘children’? There is a distinct lack of children in the footage. I counted three in the 3:12 minute piece. Two, were carried by an adult [0:09 & 0:15]. (Accept the child – reject the father?) The other was riding a bicycle while photographing?/video calling? from his mobile phone [0:44]. (Bought the phone – carried it from Africa?)
I guess ‘late teens (to give benefit of the doubt) refugees heading to the UK’ would be a less sympathetic headline. Mostly the footage showed adult men.
There was nothing (Did nobody think to ask?) about checking whether the children were actually children as claimed. Nor was there any definition of a child. From the POV of the British government is a 17 year old a child? Surely there are different problems than when dealing with a 5 year old.
BTW what’s with the blanked-out faces [2:57]?
As soon as these ‘children’ are in they will be sending out for their children and grandchildren to come to join them in the house provided for them.
What is it about French Pesident Pneumonia that the wankers at the bBC love.
He defeated their most hated candidate, Le Penn. Thats good enough for them.
Not first . Heart broken
Toady watch ( early )
Justin likes the idea that we can leave EU , stay in the single market , obey the ECJ, pay money in … and put up a blue flag with yellow stars on it. I’m thinking .
Judging by the performance of the poorest PM since …Brown? I think she’ll just say “where do I sign”. That government does not represent me and I don’t know where to turn.
Get rid of Brussels then the day after get rid of her – no one will miss her.
Not Beeb but may as well be. My beloved pestering me to take her to see Darkest Hour. Been resisting telling her I’m not a fan of the film industry rewriting history and she would be much better served watching The World At War. Came across Charles Moores piece in The Spectator on the film which confirmed my suspicions.
It is quite a decent film, but given power of the actual events it tries to portray , it does fall well short of what it could have been. The now notorious and deservedly derided London Underground scene is by far the worst part, much of the rest of the film is OK. I am sure that in private Churchill must have had doubts about refusing the opportunity of a negotiated peace and the film tries to capture this. The scenes in the HoC are very badly lit , it must have been brighter than that, and there are so many order papers floating around after Churchill’s ‘ never surrender’ speech it looks like a ticker tape parade. But over all not a bad effort and certainly not one which belittles the Great Man or re writes history. In fact , when coupled with Dunkirk from last year , I do wonder if at least some in the British film industry are getting as tired of Bashing Britain as we are?
Good film but there is a scene where he is on the Tube and a black man’s patriotism reduces him to tears. Not sure how likely Churchill was to have met a black man on the tube, seeing as immigration from the West Indies did not begin apace until the sixties, but nothing makes a Leftie happier than rewriting history.
Sound as puffed up as Dunkirk ( not the black and white one ) that was another wasted opportunity . Looks like Blighty can’t make proper war films any more – too busy being inclusive and ticking boxes . I take it there were a few greens and trans types in the Churchill film….
I’m with you Theresa May appears to represent nobody.
So Monty Don thought it would be a wheeze to do a Gardeners World about Islamic Gardens (whatever they are) well that’s one viewer he has lost and I am not sure he has that many.
Where’s Brian Cox is he putting on extra sunscreen as it’s the hottest year evahhh !
Gary Lineker must be happy he should be getting a new refugee from Calais delivered to him this weekend . Might be a bit late for Match of the Day as he has to set up the young kids new bedroom and buy him a shaving kit.
I am still waiting for the BBC reality programe where all the luvvies who love open borders get to have a war-hardened testosterone bomb who does not speak English staying in the spare room next to their teenaged daughters.
Monty Don has always struck me as the archetypal BBC liberal left type. I would never trust him with my garden. Gardeners world is now full of non white people doing marvellous things with eastern or African vegetables.
Exactly, they all revel in “diversity” yet ensure they live as far away from both it and its effects as possible.
Mr Don lives in a huge old house in ethnically homogenous Herefordshire, he must earn a fortune off al Beebus; since he presents Gardeners’ World which is also actually filmed at his (enormous) garden.
I would be very interested to know what he (or his company) is paid, as I am sure it will be quite jaw dropping remuneration.
The BBC sure isn’t going to publish this report card anytime soon:
Trump’s fan base https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/ may often be quite over-the-top, but they are certainly funnier and more creative than their snowflake counterparts!
Will Hillary Clinton have a medical to ensure she is mentally well ?
Only if it is required to avoid a severe sentence when she is tried.
Hillary would say Trump drove her mad!
It’s more than BBC Bias now it’s pure propaganda. Anyway in the real news go to #ReleasetheMemo for the US FISA scandal
I’m fascinated to see what is in this memo.
‘Ugandan children more ambitious than U.K.’
Typical sneering Beeboid: loves every country but his own.
All according to a survey – that gold standard of BBC journalistic integrity.
Why not a survey on how many Muslim communities think it is ok to not work and just claim benefits? Their unemployment rate is more than treble the average. Or what percentage of licence fee payers think it is effectively robbery? Or how many women judge men primarily on how much money they have? Would they dare publicise any such survey? Of course not – that would involve hate facts. You can do a survey to prove pretty much anything. All
Just put down white boys again, possibly the most disadvantaged group on so many metrics – especially the poor ones. Whose parents just happen to pay your wages only for you to insult them in return.
But what has it cost us?
My favourite line from Tony Handcock’s The Blood Donor comes as our hapless everyman hero attempts to impress upon nurse June Whitfield the unique quality of his own vital fluid. Our public health worker punctures Anthony Aloysius’s comedically inflated ego and would dilute his individuality with the universalist slogan: “Blood is the same the world over”. Handcock counters with the amusing “…I didn’t come here for a lecture on Communism!”
A thought with which many of us commenting hereabouts who are regularly pricked by the left-leaning bias of our public broadcaster the BBC and its unquestioning regard for its sister ship the NHS can readily identify.
But really, you didn’t expect a National Health Service to foster socialistic collectivist thinking?
Ladies and gentlemen… (and I chose my form of address deliberately there at a time when our supposedly short on resources NHS resorts to official reference to pregnant people due to the influence of a tiny group of potty campaigners who claim to see Transphobia in the use of the word Mother) so, (trigger warning) Ladies and gentlemen… when we nationalised the medical industry in 1945 we mortgaged our soul, mind and body to Nanny State. We are now forever in hock to paternalist Big Government. We started with The Blood Donor; small wonder our well-meaning overseers would recently move to more easily garner our body parts to feed the collective. You couldn’t possibly leave something as important as health to family bonds, personal altruism or human charity, could you?
Witness the culture shock of a US conservative listening to our quaint Parliamentary tradition of PMQs where the Prime Minister can be held to account across the dispatch box concerning the minutia woes that beset Mrs Jones from Huddersfield’s delayed hip replacement, being of course an urgent Matter of State. Because make no mistake, the person standing in the shoes of Pitt, Disraeli and Churchill is ultimately responsible for the health of the Nation, right?
Goddamnit we all are. Look down the street and consider that you too have a direct shared financial stake in the activities of the fat-munching, sugar-crunching, whacky-backy toking near-neighbours. Blimey, the government should launch a health campaign – or so you catch yourself thinking. Five a day! Sugar Tax! Shooting Galleries! Or as Handcock used to robotically chant: “Drinka-pinta-milk-a-day!”
The habit of free-at-the-point-of-access soon corroded our notion of any costs being involved in the provision of that access. Other than a collective cost. As the concept of a mutually-born insurance gave way over time to something approaching a human right, is it now not inevitable that this gets internationalised? Didn’t nurse June Whitfield already hint at an International Health Service? The need for medical care is worldwide, ergo, an NHS for all comers – the more the merrier. You can’t expect the latter-day angels and the plaster saints of our NHS to actually collect cash from would-be patients. Money changers in the Temple! It just does not compute. It’s not part of their philosophy, Horatio.
Appropriately we began with comedy and move to crime thriller (by the way, the latter genre almost never has a happy ending – as the drama draws to a close we know our heroes are very unlikely to get away with it). “But what has it cost us?” That’s my favourite line from the movie Shallow Grave. Two of the friends who conspired to steal a fortune couldn’t wait to go shopping and spend just a little of their ill-gotten gains. They attempt to placate their agitated friend by reassuring him they have only spent a very small amount of the total. Still he insists “But what has it COST us?”
I don’t completely agree asiseeit. My read of the origin plan for the NHS was creditable and necessary – beveridge was a rights and duties merchant.
The problem is what the NHS has morphed into – the worlds favourite free health service which can never be resourced whatever the population is .
Because of that I would end it in its current form and make it based on the quality of input for treatment – no input no treatment . For me input means taxes paid .
Anything else can be done on charity or not at all
Fedup2. I don’t completely disagree with you. Yes the initial concept was a little on the utopian side but theoretically it was a national insurance-based scheme. People in those days thought that way. Of course there was always going to have to be a safety net aspect. I’ve read that right from the start proper costings were glossed over and the more senior medics we know had their mouths stuffed with gold so as to force the thing into being. All charitable provision that might have provided the non-insured safety net was swept up in the nationalisation. As I read the history I see the pact with the devil of paternalism and socialism was made early on. Internationalism has grown more recently as has the concept of human rights trumping all notion of an insurance-based system. Now taxed paid counts for absolutely nothing. Generations of contribution to this country will put you on exactly the same footing as the latest illegal arrival at Dover. Over the pond Obamacare was launched with the intention that it it would destroy the US insurance market and put the States on the road to Single Payer ie nationalised health. The next Democrat president will probably take that last step.
Asiseeit – yes 100% with you on that . I wonder what people really think when labour beat the pm over the head with a particular case during PMQs ? It’s like trying to work out the number of management levels between some one in a hospital bed and the sec state for health then the PM.
What I can’t work out is the lack of forward planning for providing for the elderly in social care . The demographics were sitting there are the number of elderly was not increased by immigration. Yet there is national failure of provision .
Similarly if HMG knows the population is going up by at least 500 000 pa mainly I guess in the SE – no provision is made for that .
Piss poor if it’s done in attempt to dissuade guest workers from coming here but not good for the British taxpaying population
The only non biased presenter on the BBC, Andrew Neil gives Labour MP a grilling over John ”terror loving” McDonnells appalling comments about women….Oh sorry, he’s a Labour MP, he’s allowed to say it…!!! Bastard
Utta, utta, bastard…
quoted tweet
\\ Christopher Meyer
Macron conflates membership of the Single Market with access to it.
The conditions for the former cannot/should not apply to the latter. //
dafydd-Andrew Neil is one of the only MEN we see on BBC news
programmes ! News presenters, reporters I reckon it’s now at
least 75% women. How Gary Lineker keeps his job on Match of
the Day , I do not know. The BBC must be lining up at at least
half a dozen women to replace him.
FOSCARI…Very true..
The BBC and Labour were all over Toby Young regarding his comments, the BBC had this story all over the news until they and Labour got there scalp, Toby Youngs resignation.
Jarad O’mara, probably the most disgusting MP in years who really did make some appalling comments returns to Parliament. The hypocrisy by the BBC and Labour is astonishing.
The link below sums up all that is hypocritical in Labour and the BBC, not one mention on the news that that the pile of shit Jared O’Mara sneaks back into Parliament
“If it weren’t for double standards the Left would not have any.”
“Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them… well, I have others.” – as the great Groucho would say.
He still let her off the hook though at the end.
The reason the execrable O’Mara ended up as an MP was that they didn’t believe he’d beat Clegg. I’m sure if Labour had known it was such a winnable seat, another candidate would have been put up against him.
Gary keeps his job because he is a trans person who had a very successful operation ten years ago and so cannot under any circumstances be sacked. His/her/ its make up team, who start working on him every Thursday morning for the Saturday night show, have won a secret BAFTA every year since 2010. The BBC are trying to get him to come out so they can use his/her/it’s inflated salary to boost the ratio of salaries between men and non men.
I see Cathy Newman is now playing the victim, having bullied and baited Peterson in the hope of getting him to say anything they could then edit and wrench from context so as to smear and destroy him. How many decent people have been ruined by their bullying, such as Tim Hunt? Her bullying was an absolute disgrace.
It’s the same with ROPers: perpetual aggressors yet also perpetual victims.
It will only make more people want to watch the original interview and they will be red pilled in the process.
I used to think that psychology was a load of bunkum until I discovered Jordan Peterson on Youtube.
It still is bunkum, but Petersen’s logic and political know how combined with honesty saves him. Just imagine how much better he would be if he gave up psychology
Oh dear, the BBC would have their listeners/viewers beliveing the POTUS has FAILED yet again. Yes, FAILED, I tell you (or rather the BBC tells us). How come? Well, “The US government has begun shutting down many of its services after the Senate failed to agree on a new budget.” Haven’t we been here before if my memory serves me? Ah yes, “get to the back of the queue” Obama, the BBC’s ethnic star had a similar problem in 2010. A concise resume of Obama’s financial management failings can be seen chronologically here –
Needless to say, the BBC won’t remind you and would prefer you to forget that their preferred party, the Democrats, were by no means the financial stars.
Personally, I’d prefer a self-made Billionaire to run an economy rather than elected nonentities.
Not the BBBC I know but on More 4 tonight there is Obama: The President who inspired the World. Has there been a more disappointing and useless president than Barry? We probably need to go back to Warren Gamaliel Harding.
Miker – it clashes with match of the day and I’d much rather watch some millionaire al Beeb presenters than Barry – or is something better on? –
Spiral on BBC4 – ok its subtitled, but better than anything else.
Yeah, being a ‘community organiser’ is hardly the ideal preparation for running the US economy.
As has been mentioned in this blog, yesterday, Cathy Newman, the C4 lefty feminist newscaster, was caught out by Jordan Peterson in a must see car crash interview. The climax of the interview is either toe curlingly painful else hilarious, depending up on whether you are a Guardian/BBC worker or exist outside that narrow political spectrum.
But the Guardian is in full deceitful battle cry in trying to defend Newman and rubbish Peterson. Sorry? Does the Guardian actually mention what was said or discussed? Erm, no, now you come to mention it. They use innuendo to link Peterson with the far right:
Peterson is “a controversial Canadian psychologist who has attracted a following among the “alt-right”.”
Do you see what they did there? Oddly the BBC/Guardian never mention the Klu Klux Klan’s admiration for Jeremy Corbyn, who they praised for his anti-Semitism.
Nope, since you ask, there is no reference to Peterson’s extraordinarily successful background as a leading intellectual and Clinical Psychologist.
In this fact free polemical nonsense, we are invited to feel sympathy for Newman because of the death threats she has received. Oddly no one on the soft left offers sympathy for the death threats Farage’s children received.
Don’t get me wrong, the withering criticisms of Newman for the deceitful way she conducted the interview will be painful for her.
As you will see on the YouTube page, the negative comments about Newman are aimed at her incompetence, and they are very unkind and hurtful. The fact that Newman herself is often unkind and downright nasty isn’t mentioned.
Mysteriously comments are closed on this item. Cannot think what the Guardian is afraid of.
I’ll try to post a link of the video, it is a lesson in how to handle BBC/Soft left aggressive interviewers.
@SS here’s the link to the Youtube video you tried to post
So that people can look at the comments.
By the way after her meltdown at 22 mins she does recover her composure
From Der Sturmer, aka Guardian:-
“Newman has faced a wave of abuse and threats online, including on Twitter. There is no suggestion that Peterson, Delingpole or Murray are behind the threats or instigated them.”
No, of course no-one had suggested that any of that trio of heroes were behind any threats to Newman, at least not until you published that. Now some feeble-minded lefties will start thinking that they were. That rag gets more disgusting all the time.
So, can anyone tell me generally, from whom the ‘wave of abuse and threats online’ was emanating?
Life’s too short to find out for myself 😉
countryblues, I would suggest they probasbly came from her own side who would have felt let down by her not being able to nail him on anything at all.
D. I would assume the same as you…so, I would expect that to be made clear but, no, we get ‘there is no suggestion that Peterson, Delingpole or Murray are behind the threats or instigated them’.
Am I going insane or does that defy all logic? 🙁
News or propaganda ?
Generally if someone gives a story of fear
but the threat is NOT quantified
then the story is more like propaganda.
Standard distraction technique
I think it boosts her chances of getting the Humph seat on Toady when he finally stops sucking at the taxpayers teat and takes his taxpayers pension in the Naughtie room at B e ffing H
I had to buy his book afterward so he did the job.
Having said that James Delingpole and Douglas Murray have publicized the Newman-Peterson interview, Zoe Williams goes on to say that there is no suggestion that Delingpole or Murray have anything to do with the threats Cathy Newman received, so subtly suggesting that those writers are partly responsible for the threats.
“rather anti-Jewish, campaigners whose whole existence is wrapped up in wiping out the Jewish state”
Why do I get the feeling that this: Awash with cash Broadcasting Company (AKA BBC) is riddled with Anti-Semites!
“rather anti-Jewish, campaigners whose whole existence is wrapped up in wiping out the Jewish state”. – Only one group of people that pray five times a day for that to happen…………….
” Only one group of people that pray five times a day for that to happen…………….”
And how on earth does the BBC get away with its complete support for such monsters?!
Someone has already mentioned Monty Don’s appalling Paradise Gardens that aired last night.
Look, I’m a keen gardener and I usually love everything Monty does, but this was nothing more than pro Islam propaganda. It was one scene after another of the presenter drooling over another “Islamic gem”.
Yes, there have been some stunningly lovely gardens created by members of this faith, no question. I’ve visited The Alhambra and it’s breathtaking. But, ye gods, this was wall to bleedin’ wall Islam with no-one else getting a look in.
At one point Monty was walking though the interior of a mosque and blissfully extolling the beautiful tiling. Yes, I’m sure, but what has that got to do with gardening? It was painfully, inexcusably a puff piece for the ROP.
This is typical BBC. Now the problem is this is only a two part series so the entire rest of the planet’s contribution to horticultural excellence has to be crammed into a sixty minute slot.
The only thing missing from this being a completely typical BBC production was any sneering mention of Brexit voters or any snide reference to Donald Trump. Not easy on a gardening prog’ I know!
Perhaps that’s next week…
The only word to describe it was ‘disgusting ‘ Jeff. Why didn’t he grow a beard and put on a dress and some sandals while he was at it.
Work for the BBC sell your soul.
These idiots will reap what they sow.
I wonder if Nadia towel head was doing the on location catering ?
And wear one of those silly little crocheted hats.
Has anyone noticed how, on R4, regardless of the nature of the programme, someone has to go off on a Trump-bashing spree?
This morning it was Saturday Live or somesuch, where ‘ordinary people’ get an airing. Dan Snow was on it, the ‘celebrity’ present, and he told us how the President politicized the judiciary and was doing nasty things to the Department of State. Presumably ‘politicizing the judiciary’ refers to the ‘liberal’ interpretation of what happens when a President attempts to request the judiciary apply the law of the land? I’m sure Dan would have loved a President Clinton, who -like Merkel- would simply have ignored the law of the land, the requirements of the Constitution, and international law.
Alas, Dan Snow has to look across the Atlantic and see The Donald.
Man, don’t that make me smile!
They’re utterly obsessed with him, but not what he’s achieved whilst in office.
I can only handle ten or fifteen minutes of R4 these days, and that’s the only contact I have with BBC output these days, but every programme is full of snide remarks and character assassination, nothing about the economy, wages, unemployment rate, investment, stock market etc.
I caught the start of The News Quiz yesterday, and for the last couple of episodes they’d had a Right-winger on there, but this week they had that horrible piece of filth, Jeremy Hardy, back on, along with three other extreme Leftists.
Nothing humorous at all, just far-Left dogma.
It’s good to be reminded why I stopped paying for a TV license all those years ago. They just get worse and worse.
Thursday TWatO and Jacob Rees-Mogg mentions – in relation to Brexit – a previous major scare built up by some professionals, other people (‘experts’?), and then taken up by the media and politicians that resulted in the UK spending over £2bn of taxpayer money on something that didn’t happen: the Millennium Bug.
Friday TWatO and the BBC, apparently at the request of some listeners, felt obliged to put J R-M on trial for that comment. There was one witness for the prosecution: someone who works in the IT industry and worked on the ‘so-called’ Millennium Bug.
Unfortunately, the BBC did not chose a good ‘witness’ for their case. As I listened to the evidence, the need for the work, the problem to be dealt with, all the coding to check, the extra people employed, the hours worked – around the clock – to fix the so-called Millennium Bug, the IT insider expert failed to mention that they found a problem, what the problem specifically was and that they fixed it before the millennium.
That might be because there was no problem, as J R-M correctly suggested? The BBC failed to ask. There’s a surprise!
No evidence allowed for the defence? Case therefore dismissed. Mr Rees-Mogg: you are innocent and free to go.
The whole scare was talked up by vested interests, the media and some politicians. Sound familiar? Result? Unwise Quantitative Easing for the IT Industry was financed by the basic rate taxpayer. That drain on the public purse was probably a very minor factor in the crash of 2007-09.
Were there lessons to be learned? Sure were! Is J R-M right to relate it to Brexit scares? In that he is, in my view, absolutely correct.
In one of my many jobs I worked on the millennium bug for over a year in the run up. When I look back what literal waste of time.
Any way – do you notice the desperate mind set of beeboids and other remainers who grab any life line thrown by some mad frog surrender monkey President which makes them think they can stay in the EU.
I think Mrs May should be spending the 44 000 000 she is giving of our taxes to the impoverished frogs to the border agency / force / blind to build better security to stop EU citizens ( not the Irish ) from coming into Blighty once we are out.
It must not be a Ryanair facilitated work / benefits camp for them any more.
I bet £44 million would buy a lot of guard dogs…
Fed, “Up, In one of my many jobs I worked on the millennium bug for over a year in the run up. When I look back what literal waste of time.”
… and money! It would also accord with a witness I could have provided for the BBC.
Friend & neighbour, partner in medium size UK accountancy firm with business contacts across five continents, family in three continents (Europe, Africa, India) told me many countries and businesses around the world took absolutely no action on the MB having assessed the risk. They had no problems at all.
It would appear it was a bad case of Gullibles Travels, not unlike some recent flu scares that have had UK Governments throwing money at them to no avail.
On border security, I may go for a separate post but I need to create a list. Did you catch what that American female Democrat said on the TOADY Programme this morning about illegals?
Up ,
I’m back to rationing Toady but i suppose a democrat would encourage unlimited numbers of immigrants to enrich our impoverished British culture and go on to rubbish us- just guessing ….
Wasn’t it Pelosi’s daughter, discussing illegal immigrants? Something along the lines of:
“We don’t believe any human being is illegal.”
FFS! If leaders of a country really believed that, soon that country wouldn’t exist.
Woke up in the night switched on Radio 4
#1 whole prog about American Muslims under Trump
A Muslim woman Nadia Hashimi who is standing for Democratic Congresswoman was saying ever since Trump we are being treated with suspicion
..Em WRONG ever since 911 terrrorism, FGM, honour crime sexism ..you have been treated with suspicion ..Trump was not the trigger
Direct link to segment of prog
#2 Switched on later They were talking about the change in US Climate Action ..”and now over to an activist from KeepItInThe Ground” ..hangon how come climate book writer Lord Lawson is almost banned yet any old activist is allowed on ?
#3 Next prog Countryside prog about Scottish wild cat
..hey hang on this guy has a weird accent ..ah it’s that Black guy The Urban bird watcher …nothing against him personally, but his skin colour probably got him this job
#4 Next Farming today talked about a Lincolnshire farm machinery corp which is getting record sales due to Brexit
..Wow really engineering instead of prog made by art students
#5 Into the normal R4Today loonyverse
Prog #2 was Does Coal Have a Future? NewsHour special
In between that was a prog In the Balance , where seem to bring on hicks for Trump, and economists against him.
Here’s very lefty twitter feed of an expert used in the show
Other one is clearly anti-coal as well
Stew, I’m worried about you.
“Woke up in the night switched on Radio 4”
That might be the cause of you waking up in the middle of the night.
Too much Radio 4!
Dr Snuffy prescribes an alternative: CD player & radio, play CDs instead of R4, especially something soothing and restful last thing before retiring or falling asleep.
Stew ,
I think I’d go further with the moors – back to the fall of Jerusalem and Constantinople methinks .
On the other bit you mention about oil – there’s a bit of me which thinks maybe keeping the shale gas in the ground for a while as a strategic reserve is a good thing.i mean the Americans did it for a long time until loosening the taps recently.
It’s another strategic failing of HMG to not ensure there is enough power – from any source – when it is needed. And as electric cars become mandatory we ll need even more juice .
“It’s another strategic failing of HMG….”. Stop there and go no further!
We have already imported gas from the Russian Arctic
..we wouldn’t be doing that if got on with our own fracking/shale
..Putin loves Britain’s dumb energy policy and probably directs Greenpeace etc.
There is a theory that the reason Russia supported the Syrian Government so strongly, was that if it had fallen eventually the Qataris could have put a gas pipeline through Syria to the Med; which would have damaged Russian gas exports to Europe.
I love this one from march 2017 from a guy called Paul Wood who seems to believe he is a journalist
The article ends with the onimous words….
Increasingly, the American people are being asked to choose between two unpalatable versions of events: abuse of power by one president or treason that put another in the White House.
It cannot be both.
The article leaves not one shred of doubt that Wood knows it is the latter and leaves the reader in no doubt this is the case.
Sadly for Wood of course , as events unfold in the coming week and the wide-spread abuse of FISA powers by the Obama administration is exposed to the public, it turns out to be the former.
The idiot Wood actually tells the reader he was given a copy of the document so presumably he read it. I’ve read it. It’s laughable. Written in excruciatingly bad english it is easily disproven. All he had to do is ring up Michael Cohen in New York and ask him…Mr Cohen can you prove you have never been to Prague in your life? Cohen would have told him yes. At that point one of the core premises of the dossier is dead in the water, that Cohen was the go-between Trump and Putin’s cronies. That’s how easy it would have been.
Rob: Agree with you about the Kurds needing their own nation state. However, they seem to be getting in the way of Ottoman renewal. The Russians seem to have withdrawn their troops. The US is doing something, not sure, needs further investigation.
But Erdogan is no doubt encouraged by his attempts to create an outpost of the new Ottoman empire in Germany, which has paid him billions to close the ‘Balkan route’ to ‘migrants’ and which has a large Turkish population (who see themselves as Turks rather than Germans). Probably Austria and the Visegrad states have done more to close that route in reality, but Erdogan can now threaten to unleash migrants whenever he wants. He is to Merkel what Macron is to May in terms of power relationship.
The Turks fear that a Kurdish state may have claims on an eastern part of Turkey, so no way will they leave Syrian Kurds in peace. Be interesting to see how the Ottomans get on.
I’d like President Trump to bomb the shit out of Turkish troops who attack the Kurds in Syria, but I doubt that will happen.
The present borders of Turkey are just lines drawn after the end of WWI. Much of south east Turkey should indeed be a Kurdish state, along with the north of Iraq and parts of Syria. All three are artificial states carved out of the Ottoman Empire. We owe the Kurds for their fight against Isis, but I fear they wil get stiffed once again.
One day we ought to realise that it is a good idea to stand by the people who are on your side.
Could ‘The Telegraph’ be even more vomit-inducing this morning than the beeb? ‘Shock and acidic self-loathing: how BBC women are suffering in the fight for equal pay’. Revealed by an insider. Picture of Carrie Gracie.
I don’t actually have a problem with equal pay for equal work, providing that is actually what it is. But the thought of someone turning down a £45k PAY INCREASE being linked to suffering…well the mind boggles. But I can’t read the article without paying and I’m sure as heck not paying to read the Telegraph.
Main article linking Trump and the word ‘chaos’. Telegraph anyone?
Fake news. They are contractors not employees. They have their own PSC and as such negotiate their own contracts with the BBC. I am a contractor too. I am not paid in accordance to some company’s pay scale. So in other words a company has bands A through to F and remuneration is paid in alignment with the band. I repeat. This is not the case here. I cannot believe anyone is not pointing this out.
Fake – I don’t buy papers and won’t pay online but have noticed the Telegraph going more girly and further to the left . I suppose the Barclay brothers see more cash there- papers are a business after all
More like a vanity project than a business, really. Love him or hate him, under Conrad Black the Telegraph was fairly reliably to the Right but quickly became unreadable under the Barclays’ ownership, with a succession of wets appointed by a clueless management trapped like so many rabbits in the headlights of the Internet.
The decline of a newspaper which once employed a genius like Michael Wharton (aka Peter Simple) to the drivel it is today is what gives the lie to the Left when they bleat about the need for the BBC to be of the Left to counter all the Right wing newspapers. Which ones? The Mail isn’t Right wing it’s just trash – and surprisingly Leftist in some respects (TDS for example) and the Express ditto. All the other papers, including the Beast-owned Times, are at best Blue Labour.
The Left’s monopoly on the news, like its monopoly of education is one of the things that most urgently needs tackling ‘come the revolution’,
So true and so sad.I read the Telegraph for – I don’t know – 40 years as my father had before me. It had a delightful sense of humour that was very subtle. Peter Simple was great (Max Hastings called him an appalling racist, I think). Don’t buy it now, of course. The Mail has its good points – it was a staunch supporter of Brexit but as you say it has a bad case of TDS. Do these people think that when the Ropers have taken over they will spare them?
Wharton was a brilliant satirist and one of the last people who would openly dare challenge the very idea of ‘racism’, which he believed was a perfectly natural human reaction. He knew the worth of Hastings (very little) and it was under Hastings that the paper began its decline, of course.
There must be many of us who would still buy a newspaper like the Telegraph was. They attribute its circulation decline solely to t’interweb. How wrong they are.
The Telegraph has a very good obituaries page.
Other than that it’s the Guardian with better punctuation.
Can the Grauniad spell its own name yet?
Rees-Mogg calls for 200 new Tory peers to halt Lords rebellion
He said: “She should keep up her sleeve the ability to appoint enough peers to get business through.”
“If the House won’t play by the constitutional rule book, then the Prime minister has to use the extra measures available to her.”
Yes, let’s start with veterans who care about our country.
bBBC website has a piece ‘Has Trump made the world more dangerous?’
How about ‘has ISIS made the world more dangerous?’
‘has Tony Bliar made the world more dangerous?’
‘has North Korea made the world more dangerous?’
‘has the BBC ignoring the truth about muslims made the world more dangerous?’
and so on and so on………..
kingkp: Always happy to hear the other side. However, your reply is a bit vague and generalised. Are you saying the highly-paid are all on contracts and thus not BBCemployees? What about all the very highly paid management layers? Are all those suffering pay discrimination poorly remunerated employees? And in that situation, are women even more poorly paid than men? Is there then not something very wrong with BBC internal pay scales? On these (bands) is there something determining that women will get less than men, for the same position? How are contractors ‘aligned’ with the bands? How is job evaluation performed? What is your take on the Carrie Gracie story, when seen in the light of your comment? You’re going to have to be more explicit, I’m afraid.
Ok I was wrong. She is an employee…
Referencing this
she states herself
Speaking on Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour, she said: “In October the BBC made me a pay offer”.
So she had the opportunity to negotiate her renumeration package. She clearly isn’t as good a negotiator as the men around her. As Jordan Peterson pointed out on channel 4 the other night,
and he should know he does it for a living, men are better negotiators. So the fact she gets paid less is her fault, not the BBC’s nor some perceived anti-female bias.
I am a contractor. I know other contractors doing the exact same job I do who get paid more than me. I have no issue with that. They did a better job in the negotiations.
That is the simple point I was trying to make.
Yes the 96 top staff list was a list of PAYE staff, not actually THE top paid staff.
That’s the whole point, they are talking about BBC top pay whilst all of the PSC contractor beeboids pay is kept secret.
Quoted tweet says
\\ Laura Pidcock MP tweeted
Hats off to #bbcqt audience member @beccahampstead,
challenging Govt on their NHS record last night, saying:
“I wonder if the Conservative government that we have is ideologically making the NHS…under-funding it, so then they can make the argument for privatisation.”
Spot on. //
The Questioners profile
is the MP is so thick that ..instead of hiding her knowledge of a stooge she tweets out proof of all.
Labour they work AGAINST you !
#FamousLeftyTolerance says Mogg is “an extremist that people shouldn’t meet”
In Australia
Channel 9’s Today Show’s promo plagiarises BBC One’s breakfast show.
You know the one where the presenter speaks direct to you..saying your toast is burnt etc.
Ha ha but
Licence payers paid for it so are due money from Channel 8
“A Times investigation of Henry Bolton’s Facebook friend found 6% liked Britain First”
… The Times mean they cutnpasted HatenotHopes material
Times also not too savvy on how precedent works.
As the NUS president just discovered.
Half of Ofcom rulings are again Religious and ethnic channels
ie immigrant origin channels
eg promoting Labour Muslim MP etc.
Bet they don’t answer.
Or, if they do, it will be the ‘it’s legal when we do it’ route.
Andrew really working hard to show how evenly the BBC impartiality split works at 19,999:1
Has any other editor/analyst/staff groper mentioned this fact, or is it wall to wall Jez spluttering about ‘the government’ still?
Well well well, here’s yet another story about Diane Abbott, which the BBC appear to have missed.
So lauded by the Guardians Jack Monroe she must be on course for a beatification !
in particular she identifies “She founded the Black Child initiative, to raise educational achievements among black kids. She shared her damn platform.”
Well Jack here’s what happened to all the money raised by that charity:
The Foundation’s £17,183.57 income for 2016 was swallowed almost whole by the cost of hosting a party for London Schools And The Black Child — a non-charitable campaign organisation which Abbott set up in 1999 to raise the achievement level of black pupils.
If someone set up an organisation to help white kids Fascists like Monroe would be up in arms spewing their bile against white kids getting any kind of help despite them now being amongst the lowest achievers. The anti White racism of the Fascist Left is truly sickening.
The trouble is that the BBC are members of that same political group.
Just saw this. Pathetic doesn’t adequately describe it.
Kahn is a complete nonentity and the mayor of London is way beyond his very modest abilities. If he were a Tory the MSM would make mincemeat out of him in no time, but because he is Labour and a Roper he can count on the unswerving support of the BBC. Also as the Roper population of London increases we can look forward to a succession of Roper mayors. London is just the forerunner of what will happen right across our country over the next few decades.
Sadiq Khan is a liar! No one shouted “Britain First” or even “put Britain First” before the murder of Jo Cox and there is no connection between the group Britain First and the murderer.
The witness to the murder a shopkeeper called Ahmed Tahir who was reported to be the source of the claim even went to the lengths of putting a notice up in his shop window saying he had not heard this shouted and neither had any other witness.
It just goes to show the lengths the disgusting Fascist left will go to, to try to pin the blame for the murder of Jo Cox on a right wing groups which had nothing to do with it.
Of course Sadiq Khan is a liar. He’s a lawyer. That’s what they are paid for.
I bet he was a poor lawyer as well. Did he practise Sharia lawyering ?
He defended the Muslim Brotherhood. It doesn’t get a lot worse than that. And lest anyone starts chirruping from the one and nines, it was as a solicitor, not a barrister, so the ‘cab rank’ principle didn’t apply. He took the case because he was a seedy little ‘uman rights lawyer and he wanted to.
And I’m sure he pocketed lots of lovely Legal Aid along the way.
All Trump has to do is refuse the little shit a visa due to his past links to muslim terror groups. Then the little cnut can sit in his own ‘shithole’
The Britain First claim is repeated again today in the Independent in an article where Khan “compares Donald Trump’s language to ‘the rhetoric of Isis’.”
The only solution seems to be to get rid of the office of Mayor altogether. (Keep the other Lord Mayor, obviously).
I’m not an overwhelming fan of Trump, – he tweets far too much for my liking, and locker room banter should stay in the locker room, but, after the current continual news bashing of him on all channels, I’m starting to wonder if our media are the only ones vilifying the POTUS. When our news channels get too much for me, I switch to see what other nations are reporting, and it appears that unless its a news item, Trump barely gets a mention.
Sky have joined the Beeb in decrying the President at every turn, and have had a reporter tour the States to see if the populas have changed their opinion since he was elected a year ago. Most of those interviewed had positive things to say, which clearly aggrieved the reporter. But, here’s the rub, if I was an American who voted for Trump, and heard the constant and daily insults thrown to my leader from the media in the UK, I’d be highly insulted. I wonder therefore how we would feel if the worlds’ media embarked upon a campaign of hate towards our elected government or even our monarchy. Ok we all have a pop at the leaders of our democracy, but its OUR right to do so, not anyone else’s. Its akin to having strangers slag off our family, when we are only allowed to do that. So, its a vain hope, but I wish they’d put a sock in it and Brexit, and give us all a rest.
Brissles, old thing, I think power has gone totally to the head of the BBC at pretty much all levels.
I’m sure I’ve related on here about how the mild, late Nick Clarke went ballistic one time on TWatO, circa 1998, when Labour in Govt., announced they were going around the UK to listen to what the public wanted. Found myself looking at radio in alarm, then I twigged. The Govt were going to circumvent the media, including and especially the BBC, and Nick Clarke did not like that one bit. He obviously considered that the BBC was the only one worthy of listening to Govt and talking to the people, of talking to Govt and telling it what was needed to be done.
That infection has spread and is now endemic. Now the BBC are trying to move up two levels, past Govt., to share a bench seat with God and rule on whether ‘so and so’ should hold power and what they should be doing with it. Not just for the UK, now also the US and the rest of Europe, Australasia and elsewhere.
When lib-mob shout “Look over there, they are haters and that man is chief-hater”
apply the projection rule
..ie the lib-mob is projecting its own flaws into who it accuses.
Lib-mob are the masters of hate.
Brissles, Stew & Rob, I don’t believe it – I could have saved myself most of a post there by watching the Newman:Peterson interview.
Just back from doing so and gleaned several things, one of which is – JP: ‘radical Leftist idealogues = authoritarianism’.
The BBC considers itself an Authority, THE AUTHORITY.
Seventy-one and a half years of collecting the Licence Fee and the BBC considers it has the right and the power to play its part to try to remove President Trump from office. Good luck with winning that one guys!
Another thing that was obvious, apart from Peterson’s religious beliefs, was that Newman’s political beliefs & idealogical history had obviously pre-conditioned her (before the interview) to not listen to what Peterson was saying and to refuse to understand it. Until it was inescapable. Then she was ‘got’.
Don’t think she had a melt-down as many are claiming. She did run, however, into the brick wall of her own masculinity.
She has a nice smile.
Any “locker room banter” the President engaged in did stay in the locker room, until released by the left wing MSM. The President is always polite in public, but if you attack him, he will defend himself. He will call a lying journalist a liar to his face, and the lying MSM hate him for it.
Meanwhile, Channel 4 tonight broadcasts a hagiography of Obama, That’s an hour of my life I won’t be wasting.
I stand corrected Rob.
It is to destroy the uk/us special relationship and drive us back to the eu
Everyone is talking about “The Memo”
… So BBC/Buzzfeed gonna do the same hype that they did for “The Trump dossier” ?
No footy for me today so a quick look at ‘Final Score’ on the BBC Red Bottom became a very quick look.
The BBC’s football update programme is today hosted by a screechy woman, with a panel of one male ex footballer and another woman. And over to the grounds for a report, first up, by another woman.
I believe in equality but this is the BBC rubbing their version of diversity in people’s noses. Soon we will have a female commentator on MoTD. I’m sick of it.
No.88, not that I watch MotD but if the female was any good at football commentary, I’d be OK with it. Had radio on in car for 1pm R4 news and heard a yoof reporting on a footie match – dire!
Yoof was male, btw. Hopefully anyone – male or female – gets a start and will improve with age. Am sure Mottie was a bit rough at first but quickly became ‘quite remarkable’.
Some are lucky and are more or less naturals from the outset; others have to work at it while some never make it. James Allen, for example, with his F1 commentary.
Screechy is unpleasant. The engineers can help with that but I suspect engineers at the Beeb are starting to become more than a little disgruntled with the greed of the presenters and are losing the will to go the extra mile.
I disagree – I think there should be more girls doing footy. I mean you could get 20 or more for one lineker . When I hit the red button yesterday I thought Megan Markle was doing the footy but I didn’t have me specs on.
You could see that the scotty beeboid presenter has not a clue about footy but said she was looking forward to doing the Winter Olympics- hopefully better value for you licence payers .
I think they’re ramping it up at the minute 88, there is a lot of virtue to be signalled in light of their systemic misogyny being discovered. Nothing more male than the world of football, for the time being anyway, and it requires lots of semi-skilled journalists on lower wages to meet the demands of multiple match coverage. An easy way to reach those targets and appease the feminists as much as they can be without putting any of the really important output at risk.
I noticed this last week when on 5Live one female reporter at a football ground was followed directly by another giving us the details of a rugby game before she made way for another female reporter, this time Irish to boot, who told us how a different football match was getting on. I’m tired of it too because the bBbc don’t actually have any real pro feminist and pro equality ethics or ideals invested in this posturing at all, they’re just being as conniving as usual. This week end I haven’t bothered with the radio.
As for MotD, I gave up on it at the start of this season. I stream all the matches I want to watch and quite enjoy the Channel 5 League coverage on a Saturday night – straightforward and no pretence or agenda.
After all, when was the last time Lineker or Alan Shearer, both thoroughly dislikeable bullshit merchants, told you something about the actual game of football, rather than the players personalities or dressing room rumours, that you didn’t already know? How many times have you heard them really criticise a player, or call a contentious decision honestly, or condemn a bad challenge without making excuses, or thought to yourself that you must have watched a different game than them because the highlights are picked to suit whatever their agenda that week is?
No, just show me the goals and leave the gender politics and staged pantomime punditry out of it.
Mail : Lords Lord it over those investigating corruption.
Any BBC connected Lords in that 200 ?
The Mail says of those 200 for the bill , 70 were previously exposed by the press :
– 52 for exploiting expenses
– 18 lobbying scandals
– 14 for sleeze
Of them 2 are convicted criminals
so the other 130 just haven’t been caught out yet! The Mail should get on the case toot sweet.
So BBC soccer pundits what attracts you to hanging around multimillion £ gambling firns ?
Friday – working on PR tweets of the day
Saturday – working on BBC Match of the Day.
9pm More4 : Matt Frei’s the President who Presided Over rising debt and killings of blacks by police
…. Not the actual title
10:15pm : Meet the Trumps, from immigrant to President
..yes the actual title
I’m beginning to get a strange feeling that Chuck Shumer and co. are behind the close-down of the US government explicitly to distract media attention from the FISA report. It seems that if that report is made public, the entire anti-Trump/Russia thing could blow up in the Democrats faces. Would it be beyond reason to suppose the close down is actually a close-down of the FISA report on the part of Democrats?
As for our Lords, I’ve always been baffled by Britain claiming to be a democracy while that bunch of unelected clowns strut around in ermine, many of them seemingly on the make and on the take. The pompous ‘noble Lords’ think we, the uneducated folk, are too stupid to see them for what they are. They think those red robes will obscure the truth.
I think we mustn’t expect either the FISA issue or the Lords issue will receive coverage from a certain bunch at Broadcast House. They would have to change direction in full flight. Picture a hunt heading east and suddenly switching west to backtrack. Difficult to do. Picture Sopel risking his £200,000 salary by looking closely at the Schumer gang, after a year of bashing Trump. Also difficult. Especially with Barry emerging from the background blur. Ouch!
You may be on to something there. Schumer is a nasty piece of work. The Democrats tried to tie the funding bill to protecting the “Dreamers”, which had nothing to do with it. They seem to be putting the interests of 200,000 illegal immigrants above the welfare of the citizens of their country. How very New Labour of them.
From the moment Senator Durbin flounced out of his meeting with the President last week, with his pathetic “shithole” comments, it seemed clear to me that the Democrats did not want to settle this issue, even though the President had said he was willing to make a deal. The Democrats don’t seem to want a deal on the “Dreamers”, so that they can use them as bargaining chips whenever the need arises.
I am glad that the Republicans did not back down for once. It’s a shame that various museums and national parks will close down, but I feel America will get over it. Most of what the federal government does is a waste of time and money anyway, so it won’t be missed.
Could this mean that the dreaded thought police are starved of funds?
If so – Deep Joy. Justice returns at last.
I think you credit the average democratic Congressman or Senator with too much knowledge of what has actually been going on over at the DOJ and FBI. I suspect they really aren’t aware of the level of abuse that the Obama Administration had stooped to in order to hoodwink FISA court judges in to issuing warrants to wire-tap away. And I’m pretty sure this goes well beyond just the Trump campaign and the Steele Dossier. I’m reckon this corrupton even extends in to the judiciary itself. As evidence I present that fact that Judge Rudolph Contreras, five days after he was assigned the Flynn case in December 2017, was recused whether by himself or by challenge. And what do you know? Judge Rudolph Contreras is a FISA court judge. My guess is that he was the judge who issued the FISA warrant that enabled the FBI to wiretap Trump’s team. And that he was challenged. In other words there wasn’t just collusion between Obama’s DOJ, FBI, Fusion GPS and the DNC…but the judiciary are in on it too.
But no self respecting Democrat is going to bother himself with trivial things like facts so he remains ignorant
Reference overused Internatioal HS aka NHS.
My parents had NHS cards, curca 1950.
On them it says in terms the following.
“ you MUST present this card on demand if required. If you cannot present the card you may still be treated but will have to pay for treatment (upfront – my words) and can then claim the costs back later.”
So back then, the idea of the International Health Service the NHS has become was anathema…….and to the Labour government that founded the NH# in the first place, nomless !!!
When did LeftMob take over the asylum such that it is now a badge of honour for the NHS to treat anyone and everyone?
Cartoon roundup on the week’s news:
Surprise on Russia Today , Galloway just brought on Jim Davidson
as a special friend, cos he has defended Galloway in the past.
.. He introduced him as “He’s taken a step back from comedy to work full time with his charity After Combat which helps ex soldiers
.. Jim don’t you want to be at the front of comedy”
..Jim “Well it’s not the same like when we used to get 19m viewers on a Saturday night”
..Now I already knew all that
but this is what a lefty said to me the other day
Nothing like respect for your own heritage is there ?
At the end of the last thread we mentioned how BBC comedy is much more narrow minded than past comedy And comedy in today’s clubs
direct link to KafirHarbi January 19, 2018 at 5:19 pmt
Oh and link to news of Jim Davidson’s charity work
I think you’ll find that chubby brown performs to packed houses, when he’s allowed to! His politics is pretty spot on too, imho
BBC, is this really the standard you aspire to? Girl picks up litter and puts it in the bin when she sees it?? FFS!
‘Trash girl’ ignores bullies to clean Norwich’s streets
Actually it’s BBC that spreads garbage around our community
..and never comes back to clean up
(ie correct stories after the previous hype was proved wrong
eg .. Brexit murder, Brexit, Croydon hate-crime)
Drop everything now! Alan Carr’s got married to himself!
Alan Carr gets married to long-term boyfriend in LA
He could have had a shave for the event though…
Will we be hearing the patter of tiny feet soon?
I’m in a bitchy mood today ?
If only he’d waited Lorraine Kelly and Rob Beckett could have saved him a fortune as he and his husband could have wed on ‘Wedding Day Winners’. Live. On bBbc1.
Another Saturday night shit for the bBbc already nominated by the Twitter as ‘the worst programme ever’. Apparently. Free video memories but the volume could prove dodgy and there’s a diversity formula to be followed. The necessary pre marriage/ relationship kids might prove a problem.
If you can help someone sell their great uncles WW1 medals for £30 towards a Gameboy for their grandson on ‘Flog it’, a 5 day luxury trip to Sri Lanka seems ‘just about right’ for the sanctity of marriage.
What has the bBbc become? More to the point, who the f*#k do they think they’re making programmes for, how low is their opinion of us?
21.10 BBCTV1 news. David Willis reporting from the US. Also Nick Bryant. There are as many beeb reporters out there as there are cities, it seems.
Any mention of the FISA report? Not a whisper. Footage of Chuck Shumer speaking in the Senate. The shut-down one year after. Footage of Chuck Shumer getting out of his car. The women’s march one year after. Footage of Chuck Shumer walking in the building. The Dreamers march one year after. Chuck Shumer’s bodyguard looking ready. No mention of Barry one year after.
Nope, no mention of the FISA report either.
To be fair, a sort-of positive report from Bethlehem PA. from Nick. Sort-of. We had to have a lady declaring the President to be mad. That must have provided the balanced nature of the report, since the barber was happy and the builder was happy.
But we did get to see Chuck Shumer. FISA report? What’s that then? Ah yes, another Russian plot. No sireee….not on the news, please.
If you are interested in the ‘memo’ produced by the HPSCI which is in the process of being declassified here’s an interesting piece of background that has not been reported on by the MSM which demonstrates the power of the media to control the political debate and keep the general public in the dark. what I link to here has been in the public domain quite some time.
This document is from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence which has oversight across all of the intelligence agencies and it’s a product of the Foreign intelligence Surveillance Court(FISC), which is the body which handles FISA applications and so on.
Click to access 2016_Cert_FISC_Memo_Opin_Order_Apr_2017.pdf
Read the part on page 83 entitled
Issues Arising Under the FBI Minimization Procedures
Improper Disclosures of Raw Information
Effectively the FBI release raw data containing info on US Citizens (Trump associates among others) to unauthorised third parties (Fusion GPS and Crowdstrike in all probability). This is illegal .
Mike Rogers at the NSA had been informed of suspicious activity about illicit querying of the NSA databases in around March 2016 and instructed an audit covering the period October 2015 to April 2016. He went to the FISC and told them about it and the result was the report by the FISC linked to above
Devin Nunes of course has seen the unredacted version of this document and represents in part what is referenced in the memo produced by the HPSCI. He found out about this in March 2017 and he knows who the redacted parties involved are. No wonder he is worried.
The point is , the dossier did not come first. The dossier is a product of a plot within the DOJ/FBI/Fusion GPS/DNC nexus to frame Trump that started with these illicit queries on run against the NSA databases. There are no russian sources. They are entirely fictional.
Jesus, Left/libs say it’s pity that JRM is till breathing … and no one bats an eyelid
On the way home I had a realisation
It’s not a UKIP, or Righties who sow Aggression/Discord/Hate/Division and show little empathy ..is it ?
Yes seriously when you expect lefties to empathetic and seek to heal, it is they whose action actually DIVIDE
It’s the same in America Trump supporters can be friends with libs, but seemingly it’s not the other way around
If you visit a lefty forum or even one which supposed to be non-partisan
..it won’t be long before you spot a lib/left crossing way over the line and sneer and wish damage on someone ..and then other of the libmob pile on the the Likes.
Lo and behold I get home and switch on Facebook to see this in a group supposed to be about the joy of Radio4
They got TRIGGERED cos Jacob Rees Mogg was on R4Today
43 Liked a post saying
“my day ruined. … Jacob Reese-Mogg wittering away..”
BUT the shocking thing is that 4 comments down someone posts
“It’s the fact he’s breathing that I have an issue with…”
screenshot 1 … screenshot 1
..unbelievable that no one mentions anything !
Strange thing is that if you mention anything non lefty
They don’t tolerate , but immediately try to derail by shouting “Daily Mail”
And if you mention UKIP or complain about Leftwing-bias they will instantly get TRIGGERED
screenshot of not tolerating UKIP
For that JRM post It’s only after 6 hours that Steve Root turns up and 5 people like his pro JRM comment.
It’s lib/left mob who sow Aggression/Discord/Hate/Division and show little empathy
And are normalising hate