Turkey is supposedly about to launch an offensive against Kurdish forces in Syria continuing its decades long assault on the Kurds, destroying hundreds of villages and killing 10’s of thousands of Kurds whom they consider terrorists. It will be interesting and possibly instructive how the BBC reports further such assaults on the Kurds, will they adopt a strictly neutral approach reporting the facts or will they become emotionally involved, taking sides as they have done with the Palestinians. The lack of outrage over the years towards Turkey’s actions in comparison to the reaction to Israeli ones is already instructive, not just the BBC’s of course but all those Kefiyah clad pro-Palestinian, or rather anti-Jewish, campaigners whose whole existence is wrapped up in wiping out the Jewish state ignoring the far greater crimes going on in so many other countries around the world…mostly Muslim.
You can see classic pro-Palestinian BBC bias in this piece brought to us by Sue at Is the BBC biased?...
Hotovely patiently sets out the case against UNRWA, even inventing a new word ‘registrated’ into the bargain. She explains that their (the Palestinians’) great grandparents started the war (of independence) and lost ….Willcox is not impressed.
“Different versions of history of course…. different..”
Hotovely Interrupts: ”No no no! There’s only one”
What’s also interesting here is the BBC claiming that there are ‘different versions of history’ or what you might call ‘alternate facts’…how they laughed and mocked when a Trump aide suggested such a thing…meaning naturally that the Media lies….but the BBC always dodged explaining that. Wilcox of course is the man who suggested Jews are legitimate targets for terrorists in Europe because of what he considers are Israel’s criminal actions in Gaza.
Plenty of other BBC bias bubbling up all around ….list it all here….
Evening all Anti-Beeboids, notice the lack of ‘Have Your Say’ opportunities on Al Beeb this evening ? Do they close down for the week end ? I thought they were a 24-7 service?
Or are they scared of the posters?
Perhaps maxincony can tell us if he is working this evening?
“Perhaps maxincony can tell us if he is working this evening?”
Don’t you mean “If he’s not working (the streets) this evening?”?
Yes they don’t work at weekends
we’ve discussed that before
They have a page
They also list the openComment stories on the HYS Twitter feed
..Ironically the last post has no open commenst as if they hadn’t got around to opening comments / or banned them
Like the Sits Vac ad for senior editors at the top:
“Are you in your early 20s? Do you feel like an adolescent? Or are you over 24 and still feel like an adolescent? We’d like to hear from you”
Only… they all seem to be…. white?
“Brexit: The history of the Tories’ influential European Research Group”
“The new chair, selected after Suella Fernandes’ ascension into the ministerial ranks, is Jacob Rees-Mogg.”!
I predict that Jacob Rees-Mogg will now be lampooned by Al Beeb and the rest of the remoaner media now that he has ‘nailed his colours to the mast’.
This gent will need all the support he can get.
He could be our next PM.
Already started on SKY.
Probably not the choice of W Wales, but, In my experience, has a few followers – in spite of his accent.
Rhif 7
I know a few ‘ Cumro’ who think he would be a great PM .
Last sentence “should” not just “could”.
“Ed Sheeran engaged to long-time girlfriend Cherry Seaborn”
Well I mean, is this really headline news?
Is this information worth paying your telly tax for?
Fills in the website though.
(Keeps out the serious stuff)
“France’s most celebrated chef Paul Bocuse has died at the age of 91, after suffering from Parkinson’s disease for several years.”
I know I live in the wild west of these islands but honestly, I have never heard of him?
Nor me – and I’m Saes!
Nor sta taffman.
I have heard of him and he was much blamed by foodies for “Nouvelle Cuisine”.
But then I live on the Welsh bank of the Rver Rhymney.
I guess he was popular in media-land
Brissles suggested that Donald Trump is much less villified abroad than he is by UK media. No such luck, Brissles! The Aussie TV channels slag him off too – even the commercial ones.
It isn’t confined to slanted news reports either. Breakfast TV shows trash him in the guise of entertainment. A ‘hilarious’ Trump impersonator regularly has me hysterical (with fury). Also, US entertainers are sure of an interview if leftist views of their president can be guaranteed. We’ve had Meryl Streep plugging her new film ‘The Post’. She made it clear this Nixon era tale of ‘noble journalists holding power to account’ was fully applicable to her courageous self exposing dastardly Donald.
A leftward move in the commercial media here has been striking in the last few years, and leaves me puzzled and disturbed. Don’t any of them see it might be profitable to launch a channel that doesn’t endlessly plug multiculturalism etc?
Hi Helena, sadly my Sky dish wont stretch to Oz, (yet strangely I can get Japanese tv), but good to get an overview from your neck of the woods.
Perhaps Meryl Streep has got her frilly underwear in a tangle because she feels that the American people have elected a President who just might, given enough time, hold the nobbled (and they sure have been nobbled) journalists to account, thus frustrating her ambition of creating a world government that will perfect and enrich us all in her image. Ugh!
I had BBC breakfast on for a moment as I am about to watch the football. Their three main stories coming up:
1. An inspirational all black walking group.
2. Something about expanding disabled parking.
3. An all female group crossing the Arctic.
Unbelievable! What Left wing bias?
During Match of the Day they have a nauseating SJW segment. Today a mixed race gentleman is teaching primary school children maths through the medium of rap and street dance.
Could they just stop being virtuous and ‘with it’ for one second? I just want to watch the football. I don’t want to see little girls dancing the shape of obtuse angles.
Beeb Bro.
The finest, most subtle brainwashing taxpayers money can buy but I still won’t buy it.
We should cherish those little off-the-the-cuff remarks made by our licence-paid ace reporters at the BBC.
Christian Fraser is best known lately as Katty Kay’s bag carrier in the BBC’s relentlessly on-going One Hundred Days focusing on the every jot and tittle of the often fevered imaginings of those politically opposed to foreign premier President Trump of the USA. In BBC mathematics their concept of 100 appears about as flexible as own dear Diane Abbott’s notion of any given fixed number.
This morning beta male Fraser condescends to come down from his marathon protesting on Capital Hill for a moment to chat about our own British press stories. Mind you, his metropolitan millennial globalist interest has been peaked by the far from parochial story of what the boss of Apple has just had to say. Somthing along the lines of : the kids are doing too much social media. Something about this new medium not being the real human world…
Let that sink in for a moment and feel free to draw your own conclusions.
“I’m not a good example”, says Fraser “I spend all my time on Twitter”
You could have knocked me down with a feather.
Twitter. The marmite of comms.
As capable of great hilarity as it is woeful vexation.
I am basically pro, as it allows me to choose who to be informed by, and that makes the MSM livid, which is nice.
And such information can easily be collated and vetted for the truth, which is seldom something that makes it past the MSM editorial filter.
Hence I know that the MSM is seriously trying to spin that Jordan Peterson is the anti-Christ by answering childish MSM questions calmly and with logic rather than begging to be whipped further like Theresa May.
And that anyone not in the media on Twitter is laughing themselves silly at how blatant, obvious and idiotic this latest guilt by association smear attempt is.
Cathy better watch out if they seek a fresh martyr. It may not be what she would have wanted.
Wait until the Kamal Ahmed’s A380 arrives.
Guardian editor on to ostensibly discuss the news but instead just plugs the new version of her paper instead for a few minutes. Why not interrupt her like he would with a conservative guest? She is there to discuss the news not plug her rag. Surely its only remaining readers work for the BBC?
The Guardian discussing the ‘news’, on the BBC?
You could knock me down with another feather.
Nice one Cyrille
Who was it who unilaterally decided for us that Cyrille Regis (decent footballer and generally regarded as a good bloke) was suddenly to be lionised as though he were the British Martin Luther King Junior or our Nelson Mandela?
I do know the BBC are keenly complicit (or should that be ‘Luther Blissett’ to use the rhyming slang?)
As much as the radical Left constantly do their ‘Clyde Best’ to convince us that we are inherently horribly racist, I think to project on 1970s Britain some intense battle for Civil Rights or struggle against Apartheid is not only historically wrong but somehow actually belittles the real contemporary struggles against seriously adverse conditions in places such as the Southern States of the US or in the Republic of South Africa.
Mind you, there are always battles to fought; I hear in the dark days of soccer the English crowd used to throw Mars Bars at Gazza (he was over-weight, you see)
Regis was capped to play for England. Trouble is, if you count the number of different players called up to the national side since 1966, England has employed more than, say, Germany (incl. West Germany) by about a factor of 10 – and therein perhaps lies our biggest national football problem. (In case you haven’t noticed I don’t think our greatest football problem is racism, by the way)
There was no great bar to black players. Meritocracy and market forces have and will decide who plays. Admittedly youngsters will follow role models as they choose different career interests and they have different heroes to emulate. Someone has to be first in any field. It wasn’t Regis. There were plenty of black footballers.
To borrow from Harriet Harman’s comedy shtick, I’ll tell you a 1970s racist joke just to prove my point. After all, she got away with it. However, unlike Harman, I won’t claim you’ll enjoy it…
Heard on the terraces in the 1970s: Guess what… next season West Brom are planning to field a white player.
AsIseeIt…….. Everything you commented on in your first paragraph, I thought exactly the same thing – and doubt I am alone. In fact I cant ever remember him ! and my life in the 70’s was heavily involved in football one way or another.
The BBC’s take on this is just not Ian Wright. They’re a bunch of Garth Crooks.
Yes utter crap. What they are trying to do is shape the view of the younger generation about how awful we were in the 70’s. I was at school in the 70’s some of my best mates were black – they were fully integrated in the school. They were some of the best footballers and some of the toughest kids. We did not even notice what colour anyone was we had people from all over the World in our Year at school – no racism at all.and yes we had some boys who were obviously gay – again no problems
The biggest Football problem is that so many people do not have 14 friends and so cannot raise a Rugby team to play a proper man’s game.
Professional Sportsball is just a part of the diversionary bread & circuses.
Is there a lefty on R4 who is quite as smug, self-satisfied and superior as Paddy O Connell with his mostly infantile ‘Broadcast House’? on a Sunday morning? Someone dripping ‘oh ,I’m so, so clever’ with every word?
Well, perhaps Eddy Mair. But for sheer predictability and dullness, Paddy takes the cake. This morning his main target is what is left of UKIP. Poor old Suzanne Evans was there, helping him. She said a few things in defence of UKIP, but the solid wall of hate from all the MSM for UKIP was never mentioned as a factor. We could all see UKIP self-destruct, so Paddy’s triumphant assault was really no achievement. But he relished it.
Then came the usual ‘satire’ with a Donald Trump impersonator, being as thick and offensive as Paddy could get him to be. What a clever triumph. Would love to hear a Corbyn imitator on the show, but somehow don’t think it’s going to happen.
The three ‘random’ guests looking at the press slagged Trump off some more (as always), hyped up the NHS, skepticism about capitalism and Theresa May, all the US marches (and the one in the UK today – the time’s up campaign) , the Dreamers, the new Observer format etc etc
On BH you always get the same old anti-right feast, but it’s so transparent, so one-sided and so biased, you do wonder whether anyone bothers to listen
Paddy O’Partridge would be a more accurate moniker for this tedious cipher.
If al Beebus were run properly, presenting the Radio Rutland ‘Weekly Weather Round-up for Farmers’ at 5.47am on Sundays; would be regarded as outside the limit of his “talent”.
Cleaning the microphones and emptying the studio waste bins, are where Paddy’s career in broadcasting would possibly have begun and should’ve certainly ended.
Is there a lefty on R4 who is quite as smug, self-satisfied and superior as Paddy O Connell with his mostly infantile ‘Broadcast House’? on a Sunday morning? Someone dripping ‘oh ,I’m so, so clever’ with every word?
Well, perhaps Eddy Mair. But for sheer predictability and dullness, Paddy takes the cake. This morning his main target is what is left of UKIP. Poor old Suzanne Evans was there, helping him. She said a few things in defence of UKIP, but the solid wall of hate from all the MSM for UKIP was never mentioned as a factor. We could all see UKIP self-destruct, so Paddy’s triumphant assault was really no achievement. But he relished it.
Then came the usual ‘satire’ with a Donald Trump impersonator, being as thick and offensive as Paddy could get him to be. What a clever triumph. Would love to hear a Corbyn imitator on the show, but somehow don’t think it’s going to happen.
The three ‘random’ guests looking at the press slagged Trump off some more (as always), hyped up the NHS, skepticism about capitalism and Theresa May, all the US marches (and the one in the UK today – the time’s up campaign- free plug) , the Dreamers, the new Observer format etc etc . The half-hearted Brexiteer who was present was talked over by Lord Adebowale (call me Victor). Sexual harassment was discussed and so it went on.
On BH you always get the same old anti-right feast, but it’s so transparent, so one-sided and so biased, you do wonder whether anyone bothers to listen.
I hit the off button after about 3 mins
If UKIP are winning , then it gets bottom billing in a BBC news schedule.
UKIP in trouble suddenly , it gets top billing and they want to talk about them.
The truth is the Tory party is entrenched in lefty values : socialism, and open borders…It’s all those London people and their foreign servants that they feel sorry for and guilty about.
Much as I dislike the way Farage left UKIP to its own devices, I will remain eternally grateful for the massive part he played in getting us the referendum. I think every single beeb propaganda peddler ( I.E. all of them) is actually shitting bricks in case he comes back to lead UKIP again. They are mortally afraid of him.
If only he could nail his colours now to an anti-islam party we could see the bastards in the media get another bloody nose, as they did with Brexit.
Unfortunately Farage has never been “anti-Islam”, when Lee Rigby was hacked to death by two converts to Islam, he went to be filmed / photographed with some nice Muslims.
I heard a story where he was having a cig at the rear of a venue where he was due to speak at a UKIP event. There were two other (UKIP) smokers there, one of whom asked him what his thoughts were about Islam in the UK. Farage, saying nothing, stubbed out the end of his (unfinished) fag returned it to the packet and went back in.
I like NF a lot and he will go down in political history, as doing more to bring about the referendum and its result than anyone else; he isn’t anti-Islam though, nor anti-immigration.
Our Patrick was once a reasonable journo but I think a combination of easy money, trying to be like his queer brother Mr Mayer and going for the easy compliant option of being a good beeboid got to him and made him the man child he is now.
The lazy producer – recycling the same people to review papers ( attack trump , Brexit, fiscal restraint ) – also takes the easy way . Gave up on it .and the Edward Mayer show which was once the 5 o’clock news.
Tonight BBC1 repeats 2 episode from the BBC3 drama about UK Muslims
the second one is
“4/4 Mobeen and his crew see the far right in their truest form at an anti-Islam demonstration.”
“After Aks throws a flask and hits the leader Robbie* Worthington square in the face, Mobeen takes the blame and is subsequently arrested.
– However, he is accidently placed in the same police van as Robbie.
– As Mobeen and Robbie go head to head inside the van, outside the van (and much to Aks’s dismay)
– Eight and Nate desperately need to go to the toilet but can’t escape the police cordon.
Eventually they decide to brave the toilet in the only pub for miles around,
which is liberally adorned with St George’s flags.”
* They almost name the character as Robbie Tomison (Tommie Robinson)
..Sounds like a pantomime where HateNotHope activists get jobs as BBC-extra & dress up as stereotypical skinhead.
I wonder who the BBC would support if the 50 targeted Labour MPs were to resign the whip and form an Independent (Blairite) grouping which, incidentally, would be the 3rd largest party in the House and accrue some interesting privileges. I would think that many local constituency parties wouldn’t be too far behind. The Beeb would have the power to make or break either party. That would make an interesting scenario and boost popcorn sales.
I think you’ll find the constituency labour parties have all been subverted by Momentum types ready to terminate an labour mp failing to be compliant to the communist party labour machine… a very British coup.
11 am Radio5-LIve Report is on Sexual Harassment
So is Adrian Goldberg going to be objective or is he going to have a load of Virtue Signalling activists with a political agenda ?
Oh dear talk of using “hate crime laws” …nope a sex crime is a sex crime , not a hate-crime
“A BBC/MSM exclusive investigation” often equals “An NGO or political group have handed us a report and we are regurgitating it”
Nick pioneering the asking of questions as cover again:
He will be using the old USSR as his blue print for success.
I suspect that the “Third Way” is not leaving the EU at all. Only with a bit more honesty than many others in his party.
Quoted tweet from Marr, it also has a video
\\ “It would not be the same single market,
but would be access to a single market”
– @johnmcdonnellMP on Labour’s Brexit position on the single market //
Watched Andrew Marr…Sad – I really used to like him but now he seems to have taken the BBC pound…
John McDonell on AGAIN!”!!! What struck me was his defence against his calling for a “lynching of that F**B**** Ester Mcvey”..listen to the audio which Marr didn’t play…despite threatening to..McDonnell argues he was just repeating what others had said..Funny when Trump said he was just retweeting what others had said that didn’t count to the BBC and Labour – he was a racist alt right..
Mr McDonnell is a hypocrite and as for his explanation of how they would re-nationalise ..it was an absolute load of crap…and he potentially is the next Chancellor..did Marr pick him up on anything? ..No..as usual
James –
I fear Comrade Mcdonald is the real PM in waiting . Using the deluded Jeremy Corbin love in as the means to number 10.
Adonis v JRM
I fear JRM is on a sticky wicket when it comes to the idea of T May appointing 200 brexit peers to deal with the Adonis anti democratic unelected element in the lords . She has no fight and is a remainer who would never of taken the PM job if she had honour – but that’s rare in politicians .
The sheer neck of Adonis unelected views really does bring back those regal Blair years where he had a 190? Majority and walked on water .
Hopefully the lords will be cut back at the end of this but while policians use it as a retirement expenses club little hope of that .
Interesting how J R-M was up against two people in this debate.
Jacob Rees-Mogg for Prime Minister!
Note that the interviewer starts Adonis off with a rabid Remainers quote to let him confirm and then build upon.
As opposed to Rees Mogg-where the interviewer throws some ball bearings under his feet for him to contend with,before he is free to make his points.
Bias? Moi?…I imagine the BBC don`t think we`re noticing any of this.
Holly – did you notice that the remainer research department had found a quote in Hansard from JRM where he talked about the potential need for a second referendum – the quote out of context being in 2011 which from my sums was 7 years and 2 parliaments ago of if it was Diane Abbot it would be minus 10 years and 0.5 parliaments ago ( carry one ).
Also, did you see how she let Adonis (what a misnomer that is!) make his point then she would ask a question of her own, so J R-M had to tackle two issues rather than just responding to that of the creature he was supposed to be in debate with; yet Smith didn’t employ the same tactic to Adonis.
James Arthur…
Link for Terror loving, woman hating McDonnell.
The man is appalling and has no place in politics…If any politician from any other party had behaved like this they would have been hounded out of politics by the BBC and Labour..Hypocrisy of the highest level
I fear McDonnell’s hypocrisy is much less of a problem than his innate dishonesty.
Earlier, before JMcD’s partly political broadcast, Macron’s performance was effective, polished, smooth and verging on statesmanlike. Yes, he’s an accomplished actor but good at his job. Contrast his stutter, er and um-free four minute uninterrupted spiel with Mrs May’s hesitant ineptitude and you can see why the French voted him in. Won’t last, of course, but he’s keeping his head above water which is more than to be said for the shower in power we currently suffer.
PS I have to ask JamesArthur, what on earth it was that ever caused you to ‘like Andrew Marr’? Was it masochism?
I think you are confused cos this guy is NOT the same John McDonell who says “I’m a Marxist” /sarc
Brillo explains
vid Moment John McDonnell refuses to apologise to Esther McVey “Stain on Humanity”
“I simply reported what I heard”
“Sometimes you need to express honest anger”
“If it reflects your honest views it.. better than being deceptive”
seemingly says that the quote reflects his honest views.
Wow Anna Soubry actually behaved like a Tory and called him out for being the leader of the nasty name calling brigade
very watchable video “You are a very nasty piece of work …your job is to hold the gov to account but ..but now many of these people are frightened by Mr John M and his gang”
Yeh we are not going to borrow to renationalise industries
We’ll isssue bonds”
Bonds are borrowing you dick
“Well pay for these bonds , by the profits”
AN : “but you told us the only reason these corps make a profit is cos they are ripping the public off”
..touche vid
BUT on the IRA comments he did properly explain and apologise vid
Game show Nicky’s Big Question today was what about that Trump? Nicky usually a most impartial chairman (!!?) let his bias show when he went apeshit over the USA having any problem with the Paris Climate Accord. The carefully chosen BBC audience couldn’t show more than a few hands up in support of POTUS. Perhaps another instance, like Brexit & the election of Trump, where folk are browbeaten by the media into silence except when in the polling station.
Agree. Big question Trump bashing again..
Anyway It came across that the chosen audience, and the left wing panelist’s mostly agreed on one thing…..
They don’t like Donald Trump. Why? Because they don’t like Donald Trump..
The fact that the USA is doing just fine under his presidency had no bearing. Also that USA foreign policy seems to be having positive affects on the world stage also makes no difference.
As NISA quotes, the Paris accord was the the silver bullet.
Nicky stating that because the USA pulled out means the death of civilisation and the end of humanity. No arguments or anything. It’s just how it is… fact, and they all agreed
Just like the Wimmens marches today. Out they come to protest, but non of them have a clue what they are protesting for….
I hope that the POTUS has on his ‘To Do’ list, removing the US and its financial support from the UN. That evil body is perhaps even worse (is that possible?) than the BBC.
I’m sure the Americans are really bothered (not) that some of our population doesn’t like Trump. I wonder how many Americans cant stand Theresa May – if they actually know who our PM is.
I am glad you watched Princess Nikki’s show, because I just cannot bear to do so; I prefer not to ruin by Sunday morning with it.
I have noticed that all the BBC TV and radio reports on the US government shutdown seem to be blaming President Trump. The only voice we hear is Chuck Schumer’s, posing as the voice of reason. The Democrats are in fact cynical machine politicians: they deliberately derailed the compromise by linking it to the “Dreamers”, who have nothing to do with a government budget. The Democrats do not want the budget to pass, and they do not want the question of the “Dreamers” to be settled. Their behaviour is outrageous, but if you only watch the BBC’s fake news operation you would never know it.
Meanwhile, we are still waiting for the story of the FISA warrants to come out. If it emerges that Obama used the Democrat/Clinton bought and paid for “Pissgate” dosssier to get a warrant to spy on Donald Trump’s election campaign, it will go down as one of the worst examples of government corruption in the history of the United States, easily on a par with Watergate. Yet to the British left wing MSM, Obama is a hero, the guy we all want at the royal wedding etc etc etc. Bad news leftists: he’s the new Richard Nixon, and you won’t be able to sit on this news forever.
I can’t wait for the corrupt Democrat/MSM left wing cabal to blow apart like Mr Creosote after just one “waffer theen meent.” I wonder how Princess Nikki will spin that story to make it all Donald Trump’s fault?
The racist, white-hating, skin-colour obsessed beebistan couldn’t resist this one:
“Dark is divine: What colour are Indian gods and goddesses?
In India where light skin is coveted, a new campaign is re-imagining popular Hindu gods and goddesses with a darker skin, writes the BBC’s Geeta Pandey in Delhi.”
So a minor non-story gets promoted to its Homepage.
Glad our extortion fee is being well spent on biased, pc, sjw fluff.
Albeeb not sure which way to lean on Johnnie Turk taking on the Kurds . Got the making of a proper war which hopefully will make turkey less likely to get into the EU .
Turkey claims to protect the west from ISIS but we’ve got enough bedroom dwellers planning attacks than worrying about importing more of the vermin .
Build a moat.
As long as we get out, I don’t care if Turkey gets into the Fourth Reich.
Radio Cambridge news 1pm.
Something about accusations of increasing islamophobic bullying in schools. Some woman saying that ‘the true nature of izlam’ should be taught in schools to reduce this.
True nature of izlam?
If only.
They could start with this:
Paywalled so here is taste of the piece.
“Teens roam streets with rifles as crime swamps Sweden. The army may be called in to halt a gang surge in immigrant areas”
“In a country of 10m people, more than 320 shootings and dozens of bombings were reported in 2017, along with more than 110 murders and 7,226 rapes — a 10% increase on 2016. More than 36% of young Swedish women say they feel unsafe at night.”
“In Malmo, where a fifth of the 340,000 inhabitants are under 18, children as young as 14 roam the streets with Kalashnikov assault rifles and bulletproof vests.”
“Born and raised in Rinkeby, they declared themselves not Swedish but Somali, Afghan or Lebanese.”
“Norway’s immigration minister, Sylvi Listhaug, visited Rinkeby last year to “learn” from the mistakes of “uncontrolled migration and poor integration”.”
“It is taboo to make a link between immigrants and crime, according to Tino Sanandaji, a Swedish economist of Iranian-Kurdish origin”
“Sanandaji’s book, soon to be published in English, was blacklisted by some public libraries, despite praise from experts.”
“Paulina Neuding, an internationally acclaimed writer, was accused of xenophobia for linking the rise of anti-semitic and sexual crime to mass migration.” (she said), “Sweden is experiencing a “sexual assault crisis”.”
Just one negative point about the article, is that it talks about immigrants, when it is unfair to say all immigrants are criminals, rejecting western society.
In the comments section someone says “Malmo used to have a large Jewish community. The majority have left because of anti-Semitic violence perpetrated by Muslim immigrants. They Mayor of Malmo suggested that perhaps the Jewish community should drop their support of Israel and then they wouldn’t be targeted by the Muslim migrants”
Ah well welcome to the Real World .
A friend went over to Sweden end of last year in connection to her occupation. Needless to say, the warnings about Sweden and its immigrant problems have been quite widespread on the internet but the BBC? Zilch! I pointed this out to my friend and she replied, “well I’ve heard nothing on the BBC”. Say no more. If the BBC cannot warn Brits about the potential problems when visiting Sweden (and elsewhere in Europe) they are failing their licensees.
So glad I don’t have a TV licence any longer – a small drop in the ocean which apparently is gathering momentum. (no, not that ‘momentum’!).
I see that my local Churches Acting Together Week for Unity is highlighting the role of white trash like our grandparents in “colonialisation” in “slavery” and in “racist oppression”.
The Carribean Church is particularly quoted as condeming us and praying that we`ll one day be as progressive and enlightened say as?
Jamaica( don`t leave the gated compound unless it`s an organised tour)
Trinidad and Dominica?
And not a word about Muslim slaves of today, let alone the role of Wilberfoce and other righteous Christians in ending slavery either.
Only the likes of Pope Francis and Justin Welby would let this stuff through for a weeks hand-wringing as Copts and Christians are firrebombed and beheaded in Pakistan, Egypt and the usual ” holes” that Trump and we all know of.
Thought I`d try church again after Epiphany. Now they can hole themselves up in their Guardian garrets until my kids get invited to Christingle once again.
The Times has two pieces on social media bullying.
One about Ch4’s Cathy Newman and her travails following her interview with Jordan Peterson.
One about a school governor trying to prevent 8 year old girls wearing the hijab, being forced from his job by Muslims on social media.
Wonder which story the BBC will cover?
Apparently Manny Macron thinks the referendum question was too simple for voters to understand thus leading to the wrong kind of vote .
Maybe it should have been – do you want to keep paying for bullies in Brussels to tell us what we can and can’t do – on behalf of the reich ?
They’ll miss our money more than us.
The Sunday Times has, as headline news:-
“Jeremy Corbyn Allies plot to oust 50 Labour MP’s”
Yet less than a year ago it’s headline news was – “170 Labours MP’s plot to oust Jeremy Corbyn”
Fake news that would make the BBC proud.
Amazing if true
Always best to start your day by checking BreitbartLondon on Twitter
Who have we got to thank for facilitating the presence in the country of the, “Surrey Teenager”?
We can look forward to terrorism from the next batch of, “child refugees” she has just agreed to speed up processing. We can be relieved that the quicker they get here, the quicker they can start destroying our culture and, if very lucky, us as well.
Afghanistan has more liberty than Britain
The new “eff”-word. FOREIGNER. It’s tantamount to a hate crime according to our leftist thought police. A British MP dare not utter the eff-word. Foreigner. Shocking!
“At least 18 dead as Taliban attack on Afghan hotel ends after 13 hours. 14 foreigners among fatalities, with casualty toll expected to rise; more than 150 people, including 41 foreigners, rescued”
So it’s official. UKIP have become a joke.
What a tragedy that AMW did not become the leader. A leader who would not have given Islam a free pass.
Jacob? Doesn’t really take it to Islam.
Nigel? For all the great work has done, he doesn’t really take it to Islam.
AMW would have given UKIP a unique selling point. Bolton was just more of the same. I saw him on Daily Politics and it was impossible to take him seriously.
Much as I love and respect Jacob, I always sense that his Queensbury Rules approach to things is a blunderbus, when we need a Stanley knife for the close quarter work needed with both Islam and the Left.
If only he`d think of Tommy Robinson and his mates, who would serve as some kind of streetwise protection in places where his courtly Somerset gentleman stuff won`t hold. Tower Hamlets and Ladywood say.
And informally too.
Only some nod to being nasty to the enemy and traitors will do now. The bullies and brownshirts will not be voted out or debated away any longer, I fear.
Congratulations to Oxford University who have officially joined the ranks of third rate polytechnics by deliberately making examinations easier for woman in an effort to dishonestly skew the results:-
“Oxford University students were given longer to complete exams for the first time last summer in an effort to help women achieve higher grades.
It is hoped the change will reduce “the undue effects of time pressure”, which is thought to have more of an impact on female students than male ones.
Helen Zha, a member of Oxford’s Mirzakhani Society for women studying maths, said female undergraduates were more likely to experience problem-solving difficulties when male students were in the same room.”
Yes, what you are reading is an actual representation of the level we have been reduced to by a MSM that thinks Cathy Newman was a victim……Lord help us all.
UKIP executive have no confidence in Bolton.
Here is the lesson. In an age of feminism politicians need to exercise more control over the opinions of their women.
You`d not find Anne Marie Waters leaving two mothers suckling or in the lurch, then shacking up with some piece of totty who is nowhere as attractive as has been said.
Er. yes. Granted that things are more fluid these days. But still. They messed up badly in not taking AMW, who would and could have been our longed-for Donna Trump.
Not too late for them to beg her to return. If not, they`re done.
Ban Marie?
THIS is what you get.
Anne Marie Waters was born in Eire (Southern Ireland) which – please correct me if I am wrong- is not as I understand it, a part of the UK.
So, is Anne Marie officially a British citizen?
Her Wikipedia page informs us that she describes herself as “passionately, loyally, resolutely, and proudly British” but does ones own description of oneself (as Her Majesty would probably put it) make one officially a British subject,and if she is not is it right that she should be able to stand for election in the UK.
Sorry, that sounds a bit like a planted question on the pisspoor “Any Questions” prog.
Anne-Marie Waters would be a disaster as leader of UKIP.
They are a busted flush now anyway, so different leaders is just re-arranging the Titanic’s deck chairs; it was the Panzerfaust which got us a referendum – it was only ever a single use weapon and people need to realize this.
GB needs a new political party to ‘hold the government’s feet to the fire’ . UKIP got us the break for freedom and now we need a party to see it through. Otherwise we will have a BINO – Brexit in name only.
Brexit means Brexit. That means is Britain’s Exit from the EU.
Remember ? “No deal for Britain is better than a bad deal for Britain.”
More global warming …………………….
Do you think perhaps I should ring the BBC and let them know that we are in the middle of an English winter? It always gets a bit hutchy about this time of year. After all if nobody has bothered to tell ’em how can they be expected to know?
A new political party – Democrats and Veterans.
“Women’s March: What’s changed one year on?”
\\”Time’s up, time’s up” was the message continuously chanted by thousands of protesters gathered in London to support a rally highlighting women’s rights.//
Thousands ? Or more propaganda?
So what has really changed ? – fewer…………..
“Although the numbers in London were fewer than last January, what did people think of progress in women’s rights one year on?”
By my reckoning, it costs me 45p/day to pay for the BBC.
I`m happy with C-Spans show that was on BBC Parliament earlier. Hardly overly fair to Trump, but (by BBC standards) remarkably balanced.
My 45p should surely go to the Washington Journal who put that show out between 1-3pm today.
And I should fine the BBC 45p for their appalling Rich Hall baitfest I`ve just heard a bit of. This is the man who sang “funny songs” about stalking , yet feels it`s OK to slate Trump for not doing what Bill Clinton actually did.
Not heard much from IS this “One Year On” from Trumps election-yet NOBODY gives him credit for this.
So that`s 90p withheld from the BBC-imagine they`ll be owing ME by the time the license is due.
Reckon there`s a national campaign here if we all took 45p off them for every insulting biased piece of liberal detritus they elect to force onto us by way of “news” or so-called “comedy”.
“comedy”. Na , Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
I listened to five minutes of Rick Hall then switched to something else.
I don’t understand how the BBC can justify this stuff under any circumstances. Why should we give, presumably, a US national a platform to put down his own president, a president of our greatest ally and of the major democratic country in the world?
There are plenty of world leaders with apalling track records that the BBC might take on but wouldn’t dare.
Making fun of another country’s head of state can be seen as an insult to that country and its people – “My president is for me to disapprove, not for some damn foreigner, insult him and you insult me” – sort of attitude.
If the BBC want to play that game there is an eight-year back catalogue of gaffs, broken promises, racism and misjudgements to work through from the previous president first.
It is no bad thing in my opinion. We on the conservative right need the USA to have done with us. That is the government and our media. In the short term grief but long term it open the possibility of the liberal consensus breaking apart as the stress increases.
Likewise with the EU. Far from deploring the attempts to reverse Brexit we could look on them as another sign of the power structure losing control .
The possibility of a real and lasting wedge driven between the shire people and the existing power structure based almost entirely in London and a few other cities can only be beneficial. There is a risk of course that the real left- not the pretend left currently making noise everywhere- will take advantage. Whatever happens this current situation cannot go on.
Can someone tell me when “lying in repose” turns into “lying is state”?
The BBC tells me that Delores O Riordan is now in an open casket in a Limerick church.
How ghoulish is this? And what the heck has this to do with the BBC, unless they want some Lady-Di type of grief pictures to confirm the trivial and fatuous nature of celebrity culture when one of their own dies.
Poor woman, poor family-but the Eurocreepy BBC needs reining in, on what “news” is.
The necrophilia began with Lenin I guess, whose anniversary is today.
Holly we are of the same mind. Thing is (and I’m putting my head above the parapet here), I’ve neither heard of her or the group she fronted, and yet the news are showing every stage of her coffin arriving and the crowds lining the street. The world has gone mad ! This lady apparently died in unexplained circumstances in a hotel room, and will be forever mourned by her family. A different league however, to those soldiers being shown the ultimate respect when arriving home in Royal Wooton Bassett.
Just been watching HardTalk with Anthony Scarramuchi. Trumps adviser who got sacked after a week or so last summer.
Anthony was impressive, overall-but Stephen Sackur made an arse of himself as he always does.
What I noticed was the number of edits in the filming, especially when Scarramucchi was in full flow.
I only noticed because I`d mused to my poor partner that “this is radio stuff, not fit for telly”. But on seeing the edits-i`m glad I noticed.
Goes without saying that this is all that the BBC do these days. But we all know it now.
‘Failed to preserve’: the BBC must use that one soon when they deep six a ‘report’ that has gone the shape of a pear.
And the period in question – December 14th, 2016, not long after Mr Trump won the election, and May 17th, 2017, the day the Special Prosecutor was appointed to investigate alleged ‘collusion’ between Mr Trump’s team and the Russians.
The ‘Strzok-Page’ texts were between the people who were trying to create some kind of contingency plan in the event that Mr Trump become POTUS.
Really strange all of this, and especially the timing, no ? Just when you thought you had defined the word ‘blatant’, then you have to dredge even further into the Clinton/Democrat morass.
And as of a few minutes ago, it certainly didn’t warrant mention on the main BBC web pages…. I wonder why ? But the BBC, of course, certainly did continue to find room on their web pages for an article published a day earlier, discussing (sorry – criticising) Mr Trump’s tweets in his first year as POTUS.
No bias there, then.
Seems like c4 is in do do for an investigation into cash for brexit advise by Tory mp s for private customers . Except that the telegraph is saying the despatches documentary was pulled last minute for reasons unknown
It’s one for Ofcom – which is – as we know – infested with ex c4 employees and ex bbc staff.
The trouble is the only thing the disparate ‘broad church’ of Blue Labour has in common is an all pervading greed, and desire to preserve their own wealth and privilege, and to this end they would sell their entire country down the river.
It surprises me not one jot that three senior Tories were attracted like a moth to the flame by the promise of money, it is after all the only things which interests them.
“Brexit: ‘Irresponsible’ to threaten Welsh refusal of consent to EU bill”
He is irresponsible, he does not represent the views of the people of Wales, most of the people voted OUT!
That’s the trouble with politicians, the do not listen to the electorate and they are not listening now.
They are all a disgrace to democracy and all that our forefathers fought for.
“That’s the trouble with politicians, the do not listen to the electorate and they are not listening now.”
The only part of government that is listening is GCHQ.
Eerily quiet over on the BBC News home page tonight – as of 11.28pm. Not a single Trump story to fire up their insidious selves. Just a minor headline on the World sub-page.
Why I wonder? Trump has been tweeting as per normal. Maybe the possible release of that much talked about Memo may have something to do with it. I hope this is the case because Jon ‘Sopex’ Sopal will have some explaining to do over all hisTrump-Russia collusion nonsense stories. What has Sopex found out about this Memo? I want to see more than just mere egg on his face. #ReleaseTheMemo
It looks like the Fisa memo is on its way according to this recent report
This could really turn everything on its head and maybe change millions of minds on Trump, The Deepstate and its media propaganda. I believe the deepstate exists in the UK too, all mainstream media looks orchestrated to a fixed agenda.
I see Loreal Muslim Hijabist Amena Khan has had to pull out of her beauty contract because of what the BBC describe as ‘anti Israel’ tweets.
This is a new description adopted by much of the Left Wing MSM as well as the BBC. It is almost as if they all moved to it at once like a flock of birds.
Other news outlets are less coy and call the tweets anti Semitic which of course in essence they are.
Worse than all that the BBC admits in the article that it hasn’t even seen the tweets – others who have are simply disregarded.