Apparently Tony Blair has been in France having an operation:
French surgeons make medical history with first double face transplant
Apparently Tony Blair has been in France having an operation:
French surgeons make medical history with first double face transplant
An irony for a surgeon to have Anthony Blair’s blood on his hands when normally Mr Blair has the blood of so many innocents on his own .
When he puts his head up above the parapet to benefit brexiters you see a tormented multi millionaire
Who lost his soul
Apparently they had also planned to sew the forks of his tongue back together, but they realised that he wouldn’t be able to talk without a forked tongue so they cancelled that op.
Demon – ha ha guessing from your name you are an authority this creature – one who got Blighty involved in a war and got tired of being PM before it had finished. His son must be getting ready for a safe remainer seat.
Blair had a face transplant in 2010 to make him look like David Cameron. After the switch he had another 6 years as Prime Minister.
Sorry to the bearer of bad news, but Germany and Europe are in for 4 more years of the unspeakable GroKo again. No surprise. Power and patronage: too seductive. So the master of black magic, Merkel (as always she needed to do nothing more than keep a low profile for the past weeks) is still with us. So is the unappealing anti-Justice Justice Minister, Maas.
This time we have someone obsessed with MUCH MORE EUROPE, the most unappealing Mr Schulz. He is also a lover of no limits to immigration. I think it is just possible that, within 4 years, Germany will be entirely unrecognizable…
Normally, one would say that the SPD has just cooked its goose. But I suspect, the Merkel and the socialists will be importing voters to an extent that will make Tony B look a mere amateur at the game.
The BBC should be happy. Will we have rave reviews or something more sober?
I have not found any news item about Blair and an operation. Looks very much like fake news to me, especially as to have an operation the patient needs a brain and heart to start with.
What was the operation ? Was it transplanting his face on his arse , just so we can all be sure of where he is talking from.