Ah yes, the principled mutineer…..
The thing Brextremists really can't compute is me being prepared to compromise my career for principles. I hated stepping down from Newsnight & could have stayed with simple changes to my modus operandi outside the Beeb. The decision makes me look decent so they claim I was axed.
— James O'Brien (@mrjamesob) January 20, 2018
So let’s get this right….Jobby has to chuck the BBC gig in because he is so biased that he cannot do the job properly without letting his own personal views show…yep…he’s such a decent bloke…and so modest. And he was axed….told to sort his life out or sling his hook…and not before time. Have to say it takes something to be sacked from the BBC for anti-Brexit and anti-Trump bias…..just how bad, how fake must you be?
Ah…he admits the BBC’s impartiality model is broken…but only because it doesn’t allow him to spew forth the ‘facts’ as he sees them…..
That's really neither true nor fair. I personally believe that Trump & Brexit have broken the impartiality model but that's not the BBC's fault and it's still the home of loads of the finest journalism – and journalists – in the world.
— James O'Brien (@mrjamesob) January 20, 2018
James O’Brien…a bit like Jesus really, such a martyr who came to save us all [genuinely…he once said he prayed for all those who were devoid of love and full of hate…casting out their devils]…let’s hope he isn’t resurrected too soon.
It’s a ‘shithole’
And you were the biggest Jobby in the toilet
No , let’s be fair to James O Brien
He realises he’s more direct than the BBC , he’s an old Gramscian that’s got his own show . Time for the up and coming new Gramscians to surreptitiously spread their message courtesy of Al Beeb .
‘Trump and Bexit broke the impartiality model’ james o’brien
What model is James talking about?
Asking awkward questions model?
Having a choice model?
Facing hard questions model?
Does he have a link to how this model works?
I am perplexed. Your quote from this dum leftist that Trump and Brexit broke the impartiality model baffles me. The impartiality rule ought to apply to broadcaster only, not even to newspapers. How can it possibly apply to a politician or a political campaign?! Does this cretin think that politicians should be neutral , if so how could politics work? What I suspect he means is that he didn’t like he result and therefore he thinks that the leftist broadcasters should become even more biased than they already are in order to try to reverse the results. How long before the people realise how out of control the leftist media are and demand a return to strict impartiality or better scraping the parasitical BBC.
I’m confused too, but it became clearer once I realised that he had his “Subject” and “Object” the wrong way round.
You see, Trump and Brexit are the news. They don’t have to be impartial, they are the basis on which the news is reported and so it isn’t them that broke the impartiality model as he said.
Its the BBC and others who, having to report the news factually, fail to do so and consequently broke the impartiality model.
Once that’s clear, it all becomes obvious. He was fired.
I’m confused too, but it became clearer once I realised that he had his “Subject” and “Object” the wrong way round.
You see, Trump and Brexit are the news. They don’t have to be impartial, they are the basis on which the news is reported and so it isn’t them that broke the impartiality model as he said.
Its the BBC and others who, having to report the news factually, fail to do so and consequently broke the impartiality model.
Once that’s clear, it all becomes obvious. He was fired.
Has anyone noticed that an anagram of James O ‘Brien is Dickhead.
I spotted another anagram of James O’Brien.
‘Marxist totalitarian moronic imbecile’
PS I slipped in the X as it helped finish the anagram.
Please don’t compare him to the Lord Jesus cos when j Lennon made a comment like that look what happened to him? Clue – he ain’t making bloody awful albums with screechy yoko any more . ( that is not a threat by the way )
So apart from my o Brian going away and writing a book about his life as a victim and how free speech at the Beeb Is dead – what does he do ? Guardian column ? Indy ? Job in quick fit ? (Nothing wrong with the latter should I upset tyre fitters ).
Academic for fedup as I gave up on snooze night years ago and have not heard Mr o brien and hopefully now – never will.
One down so many to go
None of this is what I believe I heard Jobby say quite some time before Xmas when he said that he wasn’t allowed to do Newsnight for the duration of the Brexit negotiations and UK withdrawal process.
The clear implication from what he said was that the BBC had dropped him.