Channel 4 pulls ‘cash for Brexit’ TV exposé: Investigation into former Tory Cabinet ministers accused of offering advice to Chinese companies is dropped at the eleventh hour
Ooops….things haven’t gone to plan at C4 recently as Cathy Newman might admit. Now, as we suggested earlier, Dispatches’ attempt to entrap Tory politicians in a scheme engineered by C4 to discredit and deligitimise Brexit by making it look like a Tory get-rich scam is a risible, farcical, politically motivated stunt that backfired immediately other than to get a big headline in the pro-EU, anti-Brexit Sunday Mail.
Dispatches has pulled the programme until further notice as it undergoes re-editing. LOL. Just how much cutting and pasting will they have to do in order to concoct something that is even half-way believeable in order to rescue their own credibility?
Perhaps they could get some Russian prostitutes in to say all three Tories indulged in a massive orgy in a Moscow hotel and just loved being given golden showers dressed as President Obama.
Fake news and its the mainstream, left wing, media once again.
This became instant non news – I didn’t hear any comment by Tory politicians yesterday – only that the three tories concerned had referred this incitement allegation to ofcom .
Seems strange really – I would of thought the tories would have made hay with it – but them remembered that a lot of their party is anti Brexit.
Same of course with al Beeb .
I wonder what would have happened if three remainers were bribed by EU to present their case – that of course would never happen would it.. ?
just 3 lol
the EU are much more thorough than that
BBC’s ‘Silent Witness’ last night involved the American Embassy and our resident heroine falls for an American diplomat ( anyone notice how feminized SW is becoming, less gore and more bore ) .
She asks of him .. Republican or Democrat ? He replies ‘Democrat as anything else would probably be a deal breaker’.
He goes onto say that.. ‘There aren’t two sides in American politics anymore, there is the Whitehouse and there is everybody else’.
No impartiality there then !
Isn’t David ‘I back the people;s decision! I quit!’ Cameron currently in China given speeches for £12K a head (meal not removal of head)?
Chinese business chiefs pay £12,000 for dinner with David Cameron { 10jan2018}
OT, but I just got an urgent email from our insurers:
‘You may have seen a story in the news which claims we use customers’ names to price our insurance based on race. This is 100% not the case’
I had actually, but perhaps not in those terms. Fake news?
Just checked our documents and interestingly there seems no obvious means to check my race at all, so I am not too sure what they are on about.
I am however now concerned that sensible actuarial practices are going to be skewed to penalise good, honest drivers to accommodate sensitivities surrounding those who may not be.
Nothing is worse that the EU edict that insurers may not discriminate premiums based on gender of the proposer.
Women live longer than men. So their life insurance premiums should be lower (good news for them), but their pension annuities should also be lower (bad news for them).
Young women drive better than young men – so their car insurance premiums should be lower than they now are.
Women are more likely to have long-term illnesses forcing them to take time off work than men – so their permanent health insurance premiums should be higher than they now are.
The good news for men is that the rampant feminism has resulted in them winning more than they lose.
I am awaiting the rule that the EU will issue saying insurers cannot discriminate on age. As I am getting on I am looking forward to a reduction in my life insurance and travel insurance premiums, but resigned to an increase in my motor and house insurance.
“Young women drive better than young men”.
Not round here. Just as aggressive but with a greater obsession with ‘entitlement’.
As an example. Whilst attempting to enter a local car park I was met with a young female driver driving out of the EXIT lane. Having stopped to wait for her to do something sensible, and shaking my head in disbelief, I was subjected to a stream of abuse from HER open window and a number of similar digital abuses (keep your hands on the wheel love!).
I just LOL and thought ‘silly cow’.
Where do these ‘Insurers’ get their information?
Probably the feministas at the BBC.
Many male taxi drivers state that female passengers are not just more obnoxious then men but they have to be very careful they are not falsely accused of harassment.
“She was driving out of the EXIT lane” so were you driving in through the EXIT lane?
I think the time for these stings has passed. The fact is you would have to be a very stupid person indeed to fall for one of these now, the con is too well known.
Looks like the MSM will have to find another way to smear pro-Brexit politicians. And they will.
Did you by any chance mean the Mail on Sunday? The Sunday Mail is a much older, Scottish paper which most people using this site will probably never have heard of, let alone read.
The Sunday mail on Sunday mail
The G is saying that the “cash for brexit’ programme is to be broadcast next week after a ‘review’.
C4/the g/ al Beeb are desperate to get the “cash for Brexit” phrase into the public consciousness to corrupt the process – I’m guess the ‘gang of 3’
Clegg Adonis Clarke is behind this.
There will be more attempts to subvert democracy .
Prostitutes or prestitutes? That is the question.