Let’s have some alternate facts from the BBC, or even just some facts. The Clintons received millions of dollars from the Russians and the Saudis, Clinton’s top aide is a Saudi, the Democrats paid for the ‘dodgy dossier’ on Trump, the company commissioned to produce the report admits it ‘customises’ its reports for the customer’s requirements, the FBI are accused of helping or encouraging the production of that dodgy dossier, the BBC tells us that the Russians are behind the anti-Clinton email hack and thus they are backing Trump, but then they tell us that it was serving Russian intelligence agents who supplied the ‘kompromat’ on Trump thus acting against him….and yet the BBC see no contradiction, no difficulty with that, the CIA are claimed to have asked musician Moby to spread anti-Trump propaganda, Obama did wire-tap the Trump campaign during the election, and it is probable that James Comey, ex head of the FBI, made up the claim that Trump asked him to end the Flynn investigation….after all Comey says he immediately wrote out a memo about the meeting so shocked was he at Trump’s words. However such an important memo about such an important subject is no longer with us…Comey threw it away…so just how real is his claim? The BBC doesn’t ask. In fact it rarely asks anything that would derail its sacred narrative about Trump despite a year on there being nothing to prove a single thing.
They hear stuff they can’t refute but they can’t accept the truth of it…so they ignore it and invent biased twaddle instead.
Spot any of that twaddle?…list it here…..
There’s a comedy club in London that’s advertising ‘no holds barred’ acts, the implication being that BBC-style PC will be ignored. It could catch on. I wonder if the BBC will make a programme about this phenomenon…
If it isn’t PC the ‘liberal’ left will have it closed down one way or another. If the acts there make jokes about Muslim it will be attacked, both in the media by the craven MSM and physically by Ropers. Such is the country we now live in. Can you remember when we used to be told how essential freedom of speech was to a democracy. How proud we should be of Speakers Corner in Hyde Park? Distant memories now . A once flourishing democracy now cringes before the power of Islam.
There’s a man at the back taking names …
It will probably be ‘no holds barred’ Lefty comedians attacking BREXIT and Trump.
Perhaps Mrs May should spend more money on the defence of this nation instead of Foreign Aid and paying millions to France for more so called ‘refugees’?
When the US looked funny at Iraq, Afghanistan , the BBC was quick to condemn it. When the CSs at the bBC clamined the US was looking funny at Iran, Venezuela, they quickly condemned Washington with no proof. When the UK ruled anywhere the bBC is quick to inform the masses that it was wrong. The message the bBC promtes is that nobody has a right to force themselves onto anybody else.
Then we have The bBC love fest with intolerant Islam, be it anti-semitism, be it crime, rape, murder or even War, the bBC affords Islam an easy time, in fact to the arse bandits at the bBC Muslims who carry out any of the above can only be victims of the West. Which kind of explains why a Turkish invasion of Syria( Yes its an invasion) is currently given the whitewash treatment by the so called impartial bBC. Can you imagine the outrage if this was the US, The UK or god forbid the Jews who were invading another country. The bBC would be going hell for leather on the schools, Hospitals , mosques and wedding parties getting blown up. They would be reporting on all the protests ( With times and locations) against this so called Islamophobic attack. ( Funny enough Turkey has banned such protests). Yet the bBC coverage excuses the Turkish invasion, stating that both sides have been shelling each other. ( Compare that with any coverage from Israel against Gaza, Syria) the fact remains Turkey is waging war against the Kurds and the cunts at the bBC are downplaying it. I mean compare their coverage of air strikes , missile strikes and a land invasion with their coverage of a so called genocide against Muslims in Bruma, which has used no tanks, air strikes or the like.
Funny that,
Whilst the bBC reports as per its Turkish Islamic masters that the Afrin enclave may contain YPG terrorists , hence the reason why the Turks are going in, they fail to reveal that actually the region has always been Kurdish and the reason for that is because it is mountainous, which has helped keep others out. Such as ISIS these past few years. But hey to the Jimmy Saville fans at the bBC as the Turks are involved they must be given as much whitewash as possible which kind of explains their totally polarised reporting.
The bBC reporting as their Mullah deems best.
The BBC is merely acting as Erdogan’s mouthpiece over this matter. They have allowed him to effectively write all their “news” articles on this issue. The BBC are spewing out Erdogan propaganda and excuses and nothing much else.
“Erdogan better mend his ways. Nobody will tolerate too long his double dealings, not even Russians, who by tradition are patient. It was they who saved him during that attempted coup d’etat, by threatening to use their AA missiles against the conspirators who were trying to shoot his plane down. They even sent combat aircraft. The conspirators backed down. It would not be wise for Erdogan to have the Russians deduce that he is going to cross them in the end.”
I’m surprised that Michal Hussain hasn’t come out and said that not enough Turks have been killed for them to invade.
No, not really surprised – all Beboids have double, treble or even quadruple standards depending on who is attacking whom and who is retaliating against whom.
You must be in error there sir. The BBC is totally and utterly impartial. Only yesterday the BBC Director General was on my TV screen and he completely vindicated my view that he is a lying little country boy. Or was he a she? Fuck knows.
A minor line of news but so very telling of BBC attitudes: The government haven’t had Ofsted inspecting children’s centres. So, says our BBC editorial line “Parents will have no idea how good the centres are”
Yes, of course the assumption is: how could people make decisions for themselves without a huge hierachy of quango bureaucracy to nanny them?
Another classic example of skewed editorial choices from BBC London News : a shooting in East London only gets mention in the travel news.
Do hope we’re all feeling the benefit of such ‘community cohesion’ enhancing choices there at the BBC.
That example really does nail al Beeb – next they’ll be doing features of the hazards to the environment caused by police tape all over the city and the health hazards caused by bunches of flowers left at crime scenes .
Is it in the travel news because visiting that area of East London is like visiting another country?
The BBC reports that an Islamic school was discovered to have books promoting intolerance. Wow – who would have thought that?
Was one of those books by any chance a popular revelation from 1400 years ago?
Ah Monday morning..my wife is getting worse than me..after watching the Newman- Peterson interview declared – I’m ashamed to be woman :-)..
This morning she pointed out the missing Headline in breakfast – Minchin doing the ‘Headlines’ picked up the Express which declared France would have voted to Leave EU..Macron..It couldn’t have been printed any bigger- Minchin put it down like a hot stick..not a mention.
I listened to R4 Headlines..no mention of that one…So BBC headlines are whatever the BBC decide they will be regardless of the truth..
Don’t worry – you can inform the Mrs that Cathy Newman is safe in the SJW Witness Protection Program where she will rest out of sight for an extended period.
The BBC has deleted a tweet describing the Iraqi migrant accused of the Parsons Green terror bombing as a “Surrey teenager”.
“Ahmed Hassan Mohammed Ali, who claims to be 18-years-old, arrived in Britain from the camps in Calais, Northern France, three years ago”, according to the Telegraph.
“He travelled illegally across Europe but, as an “unaccompanied child”, was allowed into Britain and processed in a migrant centre in Kent. He was then placed in a foster home with an elderly couple in Sunbury-on-Thames.”
Just this week, Prime Minister Theresa May agreed to accept more so-called “child refugees” from Calais after talks with French President Emmanuel Macron….
Toady watch
Really can’t be bothered …but the bit on great wimmin at 0820 was enlightening . Al Beeb is going big on wimmin getting the vote in 1918 – the problem being that they didnt . Oh yes middle class wimmin with property ownership and over 30 got the vote but the workers didn’t .
I am not a socialist -in fact I believe that only people who pay income taxes / poll tax should be able to vote( yes I know it’s impossible)
So albeeb had a couple of upper middle class wimmin to talk about great wimmin artists – answer – bloody sculptures – no writers or musicians or poets . Piss poor but to be expected.
I know it’s not important – the anniversary of the end of the Great War and the sad end of our great empire is.
Is woman’s emphasis why between 7.45 and 8.10 on breakfast I only saw one man out of 10 presenters (sports, weather, news) on BBC?
Still awaiting the pre-Christmas ‘iPhone’ losses too.
Works out around £5000 per person ! What kind of comparator organisation spends even a tenth of that on employees long service gifts?
Toady snooze
I think I heard how the Russians were planning a war or something which wouldn’t be good for Blighty and we should arm up to deter them..?
Really ? The Russians lost their satellites – Poland and others and the Warsaw Pact . NATO expanded .
By all means increase military spending by cutting spending on the international health service and education but not for the Russians – for the internal enemies – those that have actually attacked us.
Putin is the leader of Russia – we don’t have an equivalent leader – that’s our loss . No amount of increases in defence spending ( which won’t happen) can remedy that.
Declaration – I am not in the pay of Russians .
The BBC promotes the standard Russophobic line of the British Establishment, with the news that General Nicholas Carter, the head of the Army, will give a speech tonight warning that the British Army’s ability to respond to threats “will be eroded if we don’t keep up with our adversaries”. Yes, Russia, we are talking about you and note that term ‘our adversaries’ rather than ‘potential adversaries’. There is mention of the Russian army’s military exercises last year, which ‘simulated attacks across northern Europe, from Kaliningrad to Lithuania’. Kaliningrad is, of course, Russian territory, whilst there is no mention of the fact that British warplanes and military personnel are currently located less than 100 miles from St Petersburg, courtesy of our support for the Baltic states (to understand the Russian perspective on this, try to imagine how we would feel if the Russians had military bases in, say, Dublin or Northern France).
However, ‘Sir Nick’ is presumably too diplomatic and the BBC will go out of its way to avoid mentioning any possible link with last week’s story – or should that be Fairy Tale – about recruitment for the British Army. The shambles that this has become, with recruitment outsourced to Capita, who make large amounts of money enforcing the TV poll tax on behalf of the BBC, is a national disgrace. And now, a new, touchy-feely advertising campaign has been launched, developed by the advertising agency Karmarama (hey man, remember ’67 and the Summer of Love?). The new ‘recruitment’ campaign emphasises the emotional support that vulnerable soldiers can enjoy in the New Model Army (it’s okay to cry), or that soldiers will turn down the radio so that their Muslim colleagues can say their prayers. Needless to say, the resultant Queen’s Own Transgender 4th Division that may result from all of this, is unlikely to have Putin’s Boys shaking in their boots (just shaking with laughter).
Ian ,
I saw the sweet advert of our boys in an APC all together making funny with a sleeping colleague and thought if I was 18 again and thinking about joining the army to shoot my country’s enemies it wouldn’t do much for me – I’d rather just be the best .
Apparently, serious consideration was given to dropping the phrase ‘Be the Best’ altogether. Presumably the alternative would be something along the lines of ‘Be reasonably okay, if it’s not much trouble, and mindful of health and safety rules and the need for diversity’.
Saw parts of the speach the head of the army gave at RUSI- he gave the impression that we are due to fight the Russians alone / at least al beeb mentioned in passing the Russians spend about 45 billion a year whilst NATO 650 billion .
Before we go lashing out on more tanks and kit perhaps mr trump will force the cowards in Europe to spend their fair share – particularly the reich who must be the number one target should the Russians really want to come West again . Can any one really see that ? Or have I been conditioned ( groomed ) by pesky propaganda . ?
10:15am RLive now the ex-GCHQ chief is spouting crap on the Emma Barnett show
EB : “So did the Russians interfere in the Brexit vote”
chief : “Well the truth is we don’t know
… but everyone accepts except Donald Trump that they meddled in the US election”
Whoa the old ‘everyone knows’ fallacy
An assertion is worth nothing unless you show evidence and CONTEXT.
..eg. If you mean that the Russians have been Sh*t stirring by choosing what guests/reports on Russia Today TV..yes that is true
..but that applies to Brexit too.
Emma “How come we don’t meddle in their elections ?”
That’s a free kick question..cos he just replied “Well we have different standards”
..His true answer should have been we do ..cos we have equivalents of Russia Today and we help activists And that is a RIGHT thing to do.
Ok I admit it I’m a Russian spy sent here to undermine Blighty by putting false posts on this website and telling people in the pub to vote Brexit to undermine the West.
There are 17 million of us working for the collapse of west – er sorry – I mean EU…
Now, stop being silly

Explains this plot between the Clintons, the FBI & the DOJ to frame Trump – all as a smokescreen to cover Hillary’s retreat out of town. This is a groundbreaking interview that the Daily Caller Foundation has put up
Seriously people – Joe DiGenova isn’t a nobody – he is a senior lawyer and sometime Federal Prosecutor. If you are curious about that “Memo” at all – you need to watch this and then compare what he says to the BBC’s output on the matter
The ranking Democrat on the Intel committee thinks the memo shouldn’t be released as “Americans won’t understand it”.
Yeah…. they’ll draw all the wrong conclusions eh?
It’s like being lectured on arithmetic by Dianne Abbott
Just Google ” Fisa Memo”. It’s all going on in America and Hilary et al will be in real trouble, but the BBC are totally ignoring it. How they are going to explain themselves(BBC) when the memo is published should be interesting.
“Jeremy Corbyn faced a race row last night for making white people pay more than ethnic minorities to hear him deliver a speech.
The dispute erupted over a decision by Labour chiefs to charge black and ethnic minority activists £10 less per ticket than white activists to attend a rally next month.
Tory MPs last night accused Labour of racism and said it was further evidence that the party had abandoned the white working class.”
Strange but I can’t find this on BBC news?
Maybe that is why the BBC is only offering roles to the BAME community so they can ignore stories awkward to Labour through a self-excusing prism of colour?
All the shite that would attend that ‘speech’ should pay as much as possible.
I just wish people would put links to where they find these ‘facts’ It’s all to easy for wild claims to be made and they often are. You shouldn’t expect readers to go looking for your source, make it easy for us, after all you’re the one on the web page where you found it!
It’s at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5293083/Jeremy-Corbyn-faces-race-row-rally-ticket-prices.html.
Do like this idea of Corbyns.
If only the bloody useless Tories would double the prices of any tickets to their events.
Providing they`re moochers, dole wallahs, grifters, foodbank bandits. Kylers and all the other joyous rainbow worriers and warthogs, as designated by Owen Goal and his Lefty panhandlers at the Guardian and the BBC.
How does a well intentioned moocher(say Stan Ogden of old) become a grifter(Eddie Yeats)-and then descend into a , say…a Mark Duggan or a Yentobian?
More Or Less- stats please!
I just wish people would put links to where they find these ‘facts’ It’s all to easy for wild claims to be made and they often are. You shouldn’t expect readers to go looking for your source, make it easy for us, after all you’re the one on the web page where you found it!
Exactly Thoughtful; it’s not as though there’s a box on a computer screen that you could type in something you were curious about and it just brings up mountains of information, about that particular subject.
Sometimes it does, sometimes it’s more obscure. It makes sense to leave a link where possible – we don’t all have time to Google every story.
I didn’t leave the Left. The Left left me.
BBC London news – that powerhouse of upto date events in London —— today the copper who tried to stop some yob swallowing drugs isn’t going to be prosecuted .
But no mention of the young man 21 who was shot in the head last night in Stratford . Doesn’t count as he wasn’t a teenager .
On the subject of death – Black sun – or hard sun – a comedy show on al Beeb had a short haired lady police copper turning up at a murder scene , taking a call about her domestic life , and promptly walking away from the scene to deal with her personal life . I’m guessing that’s why the detection rate is falling . Al Beeb getting in the work life balance nicely
I didn’t even bother with Hard Sun as you just know what you’re going to get, complete and utter bollocks from start to finish.
It features an actor called Jim Sturgess who I can’t take seriously at all after seeing him briefly in another bBbc shitfest last year called Close to the Enemy, the one about trying to get a German engineer with secret technology to cooperate with the British in postwar London. His acting and voice in that was like a mangled impression of Chris Morris on Brass Eye and the bloke from Toast of London. Absolutely awful. As were most of the other actors involved to be fair.
What the bBbc did with Close to the Enemy though was to employ their usual means of camouflaging crap by insisting that we bow at the supposed greatness of Stephen Poliakoff. Highlight the name of the writer to appeal to the chattering classes, emperors new clothes as always. They do it with the over indulged Steven Moffett, the dangerously driven Mark Gatiss and that one trick angry pony Jimmy McGovern. Who wrote Hard Sun? Neil Cross, the man behind the praised-because-it’s-IdrisElba-and-he’s-black nonsense of Luther, drama lite Spooks, and of course, Doctor Who.
Drama at the bBbc is like writing by numbers, continually unimaginative and stale, not to mention unappealingly contrived and frustrating. This is probably why so many are trying Netflix and just not watching the bBbc anymore where everything is always the same. The same writers, the same actors, the same virtues to be signalled and sermons to be preached and ultimately the same sense of disappointment at the end of each series.
It was great comedy and the soundtrack is so breathtakingly lazy and clicked it will become that vacuous word “classic’”
I’ve got a bet on that mr sturgess is the next James Bond for the nonsenses value…
Agree about the limited writing ‘talent’ at albeeb for its conscious box ticking ability – a black -a gay – mental problems – domestic – a whitee – a white Scot- a paki – mixed race kids it’s part of the fun ticking the boxes – glad I don’t pay for it .
You have got to remember that entertainment on the BBC is really just a pretext to present modern PC morality plays.
By accident, I tuned into the last minutes of “Call the Midwife” last night.
As far as I could gather some dying Jewish woman was about to be turfed out into the street, Oy Veh, by the forces of reaction as embodied by a very, very stale, male and pale police sergeant.
Strong, confident midwife?? confronts patriarchy demanding that “uniform should talk to uniform” or some such crap. Midwife discloses her grandparents were Jewish immigrants, Sergeant discloses his Russian heritage – all is then light and universal love. Problem sorted -compassion rules OK
There are so many morals to this tale: “Britain has always been a country of immigrants”, ” the heartless indigenous population needs a “good dose of diversity” to readjust its moral compass”
Any hero/heroine in a historical BBC drama must hold anachronistically “progressive” views to signal their righteousness. Ripper Street, Robin Hood, Three Musketeers to name a few.
Is “Call the Midwife” the continuation of “Eastenders” by other means?
Well said, ID. As I have pointed out before, today’s BBC sees its drama output as a series of morality plays, designed to inculcate right thinking into the mind of the peasantry. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a R4 play or a a BBC 1 soap – it’s purpose is to conceal a collectivist principle in a sugar coating of story.
Apologies for the typos in that – particularly the greengrocer’s apostrophe! Posting in haste, as usual…
Ah, call the midwife.
As it ‘appens Mrs Dysgwr is partial to that programme. As a rank coward, I dont try to analyse the bollocks within it, and loathe to see any of it myself I simply find other places to be when it’s on.
Without risking offence, I have no way of pointing out the obvious to her.
Discretion being the better part of valour.
But I thank you for doing the analysis for me.
I think the original series of “Call the Midwife” were based on the memoirs of a real midwife who worked in East London in the 1950s, when it was still a white working class area. I felt that nostalgia for a lost time when Britain was still Britain must have been at least in part responsible for its success.
Now, the source material has been used up, so the new series are based on the fond imaginings of left wing BBC writers about what the 1960s were like. Added to which, as time passes in the show, inevitably the East End will cease to be a place where white people live, and turn into the islamic enclave it now is.
I expect as the series moves further into the 1960s and 1970s, the level of BBC left wing agitprop will ramp up; it will show noble immigrants being abused by knuckle dragging white racists, and as ever, our dear NHS heroines will save the day for political correctness. Some of the midwives will have to be BAME.
Ratings will plummet, but luckily the BBC does not have to bother about such vulgar facts, because of the unique way it is funded, under pain of imprisonment.
Diversity between nations is a wonderful thing. Diversity within nations leads to cultural genocide. This is why it is being forced only upon white nations by white self haters. Black and Oriental leaders appear to have more respect for their heritage.
This is exactly the problem with the BBC and its so-called drama output. The sermon comes first and foremost, they don’t even bother with a proper story. I no longer even attempt to check if they’re watchable whenever they turn up on Netflix. They are an embarrassment frankly.
For me the BBC were alright for a select few BBC4 documentaries on iPlayer, but since I can’t be arsed with the signing-in nonsense anymore I’ve managed to get by quite happily without those meagre tidbits of quality in a sea of PC dross.
The last thing I watched from the BBC stable which wasn’t truly awful was ‘Detectorists’, and that was an old fashioned comedy (albeit with swearing, lesbian and multicultural characters in a rural setting of course).
It really makes me wonder how so many of the UK population cannot see they are being served utter crap for their £140 odd quid.
I award 10 out of 10 to the editorial team on the BBC’s Today programme. This is really what BBC news is all about and is, probably, the reason why “some people” claim it to be the envy of the World and/or the Worlds Most Trusted. Indeed, few international broadcasters possess the skills to do what the BBC do best. What am I talking about? Have I lost my marbles?
Well, the Toadies interviewed Lord Jim O’Neil who, as a Remoaner, almost apologetically at one point, said he would never have thought that he would hear himself say that the economy was doing really well and that it was destined to do better. Mores to the point, the BBC allowed him to say such shocking things contrary to the BBC’s policy on Brexit. As a seasoned listener to R4 and in particular the Toady programme, I immediately checked my thinking by asking myself the question: ‘why are they allowing this man to say things the BBC finds so distasteful?’. All was to be revealed when the O’Neill euphoria was taken down a peg or two to be a little dulled by another interviewee sharing a little less optimism. Then, the bombshell, we fall off the edge of the mental precipice. Some woman (with I think an Aussie accent) was allowed to destroy the previous two’s optimistic assessments. And she was given far longer in which to do so. No critical analysis, pure negativity based upon supposition. The BBC at its truly best: take a very positive story and slowly morph it into a negative story more in keeping with our policy on the topic.
I would have thought an Aussie would be over the moon with being re United with the mother country again- all those white English speaking people with grandparents here and a Union Jack in their flag coming here to take the pee out of our yob cricket team .
Can’t wait – yes I know aus and the kiwis have changed since Blighty disgracefully turned its back with no “transition “ period
Mind you if I was an Aussie I would bt want to come to a crooked place like ours
If BBC’s Katty Kay uses here twitter to promote her new book, does money from sales go back into the BBC pot of glory or into Katty Kay’s own bank account. i.e. is the BBC TV Tax Payer paying to promote her book but not getting any pay back or reduction in TV Tax from sales? Does this reduce her salary?
Oh dear Katty Kay … time to open some old wounds?
This is a powerful, moving statement on the effects of childhood sexual abuse and a searing indictment of those who protect abusers.
– ‘searing indictment of those who protect abusers’ – BBC’s lack of investigation into Jimmy Savile and Rotherham?
Real Amusement from R4: ‘The Power of Art’: Andrew Graham-Dixon finds that the Emperor has no clothes on, and Andrew Marr rushes in to say he has. AGD, who knows rather more about art than Marr, doesn’t like the trash that passes for art from the hyped-up Anish Kapoor. Marr has to rush in with an interjection declaring that HE LIKES KAPOOR.
I’ve been wondering ever since the red tower thing during the London Olympics what the attraction of Kapoor is. But you were required to ooh and aah at the time. I like hardly any modern art, the red tower was no exception, so I refused to ooh and said what I saw.
Was wondering what it is about Kapoor that is so attractive to Marr that he had to rush in with his contradiction of a guest. Did that have to do only with art? I suppose that’s just my ‘not understanding’ modern art and my cynicism about the Marrs of this world coming to the fore?
The first of the conmen produced a urinal as a work of art, and I’ve had a thing about the naked emperors ever since.
Agreed. The BBC’s obsession with modern ‘art’ is deplorable. Andrew Graham-Dixon is one of the few remaining honest art critics, though I suppose one would better describe him as an art historian. His recent TV series on Italian art & food was a joy.
I really enjoy the programmes he does with Georgio Locatelli, Italy Unpacked, as well. Both seem honestly enthusiastic and knowledgeable about their subjects and passionate about Italy and, unusually for the bBbc, there doesn’t seem to be any hidden agenda. They also seem to enjoy each others company without any fake bonhomie or posing. You get the impression you’d probably enjoy a pint with them.
Unlike so many of the other similar programmes that the bBbc do their celebrity doesn’t overshadow the subject and it’s simple, interesting and warm without being dumbed down. Why don’t the bBbc do more programmes like this?
Heard him on Andrew Marr though. I got the impression that their ostensibly neutral analysis of Charles 1 and 2 had some kind of “continent=arts and tolerance”, whereas Anglican and Puritan British variant post-Reformation was regarded as philistine, colourless and intolerant to diversity culture and all its continental niceness.
Just think it`s Brexit again-it`s rarely anything else.
Not sure of the truth here, but who on earth trusts “Red Andy” and his “Start The Week” vehicle?
Link below shows how wonderful Labours idea of re-nationalisation will cost…Marxism at its best..
News and the Today programme – again. In the news and in discussion, it was said at least twice that Congress “had not reached agreement on the budget”. Anyone following this story on reliable news sources, knows this to be an absolute untruth. There is NO disagreement at all between Republicans and Democrats on anything in the Budget presented by the Trump administration to Congress. Nothing, zilch. and this is acknowledged by all. It is the tying of a completely unrelated topic (the Republican policy towards illegal immigrants) by the Democrats to the Budget Bill that has stymied it. It is incredible that the Democratic saboteurs have no compunction making problems for the military, law enforcement, border control, national park staff, etc. etc. and deprive their employees of wages. Will the BBC ever tell the truth? And what does ‘Today’ do for balance? Presents Jeff Flake as the spokesman for the Republicans!
Binding SJW policies to operating the Country … once the demand is conceded there is another one waiting.
Martin: This is an absolutely favourite trick, regularly employed by the BBC: find a PC pusher, then find someone who appears to represent ‘the other side’, but actually holds much the same view as person1. No matter. You’ve presented two mutual opponents: that’s another tick against ‘impartiality’.
It happens in many contexts, but Trump is THE favourite for this trick.
this is the sole reason why one trick pony Ken Clarke enjoyed so much air time in recent months – for ‘balance’!
Suddenly a lot of jobs disappear …. Amazon opens a supermarket with no checkouts {bbc.co.uk 22jan2018}
Let’s drink to Jack Brooksbank who according to al Beeb is about to get Sarah Ferguson as his mother in law . The nations’ thoughts are with you at this terrible time Jack .
Catching up with More Or Less yesterday I struggled to make any sense of their item on the ‘Gender Pay Gap’, but at least it served to keep the pot boiling.
The (inevitable) woman from the ONS told us that their preferred measure was ‘median woman’ v ‘median man’ whereas most of us(?) probably understood it to be based on the averages and that certainly seemed to be the measure that the BBC were using in their own report that our intrepid team thought lacked detail.
It is depressing that the government and the BBC waste so much time on this non-issue, that neither of them, (à la Cathy Newman), don’t understand. Clearly it is unfair that a woman should be paid more than a man just because she is a woman but this has become an issue of statistics that can never resolved. Even if people were directed into occupations and their salaries were centrally managed ‘equality’ would be impossible to achieve – “I’m sorry Ms Newman but we are having to cut your salary because Jon Snow has just retired and that has reduced the total/mean/median (pick your measure) salary for men, inverting the gender pay gap”.
Like Jordon Peterson implied … what is tha gender pay gap for cleaners for example compared to BBC high paid presenters?
Is it the business that lets the pay gap appear?
Very sad to hear of the passing of Jimmy Armfield, a true gentleman of the game. he would have fiited in well with todays football. Although a right back, he would often be seen overlapping the winger. I remember thinking that he should have been in the World Cup team ahead of George Cohen but who am I to have known better than the great Sir Alf.
Given the plaudits handed to Cyrille Regis which I believed were overinflated. Despite plaing in different postions on the football pitch, Regis was good player but not in the class of an Armfield. It should be noted that Regis couldn’t get into a weak England side whereas Armfield could easily have made the World Cup winning one ( I believe he once voted as the best full back in Europe).
Or will the colour of a person’s skin be the future measure of rememberance? Regis clearly had people helping him up the in the football world or he wouldn’t have achieved what he did. There were three black players in the West Brom team during Regis’s playing days.
I had the privilege of meeting Jimmy on a couple of occasions. He was a great man, a gentleman, as you say.
On the field he was the finest full back of his time, not just in Europe but in the world and arguably the first ever wing back (as you say with his overlapping runs)
Off the field he was a committed church goes (I seem to recall he played the organ at his local church) and did much for those less well off – without the usual ‘look at me’ virtue signalling.
Jimmy Armfield was one ex-footballer who actually deserved to receive a knighthood.
I had the privilege of meeting Jimmy on a couple of occasions. He was a great man, a gentleman, as you say.
On the field he was the finest full back of his time, not just in Europe but in the world and arguably the first ever wing back (as you say with his overlapping runs)
Off the field he was a committed church goer (I seem to recall he played the organ at his local church) and did much for those less well off – without the usual ‘look at me’ virtue signalling.
Jimmy Armfield was one ex-footballer who actually deserved to receive a knighthood.
Armfield was a good churchgoing Christian, Regis was also a Christian I think. And even Delores O Riordan spoke of her early death and her returning as an angel.
The BBC have no “religious editor” and it`s line manged by a godless New Labour reject called James Purnell. And not even an Aled Jones song is now possible, seeing that he`s been banished.
Absolutely NO Christian content or knowledge anywhere at the BBC-hence we`re getting Islam. Whcih will grind their aprodies and other mock faiths like sport and celebrity of theirs into the sand. Jesus has left all their buildings, so let them live with what will now be replacing it. We don`t need to, if we`re smarter.
Alicia al beeb certainly has the devil inside it . I read my gospels so I’d be seen as a loon – I’m not the best of Christians as any one reading some of my harsher comments here might easily deduce .
And al beeb would have all left footers like me as paedos.
Our current Bible study is about Ephesians, where we know the nature of the powers and principalities that we`re up against(Eph 6.12).
But in what is regarded as the original template for this letter-that of Paul to the Colossians, we find that Jesus HImself has won that battle, we just need to see that He is at the very heart of the nexus where all said powers and principalities are(Col 1.13-18)
So take heart, as He says “I have overcome the world”(Jn16.33).
And with all the twaddle on the BBC-it leaves plenty time for serious bible study, and it pays off handsomely. Not in churches though-hence the house church movement.
Or Spoons!
Much has been commented on the coverage of Delores O Riordan untimely death, so I’m not adding to that, but as the Kinks have lost one of their number in the last few days, are we to see a similar outpouring on the BBC ? considering that the Kinks were a defining group of the 60’s and a West End musical that had us all raising the rafters, it would seem fitting.
Haven’t worked out what the Cyril fuss is about other than his unfortunate untimely death
I remember seeing Clyde Best long before Cyril
West Ham were the first English club to field 3 black players in the same game: Ade Coker, Clyde Best and Clive Charles, vs Tottenham, April 1973.
Certain clubs may well have been racist in their outlook However there were many clubs who always put talent first skin colour second. The worst clubs for not allowing black players through was probably Liverpool and possibly Everton (although Trebilcock is the exception).
Its interesting that Liverpool had such an issue with black players. The City of Liverpool has one of the oldest Black communities in the UK, due to slavery connections, Liverpool was built on Slavery money and there has been a black presence there for hundreds of years.
Vitual signalling,hypocritical, lefty scousers will obviously deny this,Liverpool had no black players of note that I can remember until the the mid to late 80’s.Come to think of it maybe not until Glen Johnson joined them in the 2000’s.
I wonder if the lefty BBC will ever mention this to lefty Liverpool scousers.
Liverpool – the racist of racist football clubs. That should get a few scouser tongues wagging.
Kaiser & wronged, Clyde Best was playing for West Ham United in the 1960s. IIRC, Best may not have even been the first BAME player in the ‘Premiership’ (then the First Division) but he was the first to hold a regular first team place and be very successful. I think there had been mixed-race players in top-flight soccer prior to that but cannot immediately think of any names.
The BBC are erroneously persisting with their line that Cyrille Regis was the pioneer BAME player in the Premiership, starting with West Bromwich Albion in the 1970s.
I would have thought they must have had a sackful of mail, tweets & e-mails about this. Yet they still persist with this item of FakeNews.
It wasn’t just skin colour that led to distinctions in association football. Religion, too, with many cities – Liverpool, Glasgow and Manchester, for example – having Catholic and Protestant clubs side by side.
‘ Best may not have even been the first BAME player in the ‘Premiership’ (then the First Division) but he was the first to hold a regular first team place and be very successful.’
Not sure if I agree.
How about Lindy Delaphina, Portsmouth FC and Middlesboro?
wronged, you are wright… er, .. I mean right, correct.
OTOH, if you had read my post thoroughly you would see that I mentioned that Clyde Best was not THE first. 😉 And you win the prize for reminding me of Lindy Delaphina and Arthur Wharton in the 19th century, too! My brain can now relax just that little extra bit. Thanks!
Younger readers on here will say wronged is wrong because Portsmouth were not a First Division (Premiership) club then but they were – back then – before returning again in more recent years. As Alicia says below, it is a shame the BBC cannot, despite its soccer obsession, get accurately into the history of the game.
In my defence, I would point out that Delaphina was not a consistent & outstanding Portsmouth player but when he went to Middlesborough was when he really ‘took off’ and achieved his best and most consistent performances. And Middlesborough were relegated until some chap Clough came along – as a player.
Clyde Best however, once he settled in the first team at WHUFC, really made his place his own – injuries apart – and in the era of Hurst & Peters, too. Overall, Regis was – in my view – a better player but he certainly was not the pioneer the BBC have been making him out to be. Another indication of the BBC’s racist attitudes?
Yes, that`s pretty insulting to the family of Clyde Best.
Even I know of him, was he Barbadian or something Carribean.
Used to show up with the West ham dream teams of the early 70s to get beaten up north. Always lots of goals and entertaining too.
Didn`t take too much notice, but DO know that he was racially abused both in Manchester and in the North East games.
Very nasty too.
So, with all due respect to the likes of Regis: I`m pretty sure that Best broke the mould more than he did. And deserves the credit.
Heck, Leeds had a mixed race player in the 60s too who got trouble from his own fans.
Aren`t the BBC meant to KNOW all this? It`s pretty well known.
Er, pay for 3 wimmin’s tennis sets = pay for 5 men’s tennis sets. Discuss.
Oh, discuss? Yes, I utterly and totally support the equality of prize money for the womens game.
Yes, I am looking forward to an open competition, with one big grouping of mixed men/women and wonder if we would enjoy a final of man v woman?
Or more to the point, would the women?
I think wimmin’s golf should just be 9 holes.
Maybe the wimmin’s 100 metre sprint should end at 50 metres.
Wimmin’s shot put should use a tennis ball.
All with equal pay though.
BBC Give Labour MP Nia Griffith money to have fun … this has to stop … I did not sanction this! Did you? … {theyworkforyou.com Nia Griffith}
Name of donor: BBC Cymru Wales (to Nia Griffith)
Address of donor: Broadcasting House, Llandaff, Cardiff CF5 2YQ
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: tickets and hospitality for two people at Wales v Ireland Six Nations Rugby on 2 February 2013; estimated value £781
Date of receipt of donation: 2 February 2013
Date of acceptance of donation: 2 February 2013
Donor status: corporation (Registered 18 April 2013)
Nia Griffith… Labours Defence spokesperson..Have a listen to this link..Not only a free loader but also totally inept.
Has the BBC been hacked ?
UK growth upgrade could ‘dwarf’ Brexit hit by Kamal Ahmed
OPEN Comments
Bet their lib-establishment staff don’t select this story for #BbcBagingOn
I don’t know how this post ended up down here, I started it as a reply below Up2, ID and GCooper further up, then the screen went black and when it came back, the comment was here.
Anyway, not the bBbc I know but it might as well be, as ITV seems to be the main reason that the bBbc guards their ‘talent’ so generously. My mother watches Vera, so as it was on last night I didn’t change the channel while I was wandering around t’internet, just to see what she was talking about.
Who knew Northumberland was so cosmopolitan? Not quite as diverse as the 1950s East End but on a par with modern day everywhere else according to Countryfile. How did the bBbc miss this one?
It’s probably only on ITV because there are too many ‘pets’ and ‘loves’ for the bBbc mind.
Rich –
I take it Vera is a bio of the wonderful Dame Vera Lynn or a documentary about Gin. I removed the button for ITV long ago leaving me with just 2 a switch for bbc1 and one for the new bbc2 .
Wouldn’t colour tv be great ? The High Chapparel in colour -wow. And something called a “remote”
The president who made people take his bogus HIV cure {bbc.co.uk 22jan2018}
The Gambia’s former leader, Yahya Jammeh, who left the country a year ago after two decades in power, has been accused of many crimes. But one of the strangest was forcing thousands of people with HIV to undergo treatment with a concoction of herbs he had invented himself. An unknown number died, reports Colin Freeman.
In the end, some 9,000 people are believed to have been treated, although since Jammeh kept all the clinic’s records secret, nobody has yet established just how many of them died. One thing now seems certain, though – the only “miracle” about his cure was that anyone survived at all.
Cottbus demo being under-reported & spun
An interesting post that shows how resistance to the Islamisation of Europeis growing and how there is increasing public realisation that the media are complicit in this attempt by Globalist politicians to destroy our continent.
As an integral part of UK labour law it is unlawful to discriminate against a person because they have one of the “protected characteristics”, which are, age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.
Does this apply to HALAL food production which discriminates on religion preference … i.e. Christians cannot slit throats of animals and read incantations from a book.
A Muslim should perform slaughter{halalfoodauthority.com}
“As the leader of UKIP I have decided to make a statement at 4pm in company with my wives and girlfriends . I will bring my own kitchen appliance for browning bread for that is what I am .
I will do a round of al beeb and c4 news studious so a load of liberal remainers can laugh at me and prod me with a pointed stick .
At the end of the day I will get out a box of tissue, take myself in hand to be the W—-ker that I am”
Your post referring to Mr Bolton is offensive. I have just sustained a double hernia laughing at it. The coming torrent of ridicule was so predictable that he must have a political death wish. Hardly the mark of a strong leader.
Anyway I’m off to A&E to get my nuts straightened out and I shall be a little more wary before reading your future offerings.
Dear lefty , I apologise for offending you and have duly reported myself to the moderator . I am sorry you have had to go to A and E so I guess if you survive you’ll be reading this about Wednesday .
As leader of UKIP i wish to make a further statement . As an employee of the EU I am glad to have destroyed UKIP by carefully selecting a girlfriend so dumb that she put racist stuff on the public inter web and publicly dumping her like the used tissue I mentioned in my previous statement .
I am now going for dinner with Sir Clegg, ken Clark and my Lord adonis to plot our next scheme”
Dear Mr B. You are a snivelling, treacherous cunt and a wank rag. After your enormous blowout with The Three Stooges tonight it is to be hoped that you will flatulate yourself silly with much liquid in the old dungarees.
Perhaps tonight you can bury your bone and forget where you put it. If you had done that sooner you wouldn’t be in your current predicament
Yours disrespectfully, Lefty
Alan, you sum up well many of the facts that get a hearing in the US but are largely ignored by the BBC and of course Channel 4. The RUSSIANS scare was largely dreamt up by the Democrats to explain away Hillary’s ghastly campaign. Failure to even visit swing states like Wisconsin and writing off large sections of the blue collar electorate as a “basket of deplorables” didn’t help, but hey it was the RUSSIANS wot won it. The mainstream media in America plugs away to this day with the lame excuse. Useful idiot Jon Sopel, fresh from his latest Georgetown dinner party, leads the charge over here by constantly reporting that the so-called scandal is lapping the steps of the White House.
Largely unreported are the serious problems of the Democrats. Throughout the dismal Obama years, reported as a great success by the beeb, the party lost countless state governerships and control of both houses of Congress. All that sneering at the ding-a-lings in the flyover states finally caught up with it. The same evident distaste for the lower orders, of course, can be seen in our own dear left wing parties. Who can forget Emily Thornberry, or Lady Nugee, to address her by her formal title, who sneered at a working class family in Strood by posting a picture of their house draped in the flag of St George and featuring a white van in the front? Losing control of the blue collar base is deadly to a left wing party run by wealthy liberals. But at least you can still get a hearing on the airways in this country, courtesy of a poll tax on all those deplorable people.
Thought I’d forward on a link to Steve Hilton’s show on Fox. He’s the chap that some of you will remember was director of strategy for David Cameron but he does a show on Sunday Nights these days. A lot of the stuff on Fox is propaganda but Steve’s one is one of the genuinely good shows, always interesting things to say, and it’s a refreshing contrast if you’re used to Newsnight or a Channel 4 “interrogation” of and advocate for lefty causes. It’s on at 2 in the morning UK time but available on YouTube and a good choice for something to watch over lunch on Mondays
Yet again the BBC have managed to assemble a set of stories and images for their news website’s front page that nicely illustrate their agenda. None of these are ‘news’ of course. They are agenda-driven pieces that push their beloved diversity. Gotta tick those boxes!
The BBC trailed a new radio series 4/4 (R4 2.15-3pm M-F) as a comedy and Continuity announced it as such at the start. Having listened to most of the first episode it plainly wasn’t a comedy: no jokes and a rather unfunny jumble of confusion caused by people talking over each other all the time. No comedic situations at all. Possibly one comedic character among the cast, allowing for inherent mockery of Belgians, played by an actor doing a very Dutch accent but that pretty much was it.
Recently, we had BBC R4 going head over heels for doses of Muriel Spark who, they claimed, was Britain’s greatest twentieth century writers. Really? Never heard that one before. Oh, well.
On Saturday 13th January (BBC R4 2.30pm) I was offered a dark comedy written by her ‘The Vital Spark: Memento Mori’. It was not very comedic at all. Not particularly well-written, either, judging by this adaption.
The following day, BBC R4 staged ‘The Vital Spark: The Driver’s Seat’ at 3pm which Continuity described, IIRC, as a deeply disturbing comedy thriller although the equally inaccurate web-site description was gripping and disturbing. It neither gripped me nor disturbed other than in indicating that the BBC either does not know much about writers, comedy and Muriel Spark or that they have slightly weird criteria for assessing them or, perhaps, have both those characteristics when commissioning works.
BBC are promoting a second wife dating service without comparison to single wife marriages.
Maybe the Muslim second wife dating website has options for finding trans-gender partners as well?
Sunderland businessman’s second wife website ‘benefits women’ {bbc.co.uk 23oct2017}
WTF times 1000!!!
Section 11 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 makes polygamy illegal in the UK when , “……that at the time of the marriage either party was already lawfully married”.
The Criminal Law Act 1977 concerns conspiracy which occurs when “….a person agrees with any other person or persons that a course of conduct shall be pursued which, if the agreement is carried out in accordance with their intentions, either—
(a) will necessarily amount to or involve the commission of any offence or offences by one or more of the parties to the agreement, ….”.
The Serious Crime Act 2007 includes the inchoate offences such as, incitement i.e. encouraging or assisting crime. Section 45/46 provides, the crime is committed when the perp, does an act which is capable of encouraging or assisting the commission of an offence; and
Believing that:
The offence will be committed; and, ‘….His act will encourage or assist its commission.’
I guess to report this crime to the police would backfire on the complainant as the police would probably charge the complainant with a Hate Crime………..
Day by day it becomes clearer that there is developing rapidly, a two-tier legal system in this country. It is now blindingly obvious when the police do not act to stop many crimes perpetrated by immigrants whether from the EU or wider afield. This can include benefit fraud which the system appears to ‘turn-a-blind-eye-to’.
Problem is, ‘Joe Bloggs’ in the street appears to be oblivious to what’s going on.
I doubt these will be “marriages” as defined in the Act, they will just have some islamic mumbo jumbo read out by the imam in the mosque, and, hey presto, they will be “married” in the eyes of allah, the compassionate, the merciful.
Not as compassionate and merciful as the British Welfare State of course, which will provide the benefits for all the little bastards which result from these islamic “marriages”.
First polygamy and then child brides. It’s all coming down the tracks.
That dingbat Jeremy Vine was airing his ignorance again today. Talking about ‘blue badges’ for the disabled he wondered out loud if it was OK for others to make use of the badge if they were shopping for the badge holder.
Pretty obvious Jeremy? Never mind, you will have just given permission for umpteen thousand numpties to misuse the badge, “Well Jeremy said it was OK!”.
8:30pm Panorama : White Fright in Blackburn
racial segregation.
years and years of being exposed to the ROP seems to have led people to their own conclusions
No doubt someone will be on suggesting we force people to live with them
In 2007 Panorama made a programme in Blackburn, which was becoming segregated along ethnic and religious lines. Now Panorama has returned and found a town that is even more divided. Some parts of Blackburn are almost entirely Muslim Asian, while other parts are only lived in by white residents. This kind of social segregation has been described as a national crisis, despite decades of government policy aimed at bringing people together. So why do such divisions persist? Panorama visits one town to answer that question and illustrate the impact of social segregation on local communities. {bbc.co.uk 22jan2018}
. . . 10 years ago …
A white man, living in the same area, sums up the concerns many whites feel: “We’re slowly getting swallowed up, and we’re losing our identity. {bbc.co.uk – original programme – 07may2007}
I think the Archbishop of Canterbury has the solution.
I think he wants the Church of England to be more diverse and inclusive by allowing the creation of an Islamic clergy within the Church of England. I say why not, most of the clergy today are atheists who worship Marxism, Blairism or Corbynism.
Your suggestion is flawed, as it might result in the introduction of religion into the Church of England. The thought of this would scare the crap out of 90% of the clergy.
And it might corrupt the choirboys and that’s their fucking job.
Which proves that multiculturalism works. You’ve just got to be in the right frame of mind to see it. It’s called Marxism. You KNOW it makes absolutely no sense at all.
The BBC were fussing themselves about us all not taking the NHS up on their offer to give us a smear test for cervical cancer.
I say “us”-and it turns out that those who tell the NHS that they`re “gender neutral”, are invited in to have the test done. Even when they`ve got big tattoos, piercings and are on testosterone and steroids.
Can only imagine the NHS getting it in the neck if blokes with womb envy don`t get the offer to get up in those stirrups.
Bizarre-the whole thing is nuts.
But I think if loads of blokes DO get in to have their non-existing cervices checked-then won`t that be good for their screening targets?
Loads of takers. The primary schools pamphlets and role plays would be deemed a success?
And will it overstretch the NHS and cause a crisis? Well maybe, but the education programmes for self-awareness( and examination) would then be a success.
Will somebody unravel all this for me? I haven`t got a clue WHAT to do!
And then the BBC chose to mention the unpleasant smells as a factor in not taking them up on the speculum searches..just as the grandkids were getting packed for school. Very nice.
Anyway-insist on a smear to show solidarity and badger Jeremy Hunt if you`re a bloke and have not been screened for cervical cancer by next month. Tell the BBC how angry you are, and for Petes sake , do NOT mention anything about FGM. The BBC sure didn`t.
My newspaper simply reports that males identifying as females will allowed the smear test but, females identifying as males will not! Is that correct?
These days I’m not even surprised…just more insanity 🙁
I went for a smear test because I identify as a female sheep. They said I must be baaaarmy and kicked me in the bollocks.
You’re barred 🙂 🙂 🙂
Those you wish to destroy you must first make mad.
One of the main stories on the 1o’clock views today can be connected to this cultural attitude to women I think, but it wasn’t identified by the bBbc.
Worryingly and sadly cervical cancer is the most common cancer in women under 35 and despite a free NHS screening service offered and invitations to appointments issued, 1 in 4 of those who may be at risk do not attend to be tested. Mainly because of embarrassment apparently, as well as a lack of awareness, according to a recent charity survey and the white female doctor who gave examples to support this view, pathetic as they sounded when addressing such a serious matter.
To further highlight this issue the roving reporter was able, unusually, to find three young women in the street who were not only white but whose heads were not covered in any way. However, two of the three appeared to have English as a second language, so I’m not actually sure that they would qualify for free treatment from the NHS, but the bBbc remained as on message as they felt they could.
I might be wrong, but I think that there may be cultural reasons for some women needlessly remaining at risk from death through this horrible disease but the cowardly bBbc not only do not attempt to address this possible factor but actively, by going against their normal method of pro-ethnic promotion in news reports, attempt to actually disguise and ignore such backward behaviour common amongst a particular community.
The cowardly and loathsome bBbc aren’t helping the women who really need it here are they, so bound by fear and political correctness that neither wife no 1 or number 2 are ever going to be able to benefit from a test that could save their lives, and their plight in this will just go on being ignored by the people who could highlight it best.
Still nobody offended or social media backlash so roll on number 3.
Rich wrote:
“One of the main stories on the 1o’clock views today can be connected to this cultural attitude to women I think, but it wasn’t identified by the bBbc.”
Funny you should mention that:
6,000 journalists my arse.
The BBC produces lies through censorship of evidence and supporting those who depend on the censorship of evidence.
(1) The Democratic National Committee wont allow the FBI to look for evidence in its servers. If the servers were hacked by the Russians, that looks idiotically foolish, if they want to impeach Trump. But all the evidence from multiple sources, censored by the BBC, indicate that it was a leak to Wikileaks by an insider, Seth Rich, a Bernie Sanders supporter disgusted by crocked Hillary, who obtained the information from Imran Awan a Pakistani working for the former Democratic Party Chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
(2) Michael Mann wont allow anyone to look at his computer codes for his Hockey Stick Graph. If the Hockey Stick is true, that looks idiotically foolish, if he wants to prove all the other 100 odd graphs wrong. But all the evidence obtained indicates mistakes due to missing evidence such as isotopic analysis of the tree rings producing a contradiction with Michael Mann’s assumptions that all thin tree rings are due to cold, when the evidence shows that most of them are due to droughts. Two other errors are known such as those produced by ignorance of statistics and the fact that the Hockey Stick in the graph is produced by ending the tree ring data set in 1960, to “hide the decline” produced by his disproved assumptions not correlating with an increase in temperature, and therefore he fixed on to the end of the graph the Global temperature records from 1960, which produced the BBC’s fraudulent Hockey Stick Graph.
The BBC produces lies through censorship, by employing poorly qualified ignorant Journalists with irrelevant qualifications and low intelligence. In effect upper-class twits who support the Labour Party, employed by the BBC, as useful idiots.
It really is like the song Wasn’t me by Shaggy isn’t it?
No matter what they do, whether being caught out taking bungs from the Russians to ‘ease’ the sale of US uranium, whether paying for dossiers on Trump (in effect colluding with the Russians), lying about their reasons for DACA or diverting blame for shutting down the government, whenever you think they’ve been fully rumbled and exposed – the words of Shaggy come wafting into earshot like the stench of a backed up toilet.
Still savouring a lunchtime catch-up on the Shadow Defence Sec having a MOAB interview about Trident.
It will be interesting if the BBC has/will cover it, but being a lady person crashing and burning one suspects they will do the decent thing and not mention it. Or wheel out all the girls from the W1A pickette line to say how beastly it is to have her pretty head bothered by numbers and stuff when slamming government spending.
On the subject of being on top of one’s brief, I stumbled across this too:
‘Richard Westcott is now science and tech correspondent at BBC News. Richard was previously transport correspondent at the broadcaster.’
Of course in the world of journalism, at least at the BBC, it is not so much ability to understand the subject, but more to understand what is expected of them.
One is sure he knows his hype from his Hyperloop.
Remember GWF. “Journalist” is so last epoch.
This lot are now shapeshfters, game changers, passionate attached advocates.
Journalist they ain`t.
Indeed Michael Wolff who lies about Trump for fun says he`s a not a journalist-but a writer.
Fact, fiction?…all the same to him(St Lemmy of Kilminster).
Welcome to Old New Writings…as far from journalism as it`s now possible to be.
I haven’t been on this site for a few months (I was trolling on Twitter instead!) and thought I’d post this:
Notice how many times “Muslim” is mentioned when they are the victims:
But when a Muslim has done something wrong no mention of the “M” word instead they use the phrase “hijab wearing model”:
Tabs, I picked up on that as well. Notice the misdirection headline employed by the bBC:
L’Oreal hijab model pulls out of campaign after backlash
UK beauty blogger Amena Khan says she’s pulling out of a L’Oreal campaign. In a post on Instagram she says she’s stepping down from the campaign “because of the current conversations surrounding it”.
She’s also apologised for tweets she wrote in 2014, which have been branded as “anti-Israel”.
So not only do the bBC deflect from the abject anti-Semitism as stated by this woman, they actually try to make her into the victim.so what did she tweet?
Khan called Israel a “sinister state,” an “illegal state,” and said the country is full of “child murderers” and expressed hope for its defeat. In other posts on social media that had not been deleted, Khan accused Israel of “Torture. Murder. Rape. Genocide” and falsely claimed that “Orthodox Jews themselves condemn the actions of Israel.”
Now the bBC didn’t mention any of that. which is strange as they had no problem posting what that young racist bint who was shagging the leader of UKIP tweeted.
is a complaint going in? I have two on going…
That is damning. Also from that article: “Newsbeat has not seen the tweets as they have now been deleted…”
Funnily enough, it took all of 45 seconds online to discover that the Mail, the Telegraph and the Jerusalem Post all magically were able to find the deleted tweets.
Do the BBC journalists need to enrol on a remedial IT course?
L’Oreal are not doing very well from Amena Khan (Muslim) to Munroe Bergdor (Trans-gender mTf) …
L’Oreal hijab model pulls out of campaign after backlash {bbc.co.uk 22jan2018}
“I (Amena Khan) don’t discriminate against anyone.” (after publishing anti-semitic tweets)
. . . L’Oreal are not doing very well, remember Munroe Bergdor . . . .
Today she (Munroe Bergdorf*) has tried to clarify her* position saying: “When I* stated that ‘all white people are racist’, I* was addressing that fact that western society as a whole, is a system rooted in white supremacy – designed to benefit, prioritise and protect white people before anyone of any other race.”
“Unknowingly, white people are socialised to be racist from birth onwards. It is not something genetic. No one is born racist.”
“L’Oreal sacks first transgender model Munroe Bergdorf” {bbc.co.uk aug2017}
MM wrote:
“Today she (Munroe Bergdorf*) has tried to clarify her* position </b?
Bergdorf still has a penis, he is not a woman.
Munroe Bergdorf on This Week was given a platform, presented her view (people of race grow up with lesser chances in the UK because we are institutionally racist) and given the opportunity to debate it. Faced down with statistics (Actually working class white males are suffering in ed stats right now, way below students of ethnic minority groups) she resorted to, well we just don’t talk about race (yes, we do), and ultimately the trump card, you just don’t know how I feel… Surely young men/women of any persuasion need to take self-respect and responsibility seriously. Victimhood is no good for any growing young person. No wonder Jordan Peterson is so popular.
Finsbury Park: Man ‘wanted to kill Muslims in van attack’ {bbc.co.uk 22jan2018}
Mr Rees said: “The underlying theme seems to be that the defendant felt that insufficient was being said or done to counter terrorism and the grooming gangs comprising predominantly Muslim males.
“Against that background, the defendant decided to take matters into his own hands.”
Mr Osborne planned to make “a public statement by killing Muslims”, knowing that his handwritten note would be recovered, Mr Rees added.
Although Mr Osborne was not charged with a terrorist offence, Mr Rees said “the note and the comments he made after his detention establish that this act of extreme violence was, indeed, an act of terrorism”.
– Terrorism but no mental illness? But not really terrorism but it is terrorism?
– Terrorism is “the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.”
This Osborne may well be a bit exuberant and passionate, I concede.
But he`s not a traitor, leeching loads of public money from us and holding down seven jobs when he`s a smug smeggie in all seven of them.
No -it`s Gideon George Osborne who ought to be in the dock. Had our Welsh friend illegally packed the back of his van with illegal migrants, he`d now be a hero to the Lefty BBC.
BBC Search For “venezuela hunger” .. girl on swing … pregnancies are up due to lack of pill …
Just reading their article on fake news.
“By April 2017, BBC Trending as reporting on the phenomenon of left wing, anti Trump fakery. Experts say highly educated people can be duped by lies as well – and can often be stubborn when presented with information that challenges their views.”
How did it take them until April 2017 to realise there was fake news against Trump? The voters and every sentient human had observed it long before then.
Even educated people can be tricked by fake news! Because, of course, all we Trump and Brexit voters are ‘low information’ morons who voted for Trump purely because of the story that the Pope and Elvis had endorsed him.
Left wingers can indeed be very stubborn, as we saw with Cathy Newman against Jordan Peterson when she just talked over him and ignored everything he said for half an hour.
Isn’t being left wing like the BBC essentially living one massive lie? All cultures are not equal. Men and women are not the same. The Religion of Peace is not very peaceful. Any utopian ideal is doomed as we are fallen animals, and attempts to implement one will involve so much involvement from the state that the reality will be more like the hell described so presciently in 1984.
As Ronald Reagan said: “The problem with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant, but that they know things that just ain’t so.”
Beeb Bro.
You just ticked a whole load of boxes.Thanks.
I notice the bBBC is giving prominence to one Russell Brand. Again. I wonder why?
He thinks Windsor Council should house all the homeless that were so strongly featured by the virtue signalling SJW mob a few weeks back.
I have news for him. If he gets down to Windsor around 5-6pm of an evening, he might just see a few of them housing themselves- by catching the bus home !!!!! Something certain investigative broadcasters appear not to have noticed. I simply cannot think why.
The bloke has a butler(Noel Gallagher) and gets his chest hair brushed and waxed/blown dry( Farage, my poetic licence ).
And I`m told his jacket gets carried around by a flunkey, even when he`s on the radio.
Oh wait-correction-the one who gets her jacket carried round for her is the Left luvvie Christine Aranpour(Justin Webb).
Oh to be a lefty now that winters here…
I often buy a sandwich for the homeless as I know they will not spend the money on drugs. The other day I offered to buy an ostensibly homeless man a sandwich and he said he wanted money for some hot food! Cheeky bastard – literally a beggar being a chooser. He probably was not even homeless.
Remember the ‘field day’ the BBC had last year reporting the “Far Right” extremists who were members of a proscribed “Nazi” organisation?
Refresh your memory: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-42625287
A few new facts have come to light which the BBC (or the police) did not disclose at the time……………
The police cannot be trusted in any way any longer as they are acting by political direction.
We await the outcome of the case with interest.
Just been reading about the GINI country equality index.
Guess what? Those socialist paradises like Venezuela and Zimbabwe are among the most unequal societies in the world.
Meanwhile in the ‘evil Tory hellhole’ of the UK, we have ….errr……one of the most equal societies in the world.
Something the hard left appear not to have noticed.
And therefore nor of course has the BBC.
It’s odd how the BBC encourages a Lily Allen despairing view of the UK, or even the west as a whole, when it appears the most benign, civilized society since time began.
Don’t see any Guardian journalists moving to Cuba or Venezuela to live.
It’s never equal enough or fast enough or not inclusive enough. Never enough is enough.