Let’s have some alternate facts from the BBC, or even just some facts. The Clintons received millions of dollars from the Russians and the Saudis, Clinton’s top aide is a Saudi, the Democrats paid for the ‘dodgy dossier’ on Trump, the company commissioned to produce the report admits it ‘customises’ its reports for the customer’s requirements, the FBI are accused of helping or encouraging the production of that dodgy dossier, the BBC tells us that the Russians are behind the anti-Clinton email hack and thus they are backing Trump, but then they tell us that it was serving Russian intelligence agents who supplied the ‘kompromat’ on Trump thus acting against him….and yet the BBC see no contradiction, no difficulty with that, the CIA are claimed to have asked musician Moby to spread anti-Trump propaganda, Obama did wire-tap the Trump campaign during the election, and it is probable that James Comey, ex head of the FBI, made up the claim that Trump asked him to end the Flynn investigation….after all Comey says he immediately wrote out a memo about the meeting so shocked was he at Trump’s words. However such an important memo about such an important subject is no longer with us…Comey threw it away…so just how real is his claim? The BBC doesn’t ask. In fact it rarely asks anything that would derail its sacred narrative about Trump despite a year on there being nothing to prove a single thing.
They hear stuff they can’t refute but they can’t accept the truth of it…so they ignore it and invent biased twaddle instead.
Spot any of that twaddle?…list it here…..
18.00 hours “News” . Camera crews/reporters given 4 days unfettered access to A&E somewhere near Geordieland . Aired as a c7 min shroud-waving piece. With just 1 exception all the “patients” were white natives and the wrong side of 70 (just like me). Message – NHS crisis (sic) caused by aging population. Not by incomers, foreign fraudsters, drunks & drug addicts , chronic mismanagement & public sector work ethic.
It doesn’t matter what happens in front of the cameras; the story is shaped in the editing suite.
The north-east is often used when they want to do a hospital item because there are hospitals there in areas with a lot of white working class but very few immigrants.
Being honest – I turned in al beeb 6 news just after it started and had to check the time because I thought I was watching a party political by comrade corbins communist party.
The medics are all angels , the international health service is a wonder and it’s all the fault of the nary tories. The standard al beeb bias .
It reminded me why I am cutting down on al beeb . Cheered myself with the last 5 minutes of the Cathy Newman car crash show – it you notice you tube out American friends have picked up on it
Jordan Peterson’s speech in The Netherlands. Towards the end he develops the idea that Western society has developed a system of ‘rules’ that allows us to ‘play’ (mostly) fairly, e.g. business is possible because the two parties to a contract trust each other to ‘play by the rules’. He suggests that this forms our inherited ‘culture’, which shouldn’t be given up lightly, (it works!), and that immigrants to the West should ‘learn the rules’ if they, (and we), want to live the best lives.
Can’t see the BBC promoting that idea!
Wonder if this could be a topic for a fresh interview with Cathy so what you are saying is Newman.
Here is a collection of her ‘So what you are saying is’ pieces in her car crash interview.
Just think it worked for quite a while.
Such patience!
Glad of this edit…only shows how bloody stupid this Channel 4 lady is.
“So you`re saying that lady lobsters aren`t paid as much as Chairman Maos pay gap” being the only logical line that Newlady meant-if only the poor thing had had a bloke to clarify it for her before she went on camera.
Panic !
Notice the shrill in her voice as things are not going her way.
We need more of the same.
Anything on Al Beeb about this ‘car crash’?
Not sure if this link has already been posted – here’s a very recent assessment from Peterson on that interview – starts with an analysis of what happened at C4 with Cathy …. goes on to many other thoughts – including very personal insight from Peterson drawn from his life – so it’s long – cut off when you will!
That bloke is another heroic figure trying to stem the tide of Lefty sludge that threatens to engulf us all. This man in the middle respects him immensely.
The beauty of not bothering with the BBC any more is that it allows the chuckle muscles to develop, and it`s all a Perry Groves World…if you take the BBC even HALF as seriously as they do themselves.
Do not do so-they`re finished.
For example, I got a brief earful of that Welsh bloke who drove too close to an ailing Muslim. Clearly he didn`t actually HELP the situation, truth be told. And he`ll be disappointed with that, Gary.
But terrorism it wasn`t-and this is confirmed by the radio 4 lady seemingly baffled by his mention of Lily Allen on his bucket list of things to listen to before he went back. Better than the bloody Stereophonics, Manics or dear Charlotte Church?-well, let`s discuss it, but not anytime soon.
Carolyn Quinn thought it strange that he named our Lily-so surely that`s enough to acquit him!
More “All In the Mind” than “Law In Action” to quote the BBC in its vernacular?
My other point-I think I`ve worked out that the Japanese economy tanked as soon as Gary Lineker hopped over to Grampus 8 on an origami plane, and limped around a ricepaper for all of ten minutes. Am I right in thinking that he was the biggest dud in terms of money spent per game and goals -in WORLD history. let alone UEFA land!
Let`s run that prozone Statto-more like Netto.
Garth Crooks was another turkey-isn`t there a BBC Moochester United we could create from BBC debris like Robbie Savage etal?
If we don`t see Francis Jeffers and Jack Rodwell on the World Cup panels in a few months time, then I`ll be surprised.
Make up your own comedy-the BBC sure as hell won`t.
Lineker broke the Yen-my theory, sayanara!
We could break the EU if we sold “Wor Gary” to pisspot Juncker for their fat and faling five a side flounders! And keep Verhofstad out of the trainees changing rooms won`t you?
Barnier Rubble`s a wrong` un too!
chrisH, another great one, son!
“Quite remarkable.”
Here’s Peterson talking about the interview with Newman.
This is serious business – with a fascinating discussion.
Interesting to see an interview where people discuss and interact instead of a BBC interuptothon.
Milo covers the Cathy Newman car crash interview and the left media response
North West Tonight (blessed is the prophet) informs us that there will be job cuts at Jaguar Landrover because of uncertainty over Brexit They then go on to remind us that 600+ jobs are going at Vauxhall because of “falling demand for the Astra”…..
Vauxhall is owned by Peugeot isn’t it?
Why would a competitor inside the EU that took over a rival which would soon be outside, want to run that business down?
I wonder whether Krupp will decide to do the same with the steel works at Port Talbot?
A little something about the BBC’s anti-Trump hate campaign and its possible effect on US-UK relations:
Great article, really sums up my thoughts. Thanks for posting this.
Your next article about the Brexit bus was equally enjoyable.
A little something about the BBC’s anti-Trump hate campaign and its possible effect on US-UK relations:
That’s a great piece which sums up how I feel at the moment – I have had it with the bBBC. It is relentlessly Trump bashing, to the point of derangement. Most of its articles have an agenda, even if hidden, and the web page often looks like something from Africa or Asia. It is ridiculously pro-Muslim, eg an article about the difficulties of women cycling in Leicester…any guesses, yes, harassment…and by the way, let us introduce you to our hijab wearing cyclist. Eg….young women who don’t go for smear tests….added on at the end…may reflect demographics.. Care to elucidate, BBC? It just goes on and on. And when there is any gaps in the story slots, they alternate sob stories regarding illegal (yes, they are!) migrants in Europe, and the Rohingya.
Over and out.
Yes excellent piece which correctly describes the BBC’s attempt to distance the UK from the US.
But I cannot help feeling that the BBC has the backing of the UK Government in this.
Good article. We are clearly not the only ones who have noticed.
Katty Kay for DG!
Who won the “Battle of Washington” , Republicans or Democrats ?
Please can anyone explain?
“JLR cuts Land Rover production amid diesel uncertainty”
“Jaguar Land Rover will cut production of some vehicles amid uncertainty over Brexit and changes to taxes on diesel cars. ” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-42779699
Notice how they squeeze ‘Brexit’ in.
IMHO its all about public concern in the uncertainty about petrol, diesel or electric?
Everyone is waiting to see which type is going to be the way forward?
Years ago we were told diesel was the best and cleanest, then a change of ‘Green’ ideals and so diesel becomes the pariah.
But we know, really, that diesel, far from being a pariah, is probably the best fuel for everyone, and so it’ll be something else which is withdrawn from our use, because it’s “norty” and things will be made even more difficult for many, unnecessarily.
and before diesel, that one eyed feckin idiot Broon had a pretend dalliance with lpg power that was the future
personally I think the war is really against the plebs having cars at all
Maggie Thatcher famously tried to ‘buck the markets’. She failed. Her successor as female PM is, unwisely (along with politicians in other countries) trying to do the same.
Unfortunately, AGW & CC is a giant Ponzi scheme that HAS to be kept going. So-called ‘Clean Air’ has now been added to it and the death of oil is on its way. It will be hugely ironic that stupid politicians & mentalenvirolists will kill off oil before its peak is reached.
There will be economists & execs in the oil industry who are now poring over charts and spreadsheets of their assets and creating possible shut-down schedules.
Newsnight has a Falklands moment…
If mr urban is so concerned about the British military perhaps he’d suggest using the 3 billion taxpayers cash for al Beeb for the military.
I can’t see what all the fuss is about. It will take another falklands- and the loss of British blood – before anything is done to properly fund defence. But where do you take the money from? What is more important ?
I believe care of the elderly, those with dementia is more important . But that is my personal view. Some might want more taxes raised. I don’t.
Islamic terrorism is the real threat. Not Russia . Not China. And we ain’t doing much about killing terrorists. We lock em up and let them out after a bit.
Looking at Evan Davis – he’d obviously like more queers in the military
Personally, I’d rather fund our defence than wasting our money to allow our leaders to feel all pompous and virtuous when comparing dicks over who pays the most to assuage their ridiculous and misplaced guilt.
Hear hear. But a big NO to using our military as a ‘bargaining chip’ to secure a trade deal with the EU.
It was Mark Steyn who wrote in America Alone that if the USA went to war with China, the USA would be funding the war of their own destruction – due to the amount of interest being paid to China on loans.
Death by a million drones (or cuts) …. that is the future.
CES 2018: 250 drones create light show above Bellagio fountains in Las Vegas
Does Ms. Kay have a thought in her peroxide-bleached skull of her own, or does she simply channel anyone who shares her hopes and dreams of the Don?
Meanwhile in other USA news, not covered in anything but a dismissive way, the Democrats back down on the government shutdown. Big difference to Friday when they were all over it with plenty of democrat senator soundbites and blame Trump snide remarks.
What about BBC Katty Kay’s book that is promoted on the BBC twitter feed (for free) but the BBC Tax Payer does not receive a penny for it?!
The Confidence Code (Katty Kay) – as promoted for free by TV Tax just like Chris Evans CarFest is promoted by Children in Need day!
Unhappy people in background.
Blurred photo of man with mouth open.
The power of photos …
MM, is she sitting alongside a coffin in which the dead soul of the British people lies prostrate?
Not a chance. Just listen to old Jake telling how it will be.
BBC London News headlines this morning still not keen to tell us about this story:
“A young man is fighting for his life after being shot in the head in east London.”
Video clip via Facebook credited to “Ragz Capone” – Draw your own conclusions there.
Meanwhile in Jamaica:
“The Jamaican government has declared a state of emergency in the St James parish, after a number of “shooting incidents”. The Foreign Office has told British tourists to stay in the confines of their hotels as a “major military operation” takes place.”
Interestingly this morning BBC London does touch on the subject of guns. The London Assembly has issued a report. I like the line the BBC picks up on:
“Youngsters need to have explained to them the consequences of carrying guns”
So, we in London now need to change the culture of our youngsters – how come this has happened?
when will Sadiq Khan actually do anything? Wrt guns why don’t the BBC and Government break it down by where and by whom guns are used and focus police activities? Maybe 15 years in jail in possession of a gun…I think we all know the answers to the second part but as for Mr Khan, he is, as my northern friends would say ‘ as useful a chocolate tea pot’
Khan is about as useful as a Muslim mayor of a Western European city.
They report that there are too few women at Davos, continuing their uncanny ability to bring race and gender into everything. If there is not a 50/50 split of in every human endeavour that is a ‘problem.’ And the same goes for race, sexuality and probably weight and hair straightness – it you define equality as equality of outcome then this ‘problem’ will go on forever. What if men are generally more driven by a quest for power, money and status – primarily in order to attract a woman who will benefit from the fruits of his endeavours? And do young girls really dream of having all that power, work and responsibility or of marrying a man who is rich and powerful? Marry a man like that and you get all the benefits with none of the stress and responsibility – I know which side I would prefer.
Then they bring up #Metoo. Apparently women get unwanted approaches! Oh the horror. Who would have thought that? A load of rich and powerful men on a booze-fuelled jolly might want to approach a woman! Imagine her plight – a billionaire offering to take her on a private jet somewhere. Just the thought of it makes me quiver and run to a safe space.
There is a ‘women’s networking lounge’ which has quadrupled in size. Yeah – like that will not be the bitchiest place on the planet. Anyone who has seen large groups of women working together will have seen how bitchy and vicious it gets. Often the biggest oppressors of women are other women, but this is a hate fact ignored by the Beeb. It is now called the Equality Lounge! This reads like a spoof article.
This segues to a lovely story of a company keen to promote as many women as possible to high positions. So yesterday my boss was a woman who was quite patently incompetent, which made it a much tougher day for everyone involved. This is what happens when discrimination is enshrined in law and people are judged for what is between their legs or the colour of their skin rather than the content of their character.
Yet another ‘news’ article which is merely a jumping off point for reams of alt-Left propaganda. The same few messages drilled in over and over and over and over and over again.
It will only be fair when 50% of men can have babies.
Especially the child refugee ones.
You can fight for your right to have babies
Whammo! As Katty Kay may plagiarise…
In a 42 year working life, I had a woman boss at the beginning of my career (head of the Typing Pool – Google it if you have no idea), and an utter bitch to a load of 17 year olds, I then had a ‘Line Manager’ at the end of my career in the NHS, – she was in post for 5 months which gave me the decision to retire. Women have ‘issues’ when they gain power, they may not realise it or see them, but I preferred working for/with a chap any day of the week.
Remember that senior police woman who mocked her colleague for having a breast augmentation, bullying her so badly it was constructive dismissal?
I think attractive young women can have an especially tough time from older female managers My pretty friend’s older female boss regularly reduced her to tears.
What Peterson exposed so well is how nuanced and complex problems are. You cannot just bleat: “Women goooooood! Men baaaaaaaad!” Many men adore women and treat them with the utmost respect, whilst the most vicious bullying women endure is from other women.
Their reductive narrative is collapsing all around. It must feel like last days of Rome for some progressives.
Your comment chimes nicely with my wife’s assertion that she much preferred to have a man as boss in the office where she worked for 25 years with a mixed group of bods. I didn’t press her on reasons why but as you say “women have issues” that men don’t I presume. Viva la difference!
Mrs Kaiser hates working for women, she reckons they all become bitches when put in charge
Brissles, interesting and informative post.
I have worked with some outstanding females but, to be honest, probably an equal or slightly greater number of Truly Awful ones. However, I also have to admit that in that latter category, all the medal winners were men.
Despite being outnumbered in that particular league. Hah!
That’s my experience mostly, a mixed bag! I remember a couple of women bosses being absolutely fine, however one female project manager I did some work for was a nightmare. Utterly ruthless, and contemptuously rude to both men and women alike.
When women are out of their depth (I find) then they tend to lash out emotionally, or they get a bit paranoid if their perceived status is threatened. Men will perhaps try and blag their way out of a bad situation. I think the worst male bosses I’ve had have just not given a damn about your contribution, it’s more like neglect than anything overtly malicious – still it’s a crappy attitude to have.
For the past few years I’ve only been doing odd temp jobs, and don’t get involved in office politics/dramas thankfully – when you are 50+ it’s easier to stay invisible to women managers in their 30s-40s. It also helps pretending to be a bit dim, otherwise they try and rope you in on their pet projects!
Liked your last paragraph IMNALY ! life is a lot easier as a temp, keep your head down and get on with the job.
Despite all the publicity about the glass ceiling where women are concerned, and the ambitious female wanting Boardroom status, no-one dare say publicly that only a few are capable of reaching high office. Women have to deal with the vagaries of monthly menstrual mood changes, and then when middle age hits, its Hormone Central ! can anyone imagine having Hillary Clinton’s finger hovering over the nuclear button when she’s in the middle of having nuclear moment herself ???? Women are volatile creatures and during hormonal upsets can be as stroppy / sulky/ moody/argumentative as any spotty teenager. As a boss they can be calculating, conniving, suspicious, feel threatened, and jealous of their female colleagues.
Blokes as bosses are just …………….. blokes ! with a lot of eye rolling from their female colleagues.
Mrs S had three female bosses at one place she worked – all @rseholes, who treated both men and women (those who let them get away with it) like cr@p.
I wonder if an FOI on gender of bully would see the BBC exempted again.
Didn’t a bloke from there commit suicide due to a female superior? Allegedly.
Brissles, I agree. I’ve had similar experience with lady bosses. No matter how much the so-called feminists might deny it, leadership doesn’t come as naturally to women as it does to men.
And Norm joins the Boom! Omg! Wtf! Gang….
Not a good look Norm.
(As a matter of interest, have any of these BBC comic book editors ever accorded such intros to anyone from parties they have a soft spot for?).
Dear Phil.
You didn’t give anything. You grabbed it from the British people in form of Taxes and any other money grabbing schemes you could think of and doshed it out after spending on “administration”. It is not your money.
No UK government, and especially this inept government, can ever now plead about not having enough money.
I would always shout at the telly when QT was on and someone would be clamouring for endless cash to be thrown at a problem. “We need financial prudence and there isn’t endless pots of money to go round” I would cry.
But, after May and Hammond managed to magically find (or at least commit to handing over) £40+ billion to pay an EU bill that they clearly and patently did not have to pay, all bets are off.
If you bunch of feckless fools are gonna spunk our money up the wall for no reason and with no guarantees, then my days of trying to defend financial common sense are completely gone.
Don’t arrogantly preach anymore about being sensible with our money when you are inclined to literally throw it away so unnecessarily.
The New European (as linked to by BBC’s Gary Lineker) shows a lady (of course) hitting a man (of course) who supported Brexit … tolerance and peace.
Biff! Slap! Bam! OMG!
Can’t wait until Katty gets to No: 14:
Beyond fake and misinformation there is also what is edited out.
Maybe the committee could look around the table and ask themselves why a recent inquiry by colleagues into the bbc was stacked with ex-BBC MPs with a vested, if conflicted interest in keeping the money fountain flowing?
When politicians speak and don’t do anything … is that fake news that affects people’s options and behaviours?
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
Toady watch
Caught the last minutes – one of Cameron’s people he put in the Lords and milliband minor – subjects- why there are no big ideas in British politics .
Junior said the British people are usually ahead of the curve on ideas . Baroness nobody said they certainly were with brexit…. 0859… humph “good morning” perfect bias.
But it was the experts and academics that got it all wrong about Brexit. The economy didn’t collapse, investment didn’t dry up, inflation didn’t go through the roof and there was no end to Western Civilisation as we know it.
What therefore is the point in asking their opinion?
Should there be a big button on this site saying … “STOP PAYING THE BBC”. Which shows how to legally stop paying the BBC monies and thus reduce the gender pay gap?
I have recently received my ‘reminder’ for the TV tax.
I discussed no longer paying it with my other half, but she insists on paying it herself as, apparently she and the kids “like watching some of the stuff”.
Personally, I could do without tv altogether.
I know how to become legally licence free but the Mrs is frightened that, even if we were, the tv gestapo will turn up with plod and stitch her up.
We have no choice … totalitarian by design.
Meanwhile in a local failing NHS Trust, short of a hundred or so nurses.
A genius cost saving scheme – ‘ENCOURAGE STAFF TO TAKE UNPAID LEAVE’.
Sky-Fox deal not in public interest, says regulator
The CMA say that full control of Sky would give the Murdoch Family Trust excessive “influence over public opinion and the political agenda”.
What an absolute joke. Stitch up. I smell the establishment at work.
So where exactly is the broadcasting counterbalance to the Labour Party propaganda channels namely the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5?
“influence over public opinion and the political agenda”.
Like the BBC then!
I wonder to what political agenda they refer.
So what about BBC and Jerry Christmas “affect people’s opinions….” …
{old post}
“…Murdoch Family Trust excessive “influence over public opinion and the political agenda”….”
For some reason my mind turns to the London freebie newsheet (presumably funded via large corporate and governmental agency advertisers) the Evening Standard where parachuted-in no-prior-experience editor George Osborne presents the public with a relentless daily diet of cruel anti-Brexit, anti-Theresa May cartoonery and a – shall we say, ‘bold’ – editorial line yesterday “Why we should still listen to Tony Blair”
If that’s not influencing public opinion and the political agenda then I’m a Dutchman – or an EU citizen, as Blair/Osborne would prefer?
Bit of a tiff between Johnson and Hammond over funding for the World Health Service. Apparently Johnson has called for more money and Hammond responded by suggesting that this is not a matter for the Foreign Secretary.
I beg to differ. If the UK is funding a significant part of the world’s health needs then it is a matter for the Foreign Office
And, ‘some’ might say, it is time to dip into the Overseas Aid budget for a divvy or three.
Same WHO that gave Mugabe a Goodwill Ambassador trophy in 2017 for a week? Moral compass?
Germany pupil ‘killed by classmate’ at school near Dortmund {bbc.co.uk 23jan2018}
“A pupil at secondary school near the German city of Dortmund has been killed by a fellow classmate, according to police.
Reports say a 15-year-old student stabbed a 14-year-old boy.”
… on other websites …
The suspect, who has German and Kazakh citizenship, was arrested shortly after the incident. Police said their investigations into the circumstances of the killing are ongoing but said rumors on social media that the attack was directed at a person who wasn’t the victim couldn’t be confirmed.{dailymail 23jan2018}
– Let’s see how it pans out …
“German and Kazakh citizenship” so they’re already trying to sweep it under the carpet?
“so they’re already trying to sweep it under the carpet?”
A magic carpet – because it’ll fly away and disappear.
The BBC page currently has this explanation:
You can sense the gritted teeth.
The enimently excitable Norman ‘but-Labour-say’ Smith editorialises the tone of Philip Hammond’s response to questions about Boris as “…pretty tart…”
Careful, Norm. You’ve already been passed-over for the job of chief BBC political editor for the sake of the promotion of La Kuenssberg. Don’t upset the powerful Sistas Media Union Chapel
What might Cathy ‘so-you’re-saying’ Newman make of that sort of loose talk?
Remember, only Wimmin in the media can do Loose talk
“It turns out I’ve (Robert Peston) not really been living in the United Kingdom, but a privileged metropolitan bubble or ghetto … ” @0:13
Robert Peston Admits Brexit Voters Were “On The Right Side Of History” {02nov2017}
Just seen Norman Smith on the daily politics.
He’s outside number 10 and has just said that the £100 million Boris wants for the nhs is about the same as we pay the eu if you take into consideration the money we get back.
This is £5.2 billion a year.
Is that what we pay to the eu?
I thought it was more but surely the bbbc wouldn’t mislead us!
Also, they keep on about the bus.
Can we have a remoaner and a picture of the bus on our tv screens and then ask the remoaner to point out where it says the nhs WILL be given £350 million a week from the day after the referendum because they keep on repeating this yet I cannot find it anywhere.
Norman Smith is an idiot if he said that….the figures are easy to find and he is way short…but surely the BBC had their fact checkers fact check…
I think there has some talk about this last year. There is a sort of issue . The bus just says – if I remember – 350 for the nhs … but the posters and discussions by bretixers like Mr Farage said we would get 350 back which we could then choose to do with as we want – for instant – fund the international health service more .
Yes I know this is nuanced and dancing on the top of a pin but when all is said and done people just wanted out because it’s becoming somebody else’s country in the image of America – no identity except a flag and a dream in the constitution
I went to see a shrink this morning and he had darker skin than me! I demanded a white psychiatrist as only someone with my skin colour can appreciate how I feel – we know from the Beeb that differences are much more important than what we have in common. I demand unlimited funds be spent to address this ‘problem’ – not enough white, male psychiatrists! A billion pound ‘equalities’ industry yet still such injustice!
So what if he knew his stuff and was good at his job? My feelings are hurt so the state must intervene.
Beeb Brother – I’m gathering your ‘experience’ was tongue in cheek. Because I can remember in the late 1970’s being referred to a female psychiatrist (marital issues), and spending the allotted time saying “pardon”, “excuse me”, “sorry ?” because I couldn’t understand what was being said. I told my GP it was an unsatisfactory referral because a) I was unable to decipher the conversation, b) she was of a different culture and c) she wasn’t married, so how could she help. I doubt if things have changed.
Just a small bucket of popcorn, though I suspect the answer may be ‘evasive’…
Who says God does not have a sense of humour … Gay Reverend marries young man who dumps him after taking all his money and then young gay man dates new boyfriend called Jesus …. comedy that writes itself.
A ROMANIAN toyboy model who left a Brit former vicar 55 years his senior is in a new relationship with a rich Spanish businessman called Jesus.
“Florin Marin, 24, married retired Rev Philip Clements, 79, in April but dumped him just months later after being given ownership of their €100,000 flat in Bucharest.”
When the BBC talk about the gender pay gap (ala Cathy Newman) do they talk about the gender pay gap that exists between male and female cleaners who empty the bins of Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker?
A propos MM’s comment and those of others on gender imbalance.
Even the Guardian has noticed the appalling anti working class male bias in university admissions
And the huge pro women balance in medical training is well known.
None of which ever gets bBBC airtime when there is the usual feminist line to follow.
I hope I am a fair chap, as I have noted in previous correspondence, so if we are going to nail Newman for a dopey interview, we at least ought to start on the men. But where to start, since there is such a wide choice, although I feel it would be bad manners not to look at the Jeremy Paxman technique.
Readers may recall that this sneering lout used to stink up the Newsnight studio for years while the BBC in its wisdom saw fit to pay him over a £1m of poll tax money a year. Check out Jeremy’s interview a few years back with Ann Coulter, a noted American conservative author. Coulter, a lawyer by training and a lady of considerable on-air charm, is skilled in really getting up the noses of her local snowflakes, so much so that they have “no spaced” her in many of their seats of unlearning, which they persist in calling universities.
In true Paxo style our hero starts the interview by stating that he has read the first chapter of Ms Coulter’s book and asks “does it get any better”? You might not agree with everything Coulter writes but she has been defending herself against hack yobbos like Paxman for years. Soon he is reduced to asking questions like “do you really believe that” to which he gets the answer that he can assume that if she wrote it, she believes it . When he continues with similar questions she patiently explains that he can assume that everything she writes she believes in. Attempts to put her off balance by using specifics to argue against general theory come to nothing, presumably because nobody has told him that this is the last refuge of the debating scoundrel
Finally the “gotcha” moment comes when he argues that there is no liberal hegemony in the mainstream media because she is appearing on the BBC. After your warm introduction at the beginning, quips Ann, no liberal hegemony there then.
Retirement hasn’t come soon enough.
Same style as the Cathy Newman interview – attribute to the interviewee views they do not hold.
Do you honestly believe that?
Then the silly face of an incredulous response with the camera close on his face.
He certainly grows more repulsive – see the way he sucks the body parts of oxbridge colleges and sneers at the red bricks and polys on university challenge . The c word has a special place for him . At least humph doesn’t sneer at the z grade celeb s who can’t even remember their own name on mistress mind .
The BBC pretty much wrote the ‘style’ book.
Here’s a worthy list:
Meanwhile, speaking of the media pack wagon-circling one of their own when things backfire, back to the BBC today…
That’s ‘Newsbeat’, educating and informing da yoof.
This one must have hurt:
Our kids watch this, Amazon Prime and YouTube, and that is it. and are £147 a year better off for it. Plus better informed.
Thank you for reminding us of this. Poor old Paxo was not used to being treated with the contempt he usually reserved for other people, and he just couldn’t take it.
The sad thing was how easy it was for Ann Coulter to take him apart. He had no valid critique of her book, his questions were patronising and worthless, and he was completely shown up. She didn’t really have to try.
At heart, he is just as much of a left wing MSM dimwit as Cathy Newman. However, it is depressing to think how much worse Newsnight has become since he left!
Nice support for Jordan Peterson in Times today by Melanie Philips..pretty much agrees with views expressed here – unlike the Guardian ..funny that..
@JamesArthur : Summary of Times article
screenshot 1, screenshot 2, screenshot 3,
That gal sure is lean. Still as the old saying goes “The nearer the bone the sweeter the meat”
Quick put world and domestic news on hold – BBC News Channel now takes us over to the East Thanet double-glazing industry annual award nominations…
I joke, of course.
Just the Oscar technical nominations are in so far – blimey ‘achievement in make-up & hairstyling’… how misogynistic is that!
Jason Solomons knows which side his BBC bread is buttered: “Female dominance in light of #MeToo” Oooh er missus!
Seems us Brits do the technical stuff quite well.
Jane Hill: “I know this is going out worldwide, so I don’t want to sound too Britain-centric”
I doubt there’s much fear of that on the BBC, luv.
Has the academy invented the best ‘victim’ award . I sobbed as some famous millionairess bitched about being “sexualised “ at the age of 13. I thought the way they behave there 13 would be a bit old. Whatever the term “sexualised” means
We are biased, admit the stars of BBC News
the BBC is dominated by trendy, Left-leaning liberals who are biased against Christianity and in favour of multiculturalism.
Mosey, who also used to edit Radio 4’s Today programme, confirms that Auntie leans so far Leftwards that she frequently topples over into propaganda.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-3135408/DAMIAN-THOMPSON-Shock-Horror-BBC-boss-admits-s-biased.html
The EU is your friend …. but still spends €103 moving boxes from Brussels to Strasbourg …
Initial BBC Story Title: “EU rebate helps to boost UK finances”
Actual BBC Story Title: “UK government borrowing narrows after EU credit”
– Note change from rebate to credit!
UK government borrowing nearly halved in December from a year earlier, helped by a rebate from the European Union.{bbc.co.uk 23jan2018}
Summary of lib debating
: Get triggered
… Go tribal
Don’t bother with the facts/evidence
..just decide of the other person is not in your tribe , and then shout hate at them.
When they assert mosque van man was TRIGGERED by “BBC TV drama”
That’ll be in the same way that terrorist guys are TRIGGERED by the Koran ?
It’s obvious that this was a copycat crime.
Mr Osborne was overwhelmed with anger about the izlamic rape gangs and possibly about izlamisation in general and somehow was tipped over the edge. His MO was copied from the enemies many examples.
It’s unfortunate that he felt he had to behave like the enemy in committing this atrocity since it just plays into the hands of izlam and it’s appeasers.
I wouldn’t condone harming anyone, however much I dislike them. But there must be a legitimate way to push back against izlamisation.
“French prison guards are on strike”. Now, you’ve not heard this from the ‘Worlds Most Trusted’ because they could not report it without explaining why –
“Instead of considering that Islamism has apparently fundamentally changed the issue of criminal policy, the Ministry of Justice appears to continue thinking that the major problems are prison overcrowding and poor prison conditions.” Ring any bells?
For sure, we and the rest of Europe (Brexit or not) are on the way to a totally lawless existence thanks to the Religion of Peace.
Things to think about ….
More Europe Union not less …

Not integrating with the UK … moving it to oneside ….

Peston speaks to sell his book …

Peston is part of the elite – the son of a labour peer – he admitted recently being out of touch with ‘ordinary people’ which he said was unacceptable as a journo – and he was out of touch because he lives in the bubble he admitted.
If he had honour he’d go find a different job because there are plenty of people who want to be journos and use daddy’s connections to get there…
We heard of this last Tuesday
It’s building up to explosion level , all because it doesn’t affect the elites safe in their gated communities with bodyguards
This was a reply to G @ 2.59pm on the prison guards but dropped down here
Mrs. K,
Its all ‘coming to the boil’ very nicely now. All over Europe in fact: Police have given up and are resigning en masse in Sweden while the elite refer blindly to, ““fine neighbourhood(s)” and “teeming with vitality”; in Denmark, their army is brought back from NATO front line confrontation with the Russians in Estonia to deal with riots the police cannot handle. In England, meanwhile, the ‘stiff upper lip’ prevails – life as normal.
Me? I say that any Government not seeing the immense problem looming quickly, is not fit to govern. As always, when the time comes, the public will be left on their own to deal with the problems our, ‘leaders’ have bestowed upon us. Oh for a Leader………….
Meanwhile UK cops have been given safe cushy jobs sitting on their arses scanning their computers for islamophobic remarks, riding around communities in rainbow cars and painting their toenails to combat slavery.
More sleight of tongue and pen —
The first Croatian children’s book depicting same-sex parents has been published (this apparently counts as ‘European News’). Straightforward enough? But once the basics are out of the way, it launches into the real meat of the article, which is of course a political and moral corrective. (Presumably intended for the three people left in the country who haven’t yet had the message hammer-drilled into them).
Opposition to the book is seemingly “one of the symptoms” of “a resurgence in conservative forces”. Mere speculation or evidence based statement? We’ll never know. It also could (should) have read “one of the outcomes” or “one of the effects”. But symptoms result from sickness and disease… the sickness of conservative forces!
It doesn’t stop there — under the heading ‘Rising nationalism’, we get noisy Catholics, fascist slogans, holocaust denial and… er… Thatcher.
Also worth noting is their commentary on knife crime stats, which states BAME “boys and men were disproportionately affected, as both victims and perpetrators.”
Umm… what? There’s an equivalence between victims and perpetrators of crimes; both are “affected”? Not “represented” or “indicated” — terms more typically used when talking about data output. Of course perpetrators being “affected” by their crimes might just suit a particular narrative, y’know… if you were into that sort of thing…
Grooming & Sexual exploitation :BBC Radio Humbs just plugging a video to be released tonight in Hull
..Will it be worthwhile or the usual distraction technique ?
Ah I notice a scene in Scunthorpe precinct I think I saw kids filming there a few weeks back
“Not in our community is an award winning campaign run by eskimosoup, a social marketing agency in Hull. The campaign was instigated by the High Sheriff of East Riding in 2014 and is currently supported the community safety partnerships for Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire.”
completely off subject..anyone remember last year BBC/Guardian etc keen to pronounce sterling slumps (? due to Brexit)..silence on sterling now at 1.14 and 1.40 against dollar…
Speaking of what the BBC can manage from pre-vetting and in the edit suite, from Facebook, so it will be interesting to see if mirrored in wherever it ends up elsewhere*:
BBC News
A “good” A&E – but it’s struggling to cope with NHS winter pressures. (via BBC Lifestyle & Health News)
First few minutes and every patient appears to be white, with the hold frame on an old lady.
One imagines if it were about good grades at school things may be different?
Found it: https://www.facebook.com/bbcnews/videos/532834343749392/
But why is this A&E meeting its targets? What is the difference? Funding? Population? Management? If one can do it can they all do it?
Luton and Dunstable NHS Trust is only service to have achieved its three targets {dailymail 18oct2017}
Fire up the £3.5bn News Service…
Because the L & D makes allowances for the influx of non-ethnic Brits. They’ve had a lot of practice…
It’s official : some grand panjandrum from NHS on news qoth “all down to aging population” Nothing else, just that – no rebuttal or qualification was forthcoming. I fear us ancient whities are being set up for a cull or one way ticket to the Gulag.
Having had first hand experience as a carer – of the international health service I KNOW that they want to off those they consider to old to care about. It’s not about resources – it is about policy decisions to prioritise this over that. The whole government is based on this .
The current government believes it is right to borrow 13 billions pounds – which the taxpayer will have to pay back and use it for overseas giveaways despite our country being in desperate need. I don’t get that because I can’t see any votes in it .
Seems that the BBC are not the only ones that like to use omission … The Abu Dhabi branch of the Louvre has been forced to replace a map after it appeared to wipe off Qatar, with which the emirate is in an international spat {twitter}
bBBC ‘news’ has Nine charts on the rise of knife crime in England and Wales but, surprise, surprise, the tenth chart is missing.
Sir A,
Not forgetting the gun “epidemic” – those knife wielding savages can’t have it all their own way!
What with knife and gun crime rapidly increasing pro-rata with diversity and multiculturism, it would be a shame to omit acid attacks in the competition for the escalation of violent crime. Who needs terrorism anyway?
I look forward to hearing that the annual violent crime statistics show a “dramatic fall”……………
Quite funny, in a sick sort of way.
“There is nothing new about knife crime: sharp objects, blades and knives have been used as weapons for thousands of years. “
They’ve done their research then.
“But after falling for several years, knife crime is rising again. So what is happening?”
Beats me.
“It’s relatively unusual for a violent incident to involve a knife, and rarer still for someone to need hospital treatment.”
I don’t recall this reassurance being issued shortly after April 1993. Quite the opposite in fact.
Small thumbnail on BBC homepage earlier today, moved to small thumb on Euro news
A pupil at a secondary school near the German city of Dortmund has been killed by a fellow classmate, according to police. Reports say a 15-year-old student stabbed a 14-year-old boy.
German media say both the victim and the suspect are German citizens, while the latter also has a Kazakh passport.
Officials in North Rhine-Westphalia have recently vowed to tackle the problem of youth violence in Germany’s most populous state.
A tragedy for all concerned, the media as always generalising before asking important questions, we don’t know enough yet (and are not going to be told anything by the MSM) but could there possibly be tensions that big grown-ups in power could think about and address properly before teenagers with a life ahead of them are cast into an experimental pot?
BBC rather keen on the ‘no one is saying…’ tack when trying to accord guilt by association. And IIRC, some were saying until…
Not BBC bias, more the cynicism of the jellyfish government of Theresa May and it’s complete inability to make decisions, or to announce they are reconsidering.
Such is the case or the black cab rapist John Warboys the Tories claim that they weren’t going to intervene – then they find it’s an unpopular decision, but instead of backtracking they use the Police to dig up and old alleged assault and a new prosecution will follow to stop the bad publicity of his release,
Shame they didn’t even bother about the bad publicity when it came to the release of the Telford rapist less than a quarter of the time into his sentence.
BBC bias
Al Beeb 6pm news – the mystery of why the international health service workload has gone up by 40 percent since 2010 – they had a dig at people who get old – ( as in why don’t old people do every one a favour and die off – particularly since they don’t pay tv tax ) .
They covered their biased arses by admitting that there has been an increase of 11000 doctors since that time and nice graphs showing exponential increases in spending and got the game Tory Sarah Wollaston to say there should be an investigation into why the international hrealth service is so busy –
I have the answer – it’s because 500 000 foreigners have Been arriving year on year and they’ve all queued up for free bee treatment . Mystery solved – but not al beeb and its hard working nursing and doctors who are actually all saints.
I know it’s hardly scientific, but about four years ago I suffered a minor stroke and had to spend a few days in an NHS hospital near where I live. I was in a bay of six patients and the other five weren’t elderly, but none of them were native English speakers.
Al Beeb reporting the demise of some foreign trumpet player . Minute licence , black ties and armbands -apparently he was a refugee who left SA for the USA and made a few bob too. Quality ‘right on’ al Beeb stuff.
Licence is meant to read “silence” I was giggling at their righton ness at the time.,
Ah, Feddy, they would retaliate that its the 500,000 foreigners working in the NHS who are keeping it afloat ! so you cant win.
Ta brissles
Lily Allen is scoring point in the greatest city in the world again by criticising colonialism because a London Underground worker put up a sign saying today is the 130th anniversary of Rorkes Drift – an excellent example of multiculturalism in action .
They made the workers wipe the sign off
The source for this is the London evening news . I don’t do hyperlinks cos I can’t
On a recent day trip to London, the milling crowds appeared to be of Japanese/Chinese origins, and the rest were any one of a hundred nationalities, mainly under the age of 40. My point being, how many of these thousands would actually know about Rorkes Drift, most I suspect would think its a pop group.
I cant do hyperlinks eiver !
Sorry to be pedantic – but the battle at Rorke’s Drift was 22-23 January 1879. We’re only at the 129th anniversary.
“Because we’re ‘ere lad.”
Al Shubtill
There was a couple of Welsh boys there, as there was for the Brexit vote.
Funny that The false PM – some called “may” or “possibly” didn’t have the courage for sacking Boris for talking out of school. I’m sure Maggie would have whatever the cost. Hesseltine has been in a sulk ever since he parted company with power.