Let’s have some alternate facts from the BBC, or even just some facts. The Clintons received millions of dollars from the Russians and the Saudis, Clinton’s top aide is a Saudi, the Democrats paid for the ‘dodgy dossier’ on Trump, the company commissioned to produce the report admits it ‘customises’ its reports for the customer’s requirements, the FBI are accused of helping or encouraging the production of that dodgy dossier, the BBC tells us that the Russians are behind the anti-Clinton email hack and thus they are backing Trump, but then they tell us that it was serving Russian intelligence agents who supplied the ‘kompromat’ on Trump thus acting against him….and yet the BBC see no contradiction, no difficulty with that, the CIA are claimed to have asked musician Moby to spread anti-Trump propaganda, Obama did wire-tap the Trump campaign during the election, and it is probable that James Comey, ex head of the FBI, made up the claim that Trump asked him to end the Flynn investigation….after all Comey says he immediately wrote out a memo about the meeting so shocked was he at Trump’s words. However such an important memo about such an important subject is no longer with us…Comey threw it away…so just how real is his claim? The BBC doesn’t ask. In fact it rarely asks anything that would derail its sacred narrative about Trump despite a year on there being nothing to prove a single thing.
They hear stuff they can’t refute but they can’t accept the truth of it…so they ignore it and invent biased twaddle instead.
Spot any of that twaddle?…list it here…..
A woman footballer on Five Live goes off message saying that managing a group of women is different to managing men as they are more emotional and deal with things differently. She needs to be sent to a re-education camp.
Poor Phil Neville managing the women’s team with SJWs examining every utterance for the slightest trace of thought crime. Can he have a go at them if they play badly or is that ‘misogyny’?
Judging by what happened to the last manager when he made a light joke to a black footballer with a law degree, a chip on her shoulder and the prospect of full status victimhood mr Neville will have to manage using sign language or power point . He must be mad.
Beeb Bro
So woman footballer says women are more emotional than men. Hoist on her own petard I’d say. I think that her statement should be borne in mind as more ladies push for top jobs. I’m not sure that high emotions are congenial to being in a position of power.
I’m sure the Beeb will pick this up shortly:
I’m sure they will find a few obscure twatter posts that side with the ‘anti imperialists’ or whatever they’re called these days. If you don’t like it…Why don’t you sod off to your land of milk and honey. Do you get benefits there?
Or a right to vote in a proper democracy?
If the warboys case wasn’t so sick it would be funny. A parole board thinks he is safe for release. The government – responsible for the parole board can’t do anything about it – now some has come up with a new allegation to try and prosecute him to keep him in.
Do you ever think these people aren’t that clever. I’ve said this here before but when you hear stuff like this you think – they are paid a lot of money but still manage to avoid common sense and fuck things up – no better term than that.
How do the MET and GOV spin this?????????
Memo released to info wars.
Looking bigger than Watergate!
They are stating that there is proof that the Democrat party used the FBI to spy on Republican candidate Trump during the election.
Also just released on BBC and other MSM, more Trump Russia colusion nonsense. Smokescreen methinks.
I just started to watch a load of rubbish on BBC Wales ‘Make Wales Happy’ before hitting the panic button on the remote.
Apparently everybody in Wales is miserable?
Newport, Cardiff & Swansea perhaps, from personal experience, the people here seem to have a very positive view of life.
In the view of a beeboid that probably ‘does not compute’.
The beeb thinks they are unhappy as there is not enough “diversity” in Wales!
It’s bad enough as a Welsh Qualified englishman – only joking.
Dai Verse, that well known welsh poet.
On the BBC1 One Show tonight they were discussing the Oscars, “…we have 3 British men nominated…” the Oscar expert on the sofa then discussed the first two men who were white (and very famous) with everyone else remaining totally quiet.
They got to the 3rd man mentioned his name (which I have never heard of) and showed his photo and he happens to be black”. At this point everyone starts talking over each other “oooh I like him”, “amazing lovely man”, “great actor”, “yes yes I hope he wins” etc.
At this time of night my mind sort of freezes as I stare at the word ‘diversity’ again and wonder: where did this obsession begin and why? Let’s take China. Are 1.3 billion Chinese suddenly waking up, blinking and thinking ‘Ooooh! We’re too Chinese. Tomorrow we need to bring in more whites/ blacks/ whatever, so we can be more diverse?
It seems to make no sense. From a Political Science point of view, how does one describe that? It’s not ‘liberalism’ really. It’s not ‘egalitarianism’. It’s not even anti-racism (if there IS ‘discrimination’, it’s against your own kin); a society has members who start thinking: ‘look at the way we’ve been for hundreds of years; it’s all wrong. We need to be more diverse’.
Seems to make no sense whatsoever. But in Europe…
It’s THAT bad, I can’t even work out a credible conspiracy theory…
An evil elite? Divide and rule? Is the Chinese elite thinking: ‘tomorrow we’re going to really start dividing and ruling. Boy, have we got surprise for THEM…’
Perhaps I should write to the beeb, and ask. They should know?
It must be a kind of mental illness, or self loathing or even Masochism where they see all other cultures better than themselves and want to remove themselves from the gene pool.
Janet Daley identified it, correctly in my view, as an auto-immune disease, one where the organism attacks itself.
Could be there are some potential clients in ‘a certain organisation’, according to one of their members I was talking to.
I put it down to them suffering a feeling of guilt at having been born in a first world country. They’ve decided that it would take too long to bring third world countries up to our level so we have to be reduced to their level. Of course the self-entitled won’t have to suffer any fall in living standards – if anything they’ll find it easier to recruit servants. Any suffering will be reserved for little people like us.
I’ve just remembered something to add to my previous post on Rorke’s Drift, but I’m out of time to edit that one so I’ll put it here. It sort of relates to diversity.
The classic film of the battle is Zulu, with Stanley Baker and Michael Caine. Before filming started in South Africa the cast and crew were given an explicit warning against having sex with “the natives”. They were told that any such activity would be punished with a flogging. Baker asked whether it would be possible for both to take place at the same time.
“Death awaits you!” & “You are all going to die”
“Death awaits you!”, “you have made a covenant with death”……….. “You are all going to die”.
Project Fear?
Come on Brits we can overcome, we always have done.
“Because we’re here lad. Nobody else”
24th Foot – part Welsh, part Glos.
Bring it on Remoaners – and the BBC.
There is no logical way of explaining the obsession with diversity. It has become an article of faith for the progressive .
It leads to a rejection of one’s own culture and society and as the stresses mount up in ever increasing attempts to disguise the failures .
Hence positive discrimination and the scapegoating of any opposing views.
It is an irrational indulgence in the pursuit of the unreal.
I used to remember left-wing people insisting that we where all the same, but then I thought only identical twins are the same. Now they want to celebrate diversity, which seems like discrimination against identical twins.
Also, I read in Mensa that research shows that usage of smart phones is causing up to a 20% shrinkage of regions of young peoples brains, which would explain why they voted to remain in the European Union.
Also, I remember reading research that showed that watching television distorts peoples views of the reality of people they do not socialise with in the real world.
So for instance, because of Political Correctness, Blacks are depicted on the television as a Master Race. So if you are a young low IQ Middle Class white person, living without any social contact with Black people in reality, then your view that Black people are superior, would be a reality shaped by the fictional depiction of Black people on television.
That would explain what is going on within the brains of people employed by the BBC.
Is there a word for discriminating/being racially prejudiced against your OWN kind? Aside, funny how over the last few years the ‘N’ word has become taboo, but the ‘C’ word is used without remorse on TV? Don’t agree with either words in common parlance, but why should the ‘C’ word suddenly become normal??
They’ll be tearing down statues of Queen Victoria, Churchill, Nelson and David Attenborough soon! I’m sure “Nelson” Mandela will be on the non PC list as well?
A few years ago, a footballer, I think it was John Terry, was accused of abuse against another player who happened to be black. Reportedly he said “f**k off, f**k off … f**king black c**t, f**king knobhead”.
Apparently it would have been fine if had just said “f**k off, f**k off … f**king c**t, f**king knobhead”.
Um, is the ‘C’ word, Caucasian by any chance ?
Thank you, Tabs. That suggests though, a kind of ‘collective mind’ that suddenly loses it (and so far, only in largely Caucasian societies, it seems), all at the same time.
I could understand: ‘We all want to be wealthier’. Or even: ‘We all want to be healthier’. But ‘We all want to be more diverse?’ Nope, I don’t get it.
Chalkywhite: I don’t think there is a name for that. If we go with Tabs’ ‘self-loathing’, why does that kick off now? Why not in 1918, or 1818? And where, in the collective mind, does it begin? Like little cells suddenly going haywire and spreading..? Your last question hangs in the air…
Although there could be a clue: ‘…without remorse on TV’ Why does it start on TV?
Cos then we’re back to a conspiracy theory?
More proof that the Liebour party are racists. Can you imagine the massive outcry if the Conservatives dared to racially segregate people and charge more or less depending on their skin colour? Instead, the silence is deafening! Anyway, you will never see this on the Biased BBC ‘News’…. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/89321c64-ffbc-11e7-a2b0-4e5c7848ab02
I look white but I ‘feel’ black – ‘een tark blick’.
Can I have my discount?
Mind you – anyone paying money to listen to Steptoe needs a medical -mental?- examination.
Sir Arthur: I take your point. Now we can move ahead a little. Civility, you suggest, is vanishing. It’s being replaced by a sort of very specific (artificial?) civility, based only on being civil to other races? But why?
Nope, still don’t get it. I should probably have my cocoa, put on my slippers, and shuffle off to bed.
GCooper: That would be a SOCIAL auto-immune disease. I like it. Would be a first? Could move Political Science and Psychology ahead by years, all at the same time! I reckon one could proceed to explain how that works , uniting two quite separate disciplines. What we are saying is: the collective mind MALFUNCTIONS and turns on itself…
So, not a virtue then, as the likes of the Beeb would have us believe, but a malfunction and disease. Pretty stark, that is…
Silent witness.
Just the usual anti American much expected bias from our beloved broadcaster.
Basically (story goes) after several murders of US diplomats, turns out they were killed because of a drone strike in Mali Africa that killed several families. The US and Mali government blamed Islamic Terrorists when it was the US government that ordered the strike and covered it up.
Just as the BBC would like it to be….
You must have a strong stomach to watch it.
I’m not talking about post mortems!!!
RJ: A feeling of guilt. Indeed, I’ve thought that too. Never figured out the ‘why?’. Born in the WRONG country. That I’ve never realised! That’s pretty weird, but I like it. Now THAT is a pretty bad malfunction/disease. One’s own country is the wrong country. That’s a pretty heavy pathology…
That will take some digesting. Who was it, a few minutes ago, said something about a ‘bad stomach’? No 7. By gum, I think we’re on to something here. We just write what comes into our heads, but when we go back and examine them, those words mean something. Parts of a jigsaw…
And the answer can’t be: should have been born somewhere else.
“should have been born somewhere else.”
No, thanks for your suggestion.
Perhaps you might like to ask the same question to the current inhabitants of East London, Luton, Rotherham and BBC Central?
I forgot to mention Islington & Highgate ‘Village’.
BBC pays out you money for “Henry Bolton and Jo Marney” paparazzi photo.
Times journo @TanyaGold1 wrote in the Times today how she spotted Henry Bolton and Jo Marney on the tube , rudely stood up and took a photo and then flogged it for £1,500 on the London media circuit.
Second customer was the BBC .
“Pound hits $1.40 for first time since Brexit vote”
“Sterling has extended its rally against the dollar to rise above $1.40 for the first time since the Brexit vote. “
But look at the ‘but’ ‘but’ bits …………….
Rejoice !
“Margaret Thatcher statue plan rejected by Westminster Council”
Have the Tories finally lost their balls?
“Job done for Boris Johnson?”
Is Boris a political “stalking horse”?
I think he has higher ambitions. He couldn’t be any worse than May/Hammond.
Given a choice, which statue would the BBC approve of to be erected for free outside their HQ at Broadcasting House?
1. Obama.
2. Thatcher.
Theresa May is to create a Ministry of Truth. The Ministry will aim to identify fake news and challenge stories they judge to be misleading or damaging to the establishment, and will be based in the Cabinet Office.
Theresa May’s spokesman said the “dedicated national security communications unit” would be charged with “combating disinformation by state actors and others” which will wake even more people up to the insidious nature of allowing the government to decide what you can and can’t see, say or think.
As Orwell noted, dictatorships then follow this up by creating laws making it an offence to “spread false news”.
(1) Can see: BBC News
(2) Can’t see: News censored by the BBC
(3) Can say: Anything approved by the BBC
(4) Can’t say: Anything not approved by the BBC
(5) Can think: The BBC is not biased
(6) Can’t think: The BBC is biased
A government pamphlet released before the EU Referendum proved that the government produces fake information, so these efforts to suppress information through censorship are already backfiring.
A Parliamentary committee of Remainers has also demanded information from Facebook and Twitter, on Russian activity during the EU referendum. Others think it could have been the Jews in Mossad who made us vote for independence from the European Union. But there is evidence that someone with a French Huguenot surname, who was married to a foreigner, was active during the EU referendum.
I only caught the tail end of this so I don’t know the full details but, I think they were discussing the government setting up a department to identify fake news over on Talk Radio.
EDIT: see Richard Pinder’s post above which I hadn’t noticed!
Julia Hartley Brewer (who now does breakfast-a refreshing change from that lefty virtue signalling idiot Paul Ross!) was interviewing a Professor Mathew somebody, professor of politics at Kent university.
Oh I had to laugh at his claim that during the brexit referendum the bbc tried so hard to remain impartial and to promote both sides!
Well if that isn’t fake news then what is!
JHB is inviting tweets @talkradio