When Breivik launched his deadly attack in Norway the BBC et al launched their own attack on ‘right-wing’ commentators blaming them for the killings because they dared to criticise the BBC et al’s open borders, mass immigration experiment imposed upon the populace of Europe without any debate, in fact all debate was harshly and uncompromisingly crushed. It was in fact the Left’s enforced lack of debate, a voice and a choice on immigration that led to Breivik not a few right-wing commentators on the fringes.
The BBC must be somewhat chastened today though to find itself blamed for the attack on Muslims in Finsbury Park last year…though it does a good job of downplaying its own involvement…barely a mention and you have to go a long way down the report to find it…..when you consider it was reportedly a BBC drama about Rochdale that was central to his actions you have to ask why the BBC isn’t so keen to make more of that…what if it had been a Daily Mail report?…..
He had become “obsessed” with Muslims in the weeks leading up to the incident after watching BBC drama Three Girls, about the Rochdale grooming scandal, Ms Andrews had said.
The BBC’s report is highly selective in what it adds…the alleged killer’s note is cherry-picked for what the BBC believes will show him in the worst light……however I suspect the majority of people would agree with the central theme of his comments about events if not his way of expressing them in such crude and raw language….
A handwritten note, found in the van, complained about terrorists on the streets and the Rotherham child exploitation scandal, Mr Rees said.
The note allegedly referred to Muslim people as “feral” and called Muslim men “rapists” who were “preying on our children”, the jury heard.
One part read: “Don’t people get it, this is happening up and down our Green and pleasant land.
“Ferrel [feral] inbred raping muslim men hunting in packs preying on our children, this will be coming to a town near you soon, it most probably has, get back to the desert, you raping inbred bastards & climb back on ya camels.”
Here’s the Telegraph’s headline getting straight to the central issue…..
Finsbury Park terror trial: Darren Osborne turned into ‘ticking time bomb’ after watching BBC drama, court hears
Even the Guardian highlights the BBC’s involvement though it also adds into the mix ‘right-wing propaganda’….not ‘Far-Right’?…..and ‘propaganda’? or information needed for an informed debate?…..once again the urge to crush debate and delegitimise those the Left hates is in evidence…..
Court hears Darren Osborne’s anger was fuelled by BBC drama and rightwing propaganda
A man who drove a van into a crowd near a mosque intended to kill as many Muslims as possible and had been “brainwashed” by extremist right wing propaganda after watching a primetime BBC drama about a Muslim grooming gang, a jury has heard.
The Telegraph prints the very relevant section of the note left by the killer in his van explaining his motivation…once again it is lack of action and the suppression of debate and information about what is going on that motivated him….the shaping of news and political debate so that inconvenient information, such as the fact that it was 1400 white girls being raped and abused by Muslim men, was originally suppressed because of race and religious issues, including by the BBC….
“Why are there terrorists on our streets today? We’ve had three recent terror attacks, our children spattered against the walls of concerts, part and parcel by all accounts, Mr Sadiq Khan, no it isn’t how can you let this happen, terrorists marching through our capital city, you’re a disgrace, where was the public outrage after 1400 of our white British none Muslim girls?
“Where were you in Rotherham, Lily Allen, Jeremy Corbyn, nowhere to be seen.”
“So Mr Sadiq Khan how are you this morning? I’d imagine your (sic) gonna have a hard job keeping your happy go lucky vibrant city in order, Part n parcel of living in a big city, carry on as normal, bk to ya day Jobs, what about you Jez?
“Mr terrorist sympathiser, or should I call you Harold, “you dirty old man” put that in ya pipe, & have some sympathy for me, well Folkes gotta go busy day today. Remember peaceful vigils only & please dont look back in anger, God Save the Queen”.
Osborne maybe found to be a terrorist and a murderer but that doesn’t mean what he says is untrue….politicians like Corbyn, who support terrorism, and Khan, who said that Muslims who help the police to stop terrorism are ‘Uncle Toms’, bare a large responsibility for the tone of debate and what is ‘allowed’ to be said…as of course does the BBC.
It is a paradox that the BBC may be responsible in part for inciting both Muslim terrorism and anti-Muslim terrorism. Its sensationalist and misleading coverage of the Iraq War, and of course its coverage of Israel, fed the Muslim extremists’ narrative of Islam and Muslims under attack and thus helped recruit terrorists, the BBC is now accused of being the source of information that drove Osborne to attack Muslims…
She said she had never considered him to be a racist and had not heard him making derogatory comments about Muslims, before watching the Three Girls drama.
Mr Rees told the jury: “Ms Andrews noticed that the defendant became obsessed with the subject matter of the drama. He started researching associated topics on the internet, including material featuring Tommy Robinson, the co-founder and former spokesperson for the English Defence League (EDL).
The difference of course is that the BBC’s coverage of the Iraq War and Israel is highly questionable and all too often more a reflection of its own prejudices whilst Osborne’s observations were based on fact.
The BBC is dangerous to British society and the West in so many ways it is quite astonishing to consider.
I think I’m going to feel very sorry for Mr Osborne; he’s another Englishman who felt he had to take a stand against the invasion of our country by another alien and hostile culture. He’s going to be punished for a situation that was not of his making; his life will be ruined and there’s a good chance from past indications that he’ll end up dead in prison in circumstances that are never explained.
The best outcome for him and us would be a non-custodial sentence because the muslims are probably already plotting to kill him.
Good work, far-left bbc.
51 likes for that comment at the moment…..’I think I’m going to feel very sorry for Mr Osborne; he’s another Englishman who felt he had to take a stand against the invasion of our country’
What a nice bunch you are. I’d take a Muslim over this 51 any time.
What, even one carrying a large butcher’s knife?
“I’d take a Muslim…”
Taken as read. Any preference on end?
Still fighting the good fight in trying to make the world a better place I see.
You write that as if it were a bad thing.
£320k still not enough to see the bright side?
Blackwell “take a Muslim”
But you know very well you can’t have just one don’t you? Muslims only come in swarms like locusts.
Sorry John. If he was responsible for deliberately killing anyone he certainly should be punished. It doesn’t matter whether there is truth in his comments, and to be honest there is a lot, but he still can’t take the law into his own hands and murder people.
I could more understand it if he was attacking someone who was personally responsible for attacking a member of his family. Although it still wouldn’t give him an excuse for that action.
Sorry Demon – John is 100% right.
See how the BBC promoted a terrorist on a light and arts entertainment programme ” Front Row ” in 2006. http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/08/legitmacy-to-incitement-by-extremist.html Deluge the BBC with complaints to stop this now – there has to be a few there that understand the consequences..
Don’t bother, you’re too late making a complaint about a 2012 broadcast.
You don’t seem at all Crosse about this.
And very well versed in BBC complaints lore.
Should the BBC have broadcast a drama about Rochdale or not?
Seems its you who finds himself in a paradox.
What’s your criticism of the drama that you feel motivated Osborne? I’d like to hear it.
Presumably by the same logic, you hold Trump responsible for this?
or this?
I’m not surprised you think the majority would agree with the sentiment below. I think it says something about you and those you associate with:
‘Ferrel [feral] inbred raping muslim men hunting in packs preying on our children, this will be coming to a town near you soon, it most probably has, get back to the desert, you raping inbred bastards & climb back on ya camels.”’
I remember the reaction here to Breivik’s slaughter of children….when it was discovered the victims were there for a Labour youth movement. Like Osborne, basically got it right, was kinda justified, and it was actually all the left’s fault.
You’re a failure as a human being.
Like with Thomas Mair (shouted “Britain First” did he, didnt he, was he referring to the group, or the country????)
I really doubt we will ever get the full truth of this matter as its not the narrative the government wants to push
was the dead man already dead? in which case its attempted murder
He sounds like a mentally deranged lone wolf, but is unlikely to get treated the same as all our deranged Norwegian friends , especially now he has been linked with watching TR vids ( i think we can see where that ones going)
“Mr Osborne; he’s another Englishman who felt he had to take a stand against the invasion of our country by another alien and hostile culture”
1) The Vikings invaded illegally but were finally sent packing.
2) The Normans invaded illegally and were sent packing.
3) The Muslim refugees and their many children invaded illegally but will never be sent packing.
4) So says the BBC Elites and their Celeb/Pop Star/Hollywood set/MP friends!
Oh! and that guy Clegg! Pass!
“It is a paradox that the BBC may be responsible in part for inciting both Muslim terrorism and anti-Muslim terrorism.”
The abhorrent and insidious BBC would probably pat themselves on the back if they read that sentence and claim it shows their lack of bias.
Excellent piece though, Alan.
In this BBC article they say,
Mr Osborne later received an invitation to a demonstration from an account using the name Tommy Robinson calling for participants to “stand up and say no more” to extremism.
Mr Rees said: “No-one is suggesting it’s him [Mr Robinson] in person but obviously people who follow Tommy Robinson.”
According to Tommy Robinson himself (on Twitter), the email from Tommy Robinson was actually a automated reply to Mr Osborne after he signed up to receive newsletters. The BBC are trying to make it sound like he got a personal email from Tommy Robinson to make it appear all “right wing” people are the same group with the same intentions.
Nothing surprises me about the BBC.
Sometimes I wonder whether in fact they have deliberately been acting as “agent provocateurs”
The majority of the population must by now be more than aware of the extreme lengths this organisation will go to, to protect their favourite minority whether it is
– changing the background of muslim rapists to some sort of vague “Asian” description,
– trying to present sharia law as some sort of woman friendly philosophy (with the headscarf wearing being depicted as a woman exercising her freedom of choice)
– or just making up or magnifying any “islamaphobic” crimes whilst trying to minimise any coverage of Islamic related terrorist incidents.
And all of this is done at the same time as emphasising the dangers of the right wing “backlash” As we all know the blowing up of dozens of kids at a pop concert is easily trumped by some bloke murdering one man with transit van.
Because the law seems pretty much impotent at dealing with Islamic related crimes it does not take a brain surgeon to work out that eventually some people will take the law into their own hands as they realise that the law only really seems to care about protecting one particular group of people.
I suspect the whole of this strategy is enable useful idiots such as Alison Saunders and Amber Rudd to lower the bar when it comes to prosecuting “islamaphobic ” crimes whilst pretty much still ignoring the obvious crimes visited on the indigenous society because so many ROPERS have been given express permission by their holy book to carry out violence and sexual crimes as long as the victims are “kaffirs”
At the BBC there appears to be some sort of faustian pact between the self hating liberals and extreme left wingers and proponents of Islam – all to destroy our current society and values.
I suppose in the short term they will get what they want as our law making dhimmis will crack down on free speech and those that try to resist the islamisisation of this country.
But in the long term who knows what will happen?
I am sure most beeboids could never envisage breaking the law as they have been bought up to always pay their TV licence fee and alwas drive on the correct side of the road. But as more and more people are touched by the “enriching” process and realise that English law no longer applies to englishmen – then I think the gloves will come off and the chinless winders at the BBC as well as much of our ruling elites may well get what is coming to them.
Power to the people! ( my god how things have changed – now where did I leave my tatty fur coat and Che beret!)
It was impossible for the BBC not to cover the Manchester bomb attack that left over twenty people dead, kids and adults, and hundreds injured – but what they did was to downplay the Islamic side of things and to create “Muslims Against Terrorism” and “Muslim Victims in Backlash” memes.
I’ve been wondering why the media are making such a point of blaming the BBC Three Girls program for inciting violence against Moslems. We know it was very mild in comparison to reality. I suspect that they are preparing their excuses to continue to cover up for Mohammedan child abusers.