Jeremy Corbyn owes Momentum big style…he is their man, bought and paid for.…
Name of donor: Momentum Campaign (Services) Ltd
Address of donor: Walkden House, 10 Melton Street, London NW1 2EJ
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: interest free, unsecured loan of £50,000 towards my campaign for leadership of the Labour Party. This loan is for an indefinite period.
Interest free, unsecured and for an indefinite period…..£50,000. The chief officers of Momentum are Muslim activists. Momentum only registered with the Electoral Commission in 2017 so where does the large loan stand?…it’s not in the EC’s register of loans and donations. Uncertain of the rules on donations/loans by the likes of Momentum for leadership campaigns but certainly in election campaigns they are only allowed to spend £39,000. Seems unlikely they would be allowed therefore to give £50,000 for a single issue to one person…Corbyn. One for Panorama to investigate…or maybe not.
Spot anything you think the BBC should investigate, including itself, list it here…..
I suppose Momentum gets round the rules on this by calling it a “loan” .jon lansman , the elusive head of Momentum , is the real power behind the thrown – with John McDonald ready to take over when Corbin decides he wants to spend more time with his allotment. Do a wiki on Jon lansman. If true it’s a revelation.
Not much investigative journalism done here….
Congrats to you Fedup2! First on the blogroll of honour!
Labour have been doing this since the year dot.
Their funny financings would have involved Gadhaffi and Brezhnev in the previous era before us.
And I certainly recall Lord Levy and all manner of Blairs hooky mates buying their peerages or influence from Blair in return for their giving “unsecured loads or donations” to Labour HQ.
Utterly despicable-as is Momentums creative fiddling of election expenses last year. So where are Michael Crick and Jon Snow?
Holly thank you I shall treat this bog roll award with the respect it deserves.
Victim watch
Pity those poor ladies signed up to a blokes night out ( no groping ) who have been the subject of humiliating humiliation . Get them a lawyer.
The compère – a mr Williams of al beeb comedy , kiddies story ? Fame will no doubt donate his fee ( I guess £20000 or more based on the after dinner circuit) to an albeeb victim charity such as Ms c Gracie or that harassed millionairess off Newsnight .
Meanwhile al beeb is really blowing this event – no pun. Attendance list in the morning with more hysteria – brexit supporter there ? Tory mp?
Boys – next time hire some ladies who sell their bodies . ( I don’t know any)
Congrats from me too Feddy – 5.38 AM ! couldn’t you sleep ??
Do I detect a touch of bitterness Brissles, my friend?
The offer is still there-am happy to be your watchman on a rota basis, so you`re returned to the throne as is your entitlement.
Maybe Alan could give us some YouTube video on how and when it all changes over…is it USUALLY at 5.38 and -like a blood red moon-do things go all mysterious on the site?
I`m Roy Hattersley, and I see you as my Neil Kinnock. Sorry, but what other Dream Team has ever captured the cultural high ground in recent times?
Meybe Ant and Dec-but I don`t know which ones which.
And don`t really want to turn to prescription drugs and get a divorce if I find myself to be THAT one of the useless twosome.
Little and Large? Hope and Keen,Millican and Nesbit, Lenny and Jerry? We`re not blessed with options are we ?
Renee and Renato? Peters and Lee?
In any event, will get the drugs and scrumpy in and refuse to sleep-the least I can do for you!
Touch of bitterness ? moi ? non.
(Dear Lord where did you dig up Milllican & Nesbit ???? – I’m a Fred and Ginger girl myself, but if you’re any good at the Continental…….. that’s a dance not a hotel by the way ! )
As for 5.38 I think Feddy was on Maxicony watch – just waiting to pounce on behalf of the rest of us who were asleep at that ungodly hour.
Thanks. I enjoy good old maxi doing her 0200 thing but it is of so little value – not worth the effort .
What is more important is the effect al beeb has on the punters who don’t think about things. Because there is a Sophie or a darkie ( but he she’s ok) they are willing to swallow the poison each day .,
This site is not a game to me . I could care less about who is first . It’s about the soul of what’s left of Blighty.
I realise Feddy that there are some serious subjects and debates on here, but with the lack of humour rapidly being lost elsewhere in our everyday life, its respite to come on here for a bit of banter that Twatter cant take offence at !
Agree 100% Brissles.
This site keeps me sane, now I`ve found it-and lots of my friends now look in and we can have quite a laugh sometimes,
Let`s face it-there`s nothing quite as good or funny on the telly anymore.
Except for some cat videos on Youtube.
you know and I know that Tories/Brexiteers/Capitalists (the Tory ones) and Trump supporters must be heavily involved in this shindig. I’ve seen no guest list and have taken no interest TBH but the amount of exposure across all Beeb propaganda outlets suggests that they have targets in sight and/or something dodgy is happening on planet Corbyn and they desperately need the deflection. Same old same old.
Al Beeb doesn’t mention the fact that wee jimmy cranky -who is busily screwing up Scotland – had decided that the Union Jack will be replaced by the Scottish flag on official days.
Scotland voted to remain part of the Union . She will never accept it so shows her hatred for Britain/ the English by doing things like this.
Al Beeb has always been pro SNP and gives them an easy time
This is another example.
Come on be serious, the buggering British children crowd would only complain if the shirt lifters flag was denied space on the top of a gender free pole., to them the Islamic flag, the EU fags and the rest are the only recognised flags of state. I mean when was the last time you saw he bBC knock out a story about changing any flag other than the Union one.
JHB is discussing this and inviting tweets as to with which flag the union flag should be replaced with
“Al Beeb doesn’t mention the fact that wee jimmy cranky -who is busily screwing up Scotland – had decided that the Union Jack will be replaced by the Scottish flag on official days.
Scotland voted to remain part of the Union . She will never accept it so shows her hatred for Britain/ the English by doing things like this. ”
Just shows! threats to this great nation of ours can come in different disguises; namely, with white skin and ginger hair and not with your usual long beard and dark skin!
Bad things can and do come in “small sizes” and this Scottish woman doesn’t care one little bit about her hatred being displayed towards these Islands of Great Britain and Northern Island!
Toady watch
A quiet news day so Toady is spending huge amounts of time talking about Dame Tessa Jowell – one of Blair’s babes – who has brain cancer. Cue allegations that the NHS isn’t doing enough. There s not enough research or treatment.
I thought it ironic that because this lady is a senior and prominent labour politician she gets a nice chat with Robinson and will be addressing the House of Lords tomorrow on the issue.
I’d say this – try being an ordinary punter with – say – Dementia and see how much attention or care you get. .bubble dwellers feeling sorry for themselves whilst ordinary people – go take a flying one.
Interesting that another senior woman labour politician at the same time – mo Molem had terminal brain cancer too.
And no – mo molem wasn’t a mohammed fortunately.
Fed, “Cue allegations that the NHS isn’t doing enough. There’s not enough research or treatment.”
It hasn’t got enough money! It needs more money!!!
It struck me the day before yesterday, Fed, that everyone at the BBC has forgotten that there is no Budget this spring. It was moved to the autumn for last year and on into the future until changed again.
The BBC are obviously indulging in the annual collecting tin rattle for public services on auto-pilot, thinking there will be a Budget in March 2018.
The BBC said on The today programme that there had been no advances in brain cancer for decades. They obviously didn’t want to look at what Israel is doing . See
US biotech Lauren Sciences has received a grant from Voices Against Brain Cancer (VABC) to support developing V-Smart delivery of a treatment for glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the most aggressive malignant primary brain tumor. Lauren Sciences’ research team and labs are located at Ben-Gurion University, where V-Smart technology was invented before it was licensed to Lauren.
Lynette –
Two subjects al Beeb will never speak positively about – Israel and Brexit.
Had to wait in excess of 2 hours for a blood test in the Path Dept at our local hospital today. When eventually seen by the Phlebotomist she apologised for the wait, but said there is a permanent shortage of staff because of Brexit ! I got the gist that Phlebotomists have all gone ‘back home’ en-masse and that no-one ‘over here’ wants to train for the job. I didn’t argue – you never debate a contentious subject with a woman who is coming at you with a syringe. But if she was an example of the stories coming out of the NHS then God help us.
They are all at it, aren’t they. An activist doctor, often deriding Jeremy Hunt in tweets and to newspapers, one Dave Triffitt was on Sky a couple of weeks back bemoaning the cancellation of his heart operation. Looking back at his twitter / Online presence he had been practising in Canada for some years ( for a better quality of life) until mid-June last year. Heart ops are expensive in Canada but free over here!
Blimey Brissles you surprise me – With all these “Doctors, teachers and Engineers making their way to our miserable grey cloud bolted, racist Island – to increase our national wealth. You would have thought that there would have been at least a dozen of them fighting to get to you with their syringes. – Unless of course someone hasnt been telling us the truth about all of these highly skilled migrants and refugees.
Hmmmmm, who would possibly want to do that?
Brissles, another fine example, if ever one were needed, of the creation of a client state who (mostly) then go on to buy into every bit of self serving biased claptrap which almost guarantees the continuation of a socialist ideology. Same as Civil Service/Education/Social Services/Immigration etc etc. Votes very much bought and paid for – with our cash.
There are more EU nationals working in the NHS than ever before
As of 30 June 2017, there are 61,891 EU nationals in the NHS, or 5.2% of the workforce. This is a huge 55.4% increase in the last 3.5 years – +22,084, up from 39,807 in Dec 2013 – and EU nationals have risen 8 times faster than other NHS staff.
EU nationals have increased since the Brexit vote
As of 30 June 2016, EU nationals were 58,698 or 5% of the NHS workforce. So exactly one year after the referendum vote (after which a hate crime wave was allegedly unleashed) there are 3,193 more EU nationals working in the NHS. These increases are even higher if you choose the beginning of the referendum campaign as a starting point. It is true that the growth rate in EU nationals has slowed down, but this can be explained by many factors as well as Brexit, particularly in the case of EU nurses.
And no mention of her squirreling away loads of Berlusconis bunga bunga money to pay off ex-hubbys mortgage. She dropped him when she was discovered.
Then claimed that she wasn`t one for figures and money stuff-her husband David Mills did all that kind of thing, so leave her alone!
Diane Abbott, Patricia Scotland-not so good with money and figures, these labour ladies are they.
Tessa Jowell probably has got her starter cap on in the hope that she might be this blank generations answer to “Our Mo” Mowlem-another joke of old.
Only turns out that it isn’t Tessa’s EX-husband, in the Today interview he was clearly described before 7am as her husband, mr D got fed up with wall to wall Tessa by about 7,30 am. I don’t suppose Nick Robinson in her interview after 8 asked her whether she now would have preferred some of the money she spent on the Olympics to have gone on say research into brain cancer? Just wondering.
I’m afraid I can’t answer your question, for I too soon got fed up with so much Jowellery, and the fact that it was in part a promotion piece for the Labour Party. I would have retained my interest in the subject and much sympathy for the sufferer (and his or her family) had it been a member of the general public, but because the BBC so blatantly focussed it on a Labour politician, I hit the off button. Of course, I DO have sympathy with Jowell and wish her well. But the political bias of the BBC always antagonises.
Toady watch 2
Our Justin does a rare interview with Dr Liam Fox – whom some would say is a rare thing – a conservative in the current labour government .
A discussion about the cbi called for Blighty to remain in the Eu customs union – thus remaining in the EU – as the CBI campaigned for during the referendum debate. They lost but can’t accept democracy. They have their priority – money – we have ours – our country.
Dr Fox raised the issue that there might be a need for a customs union but not the EU one because we won’t be in it. You could hear the panic in the Toady editorial suite and our Justin being extra smooth as he was flummoxed .
And guess what ?
The line from Davos/davros failed. How often does that happen at key moments. They didn’t get him back or even attempted to.
Not a public service.
( case you wondered – I’m not on UK time !).
First, second, third and fourth? That’s just f*cking greedy.
One of those little snippets of news this morning where the story is a tad embarrassing for the progressive cause – so BBC tv decides to mention it in passing but avoids the usual editorialised discussion.
One Nicola Sturgeon is hauling down the union flag. Scottish Government buildings will only fly our British national flag once a year. Odd that the BBC news doen’t even bother to tell us which day that might be?
Oddly for a progessive it seems to be all about flags and nationalism – does that compute? No wonder the BBC is content to brush the story under the carpet.
I do hope in future our Nicola will confine herself to one annual appearance on the BRITISH Broadcasting Corp.
I have long failed to see anything positive or constructive coming from the mouth of Sturgeon.
She has long stated her adoration of all things Scottish and her clear loathing of all things British (English), except for our money, and this is yet another carefully calculated knifing, knowing the emotional connection and high regard the union flag is held in throughout the rest of Britain (especially England). Disgraceful, but not unexpected from this loathsome woman.
Yeah Roland I knew there’d be ‘moans’ ( ha ha )but I’m jet lagged and thought I’d do a bit or a running commentary – and upping the ante on 1st , 2nd, blah !
I’m trying to take over the site .
So the bBC plays its cards by knocking out a story about how nasty the Kurds are, and that Turkey is doing the right thing is which to teach these terrorists a lesson.
Points to note bBC CSs
1) Syria ceded the Kurdish areas to the Kurds , so as to allow them to fight ISIS and the rest thrus allowing the Assad regime to relocate the troops there to places in central Syria
2) Hatay is a region which was stolen from Syria by the colonial power -France- and given to another. Turkey, yet whilst the bBC claims this is ok, it doesn’t share that magnanimous point of view when it comes to Israel, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Kashmir, funny that,
3) The map showing the state of play in the region paints a picture of Syrian rebel forces holding the land between the 2 Kurdish enclaves. The fact remains , the area was taken by Turkish forces in an attempt to stop the Kurds linking up and is still held by….Turks. The current attack on the Kurds can also be seen as a reply to the Syrian advance on the Idlib area these past few weeks,where the Turkish FSA have been getting a kicking
4) Upto 2 years ago, the Turks were treating ISIS terrorists in its hospitals, they only changed their tune when the world started to take note, which is why after a suicide bomb struck a Kurdish wedding , the Turks declared war on ISIS , and attacked….the Kurds. Using former ISIS terrorists wearing the uniform of the FSA.
The bBC rewriting the facts, in which to paint a positive picture of the Turks. Now when was the last time the bBC did likewise with the US/UK/Israel/India on taking the fight back to so called Terrorists. Then it’s a human rights issue . I mean look at the bBCs coverage of Yemen. Same story different coverage,
£4B buys a lot of cards.
A must-see! Thanks for the heads up GW!
Could the change of tone be something to do with Turkey being an EU ‘accession’ state, holding the EU to ransom over processing of migrants on condition its EU status is accelerated. Something that got alarm bells ringing pre-referendum, like the European army, but was slapped away as not going to happen other than in the minds of fantasists. Unless you happen to read the official policy as stated on the home page of the British Embassy, Ankara.
‘Turkey, as a rapidly growing economy, NATO member, EU accession state, and important regional partner, is important to the UK.’
Nothing to see here!
It’s ridiculous how much coverage this rapist Worboys has been given. How many ‘Asian’ taxi drivers have been released from prison free to offend again? The silence from the BBC is deafening in this regard. And how comes the #Metoo movement has not had dealing with the ‘grooming’ gangs front and centre? No – instead we hear about knees being touched or rich men making unwanted advances at Davos.
Couldn’t agree more, BeebB, selective feminism. More like female chauvinism. Me, me, me too!! but not them, they don’t count. How selfish this new ‘feminism’ is, makes me embarrassed.
I guess the poor girls being systematically abused and ignored by the authorities didn’t have access to a twitter account to signal their plight.
But you are right, where are these actresses calls for investigation and increased sentences for the crimes in Rotherham when they are hashtagging how difficult it was voluntarily sucking a cock for a better role?
With no blame attached to the women.
I know very little of all this, but it was said that he`d get women who wanted to share champagne with him, because he`d just won the lottery or was rich.
Hardly puts us in a good light does it? I mean-if an Asian taxi driver offers us free kebabs and vodka from his mates when we`re underage?
Has nobody-school or state, social services of “parental figures” told them what might be the plan?
Guess not-but maybe those attacked by Worboys had their greed and idiocy to blame in part for what happened.
i`ll get me coat. And show up to Compulsory Reprocessing Central very soon.
It’s dismaying that some women in powerful positions seem to be using Me too!! to demand further power, rather than using the voice they have already for those who have none. If women with skills on a par with men are seeking promotion to the top, good luck, but when they are embracing the sister-victim-hood – where are they on FGM? Rotherham? Manchester? It seems to me that western feminism now has lost its way.
I guess it’s because the beeboids can afford to use taxis( on taxpayers cash and have a preference for fizz ) as well as having not a clue what forgotten towns up north look like.
I see the bBc hasn’t changed one bit:
Not big on Star Wars metaphors, are they?
Bent they are.
Speaking of big state and big state media overseeing the dissemination of facts:
So what they are saying is ‘bring on the black jackboots’?
The vilest anti Semitic or misogynistic and violent comments on the many sites I have been on mostly are SJW in flavour and range from intellectual contempt to full on spitting verbose rage. They regard this as their right of reply and the odds must always be massively in their favour – because.
Cathy whatsherface will get no sympathy from me while McDonnell and Jared O’Mara strut their comments with gay and unopposed abandon.
If the BBC ‘comedy stars’ and script writers from 1978 onwards were doing nudge, nudge, wink, wink jokes about Jimmy Savile, it does rather beg the question how could the BBC management not know about his activities? This YouTube clip makes fascinating viewing…
Since the Jordan Peterson Cathy Newman interview I have been looking a number of his videos on U Tube and those of others who dare to challenge or conform to the liberal left consensus. Whilst there are glimmers of light , such as the above interview when JP showed how empty the feminist cause is of facts and logic, the overall outlook is terrifyingly bleak. In his videos on the way that Post Modernists are taking control of vast swathes of the public space JP makes a powerful case for urgent action being required or it will be too late to stop these maniacs. His analysis of how these PM work and where the results is highly disturbing but it explains why so many seemingly crazy things happen in the last ten years. We live in dangerous times.
I hope that JPs debunking of the feminist cause is a similar moment as when Ed Murrow so effectively punctured McCarthy’s balloon in the early fifties. But with the almost total control that the PM inspired leftists have of the media I somehow doubt it. They will try and take JP down not by direct confrontation he is too clever for them but by their usual underhand tactics .
Double, yes, the media has done exactly that, by circling the waggons around their Cathy and turning her into the victim because of ‘threats’ received after the i/v, so serious that C4 tweeted a photo of her laughing at the comments while awaiting the arrival of ‘security’ experts to assess her safety. However polite, reasoned and thoughtful JP was in the face of a barrage of irrational hostility he has been painted as the villain of the piece. Underhand indeed.
It will have raised many people’s awareness. It is so hard to kick back when they are such bullies and you can go to prison for having the wrong opinion.
The ‘wage gap’ is believed with a religious zeal akin to that of Christ’s divinity during the Dark Ages, yet he exposed this belief to be nonsense. How many other enforced beliefs are equally spurious? The whole equal outcomes nonsense is just as ridiculous yet believed with a religious fervour by those who hold institutional power.
“How many other enforced beliefs are equally spurious?”
Notice how we have been fed the idea of gender. First it was introduced as a polite alternative to ‘sex’, avoiding the confusion between the ‘act’ and the ‘state’. This led to some changing the headers on forms – according to my birth certificate I am defined by ‘sex’ but the NHS defines me by ‘gender’. I recall a lady GP from Bristol, possibly on Jeremy Vine, many years ago wondering what it meant, was it ‘feelings’ versus ‘reality’?
This is something that Prof. Peterson has picked up upon, the rational reality that has given us all the technical wonders of the modern age is now under threat. The Marxist/Post Modernists, call them what you will, have taken over the liberal arts at universities, swept through the social sciences and are now making their assault on science itself – the product of rationality.
Thus biology is just a ‘social construct’, ‘gender’ is the new ‘reality’, a reality that is so transcendental that ‘gender fluidity’ is considered to be a state of being that even government ministers accept!
Peterson, (like any sane person), can see ‘the emperor has no clothes’ and strongly defends biology, denying that there is a spectrum of ‘genders’ – ‘99.999% of us identify as the sex we were born with’. Hopefully more people will stand up against this nonsense that the media and their appeasing political lackeys promote.
I have tried hard to understand what PM is about but it seems an elusive concept to say the least. What is clear to me is that it threatens the very foundations upon which modern western society is founded. As you say it is now trying to-propose that even well proven scientific truth is disputable, or as the PMs would say a construct. What I find particularly hard to understand is that the PM and their followers are in alliance with Islam in their combined attempts to bring down the West. But Islam is so dogmatic and intolerant , the Koran is the truth and indestputable and you must live as it decrees no alternative views allowed, how these two diametrically opposed philosophies can get along together is well beyond me.
Double, you’ve hit on something that baffles me entirely, how hysterical neo-fascistyliberalism and post-marxmodernyneolithic feminism is so vocal in support of, eg, women of a certain faith to cover themselves up completely in black capes in the name of emancipation, to ‘understand’ those who sympathise with the murder of the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists, to screech loudly when Trump reposts a video of a gay man being thrown off a building for being gay but to say nothing about the murderous act itself… how these things can dovetail is utterly beyond me too.
Jim, exactly, what worries me at unis now is that it goes beyond the liberal arts and is extended into ‘no platforming’ for anybody with a view that the liberal bullies do not agree with. What happened to “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”. How do our young ones learn skills of reason and debate when they are being told what to think. OR ELSE!
Mont, the level of control of spoken subject matter and even thought process’s is indeed frightening. It is a very short step from ‘protecting’ our vulnerable youth from ‘Hate Speech’ and ‘Fakenews’ by no platforming and safe space provision to presenting a homogenised Marxist narrative as the only viewpoint worthy of consideration.
As someone said earlier, dangerous times.
honestus, yes ‘free speech’ is being swiftly remodelled as ‘hate speech’ to silence any voice that strays from the party line, it really IS Orwellian and I can hardly believe how comprehensively it’s sweeping unis here and in the US. The Beeb is the most prominent example of mind control, I’m only thankful that my two teens are aware that our state broadcaster is not the ‘truth’ and that other brands are available! Even though they both have Beeb on screens in their schools, they won’t be paying license fees when they come of age, they won’t need to. No doubt that’s why the self-preservation society is aiming to infiltrate schools to ‘re-educate’ children into buying in to the homogenised Marxist narrative.. scary.
The amazing thing about the outcry of the vitriol directed at Newman is that they are even talking about it.
So hate speak and death threats levelled at Jordan Peterson and Tommy Robinson are totally fine because they are guys and should just ‘man up’ and deal with it.
Yet when there are equally unpleasant and stupid messages directed at Jess Philips or Cathy Newman, it’s newsworthy because…what…these women are frail and need to be protected?
Hardly indicative of equality is it?
Payne, I honestly (no pun intended) think that gender, although the topic of conversation here, is not the real issue. It is all about the narrative and whether you promote the correct narrative and are part of the liberal progressive tribe – or are not. (in which case you are right wing/far right/alt right).
That being the ‘correct’ gender doesn’t get any brownie points for Kellyanne Conway or Katie Hopkins is somewhat of a massive understatement.
No, you’re right. No one cares about the level of online abuse directed at Anne Coulter or Lauren Southern.
turns out McCarthy was right though
You mean that we were in the end taken over by the left. Well I suppose you and he were right in the end but he was at least forty years too early in his prophecy. I also wonder if the Hollywood luvvies of the 21st century are in some way the fruit of his attacks on Hollywood in the late forties.
google Stefan molyneux The Truth About McCarthyism
this morning on Radio 4 ‘Today there was an astounding series of admissions, presumably because the BBC are so comfortable with being ‘right’ they think everyone else is on board.
The report is from Davos where President Trump is about to arrive, and the two stars of the show are Trump & Macron apparently.
In the blue corner is Trump – Free market economics with a dash of protectionism, and in the Red Macron & Trudeau with a globalist open borders agenda.
He went on to say that Trumps policies had made everyone in the country better offer – but is that really what the people want ??
Seriously?? The BBC is so committed to the idiocy of Socialism and the EU that it believes a productive active economy is in some way worse than a moribund failing one committed to making everyone poorer?
I forget the reporters name – one of the more well known ones, I think most of us have known all this but to hear a drone report it officially is quite a shock.
Thoughtful – I caught that one – I choked when the beeboids sneered at how trump and macron were visiting each other leaving Blighty out in the cold. Can anyone explain why President Trump wouldn’t come to Blighty even though he has had an invite ?
We won’t be hearing an answer to that question from any body inside al Beeb or – in fact from about 95% of those in the bubble.
Result – Jobs get lost from Blighty to France – but hell – disagreeing with a president is far more important isn’t it?
Exactly, great work Theresa. Piss off Trump and the US (who rightly would be who the hell are the UK to criticise the president that we voted for) and allow other leaders, less inclined to pander to the screaming SJW minorities, to cosy up to the US administration.
When it comes out how much corruption existed with Clinton, Obama, collusion and the endlessly pushed narrative that Trump was bad, there’s going to be some horrible grovelling and I can totally understand not being so keen to say forget about it when we joining the chorus of slagging him off.
If and when it does come out about Trump, I’m sure the Beeb will claim in shock horror that they were lied to and misinformed rather than admitting that they were just as guilty of pushing the dangerous Trump narrative.
And the Beeb still pushing daily the Trump/Russia probe so as to insouciantly suggest there’s something to see whilst remaining deafeningly quiet about any Clinton connection.
Waterstone’s have reduced the price of the book Fire and Fury by £5. Last week Beeb gave the impression it was book of the year.
Thoughtful, apologies for a minor correction: “and in the Red Macron & Trudeau with a globalist open borders agenda.” should have added to it ‘but with massive amounts of protectionism.’
The EU is highly protectionist and Macron is an EU enthusiast. Canada has a much trumpeted (no pun intended – perhaps I should post ‘heralded’ instead) Trade Agreement with the EU.
The BBC struggle to make a story and so adapt figures to suit narrative…”number of prosecutions dropped [due to a failure to disclose evidence] increase by 70% in two years..” to 900.
Why 2 years? You ask. Here are their figures
2013-14: 583
2014-15: 537
2015-16: 732
2016-17: 916
Well , if you take one year (15-16/16-17) it’s only 25% and it you take 13/14 -16/17 it’s only 57%.. and none of this splits it by type of case….and as the CPS say this is less than 0.15% of all cases
If only the BBC were that accurate
BBC at its best….
Beeb website have found another victim. Mother who is deaf is going to sue the promoters of a Little Mix concert for not providing a sign language interpreter. If you read it in detail the headline is misleading as usual, and take a look at the photo at the top showing the scantily clad band members. You have to wonder why the hell she is taking her 8, yes 8 year old daughter to observe the gyrations of these young women. This article highlights the hypocrisy of the Beeb yet again. One minute claiming that men are the abusers (report about the FT journo going undercover) and yet the blatant promotion of sex to young girls is fine when it suits. Morality seems to be very selective at Beeb towers.
I read that article in a nutshell the mother booked 6 tickets for 3 deaf adults and 3 girls. She then demanded a signer for the 3 adults. The company gave them upgraded tickets, access to private accessible toilets and complementary tickets in which to allow them to bring their own signer. She stood her ground and at the 11th hour they paid for their own signer. However she wasn’t happy that the singer only turned up for the main act and not the 2 supporting gigs, and so she is going to sue.
She’s having a giraffe, she’s Mutt and jeff and thus is denied by the grace of god, things we take for granted and nothing anybody can do will make her the equal of a fully healthy person. Its the same with blind, people with missing limbs and the like. You can roll out as much legislation as you want, at the end of the day, They will never (I am sorry to say) enjoy the things the rest of us take for granted.
And yet to to the likes of the bBC, their liberal minded friends and human rights mafia everybody else must pay for their leftwing wing agenda in which to afford a so called equality which at the end of the day isn’t. I mean just look at how the left have lowered entry standards for women in the Police,Fire service and military. Only last week we had the case of a female police dog handler suing (and winning) as she couldn’t run 10 miles and then carry her dog 100 metres on her back.
Sounds like they need to lower the entry standards for dogs! It should sue!
Maybe they should have those celebrity handbag dogs. The poor girl should be able to manage one of those for 100 metres in her police issue handbag.
at most concerts the support is often unsigned , unpublished bands glad for the exposure. But bloody difficult if not impossible to sign in real time
The law of unintended consequences here would appear to be an end to support acts perhaps, well done ladies
at least the beeb pushed the solicitor on how much they expected to get for this little wheeze £6000 not bad money for not hearing ? the support act, who were most probably absolutely shite anyway.
Your post made me think of this from the Mail back in the day. Irate rant against the “perv” TV bosses who screened Brass Eye’s paedophilia spoof; on the facing page they ogle over 15 year old Charlotte Church’s “chest swell”.
We’re better off getting moral guidance from Viz comic than the MSM. It’s funnier too.
Well said. I think it was the fact that the signer had to be independently lit and be provided with a sheet list of the performance and I assume song lyrics as signing whilst listening must be nigh on impossible.
I’m also assuming that the signer would probably try to dance or at least move in time to the music so as not to look like the stilted cardigan wearing ones that you used to get on the TV at 2 in the morning, so advance notice of the set and songs would be helpful.
Hence with the support acts, who as someone has said are grateful for the exposure, they probably don’t have their set locked down or lyrics printed wouldn’t be able to work with the signer.
So I guess unless as a support act you have all your lyrics typed up and your set pre planned and your routine authenticated under article 748 of the fair Signing convention, you just can’t perform. And all because of one short tempered, intolerant, unaccommodating mother.
Still, she didn’t want one of the deaf daughters missing out on the experience that the non-deaf daughter received. I’m really sorry that your daughter is deaf but you and she needs to start dealing with the reality that she won’t be sharing the exact same experiences that an able bodied person will do.
Yes, we can try and make things easier but a little patience and understanding from this mother that maybe the world or at least the concert and the groups involved don’t all circle around her bitter selfish little life would be helpful.
Still, good of the Beeb to run with it and give this creature some free publicity for her totally unreasonable case. Just another example of someone not being able to grasp the concept of No. Sounds like a great individual to raise children.
She appears to be a professional trouble maker.
I wonder who funded this legal action? I know I couldn’t afford it.
‘The World Tonight’ BBC Radio 4 2200 23.01.18. Lies, all lies. Otherwise known euphemistically as ‘Fake News’ a term that covers a multitude of news broadcasting sins of which the following is one.
2216 – item in connection with Turkey’s invasion to eliminate the Kurds. Discussion as to whether the rest of the World should put pressure on Turkey. Particular mention of the EU – that rejected because the EU is in tow to Turkey, the latter having, “PUT AN END TO THE REFUGEE CRISIS”.
Get your facts right BBC!
BBC producers/ presenters campaigning agendas
9am Radio Humberside
Host “last night in town I think I managed to get XX restaurant to give up PLASTIC straws”
9am Radio Lincolnshire
News : A local milk round company says he’s experiencing a boom in sales due to worries about PLASTIC bottles”
Well i am incomfortable with BBC staff eco-warrioring by taking a pro-active stance against plastic cos it’s POLITICAL.
There is the law of unintended consequences.
Same people probably pushed diesel cars a few years ago
…and were also probably on the anti fat food drive
The R Humbs presenter Burnsy has just asked the newsreader
“Do you want to be deputy in Burnsy’s Plastic Straw Police?
..let’s have a Plastic Straw-free Hull”
He keeps repeating this idea
So the collapse in so many rape trials means women have been extremely devious. If the ‘shared evidence’ showed the allegations to be true the trials would not be collapsing. Women can be extremely devious – a hate fact for the Beeb.
Men win at boxing. Women win at chess. They are the best tacticians and often run rings round men, especially amidst the fury of being scorned. How many lives have been ruined by false claims from embittered women? Yet another instance of where the BBC have it diametrically wrong. Women are all things nice and sugar and spice? Give me a f**cking break.
Women win at ches???
Nothing could be further from the truth.
There has never been a woman world champion.
As you cannot claim that male physical strength gives them an advantage moving the pieces about, only a vast conspiracy by the patriarchy can explain the “underrepresentation” of women. Maybe, Kasparov et al are really women “trapped in mens bodies”, but haven’t self identified yet?
The Today team R4 were also pondering the “underrepresentation” of female mathematicians in the hall of maths fame. How could they overlook Dianne Abbot’s recent breakthrough on paraconsistent arithmetic?
Ahmed Khamal, very excited, says it’s Europe Day at Davos today. Are we all very excited?
Since you ask, fnw, no.
I woke late and missed all of the TODAY Programme and feel very happy but not excited.
It could be habit forming.
Not the waking late but missing all of the TOADY Programme.
BBC’s Ahmed Khamal, very excited, says it’s Europe Day at Davos today. Are we all very excited? (Other than about the ‘Trump caravan, sailing in today’)?
Macron and Merkel are speaking. Nope, no excitement there.
Trump is arriving. Some excitement. He could be saying something that puts this other lot and/or the media, in their places. THAT could get very exciting?
Does Labour MP Jared claim his TV License back as well as claiming back £1 tips for Uber Drivers?
{order-order 24jan2018}
Campaigners say it is wrong for MPs to get free television licences – as 180,000 people are prosecuted for not paying theirs. {22aug2013}
– Is this why the UK MPs do not care about the TV License? They don’t have to pay it!
I would be interested to know how many who live in those no go zones, which supposedly do not exist, are prosecuted for not having a tv licence.
Do the inspectors even venture forth there, do we know?
And WHY do MPs get back their TV licence money? That reeks of INEQUALITY which they all care so much about. In fact, one could say that the part of London from which the stink of inequality is the strongest, is the Palace of Westminster.
The ONS could easily provide licence fee payments by post code, just as they could provide tax income against benefit payments by post code but strangely don’t – and the Beeb ain’t ever going to ask for this information
Time to write to your MP and ask if they pay for the BBC TV Licence.
A few stories the bBC for some strange reason hasn’t bothered with:
Pakistan: Headmaster shot dead for marking Student down for skipping school, uses blasphemy as an excuse.
Belgium: Police shoot knife-man at train station.
Sweden: 5 thugs jailed for murder most foul.
“A man walked into the station and passed by barely a meter from me, he babbled a foreign language and was waving a knife”
Was he looking for Alan’s snack bar by any chance?
They are not exactly the cleverest of “terrorists” are they. Reminds me of the scene in Indiana Jones where that guy is making a song and a dance, waving his knife around and shouting then Harrison Ford pulls out his gun and – bang!
It’s a bit rich the women working at this men’s only event at the Dorchester last night complaining about being objectified. They could easily just refuse to wear skimpy outfits or perhaps even choose to work somewhere else. I bet they did ok for tips. Feminists always want to have their cake and eat it, literally in the case of Diane Abbot.
I have been turned down for service jobs like this before because I am not a pretty girl with nice boobs – yet another example of discrimination in the workplace against men ignored by the MSM.
Quickly escalates to Great Ormond St hospital returning charitable donations received from this club. Virtue signalling that does nothing for Joe Public, but bBBC thrilled about it, even in these hard times for the NHS.
How about bBBC to return all licence fees after the Jimmy Saville scandal?
If the scoop reporter’s claim of the pre-requisites to ‘hostesses’ is to be believed, they were told to wear skimpy skirts and matching underwear. Why were alarm bells not ringing at this point? What job would you ever take that dictated your undergarments, unless you were going on an Arctic expedition and advised to clad up in fleecy thermals?
I think’s it’s become some of the less classy girls would wear white underwear underneath a black dress, which really isn’t done is it?
1 or 2 women complain about an event leading to a lucrative job opportunity for those non snowflake women being terminated and thousands of pounds now lost in charitable donations.
Slow round of applause for the outraged SJWs.
New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern is planning to visit London just before her baby is due.
Funny, she doesn’t look Nigerian.£)
Tones ex advisor and SJW. The beeb will have the red carpet out as a fellow traveller comes to town. Marr will be ready and waiting with a cushion and latte and womens hour will be wetting themselves
KatieH, they will also have endless questions for her about Brexit, trade deals and seek her earnest opinion on whether there should be second EU Referendum or Brexit instead just be cancelled by MPs or Peers or both.
Dear MP,
Do you pay for the full BBC TV Licence?
It requires a simple YES or NO answer.
Yours sincerely,
Write to your politicians, national or local, for free. {}
This is the map the bBC uses in which to show the lay of the land in Syria:

That brown/purple bit between the 2 Kurdish enclaves belongs to Turkish forces and not Syrian rebels. As pointed out by AFP a year ago.Al Bab is the city where the Turks got their arses kicked by ISIS losing 11 tanks, 4 APCs and 30 troops

Funny how the bBC doesn’t mention that.
Jeremy is linking to the BBC, rather than Russia’s RT … very odd.
Is Labour Socialist Gary ‘£1.75m BBC Wages Paid Under Threat of Prison’ Lineker one of the Few (1%)? Is Labour Socialist Chris ‘£2.3m BBC Wages Paid Under Threat of Prison’ Evans one of the Few (1%)?
Can Jeremy Corbyn make a list of all the 1% (Few)?
Does it include Richard ‘I decide what is free speech’ Branson?
“It’s disgraceful that the richest 1% have 82% of the world’s wealth. We must end the rigged system that has enriched the few, at the expense of the many, here in the UK and around the world.” – Jeremy Corbyn twitter
429 days to brexit or 1159 days if you add the two years on transition … with an election in that period .
I say we will not leave the EU . There will be another vote and it will be fixed to remain . Corbin/Mcdonald will come out as remainers and win the election with a workable majority .
I say this because I have been watching Brillo grill some no one wet Tory who is a brexit minister .
It’s a pity a50 set a 2 year time limit . Perhaps it was done to imprison us.
Painful to hear two MPs lying and just ticking boxes for their party assessors
Instead of answering Brillo s questions.
Here is an animation of a computer simulation where ‘everyone’ starts off from a position of equality but then ‘trade’ with each other, (one wins the other loses), those with no money drop out of the game.
For those with more time to spare try playing Monopoly; for those with even more time to spare, Vote Corbyn!
Interesting! Have you a source for this? Details of what assumptions were built into the model?
Apparently to be in the top 1% of the worlds richest is fairly easy in the western world. An income of about £30K will do it.
A person like Corbyn wouldn’t even consider that he is one of those he despises so much.
The biggest motion ever passed?
Meanwhile, over at the PR agency:
Or on anything?
With regards to the bBBCs constant crusade for equality.
Yesterday at my place of work there was a, presumably Muslim woman, in my work area crouched on the floor barefooted.
I presume she was praying to her false god.
She was in there for at least an hour.
So I wonder if, in the interests of equality, all of the other hundred or so employees will get an hours paid break a day (I’m sure she won’t be having pay deducted as that would be “racist” of course).
I doubt it though. We aren’t even allowed a fag break outside of lunch time.
Another example of how we are now treated as second class citizens in our own country.
How is this equality?
You ain’t seen nothing yet Dystopian, wait till they reach tipping point in islamic conquest…
You have to get with the program and realise you need some sort of victim status to truly understand what equality means in today’s heroic corporate world.
In the temp job I recently left I noticed a few things too (anectodal obviously).
a) Local woman voices concern about increased workload (having to deal with complex phone queries) while pressed to keep up usual productivity on other back office processing. She was taken aside and (I guess) was told to conform or go. She left at the end of the week. Being just female and caucasian didn’t quite cut it.
b) Awful (yes really awful) ‘only gay in the village’ bloke disparaging about pretty much all of his colleagues, a catty and sarcastic cross between Owen Jones and Stalin. He lasted months there perched on his progressive gay-rights high-horse even though nobody would willingly sit next to him.
Eventually I heard he flounced out one day, never to return. Anyone else that unpopular would have been replaced much much faster.
c) ‘Asian’ man whose first name began with M. In the 3 months he was on our team he never completed a whole week, and never phoned in beforehand to let them know about his mysterious impromptu days off. The rest of us vaguely heard about ‘family problems’. It was only in my last week that I overheard the managers saying that he might need a proper ‘chat’ to see exactly what the problem was. You could tell they were uneasy about having to do it. If I had tried that I’d have been out on my ear pronto.
So yes, only a bunch of disparate little stories. As a middle-aged white guy I just kept my head down and got on with it. I certainly didn’t seek out the gossip. But you get the picture about who can be cut some slack and those who are pretty much instantly expendable.
Today’s OUTRAGE BUS ? Saucy charity fundraisers
..Great Ormond Street Hospital has declared it will return the money.*
Hangon .. our local newspaper just a few weeks back had story was about a Charity LADIES NIGHT
So all those Ladies Nights’ charities will giving their money back ?
one story
* At the interview they were told the rules for the night : pretty, wearing black underwear and high heels and the rest of costume would be provided. it shouldn’t have been a surprise .
The complaint she made seems to be about a sexual joke.
– Yes some men got handy flashed his penis.
– I don’t think this is a NEW story I think it was on the radio before Christmas.
OK the one I heard on the radio must have been a different one
I guess Canadians have been feeling well, ‘out-of-it’ over the past year or so as other Western countries can list large scale islamic terror and murders on their soil along with serious levels of rioting and rapes. They, on the other hand, have taken in the islamists yet, to date, there has not been any major reciprocal gratitude in the way of ‘pay-back’ for them reaching out to the islamic refugees and virtually few terror related incidents pro rata. This may have changed.
We are used to the vague reporting of the police, press and Government when terror incidents occur. We are used to “a lorry”, “a van” or “a (no-named or described) man” being totally responsible for murder. The Canadians are embarking on the random terror and the cute way the ‘system’ has of describing it and its adherents.
“It’s mind-boggling, quite frankly,” Taverner said. “We haven’t been able to determine any motive whatsoever that these are other than random shootings.”…
Yeah mind boggling. Random shootings of the kafir without motive!
One can always rely on the bBBC to turn good news into bad news!
“The number of those in work increased sharply and wages rose at their fastest rate in almost a year, the Office for National Statistics said.
That leaves the UK’s unemployment rate at a four-decade low of 4.3%”
BUT: the growth in wages at 2.4% remained below inflation at 3.1% in November, leaving real wages lower for than a year earlier.
“Nevertheless, inflation remains higher than pay growth and so the real value of earnings continues to decline.”
Just an observation .
The OFFICIAL OSCAR nominations page lists 1) Best Film 2) Best Actor 3) Best Actress…….in that Order.
However the BBC Lists 1) Best Film 2) Best Actress 3) Best Actor…….in that Order.
Subtle discrimination ? ….and what chance has Neville got as England women’s manager ?? God damm it he has had sex with a women !!!
Best Ze, Best Zhe …. *sigh* ….
I thought they were all actors now? Except, apparently, if it means halving your chances of a luvvy award.
Forget the USA … Pakistan is the next venture for #LondonIsOpen…
Sadiq Khan set to visit India and Pakistan to encourage trade with London
“Trade between the UK and Pakistan is worth £2bn whilst Indian companies invest more in the UK than they do the rest of Europe combined, according to the mayor’s office.”
… wonder if BBC reporting on such changes …
‘Would they… in a million years?” more like.
Top news from the BBC before it’s news or an actual event … makes for top position on the website …
Elton John to make statement on future { 24jan2018}
A very serious report on the un-PC gathering on the 1pm news, the lead story.
No scantily dressed women; all banter and humour thought crime in case it offends someone; women forced into jobs they might hate like IT engineer to ‘fix’ the ‘problem’ of their underrepresentation in that field. The heaven they want sounds more like hell to me.
Now they report on some insensitive Tweets by Phil Neville! The thought Police have come for him!
“You want equality except when it comes to paying the bills,” he Tweeted.
Exactly! How many feminists who moan about the ‘wage gap’ marry high earning men who pay for everything? When I get the 5am train it is 95% men – such inequality!
Now they are wallowing in the testimony of an abused gymnast – showing her crying for about a minute! The agenda is relentless.
Then an epic report on the deafness/Little Mix debacle. The reporter looked on the verge of orgasm – disability and women!
I must not come round my mum’s for lunch again as having to watch the ‘news’ has been a truly harrowing experience. I actually feel sick.
Now BBC London wallows in the story of a black child being crushed in a playground. Mother accuses council of racism for not bringing corporate manslaughter charges. What has race got to do with the legal issues? Sad for this woman but she is not a lawyer and clearly a moron.
“There is one law for white people and another for people of colour.”
Based on what? If anything the opposite is true.
Why on earth do the BBC lead their bulletin with her entirely spurious claims of racism, with no examination whatsoever of the legal issues? There must be sound legal reasons for the decision which have nothing whatsoever to do with race. There is no area of corporate manslaughter which states: “If the victim is black the law does not apply.” Honestly, how ridiculous can you get?
The BBC is a parody of itself. It just gets worse and worse.
Sorry – rant over. I need to go and coddle up in a safe space.
Can`t argue with that. There is one law for blacks like Mark Duggan, another for white ones like Tony Martin.
One law for Islam, another for a bible evangelist.
We all know this now, still the BBC pretend that we`re still in Alabama 1962.
Endless agitations. BBC never happy.
Earlier FedUp notes that the bBC will not report on Wee Burney’s banning of the Union flag on Scottish public buildings to celebrate HMQ’s birthday.
This deflection tactic which is a complete and intentional insult to HMQ follows the Irish p.m’s side swipe at the UK in his recent EU comments and reference to our fallen in WW2.
You can conclude that Sturgeon and the Irish P.M are well and truly in cahoots and more will follow – and it will be under-reported or not reported by the totally discredited bBC( and in particular, the republican guard arm calling itself bBC Scotland..
I think they share the same chip on their shoulders . They want both countries to be socialist paradises under the benevolent rule of the reich en Brussels but know deep down that if we really leave the EU do must they or their respective economies (3million / 8 million ) will be screwed .
Personally I want Scottish independence – build that wall- the jocks won’t chirp about it until oil is over $100 a barrel again
The Irish PM needs to shut his f**king mouth!!! Gobshite!!! In 1914 my Grandfather, an Irish Catholic enlisted in the British army, he survived both Somme offensives… He was transferred to The Gordon Highlanders from what was left of his battalion the Royal Post Office Rifles after the Battle of Loos wiped out approx. 70% of thier numbers (however they still managed to get to thier objective, and along with the Newfoundlers were the only ones who did!!) After promotion he was sent to the Gordons, and they too took heavy losses as they were part of the first wave during the second Somme offensive in the latter part of the war…
Meanwhile… In Dublin… The Irish Republic Army decided to start an armed revolt which resulted in the deaths of many Irish civilians, Irish Post Office workers, Irish policemen, and some Irish soldiers who were on leave from the front line…. The foundations of the Irish Free State are built on the graves of those who died… Armed with German weapons, and without a thought for those who would be caught in the crossfire they carried out a senseless attack which had no chance of success…. After the Easter rising those who took part were jeered and verbally abused by the people of Dublin after they surrendered…. When my Grandfather returned after the war he moved to the North and went back to his job as a postman. Mainly due to the fact those same Irish Republicans made life as difficult as possible for those returning home..
Ironically the present Government of Ireland due to its` bankrupt treasury is once again subject to overseas rule by the EU and also the interference of the Irish Catholic Church / Rome…
I am proud of my Grandfather, and the reasons behind him enlisting…. Myself and my brother were born in England and value our British identities, as do our extended family who live in Co.Derry.. They like us, have no wish to live in a United Ireland as they have little in common with the political beliefs which fester within the small minded morally corrupt Dublin Eurocrats and the outdated and the unwanted religious dogma of the Church of Ireland…
Did I hear PM last night say that one Tanya Gold was paid £1000 for her sneaked pictures of UKIPs Henry Bolton at Leicerster Square with his girlfriend? And that the BBC paid along with seven other media outlets?
Was that £1000 in total-or £1000 for each one?
And who gives the BBC to give permission to blow our licence money on clandestine pictures whose legality is surely worth questioning.
Boltons a creep-but for a Spectator hack to pretend to take selfies when she`s really taking pictures without their permission is a new one for me.
Yet Carolyn Quinn seemed not to ask.
The BBC need to be looked at for this.
Did I hear that the actor who was Timky Winky has just died?
Surely he was the first pioneering trans activist- carried a handbag, as I recall.
Why no three minutes silence?
Be interesting who of the Tellytubbies shows up to the funeral.
And-how do we KNOW he was Tinky Winky then?
Couldn`t anybody claim that?
It’s not reflected on al beeb, but I’m starting to see a few articles in the msm acknowledging:
a) that Trump is actually delivering on some of his election pledges and notching up some achievements, and
b) that of course he should be invited to the UK, if only out of self-interest.
(Usually the writer holds their nose and adopts a slightly apologetic tone de rigueur for saying such heretical things, and includes plenty of caveats and disclaimers, ‘we may not like Trump, but…’)
I fail to see how Donald Trump can be stopped from visiting the UK, he is the son of a Scottish Mother, and so far as I am aware entitled to British nationality…. He is also more Scottish than some of the SNP members of parliament…. The BBC seem to forget that……
This needs to be explained to the puffed-up pompous popinjay who claims to speak for all 65m of us when he says Trump is not welcome in the UK.
\\ To give you an idea of the warped priorities of @BBCNews (web site), the latest Unemployment figures rank lower than stories on: Little Mix, groping at a charity event, and something on Save the Children. This is not a public service broadcaster, it’s a cartoon..
(cont..) true to form, @BBCNews (web site) has now taken down the news story about the latest Unemployment stats, only after a few hours. Replaced with stories like “Phil Neville sorry about tweets”. They are beyond parody @Ofcom @DCMS @CommonsCMS @Conservatives //
Wouldn`t be lower if the dole figues were crap.
They are of course-but the elite choose to connive their own.
“Despite Brexit” I take it.
Al Beeb news 10 minutes lead on The Gents Do.
The PM is issueing an Emergency statement saying all Hen Doos and Stag Doos are to be outlawed . Meetings of 3 or more men only are to be banned.
Consideration is being given to the removal of male genitals of putting something in the drinking water.
We are living through a golden era
Its a bit staggering with all the publicity surrounding sexual touching up, that these plonkers at the Dorchester hadn’t the intelligence to realise that someone would report them, or take photos. Clearly the women were fair game, but in light of recent events, nowhere is out of bounds as far as privacy or discretion goes.
It is such a refreshing change to listen to breakfast on Talk Radio these days now that Julia Hartley Brewer is hosting it instead of lefty virtue signalling, red trousers wearing Paul Ross.
Today she is running a Twitter poll and so far 71% agree with her view that this Presidents club fiasco is just a “storm in a very expensive teacup”.
I hope the wimmins lib mob are happy now that all those charities won’t be getting any more donations.
JHB hit the nail on the head that if you are told what knickers to wear then it’s likely that implies that there is a possibility someone might be going to see them!
One of her guests took apart other the SJW guest pointing out that it’s okay for women to sell cars by sprawling over them in underwear at car shows. Manipulating men with their sexuality is acceptable obviously.
I am staggered by the furore over President’s club and all the BBC hand wringing…why have we only heard from a privileged FT reporter playing at a job some women would probably have wanted..where is her evidence?
One of the crimes she stated was that men were putting their hands on backs/waist of females !! Damn – next time I go to a bar and gently maneuver through a crowd I am at risk of arrest…
The President’s club has raised over £20m for charities in its time…Well done FT…will you be replacing the money raised?
JamesA ………………Damn – next time I go to a bar and gently manoeuvre through a crowd I am at risk of arrest…
Don’t do that in Dubai or you will be – and likely spend 3 years in prison ! (remember the case last October ?)
No fair, they’ve been covering serious news too! On the downside, Tinky-winky is dead (sad face) but on the upside – Grumpy cat has been awarded $710,000 in damages. Hooray! Oh, and Trump is afraid of sharks. Snigger.
An earlier posting carries a newspaper showing that the Palestians are calling a general strike to protest against the visit of US vice president Pence. Well I suppose it makes a change from the regular “days of action”, which seem to involve smashing up the place and lobbing rockets at Israel, a state that the Hamas terrorist organization is committed to wipe from the face of the earth.
They start young in Corbyn’s favourite terrorist body, no offence IRA. A popular treat on Hamas children’s TV is Nahul the bumblebee. Well I say bumblebee, but in reality he is a man in fancy dress who incites all the children to “shoot all the Jews” when they grow up.
If I was Jewish I would be a little worried about the Labour party at the moment. Somehow I would not be reassured by the recent internal inquiry into anti Semitism by Shami Chakrabarti that cleared the party on all counts. A grateful Corbyn promptly promoted her to Lady Whitewash, where she sits to this day in the House of Lords in all her unelected splendor.
Good point Chris.
What`s the difference between a Day Of Action( even when you won`t work normally)? And a day of Rage-something the Left and Muslims of Palestine seem happier to call it?
Day Of Protest? Of the Triffid?
In the case of Palestine-isn`t it just an “Age of Rage”?
It`s hardly modulated or targeted is it?
Bit like “lying is repose” and “lying in state”? Delores O Riordan was -well which one?
Couldn`t give a adamn, but I bet i could pretend to be a parsehole, and knacker the BBCs Capita Dream Catchers who log these spurious grouses.
The BBC can sucker you can` they? Was just enjoying Steve Wright-he`s got a brilliant Jeremy Vine impressionist , as well as funny takes on McCartney and Trump.
But Vine is quite wonderful.
Was enjoying this, then I hear that Radio 2 are gathering the usual suspects in their databases, for a Conchita Wurst Special. This Austrain drag act was the one who won Eurovision using chiefly a ball gown and a maniucured beard. The bloke has done nothing since-yet he`s soon to get the U2 treatment from our taxes. Virtue signals as ever-don`t ask, we`ll be paying.
Even Abba didn`t get this when they won Eurovision, let alone Teach-In or Vicky Leandros. Reader I turned off, and will see the Vine impressionist without the bloody BBC and its deviance grooming agendas.
He`s gay-like Andy Bell, Neil Tennant and Adam Lambert. That`s enough.
At least Freddie was an original, these musical clones from Old Compton St are anything but.
Once again the anti-semitic agenda of the BBC shows itself…. If they wish to celebrate a Eurovision from the LGBT community then why not Dana International?? OH, that`s right …. She was born a Jew and it might upset a Muslim somewhere or Jeremy Bowen…..
Time for a bit of ‘other news’?
‘Busybodies’. LOL.
Be funny if the DCMS Committee pulled a ‘while we have got you here’, on Franny especially.
However if again rammed with ex-BBC MPs, doubtful.
Going more with ‘outdated job creation scheme for thick arts grads’.
Why it can pay to persist:
Because, too often, BBC staff lie through their teeth, because they can.
Trusted and transparent Tone?
I do not think so.
At least they are well balanced. Apparently.
Just hope none say or write anything stupid, and the staff still ignore them.
@DavidTCDavies MP tweeted on Jan 15
\\ The real pay gap outrage is the one that exists between senior bbc staff and the majority of license fee payers.
Hope @MattHancock suggestion is taken up.
If bbc fat cats think they are worth more than £150k let them find it in the private sector. //
BBC gender pay gap review rejected by female stars
\\ Female BBC staff have rejected the latest report on pay equality at the corporation arguing they had no confidence in the review’s methodology or terms of reference. Additionally, the women accused the DG Lord Hall and Anne Bulford, his deputy, of failing to respond to repeated warnings that they were not being properly consulted by PwC, the consultancy conducting the review. The appointment of an outside barrister, Naomi Ellenbogen, QC, to review the work had not reassured them either, they said. //
Rich people (for the Few) in the BBC are fighting over how rich they can be … by using up more BBC TV Tax (from the Many).
Female stars reject BBC gender pay gap review{times}
2 Halal Slaughtermen from Bradford admit cruelty charges.
\\ Hussain pleaded guilty to 2 charges.
1 of not giving 19 sheep sufficient time to lose consciousness after they were slaughtered
& a charge of failing to cut the throats of 6 sheep in the reqd manner with a single cut.//
offences committed between December 1 and 9 in 2014.
“Will Self’s Great British Bus Journey”
from the Brainwashing Britain Corporation
13:45pm every day next week on Radio 4
//trailer mention working class kids being racist to east European workers
I doubt that the British working class kids were any more racist to east European workers than the Mau Mau were to British soldiers in the 1950s. Indigenous populations in any country, quite rightly, don’t like being invaded by a bunch of aliens. Mother Nature made us that way. Was Nelson Mendela a racist? Of course he was. His first duty was to his own kind. I wish our leaders would do the same.
Later we will no doubt hear of Trezers vision of the future for the UK hot from Davos. Notwithstanding her high ideals, what does the most important faction in the UK think of her plans? No, not the labour party but Islam. As the cult increasingly carves itself a chunk of this green and pleasant land, the question for the BBC directed at Treezer should be, did the islamicists play any part in writing her speech.