Jeremy Corbyn owes Momentum big style…he is their man, bought and paid for.…
Name of donor: Momentum Campaign (Services) Ltd
Address of donor: Walkden House, 10 Melton Street, London NW1 2EJ
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: interest free, unsecured loan of £50,000 towards my campaign for leadership of the Labour Party. This loan is for an indefinite period.
Interest free, unsecured and for an indefinite period…..£50,000. The chief officers of Momentum are Muslim activists. Momentum only registered with the Electoral Commission in 2017 so where does the large loan stand?…it’s not in the EC’s register of loans and donations. Uncertain of the rules on donations/loans by the likes of Momentum for leadership campaigns but certainly in election campaigns they are only allowed to spend £39,000. Seems unlikely they would be allowed therefore to give £50,000 for a single issue to one person…Corbyn. One for Panorama to investigate…or maybe not.
Spot anything you think the BBC should investigate, including itself, list it here…..
“Will Self’s Great British Bus Journey”
from the Brainwashing Britain Corporation
13:45pm every day next week on Radio 4
… trailer mentions working class kids being racist to east European workers
In this first edition, Will’s journey takes him to Plymouth, once the cockpit of British naval power – a time when national identity was clear and certain.
– Over ten programmes and two weeks, Will’s trip takes him to Swansea, West Bromwich, Wolverhampton, Preston, Middlesbrough, East Kilbride and Derry-Londonderry. In the fish and chip shops, the B&Bs, the pubs and car repair garages, Will debates the state of British identity – and discovers that Britain today has become a highly debatable land.
Does the BBC care about working class men ?
… We first got the vote 100 years ago in 1918
..previously it was restricted to the landed 60% of men
Funny I haven’t heard the BBC mention that
They only celebrate that women over 30 first got the vote
And the winner is…. the guardian has found a Tory minister who went to the chaps night out . Calls to sack him already.
So – if you go to any event where something bad happens – you are to blame – you must be sacked. Best not go to a football match where there is yobbery – if you do – on that test – you re gone.
The silly season 5 months early this year
On Saturday It took me less than 15 mins to read the costs £3, as does the Observer
The weekday edition costs £2
That’s £16/week to read a paper .. £832/year
Is that a good use of the Earth’s resources ? ..or BBC licence payers resources ?
Shurely they had some pictures Stew?
I thought all those tiddley little papers had lots of pictures!
And were there any games, like word search or spot the difference?
Scroblene ….. Actually there is….
Spot The Difference
Sounds like very expensive toilet paper. Not recommended – the ink runs,
Its taken a year folks but last night sopel managed to get a question in at the white house briefing. A truly historic occasion and another beauty. Smirking idiot. At around 26 minutes just after the black race baiter April Ryan.
OT, but I wonder how Katty Kay would fare?
I disagree regards the NHS getting worse, last year (2017) the Red Cross were involved. This year (2018) the NHS did not need their kind words. So the NHS has gone from a ‘humanitarian crisis’ to a ‘crisis’ in one year … a vast improvement!
NHS faces ‘humanitarian crisis’ as demand rises, British Red Cross warns {06jan2017}
I’m hearing about some new set up where ‘fake news’ is going to be looked at.
Even at this embryo stage I will not believe what they come out with. All we will get is the spin on the news item that these fake news watchers want to put on the news.
We don’t trust the bbc to deliver the truth any more and any body set up to tell us what the true story is will be presenting the news item how they want it to be seen.
They criticise Trump for twitter messages but these are at least truthful. What they don’t like is that we are hearing about these tweets before they can be manipulated and then presented to us.
On a different subject.
On pmq’s she was asked about the hounding of a benefit claimant who was sanctioned for not trying hard enough to look for and find any work.
Are our diverse ropers also hounded in a similar fashion as I’ve heard something like 70% or more are on benefits.
Will all the doctors, Scientists and engineers milling about in Calais, looking for trucks to hide in, also be sanctioned if they don’t look for work when they arrive here.
They won’t need to work, Emmanuel, as they’ll be on ‘Child benefit’, after all they are all under ten with beards!
I’m so glad the tax I pay from my meagre pensions (well, what’s left after blair/brown pi**ed them up the wall) goes to pay for all these sad people, who now have nice accommodation well before children of hard-up parents who’ve grown up here.
It gladdens me that lefties in the meedja support all this, because of course, they just take a huge wedge home every week, with no fear of losing their ‘jobs’.
Wow, here’s some more of my pension, leftie meedja, buy yourself a second latte.
Emmanuel Goldstein
I can answer that one
The new benefits system was piloted in ashton take a peak in Tameside job clubs where jobless people are forced to attend daily, for 30 hours a week using the computer to apply for reoccurring false jobs that dont exist and jobs they are completely unqualified to do.
The BBC would be appalled by the lack of diversity in the job seekers, every single one shockingly white despite it being the most diverse area that you wouldnt want to imagine.
EG “They criticise Trump for twitter messages but these are at least truthful.” They are – good point. Unless of course they are a re-Tweet of a re-Tweet. How do we know that Ann Coulter wasn’t set up with that so-called right wing group item that President Trump picked up on?
Yet it led to an ‘international situation’ and damage that is still going on.
#R4MediaShow Krishnam sitting in a studio of lib-establishment says
“There is no groupthink at C4”
really ? show us your +ve tweets about Trump/Brexit/Ukip
The Amol tried to push the FakeNews that Cathy Newman has NEW special bodyguard
Earlier the expert asserted Murdoch runs SkyNews at a massive loss just cos it buys him good boy brownie points
Disney would like to turn it into a profitable Fox-News copy, but won’t dare try it.
FFS Amol the Twitter Operations Chief resigned yesterday
..Coincidentally after Project Veritas undercover filming keeps exposing Twitter staff using dirty tricks to manage news and debunking
..AND Amol you didn’t report that on the Media Show !
“Polish PM says Britain will have to pay for EU access”
Don’t they just love to give us ‘Bad Brexit’ news?
Do they hate Brexit more than Trump?
Perhaps they will tell us that Mr Cameron says Brexit is not so bad after all ?
Its up now !
Do they follow this website for news ?
Will they run a HYS ?
I think I can see Cameron’s point. Cameron opposed Brexit. So did May. And May’s Brexit is not the Brexit we voted for but remaining just as Cameron wanted.
They have an HYS on it, and I predict the BBC teams will turn out to dismiss Brexiteers as racists once again
I had to laugh at the top HYS !…………………….
“Remember when he went to the EU to negotiate a better deal and came back with a bag of crisps and a Fanta? “
Fake News taffman.
I demand a retraction and immediately.
Yes, some allege that it was a packet of crisps and a Fanta. Others (on good authority) claim that it was a tin of Seven Up and a packet of salt and vinegar Walkers crisps in the oddly coloured packets(hence the confusion).
But I can exclusively reveal here at 10.40pm this very day of Wed Jan 24th 2018 that it was NEITHER of these things.
NEITHER. It was-and I can confirm this-it was a “dead bird in a box”.
NO saturated fats
No sugary drinkie stuff with carbonated oxide of fizz( I trained with Roger Harrabin)
But a dead bird in a box, beautiful plumage too.
I luv
Yes, I can guess who is pushing the Walkers crisps line.
I have a confession to make.
I found a small packet of Walkers crisps on a dark shelf in our pantry.
The sell by date was October 2014.
I’ve already chucked them, but does the date mean I might have heard a small footballer once?
I stand here naked, unshaven and apologetic…
GWF, “I predict the BBC teams will turn out to dismiss Brexiteers as racists once again”
There are lots of interesting new registered User Names appearing on EU related BBC HYSs & Blogs. I would not be at all surprised if many of them are fake and BBC run – or Remain organised.
The BBBC only runs HYS on articles about Man Utd.
We stuffed Burnley last weekend. And now we`re going to slate Yeovil on their Ploughed Field of Dreams!
At the very least we hope to bring them back for a replay.
Great taff – get the million poles in uk to pay it.
I wonder how much the Polish PM thinks we should pay to “access” markets which we have an £80 billion trade defecit with?
Maybe we should charge Poland for “access” to our labour markets, since about a million of his countrymen live here?
Maybe we should charge Poland for our losses in World War II, since we were under no obligation to go to war with Germany on their behalf?
Maybe the Polish PM should just shut the fuck up?
“Maybe we should charge Poland for our losses in World War II”
Why not? We only paid off the USA’s bill in 2006.
Thanks for the threat but go fuck yourself!
We don’t want special priviliges, don’t you get it, we voted to leave.
How annoying to listen to Vine this lunchtime tutting away listening to the “undercover journalist” from the FT who went to an all blokes do as a hostess and didn’t like it.
Those who work for al Beebus, particularly those who have been there for as long as Jezza Swine has, are the last people on earth to lecture anyone about sexual impropriety or inappropriate behaviour.
The entire place was a nest of pedophiles for decades, whose activities were ignored and whose behaviour was tolerated.
The bBBC couldn’t believe their luck this morning. This journalist is a career SJW who is supposedly ‘worldly wise’. That she is shocked and does not know what goes on at these sort of events is therefore staggering to me. Did the alarm bells not start ringing when she was told what she was expected to wear? Why didn’t she turn the job down at that point? She took a job from another woman who probably needed the money much more than her. I know plenty of women who could do that hostess job, fend off the guys attentions, have a laugh, and not batt an eyelid. She was clearly not cut out for working in the real world, YES, the world beyond the ‘up your own arse media bubble’. Now those hostess jobs are gonna disappear, and money given back from cash strapped services. I bet she is feeling smug and morally superior to all around her, a nice little earner for her, and a big boost for her career. I hope I’m not investigated next by her, I once bought a Mars bar from a newsagents that sold Playboy magazine.
I was listening to the ranting and faux outrage on PM this evening. Apparently the women had to sign a non disclosure upon accepting the “job”
They conveniently had a woman who only agreed to be interviewed if their words were spoken by an actor.
They also had someone who “didn’t want to be named” who went to one of these events a few years ago.
There were women who had been to these events before who knew exactly what they were to expect.
They even stated that they knew that more money could be earned if they accompanied men to their hotel rooms.
Question. Why did they plant the “undercover investigators” in the first place?
This smacks of a set up to me. None of the women who signed the non disclosure forms are going to speak out for legal reasons. It’s a shame the “undercover” ones can’t be sued as they too must have signed to get the gig.
Again it’s women manipulating men with their short skirts and sexy high heels (their words not mine) and then acting all disgusted when they get propositioned.
J O’B was in his pomp this morning, are we to assume he’s sniffing out someone from a far right newspaper like the Telegraph, or even better Paul Dacre, was in attendance at the Dorchester?
His faux outrage was, to use his favourite description, ” absolutely palpable”
I don’t recall Jess Phillips being so vocal about the “parties” Muslim pedophiles hold, including in her home city. Where lots of working class; British; female children will have been forced to endure things far, far more unpleasant and degrading than what these women at the Dorchester did.
This putrid sow only ever seems to vent her spleen when it involves white men. She must have thought it was her birthday and Christmas combined, when this tale concerning “RICH & POWERFUL” white men surfaced.
Shub surely you have to have to acknowledge the work that the Financial Times did do IMMEDIATELY to stop Rape/Groominng gangs in Rotherham etc.
It wasn’t as if they were part of the lib-establishment who let the thing perpetuate for years and years , and rape after rape , cos of a lib-establishment GUILT TRIP about skin colour. /irony
#AllVictimsMatter #ConcernShouldReflectMagnitude
I would like to wager that no-one from the Financial Times has ever visited Rotherham since the paper was first printed.
I totally agree. Stand up in the HoP and complain about this dreadful activity against women who were happy to be paid for said work but say very little or allow your colleagues to be censored and told off when they try to talk about the gangs of Rotherham etc.
Happy to lump all men together as being disgusting rich sweaty grabby men but dare to lump together a group/culture following a dogma that treats women like 2nd class citizens and non muslim women as effective trash and you should be removed or re-educated.
These acts are happening day in and day out right now. Rotherham wasn’t an isolated incident, just an example of what is actually happening. The silence and hypocrisy is flat out disgusting.
“Why did they plant the “undercover investigators” in the first place?”
‘Agent provocateur’ ? Entrapment ?
Ha! There is something almost sexual in their relish in reporting on cases like this. When a reporter mentioned a ‘hate crime’ once she looked close to orgasm. ‘Institutional racism’ is their equivalent of a mass orgy.
We appear to have a new government department – the Ministry of Good Taste. So where is it going to end?
Is anyone who went on a tacky stag night, x years ago, in danger of losing his job now?
A lot of common sense here:
That Presidents Club dinner: calm down, everyone
“The fallout has been swift. Great Ormond Street Hospital has given back the money it received from the fundraiser, as if it were morally corrupted goods. Nice one, GOSH — elevating your need to virtue-signal over funding medical treatment for kids. “
Treez going to sic her fake news squad on the BBC’s fake news squad?
Or are they kinda cool on such things?
BBC are flying the Cameron flag …
Main BBC Page: David Cameron: Brexit was ‘a mistake not a disaster’
Sub Page: David Cameron: “Brexit not as bad as we thought”
Story Page Title: “David Cameron: Brexit’s turned out ‘less badly than first thought'”
“Although the pound fell sharply after the vote, the UK economy has continued to grow, and unemployment has fallen to a 42-year low. Mortgage rates have stayed at generally the same low levels they have been since the financial crisis in 2008.”
Would have turned out even better had he kept his word to “trigger article 50 immediately” instead of throwing in the towel.
More news headlines about whats been said on Twatter, followed by outrage on Twatter, followed by apologies for offence on Twatter. (Phil Neville, the latest victim, and his attempts at humour apparently… yawn). Twatter is the dominant force in our lives now, particularly where our media is concerned, and I’m bored by it – yet strangely in my circle of friends, family and acquaintances, nobody uses it !!
It lets them be even more lazy which is why they love it.
Same here Brissles – can’t really be arsed, we have real people to chat with in our village, but I do like to get out occasionally and chat here.
Which MPs don’t display party allegiance on Twitter? –
The BBC crows about how few Tory MPs display their allegiance on Twitter, without telling us the most likely cause – left wing Twitter brown shirts.
And before a lefty pops up and says that that’s just my opinion based on my own experiences, it isn’t. Have a look at the table on page 22 of this report, which looked at 188,000 abusive tweets:
Only UKIP supporters get more abuse than Tories (Kippers get nearly three times as much as Greens!).
Is some drunk men touching up scantily clad women really the most important thing that has happened today?
Yes BB – You knows it! Feminazis and chinless soy boys at the BBC/MSM absolutely desperate to have their own “”Harvey Winestain” moment.
Of course since they have been unable to find anyone who currently fits the bill that “all men are rapists” they have to make do with assorted knee squeezers from twenty years ago, one deeply unpleasant sex attacker (10 years plus ago – any blacks and browns need not apply for this one) and of course a bunch of pissed businessmen who paid large amounts of money to various females who in all likelihood knew what they were letting themselves in for.
Pathetic – All Aunty needs to do now is wheel out Hattie Socialism ,s conscious who can shame all of us sexist pigs who obviously hate wiminkind so much. Pity she is not so keen on commenting on the NCCL support for PIE back in the 1970s – when she was the NCCLs legal officer back in the 1970s.
Oak! Wash your mouth out!
You can’t talk about Davos in those terms!
Two rules for any potential ‘victims’ of sexual harassment:
1. Do not wear skimpy outfits which make you look like a prostitute.
2. Do not enter someone’s bedroom on your own.
When I was very young, my mum and dad’s generation were always telling girls who look and dress like tarts, that they may just be taken for one!
By the same issue, I was never allowed long hair, or very much in the way of fashion, but at least there was some good family love and guidance behind.
Call me old fashioned, in fact call me anything you like, but it won’t alter the fact that many of these kids just do not get family values in the same way. Maybe it’s because one of the parents has disappeared (another deplorable thing to do), or they just don’t care any more.
If anyone wanted to give the waitresses any advice it might just be ‘Keep an eye open for the odd tweak, if you don’t like the work, do something else’.
“When I was very young, my mum and dad’s generation were always telling girls who look and dress like tarts, that they may just be taken for one!”
I find it disturbing that some parents seem to think it appropriate to dress children as young as 10 like this.
What are they thinking?
A lot of us are old fashioned Scrob. I remember pushing the limits as a teenager as to how far I could test my Dad with my short skirt before I went out (we’re talking a couple of inches here), without him saying “I can see what you’ve had for breakfast ! and my Mum always told me to “sit on it” if a lad starts getting frisky – I still chuckle at the thought. They weren’t prudes by any means, but caring parents who knew the pitfalls, and we forget they had been teenagers themselves.
You only have to remember the up to the neck fashions that Dusty/Cilla/Lulu/Sandy wore at the time, which compared to today we were almost nun-like in our dress as we copied them. Another generation but the fellas still tried it on – its part of life and you deal with it, not cry in your cornflakes because a bloke grabbed your boobies.
Thing is, it was mainly Dad who went out to work, so Mum was at home doing the dinner on the table thing, and our needs were simple. They scrimped all year to give us a ‘good Christmas’ and we went without the rest of the time. I’m not doing a history lesson, as we can all harp back to those carefree summers in the 50’s, but as soon as 2 parents went out to work for a ‘better’ life, gradually over decades and another generation, discipline and morals went out of the window. Because of all the moaning and whingeing, and a world where male and female is being called into question, then I’m glad I’m in the late Autumn of my years.
Well, that’s the whole point of the “progressive” movement, isn’t it – to downplay and if possible to eliminate the idea of the individual, each with their own abilities, viewpoints and agency, and corral everyone into groups, which exist on a spectrum of “privilege” and “oppression”.
The idea now that “it’s part of life and you deal with it” has been deliberately taught out of people, to be replaced with an instant rush to an authority figure who can make a Victim/Oppressor judgement.
As Benjamin Franklin said: “Common sense with no education, is better than education with no common sense“.
Brissles – solid post.
My dad referred to my shortest skirt as a pelmet.
And I had to take it off, or else try and sneak past in a longer coat(winter only).
Would hate to be as right on as this lot of miserablist feministas-they`re so sour and seeking a row.
No! Grumpy Cat was awarded damages! (it must be important because it’s been in the top 10 on the Beeb website for close to 24 hours now)
BBC’s latest bid for the Trump Derangement Syndrome Oscar
Donald Trump’s ‘hatred of sharks’ benefits conservation charities
The US president’s dislike for the marine animal was revealed last week in an In Touch Weekly interview with adult film actress Stormy Daniels.
He reportedly said that he would never give money to shark charities, adding: “I hope all sharks die.”
Shark conservation groups have since noted an uptick in donations, one with the message: “Because Trump.”
Any anti-Trump story will get coverage by the BBC
And what of the poor souls who`ve been kiled or lost limbs as a result of a shark attack then? Typical lefy scum.
Maybe he should now go out of his way to praice the BBC and Guardian for doing such good work-Grenfell mobsters migh then go out and torch them for us.
So Trump possibly has a phobia about sharks but the Beeb wants to ridicule this?
Is that Phobia phobic or phobia discrimination?
The only sharks he abhors are ones swimming in the media ‘swamp’. That’s why he is draining it.
If May does not do the same she will be replaced by JRM.
Lets hope Trump remembers his promise of GB being ‘first in the queue’. Although I believe President ‘Macaroni’ my have beaten us to it.
Front Row about the science fiction writer who has died; obviously they have to take a feminist slant on it.
The national broadcaster should reflect broadly the nation’s interests. If you want to hear about race and gender all day, there are plenty of websites you can visit. 99% of people just do not care about gender yet it seems to constitute half of their output. Nearly every story on the main news bulletin today was about women’s issues in some way.
Why not hear about her science fiction? That would be interesting. But no – more f**king feminism. They are bonkers.
Plus they have a black cellist! Diversity jackpot!
What a strange and bizarre world this has turned out to be. Twenty years ago you couldn’t have made it up; the digital madness hadn’t taken over yet, even though action self-destruct was gathering pace.
Last night I was trying to search for some rational path to understanding the madness, but beyond identifying a state of disease and that TV played a role, we didn’t get far. (RJ seemed bang on !)
Perhaps there is no point trying to understand something utterly irrational by rational means?
The words of Enoch Powell ring in my ears, about how mad we had to be. But even he could have had no idea. He was spared from seeing the full dimensions. The absurd attempts to denigrate men, for instance. The endless obsession with virtue signalling. Look at meeee! One could ignore them, but they do great damage. Reckless doesn’t describe it.
Millions of minds out there, eager to hurl abuse, apparently incapable of reason. Everyone screaming about morality at a time when there seems to be pretty little of it; or of shame; or of self-discipline. Masses like sheep, easily led. Scrap that, it seems an insult to our woolly friends…
One answer is simply not to watch stuff. To push the ‘off’ button. But why should we? They are our media as well. That’s why we continue on these pages….
We`ll be doing two of Enochs books in our Bookclub soon.
They`re patchy and dated, but brilliant and flawless in big sections too.
And not a peep about immigration yet, he`s right on far bigger sidelines than that. Hence the Left/BBCs efforts to pen him in the racist caravan park. Fuck off Beeblefties-he`s trhe last prophet we`ll be getting in Britain if we don`t wake up soon.
shockingly radio 4 extra ran a 1970’s interview with desmond morris last night, Im really suprised the beeb dared to air it
and to boot the interviewer just listened patiently and never interrupted
parts oddly pertinent to todays cluster f*ck
Trump’s hatred of sharks boosts shark charities, their websites sniggeringly reports.
Class, BBC. Pure class.
Don’t condone what may or may not have happened at the Presidents Club (seems pretty seedy to me), however, it is going to be front page news for the next few days/weeks. Funny though, how the authorities tried to cover up the Rotherham, Oxford, Wirral (Not heard of that one eh? Well you probably won’t, as the report from the enquiry is to be kept secret)
etc ‘parties’ because “there was a cultural issue of not wanting to rock the multicultural boat” (Daily Telegraph). “warnings went unheeded, evidence was destroyed and, when her team gave information to outside police forces, she was reprimanded and accused of distortion and unprofessionalism”. “In 2010, a 17-year-old named Laura Wilson was murdered by a young gang member after he discovered that Wilson’s child, which he believed was his, had been fathered by his older uncle”. (All quotes from the Telegraph).
So there is an institutional attempt to cover these appalling events up. Obviously the BBC falls into line, except if race isn’t called into question. Reminiscent of Sweden or New Years Eve in Cologne? Hmmm, maybe….
Those two “enrichers” look Sri Lankan and from their names are not Muslims, surprisingly.
Import the Third World: become the Third World.
The third world mindset thinks that all white women are whores. No acceptance that suffragettes died fighting for equality (which is a no brainer). They’re trying to retrograde history by at least 100 years. And our PC progressive liberals condone this in their sad attempt to justify themselves. Diversity eh?
There seemed to be a touch of the third world mindset at the Dorchester last week ! Trouble is, if the women are worldly enough to take the job – knowing it wasn’t a convention of train spotters, then they should be able to swat away wandering hands easily enough.
Pssst. Wanna see some sanity? Joe Digenova. Explaining the plot to discredit a president. On YT. Or would ‘overthrow’ be too strong a word? Something rational: a great pleasure listening to the case being made. Precept upon precept. Logical development of an argument.
No shrieking or squawking.
Not something the BBC would pick up on. Too busy with gender warfare.
Not reported by the BBC (Or not reported properly):
And this one:
It’s fake news time at the BBC.
Anyone watch Blue Plant 2? In which the ‘amazing behaviour of dolphins swimming with surfers for fun’ was shown.
To be fair, great coverage, great photography.
But not perhaps quite so amazing.
Just come back from South Africa. At Jeffrey’s Bay, a famous spot for the surfing fraternity, we learned local surfers routinely surf with the dolphins, who are always wandering around in the bay. Meanwhile just down the coast we looked out one evening and with little effort watched dolphins surfing the waves with our own eyes.
So, not quite the rare event portrayed by the bBBC, is it?
And not quite so hard to film, is it?
And not quite the amazing news as shown by the bBBC, is it?
Maybe their ‘reality checker’ needs to check a little closer to home. Ha ha ha. As if.
President Trump offers his thoughts and prayers to the victim’s of yesterday’s tragic high school shooting, and this is the BBC North America correspondent’s sarcastic reply:
That free-on-public-transport rag- Metro had a write up yesterday about Darren Osbourne, the man accused of ‘Killing a Mosque’
“‘Mosque killer obsessed with grooming gang’”
It’s a total libtard hatchet-job of a report. It doesn’t occur to the writer of the article that it might be normal to be outraged about pet-groomers [Newspeak for filthy child rapists]. It might be normal, not “extreme right wing” to want to do something about it.
In true libtard fashion they took the opportunity to unfairly connect Tommy Robinson’s name with the incident.
The best bit…………
O DEAR! It’s not only the internet that made him do it but…….
Metro is reporting that the man was inspired to kill Muslims by The BBC Three Girls program.
“A DRIVER accused of deliberately mowing down a group of Muslims outside a mosque developed bigoted views after seeing a TV drama about grooming gangs, a court heard yesterday.
Darren Osborne is said to have been enraged by the BBC’s Three Girls, based on the real-life abuse of vulnerable teenagers in Rochdale by men mainly of Pakistani origin”
“Bigoted views” [Not healthy moral outrage]
Men of Pakistani Origin [Not Muslims]
Classic Libtard blame-shifting
The Metro has made no judgement concerning the actual “Groomers”. Gang-raping children couldn’t possibly be framed as the root cause of the incident.
Someone needs to drain the media swamp in this country and scrub it out with a powerful detoxifying agent.
So you`re saying that the BBC were agents and inciters of terrorism-or at the vey least, poor indicators of being able to drive a van properly without getting lost on the Seven Sisters Road? Works for me-until the BBC are seen NOT to inciting terrorism, and Islamophobic van driving-then shut them down and send them on Islamophoney Awareness Months, with just a test card please.
I make no apology for this-if it saves just ONE old bloke from dying of natural causes by a hired van, then that`ll justify getting the BBC off the screens.
Might I add that a contributory, complicating factor may well have been the number of repeats, Linekers salary, endless panel shows that are dated and totally unfunny-and(of course) the endless recommissioning of Citizen Khan and any bloody piece of shit with Sir Lenward Henry-Bolton.
I rest my case, your warship!
I caught a very brief glimpse last night of a programme/report about this incident where they were playing the recording of the supposed call to the emergency services. Did anyone who saw it notice that the guy on the phone said he (the driver) had killed lots of people? Wasn’t there only one person lying in the street who had already collapsed supposedly having a heart attack or something.
One could almost suspect that the call was scripted.
Was the whole thing staged? I wonder. Seems dodgy to me.
Why ring up saying he’s killed lots of people?
The story doesn’t stand up. As I remember it, we were told at first that one man died and he had already suffered a heart attack just prior to the ‘incident’. Then there were the aerial view photos which clearly showed the van was on the opposite side of the railway line from the mosk (deliberate misspelling). So ‘not outside a mosk’ a Muslim had a heart attack might have been a more accurate headline.
Dystopian,Lucy Pevensey
It does not seem to stand up. And too convenient was the reference to Tommy Robinson, just like the reference to Thomas Mair shouting Britain First in another weird story.
We might expect details of this guy’s collection of far far right and Hitler propaganda and connections with the KKK when the police evidence from a search of his home is revealed.
I particularly like the received messages from TR and Jayda Fransen
Messages ?? whats that then, did they ring him up and say do it do it do it
or in reality has signed up to the rebel media listserv and britain firsts facebook page
if the messages where of any relevance Jayda and Tommy would be in the dock with him
Let`s hope NOBODY North of the Border is going to bother their arses getting pie eyed and fat over Rabbie Burns tomorrow. Need I remind you that the SNP do NOT look kindly on sexist misogynists like St Paul-whose birthday is tomorrow( can tell the buggers ANYTHING these days, they`ll believe it!).
So no commemoration of HIM tomorrow up there at Hollyred I`m sure.
Now-Burns was not only both sexist and misogynist-but he jumped pregnant women and showed them his timorous wee beastie in assorted barns and bars.
So says Tartan poet Liz Lochead, who`s been snooping through his drawers(oo er).
NO-say NO to Burns-sexpest, Weinsteinian fopdoodle!
I want William McGonnigle to be their new national poet-no rapist he, and-in truth-by far the better poet!
“I`m on the road with Allys Army”-that was one of his wasn`t it? That year they won the World Cup in 1978-and forced Galtieri into trying to reclaim the Isles of Lewis as we`re taught by B.A Robertson.
I want Burns Night banned-now-and the SNP surely won`t allow any celebrating the piping in of the deep fried pizza to honour this sexist pig.
Who`ll go onto Radio 4s Womoans Hour tomorrow for me to explain my campaign…Sturgeon needs to know we“e with her on this one.
And no bloody Union Jack up on that clothes pole of theirs until they`re once more fit to raise it(oo er).
Let`s keep that faintheart flag as it is=-as Moira Andersons old bloomers until they denounce sex pesterys own doggeral wank. Robert Worburns…
Happy Birthday St Paul!
PS-Scottish Calvin and Grant of this parish are free to celebrate as they wish. Licences for others are available on request with a cheque for £147.50 enclosed.
Glasgow and Las Vegas …………..
The only two places in the world you can pay for sex with chips
I just managed less than 2 minutes of the 10 pm BBC1 news. There was Lucy Manning standing piously outside a door (possibly the President’s club) spouting how dreadful this fundraiser was. Doesn’t she, the FT undercover agent or any one else at the BBC not feel even slightly guilty that Great Ormand Street has now to give half a million pounds back (how many nurses would that pay for?). So young women who cannot stop a straying hand are going to cause extra suffering to poorly children Well I hope they feel proud of themselves. And if Lucy M, when you say those attending are answerable to their wives and daughters, you should think of the children who are now suffering.
Thought you meant Davos Deborah. Same thing eh?
Lucky bloke who gets to see Christine Lagarde eh?
My Lefty pinup was always Ian McCartney! When`s a dwarf, only restricted growth?
And can you get a blue badge for a matchbox car?
When will the BBC ask the REAL questions I`m all asking out here?
Here is an excellent comment about this story on Guido:
This story is really making my blood boil. I’ve now read a number of accounts of the event. The BBC website account and accompanying sensational video (unsurprisingly) reads like a total hatchet job of the event and its attendees. As far as I can make out, there are two sides to this story.
a) The story as told by the FT hack who specifically attended the event undercover in an pre-determined attempt to ‘uncover’ sexual misdeeds by rich, white, powerful men. All reports of sexual impropriety have come from this one woman alone. Her claims that ‘another hostess told me’ are, as far as I am aware, unproven.
b) The story as told by everyone else who attended the event. There have been no complaints from any of the hostesses. The company that hired the hostesses was not aware of any complaints either. Attendees of the event did not witness any of the claims and there were no complaints to the Dorchester. Even David Walliams (who desperately tried to distance himself from the story), said that while he was there, he didn’t witness anything untoward.
As a result of the say so of one hack with a clear agenda, a charity has folded, dying children have lost access to much needed money, men have been pressured to stand down from their roles and an MP has been reprimanded. The whole thing is highly sinister.
Great post, TS. You are right.
Any half-decent news organisation – especially one that is SO concerned about FakeNews and FalseNews – would get a reporter to start trying to uncover the truth.
Meanwhile, we Beeb-watchers and news consumers are left wondering whether all the hype & fuss from the BBC is either making a mountain out of a molehill or is over something staged and, well, for want of better words – fake or false.
This is an excellent piece by Brendan O’Neill about certain recent events at The Dorchester and the Progressive reaction to it. Superb stuff.
Yes Al, a good report. One thing rung true, when mention was made about how women from another era were able to take care of themselves and deal with unnecessary attention, unlike the Twatter and Arsebook generation of today.
Was the compère paid?
“Event compere David Walliams said he was “appalled” by the claims but had not witnessed anything.”
Sense that they`ve just run out of news now, and simply regurgitate variations on “drunk blokes chasing younger prettier women”.
Well who knew?
Ever since my days as a young civil servant-has any woman ever fussed over this nonsense?
We know when it`s to be easily dealt with, we also spread the word when it`s blokes who you should NOT be bothering with, laughing it off.
So easy-so universal, so normal. Can only guess that not only have they decided that news is no longer manageable for them all.
But that they themselves have never done a days work on our planet in recent history
And that they are so removed from reality that anybody but their bezzies in the next pod gives a damn about their stories.
Ditto for Trump and Brexit of course-which is why nobody bothers to listen or read anymore.
Thank the Lord for SMS and sites like this one.
Alicia Sinclair
“Sense that they’ve just run out of news now, and simply regurgitate variations on “drunk blokes chasing younger prettier women”.
Its a good way for the remoaner press to bury Good Brexit news.
Its about time that the government of this nation ‘drained the swamp’.
Agrred taffman.
And when the ex-newpaper of finanical expertise turns out to be just another scandal seeking prurient honeytrap for seedy blokes with more money than sense?
Well either
a) the economy needs no further analysis-it`s all going great and Brexit is the tonic that was needed
b) after the Credit Crunch, the “financial experts” no longer have anything to say because they don`t understand any of their dismal science any more(but can`t say that).
Nobody buys the FT here in the real world I know. Not even any good as pink blotting paper either
And any serious money people ought to drop it if all they can come up with is Panorama chaise longue gasps of horror.
FAR worse goes on every weekend on Broad Street and even Oldham Road…not that London based bluestockings would dare come north to see it.
What I find odd is that the charities are going to refuse the donations. Anybody who has seen the ravages of cancer at close range would sup with the devil if it meant getting some funds to help. Or maybe not in a virtue signaling society that has lost touch with reality .
Absolutely. What does GOSH actually think will happen to this money? It will either go to another charity or back into the pockets of the Neanderthals. Is that their preference, or have they simply not thought it through in their rush to virtue signal.
Now, I have to say that I would never have behaved towards women as has been reported. I can’t stand those who do. But I’ve spent my life watching those who do have a bloody sight more luck with the girls than I have.
Another thing. What evidence do we actually have of the extent of the behaviour, other than the word of one reporter with an agenda? I haven’t heard any, yet already there is a rush to end careers with no due process.
Dave S, A close family member works for a Hospice as an events organiser and does a cracking job raising funds. When I discovered what the CEO was being paid my cornflakes nearly choked me. Your point is bang on about the funds raised and why people at the top cave in to the SJW’s is beyond me. Maybe some behaviour at this gig crossed the line (hardly a Roman orgy) but why some crusade by the post modernists is allowed to take precedent over the suffering of others in need leaves me depressed.
Everyone is crying that the charities will miss out on loads of dosh, um, whats wrong with still having normal auction evenings – by that I mean couples !!! They’re a regular event in the States, in fact they don’t seem to do anything else over there but have fundraising evenings.
Never believe this. Can we see a kidney machine getting taken out of GOSH and decommissioned then?
Ot are we talking “Comic Relief/Red Nose donations”,
That , I bet get made up by the Saudi Ambassador, then rested in Knightsbridge for the weekend before getting returned by the next weekend.
Charity? Who believes all this “incredible ever increasing donation stuff”-Nobody I know gives them a penny any more, rather give it to the local RNLI.
Had to laugh out loud at this comment about the spiked online piece linked to above. Sadly though, very true.
“Next time, make the ladies wear a burka and throw rocks at them.
The PC brigade won’t bat an eyelid.”
Good post. As one of the comments in the article mentioned, so Jess Philips thinks women being hassled and sexually assaulted when in Cologne celebrating New Year is something to be laughed off with a flippant ‘nothing different to what happens in Birmingham on a Saturday night’.
Yet women who CHOOSE to receive money to place themselves in an environment where their looks will be useful and they will have to flirt with fat disgusting guys (as that is what all males are that express an interest in pretty women) is utterly outrageous.
Amol has offered two choices. Others are available.
“Who’s the bigger threat to democracy – Facebook or Rupert Murdoch?”
The Media Show podcast with Amol Rajan BBC. Subscribe here:
” ZULU ”
Will Al Beeb cover this story?
Will the film ‘Zulu’ get banned?
When will someone in this great country drain the media Swamp, or is this nation now full of ‘Lillies’ ?
Radio 4 tonight
7:15pm “Now just 18, cellist Sheku Kanneh-Mason won the title of BBC Young Musician of the Year in 2016. ”
8:45pm “Young entrepreneur Bejay Mulenga tells the story of his youthful business success and shares his vision for helping other young people overcome the barriers to achieving their dreams.”
11:45 Turkish Novel : “Cem Çelik , the son of a leftist Istanbul pharmacist whose politics take precedence over parenthood.”
11pm Tez Ilyas: He’s a Muslim comedian don’t you know
The warm up man must have been fantastic , cos the audience were well pumped up despite Tez himself only having the ONE main joke ‘I’m a Muslim, so whatever outrageously racist thing I say..You will laugh’
The producer wacked up the curated laughter
I’m serious listen for hysterical laughter to every little thing
“Hey I said EDL !”
” I hate racism, but I do need material for my standup”
” I was like a Tory MP in any situation that requires compassion & empathy”
“I’m slowly becoming what I hate…white”
“I do not hate white people : I love Bat Man”
“Ever since we have been plumetting towards Armageddon …Brexit
“I voted to stay in …The European Caliphate”
“Vote Tez …and I promise I will make Britain ISLAMIC STATE AGAIN … I mean Great Again, great again”
12:30am Book of the Week ” looks back to the moment in 1917 when Lenin first arrived in the city when it was called Petrograd. “
“JP Morgan boss in new warning on Brexit job losses”
Operative word “if”.
More project fear?
There are a large number of vacancies in the army and in the construction industries waiting to be filled.
Doesn’t Blair ‘work’ with JP Morgan?
I thought he took a million bars for grinning?
JP Morgan is an American bank. America isn’t in the EU so how has this American bank managed to operate in Europe?
Theresa May appoints a female British Muslim Ms Sara Khan (who looks to be in her late twenties / early thirties (?)) as head of the governments new Commission for Countering Extremism tasked with rooting out extremism within Britain.
Already this has received a loud complaint from 47 year old British Muslim Sayeeda Hussain Warsi (otherwise known as Baroness Warsi who over ten years ago, then aged only 37, was made a life peer and a permanent member of the House of Lords) saying “many British Muslims considered Ms Khan a “mouthpiece” of ministers”. That is Baroness Hussain Warsi is claiming that Ms Khan is a sell out to British Muslims.
Reading all about this it does seem to be “all about the Muslims” with representatives of the Muslim community now controlling and leading the British Governments fight against extremism within Britain.
Not the large stealth edit
A positive quote from Amber Rudd was replaced by a negative one from the Muslim Council of Britain . (They are probably self appointed)
Hi StewGreen what is “Editing the BBC” is it real or is it a spoof. I don’t understand the posts on that twitter account. Thanks.
Baroness Warsi is basically a muslim political activist, her primary loyalty is towards islam not the Tory party or the UK. I have no idea if Ms Khan is the right person for this position, though whether the person is a muslim or not shouldnt be part of the decision process. The Beeb article is another hatchet job on Prevent, the only program we have to counter radicalisation.
“The Beeb article is another hatchet job on Prevent”
That’s how I read it too. Took me 3 reads to try and work out why the BBC claim Prevent should anger the Muslim community before realising the Muslim’s don’t want any scheme that may stop them following the Quran word for word.
Warsi is a Muslim first-British second.
She`d get stoned to death iof she said other, and the elders thought she was sincere in hegating her faith.
Get tired of this “Pakistani, British or French”labels for Muslims. No Muslim rates a antion state-they`r the umma and need a caliphate to join them up if their Allah is as all powerful and triumphant as they know he ie.
I listened to Khameini, not Cameron.
I know which one is the REAL voice of Islam.
We look forward to her exercising her islamic bias in accordance with the Quaran aka ‘Taqiyya’ and bearing down on all the ‘islamaphobes’ actual or, importantly, imagined.
BBC’s Roger Harrabin caught spreading fake news on air about global warming. No; 2017 was not the hottest year ever. One reason it was hot is because of the naturally occurring El Nino effect. Details here;
Roger Harrabin, causing Global Warming yesterday all on his own, too, TD. The BBC sent him all the way to California – I bet he did not cycle all the way there – to test a new type of vegan burger for the PM programme. Meanwhile, Dave Lee, BBC Tech Correspondent resident in California takes a day off, I guess.
You couldn’t make it up!
BBC hypocrisy is all true, all their own real life.
Luckily, TD, nobody really gives a monkeys about that silly dribbling bloke.
Like all bbbc stuff, I sometimes hear the ‘report’, then think the opposite – it’s much easier, and lets me get on with a proper life, not one dreamed up by undermanagers in W1A.
Toady watch
The world is a sadder place today . Marky Smith – the world famous music person has died . Al beeb has spent half the day talking about the effect of his music and his loss. We ll always remember where we were when we found out .
And Sara khan – any relation to the London Mayer ? – who according to wiki is no stranger to Bollywood – a singer and dancer is to be the new extremism czar- or khan .
She’s gonna be popular with “the community” but a good way to get the house of expenses more not white peers – next honours list
Victim watch
Assemblies of more than 3 men have now been banned in order to prevent the need for Stasi FT girl reporters getting chatted up or offended .
Interesting choice of csar, bearing in mind what extremism is nothing to do with.
Mark E was famous for nothing more that being pissed on his “tribute” to John Peel on Newsnight in 2004.
Like Patti Smith-one of those arty icons who the liberal bedwetters like to champion-but the rest of us neither rated or wanted.
All the photos make him look like a blend of Andy Capp lifestyle and Feargal Sharkey mask in terms of looks.
Talentless, professional notherner to me, sort of Jeremy Vine idea of chaps from Salford.
Who`s to say that HE didn`t act as Dipsy in the Tellytubbies?
It really is astonishing that throughout the #Metoo movement they have barely found a single non white perpetrator, and certainly no ROP individuals. Yet there were at least 1400 victims in Rotherham alone, let alone Oxford, Aylesbury, Rochdale, Bristol et alia.
They are all into reporting abuse, but they did a whole Panorama special about people trying to report abuse in Halifax and instead prosecuted those reporting it for inciting racial hatred, leaving thousands more girls to be abused.
Sometimes I feel like the BBC might have an agenda, or maybe it is just ‘Russian bots’ making me think that.
People may have tried to use the #metoo hashtag on Twitter to report ROPers but their Twitter accounts would be shut down as Twitter rules say “the (abusive) behavior is targeted at an individual or group of people”.
I lasted 2 weeks on twitter before getting a lifetime ban. Twitter is worse than BBC’s Have Your Say for censorship.
Tabs, try GAB.
I must commend to those of you who can access it an article in this week’s Spectator by John O’Sullivan on the power struggle between east and west in Europe. He says that Germany and France are basically using the supranational powers of the EU to combat the democratic will of the people in the Visegrad group and Austria. Whilst at the same time seeing a similar upsurge of support for policies popular with the ordinary people in their own countries. He predicts that unless the likes of Merkel and Macron and the rest of the political elite eg our Remaniacs, treat those they disparagingly label populists as equals they will Lose the battle.This is a cheering article and one which gives you a lift .
Anyone listen to Matthew Hancock on R4 – or see him on BBC at Davos – jesus – he is a Tory minister!
I am sorry, he has about as much fight as a soggy lettuce. When it comes to the BBC interview technique..he just rolls over and agrees and you will be glad to know he can “comfortably describe himself as a feminist”..
and says he has never been to an ‘all mens event’.. Jesus, has he got no mates!
When BBC interviewer makes a comment about Google recruiting more people in Germany he doesn’t even question their faulty logic or mention that Google committed to a $1bn investment in UK in November..If he is the best of the new bunch
We are all doomed….
“Jesus, has he got no mates!”
By the look of him, no balls either.
I wondered who that tw@t was, as I missed the start of the interview, when the Diversity Hireling thanked him at the end it all made sense.
I recall Farage on QT or Andrew Neil on Daily Politics (or possibly both) knocked his teeth (figuratively speaking) out through his @rseh0le; a total non-entity.
Toady watch 2
We have got used to being blamed for being white and British . Now 50% of that number must get used to being white and male .,
Al beeb smells of McCarthyism – I wasn’t about in the 1950s but listening to a snivelling Tory Cabinet minister – hand cock – saying he had never been to a male only event whilst in public life was a real doozy
Victim watch 2
Great ormand has given back a 2 million pound donation – shows the value of Wimmin being offended with worth more than kids’ wellbeing .,
Correction -.its “only “ £500 000 not 2 million -I am guilty of promulgating false news.
I understand it was 2 million divided by 4 .
Boxing events , gents golf dinners can stop worrying about giving cash to such charities if they turn their noses up
I wonder if any formal allegations of indecent assault have been made? So far this is all at the behest of a journalist from the FT Stasi division
I go to a men only event most days when we go out shopping. All us blokes stand in a line facing the wall with our dicks out. Ah! I hear you say ” Not a male event for much longer. What happens in America today happens in Britain tomorrow”
Maybe this is why the Saudis started letting women go to football.
Yet again there is an exchange scheme between media of like mind across the pond:
And yet again the editorial suites are hard at work leaving in the bits that suit and sidelining those that do not.
Of course at this difficult time one’s thoughts and prayers must go to the intrepid FT reporterette, now consigned to wistfully nibbling an anchovy canapé outside the photocopier room at the FT Xmas staff party.
OT, but I can only imagine Katty’s one word answer:
Our first duty is still to the EU it seems so indigenous white British will come nowhere . European Court of Justice must be obeyed for a further 2 years of transition ( to what?). Eastern European gangsters will continue to import prostitutes and slave labour into the U.K. More illegal migrants will come in with our border force turning a blind eye. Deportation of illegals will continue to be almost non existent . We will continue to hand over billions to the EU both during transition and permanently thereafter to continue to allow the EU to give freebies to Eastern Europe. Meanwhile EU countries will access the U.K. market for nothing .
Despite all this to preserve the Maybot in
Power, my guess is that Corbyn will still win the next GE.
Into the depths we go … Piltdown Man … 41 years of fake news from 1912 … believed by many … reported by many … because IT HAD TO BE TRUE … did the BBC report it?
. . .
In 1912, the amateur archaeologist Charles Dawson claimed that he had discovered the “missing link” between ape and man.
The Piltdown hoax is prominent for two reasons: the attention it generated around the subject of human evolution, and the length of time, 41 years, that elapsed from its alleged initial discovery to its definitive exposure as a composite forgery. {wiki}
10am BBC SOUTH-Asian network is debating whether Sara Khan is just going to a “MOUTHPIECE” for the government Baroness Warsi asserts.
* Ironic that at the bottom of the page there is a language button :Welsh, Gaelic, Scots Gaelic
Hangon – BBC Asian Network news features Naz Shah etc. Then a quote from Muslim Council of Britain
repeating the assertion that Sara Khan is a bad thing, cos she is in the pocket of government”
..Could it be that South Asians are more likely Labour voters ?
..So is BBC Asian Network a boost for the Labour Party ?
…. Or will many of the Hindu/Sikh callers be Conservatives ?
Caller says Sarah Khan’s sister works inside the government inside the counter-terrorism
Other one countered that David Anderson QC, the ex head of UK’s Independent Reviewer of Terrorism supports her
And indeed he’s tweeted explaining Khan and he have opposed aspects of government policy ..counter what Warsi says
Campaigner Sara Khan to lead new counter-extremism body
Harun Khan, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, said: “The fight against terrorism requires equal partnership between all parties, including Muslim communities
so an equal parnership between the terrorisers and the terrified
with the terrorisers having a veto on the terrified’s representative
Geert Mak. 9.45 on R4. He was mentioned before in these pages. Listened for the first time this morning to his travels around Europe. The whole thing is far worse than a biased travelogue. The travelling is merely a pretext for a propaganda piece in favour of BBC narratives.
It is followed by ‘Woman’s World’.
Yes, you can more or less get non-stop propaganda now, almost regardless of the topic you thought you were listening to. It can be a book programme. Or about someone’s favourite famous person. Always the propaganda.
I do hope the @FT investigate this outrage {twitter @Holbornlolz}
Surely … Zadies Night .. all inclusive night for all genders.
Ticket Prices at Labour rates:
Male £1000
Ladies: £1
Might be better than a Keith Vaz’s Diversity Labour Night Party?
Come and find out ….
Link for that Keith Vaz : Diversity Party
Is that Poison Ivy in the picture. You can look but you better not touch?
I wouldn’t touch it with yours.
Toady today. Polish leaders say the UK, “cannot have their cake and eat it” re Brexit.
Perhaps Churchill should have adopted the same approach to Poland? That perhaps would have saved millions of lives leaving the Poles to suffer Hitler in the process.
He might change his tune when we start imposing fees on EU residents wanting to stay in Blighty. Say – £1000 a year for 1 million – a lot of money for the blessed international health service…
So what’s the point in having a cake then?
Thanks for that Dys, still chuckling.
Just make it harder for Poles to remit the money they earn here back home, so it stays here and circulates in our economy rather than boosting Poland’s.
Later we will no doubt hear of Trezers vision of the future for the UK hot from Davos. Notwithstanding her high ideals, what does the most important faction in the UK think of her plans? No, not the labour party but Islam. As the cult increasingly carves itself a chunk of this green and pleasant land, the question for the BBC directed at Treezer should be, did the islamicists play any part in writing her speech?
Well..working from home – listening to woman’s hour. They have the words of a female helper at the Presidents club – “They were all told it was an all male night, some might be a bit handsy” before they took the job on by the woman who ran the agency selecting them – they were told “if it isn’t for you please tell me now” – they were given the same advice on the night and told to tell any man that did anything wrong to stop and go to the head woman. The worker said the vast majority were sweet, interesting men who talked about their families and work but there “were some drunker handsy men” ..the worst she had was one holding her hand or another putting his arm around her waist – She seemed pretty sanguine and relaxed with it all..
What party was the FT reporter at? Did she incite/encourage action by the men for a story…who knows…
As we enter the age of New Puritanism – cavaliers and round heads – before the Brexit civil war – can you imagine the research being done by journos to find out how many great and good have attended these events – unless of course journalists ‘ editors – have attended themselves.
Declaration – I have not attended either as a guest or ladee
I think ms marriage the ft journo concerned – has made a name for herself – and a lot of enemies.
I am truly amazed that there hasn’t been any challenge to her version of events and sounds like a version many were to ready to accept because it confirms their version of the world post wein…
Lets face it, she video-ed stuff, but didn’t catch anything particularly dodgy at the party.
#2 A non-disclosure agreement doesn’t proclude you going to the police ..yet no one did
The discussion on Julia Hartley brwer was very sensible from 6:30am, she had a female lawyer ..and they both kept saying ‘storm in a tea-cup ..are you really going to ban hen nights ?’
JHB mentioned things from her youth like how the gay male-waiters took the womens’ tables cos they got better tips , whilst she did the male tables..
What was noticeable, was that every white male who came on virtued signalled : “yes this was outrageous”
Ex-Labour Mayor Any Burnham said he wouldn’t permit his daughters to go.
JHB laughed at “Labour’s new lock up your daughters puritanical policy”
I imagine gay/lesbian clubs are closing up and down the country
now these “all men/ all women” events are banned.
I wonder if Andy Burnham’s daughters get peeved at him borrowing all their eye make up.
It’s a sad world where the FT for god’s sake send their reporters to to do scandal – and come back with no evidence at all and at which that the vast majority of people laugh – except the brigade of ” virtual signallers” and the BBC
The FT used to be a serious paper…
We are all doomed