Jeremy Corbyn owes Momentum big style…he is their man, bought and paid for.…
Name of donor: Momentum Campaign (Services) Ltd
Address of donor: Walkden House, 10 Melton Street, London NW1 2EJ
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: interest free, unsecured loan of £50,000 towards my campaign for leadership of the Labour Party. This loan is for an indefinite period.
Interest free, unsecured and for an indefinite period…..£50,000. The chief officers of Momentum are Muslim activists. Momentum only registered with the Electoral Commission in 2017 so where does the large loan stand?…it’s not in the EC’s register of loans and donations. Uncertain of the rules on donations/loans by the likes of Momentum for leadership campaigns but certainly in election campaigns they are only allowed to spend £39,000. Seems unlikely they would be allowed therefore to give £50,000 for a single issue to one person…Corbyn. One for Panorama to investigate…or maybe not.
Spot anything you think the BBC should investigate, including itself, list it here…..
Crime calculator: Find your personal risk of being a victim
BBC have provided us with a postcode crime calculator showing your risk of being knifed, raped, enriched etc.
They haven’t bothered mentioning where the bad areas of the country actually are but I tried about 12 Googled Mosque postcodes and they all come out as crime ridden #shitholes areas especially those in London, Bradford, Luton, Birmingham.
Contrast that to postcodes in Devon, Cornwall and Wales where “enrichment” has yet to take place and those places are the least deprived low crime areas.
I was hoping the BBC may have added some analysis like a hotspot map but they unfortunately haven’t. I guess omission of news is not fake news in their eyes.
I’ve just had a tradesman here. He had a London accent so I asked what he was doing this far north. He said him and missus had decided London was no place to bring up their kids. I acted dumb and asked, “Why’s that?” He looked a bit sheepish and said, “My lad was the only white kid in the class.” Apparently their kid’s education was suffering. “And it just wasn’t safe, what with all the stabbings and that.”
So his wife had looked for work all over the country and had been offered a good job in Lincolnshire. He was OK because as well as the trade he was carrying out for me he was a qualified gas plumber, so could get work anywhere.
I asked how he was finding it. “Oh it’s the best thing we ever did. Kids are at a decent school, we have a smashing house and no mortgage, people are friendly. I didn’t know my neighbours in Tottenham.”
Whoever writes their ‘reality check’ feature needs a reality check.
Though recorded crime is going up, people’s reported ‘experience of crime’ is going down. Nothing fishy whatsoever about doing a survey on people’s subjective ‘experience of crime’ – not a get out of jail PR coup at all. Their ‘survey’ probably has innumerable problems with its methodology, right down to the very question asked, which seems nonsensical.
Of course, ‘reality check’ sides with the fantasy positive ‘feelings’ about crime rather than the actual crime. So if you get shot in both feet but look at the sun, your feet are not actually bleeding. Thus the Left continues its quest to say up is down, wet is dry and black is white.
Thank God we have the BBC to protect us from the scourge of fake news.
Shock and outrage at an all male charity event at which women voluntarily work and some get groped. Meanwhile Eastern European ‘pop up’ brothels rented from duped landlords and using slave labour, are in every town and city. Police do nothing . No-one is shocked and outraged, especially if from the Left. Muslims continue to groom young white girls. The police do nothing unless they are directed to by adverse publicity. No-one on the left is shocked or outraged . No comment from lefty feminists like Jess ‘faux outrage at presidents club’ Phillips.
In my town which has a big gypsy population 3 weeks ago there was a big raid , largely unreported , due to the way the BBC Humberside ran a gypsy are victims story on the same day
4 people were arrested , all have been charged and released
..even the one arrested for “modern day slavery”
Diane Abbott was quoted at the end by the BBC …
Shadow home secretary Diane Abbott said the figures were “truly shocking” and should “put an end to government complacency on crime“.
“The Tories are failing in a basic duty to protect the public ,” she added.
‘government complacency’ – Diane Abbott – Harris Report – 2017 – security of your country!!!
‘basic duty to protect the public’ – Diane Abbott – Harris Report – 2017 – security of your family!!!
It is their insane open borders, anything goes/multiculturalism policies which have caused the crime.
Don’t think she is too well, there. Appears to be wearing very heavy make-up on the face – somewhat different to the necklace area – although that may be down to lighting variations in different studios.
Did I hear right? The interviewer asking about different police forces in London? What different forces? Does Dermot mean the different commands of ordinary policing along with Diplomatic, Political & Anti-Terror? Are they not all under Cressida Dick’s overall command?
Or was Dermot feeding a false question to Diane to test her out? Or Dermot was himself in a muddle, disconcerted perhaps by the answers he was getting? This must have been just after Diane Abbott’s famous pre-General Election 2017 non-appearance. Down to a minor stroke, perhaps?
There has been little comment on the role of the Financial Times in the successful attempt to deprive children’s charities of millions of pounds. OK let’s get the tut tuts over with first, it was not exactly a meeting of the local Methodists at the President’s Club, but I doubt anyone, men and women, were very shocked by what went on. Major news story, boys puts hand on girl’s waist, hold the front page, clear all the airways for the next 48 hours – give me strength!!
Last time I looked, which was some time ago, the FT was supposed to be all about finance. For years the publication hung on under Pearson until financial news went online and instantaneous and the FT’s business model went south at a rate of knots. There is just not any money these days in cutting down dead trees to tell people something they knew yesterday. Hence the change in direction to SJW. Even in its heyday it didn’t help itself with its detached and slightly snotty attitude to its core constituency in the City. In 1992, sporting Ed Balls as an unbiased employee, it told it readers that they should vote for a Kinnock Government.
Forget the trebles, taxis all round for the FT.
Chris it’s said the FT reports on the city , and got wind of the event via city buzz.
But I suspect maybe she got the idea from a radio interview/phone-in I heard before Xmas on the topic of Weinstein where someone mentioned being a waitress at a Gentlemens night and men getting handsy.
Again the “outrage bus” misses the point
It’s not the existence of saucy entertainment that is WRONG/ILLEGAL
It is the few people who step over the line
A good host-boy/hostess is mostly able to ensure lines are not crossed.
Those waiterboys at Ladies night ..what counts as abuse of them
..posing for photos with shoulders on arm would be OK, but they’d protest at a woman sticking her tongue in their ear.
Women taking his hand and putting it down their dress would be over line.
If a woman touched you after being told to stop, then that would be wrong.
I’m still waiting to see any actual evidence.
Thing is, in the BBC’s hands, like FBI records, things like evidence can easily get lost or be massaged to fit…
” OK Diversity and positive discrimination department . I am
proud to say that I have very nearly achieved all I have set
out to do. We have managed to turn the 6PM to 7PM spot
including all the news programmes into Woman’s hour on
BBC 1 in London.
Our feature pictures on schools, such as today on the BBC website is
just perfect. The League tables showing two school girls one
covered is just what I want. I know my work will be done when
I can achieve Match of the Day being presented by a women.
The only question is the ethnicity. How far do you think we can go?
I think Match of the Day is already being presented by a woman – Gabby Lineker!
They are all saying they left this Presidents’ Party early.
Yeah, all that booze and Michelin three star food served by beautiful, scantily-clad women. Sounds like a real ropey night out. I would need a gun to my head to leave an event like that.
‘No room for Lads culture’?
Okay, lets get rid of 18-30 holidays, clubs, pubs, football grounds, teen movies, heavy metal concerts and office parties. Ummm, now lets outlaw that nasty rude army barrack room humour, basic training to include ‘I want to share and embrace your girlie feelings’, and camouflaging tanks and jets in rainbow colours..’aaaaah lovely…’. All this will be just the very thinnest sliver of a very big wedge that the left are going to drive through our society, and it will be here sooner than you think. Anyone who disagrees will be up before the femminazi courts before you can say ‘Jo Cox’.
ISIS are gonna be out on the streets and all our strong men will have been turned into bBBC sofa wimps:- Who is going to fight for your country and LGBTE agenda then, Madison?
The gentlemen’s club as widely reported by the usual suspects,
Why do they always report it as “rampant groping”……….
In my day it was simply called ” a feel”
I bet nobody dares pose the statement “I suppose a tit-wank is out of the question” any more…
What surprises me is the women’s complicity in much of this. On Woman’s Hour a female lawyer was asked whether the recruits, with their skimpy underwear etc, should have gone on into the ‘lion’s den’, knowing full well what to expect (not that this should be happening in the first place, with a bit of self-discipline etc and, as you say, Beeb Brother, the event looks seedy and not something to go to).
The lawyer said no, they were just going to work. Stupid. I’ll step in front of a car and see if it hits me…
The classic image of this hypocrisy was the half-dressed lady in black, at some award ceremony, demonstrating ‘solidarity’ with ‘victims’ of harassment. Also demonstrating what the uncovered side of her body looked like from top to toe, as the dress was exceedingly skimpy. But hey ho, it’s all in a moral cause you know.
Men need to get wise. Feminists in the self-proclaimed elite (who don’t seem to realise when they’ve voluntarily climbed into a gutter, cos -of course- they can do no wrong) need to be called out.
This ridiculous gender war, encouraged hugely by the BBC, needs to stop.
I think it has stopped.
Only the media and their snowflakes regard any of this as worth reporting.
In the real world, nothing has changed and the media continue to whirr the gears and burn the oil; getting nowhere.
Been great to see this load of stuff that`s got us riled here on this site. Honestly-even the laziest students know all of this is shit. They stay in bed until Pointless.
I know it corrodes those of us brought up to take it seriously-but it`s so repetitive and barking because those who choose this pap as “newsworthy” no longer leave their offices tro meet real people for a story, Just Twitter truffle hounds seeking students and lefties to feign outrage at nothing much.
They`re all cyber bullied mental health casualties remember? So why bother?
Trumps in Davos, all`s well.
Man who leaves shop without paying for four coffees and forgots to book a seat on train, now offers advice to MPs on how to vote on terrorist organisations. {}
I see dopey Treezer has now jumped on the bandwagon and expressed her disgust at the Presidents club event.
Just a thought. I will start taking lessons in moral authority from the BBC when it stops posting job adverts seeking people from a “black, Asian or non-white minority background”. That is racist, pure and simple, since it uses poll tax money to discriminate against white working people on the basis of their skin colour. Is it any different to ads in the past that specified “no dogs, no blacks, no Irish”?
I’ve heard it suggested that some of the rich men there were fat and ugly. Isn’t that a bit un PC?
It’s ok to call old white men fat and ugly but let’s not offend Diane Abbott eh.
What next make all women wear the niqab so that men don’t objectify them? Maybe that’s the agenda.
Discussing whether “all male events” should now be banned on Talk Radio FFS!
F**k it let’s just all convert to Islam now and ban fun full stop!
I’d have thought conversion to Islam would give rise to a huge increase in all-male events. It’s just you wouldn’t be allowed to complain about them.
I think you’ll find it’s Moslems who have the all male events. Remember the bbbc getting orgasmic because the Saudis had generously allowed women into football grounds recently.
A ban on all male events would conflict bigly with their culture. Bring it on I say.
When I was in Dubai, I`d have needed to speak to blokes for my Anne Summers/Agent Provocateur and M &S fun things.
How can anybody take Islam seriously when the bearded smiling men in nice suits spray perfume above my head and ask me to walk into the cloud?
Islam used to have plenty of perv stuff in its history, surely the BBC could do us a history of their dalliances with booze, drugs and boys-harems too-they were very gender fluid, the BBC ought to remind them now.
Dystopian: re ‘fat and ugly men’, unless men wake up and realize they’re at war with a certain category of woman (and a lot of virtue-signalling men) that sort of abuse will continue. The BBC are part of it. When I wrote to them and complained about the use of ‘pale male and stale’ in news reports I was told by some BBC female that this was part of ‘an established idiom’. Bet that if you referred to some politician as ‘dark, female and rancid’, we would very quickly find out that established idioms don’t stretch very far.
The whole ‘me too’ sexual harassment thing has stopped being about real harassment (which no doubt does occur) and become far more of a weapon in the army of those who want to completely change society.
Feminism is morphing from concern with equal rights into something far more nasty. Time to ditch the Neville Chamberlain approach.
“Me first!”, “me first!”. The children all squeal with delight at the prospect.
In the UK it’s known as, “Hate Speech” for which, you could receive a visit from our own Stasi in the dark hours for uttering many the grossly offensive words printed in the Oxford English Dictionary such as, “foreigner”. Anybody that takes offence at a word spoken is a “victim”. So when in Wales, take care to avoid using the term, “Welsh” less a Welsh person takes offence. That’s, e.g., ‘to welsh on a deal……’. Or, perhaps refer to a Welshman as, “Taff” or, “Taffy”. Never mind “muzzies” – that’s now tantamount to a hanging offence. Either or all could land you, highly confused, in jail.
Just the Government strangling any criticism or comment doncha’ know. All “part and parcel” of the wonderful, rewarding, ‘diversity’ / multiculturalism taking place all around you.
Is it April Fools Day ??? just listening to the news, apparently there is going to be an App to let you know where you can fill up your plastic water bottle with…………. water !!! Jesus Christ, if they hadn’t disposed of the water fountains around the country from years ago then plastic bottles wouldn’t have been necessary in the first place ! As kids we always had a slurp when playing. In Switzerland they are on every other corner to have a drink.
I’m not being holier than thou, but carting water about has been more of a fashion fad than anything else. AND I’ve always had my milk delivered in shock horror glass bottles, which now a lot of trendies want to return back to. Oh, pleeeeeease. Its like they’ve just invented the wheel.
Yes, the little bottles of water that so many people don’t dare leave home without, are like snowflake’s security blankets. A crazy, pointless fad. I’ve never carried one, and never will.
What goes around comes around.
Austerity Kills … so does Art …. BBC to report and fire up the £3.5bn News Service … or just forward twitter feeds?
I would say that half of that taxpayer’s money is spent on keeping her in wigs !!
Wow. At least she can be safe in the knowledge that she won’t be invited to host any David Walliams gigs.
I suppose this painting would cost more as extra paint is required
‘Jabba the Hutt’.
That`s Lennox Lewis surely!
Radio 4 was tuned in when I turned the radio on yesterday (her indoors cant wean herself off it)
First words I heard
“we all know the biggest problem with classical music is lack of DIVERSITY”
radio OFF
jeez they really just cant stop can they
The 1 o’clock views. Jon Sopel, complete and utter pos, our man in America pops up in Davos. Why? No European correspondents?
Have you noticed how he talks about ‘the British’ in an overtly aggressive and contemptuous tone? Why? Where the fucks he from?
I imagine he adopts a similar manner when discussing ‘the Israelis’ and ‘the Russians’.
The man’s not wise.
The picture of Abbott above looks like one of those reconstructions made from a skull found on a dig. Or the Lionel Ritchie ‘Hello’ bust’s big sister. She looks like she’s made of plasticene. Is it by the same guy who did that bust of Ronaldo?
The Beeb and others are really building up a head of steam over the Presidents’ Club (so called) scandal.
For the life of me I can’t see what all the fuss is about. The women involved were told to wear sexy black dresses and black underwear and they knew it was an all male event. What were these delicate pristine young virgins expecting?
Beer, wine and spirits would have been flowing freely (well, expensively) and these men behaved as men always behave when left to our own devices, badly! Big deal!
I’ve got a feeling that most of these attractive lasses knew full well what to expect and handled the drunks with aplomb, as women usually do.
The daftest aspect of this whole sorry affair is that the charities that the event has been raising money for have gone all prissy and given the donations back. Great Ormond Street children’s hospital has, since 2009, received in excess of £500,000. Cancer units have been able to purchase screening devices. Are they mad?
It seems that the intolerant tyranny of feminazism has now got such a stranglehold on the establishment that they’d rather cave in than accept money they’re supposed to need.
How many times have we heard that the NHS is starved of funding.
Clearly not!
Well, there we are: violent crime figures are up and even those have been adjusted (perhaps I mean, ‘massaged’?) to exclude terrorism and Hillsborough. But wait, another survey finds that serious, violent crime is down. In simple terminology, if I may put it this way, it is the difference between fact and fiction. The ‘Up’ figures are from the ONS so are statistically correct (apart from the omissions noted above) whereas, the ‘Down’ figures are reduced due to the ‘perception’ of 35,000 participants in the survey. I know which figures will have the greatest impact on contributors here………..
Yet more evidence that the NHS is the envy of the world, just like the BBC.
Jack Adcock: Doctor struck off over six-year-old’s death
Shock, horror, the BAME entries to Oxford and Cambridge are up. Long BBC interviews as to why and how the figures can be raised to cause more discrimination. Merely take a leaf from the BBC’s book I say. Anyway, cutting through all the emollient crap uttered by the interviewees who love to use such words as ‘nuances’ in respect of a Uni’s selection processes, It took, remarkably, Mark Mardell to cut through all the crap and assert outright, the Uni’s are accepting lower grades at A level from BAME students. So, the worth of a Degree will change in the future. But there, didn’t you already know that? For employers of the future it’ll be like the year of a bottle of wine.
Diane Abbott went to Cambridge, so it must have been even worse in the past!
Polly Toynbee got into Oxford on one dodgy A level.
And then the BBC.
Bit like Di.
Its not what you know! It’s who your dad knows.
I went to Cambridge once for a holiday. Nice city but I haven’t been back since. Any idea why Diane went there?
Once Latin America’s Wealthiest, Venezuelans Flee Economic Crisis: Mass exodus now exceeds that seen in Mediterranean refugee crisis
Do you think BBC will Blame Trump…sure as hell they won’t blame socialism….
I saw earlier someone referencing the Beeb’s anti Israel bias.
It’s amazing when you look at the figures for patents granted from 1977 to 2015, how industrious the small country of Israel is.
Unfortunately the surrounding Arab countries (blessed with a greater amount of land and natural resources) have not been as productive. Maybe if they spent less time worrying about the nasty Jews and developing their own countries, they might be able to make a better contribution to the world and to themselves.
Israel 35,900
Saudi Arabia 1,513
Egypt 275
Iran 199
Lebanon 125
Jordan 57
Syria 23
My wife and I were sitting having a cup of coffee yesterday and the tv happened to be on.
“Is that bowls on tv?”, she asked. Live from a half filled stadium/ church hall with the audience average age about 70.
“Yes. It was snooker all last week. It’s because they’ve got nothing else.”
Five minutes later, after some serious match analysis and attempt to turn a couple of players into personalities, the way they’ve done with darts.
“Is that seriously bowls they’re talking about?”.
Later that evening two of my daughters were mucking about arm wrestling. No idea why. I to!d them that there were actually professional arm wrestlers.
‘They’ll be showing that on bbc 1 next” said my wife.
I wouldn’t put it past them. Even those that aren’t paying attention now realise the bBbc is shit.
They could do a reboot of “Indoor League” that ran in the 70’s hosted by Fred Trueman – would be a good gig for some past-it fast bowler like Andrew Flintoff (or Ben Stokes if he stays out of jail).
Beeb all over some black woman being paid less for a comedy special on Netflix; she alleges racial and gender bias.
Show business does not work like public sector employers like the Beeb, where shovels of cash are doled out indiscriminately regardless of ability. People tend to be more prudent when they are spending their own money. I imagine it is quite easy to gauge the popularity of a performer by how many views online, how many tickets she sells to live shows et cetera. Chris Rock was paid much more than her, I imagine because he is much more popular.
There are countless examples of minority performers being paid more then whites when the market demands it – Oprah has done much better than Ricky Lake. I imagine her problem is not being very funny and nothing to do with race or gender.
Equality laws are easily exploited by opportunists who in fact have suffered no mistreatment whatsoever. That black women’s footballer made at least £80k over conveniently being offended by a single joke.
She needs to start a petition. The BBC like those and may well promote it too.
This petition has been started on, and we think you might be interested in signing it.
Petitioning Amber Rudd, Baroness Williams of Trafford
Hold employers like the Presidents Club to account
Donald Trump has promised a “tremendous” increase in trade with the UK at a meeting with Theresa May in Davos.
In April 2016 Barack Obama said the UK would be at the back of the queue in future trade deals if we voted for Brexit.
Mr Obama lied and tried to use his influence to corrupt a democratic national vote. Jon Sopel is no doubt on the case.
A woman’s view of the Peterson/Newman interview – some good points that others, (mostly men), haven’t made.
‘the media are using transgender people as a human shield to protect their leftist ideology’
She looks like an adult version of the (awesome) kid in ‘Stranger Things’. Same demeanour as the character too.
Thank you for sharing. Her first point is of course bang on, and goes to what we are seeing as the kapos rampage around the wreckage of the Dorchester looking for people who were in the room… or nearby. This guilt by batshit association has being going on too long, but long enough it has taken hold. Enough made has flown around to stick. But as someone pointed out, 19,999 BBC employees were ‘nearby’ as Jimmy hosed out his camper van. ‘I didn’t know’ seems a variably acceptable excuse.
Meanwhile, as with ‘Gropegate’, the level of mockery still seems to well outweigh the ‘outrage’ claimed by the BBC to pervade society in general. In fact, outside the BBC, Graun and pea-brained Labour MPs and equally pea-brained PMs, almost everyone seems to be shrugging or sighing. Or, for the Liberaci, openly taking the mick.
Maybe it is just who I mix with?
Halfway through. By heavens, that mellow Canadian accent is lethal when the words are on point.
Some people may say Cathy is a moron.
Yes they may, and have, with reason.
Another British tradition under attack by the lefties:
Measuring the carbon footprint of the all day breakfast sandwich now!
Heard this on Talk Radio earlier. Apparently a chicken and sweetcorn sandwich has the smallest carbon footprint whereas pork products have higher carbon footprints.
Hope the chickens are halal obviously.
Cops and anti fascists will be ready for Ann Marie Walters this weekend. Clampdown on anti immigrant anti roper protests underway
Isn’t James Whale a Pratt!
On talk radio wanting to know your thoughts on Trump.
He doesn’t want “that man” in this country.
Apparently terrorism is bad but Trump is “threatening the Palestinians” and “taking away much needed money (aid).
Similar mindset to the bBBC.
Pratt is too kind…..I don’t mind a reasoned debate but why do these radio ‘personalities’ think their personal opinion is important ? EGO??
The Palestinians don’t have any right to single penny from the American taxpayer. If they want to chimp out on their endless “Days of Rage” they are welcome to do so, but President Trump doesn’t feel like paying for them to do it.
If the “Palestinian Authority” actually had to run their territory and balance the books, they might behave like adults. Instead, they get by on handouts from the rest of the world, and behave like Kevin the Teenager with a Kalashnikov.
I’d like to think the pathetic May government would follow Mr Trump’s lead. As if.
And yes, James Whale is a complete and utter tosser.
Hollywood … Bollywood … Nollywood … the future of #KneeToo?
Di 19-years-old filmmaker wey wan shake nollywood { pidgin 25jan2018}
Meet Fiyin Gambo wey no go film school but don direct im first action film.
Im dream na to see long queue for China and America cinema where dem dey rush to watch Nigeria film.
I’ve always wondered why Nollywood and Bollywood don’t seem to enforce the same level of quotas and diversity representation that Hollywood apparently has to…
Katie Hopkins goes where no BBC crew will go
South Africa.
Also Lauren Southern in South Africa.
This is ethnic cleansing. No interest to the BBC because the victims are the wrong colour.
Shame on the Government and MPs for not speaking out.
Peter Hain has, hasn’t he? A bit. Once?
A few decades back my family lost some aged grand folks in Africa.
They were in their dotage but still running a farm that was successfully providing employment to many locals.
Some of those locals one night cut them into little cubes.
I’m finding the activity of the Department for Moral Rectitude (MSM) increasingly sinister. It seems to have ramped up several notches recently. Another example: “Serena Williams has called for American tennis player Tennys Sandgren to apologise for his controversial tweets.” So we have:
1. Sportsperson reads stuff online (may or may not like some of it)
2. More famous sportsperson with minority gender/race doesn’t like stuff that sportsperson is looking at: demands apology
3. Media outlets pick up… err… ’story’
It’s only a matter of time before we’re all living in an Escher drawing of social outrage and snitching on each other in an infinite loop. Compare where we are now, with these comments about the “stunning reporting machinery” of the East German Stasi.
—“Wide swaths of society were a part of it, she says. “There were institutionalized structures outside of the Stasi that produced daily and weekly reports.” Whether in city hall, at the steel factory or inside the local farming collective: “Everyone who had a position with some measure of responsibility filed reports” for the state, Richter says.
Spot much difference? Me neither.
I think it’s deliberate they are trying to create civil unrest.
Dystopian, what’s your thinking on the reasons for that…?
TM, I just get a sense that the MSM are behaving like the ringleaders of a playground scuffle and exploiting every situation to create discord. I remember my stepfather saying something about when the population gets too high “the powers that be” will create a war.
You could be right. I remember David Icke saying something along those lines too… I wonder if they are knowingly involved in the process or just puppets. Hard to see them as anything other than tools (in both senses of the word), but I guess we will find out sooner or later.
“The BBC has finally fulfilled its promise to shut down its youth-focused Newsbeat website, ”
Whey hey £15m saved !
Oh hangon
… “only to relaunch it on the same day with a change of colour and typefaces. ”
So basically they’ve just changed the address of the website and cosmetically renamed some stuff
So long as they stick with odd sex stuff they are always golden. What a shower.
@GW Those special keywords will make sure the traffic to this forum here massively increases today
Excellent article here by David Hardy:
Excellent find Helvellyn101.
Worth a read of the comments too.
Shame the headline editor can’t spell.
Reigning – something monarchs do.
Reining – something to do with equestrianism.
When I was a kid back in the late 1990s I was told that if I wanted to go out with a girl form the local school it would be ok except that if it came down to rumpy pumpy I would have to learn how to bugger them as they were asian girls and their parents insisted that their ( paki ) girls were virgins .
Now I’ve never been great fan of stabbing the cat but I thought this little Dittie might add some flavour to Wimmins Hour the next time they talk about chaps and non chaps exchanging bodily fluids or affection . I’m still really cheesed by the man hate of al beeb editorial line and would love to be told the opposite to mysogeny .
At least we can take comfort that whilst whites is having his balls cut of all the Muslim ladies are at home with their legs wide open producing little Mohammed’s for the cause.
Completely different – some ares on Toady our Doreen Lawrence up as a great woman . Tell all the dead black boys since her son died that one.
“…I was told…I would have to learn how to bugger them as they were asian girls… (paki)… all the Muslim ladies are at home with their legs wide open… some ares on Toady our Doreen Lawrence up as a great woman . Tell all the dead black boys since her son died that one.”
Once, long ago, this blog site could have made a difference.
Now it’s reduced to runts such as ‘Fedup2’ slagging off the mother of a murder victim and talking about fuc***g ‘paki’ girls in the arse.
It would be tragic if it wasn’t so hilarious.
Keep up the good work everybody!
For once, and probably only once, I totally agree with you Maxincony. This site is supposed to highlight bias. Fedup2’s post is gross.
For once, and probably only once, I totally agree with you Maxincony. This site is supposed to highlight bias. Fedup2’s post is gross.
kaffir Latte,
“Fedup2’s post is gross.”
It’s utterly repulsive.
So far it’s generated 12 ‘likes’ and every other decent person here (if there are any left) has chosen to look away; and say nothing.
What more does anyone need to know about what sort of site this is?
Kaffir Latte
Maxi does not highlight any Al Beeb bias, and can’t tell us what his motive for posting here is.
Interesting that maxi hasn’t posted here for ages, yet someone mentions anal sex and he’s in like a robber’s dog.
Maxincony, I am genuinely interested to learn of your views and ideas on the subject of BBC bias. I’d like to hear your points of debate but all you seem to do is slate everyone else’s views without offering any of your own.
As Taffman and others have frequently asked, what is your reason for being here?
I’m sure we are all open to debate and welcome your sensible input.
For example what are your views on this report?
“the BBC is run by a pro-EU metropolitan elite which is out of tune with the majority who, let’s not forget, voted for Brexit.“
Nope, I think Fedup2 has a valid point to make. Maxi should deal with it. Virginity is what sells girls from the perfect culture, and this is one
of their approved ways of protecting the value of a daughter.
I don’t think there is any need though to drop the P word into the post. I’ve no problem with a well placed swear word but using that word for no other reason than to be ‘shocking’ is a little unnecessary. I thought we were all grown ups here.
I do recall in your previous identity as Zero how you threatened me with your alleged 8 inches and where you would insert it.
There are some good points raised on these ‘forums’ but this is too much.
Knowing how the left works it would be a shame to see all the decent, relevant and pertinent points made on this site to be completely undone by a post that is pretty unpalatable.
Well, whadday know? BBCR4has gone all scientific on us! Instead of just hurling abuse at Donald Trump, they’ve analysed how abusive he can get, in name-calling his opponents.
Constance Sclapani (my spelling) did a careful analysis, with lots of soundbites. Donald’s not really my cup of tea, so I don’t even necessarily disagree with her. BUT.
1) I hope the BBC will do an analysis of the abuse directed at him by various parties. That would keep R4 busy for the next decade.
2) I don’t give a fig what the Donald is like. I think his POLICIES are wise, compared to a Clinton or a Merkel. And it’s the policies that matter! That potentially affects everyone directly. (Even there I have one or two reservations on certain issues. But that’s not unusual in an assessment of ANY politician).
3) I love the way he offends the PC crowd. He gets them in a froth, and man, do they need a bit of frothing. They come up with such trash, policywise, and expect us little people to applaud.
Yup, I much preferred the persona and style of the Gipper. But he wasn’t half as entertaining as Trump, and he was an ex-actor! And the self-righteous old beeb don’t like Trump, so that’s a bonus for him.
I rarely comment on this valuable website because I’ve virtually given up watching or listening to the BBC. No BBC programme – especially the “factual” stuff – is free from the Narrative. Accordingly, I was unfortunate that in one of my rare viewings of TV David Olusoga was fronting an episode of “A House through Time”. He took special pleasure in damning one of the residents who happened to work in the cotton trade in the 1860s. That resident was caught in the backwash of a bank collapse and shipwreck in the US and had lost all his wealth in a period of a few weeks. Olusoga – a “historian” apparently – admitted to little sympathy for the late resident since cotton was produced by slave labour in the Southern US. According to Olusoga he got what he deserved.
Just to observe: Olusoga was born in Nigeria. First the Portuguese – and later the British and other Europeans – obtained slaves from Nigeria: not solely by raids (although this did occur) but by buying them from their fellow blacks. I think it’s fair to assume that Olusoga is a descendant of slavers rather than slaves: not something we hear much about: not from David anyway.
Then, forced to watch by my grand-niece, in my second unfortunate viewing (the programme is crap and an exercise in BBC-signature “me me me me” self-indulgence) was of Amber Butchart on a “Stitch in Time”. Amber (who I’d never heard of – nor ever want to hear or see again) gave the lowdown on Dido Belle, the illegitimate daughter of a British sea captain and a black Caribbean slave. Happily the captain was the nephew of Lord Mansfield who lived at Kenwood House in North London. Mansfield generously brought up Dido as one of his own.
Interestingly, Mansfield when Lord Chief Justice, had ruled (in Somersett’s Case) that slavery was not – and never had been – legal under Common Law. Nevertheless, Amber (not a “historian”) took the opportunity to anathemise late 18th century Britain (which was going through the Industrial Revolution) because of the importance of cotton (grown by black slaves in North America dontcha know) in the industrialisation of the UK. Of course Amber while admitting that Mansfield had (more or less) so ruled couldn’t forbear to note that, despite this, slavery wasn’t made illegal throughout the Empire for another 40 years (although, as she forgot to say, slave trading was made illegal in 1807).
interesting aperçus I think into the BBC mindset here: Olusoga rejecting any sympathy for a man made bankrupt by events outside his control because he was involved in the cotton trade: Amber concentrating on Dido’s (half) blackness and the wickedness of Britain industrialising the textile trade. One would almost think the BBC had an agenda here: an agenda, by the way, which refuses to praise, or give any credit at all, to our ancestors for their major, indeed, irreplaceable, part in lifting the world to unparallelled wealth.
I’m sorry you had to undergo such a terrible ordeal. I give those programmes a swerve based on the presenter – meaning I’m either a racist or a mysoginist or just hate fucking Dan Snow and his mass murdering grandfather ( the Great War general).
Buried away on on bbc4 is some good stuff but the rest is just party line crap. Umbongo – imsincerely hope you don’t pay the tv tax. I live in a state of siege waiting for the capita hit squad to hit me when I least expect it ( sneeking a peak at Dads Army again )
Umbongo. I pointed this out three weeks ago on this forum, but we suffered Oulusoga for another two episodes. Tonight we could take no more.
Anyway after a bit channel hopping, Mrs L and I came across a delightful little programme on more4 called Walks With My Dog.
3 Personality’s taking their dogs for walks in the beautiful English (and Scottish) countryside.
No brexit, no Trump, no global warming and the only black and tans were a couple of Doberman pincschers
Not the bbbc but that other beauty, sky news.
I’ve just seen one of the debates hosted by Kay Burley and it was a joy to see the US former Ambassador to the UN (I think) John Bolton, call her out for the ignorant rude gobshite that she is.
He called her offensive, a munchkin and was genuinely shocked at how poor she is at her job. He said maybe her bosses thought her behaviour was acceptable.
I felt embarrassed that Americans might think she represents British people and I hope John Bolton, who was very restrained, handled himself very gentlemanly when being cackled at by burley up on her hind legs, knows that more are on his side than Burley’s..
Not quite the Cathy Neumann horror show but well worth a watch. I’m sure one of you can get it up on here.
Oh, he also mentioned he would have voted Brexit. Good man.
Just a comment on the little mix concert where some mother has struck gold because there wasn’t a sign language person for the warm up acts.
Does this mean than from now on, every concert must have signers and so, logically, following on from that, interpreters for the 100 or so languages, or more, so that those who cannot understand English can share the experience by having every word translated for them.
How about the blind, must they supply lots of people to describe what’s happening so that blind people can also share the experience.
You can carry on these logical steps to total absurdity but on the other hand, it’s what Jo would have wanted.
I demand compensation from this site as there is not a Braille edition nor a spoken version . I am not seeking to take the pee out of the blind or the deaf – sincerely .
Little micks sound like some sexy hotties for those who enjoy the sight of 13 year old girls cavorting . Not for me – perhaps for asian Muslim taxi drivers with their cultural needs….
If the BBC manages to overcome obsessing about all male charity events it will no doubt rejoice over spreadsheet Phil’s latest pronouncements . Continued regulatory alignment with the EU ( vassal state) and continued free movement of people. Is this in return for our £40 plus billion? The sooner an MPs ballot to challenge May can be triggered the better.
MSM ..”Uganda President says he loves Trump, despite alleged ‘s***hole’ remark” they copy the BBC’s backhanded insult of “Despite Brexit”
“In the world, you can not survive if you are weak”
Tell that to Treezer, please!
She was a useless Home secretary, so why did the Tories elect her leader >
And if there is some grand conspiracy, why didn’t they make Corbyn PM ?
… Mind you it does suit Mr Putin that Britain has weak leadership
“She was a useless Home secretary, so why did the Tories elect her leader >”
I suspect for that very reason. Cameron probably figured if anyone could f**ck up Brexit it was she.
I think you could be onto something DT. She was put into that position by cynical Tories and a manipulative mainstream press for exactly that reason. Not only is she an unimaginative and cowardly leader (always willing to compromise her beliefs and principles to placate the wailing hand wringing liberals). She is a remainer at heart and therefore has little personal commitment to the job in hand.
I recently saw the Churchill film and it reminded me that all great leaders are totally focused and single minded to the task in hand and willing to suffer brickbats and condemnation from their peers to defend both their position and viewpoint. If Churchill was an Oak tree then Theresa is a Willow willing to bend whichever way no matter how small the breeze.
I am afraid the Theresa was the fix and for the remainers currently she is doing an absolutely splendid job.
“She was a useless Home secretary, so why did the Tories elect her leader ”
She wasn’t elected. During the election campaign Grove and Johnson destroyed each other and the Remainer establishment took down Andrea Leadsom. With only May left there was no one who the Brexit Tories could vote for.
She was a great Home Secretary if your were a knife manufacturer and her fixation with something called female genital mutilation and modern day slavery made so many white tax payers safer in their beds.
She has gone to davros to talk IT when every one wants to know about Brexit – as a remainer she doesn’t want to be quoted on her lack of enthusiasm for leaving the Reich.
Davos – what better place nestling in the Swiss Alps with its picturesque scenery and fine eateries to mix with other concerned liberals who just care soooooooooooooooo much about the state of the world that they have to go to a luxury resort to work out how to bring all these riches to us masses – W####RS !
Hopefully the end of the bBBC is nigh too.
HYS not going well….
Best comment so far;
“Remember folks if you want to watch Sky you still have to hand over £144 to the BBC for it’s aggressively PC “victim of the week” identify politics programming and open advertisements for high tax, Big State, left wing politics. It’s only fair.”
Incredible I’ve never seen a comment be at the top and actually have more downvotes than upvotes
Imaginary clock gets closer to imaginary apocalypse and reported as real news by the BBC.
Doomsday Clock moved to just 2min to ‘apocalypse’
It’s clearly due to Trump or Brexit!
I sincerely hope they are enjoying my imaginary TV license fee ;-0
Crime statistics: Violent crime and sex offences rising
Good knife crime video here, by SPECIAL correspondent Ed Thomas
(what the fuck is one of those? north of £100k??}
Synopsis: london, sometime post diversification-

An immigrant get relieved of his motorbike at knifepoint at a traffic light, by five others enrichers.
Ed asks the now bikeless man lots of dumb questions.
A gang of 3rd world thugs are in the park, the BBC turn the camera away so as not to offend then, and thus miss them robbing and cutting an immigrant lady in a wheelchair.
Glad I moved back up north after a decade or two in London
Did you manage to pick up any enrichment whilst in London? I’m told it’s there in abundance and it’s free.
Al Beeb was crowing about how low the stabbing rate is in the democratic socialist republick of scotia . I mused about the number of 12-28 year old diverse males they have in their wonderful cities,….bloody hell ..thinking about it …if I was a refugee and had a choice – would I go to Scotland ? Hell no.
WE are watching the slow death of London .It will be covered up as usual by the government and the media but it will happen . I have six grandsons. None of them will ever really go there until manhood and maybe not even then. They will miss a lot but sometimes wisdom is in anticipating events.
The rich are already using private muscle – serious muscle – to protect themselves and their families. WE do not hear about this. The police turn a blind eye.
The middle class are leaving if they can and the rest just have to stay and make the best of it. A city of transient people with no real community spirit left. For a while it will stagger on with a semblance of normality. For us in the shires we have to make sure that they stay safe and reasonably secure.
I have long thought that we the majority will put up with the antics of the progressives providing that they do not present an existential threat . This point will be reached some time in the 2020s .
As it will throughout Europe. Then all bets are off and it will be impossible to predict how society is going to develop.
Dave s… wait for a comment on this site from some one called Purdy – think it might be maxi in drag – you’re right about our great capital. I’m born and bred the shithole.
I see out of towners in for the theatre looking as though they’ve landed from out of space and can’t wait to get to Charing or kings to get the hell out before the inevitable confrontation takes place involving a delightfully diverse chararacter infesting the the place.
They are very sensitive about London. it is where the progressive fantasy meets reality and they cannot cope. Can get very nasty in their trolling if you say the place is dying.
“Paris Syndrome” comes to London.
@Ed Jesus I checked the html to find that missing image
It’s only a bloody knife graphic here
Police recorded crime has gone up
BUT ..The BBC has been stressing the other stat that self reported crime is going down.
That is unusual cos that benefits the Tories
..You’d guess this strange effect if Crime is actually falling, but police are deliberately booking more crime, to get a budget boost and bash the Tories.
Hmm but so much crime in some categories will be done by foreigners and other categories foreigners will be victim.
Any serious analysis has to be category by category.
“Jacob Rees-Mogg and Philip Hammond at odds over Brexit”
Up and at em !
JRM for Prime Minister .
Oh Taff –
I think if we put our faith in JRM we will be sorely disappointed. When the crunch comes – when the Brexit deal takes shape – I think he ll adopt ‘pragmatism’ over the ignorant wishes of people like me and accept another 2 years of EU rule open borders and the rest because he won’t accept the likelihood of a McDonald’s /Corbin government reversing Brexit and accepting the euro and federalism .
I think Brexit is dead .
Yes, it is what I have been saying. There was a chance for Mogg to remove Treezer, but he stayed on the side. He knows we are staying in.