No one has ever used sex to sell anything before in the history of mankind. That’s why the President’s Club affair is so shocking. What exactly is the problem? That it was a bit of a raunchy night’s entertainment, or that some girls were groped, or that it was men only? Just to be clear. As far as I can see the ‘outrage’ is all directed in the wrong direction. Sex is central to the entertainment industry, even the Muslims with their 7 veils , belly dancers and all that, so clearly can’t really complain on those grounds. Groping? Well yes, but it’s an offence to do so and the girls were told to report any thing like that immediately to their boss, they weren’t told to accept it as part of the job. Should we close down the Tube because so many women get groped on the Underground? The only real complaint can be that it wasn’t just a bloke’s night out, it was high-powered businessmen, politicians and others networking and seemingly excluding women of a similar level.
BBC filling the airwaves with nonsense about this…but where would they be if banned from showing a bit of flesh?
It’s the BBC…so it’s OK….
Actress Lara Pulver’s nude scenes in Sherlock have helped the episode to become the most-watched show on the BBC iPlayer so far this year.
How they laughed…..good to see Cathy Newman enjoying herself….
It’s Art so it’s OK…..
And just for Sue at Is the BBC biased?….if you’re not doing anything this Saturday night pet get yourself down to the Carlton in Morecambe….something for everyone….
Fun filled charity ladies night in aid of the eve appeal.
with a Magic Mike type male stripper show
with a drag act on the side.
dj disco
raffle games and stalls
there will be something for everyone
And just in case you can’t get a baby sitter….I’ve got that covered….have a girl’s night in…
Have you , or any one you know, ever attended a male only event. ?
As I said earlier – we have gone beyond white guilt and now it’s male ( white ) guilt. It’s like the infantile element of twitter has completely taken over leading to prime ministers and others – who should know better – condemning stuff which they do not know enough about just to pre empty any critiscim about knowledge of events.
Think how many more things are important to this trivia.
The old in hospital corridors .
The defenceless being killed off on wards if they don’t get visitors
Underqualified ‘doctors’ with unverified medical degrees.
An army with only 85 000 soldiers
A prison system with 86000 inmates including warboys.
13 billion tax money going overseas for no gain.
A compulsory tv tax
And the msm expends huge amounts of time on compliant fully paid up wimmin at a charity event for blokes.
If in doubt – ban something . Restrict freedom in the name of ‘good’ each time – until we do live in a state restricted by an alien moral code . Reason for abortion – male baby .
China and it’s one child policy lead to many female babies being terminated and infanticide. Due to parents wanting male children … because their prospects would be better. And yet China is held up as the world’s successor by the BBC, no awkward questions asked.
If you want to see something which people should really be concerned about go to the al Beeb website and see the 78 year old lady with dementia being slapped on the arm.
Think about what led to this happening. If you’ve ever cared in such circumstances – without help – you’d understand . Instead al Beeb will be on a male charity doo from now until the news agenda gets pushed on. I really an fedup
The over blown hype of this non storey is pathetic and systematic of this liberal snow flake generation.
If the organisations that are so quick to line up to proclaim they will be returning all monies received from this charity event, I for one will ensure I never donate to these organisations again.
They obviously don’t need the money.
No doubt the Times will be pondering in a year or so as to why so many charities are falling into bankruptcy due to no one holding any events to support them.
Jimmy Saville raised £40 million for charity.
No doubt all of this will be returned by the charities.
This seems about the right place for this:
On You tube (amongst others ) you can find voluntary mud wrestling , oil wrestling , wet T shirts , and the StJihn sisters who got a grant to stage burlesque shows . With audiences of mostly or solely of females for all of the above .
And that’s just the tame stuff .
Also on the internet you can see secretly filmed non voluntary participants being variously stoned to death , hanged and thrown off roof buildings .
I’d rather be at the Dorchester .
“On You tube (amongst others ) you can find voluntary mud wrestling , oil wrestling , wet T shirts , and the StJihn sisters who got a grant to stage burlesque shows . With audiences of mostly or solely of females for all of the above.”
And that makes it ok to shove your hand up the dress of a woman employed to serve you drinks does it?
Did Nibor actually do that maxi ? Where is your evidence ?
Here we go Maxincony of the false quoting fame who refuses to acknowledge his / hers lies, now making false allegations against Nibor.
Conflating a factual statement with a figment of his / hers vivid imagination.
So sad to listen to this little weed here .
When will you learn not to be so hysterical in your pronouncements ?
But you like fisting which involves shoving your fist up people’s bums.
Depends , Maxi , if that’s what she’s employed for .
All I can say Maxi is that if you had plastic surgery to wipe the bitterness off your face , if you go to such venues the girls will want to sit on your lap .
“What exactly is the problem? That it was a bit of a raunchy night’s entertainment, or that some girls were groped, or that it was men only?”
Only someone such as you, Alan, would consider such a question worth asking.
Just as two weeks ago when you claimed the victims of sexual abuse and rape in Hollywood were complicit in their own assaults; “they made that choice…”
“Groping? Well yes, but…”
“Well yes, but…”
How easily you and your dirty little chums find excuses for sexual assault when it suits…
David Vance;
“…rich men, alcohol, scantily clad women = how life rolls in some circles. Get over it.”
Has anyone been charged yet for assault yet ?
Are you going to tell us what motivates you to Troll here ? Do you support an organisation that robs from the poor and gives to the rich ?
“Has anyone been charged yet for assault yet ?”
Did you ask the same question after the reports of NY sexual assaults in Germany first surfaced?
Did anyone on this blog suggest the victims; “made that choice… [to] submit to the advances…”
Did anyone on this blog attempt to explain it all away by saying; “…alcohol, scantily clad women = how life rolls in some circles. Get over it.”
How peculiar…
Peculiar ? maxi.
Peculiar you do not answer – why you support an organisation that robs the poor to give to the rich?
“Did you ask the same question after the reports of NY sexual assaults in Germany first surfaced?”
If you thought about this for a moment, you idiot, you would realise that there is a vast difference between assaults, alleged or otherwise, in a large, public, easily accessible outdoor area, at night, and an organised indoor event with an easily obtained guest list.
Doing a bit of sleuthing – is Maxincony really Socratis Otto who plays a transgender prison inmate called Maxine Conway on Australian tv? Would fit in with the time her/his bon mots are posted….
So…. the sick children whose lives depend on the funding provided by this event are irrelevant are they?? Typical BBC attitude towards sick children who fight for their very survival at Great Ormond St. and Stoke Mandeville and the many other Childrens` Hospitals and Hospices and associated bodies who RELY on Charitable Donations as without them they wouldn`t be able exist…..
Along comes maxicony …. just like he did when the child rapist and BBC enabled `trustee` Jimmy Saville let himself into rooms in the middle of the night so he could carry out unmentionable acts of depravity on comatose children on life support etc… Destroying what little quality of life they had, innocent children RAPED by a BBC employee, whilst cnuts like you looked the other way and enabled it again and again and again and again…….
Thankyou for your morally repugnant posts …. You have confirmed that `HISTORIC CULTURE OF BBC CHILD RAPE` and the mindset which enabled such twisted and evil crimes to happen is still part of modern BBC culture today….
Sorry to the other members for my language … but srsly….
Justin Casey,
“So…. the sick children whose lives depend on the funding provided by this event are irrelevant are they??”
Sexual Assault is ok if it’s for charity?
“Along comes maxicony …. just like he did when the child rapist and BBC enabled `trustee` Jimmy Saville let himself into rooms in the middle of the night…”
You appear to be confusing me with someone else.
Margaret Thatcher gave Saville the keys to every hospital in the country.
“Thankyou for your morally repugnant posts ….”
Objecting to Alan’s suggestion that women were complicit in their own rape? Objecting to Vance’s suggestion that women who were sexually assaulted should just; “get over it”?
You call that “morally repugnant”?
You’ve lost the plot Justin.
You really have lost it?
These girls are stronger than most of us here and way stronger than the effeminate creature you are , and many do this for a living, a living incidentally now lost to them and the agency involved.
Clearly you don’t believe in the rights of women to choose what they do, and how they use their bodies, something I thought was central to your ideology. Women’s emancipation.. not according to you it appears.
Perhaps Maxi would prefer them to dress in BBC favoured clothes. Faces covered so they don’t excite men.
Eh Maxi, grrhhh, how you fancy that?
I listened to the nasty ‘Times ‘ feminist on LBC the day after, she had to acknowledge .. something the media or certainly sky never made use of and that is the girls were told they would have to wear black knickers and high heel shoes and the agency would supply the dresses.
This should tell the girls what sort of event it was.
There is no video evidence as far as I am aware of that any girls were sexually assaulted unless a hand on a backside so constitutes.
They also had on LBC with her a high powered female business woman sticking up for the men ‘ Haaaaallleluyah’ the feminist couldn’t control her moral outrage and actually shouted over the other guest, which to be frank i enjoyed as it showed the vile creature that she is.
On SKY they had her doing a video selfie where she begrudgingly admits that they ‘apparently raised two million ‘ it was said in a manner that it was a side issue.
Now lets look at the real results for ordinary people.
That agency will no longer get any bookings from similar mens events. Women that worked for that agency will likely get little work either. Guy’s hospital will be short on cash and clearly children will suffer at the alter of feminism.
This is a rather good example of leftist / feminist ideology trumping humanitarian needs and of course employment for working girls.
Who should we feel more anger towards :-
A. The hideous feminist ?
B. The spineless club that folded rather than hold another event the following week in the same manner ?
This whole saga is actually a non story for most of us on planet reality.
Feminists, with their virtue signalling outrage, have actually got most of the U.K. on the side of the super wealthy.
I never thought that would happen.
It seems this event was some sex orgy with innocent virgins being taken advantage of.
It almost sounds like Cologne railway station on New Year’s Eve apart from the fact that it was acceptable there because the perpetrators were muslamick.
Corbyn sacks Labour Lord…
I say, what a dirty old man.
You’ve nailed it Lefty, he really does look like Albert (‘you dirty old man’) Steptoe!
I bet he felt a right tit ……
Alan is right to point out the hypocrisy here.
These ‘President Club’ events sound seedy to me, however, ‘nice girls’ would very quickly take the hint when asked to wear ‘black underwear’ and skimpy dresses supplied by an agency and leave. The ‘girls’ (actually grown women, none of them were underage) doing these events were well aware what they were getting into and went ahead with it because they thought the pay outweighed being ogled (and probably more) by ‘ugly, fat, old men’ (and the generous tips on offer helped too, I’m sure). Therefore, so long as nothing illegal went on, it’s not really anyone else’s business and certainly not worthy news for an organisation of such supposed integrity and probity as the BBC.
Otherwise why aren’t the BBC putting so much time and effort into strippers (female and male), or page 3 girls, or porn stars, or prostitutes, or models, or movie ‘starlets’ (oh hang on a minute)? In an ideal world no one would make a living doing any of these ‘exploitative’ things perhaps, but we don’t live in an ideal world, and never will, and most of the people working in these ‘industries’ do it because they want to (or, let’s be honest, want the money and are prepared to put up with the crap to get it anyway – not that different to most of the rest of us who work for a living actually).
Maxicony, if you were sometimes (ever?) out of tune with the latest BBC angle on everything and anything I might actually believe you were a real person. You see the thing is, real people disagree over things, and have their own points of view, formulated in their own heads, which they’re happy to discuss with those who disagree with them, and sometimes to change their mind over in the light of a particularly convincing argument. Outrage, especially when it is constantly feigned, is a form of titillation which is only really acceptable in very young children and silly old ladies.
Will all Charity Venues now issue the new Merkel Accessories?
Currently in 2018 ….
Women’s safety pants with rape alarm are introduced in Germany. Thanks, Angela.
Back in 15th century …
That is an eye-opener.
Is that a cheese grater !
Unlimited booze, Michelin three star food and scantily clad women?
Sounds a real ropey evening. I can see why so many supposedly could not wait to get out of there.
Steptoe Corbynutta has only sacked his no-mark Lord to put pressure on Zahawi. I hope Treezer changes sex and grows some pdq and tells Steptoe to fuck off.
This will make you laugh….. Labour not welcome at Whitehouse
I was talking with a female friend about the President Club’s dinner this morning. We both agreed that the young women who attended should be well able to stop any manhandling easily and if they cannot – well then it is time they learned. I think I only had once to resort to a slap on the face, normally a firm ‘No’ was enough (when I was a student) and by time I joined the world of work reminders that they wouldn’t behave that way with their daughter, so they needn’t with me sufficed. Actually within a year or two of starting work, just a look was enough.
But working as a student in a male environment with another girl, we soon sorted out the calendars around the building that we didn’t like. We inked in bikinis for all the girls – right up to December. Job done and nothing said.
Ha.. my wife when she worked in an nearly all male environment used to stick little paper dresses over naked calendar girls, at least men could get the pleasure of lifting up the little make shift skirts, you it appears destroyed that little pleasure by permanently inking in!
Yes, but what about our pleasure, as each month changed, knowing that as those students in the summer, we were not forgotten!
Evidence that women can’t work in a competitive environment?
‘So what you are saying Cathy is that women should be able to walk into the top jobs without any opposition?’
McCarthyism forms the basis :
“is the practice of making accusations …….without proper regard for evidence”
I would think quite a few of the women employed as hostesses at that event, would like to scratch the eyes out of that FT “journalist”; as she’s completely f****d what I imagine was an excellent earner for many of them and may also have put the kibosh on similar events they worked at as well.
Never mind though, as long as it’s done wonders for her profile and career.
Has maxincony fired his blanks and run away again ?