Andrew, are you really complaining that your views & those of others who want a second referendum are not heard on the BBC. Really?!
— Nick Robinson (@bbcnickrobinson) January 28, 2018
Ranty Remainder Lord Adonis is very upset with the BBC…..apparently they are pro-Leave and are the mouthpiece for the Brexiteers…..who knew?
We don't 'accept' that the 'war is over' because IT IS NOT OVER! The fall of Singapore was not the end of the war: when the Brits emerged from the bushes, they went on to win. Thank God.
BBC has been captured by Brexiters & is in breach of its charter in its reporting.
— Andrew Adonis (@Andrew_Adonis) January 28, 2018
Following his link to a fellow Remainder activist we see what has caused his bilious outburst…an article by Nick Robinson…one from April 2017…the infamous ‘BBC does not need to be balanced anymore’ one. And the Remainders accuse Brexiteers of living in the past……you’d think with 20/20 hindsight the good Lord would be able to read the article with intelligent understanding and clarity…clearly not…and you suspect this is pretty much the standard he employs on all else he talks about on Brexit…
. @bbcnickrobinson explains that the BBC regards the referendum as over & regards protesting Remainers as "like fighters who emerge after months of hiding in a bush" & "seem not to accept that the war is over".
Insulting, and conveniently pro-government.#StopBrexit #FBPE #Brexit— Nick Reeves – #FBPE (@nickreeves9876) January 24, 2018
Naturally Nick Reeves, whomever he might be, and fellow travellers, have got hold of totally the wrong end of the stick and clearly have not read the article, possibly wilfully….as Robinson points out…..
The article says the reverse of what you are implying it says. It explains that outside of the referendum campaign we are not legally obliged to balance every Remain voice with a Leave one (& vice versa)
— Nick Robinson (@bbcnickrobinson) January 25, 2018
That statement refers to both sides. You are wilfully ignoring the point of the article which was to point out that the legal & editorial requirements limiting our coverage of debates changed with the end of the referendum campaign – nothing more, nothing less.
— Nick Robinson (@bbcnickrobinson) January 26, 2018
Interesting that the Soubry who was a constant on the BBC not long ago crying into her whimple about ‘abuse’ is back to her normal abusive self…..
Stand up to wreckers PM. A small group of ideologically driven hard Brexiteers must not be allowed to run (ruin) UK
— Anna Soubry MP (@Anna_Soubry) January 29, 2018
Apologies to the older ladies and gents who`ve been long hoping to be “top of the blog”. Only been here a month or so-yet this is my SECOND triumph.
In my rush to win, not even reading the above-Soubry and Adonis-what would be the point? Ignore them, let the BBC melt back into the slime and lets rebuild this nation on the compost.
I think that he is having a complete breakdown in public. In the spirit of compassion, somebody needs to get him qualified help, and soon.
I think I have worked out the Lord Adonis metaphors:
(1) Singapore is Germany
(2) The Brits are the European Union rulers of Singapore, which is Germany
(3) The Japanese are the British rulers of Singapore, which is Germany
(4) The European Union is Nazi Germany which fell to the British in 1945
(5) Nazi Germany is the European Union which fell to the British in 2016
But Singapore has never been a member of the European Union, while Germany is a member, and both Singapore and Germany were under British rule from 1945 to 1955.
So to remove all the metaphors we have:
We don’t ‘accept’ that the ‘war is over’ because IT IS NOT OVER! The fall of Germany was not the end of the war: when the EU emerged from the bushes, they went on to win. Thank God.
Anna ” foghorn ” Soubry , Ken Clarke , Michael Heseltine , ‘sir ! ‘ Nick Clegg , and Lord Adenoid are not concerned with whether the ordinary Joe gets his voice heard still less take any notice of his views .
It’s all Me Too in their fervent desire to be in the club of favouritism .