Boom! First?
The bBBC were quite happy to publicise the downfall of mega you tuber Logan Paul, so I’ll be interested to see if they report that he has said he’ll donate a million dollars to suicide prevention charity, and has made a video about suicide awareness. He is young and appears correspondingly naive, but he is making efforts.
PS I only know about this cos my kids told me!
A few gender neutrals on this site, but it`ll have to be a woman who wins the next “Top of the Blog” Looby.
Have made a start in cracking the glass ceiling on this site, but still only 17/86 awards at the Grammies.
A long way to go. And May surely will be checking on you all.
Next time, an Open Thread(the only REAL Award worth having here) comes up-no men allowed, ask a lady to go first like on the Titanic. We`ll not thank you though.
Just get our shortest slinkiest boob bearing frocks on and then denounce your for being sexist.
Am already practicing my surliest Naomi pout in front of the shop window, no customers around.
Point to note BBC Beeboids .
The vast majority of people are not worried about the Far right , alt right , extreme right , fascists , Nazis or racists .
That problem exists in your BBC minds . None of the above are in power or likely to be in the near future .
Stop equating Populism with the above , and start thinking that democracy , pure democracy unfettered by experts and vested interests is the best form of government and governance . Even if it means your sinecure is threatend .
So no , BBC ,the vast majority of people are not worried by the rise of the AFD in Germany . Only you are worried about their electoral gains . And those in your bubble .
( You BBC types think you are” European ” but are totally out of synch with the average European . Better you become patriotic and identify yourselves with us here in good old Blighty ) .
And as an average ordinary Joe , I’m not happy with your choice of subjects you want to highlight on your analysis shows .try something really serious instead like the Long March through the institutions by the Gramscians , starting with a navel gaze at yourself .
A person, especially a politician, who strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups.
‘he ran as a populist on an anti-corruption platform’
‘right-wing populists seem poised to make electoral gains’
I hear you. The sneering contempt that the Beeb has for populism really does get on my tits.
Surely nothing highlights more who is the elite intelligentsia that then displaying such utter contempt for policies that the public find popular.
Surely this is the very essence of politics. Not you telling us what is good for us but representing what it is that WE want, given that your are representing US.
Releasethememo is the USA news a 4 page memno. 1st page leaked informs Project Fulsome illegal FISA spying between GCHQ and Obama Clinton Mueller Rich – hopefully if memo released will expose the whole Clinton/Obama US/UK illegal surveillance and criminal actions. Just texted Emma Barnett to inform her!!
It’s bigger than Watergate. The difference is that then, the left wing MSM wanted to expose the misdeeds of a Republican president, now the left wing MSM want to cover up the misdeeds of a Democrat president and the crooked Democrat presidential candidate.
And who knows how many others overseas who were aiding the attempts to undermine Donald Trump? It’s going to be popcorn time when the BBC has to cover that aspect!
Releases a song about having “99 problems but a bitch ain’t one” yet somehow he is the moral guardian to stick it to the sexist pig in the white house.
Trump’s candid comments on that bus wouldn’t even make a rap song need an age classification such is their continual objectification of women but oh no, let’s take pointers from a hip hop legend.
Brass Eye brilliantly exposed how stupid it is getting celebrities to comment on issues. My favourite false campaign was that of the elephant so upset by captivity she stuck her trunk up her anus. None of the celebrities smelt a rat and gave serious speeches about how we must all fight to help get the trunk out. Possibly the funniest thing I have ever seen.
Mornin ` beeb! The Dawn Patrol is up.
Funny how this peerless stuff by Chris Morris has never been repeated-anyone would think that the BBC would rather you NOT know that Morris etal knew full well where this would be going.
My favourite was the “Nonce Sense” stuff with the likes of Phil Collins and Gary Lineker-hell, even Bernard Manning fell for the “cake” guff!
Basically, if its charity and an easy reflex-these rather limited slebs will read ANYTHING off an autocue.
Remember bb…do NOT touch this screen after you see any pictures of Piers Morgan-who knows what might be caught!
Liquid football as we saw round here!
Apparently Rotherham social services are doing well. Given their children’s department won an award at the peak of the ‘grooming’ crisis it does not fill you with confidence. I bet it is still endemic throughout the land on an unimaginable scale.
The shame does lie with social services and the Police for turning a blind eye, but the real blame and questions should lie with the ‘community’ who perpetrated the crimes and stayed silent when they knew what others were up to. How could you think it is ok to rape and torture children? Of course these crucial questions are never asked, so we continue to blame the fire fighters or shout ‘arsonist’ at them rather than focus on those starting the fires.
It was just as Enoch Powell warned in his rivers of blood speech: the Race Relations Act would create a two tier legal system, when the law should be the same for everyone. Even in his darkest hours he could not have imagined something like Rotherham could happen.
“Darkest Hours” BB?
Might want to report yourself to somebody for some re-education” “resetting” or just “serious counselling”. A boot on a human face being stamped on forever, as Mrs Orwell wrote-George wrote nothing but the milk and yoghurt notes, you know!
Just a bit of a coincidence that Justin Webb just happened to be in Rotherham as Today led with this news story, together with pre-recorded interviews with Children’s Services staff denying all knowlege of any racial element.
I listened to that this morning. That woman being interviewed saying “I didn’t know of any of my people ignoring the crimes because of the suspects race…. but I do accept there is plenty of documentary evidence to suggest is was ignored due to race”.
How the hell is she still in her job? I suppose as long as “lessons will be learned” we can just accept 1400 white girls being raped as something to brush under the carpet.
Here’s part 2 of my non-PC stand-up comedy script. (Thanks for all the compliments on part 1, in the last thread.):
I love multiculturalism, don’t you? In bland old Blighty fifty years ago, only the rich could travel to exotic experiences. These days you get them all for your bus fare. Bushmeat stalls flogging chimp-burgers with locust fries and Ebola dressing. Eastern temples where they slit a goat’s throat and force a fifteen-year-old to be her fifty-year-old cousin’s third wife. Interesting retro diseases. Acid and machete attacks. Fascinating.
But I thought I’d have a break from the excitement – took the wife and kids to France. On the way home we parked at Calais, went for cheeseburger and beans (in a baguette, of course). Reached Dover, and found half of Mogadishu had sneaked in the back of the van. They were starving 12-year-old asylum-seekers – or so they claimed. Call me Mr Suspicious, but their kit had twelve bottles of Grecian 2000 and a pensioner ticket to the Eiffel Tower. The wife muttered. “If these tubs of lard will see thirty again, I’m Sadiq Khan.”
“Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt, love,” I whispered, “They probably aged prematurely, trekking from Africa with only a mobile phone and three cases of Armani woollies each – and a Harrods catering van arranged by sympathetically sobbing BBC reporters.”
So we handed the smaller ones a teddy each, told them to stoop a bit, and dumped them outside that posh private school where Diane Abbott sent her son. The six-foot, fourteen stone blokes, we gave the addresses of Bob Geldof and Lily Allen, along with a leaflet in Somali saying, “How to be a squatter and they can’t legally evict you”.
What do you think of the Religion of Peace? Bleedin’ awful drivers, aren’t they? Myself, I play it safe. It I see a fast lorry with an “I’ve been on the Haj” windscreen sticker, I drop my shopping and run like hell. Of course, the BBC and the government say the pedestrian casualty problem can all be solved by bollards. Let’s all join in with the answer!
“BOLLARDS!” [audience enthusiastically joins in]
Still, you have to love the RoP, don’t you. I mean, you really HAVE to love them. Never admit the Koran’s so full of incitement to violence and anti-Semitism it makes “Mein Kampf” sound like “Five go to Smuggler’s Top”. You’ll end up in Parkhurst for Islamophobia, with five guys named Mo doing unspeakable things to you in the showers with a broken shampoo bottle.
Then if you get out alive, the BBC use you in a documentary called “The alarming rise of the far right”, and make sure the microphone shadow looks like you’ve got a Hitler ‘tache.
You’ve been a lovely audience, ladies and gentlemen. There’s no need to worry you’ll get arrested for listening to hate-speech, as all bags were searched for explosives, cameras, copies of the Guardian – and BBC employee passes, of course. I’m off to a secret address in a bomb-proof wartime bunker. It’s a bit bleak, but luckily the Home Guard left behind three Vera Lynn records and a crate of 1942 vintage nettle and marrow wine.
What are you laughing at, Missus? [points to audience member] We’ll all be in bomb-proof bunkers soon! I reckon dear old Vera was a bit optimistic with “There’ll always be an England’. I give it till about 2054 – less if the mayor or Londonistan becomes PM!
Will be repeated every other day until you laugh if its Mrs Brown or Citizen Khan.
Read the first-this completes the series. Maybe a trilogy Mx Basket?
Jacinta Arden ought to give you some topical humour for the Jo Brand section here-periods, PMT, bloody men called Kevin and having babies out of wedlock with a turkey baster with a six pack and quinoa bar?
Loved it,
AS for Vera Lynn-my favourite joke of Doddy says that he can always tell when theres going to be war or serious unrest when he hears Vera Lynn gargling in the dressing room next door.
Hope he`s well. he`d love this Helena.
‘The BBC – aren’t they sore losers, always inciting hatred against us Brexiteers? Someone told me: “You’re a racist, moronic, xenophobic pustule on the backside of humanity, and I hope you drown, writhing on agony, in a vast vat of your own excrement.”
It was my mother-in-law, actually – Morticia Lucrezia. The lefty old trout’s always hated me. When we visit, I take some After Eights – and a food-taster. She’s always ranting: “The BBC are worth every penny of the licence fee for Doctor Who alone.” Well, forty years ago, maybe, when they had Tom Baker and Leela. But the new Doctor? most of us feel like tapping a dalek on its sink-plunger and shouting, “She’s over there!”
Some say the BBC staff are overpaid, money-splurging parasites. But look how they’re economising, using cheapo employment agencies in Islamabad to hire their presenters! And getting a work-experience lad to write sitcoms. Citizen Khan and Mrs Brown’s Boys, they’re really good – for an eighteen-year-old with an A-Level in Gender Studies. But I prefer the older comedies. I laughed my socks off last night at a repeat featuring old man Steptoe. Then I put my specs on, and realised it was Jeremy Corbyn on Newsnight, moaning the Tories were underfunding the NHS.
I had to take my van to BBC headquarters once with a delivery for Lord Hall. It nearly gave me a hernia. It was his wage packet – for the day. Then I desperately needed the Gents – but they had sixteen bogs for all gender choices, ethno-religious requirements and disabilities. I couldn’t see one saying: ‘Fat but non-crippled white blokes who fancy fit birds’, so I decided to make a dash for the nearest one (well, until Evan Davis went in). Luckily, I was just in time to let fly in a suggestion box outside Alan Yentob’s office. Why not? He’s been taking the piss out of us all for years.
I went down the pub the other night – the Infidel’s Head. It was the Saracen’s Head last week, but it had turned into a mosque over the weekend, and no one one told me. I assumed the blokes grovelling on the floor with their jacksies in the air were the pub’s lottery syndicate, looking for their winning ticket. I didn’t twig until I realised the infidel’s head on a spike was the real deal. Unfortunately, it wasn’t Tony Blair’s.’
I have so stolen that routine, and posted it on my FB page for one and all to see. Is it possible to actually rub the noses of the far left in the diversity they so desire?
I try though.
I dont pass it off as mine, I declare it as cut and pasted.
Sincere thanks for your creative writings.
Nothing from the BBC about the Trump interview so I assume it went well. Would not an hour long interview merit at least a report?
They found time to report celebrities at the Grammies reading from Fire and Fury, hilariously including the passage where he says he is worried about being poisoned.
How many times have they mentioned that book? How much about Worboys? How much did they wallow in the testimony of those abused gymnasts? The same with the Rohingya Muslims – blanket coverage for months as it fits their narrative. The ‘news’ is just the same messages rammed in over and over. They are little more then propaghandists.
“Nothing from the BBC about the Trump interview so I assume it went well. Would not an hour long interview merit at least a report?”
My thoughts exactly. It got a quick mention on Radio 5 live, Nicky Campbell exclaimed “How many lies came out of his body!” Tried to mock him over his definition of feminism implying that he claimed to be one when he clearly did not.
How can they snigger over his fear of being poisoned, like they had a good laugh over the Julius Caesar production where Caesar was made to look like Trump?
It has gone way beyond bias and is vindictive, shameful and actually dangerous. How can they possibly think it is ok to laugh about incitement to murder?
The idea that the liberals are the good guys and the other side is ‘nasty’ is not fooling anyone anymore. They are only nice when we do as we are told. They have been rumbled big time.
I guess you are not familiar with the plot of Julius Caesar. The point is, despite the title JC is not the central figure of the play, nor is he the big baddie. Yes, he’s assassinated halfway through but it’s the consequences for the assassins that’s at the centre of the play, and it doesn’t end well for them. It’s quite common for productions to play JC as a well-known public figure and it’s hard to spin Caesar as a tyrant. Producers who want to do that put on Macbeth.
The same company did the same play some years ago with Barack Obama as Caesar, if that makes you feel happier, although I have my doubts whether anything could.
They just wanted to have a good chortle at the scene where the Trumpian Caesar is murdered. I would have welcomed an analysis of the broader issues of the play, but of course it was the hilarious murder scene which garnered their interest not the lessons of the play.
Thanks www.
Never knew this-any more Shakespeare stuff would help greatly. Women are cleverer than men-official.
Cathy Newman.
No futher questions, your Ladyship!
The ‘covered elsewhere’ argument is a facile as it gets. BBC staff routinely try and chop up screeds that won’t fit into even the new character limit and allow context to be removed, especially as the lead, like bbc headlines, is almost always misleading.
We are living in a period when anti democracy elites are trying to over rule the will of the people right across the West and they are using the power of state institutions and their supporters in the MSM to do it.
In America these anti democracy elites are trying to stop the President’s programme and have him impeached. In the UK they are trying to neuter Brexit. In the EU they are trying to force all members to accept migrant quotas against their clear decision not to do so and interfering in the internal decisions of countries to protect their colleagues eg Poland and the judges.
If they succeed and force their agenda on the people the question arises as to how will the people react when they have seen their democratic decisions subverted by their ruling elites and then overthrown? Will the people of what were once proud democracies accept the end of democracy without protest? Will the people meekly accept the continued rule of these anti democratic forces? Perhaps the anti democratic elites believe that they have nothing to fear from the people. Perhaps they are confident that they can use the MSM to propagandise on their behalf so effectively that people don’t realise the extent to which democracy has been overturned. More sinisterly perhaps they are confident that further use of state power will quash any opposition. But we have seen examples before of th miscalculations of elites and the power of the people if it can be properly and democratically focused. Unfortunately we face an interesting future thanks to this anti democratic elite who , to borrow a phrase from Douglas Murray , are presiding over the Stange Death of Western Democracy.
Excellent summary of so much we`re seeing Doublethinker.
Just sense they`ve given up the will to carry on, but it`s not yet gone from nasty jagged tail up to small brain. Then back.
They`ll definitey roll over when Islam comes. Question is will we do our part to ensure that Muslims see what they`ll be up against, Their poor souls risked plenty in their Arab Springs and in Iran 79.
The longer we leave all of this, the nastier it will get to be.
All I`d say is that our quisling class are gutless cowards whose media wells are drying fast. I hardly know anybody who will now be paying for a TV licence-and would LOVE the BBC to tell us what the figures now are. Amazon and Netflix it is-even among our generation nowadays.
I turn on Radio 4 for a second and they are talking about ‘equality’, complaining that not enough women were nominated for Grammies.
What if female artists have not performed as well as the men this year? Probability works like that – you cannot expect a perfect 50/50 split every year. I imagine when Whitney Houston and Madonna were in their prime they outperformed the male artists, just as Adele did recently when she swept the board. Equality means equality of opportunity, not of outcome. The BBC imply they should have just given more awards to women just to help their feelings – what patronising crap. So Bruno Mars has to hand his award to a woman who might not have worked as hard or been as good at her job, what is ‘fair’ about that?
Should award ceremonies have to be split 50/50 among lines of gender, race et cetera for them to be happy? So all awards become about victim status rather than artistic achievement? Moonlight was a terrible film which only won an Oscar because it was a film about black culture.
So anywhere there is not a perfect 50/50 split this means ‘inequality’? Of course it does not. And what is so infuriating is that it is all one way. There will never be a fuss about more doctors being women or Asian, or how judging by the numbers the Premier League must be ‘institutionally racist’ against white players.
There is never any clear thinking or analysis – just this pathological compulsion to signal their virtue, emoting vaguely about ‘equality’ without ever thinking where all this leads. A world of equal outcomes would be tyranny which would make all groups suffer immeasurably, yet they pursue this impossible goal with a religious zealotry.
We were being told for months that moonlight was going to win by the beeb. It was the year after jada pinkett smith kiccked up a shitstorm over her hubby not being nominated for a weak movie and playing the race card. Monnlight also had a gay agenda as well so was a shoein. If it hadnt won their would have been shouts of racism
I went to see it with my mum and she was so upset by the violence that we had to leave early. I hated its lack of coherency, the most basic requirement for any drama; a load of disjointed scenes with no arc – I like to be told a story in the cinema.
It is not hard to make a film enjoyable: some nice scenery, pretty people, an interesting subject and no gratuitous violence. It has to be pretty bad for me to leave early. It is a grave injustice that skin colour was deemed more important than content.
If they want the true equality and a true representation of the population then each football team must only have 1 black player (rounded up to nearest whole figure)
Taking it further,
Each football team must have 5 men and 5 wimmin (perhaps a tranny in goal)
It gets more complicated if you take into account the 70 plus ‘new’ genders we now have.
Best ban all football to be on the safe side and not upset or offend the lefties.
So many in the billion pound ‘equalities’ industry must literally do this all day for a living. Any disparity of any group’s representation is seen as a ‘problem’ even if member of the group did not want to be represented in that particular endeavour in the first place.
Not enough Finnish fish fryers – we need an equalities expert on this crisis at once!
Disabilty scooter football? That`d be fun.
Could they carry the ball in the basket though, or would that be handball of a sort?
Think I`ve got us our first female-led sport, only women could think like this.
Off to Gabby and Kelly Dalglish to set it all up.
Heels optional for the high crosses, might be able to play a joker or something…Arthur Ellis wasn`t it?
Stuart Hall may not be the ideal, but he`ll be safe enough now.
Well of course, BeebBrother, what we could have the Grammies to make sure half and half is an award for the best Male, and an award for the best female……oh dear, there’s another good idea out of the window.
I can see interest/following of the various award ceremonies fast disappearing down the, ‘nonsense tube’. Ah well, they’re in the process of destroying everything else so what’s to stop the awards? Best part? They cannot even see or recognise that an award for anything other than merit turns people off.
Utter garbage on radio 2 this morning. Chris Packham asserted that bird’s wingspans were reducing due to climate change, as they did not feel the need to migrate.
Unfortunately this is restricted to birds only.
But this is Chris. Who else but the Beeb would give sanctuary and nesting rights to such a hopelessly clueless bird?
The Dodo rightly ended up extinct-sense the Packham survives because his name resembles the Beckham. If Darwin had been correct, Packham would have been a stuffed autistic auk when he went to Malta on a warm wind of self regard and BBC fundings.
Poor Packham and his Packhistanis-Peckham Packham. poor aspergerzy nest wetter.
A 28-year-old man has been charged with three counts of causing death by dangerous driving after a car crash which killed three teenagers.
Jaynesh Chudasama was arrested after the crash near a bus stop in Hayes, west London, on Friday evening.”
So it’s not been reported as a white man. It’s a foreign sounding name. Usual MO of terrorist mounting pavement and using vehicle to kill.
Man charged with causing death by dangerous driving.
Move along nothing to see here no evidence of terror related motivations.
This should be good. Apparently Radio 4 Today programme is running a ballot for the most influential British woman of the past 100 years. Of course, there should only be one possible winner – Margaret Thatcher, the first female PM, the only woman to sire an -ism, still an obsession for the left and an inspiration for the right. So, I wonder which ‘right on’ candidate the Beeb will come up with instead as the winner? Probably the Queen.
The blind will probably nominate Mary Beard.
Personally I always liked to see a bit of Fanny……Craddock!………Ooooo missus! send for the junior anti sex league!!!!
Never mind, I’m gonna buy a big bunch of white roses to hand out to the best looking tottie in my town this afternoon.
Influential ????? who comes up with this crap ? No woman publicly has influenced me during my lifetime.
My Mum and Grandma were influential in teaching me manners, taught me my ABC before I went to school, how to use a knife and fork, how to be independent, and how to make a proper Yorkshire pudding.
If its ‘influential’ in general, then it should be the women who were ‘first’ of something in public life, – first MP, first surgeon, first Speaker, first PM, first airline pilot, etc etc.
These ‘lists’ are all a load of b……s anyway, whose interested ?
Just because she has a penis it doesn’t mean she can’t self identify as a woman does it? What’s your name, Germaine Greer?
Seriously, a number of great women candidates from 20th Century science, but I suspect I’m not the only one who is so sick of their ‘example’ being rammed down our throats by the feminazis, we’re no longer able to see their achievements for what they really were.
Which is tragic really when you think about it, these were women who often did have a bit of a struggle to get recognised in a ‘man’s world’ (no ‘positive discrimination’ for them), and desperately wanted to be taken seriously for their hard work and achievements, and they’re remembered for what? Having a vagina…
Can we include any of Stanley Baxters, Danny La Rues or Dick Emerys creations?
Afraid that Lily Savage and its unfunny nastiness rather finished the genre-so everybody has to dress up off stage these days.
Carry On films seem to be all that`s left, sad to say.
Please sign this petition to force a debate in parliament on scrapping ‘hate’ speech and making free speech the prime importance:
Create a Freedom of Speech Act and Bring an End to “Hate Speech” laws
Please also spread this as widely as possible, we need to highlight MPs who want to actively take our freedoms away from us.
The government has already responded that it does not believe in free speech and wants to crush it using imaginary ‘hate’ as an excuse to do so:
“The Government is committed to upholding free speech, and legislation is already in place to protect these fundamental rights. However, this freedom cannot be an excuse to cause harm or spread hatred.”
I signed it weeks ago, Thoughtful and was wearily disgusted by the farce of a debate that ensued. Even the tired old hack that presented the debate clearly didn’t support it – and neither did any of the other arrogant oafs who pretend to represent us.
I’m afraid the time for petitions is over. We await our Cromwell to dispel this rump parliament.
Was it just my imagination or did I hear a news report on R4 or Classic FM today saying that the Government had rejected this petition. Interesting as its deadline is not until April 2018.
Now why would a major broadcaster say such a thing?
Thoughtful – Was it just my imagination or did I hear a news report on R4 or Classic FM today saying that the Government had rejected this petition. Interesting as its deadline is not until April 2018.
Sorry folks – Have just seen Marky marks post further down – Apparently the Government rejected this petition at 17. 000 000 signatures.
I am not surprised – The rights of ROPERS, crybabies, liars and assorted weirdos seems to be the one thing that Sharia really cares about.
For the Government to reinstate, ‘Free Speech’ simply ain’t going to happen. Many bandy the expression ‘Free Speech’ around without knowing the limitations already present in the legal system. There has never been, ‘a free-for-all’, ‘anything goes’ situation. Part 2 of Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (on which the Human Rights Act was based) qualifies the ‘right’ thus,
“The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.”
The practical realities are that we (and much of Europe) are sat on a tinderbox which almost certainly, in the absence of any, I mean, ANY proper debate on islam will explode at some point in the future.
In the UK, in a demonstration of “Democracy at work” i.e. flooding the country with Islamists contrary to the public wishes, has only served to charge the atmosphere not defuse the looming confrontation. While the politicians naively thought that incoming Islamist migrants would eventually integrate that’s sure dead in the water. What about their secret ‘Plan B’? Well, it seems to me the only ‘Plan B’ can be found with Darwin: It will be the survival of the fittest. Quite fitting really that with all the perceived sophistication of Globalism and modern technology, the problem will eventually be solved by someone taking a baseball bat to someone else.
Heads up.
A guy who got hit by the car on Westminster bridge is being interviewed on 5 live presently.
“Survivors against terror” launched today in UK.
Nobody seems able to join the dots with the recent “crash” in West London.
Can the ethos of an organisation really change when it involves mass child abuse by one element of our diverse multicultural society? Draw your own conclusions if you didn’t hear the interview by Sarah Montague on Toady this morning with the head of Rotherham Council Child Services.
It would appear that OFSTED has noted the improvements since the new guy from Sheffield took over. Not outstanding but ‘Good’. Those children in care are still vulnerable though. In effect, that means surely the system has not stopped the muslim child abusers? Otherwise, ‘vulnerable’ to what? Needless to say the ‘m’ word was not uttered throughout the interview but, give Montague her due, the ‘r’ word was on a number of occasions even the, ‘Pakistani/asian’ words to describe the abusers.
So what was the new leader of the CSA doing about the racial aspects of the past child abuse and current, ‘vulnerabilities’ to same? Well we learn its nothing whatever to do with race. Rotherham CSA focus on the child and the abuse and, apparently, nothing before. It is definitely not a racial thing. Seems to me that its wide open for more devotees to the prophet mohammed to continue his good work. Wiki:
“The majority of traditional hadith sources state that Aisha was married to Muhammad at the age of six or seven, but she stayed in her parents’ home until the age of nine, or ten according to Ibn Hisham, when the marriage was consummated with Muhammad, then 53, in Medina.”
9am Radio 4 , there are 4 open borders liberals on
100% #lib-land view from BBC
Yet on Twitter they are getting a kicking
If the BBC investigated Halal slaughterhouses, which they won’t, they would conclude the Islamic blessing played over the loudspeakers calms the lambs.
There was some balance
She tweeted out a mix of Protester and Farmer points
“You do get death threats… and that’s quite ironic coming from people that want peace for animals”.
Trainee farmer Alison Waugh says her industry is being attacked by “militant” vegan activists
She’s never had the balls to tweet the word halal
So today dozens of tweeters did mention the issue on her timeline
Death Threats are quite reasonable (to be expected?) when they come from the Left, is that because the Left feel things so much more intensely than everyone else? Or is it because they’re the good ones with halos?
It does justify the idea of ‘hate crime’ if you think those on the Left suffer from emotional trauma so intense it could actually result in physical harm, which the rest of the rest of the human race is mercifully, and miraculously, spared from.
‘It was like a physical blow, it made me physically sick’… who said that? Oh Gina Miller.
Pigs squeal all the time, they’re noisy animals, used to help out on a pig farm sometimes as a kid, they made those kind of ‘screams’ when you entered their pen with a sack of feed for their trough.
Pigs also sometimes kill and eat other animals, including sick pigs, meat is apparently a significant part of their diet in the wild – learnt that on the farm too, and how if you fell over and banged your head in the pen and no one noticed, eventually there’d be nothing left but your teeth.
I love pigs, more intelligent than many people I’ve met, and cuter too, but I have no problem with eating them, after all they’d do the same to any of us, even a vegan.
Quite right; some pigs can be right bad tempered, vicious beggars too.
Ultimately if you want to eat meat: you have to kill animals.
I object to Halal and Shecita slaughter because of the religious elements to it and that we have moved on to less cruel methods of killing beasts. But don’t be fooled, even in ordinary abattoirs their treatment there isn’t really too “humane” either.
Not covered by the BBC yet but the story smacks of BBC values.
Menopausal cops are to be provided with ‘cry spaces’, and fans for when they have hot flushes.
Would it not be easier for them to re-identify as men and avoid the menopause? Feelings always trump science innit.
As a menopausal woman I’m offended. Why isn’t this space for sufferers of PMT (any gender of course) too. Excuse me if it is, haven’t time to waste on reading such articles.
Stew: ‘Start the week’ was yet another one of those pieces of pure propaganda, pretending to be a discussion between ‘intellectuals’ (no ‘little people’ there!), who are all so far above the primitive, long-discarded concept of ‘borders’, we little people wouldn’t be able to see them, even if we screwed up our eyes against the sun.
I think nowadays of the R4 ‘quilt’. They’re patching together many and varied little programmes, but almost all of them will contain positive evaluations of ‘migration’, male-hate and /or some Trump bashing.
When this all-day 24/7 quilt is finished, it will be big enough to smother all those pesky ‘little people’, so you won’t be able to see them at all. The BBC hopes.
New Book of the Week: the way it was presented prior to the start and abridged alerted me to the fact that my feeling of being propagandised may not be a false one. Book at Bedtime? Nothing to look forward to. A second week of ‘award-winning’ Orhan Pamuk’s dull, pedestrian novel set in rural Turkey.
Funny thing, I don’t recall the BBC Radio4 having ‘Reading Europe’ festivals in the 1990s or the 2000s. But just before, during and after the EU Referendum they seem to be appearing like a string of London buses on my radio.
Might it not be a good idea to count and log any BBC output that does NOT lead to Trump, to Brexit or to Stalin in the Muslim Caucuses? And then those of us still paying for the BBC send THAT proportion of the fee onto Capita, as a percentage. With a letter to explain.
Exclude radio 3 though, who still (in general) are as good as we can hope for.
Thathcherrevolutionary: Sorry, I meant to hit ‘reply’ and I got ‘report comment’ instead. Fumblefingers! Your comment about Chris Packham.
What I’d meant to say was that he had a programme on TV last night, where he returned to Indonesia, where he hoped to find a girl he had last photographed 20 years before. He left his luxurious-looking pile (somewhere in leafy Hampshire?) and ventured forth, proclaiming ‘we are all guilty’ or ‘look what we have done to you’,at regular
intervals. His complaint was the disappearance of the jungle, to be replaced by palm-oil plantations, and therefore the death of communities who depend on the jungle.
I agree with him. But just because I use soap and biscuits, I DO NOT see myself as guilty, a la Packham. The responsibility lies with governments, in this case the Indonesian govt.
But it was pitched at such a low level, I can imagine many kids who felt guilty.
I will forgive Chris, cos he says he has aspergers. But DO THE ENTIRE BBC have that as well?
Packham is a fucking arsehole, I can say that from personal experience having met him, more than once. Believe it, or not, he is actually worse in real life than the version you see on TV.
‘Aspergers’, yeah right, BEEB syndrome more like. Work with people with Aspergers and they include some of the loveliest people you’ll ever met, just struggle with communication etc… not an excuse to be a total fucking dickwad like Chris fucking Packham.
He`s Aspergers isn`t he? So you can say what you like, he`ll not be taking it in.
But as a mental health category-maybe he IS a vulnerable minority and in need of lots of BBC groomings and fundings.
Oh. lor…is THIS what we`ve turned into?
Perhaps a visit to Specsavers might help. But then as they say ” Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Anyway, book an appointment – just in case eh?
There goes the few remaining microns of veneer that were left on the cultivated illusion of, “Democracy”. So, now, adding up the new hate laws and restrictions on the press in Europe and particularly in Germany, dictatorships all around the World can see (as they knew already) what so-called “Democracy” stands for. Simply nothing. All-said-and-done, we are no different to the Russian people. To those Dictators, I simply say, ‘the illusion is gone, now we’re the same as you’. What will the politicians drag out the bag next?
Quite amazing really how so many different facets of everyday life over the last few years has all come together to destroy the last of the illusion. Look no further to the way Brexit is going.
Hi-De-Hi !
I’ve just twigged who it was that Tory MP Matt Hancock, the young somewhat vague minister for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, reminds me of – that character from holiday camp comedy Hi-De-Hi – you know the one – the awkwardly well-meaning square-peg-in-a-round-hole posh chap struggling to be Maplin’s entertainments manager, Jeffrey Fairbrother.
You might think a Conservative minister with his portfolio should be busy reinstating some conservative values into our culture, media and sport. Fat chance. Hancock appears on the BBC (part of his remit) more in the character of the grovelling supplicant desperate for a good BBC write up (hopefully without too much emphasis on the ‘should go further’ in any given Leftist policy direction he’s attempting) than what he ought to be: a figure of authority who should be promoting an alternative direction in our culture to the current relentless post-modern Gramscian direction of travel.
A Tory actually promoting conservative cultural values…?
Really wish ‘celebrities’ would stay out of campaigns like this, they clearly don’t have a clue how many people will be instantly turned off by Linekar’s involvement. Shame, it’s a good cause.
“So I won’t be donating organs. I am white skinned and it appears the campaign does not include me”
Who knows? I think this add shows the “foresight” of the people who owns this add! In the not too distant future – we, the white ones, will most likely, be in the very minority so plan ahead eh!?
Until they make it the law that only those who offer to give can receive I will refuse to donate my organs.
Why should those with religious views which preclude them giving be able to receive anything?
That’s too fair and sensible and dare I say Thoughtful..
I know it’s not just me but aren’t you getting fed up with being bombarded by all these non-existent mixed race families that are appearing in all public sector and BBC advertising…
The delightful chump, Lauren Booth, Cherie Blair’s sister, Lauren Booth, has been caught out, yet nothing, as far as I can see, on the BBC.
Ms Booth, an Islamic convert, has been banned from serving on any charity for 4 and a half years over £90 K missing from her Islamic Appeal charity.
The money that the charity commission could account for was spent on “valet parking, first-class rail travel, accommodation in Qatar, Bahrain and Turkey, TV licences and household goods that were “not clearly linked to the activities of the charity””.
Now please forgive me here, but if I nicked £90K wouldn’t the police be invoved? And if another high profile person, but from the right and a non Muslim, was caught out like this, would it not feature on the BBC.
You may recall the BBC had a melt down over a lying Tory scum MP, Sir Peter Viggers, trousering £1,645 for a duck pond.
Back in 2015 the government was providing £3.1 Billion of taxpayers money to UK charities without them having to declare where the funding came from, nor does the government admit what it is doing with this astonishing amount of taxpayers money.
No wonder Cameron was so keen to assist the Batman with few million of our pounds, safe in the knowledge no one would know what he had been up to.
Makes you wonder if the sleazy elites who help each other out have assisted Lauren Booth in her ‘charitable’ ambitions and to what tune. We will never know unfortunately though.
And Cherie used to dodge train tickets even as Blairs expenses were being shredded as I recall. THAT`S what we have by way of judges these days.
Coming from Liverpool ought not to be a defence,but these are Carla Lane Days.
Cow walks on wild side with Polish bison
Basically a cow ran away from a farm last autumn, and has been living with a herd of bison in a Polish forest.
Ok, but it’s the BBC, so they can’t let it be at just a nice story, and have to spoil it, as usual, with some kind of downer.
‘The unusual friendship could lead to mating, which would contaminate the vulnerable population of about 600 Bialowieza bison with hybrids. Another danger is that hybrid calves are large, and the cow could die giving birth.
The interloper is still too young to breed, but it looks like her winter adventure must end in recapture before spring comes’
Funny how the libtards love interbreeding among people but like to keep animals bloodlines 100% pure.
I guess we won’t be hearing the following kind of story on the BBC:
”An African woman was spotted with a herd of European people on the Swedish border. This unusual friendship could lead to mating, which would contaminate the vulnerable population with hybrids.
Another danger is that a hybrid Afro/European offspring is darker, and might not be able to extract enough vitamin D to survive a long sunless winter.
The interloper is still too young to breed, but it looks like her winter adventure must end in recapture before spring comes”
Well the BBC could have justified paying presenter Piers Morgan & team $200,000
Cos by not running with the nasty-pack he scored a SCOOP an exclusive interview with Trump
which ultimately will make Piers corp $millions.
BBC by staying with the nasty pack have lost out and only gain from Team Hillary exclusives.
Morgan’s just been on Talk Radio audio page
Morgan sees himself as an eco-Warrior for his work on Trump
Presenter “On things like Climate change he talks a load of old troffle doesn’t he ?”
Morgan : “Well he certainly doesn’t make a lot of sense to people like me, who believe fundamentally in Climate Change
..I thought some of his assessments on ice caps were just plain wrong”
“but my main objective with the Climate Change debate was to see whether if he was persuadable
to get back into the Paris Accord, which would be much more important …
…He actually said he was open potentially to taking America back into the Paris Accord and they could negotiate a better deal
* That to me was the most significant thing perhaps of the whole interview * ”
..continued “the Trump haters wouldn’t have been happy unless I nailed him the ground and pummelled him with my fists “
Nihal on R5 last night was very keen to say the interview was a load of rubbish.
Now that is a good sign when a lib-loony like Nihal tries to flippantly dismiss something.
Nothing to do with the BBC but about that fading star of the right James Delingpole. I have subscribed to Delingpole’s Breitbart podcasts for a year or so and I am beginning to wonder whether he is as sound as he claims he is. He certainly is strongly against global warming and a strong advocate of a small state and personal responsibility. But he has been very quiet about his views on Islamification of our country over this past year which is the major issue of our times. Indeed I have heard him on at least one occasion urge support for Saudi over Iran , rather than cast a plague on both their houses. His other main topic of his pod casts , to the point of being irritating, is how little money he makes ! Support for Saudi and being a proponent of fossil fuels and bags of cash go hand in hand of course.
He hasn’t mentioned the word in tweets over the last 6 months but
22 Mar 2017
OMG police spokesman just ruined it by coming out with bollocks about threat from right wing extremists to ‘Muslim community’
1 Sep 2016
Tolerated in Shropshire: grooming of underage white girls by Muslim rape gangs
Not tolerated: blackface Morris sides
I’ve heard him the last 4 months say something like
“The libs try to say we are against Muslims,
.. but no there is a distinction we are certainly against Islam & its hateful dogma,
.. but not Muslims in general
We are against Islam, but not against Muslims”
“….Islamification of our country over this past year which is the major issue of our times. ” It may be for the and I and most other sensible thinking people but, the political elite who are patently converts to islam?
“Jeremy Corbyn is this brand new all singing, all dancing … going to change the world … he’s a white man from London who has been in Parliament for 30 years and never had another job … isn’t this the thing we’ve been saying for ages we didn’t like?” – Jess Phillips @ 05:21
I read on the Sky News webpage a man called Jaynesh Chudasama has been charged following the deaths of 3 young men in Hayes after being rammed on the pavement at high speed by a car. I do not see this news on the front page of the bBBC news website. I do see stories about the Easyjet chief taking a pay cut for gender equality, and a story about ‘stars’ wearing white roses at the grammys. Could somebody please attempt to explain this deficiency/oversight in the bBBC news reporting?
And a couple of headlines about “My nightmare menopause” by Yasmin Le Bon. Nightmare ??? do journalists know the meaning of the word ? its the same as using ‘Battle’ as in ‘battling cancer’. No-one ”battles’ cancer, you get it and recover well, or you get it and the treatment doesn’t work. There is very little the patient can do themselves, you’re totally in the hands of other people.
HAD to reply to this Brissles.
Used to love Duran Duran-heck, even bought an Arcadia single or two(yes, I know!). And you`re telling me that Simons little girl is MENOPAUSAL now?
Never felt so old in my life.
Where did our lives go hun?
I don’t know Alicia, but when I see the state of some of my hero’s from the 60’s, I wish I hadn’t ! No different to my Dad worshipping Sinatra, and was saddened how he had become in his latter years. Its life and its sh…t sometimes !
The scheduled BBC/Netflix ‘Trojans’ miniseries, created and co-written by David Farr, associate director of the Royal Shakespeare Company, will feature black actor David Gyasi as Achilles. According to Farr, when “people watch they will see that David has the truth and spirit of Achilles, which is far more important than any notion about what he might or might not have looked like.”
Apparently David Farr’s own notion of ‘truth’ with regard to Achilles outweighs that of Homer, himself, who wrote that Achilles was blonde haired. With regard to the ‘spirit’ of an acting role then, when a Royal Shakespeare Company or BBC production presents a white actor as a heroic Othello opposite a black, racist Iago I’ll give his words more credence.
It appears that ‘Trojans’ will be yet another reflection of the BBC ilk of race-obsessed ‘liberals’ attempting to erase any notion of truth from history. ‘Homer spreads fake news says the BBC’, but I won’t be watching.
Nor will I. On the very rare occasions I suffer any programme for the BBC, the mere mention of their favourite word and I reach for the off switch.
I have a feeling I am not the only one.
Does it not reinforce negative stereotypes having a black man play a ruthlessly violent warrior?
Do they really think having BAME actors play every hero, doctor and detective in television dramas is going to make a difference? Forget all the stabbings, rape gangs and general lawlessness – someone black is playing Achilles! Well that fantasy clearly trumps all my sense data. I feel so much better about that bastard who nicked by bike wheel because according to BBC the thief was actually an archetypal hero.
It’s interesting BB that in the US the places where whites had a more positive view of blacks, was where their only experience of them was via the portrayal of them on TV.
The whites in more “ethnically mixed” parts of the country, who interacted with blacks directly themselves, held less positive opinions of them.
I had the misfortune to be given two tickets to ‘Black Macbeth’ at The Roundhouse Theatre, Chalk Farm, many years ago. Within 20-30 minutes the pub/curry house beckoned and we walked out. Utter rubbish.
The original Godspel was quite good though, but at the time my question at the time was ‘Who TF’ is David Essex?
Comment by Danni, South Africa
Each person is entitled to their own religion, belief or culture, but when that same thinking such as witchcraft in South Africa, encourages people to r*pe three-month-old babies to ‘cure’ them of HIV, people should rethink their views.
Or murder albinos for to sell their bodies to witch doctors for their “medicine”. I watched a Ross Kemp programme on Sky, where albino negroes have to live in protected compounds to avoid being either murdered or having an arm or leg hacked off and used in witchcraft.
Corbyn says the homeless will be housed in vacant London flats. How do you define a homeless person? I might move to London and become homeless if there is a flat going; how many others could do the same? And what about property law? You cannot just take people’s private property because they are not using it.
I loved the Tory MP who suggested the homeless could live in the London flats of Labour MPs when they are not being used. Hilarious – as if that will happen. Just like the feminists who moan of a ‘wage gap’ then marry men who earn more than them, thus living the very ‘inequality’ they profess to be against. They want all the virtue points for saying noble things without bothering with any of the inconvenience of putting those beliefs into practice themselves.
Imagine having some drug addled, violent sociopath staying at your flat for the summer.
They are all like the pigs in Animal Farm: do as I say not as I do.
BBC applauds window cleaner who saved Banksky’s mural after it had been white washed.
Who would deface a Banksky work of art?
Well I bloodywell would if he daubed a wall in my neighbourhood with his crude propaganda without consulting we unimportant locals.
It might attract luvvies from far and wide but having to live next to his shite is no fun.
Perhaps the poor sods need a Minister For Ministers. They certainly appear to be a bunch of wretched, lost souls. Not one seems to have the bollocks to go over the head of parliament and the EU and appeal directly to the British man and woman in the street. They are akin to a vInyl record stuck in the groove. I’m sure if one of them were to give the public the unvarnished truth about what is being inflicted upon us he or she would become a National Hero. So much easier to be the proverbial ostrich I suppose.
At least we know where “all the lonely people go” now. To the BBC studios and some labour-lite idiot box. Mc Cartney asked us, this is what we now find.
Monument to Eleanor Rigby then? And why not?
Minister of Loneliness? At this rate there will really be a Ministry of Silly Walks by next year, followed by the Society for Putting Things on Top of Other Things. Come to think of it that is more constructive than the existing Government.
I see Brendan Cox’s new creation is being feted in every BBC studio.
The Orifice of Truth itself tells us
“Survivors Against Terror wants more effective measures against terrorism and greater support for its victims.
Founders include the husband of murdered West Yorkshire MP Jo Cox and Dan Hett, whose brother Martyn was killed in the Manchester Arena bombing.
Brendan Cox said the group would try “to defeat terrorism at its source”.
He added: “What terrorists want is for us to turn against each other, to hate each other.
“And what we want to do as a country is to come together in a united way and make sure we defeat it”.
More support for the victims of terrorism is a laudable aim, but Cox is really only about deflecting attention away from the main threat by far to this country – muslim terrorism. He groups all terrorists together and claims that their aim is to “turn us against eachother”. The aim of the IRA was a united Ireland, the aim of muslim terrorism is a kuffar-free Caliphate. The source of muslim terrorism is muslims and the muslim presence in Britain is due to a catastrophic political decision to allow unfettered Muslim immigration decades ago. The leftists obviously see this as a form of kharmic punishment, self flagellation that will purify us of the dual original sins of imperialism and colonalism.
On the Today programme this morning, one woman in the Cox brigade said that she did not blame muslims for the Brussels attack that affected her. This is about as convincing as an Ausschwitz survivor saying she does not blame the nazis for the Holocaust. Like nazis and irish nationalists, muslims share a set of beliefs that guide their actions. We are expected to believe the fairy tale that there are some muslims who are peace-lovinp paragons of virtue while the real problem is jihadists, who believe in a perversion of Islam. In the same way, we were expected to believe the IRA were violent extremists and Sinn Fein were cooing doves of peace, We now can clearly see this was simply a sham.
If Cox wanted to eliminate hatred he should be calling for the koran to be banned. If incitement to kill unbelievers is not “hate speech” and calling the kuffar cattle is not “dehumanising language”, I don’t know what is.
West Yorkshire Police never described it as a terrorist murder.
The judge at Mair’s trial never described it as a terrorist murder.
Thomas Mair wasn’t a member of any terrorist group.
Mair has never spoken about why he did what he did – that isn’t the usual modus operandi of a terrorist.
In the light of all of the above: why is her murder now labelled an “act of terrorism”?
The comment below from the Financial Times explains why the Cox Martyrdom was so important at the time. It’s the Reichstag fire shtick that the Nazis used against the communists now being redeployed by the leftists. The nazis used the fire as a pretext to declare a state of emergency and arrest communist MPs. The poster below hoped that the Cox murder could be used as a pretext to stop the referendum and smear Brexiteers as pogromists in spe.
Coase Theorem Nov 23, 2016
The reason that Thomas Mair’s actions didn’t stop Leave’s momentum is that a large percentage of Leave voters share Thomas Mair’s world view
They are angry, petty, spiteful, conspiratorial and have delusions of grandeur about themselves
These voters aren’t capable of murder nor want to be – I’m not saying that at all, they aren’t violent
But intellectually they are on the same wavelength as Mair
It’s staggering that anyone would vote for a cause Farage supports (Brexit) when the man’s first reaction to Jo Cox’s murder was concern about political momentum
It’s staggering that anyone would vote for a cause Thomas Mair supports (Brexit)
Frankly if we had any deceny we would have postponed the referendum for a year – but it needed to be Leave who called for that and they didn’t – even decency must be sacrificed on the altar of Brexit, for some unknown gain
But Middle England has shown its true face – small minded and small hearted people who will turn us into a small country if they get their way”
What detestable, arrogant, little shits these people are!
They, of course, would never claim that “nonviolent” muslims are “intellectually on the same wavelength” as any of the multitude of Muslim mass murderers you care to name.
There was a very great deal of murk surrounding both Mair’s trial and the murder itself. The BBC and the rest of the Left wing media did absolutely nothing to dispel that murk -I can only conclude that was quite deliberate.
Now I am not for one microsecond going to defend the Carillion board and senior execs.
But on the above URL the BBC are clearly trying to paint a picture of dividend payments exceeding pension fund contributions.
Now this is a valid point to make. But, showing their avowed snti-business credentials, what do the BBC do?
They use two different scales on the same graph. The dividends scale is twice the contributions scale which makes the dividends (boo hiss) look twice as big as they are.
So the graph is faked up to justify the narrative, even when the story is valid on its own merit.
They just cannot help themselves, can they?
Lib/mob contradiction
– Skimpy clothes on women dancers on Strictly Come Dancing. …. An Aspiration
– Less revealing clothes of ‘walk on’ women at the Darts ..has to be banned !
..otherwise the BBC won’t cover it
Got to laugh Stew eh?
The contradictions make all this as easy as hitting Hattie Jacques rump with a ukelale.
My answer?
1. Get Darts Weekly-with Eric Bristow as final judge-to judge the best totty who walk on with the blokes, at present.
2. Take these top ten Darts Dollies and pay them what we pay the fat blokes with their tiny prickers( knowledge of darts not necessary girls).
3. Reame them as supermodels once they`ve achieved these appalling rates of moolah for doing diddly.
4. Christie, Yasmin, Naomi, Kate, Claudia perhaps?
5. Apply botox for the sourpuss disdainful and sneering pout, put them on Pitbull videos and make sure they despise the blokes who dress and pay for them
6. Put them in white behind Katie Perry to denounce Eric, Michael, Phil the Powell etc on a song that nobody bought.
7. The ensure UN Goodwill Ambassador roles, Question Time guest spots and weeks on Womans Hour. Cathy Newman
Meanwhile-all their poor sisters can give up on a few quid and go on the game to pay for some poxy non course at Trent Poly or Oakham Univeristy.
This is equality in 2018.
Poor sods-fat tubs of balding gutbuckets-audience or players-one of the few remaining pleasures of watching that crap at Leicestere Leisuredome would have surely been to take a peek and hope for a smile.
Can`t all still need to fish out their Bella Emberg and Una Stubbs pin ups can they?
Not even a Dianne Abbott, a Soubry or a Nugee could cheer them up.
Skimpy frocks have been rapidly disappearing from Strictly over the last couple of seasons ! a few families kicked off that it was becoming unsuitable family viewing when the likes of the pro female dances were looking more like pole dancers ! In fact this last series it was noticeable that the frocks wouldn’t have been out of place in a mosque they were so demure – another step towards ………. ??
So the Lion of London Bridge, the man who stood up to the terrorists at London Bridge, turns out to be a bit of a racist and an Islamophobe who has yelled abuse at anti capitalist protestors, called the Mayor of London a piece of shit and another person as a black c***nt.
He certainly won’t be getting a Jo Cox award and was lucky not to be banged up as a racist.
Raw language indeed and perhaps worse than shooting and knifing innocent people
Another waste of police/court resources
OF course people should be able to PEACEFULLY walk down the street without being sworn at.
But that isn’t what happened, they were a loud angry crowd disrupting his neighbourhood .. he felt threatened and should have bit his li, but he didn’t he lashed out with his tongue shouting “you idiot” becomes “you black idiot” and it escalated a bit, he did walk away hey followed him and the photographer went to hit him and the bloke avoided it and got away.
Would we really put someone in jail for that ?
And people do tend to be a bit learning difficulties .
Jesus it’s school playground stuff .. all over in a flash everyone walks away unharmed.
Of course everyone should have seen the report that dear ole Aunty is 98.whatever% biased against Brexit, but am asking for some advice. Had the misfortune of being at a “intellectual” dinner party on the weekend with a gang of Remoaners. How does one handle such an awful event? BTW, they will not listen to any form of logic or facts.
IM_R, You could ask questions – in series – and see what answers you get:
Q:What advantages does the EU provide to the UK? A:Well, access to a large market for trade. Q:OK, is our trade deficit important? A:Oh yes, in trading it is vital. Q:Would you not want to leave a trade bloc that immediately put the UK in deficit and kept it there forever? A: Umhhh, er, has it? Q:What might enable the UK to escape our trade deficit with EU? More trade with EU or more trade with world? A: Er, more trade with everyone of course. Q:If the EU makes our trade deficit worse and we can only maintain trade with the rest of the world via the EU & its rules, what is likely – almost guaranteed – to happen with our trade deficit in future? A: Ummmh
(They might go down a political route and then you would need to have a grasp of UN/Commonwealth/etc roles and some history. You could ask, for example, what tends to happen to Treaties in the long run.)
Or you could try a more personal approach. Many Remoaners seem to me to own property in the EU or to enjoy frequent holidays or even weekending there frequently and are somewhat oblivious to the EU funding, UK taxpayers on smaller incomes who are unable to afford or more affluent who choose not to afford that lifestyle. That might need a more delicate and highly diplomatic approach from you. Could cost you an invite to future meals!
In your advantage, Remoaners tend not to have a good grasp of the EU itself and its history and the variations of things like the much-vaunted Four Freedoms. Study up on those beforehand. Ask questions to which you know the answers in advance.
Ahh ha the dreaded Remoaner party – I have found that challenging them with why they voted remain usually works and then quoting either statistics or the EU statutes normally works but only after you let them call Brexiteers dumb racists – it’s worth it just to see their faces as they know I am none of the above..and normally their reasons for voting Remain are so facile…and do it with a big smile – cos they always look at me and say – You are joking aren’t you…
If it were me I would hear all, see all and say f__k all. You can’t converse with a shithouse wall so drink the wine eat the grub and if the occasion arises bury your bone. Well it’s a party innit?
R5 Afternoon has Guardian feminist on @HarrietMinter
(another schreeching voice)
“Jordan Peterson got made to look a little bit stupid on TV by a woman,
so maybe he is beginning to feel a little bit delicate”
…. Even Nihal was stunned
“You genuinely thought that Cathy Newman won that ?”
Female presenter “moving on”
@HarrietMinter continued
“There is a patriachal structure at the BBC”
“there are very right wing people , who twist the feminist agenda”
..Irony city she has twisted the picture of all the people who challenge her ..and smeared them with the boo-word “very right wing”
Then she shouted down the other woman who said that women under 30 outearn men
That woman then put up a whole chain of replies
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Boom! First?
The bBBC were quite happy to publicise the downfall of mega you tuber Logan Paul, so I’ll be interested to see if they report that he has said he’ll donate a million dollars to suicide prevention charity, and has made a video about suicide awareness. He is young and appears correspondingly naive, but he is making efforts.
PS I only know about this cos my kids told me!
A few gender neutrals on this site, but it`ll have to be a woman who wins the next “Top of the Blog” Looby.
Have made a start in cracking the glass ceiling on this site, but still only 17/86 awards at the Grammies.
A long way to go. And May surely will be checking on you all.
Next time, an Open Thread(the only REAL Award worth having here) comes up-no men allowed, ask a lady to go first like on the Titanic. We`ll not thank you though.
Just get our shortest slinkiest boob bearing frocks on and then denounce your for being sexist.
Am already practicing my surliest Naomi pout in front of the shop window, no customers around.
Point to note BBC Beeboids .
The vast majority of people are not worried about the Far right , alt right , extreme right , fascists , Nazis or racists .
That problem exists in your BBC minds . None of the above are in power or likely to be in the near future .
Stop equating Populism with the above , and start thinking that democracy , pure democracy unfettered by experts and vested interests is the best form of government and governance . Even if it means your sinecure is threatend .
So no , BBC ,the vast majority of people are not worried by the rise of the AFD in Germany . Only you are worried about their electoral gains . And those in your bubble .
( You BBC types think you are” European ” but are totally out of synch with the average European . Better you become patriotic and identify yourselves with us here in good old Blighty ) .
And as an average ordinary Joe , I’m not happy with your choice of subjects you want to highlight on your analysis shows .try something really serious instead like the Long March through the institutions by the Gramscians , starting with a navel gaze at yourself .
Great post, Nibor.
Just had to endure 13 minutes of BBC’s current obsession with Nazis and pre-WW2 Germany in Book of the Week.
A person, especially a politician, who strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups.
‘he ran as a populist on an anti-corruption platform’
‘right-wing populists seem poised to make electoral gains’
Oxford English Dictionary definition
I hear you. The sneering contempt that the Beeb has for populism really does get on my tits.
Surely nothing highlights more who is the elite intelligentsia that then displaying such utter contempt for policies that the public find popular.
Surely this is the very essence of politics. Not you telling us what is good for us but representing what it is that WE want, given that your are representing US.
The bBC finds another black moral champion in which to attack President Trump:
Here is what the bBC doesnt inform you about their latest Human rights champion
He’s also a 5%er – an all round good egg.
Can’t wait for Katty to suck up to him.
Once that mental image passes, here is another three letter ‘news’ acronym at ‘work’.
Comments, as ever, could be going better.
Releasethememo is the USA news a 4 page memno. 1st page leaked informs Project Fulsome illegal FISA spying between GCHQ and Obama Clinton Mueller Rich – hopefully if memo released will expose the whole Clinton/Obama US/UK illegal surveillance and criminal actions. Just texted Emma Barnett to inform her!!
It’s bigger than Watergate. The difference is that then, the left wing MSM wanted to expose the misdeeds of a Republican president, now the left wing MSM want to cover up the misdeeds of a Democrat president and the crooked Democrat presidential candidate.
And who knows how many others overseas who were aiding the attempts to undermine Donald Trump? It’s going to be popcorn time when the BBC has to cover that aspect!
The Awan scandal is another massive story covered up by the MSM.
Watch George Webb utube daily webcast to know the real news Fulsome Project Uranium One Awan Trial Ratlines etc all real news not told on BBC
It’s laughable isn’t it?
Releases a song about having “99 problems but a bitch ain’t one” yet somehow he is the moral guardian to stick it to the sexist pig in the white house.
Trump’s candid comments on that bus wouldn’t even make a rap song need an age classification such is their continual objectification of women but oh no, let’s take pointers from a hip hop legend.
Brass Eye brilliantly exposed how stupid it is getting celebrities to comment on issues. My favourite false campaign was that of the elephant so upset by captivity she stuck her trunk up her anus. None of the celebrities smelt a rat and gave serious speeches about how we must all fight to help get the trunk out. Possibly the funniest thing I have ever seen.
Mornin ` beeb! The Dawn Patrol is up.
Funny how this peerless stuff by Chris Morris has never been repeated-anyone would think that the BBC would rather you NOT know that Morris etal knew full well where this would be going.
My favourite was the “Nonce Sense” stuff with the likes of Phil Collins and Gary Lineker-hell, even Bernard Manning fell for the “cake” guff!
Basically, if its charity and an easy reflex-these rather limited slebs will read ANYTHING off an autocue.
Remember bb…do NOT touch this screen after you see any pictures of Piers Morgan-who knows what might be caught!
Liquid football as we saw round here!
Lineker saying a paedophile would attack a photograph if he saw a child in it – what an idiot. This prat lectures us about Brexit.
Apparently Rotherham social services are doing well. Given their children’s department won an award at the peak of the ‘grooming’ crisis it does not fill you with confidence. I bet it is still endemic throughout the land on an unimaginable scale.
The shame does lie with social services and the Police for turning a blind eye, but the real blame and questions should lie with the ‘community’ who perpetrated the crimes and stayed silent when they knew what others were up to. How could you think it is ok to rape and torture children? Of course these crucial questions are never asked, so we continue to blame the fire fighters or shout ‘arsonist’ at them rather than focus on those starting the fires.
It was just as Enoch Powell warned in his rivers of blood speech: the Race Relations Act would create a two tier legal system, when the law should be the same for everyone. Even in his darkest hours he could not have imagined something like Rotherham could happen.
“Darkest Hours” BB?
Might want to report yourself to somebody for some re-education” “resetting” or just “serious counselling”. A boot on a human face being stamped on forever, as Mrs Orwell wrote-George wrote nothing but the milk and yoghurt notes, you know!
Just a bit of a coincidence that Justin Webb just happened to be in Rotherham as Today led with this news story, together with pre-recorded interviews with Children’s Services staff denying all knowlege of any racial element.
I suppose someone had to carry the bucket of whitewash.
I listened to that this morning. That woman being interviewed saying “I didn’t know of any of my people ignoring the crimes because of the suspects race…. but I do accept there is plenty of documentary evidence to suggest is was ignored due to race”.
How the hell is she still in her job? I suppose as long as “lessons will be learned” we can just accept 1400 white girls being raped as something to brush under the carpet.
It’s probably “part and parcel of living in a big city” as Sad dick Khan would say.
Here’s part 2 of my non-PC stand-up comedy script. (Thanks for all the compliments on part 1, in the last thread.):
I love multiculturalism, don’t you? In bland old Blighty fifty years ago, only the rich could travel to exotic experiences. These days you get them all for your bus fare. Bushmeat stalls flogging chimp-burgers with locust fries and Ebola dressing. Eastern temples where they slit a goat’s throat and force a fifteen-year-old to be her fifty-year-old cousin’s third wife. Interesting retro diseases. Acid and machete attacks. Fascinating.
But I thought I’d have a break from the excitement – took the wife and kids to France. On the way home we parked at Calais, went for cheeseburger and beans (in a baguette, of course). Reached Dover, and found half of Mogadishu had sneaked in the back of the van. They were starving 12-year-old asylum-seekers – or so they claimed. Call me Mr Suspicious, but their kit had twelve bottles of Grecian 2000 and a pensioner ticket to the Eiffel Tower. The wife muttered. “If these tubs of lard will see thirty again, I’m Sadiq Khan.”
“Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt, love,” I whispered, “They probably aged prematurely, trekking from Africa with only a mobile phone and three cases of Armani woollies each – and a Harrods catering van arranged by sympathetically sobbing BBC reporters.”
So we handed the smaller ones a teddy each, told them to stoop a bit, and dumped them outside that posh private school where Diane Abbott sent her son. The six-foot, fourteen stone blokes, we gave the addresses of Bob Geldof and Lily Allen, along with a leaflet in Somali saying, “How to be a squatter and they can’t legally evict you”.
What do you think of the Religion of Peace? Bleedin’ awful drivers, aren’t they? Myself, I play it safe. It I see a fast lorry with an “I’ve been on the Haj” windscreen sticker, I drop my shopping and run like hell. Of course, the BBC and the government say the pedestrian casualty problem can all be solved by bollards. Let’s all join in with the answer!
“BOLLARDS!” [audience enthusiastically joins in]
Still, you have to love the RoP, don’t you. I mean, you really HAVE to love them. Never admit the Koran’s so full of incitement to violence and anti-Semitism it makes “Mein Kampf” sound like “Five go to Smuggler’s Top”. You’ll end up in Parkhurst for Islamophobia, with five guys named Mo doing unspeakable things to you in the showers with a broken shampoo bottle.
Then if you get out alive, the BBC use you in a documentary called “The alarming rise of the far right”, and make sure the microphone shadow looks like you’ve got a Hitler ‘tache.
You’ve been a lovely audience, ladies and gentlemen. There’s no need to worry you’ll get arrested for listening to hate-speech, as all bags were searched for explosives, cameras, copies of the Guardian – and BBC employee passes, of course. I’m off to a secret address in a bomb-proof wartime bunker. It’s a bit bleak, but luckily the Home Guard left behind three Vera Lynn records and a crate of 1942 vintage nettle and marrow wine.
What are you laughing at, Missus? [points to audience member] We’ll all be in bomb-proof bunkers soon! I reckon dear old Vera was a bit optimistic with “There’ll always be an England’. I give it till about 2054 – less if the mayor or Londonistan becomes PM!
Thank you all, and good night!’
Helena, that’s really good – satirical comedy with truth. I missed the first one.
Excellent, almost spilled my coffee.
Helena, this takes Richard Littlejohn’s column in the D/Mail to another level. Brilliant !
Will be repeated every other day until you laugh if its Mrs Brown or Citizen Khan.
Read the first-this completes the series. Maybe a trilogy Mx Basket?
Jacinta Arden ought to give you some topical humour for the Jo Brand section here-periods, PMT, bloody men called Kevin and having babies out of wedlock with a turkey baster with a six pack and quinoa bar?
Loved it,
AS for Vera Lynn-my favourite joke of Doddy says that he can always tell when theres going to be war or serious unrest when he hears Vera Lynn gargling in the dressing room next door.
Hope he`s well. he`d love this Helena.
Wonderful..Helena, please could you post the 1st part again; I’m just a lazy bar steward, I can’t be fagged to look for it.
As requested, here is part 1 again:
‘The BBC – aren’t they sore losers, always inciting hatred against us Brexiteers? Someone told me: “You’re a racist, moronic, xenophobic pustule on the backside of humanity, and I hope you drown, writhing on agony, in a vast vat of your own excrement.”
It was my mother-in-law, actually – Morticia Lucrezia. The lefty old trout’s always hated me. When we visit, I take some After Eights – and a food-taster. She’s always ranting: “The BBC are worth every penny of the licence fee for Doctor Who alone.” Well, forty years ago, maybe, when they had Tom Baker and Leela. But the new Doctor? most of us feel like tapping a dalek on its sink-plunger and shouting, “She’s over there!”
Some say the BBC staff are overpaid, money-splurging parasites. But look how they’re economising, using cheapo employment agencies in Islamabad to hire their presenters! And getting a work-experience lad to write sitcoms. Citizen Khan and Mrs Brown’s Boys, they’re really good – for an eighteen-year-old with an A-Level in Gender Studies. But I prefer the older comedies. I laughed my socks off last night at a repeat featuring old man Steptoe. Then I put my specs on, and realised it was Jeremy Corbyn on Newsnight, moaning the Tories were underfunding the NHS.
I had to take my van to BBC headquarters once with a delivery for Lord Hall. It nearly gave me a hernia. It was his wage packet – for the day. Then I desperately needed the Gents – but they had sixteen bogs for all gender choices, ethno-religious requirements and disabilities. I couldn’t see one saying: ‘Fat but non-crippled white blokes who fancy fit birds’, so I decided to make a dash for the nearest one (well, until Evan Davis went in). Luckily, I was just in time to let fly in a suggestion box outside Alan Yentob’s office. Why not? He’s been taking the piss out of us all for years.
I went down the pub the other night – the Infidel’s Head. It was the Saracen’s Head last week, but it had turned into a mosque over the weekend, and no one one told me. I assumed the blokes grovelling on the floor with their jacksies in the air were the pub’s lottery syndicate, looking for their winning ticket. I didn’t twig until I realised the infidel’s head on a spike was the real deal. Unfortunately, it wasn’t Tony Blair’s.’
I have so stolen that routine, and posted it on my FB page for one and all to see. Is it possible to actually rub the noses of the far left in the diversity they so desire?
I try though.
I dont pass it off as mine, I declare it as cut and pasted.
Sincere thanks for your creative writings.
Nothing from the BBC about the Trump interview so I assume it went well. Would not an hour long interview merit at least a report?
They found time to report celebrities at the Grammies reading from Fire and Fury, hilariously including the passage where he says he is worried about being poisoned.
How many times have they mentioned that book? How much about Worboys? How much did they wallow in the testimony of those abused gymnasts? The same with the Rohingya Muslims – blanket coverage for months as it fits their narrative. The ‘news’ is just the same messages rammed in over and over. They are little more then propaghandists.
“Nothing from the BBC about the Trump interview so I assume it went well. Would not an hour long interview merit at least a report?”
My thoughts exactly. It got a quick mention on Radio 5 live, Nicky Campbell exclaimed “How many lies came out of his body!” Tried to mock him over his definition of feminism implying that he claimed to be one when he clearly did not.
How can they snigger over his fear of being poisoned, like they had a good laugh over the Julius Caesar production where Caesar was made to look like Trump?
It has gone way beyond bias and is vindictive, shameful and actually dangerous. How can they possibly think it is ok to laugh about incitement to murder?
The idea that the liberals are the good guys and the other side is ‘nasty’ is not fooling anyone anymore. They are only nice when we do as we are told. They have been rumbled big time.
Doddery David Attenborough has joked about shooting Trump. Gary ‘Taxman’ Lineker calls Trump an arsehole. The hate is relentless and one sided.
So what does that make Lineker ?
Probably just passing through, Brissles.
Two million smackers a year c/o we the idiot licence fee payers Brissels!
Not joke of the day is it? Bloody Hell(ena)!
I guess you are not familiar with the plot of Julius Caesar. The point is, despite the title JC is not the central figure of the play, nor is he the big baddie. Yes, he’s assassinated halfway through but it’s the consequences for the assassins that’s at the centre of the play, and it doesn’t end well for them. It’s quite common for productions to play JC as a well-known public figure and it’s hard to spin Caesar as a tyrant. Producers who want to do that put on Macbeth.
The same company did the same play some years ago with Barack Obama as Caesar, if that makes you feel happier, although I have my doubts whether anything could.
They just wanted to have a good chortle at the scene where the Trumpian Caesar is murdered. I would have welcomed an analysis of the broader issues of the play, but of course it was the hilarious murder scene which garnered their interest not the lessons of the play.
Thanks www.
Never knew this-any more Shakespeare stuff would help greatly. Women are cleverer than men-official.
Cathy Newman.
No futher questions, your Ladyship!
Infam… us.
Some of course acquired their history from Carry On movies.
Was Barry offed at the end? Was it called the Assassination of Barry? Did Hattie Jaques get her man?
If so, that must have been a different time indeed, as I don’t recall the BBC going into emotional meltdown for weeks.
This is interesting:
Sorry… posted in the wrong thread…
BBC Complaints up to its old tricks, and it seems Twitter continues to be whatever staff want it to be as far they are concerned.
The ‘covered elsewhere’ argument is a facile as it gets. BBC staff routinely try and chop up screeds that won’t fit into even the new character limit and allow context to be removed, especially as the lead, like bbc headlines, is almost always misleading.
We are living in a period when anti democracy elites are trying to over rule the will of the people right across the West and they are using the power of state institutions and their supporters in the MSM to do it.
In America these anti democracy elites are trying to stop the President’s programme and have him impeached. In the UK they are trying to neuter Brexit. In the EU they are trying to force all members to accept migrant quotas against their clear decision not to do so and interfering in the internal decisions of countries to protect their colleagues eg Poland and the judges.
If they succeed and force their agenda on the people the question arises as to how will the people react when they have seen their democratic decisions subverted by their ruling elites and then overthrown? Will the people of what were once proud democracies accept the end of democracy without protest? Will the people meekly accept the continued rule of these anti democratic forces? Perhaps the anti democratic elites believe that they have nothing to fear from the people. Perhaps they are confident that they can use the MSM to propagandise on their behalf so effectively that people don’t realise the extent to which democracy has been overturned. More sinisterly perhaps they are confident that further use of state power will quash any opposition. But we have seen examples before of th miscalculations of elites and the power of the people if it can be properly and democratically focused. Unfortunately we face an interesting future thanks to this anti democratic elite who , to borrow a phrase from Douglas Murray , are presiding over the Stange Death of Western Democracy.
Excellent summary of so much we`re seeing Doublethinker.
Just sense they`ve given up the will to carry on, but it`s not yet gone from nasty jagged tail up to small brain. Then back.
They`ll definitey roll over when Islam comes. Question is will we do our part to ensure that Muslims see what they`ll be up against, Their poor souls risked plenty in their Arab Springs and in Iran 79.
The longer we leave all of this, the nastier it will get to be.
All I`d say is that our quisling class are gutless cowards whose media wells are drying fast. I hardly know anybody who will now be paying for a TV licence-and would LOVE the BBC to tell us what the figures now are. Amazon and Netflix it is-even among our generation nowadays.
I turn on Radio 4 for a second and they are talking about ‘equality’, complaining that not enough women were nominated for Grammies.
What if female artists have not performed as well as the men this year? Probability works like that – you cannot expect a perfect 50/50 split every year. I imagine when Whitney Houston and Madonna were in their prime they outperformed the male artists, just as Adele did recently when she swept the board. Equality means equality of opportunity, not of outcome. The BBC imply they should have just given more awards to women just to help their feelings – what patronising crap. So Bruno Mars has to hand his award to a woman who might not have worked as hard or been as good at her job, what is ‘fair’ about that?
Should award ceremonies have to be split 50/50 among lines of gender, race et cetera for them to be happy? So all awards become about victim status rather than artistic achievement? Moonlight was a terrible film which only won an Oscar because it was a film about black culture.
So anywhere there is not a perfect 50/50 split this means ‘inequality’? Of course it does not. And what is so infuriating is that it is all one way. There will never be a fuss about more doctors being women or Asian, or how judging by the numbers the Premier League must be ‘institutionally racist’ against white players.
There is never any clear thinking or analysis – just this pathological compulsion to signal their virtue, emoting vaguely about ‘equality’ without ever thinking where all this leads. A world of equal outcomes would be tyranny which would make all groups suffer immeasurably, yet they pursue this impossible goal with a religious zealotry.
We were being told for months that moonlight was going to win by the beeb. It was the year after jada pinkett smith kiccked up a shitstorm over her hubby not being nominated for a weak movie and playing the race card. Monnlight also had a gay agenda as well so was a shoein. If it hadnt won their would have been shouts of racism
I went to see it with my mum and she was so upset by the violence that we had to leave early. I hated its lack of coherency, the most basic requirement for any drama; a load of disjointed scenes with no arc – I like to be told a story in the cinema.
It is not hard to make a film enjoyable: some nice scenery, pretty people, an interesting subject and no gratuitous violence. It has to be pretty bad for me to leave early. It is a grave injustice that skin colour was deemed more important than content.
If they want the true equality and a true representation of the population then each football team must only have 1 black player (rounded up to nearest whole figure)
Taking it further,
Each football team must have 5 men and 5 wimmin (perhaps a tranny in goal)
It gets more complicated if you take into account the 70 plus ‘new’ genders we now have.
Best ban all football to be on the safe side and not upset or offend the lefties.
So many in the billion pound ‘equalities’ industry must literally do this all day for a living. Any disparity of any group’s representation is seen as a ‘problem’ even if member of the group did not want to be represented in that particular endeavour in the first place.
Not enough Finnish fish fryers – we need an equalities expert on this crisis at once!
Have you also noticed how the trophies are not shared out equally? They should all take turns to win the premiership and the champions league.
Disabilty scooter football? That`d be fun.
Could they carry the ball in the basket though, or would that be handball of a sort?
Think I`ve got us our first female-led sport, only women could think like this.
Off to Gabby and Kelly Dalglish to set it all up.
Heels optional for the high crosses, might be able to play a joker or something…Arthur Ellis wasn`t it?
Stuart Hall may not be the ideal, but he`ll be safe enough now.
Well of course, BeebBrother, what we could have the Grammies to make sure half and half is an award for the best Male, and an award for the best female……oh dear, there’s another good idea out of the window.
I can see interest/following of the various award ceremonies fast disappearing down the, ‘nonsense tube’. Ah well, they’re in the process of destroying everything else so what’s to stop the awards? Best part? They cannot even see or recognise that an award for anything other than merit turns people off.
Utter garbage on radio 2 this morning. Chris Packham asserted that bird’s wingspans were reducing due to climate change, as they did not feel the need to migrate.
Unfortunately this is restricted to birds only.
But this is Chris. Who else but the Beeb would give sanctuary and nesting rights to such a hopelessly clueless bird?
The Dodo rightly ended up extinct-sense the Packham survives because his name resembles the Beckham. If Darwin had been correct, Packham would have been a stuffed autistic auk when he went to Malta on a warm wind of self regard and BBC fundings.
Poor Packham and his Packhistanis-Peckham Packham. poor aspergerzy nest wetter.
The bbc will be breaking out the special camera lens for this one:
Unless, Andrew Marr styly, they run out of time to address something rather pertinent that does not suit.
“BBC News
Man charged over triple death crash
A 28-year-old man has been charged with three counts of causing death by dangerous driving after a car crash which killed three teenagers.
Jaynesh Chudasama was arrested after the crash near a bus stop in Hayes, west London, on Friday evening.”
So it’s not been reported as a white man. It’s a foreign sounding name. Usual MO of terrorist mounting pavement and using vehicle to kill.
Man charged with causing death by dangerous driving.
Move along nothing to see here no evidence of terror related motivations.
Dyst, “no evidence of terror related motivations” – unlikely, is that not a Hindu name?
This should be good. Apparently Radio 4 Today programme is running a ballot for the most influential British woman of the past 100 years. Of course, there should only be one possible winner – Margaret Thatcher, the first female PM, the only woman to sire an -ism, still an obsession for the left and an inspiration for the right. So, I wonder which ‘right on’ candidate the Beeb will come up with instead as the winner? Probably the Queen.
The lefties will probably nominate Lilly Allen.
The remoaners will nominate Gina Miller.
Eddie Izzard
The blind will probably nominate Mary Beard.
Personally I always liked to see a bit of Fanny……Craddock!………Ooooo missus! send for the junior anti sex league!!!!
Never mind, I’m gonna buy a big bunch of white roses to hand out to the best looking tottie in my town this afternoon.
Jo Cox.
Influential ????? who comes up with this crap ? No woman publicly has influenced me during my lifetime.
My Mum and Grandma were influential in teaching me manners, taught me my ABC before I went to school, how to use a knife and fork, how to be independent, and how to make a proper Yorkshire pudding.
If its ‘influential’ in general, then it should be the women who were ‘first’ of something in public life, – first MP, first surgeon, first Speaker, first PM, first airline pilot, etc etc.
These ‘lists’ are all a load of b……s anyway, whose interested ?
I’d nominate Nick Clegg.
Just because she has a penis it doesn’t mean she can’t self identify as a woman does it? What’s your name, Germaine Greer?
Seriously, a number of great women candidates from 20th Century science, but I suspect I’m not the only one who is so sick of their ‘example’ being rammed down our throats by the feminazis, we’re no longer able to see their achievements for what they really were.
Which is tragic really when you think about it, these were women who often did have a bit of a struggle to get recognised in a ‘man’s world’ (no ‘positive discrimination’ for them), and desperately wanted to be taken seriously for their hard work and achievements, and they’re remembered for what? Having a vagina…
Can we include any of Stanley Baxters, Danny La Rues or Dick Emerys creations?
Afraid that Lily Savage and its unfunny nastiness rather finished the genre-so everybody has to dress up off stage these days.
Carry On films seem to be all that`s left, sad to say.
Jo Cox? Oh God, it might well be.
Please sign this petition to force a debate in parliament on scrapping ‘hate’ speech and making free speech the prime importance:
Create a Freedom of Speech Act and Bring an End to “Hate Speech” laws
Please also spread this as widely as possible, we need to highlight MPs who want to actively take our freedoms away from us.
The government has already responded that it does not believe in free speech and wants to crush it using imaginary ‘hate’ as an excuse to do so:
“The Government is committed to upholding free speech, and legislation is already in place to protect these fundamental rights. However, this freedom cannot be an excuse to cause harm or spread hatred.”
I signed it weeks ago, Thoughtful and was wearily disgusted by the farce of a debate that ensued. Even the tired old hack that presented the debate clearly didn’t support it – and neither did any of the other arrogant oafs who pretend to represent us.
I’m afraid the time for petitions is over. We await our Cromwell to dispel this rump parliament.
And Guy Fawkes for the Lords, save billions on refurbishing the whole place.
Was it just my imagination or did I hear a news report on R4 or Classic FM today saying that the Government had rejected this petition. Interesting as its deadline is not until April 2018.
Now why would a major broadcaster say such a thing?
Thoughtful – Was it just my imagination or did I hear a news report on R4 or Classic FM today saying that the Government had rejected this petition. Interesting as its deadline is not until April 2018.
Sorry folks – Have just seen Marky marks post further down – Apparently the Government rejected this petition at 17. 000 000 signatures.
I am not surprised – The rights of ROPERS, crybabies, liars and assorted weirdos seems to be the one thing that Sharia really cares about.
For the Government to reinstate, ‘Free Speech’ simply ain’t going to happen. Many bandy the expression ‘Free Speech’ around without knowing the limitations already present in the legal system. There has never been, ‘a free-for-all’, ‘anything goes’ situation. Part 2 of Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (on which the Human Rights Act was based) qualifies the ‘right’ thus,
“The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.”
The practical realities are that we (and much of Europe) are sat on a tinderbox which almost certainly, in the absence of any, I mean, ANY proper debate on islam will explode at some point in the future.
In the UK, in a demonstration of “Democracy at work” i.e. flooding the country with Islamists contrary to the public wishes, has only served to charge the atmosphere not defuse the looming confrontation. While the politicians naively thought that incoming Islamist migrants would eventually integrate that’s sure dead in the water. What about their secret ‘Plan B’? Well, it seems to me the only ‘Plan B’ can be found with Darwin: It will be the survival of the fittest. Quite fitting really that with all the perceived sophistication of Globalism and modern technology, the problem will eventually be solved by someone taking a baseball bat to someone else.
G – solid post.
Can these people not see what is going to happen by what has happened already ….
Home Secretary Amber Rudd speech on foreign workers treated as ‘hate incident’ (1 person raised it) by police {independent 12jan2017}
* independent is now controlled financially by Saudi Arabia!
Heads up.
A guy who got hit by the car on Westminster bridge is being interviewed on 5 live presently.
“Survivors against terror” launched today in UK.
Nobody seems able to join the dots with the recent “crash” in West London.
“Survivors against terror” launched today in UK. Lots of publicity today, forgotten and extinct next year.
Surely if the BBC it should be ‘getting it about righting wrongs’?
Can the ethos of an organisation really change when it involves mass child abuse by one element of our diverse multicultural society? Draw your own conclusions if you didn’t hear the interview by Sarah Montague on Toady this morning with the head of Rotherham Council Child Services.
It would appear that OFSTED has noted the improvements since the new guy from Sheffield took over. Not outstanding but ‘Good’. Those children in care are still vulnerable though. In effect, that means surely the system has not stopped the muslim child abusers? Otherwise, ‘vulnerable’ to what? Needless to say the ‘m’ word was not uttered throughout the interview but, give Montague her due, the ‘r’ word was on a number of occasions even the, ‘Pakistani/asian’ words to describe the abusers.
So what was the new leader of the CSA doing about the racial aspects of the past child abuse and current, ‘vulnerabilities’ to same? Well we learn its nothing whatever to do with race. Rotherham CSA focus on the child and the abuse and, apparently, nothing before. It is definitely not a racial thing. Seems to me that its wide open for more devotees to the prophet mohammed to continue his good work. Wiki:
“The majority of traditional hadith sources state that Aisha was married to Muhammad at the age of six or seven, but she stayed in her parents’ home until the age of nine, or ten according to Ibn Hisham, when the marriage was consummated with Muhammad, then 53, in Medina.”
9am Radio 4 , there are 4 open borders liberals on
100% #lib-land view from BBC
Yet on Twitter they are getting a kicking
VD scratching on pork.
Oddly, lambs to Halal slaughter not subject to the same daring journalism.
Guest Who
Like feminism animal rights halts at the gates of Islam
It’s what Jo would have wanted.
If the BBC investigated Halal slaughterhouses, which they won’t, they would conclude the Islamic blessing played over the loudspeakers calms the lambs.
Haram is Haram because it contains the word Ham!
There was some balance
She tweeted out a mix of Protester and Farmer points
She’s never had the balls to tweet the word halal
So today dozens of tweeters did mention the issue on her timeline
Death Threats are quite reasonable (to be expected?) when they come from the Left, is that because the Left feel things so much more intensely than everyone else? Or is it because they’re the good ones with halos?
It does justify the idea of ‘hate crime’ if you think those on the Left suffer from emotional trauma so intense it could actually result in physical harm, which the rest of the rest of the human race is mercifully, and miraculously, spared from.
‘It was like a physical blow, it made me physically sick’… who said that? Oh Gina Miller.
Pigs squeal all the time, they’re noisy animals, used to help out on a pig farm sometimes as a kid, they made those kind of ‘screams’ when you entered their pen with a sack of feed for their trough.
Pigs also sometimes kill and eat other animals, including sick pigs, meat is apparently a significant part of their diet in the wild – learnt that on the farm too, and how if you fell over and banged your head in the pen and no one noticed, eventually there’d be nothing left but your teeth.
I love pigs, more intelligent than many people I’ve met, and cuter too, but I have no problem with eating them, after all they’d do the same to any of us, even a vegan.
Quite right; some pigs can be right bad tempered, vicious beggars too.
Ultimately if you want to eat meat: you have to kill animals.
I object to Halal and Shecita slaughter because of the religious elements to it and that we have moved on to less cruel methods of killing beasts. But don’t be fooled, even in ordinary abattoirs their treatment there isn’t really too “humane” either.
The devil makes work for idle hands. Get a real job!
Not covered by the BBC yet but the story smacks of BBC values.
Menopausal cops are to be provided with ‘cry spaces’, and fans for when they have hot flushes.
Would it not be easier for them to re-identify as men and avoid the menopause? Feelings always trump science innit.
Better still if they took early retirement and left law enforcement to Gene Hunt.
As a menopausal woman I’m offended. Why isn’t this space for sufferers of PMT (any gender of course) too. Excuse me if it is, haven’t time to waste on reading such articles.
Stew: ‘Start the week’ was yet another one of those pieces of pure propaganda, pretending to be a discussion between ‘intellectuals’ (no ‘little people’ there!), who are all so far above the primitive, long-discarded concept of ‘borders’, we little people wouldn’t be able to see them, even if we screwed up our eyes against the sun.
I think nowadays of the R4 ‘quilt’. They’re patching together many and varied little programmes, but almost all of them will contain positive evaluations of ‘migration’, male-hate and /or some Trump bashing.
When this all-day 24/7 quilt is finished, it will be big enough to smother all those pesky ‘little people’, so you won’t be able to see them at all. The BBC hopes.
Man walks out of a coffee shop not paying for four coffees then forgets to book train seat and complains he has no where to sit and then lectures people on human rights after taking money from TV company that suppresses human rights without condemning their actions and to top it all he wants to run the country. { 29Jan2018}
Alan asks me to list the bias …
New Book of the Week: the way it was presented prior to the start and abridged alerted me to the fact that my feeling of being propagandised may not be a false one. Book at Bedtime? Nothing to look forward to. A second week of ‘award-winning’ Orhan Pamuk’s dull, pedestrian novel set in rural Turkey.
Funny thing, I don’t recall the BBC Radio4 having ‘Reading Europe’ festivals in the 1990s or the 2000s. But just before, during and after the EU Referendum they seem to be appearing like a string of London buses on my radio.
I wonder why?
Might it not be a good idea to count and log any BBC output that does NOT lead to Trump, to Brexit or to Stalin in the Muslim Caucuses? And then those of us still paying for the BBC send THAT proportion of the fee onto Capita, as a percentage. With a letter to explain.
Exclude radio 3 though, who still (in general) are as good as we can hope for.
Thathcherrevolutionary: Sorry, I meant to hit ‘reply’ and I got ‘report comment’ instead. Fumblefingers! Your comment about Chris Packham.
What I’d meant to say was that he had a programme on TV last night, where he returned to Indonesia, where he hoped to find a girl he had last photographed 20 years before. He left his luxurious-looking pile (somewhere in leafy Hampshire?) and ventured forth, proclaiming ‘we are all guilty’ or ‘look what we have done to you’,at regular
intervals. His complaint was the disappearance of the jungle, to be replaced by palm-oil plantations, and therefore the death of communities who depend on the jungle.
I agree with him. But just because I use soap and biscuits, I DO NOT see myself as guilty, a la Packham. The responsibility lies with governments, in this case the Indonesian govt.
But it was pitched at such a low level, I can imagine many kids who felt guilty.
I will forgive Chris, cos he says he has aspergers. But DO THE ENTIRE BBC have that as well?
Packham is a fucking arsehole, I can say that from personal experience having met him, more than once. Believe it, or not, he is actually worse in real life than the version you see on TV.
‘Aspergers’, yeah right, BEEB syndrome more like. Work with people with Aspergers and they include some of the loveliest people you’ll ever met, just struggle with communication etc… not an excuse to be a total fucking dickwad like Chris fucking Packham.
Sorry, the guy really does rile me.
Are you saying you don’t like him?
He`s Aspergers isn`t he? So you can say what you like, he`ll not be taking it in.
But as a mental health category-maybe he IS a vulnerable minority and in need of lots of BBC groomings and fundings.
Oh. lor…is THIS what we`ve turned into?
Yeah, but he looks good, especially for a biologist 🙂
Perhaps a visit to Specsavers might help. But then as they say ” Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Anyway, book an appointment – just in case eh?
Sounds a bit like Gary Glitter…is that a hate crime?
Gary Glitter? Is that rhyming slang?
There goes the few remaining microns of veneer that were left on the cultivated illusion of, “Democracy”. So, now, adding up the new hate laws and restrictions on the press in Europe and particularly in Germany, dictatorships all around the World can see (as they knew already) what so-called “Democracy” stands for. Simply nothing. All-said-and-done, we are no different to the Russian people. To those Dictators, I simply say, ‘the illusion is gone, now we’re the same as you’. What will the politicians drag out the bag next?
Quite amazing really how so many different facets of everyday life over the last few years has all come together to destroy the last of the illusion. Look no further to the way Brexit is going.
Hi-De-Hi !
I’ve just twigged who it was that Tory MP Matt Hancock, the young somewhat vague minister for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, reminds me of – that character from holiday camp comedy Hi-De-Hi – you know the one – the awkwardly well-meaning square-peg-in-a-round-hole posh chap struggling to be Maplin’s entertainments manager, Jeffrey Fairbrother.
You might think a Conservative minister with his portfolio should be busy reinstating some conservative values into our culture, media and sport. Fat chance. Hancock appears on the BBC (part of his remit) more in the character of the grovelling supplicant desperate for a good BBC write up (hopefully without too much emphasis on the ‘should go further’ in any given Leftist policy direction he’s attempting) than what he ought to be: a figure of authority who should be promoting an alternative direction in our culture to the current relentless post-modern Gramscian direction of travel.
A Tory actually promoting conservative cultural values…?
Good spot. Let’s chuck him in the pool!
Reminder of Matt Hancock speaking in the HoC on Jan 9th
“Like most Members, I strongly support the BBC, and, like most of the licence fee payers who fund it, I would go so far as to say that I love it. ”
Matt can’t hear you.
He was interviewed at Davos – as wet as a lettuce. If he is the best they can muster then we are well and truly doomed!
Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker is not happy with just your TV Tax money … he wants your organs (if you opt in)… he retweeted this …
Really wish ‘celebrities’ would stay out of campaigns like this, they clearly don’t have a clue how many people will be instantly turned off by Linekar’s involvement. Shame, it’s a good cause.
So I won’t be donating organs. I am white skinned and it appears the campaign does not include me
No need to worry. By then donee’s will be given a swatch of colour cards to match up.
“So I won’t be donating organs. I am white skinned and it appears the campaign does not include me”
Who knows? I think this add shows the “foresight” of the people who owns this add! In the not too distant future – we, the white ones, will most likely, be in the very minority so plan ahead eh!?
Until they make it the law that only those who offer to give can receive I will refuse to donate my organs.
Why should those with religious views which preclude them giving be able to receive anything?
That’s too fair and sensible and dare I say Thoughtful..
I know it’s not just me but aren’t you getting fed up with being bombarded by all these non-existent mixed race families that are appearing in all public sector and BBC advertising…
Does this include donating ones penis to pre-op transgenders?
The delightful chump, Lauren Booth, Cherie Blair’s sister, Lauren Booth, has been caught out, yet nothing, as far as I can see, on the BBC.
Ms Booth, an Islamic convert, has been banned from serving on any charity for 4 and a half years over £90 K missing from her Islamic Appeal charity.
The money that the charity commission could account for was spent on “valet parking, first-class rail travel, accommodation in Qatar, Bahrain and Turkey, TV licences and household goods that were “not clearly linked to the activities of the charity””.
Now please forgive me here, but if I nicked £90K wouldn’t the police be invoved? And if another high profile person, but from the right and a non Muslim, was caught out like this, would it not feature on the BBC.
You may recall the BBC had a melt down over a lying Tory scum MP, Sir Peter Viggers, trousering £1,645 for a duck pond.
Back in 2015 the government was providing £3.1 Billion of taxpayers money to UK charities without them having to declare where the funding came from, nor does the government admit what it is doing with this astonishing amount of taxpayers money.
No wonder Cameron was so keen to assist the Batman with few million of our pounds, safe in the knowledge no one would know what he had been up to.
Makes you wonder if the sleazy elites who help each other out have assisted Lauren Booth in her ‘charitable’ ambitions and to what tune. We will never know unfortunately though.
And Cherie used to dodge train tickets even as Blairs expenses were being shredded as I recall. THAT`S what we have by way of judges these days.
Coming from Liverpool ought not to be a defence,but these are Carla Lane Days.
What do you call a scouser in a suit? – The accused.
An old joke well evidenced by the Booth family.
Cow walks on wild side with Polish bison
Basically a cow ran away from a farm last autumn, and has been living with a herd of bison in a Polish forest.
Ok, but it’s the BBC, so they can’t let it be at just a nice story, and have to spoil it, as usual, with some kind of downer.
‘The unusual friendship could lead to mating, which would contaminate the vulnerable population of about 600 Bialowieza bison with hybrids. Another danger is that hybrid calves are large, and the cow could die giving birth.
The interloper is still too young to breed, but it looks like her winter adventure must end in recapture before spring comes’
Funny how the libtards love interbreeding among people but like to keep animals bloodlines 100% pure.
I guess we won’t be hearing the following kind of story on the BBC:
”An African woman was spotted with a herd of European people on the Swedish border. This unusual friendship could lead to mating, which would contaminate the vulnerable population with hybrids.
Another danger is that a hybrid Afro/European offspring is darker, and might not be able to extract enough vitamin D to survive a long sunless winter.
The interloper is still too young to breed, but it looks like her winter adventure must end in recapture before spring comes”
Well the BBC could have justified paying presenter Piers Morgan & team $200,000
Cos by not running with the nasty-pack he scored a SCOOP an exclusive interview with Trump
which ultimately will make Piers corp $millions.
BBC by staying with the nasty pack have lost out and only gain from Team Hillary exclusives.
Morgan’s just been on Talk Radio audio page
Morgan sees himself as an eco-Warrior for his work on Trump
Nihal on R5 last night was very keen to say the interview was a load of rubbish.
Now that is a good sign when a lib-loony like Nihal tries to flippantly dismiss something.
I don’t think we’ll be seeing the POTUS doing a one to one interview for al Beebus, anytime in the next seven years.
Nothing to do with the BBC but about that fading star of the right James Delingpole. I have subscribed to Delingpole’s Breitbart podcasts for a year or so and I am beginning to wonder whether he is as sound as he claims he is. He certainly is strongly against global warming and a strong advocate of a small state and personal responsibility. But he has been very quiet about his views on Islamification of our country over this past year which is the major issue of our times. Indeed I have heard him on at least one occasion urge support for Saudi over Iran , rather than cast a plague on both their houses. His other main topic of his pod casts , to the point of being irritating, is how little money he makes ! Support for Saudi and being a proponent of fossil fuels and bags of cash go hand in hand of course.
He hasn’t mentioned the word in tweets over the last 6 months but
I’ve heard him the last 4 months say something like
“The libs try to say we are against Muslims,
.. but no there is a distinction we are certainly against Islam & its hateful dogma,
.. but not Muslims in general
We are against Islam, but not against Muslims”
I should give him the benefit of doubt owing to his otherwise sound views but a podcast dealing with Islamification is overdue.
“….Islamification of our country over this past year which is the major issue of our times. ” It may be for the and I and most other sensible thinking people but, the political elite who are patently converts to islam?
Delingpole probably doesn’t experience ‘no go’ areas in Herefordshire.
The Lib-establishments war against people who challenge it
Is “f@cktad” a banned word on Twitter ?
Yes ..when Raheem Kassam used it, but not when libs use it
He got a 7-day ban, they never do
So on Twitter libs are #MoreEqualThan when it comes to free speech
“Jeremy Corbyn is this brand new all singing, all dancing … going to change the world … he’s a white man from London who has been in Parliament for 30 years and never had another job … isn’t this the thing we’ve been saying for ages we didn’t like?” – Jess Phillips @ 05:21
“Jacob-Rees Mogg shows Jess Phillips around his constituency” {youtube}
I read on the Sky News webpage a man called Jaynesh Chudasama has been charged following the deaths of 3 young men in Hayes after being rammed on the pavement at high speed by a car. I do not see this news on the front page of the bBBC news website. I do see stories about the Easyjet chief taking a pay cut for gender equality, and a story about ‘stars’ wearing white roses at the grammys. Could somebody please attempt to explain this deficiency/oversight in the bBBC news reporting?
And a couple of headlines about “My nightmare menopause” by Yasmin Le Bon. Nightmare ??? do journalists know the meaning of the word ? its the same as using ‘Battle’ as in ‘battling cancer’. No-one ”battles’ cancer, you get it and recover well, or you get it and the treatment doesn’t work. There is very little the patient can do themselves, you’re totally in the hands of other people.
HAD to reply to this Brissles.
Used to love Duran Duran-heck, even bought an Arcadia single or two(yes, I know!). And you`re telling me that Simons little girl is MENOPAUSAL now?
Never felt so old in my life.
Where did our lives go hun?
I don’t know Alicia, but when I see the state of some of my hero’s from the 60’s, I wish I hadn’t ! No different to my Dad worshipping Sinatra, and was saddened how he had become in his latter years. Its life and its sh…t sometimes !
Fire and Fury over Hillary Clinton’s Grammy cameo { 29jan2018}
“Members of President Trump’s team have voiced their disapproval of a Grammy Awards sketch featuring a cameo by Hillary Clinton.”
For balance couldn’t the BBC mention the book ‘No One Left to Lie To’ – By Christopher Hitchens?
“Hitchens asks you to consider the treatment of Kathleen Willey, a friend of the President (Bill Clinton) whose husband had died unexpectedly. She went to the Oval Office to ask for a job and was rewarded by ‘the guiding by the presidential mitt of her own hand on to his distended penis’. When she spoke out, everyone believed her, although many wished she’d held her tongue.” {theguardian may1999}
The scheduled BBC/Netflix ‘Trojans’ miniseries, created and co-written by David Farr, associate director of the Royal Shakespeare Company, will feature black actor David Gyasi as Achilles. According to Farr, when “people watch they will see that David has the truth and spirit of Achilles, which is far more important than any notion about what he might or might not have looked like.”
Apparently David Farr’s own notion of ‘truth’ with regard to Achilles outweighs that of Homer, himself, who wrote that Achilles was blonde haired. With regard to the ‘spirit’ of an acting role then, when a Royal Shakespeare Company or BBC production presents a white actor as a heroic Othello opposite a black, racist Iago I’ll give his words more credence.
It appears that ‘Trojans’ will be yet another reflection of the BBC ilk of race-obsessed ‘liberals’ attempting to erase any notion of truth from history. ‘Homer spreads fake news says the BBC’, but I won’t be watching.
Nor will I. On the very rare occasions I suffer any programme for the BBC, the mere mention of their favourite word and I reach for the off switch.
I have a feeling I am not the only one.
Does it not reinforce negative stereotypes having a black man play a ruthlessly violent warrior?
Do they really think having BAME actors play every hero, doctor and detective in television dramas is going to make a difference? Forget all the stabbings, rape gangs and general lawlessness – someone black is playing Achilles! Well that fantasy clearly trumps all my sense data. I feel so much better about that bastard who nicked by bike wheel because according to BBC the thief was actually an archetypal hero.
It’s interesting BB that in the US the places where whites had a more positive view of blacks, was where their only experience of them was via the portrayal of them on TV.
The whites in more “ethnically mixed” parts of the country, who interacted with blacks directly themselves, held less positive opinions of them.
I had the misfortune to be given two tickets to ‘Black Macbeth’ at The Roundhouse Theatre, Chalk Farm, many years ago. Within 20-30 minutes the pub/curry house beckoned and we walked out. Utter rubbish.
The original Godspel was quite good though, but at the time my question at the time was ‘Who TF’ is David Essex?
In 2017 the BBC give Voodoo a nice title and content, in 2005 the BBC was more hard hitting.
Has voodoo been misjudged? { aug2017}
Is witchcraft alive in Africa? { jul2005}
Comment by Danni, South Africa
Each person is entitled to their own religion, belief or culture, but when that same thinking such as witchcraft in South Africa, encourages people to r*pe three-month-old babies to ‘cure’ them of HIV, people should rethink their views.
Or murder albinos for to sell their bodies to witch doctors for their “medicine”. I watched a Ross Kemp programme on Sky, where albino negroes have to live in protected compounds to avoid being either murdered or having an arm or leg hacked off and used in witchcraft.
Another Smart Lady
‘Deep cultural sickness’ in the left
says Daisy Cousens to Andrew Bolt
I dont believe i just read this… Oh sorry folks its Ken Livingston, a devout leftie who is well and truly beyond reproach
Why has this man not been expelled from Labour, sorry again, Corbyns best mate..Bastards
and why is there no storm of horror and disbelief flooding the air waves
why has the Maybot not twittered denouncing this hatred, she seems to love getting her nose stuck in everything else
Didn’t Germany carry out this experiment on the whole world with the diesel scandal?
The German government has denounced experiments funded by German carmakers in which humans and monkeys reportedly inhaled diesel exhaust fumes. { 29jan2018}
Tim Farron, UK Politician against gay marriage – EVIL!
Angela Merkel, German Politician against gay marriage – SAINT! **
Angela Merkel votes against same sex marriage law in Germany ‘because marriage is between a man and woman’
** BBC did not mention this in the story about Merkel, I wonder why?
Corbyn says the homeless will be housed in vacant London flats. How do you define a homeless person? I might move to London and become homeless if there is a flat going; how many others could do the same? And what about property law? You cannot just take people’s private property because they are not using it.
I loved the Tory MP who suggested the homeless could live in the London flats of Labour MPs when they are not being used. Hilarious – as if that will happen. Just like the feminists who moan of a ‘wage gap’ then marry men who earn more than them, thus living the very ‘inequality’ they profess to be against. They want all the virtue points for saying noble things without bothering with any of the inconvenience of putting those beliefs into practice themselves.
Imagine having some drug addled, violent sociopath staying at your flat for the summer.
They are all like the pigs in Animal Farm: do as I say not as I do.
“And what about property law”
Jezzbolla and his comrades will be making new laws including Hate speech being extend to “opposition to the party”
first vacant flats , then vacant bedrooms then make single residents swap their 3 bedroom house with 10 Somalis in a flat
BBC applauds window cleaner who saved Banksky’s mural after it had been white washed.
Who would deface a Banksky work of art?
Well I bloodywell would if he daubed a wall in my neighbourhood with his crude propaganda without consulting we unimportant locals.
It might attract luvvies from far and wide but having to live next to his shite is no fun.
This is the real Banksky at work!
In other news, Mrs May’s ministry has just announced the appointment of Her Britannic Majesty’s first “Minister for Loneliness”, another manifestation of the dismal disintegration of family and social life in the UK. Perhaps a Minister for Emptiness will follow. – Mark Steyn
Perhaps the poor sods need a Minister For Ministers. They certainly appear to be a bunch of wretched, lost souls. Not one seems to have the bollocks to go over the head of parliament and the EU and appeal directly to the British man and woman in the street. They are akin to a vInyl record stuck in the groove. I’m sure if one of them were to give the public the unvarnished truth about what is being inflicted upon us he or she would become a National Hero. So much easier to be the proverbial ostrich I suppose.
“Minister for Administrative Affairs”, surely?
We’ve been beyond parody for some time now.
Only one ‘Minister for Loneliness’? Surely there should be at least two.
‘Minister for Loneliness’
Or, in other words, a conservative Conservative.
At least we know where “all the lonely people go” now. To the BBC studios and some labour-lite idiot box. Mc Cartney asked us, this is what we now find.
Monument to Eleanor Rigby then? And why not?
Minister of Loneliness? At this rate there will really be a Ministry of Silly Walks by next year, followed by the Society for Putting Things on Top of Other Things. Come to think of it that is more constructive than the existing Government.
Have you come here for an argument? Down the corridor second door on the left. Ask for Mr Whinger.
Lefty – you are wrong – ask for the ministry of arguments ( or crowds )
I want the full half hour!
I see Brendan Cox’s new creation is being feted in every BBC studio.
The Orifice of Truth itself tells us
“Survivors Against Terror wants more effective measures against terrorism and greater support for its victims.
Founders include the husband of murdered West Yorkshire MP Jo Cox and Dan Hett, whose brother Martyn was killed in the Manchester Arena bombing.
Brendan Cox said the group would try “to defeat terrorism at its source”.
He added: “What terrorists want is for us to turn against each other, to hate each other.
“And what we want to do as a country is to come together in a united way and make sure we defeat it”.
More support for the victims of terrorism is a laudable aim, but Cox is really only about deflecting attention away from the main threat by far to this country – muslim terrorism. He groups all terrorists together and claims that their aim is to “turn us against eachother”. The aim of the IRA was a united Ireland, the aim of muslim terrorism is a kuffar-free Caliphate. The source of muslim terrorism is muslims and the muslim presence in Britain is due to a catastrophic political decision to allow unfettered Muslim immigration decades ago. The leftists obviously see this as a form of kharmic punishment, self flagellation that will purify us of the dual original sins of imperialism and colonalism.
On the Today programme this morning, one woman in the Cox brigade said that she did not blame muslims for the Brussels attack that affected her. This is about as convincing as an Ausschwitz survivor saying she does not blame the nazis for the Holocaust. Like nazis and irish nationalists, muslims share a set of beliefs that guide their actions. We are expected to believe the fairy tale that there are some muslims who are peace-lovinp paragons of virtue while the real problem is jihadists, who believe in a perversion of Islam. In the same way, we were expected to believe the IRA were violent extremists and Sinn Fein were cooing doves of peace, We now can clearly see this was simply a sham.
If Cox wanted to eliminate hatred he should be calling for the koran to be banned. If incitement to kill unbelievers is not “hate speech” and calling the kuffar cattle is not “dehumanising language”, I don’t know what is.
Jo Cox a survivor against terror then?
Mess with their noodles, precious little upstairs with this lot.
West Yorkshire Police never described it as a terrorist murder.
The judge at Mair’s trial never described it as a terrorist murder.
Thomas Mair wasn’t a member of any terrorist group.
Mair has never spoken about why he did what he did – that isn’t the usual modus operandi of a terrorist.
In the light of all of the above: why is her murder now labelled an “act of terrorism”?
The comment below from the Financial Times explains why the Cox Martyrdom was so important at the time. It’s the Reichstag fire shtick that the Nazis used against the communists now being redeployed by the leftists. The nazis used the fire as a pretext to declare a state of emergency and arrest communist MPs. The poster below hoped that the Cox murder could be used as a pretext to stop the referendum and smear Brexiteers as pogromists in spe.
Coase Theorem Nov 23, 2016
The reason that Thomas Mair’s actions didn’t stop Leave’s momentum is that a large percentage of Leave voters share Thomas Mair’s world view
They are angry, petty, spiteful, conspiratorial and have delusions of grandeur about themselves
These voters aren’t capable of murder nor want to be – I’m not saying that at all, they aren’t violent
But intellectually they are on the same wavelength as Mair
It’s staggering that anyone would vote for a cause Farage supports (Brexit) when the man’s first reaction to Jo Cox’s murder was concern about political momentum
It’s staggering that anyone would vote for a cause Thomas Mair supports (Brexit)
Frankly if we had any deceny we would have postponed the referendum for a year – but it needed to be Leave who called for that and they didn’t – even decency must be sacrificed on the altar of Brexit, for some unknown gain
But Middle England has shown its true face – small minded and small hearted people who will turn us into a small country if they get their way”
What detestable, arrogant, little shits these people are!
They, of course, would never claim that “nonviolent” muslims are “intellectually on the same wavelength” as any of the multitude of Muslim mass murderers you care to name.
Mair wanted to speak out at his trial but the Judge would not let him.
There was a very great deal of murk surrounding both Mair’s trial and the murder itself. The BBC and the rest of the Left wing media did absolutely nothing to dispel that murk -I can only conclude that was quite deliberate.
Its fake news time at the BBC again.
Reference Carillion
Now I am not for one microsecond going to defend the Carillion board and senior execs.
But on the above URL the BBC are clearly trying to paint a picture of dividend payments exceeding pension fund contributions.
Now this is a valid point to make. But, showing their avowed snti-business credentials, what do the BBC do?
They use two different scales on the same graph. The dividends scale is twice the contributions scale which makes the dividends (boo hiss) look twice as big as they are.
So the graph is faked up to justify the narrative, even when the story is valid on its own merit.
They just cannot help themselves, can they?
Lib/mob contradiction
– Skimpy clothes on women dancers on Strictly Come Dancing. …. An Aspiration
– Less revealing clothes of ‘walk on’ women at the Darts ..has to be banned !
..otherwise the BBC won’t cover it
Good point … bags for everyone. Morality Police squads deployed.
Walk on women BBC approved

Got to laugh Stew eh?
The contradictions make all this as easy as hitting Hattie Jacques rump with a ukelale.
My answer?
1. Get Darts Weekly-with Eric Bristow as final judge-to judge the best totty who walk on with the blokes, at present.
2. Take these top ten Darts Dollies and pay them what we pay the fat blokes with their tiny prickers( knowledge of darts not necessary girls).
3. Reame them as supermodels once they`ve achieved these appalling rates of moolah for doing diddly.
4. Christie, Yasmin, Naomi, Kate, Claudia perhaps?
5. Apply botox for the sourpuss disdainful and sneering pout, put them on Pitbull videos and make sure they despise the blokes who dress and pay for them
6. Put them in white behind Katie Perry to denounce Eric, Michael, Phil the Powell etc on a song that nobody bought.
7. The ensure UN Goodwill Ambassador roles, Question Time guest spots and weeks on Womans Hour. Cathy Newman
Meanwhile-all their poor sisters can give up on a few quid and go on the game to pay for some poxy non course at Trent Poly or Oakham Univeristy.
This is equality in 2018.
Poor sods-fat tubs of balding gutbuckets-audience or players-one of the few remaining pleasures of watching that crap at Leicestere Leisuredome would have surely been to take a peek and hope for a smile.
Can`t all still need to fish out their Bella Emberg and Una Stubbs pin ups can they?
Not even a Dianne Abbott, a Soubry or a Nugee could cheer them up.
Skimpy frocks have been rapidly disappearing from Strictly over the last couple of seasons ! a few families kicked off that it was becoming unsuitable family viewing when the likes of the pro female dances were looking more like pole dancers ! In fact this last series it was noticeable that the frocks wouldn’t have been out of place in a mosque they were so demure – another step towards ………. ??
So the Lion of London Bridge, the man who stood up to the terrorists at London Bridge, turns out to be a bit of a racist and an Islamophobe who has yelled abuse at anti capitalist protestors, called the Mayor of London a piece of shit and another person as a black c***nt.
He certainly won’t be getting a Jo Cox award and was lucky not to be banged up as a racist.
Raw language indeed and perhaps worse than shooting and knifing innocent people
GWF, I wonder how many of those “anti-racist” protesters would have taken on those knife wielding Muzzies like he did?
Not one of them is my guess.
Another waste of police/court resources
OF course people should be able to PEACEFULLY walk down the street without being sworn at.
But that isn’t what happened, they were a loud angry crowd disrupting his neighbourhood .. he felt threatened and should have bit his li, but he didn’t he lashed out with his tongue shouting “you idiot” becomes “you black idiot” and it escalated a bit, he did walk away hey followed him and the photographer went to hit him and the bloke avoided it and got away.
Would we really put someone in jail for that ?
And people do tend to be a bit learning difficulties .
Jesus it’s school playground stuff .. all over in a flash everyone walks away unharmed.
Of course everyone should have seen the report that dear ole Aunty is 98.whatever% biased against Brexit, but am asking for some advice. Had the misfortune of being at a “intellectual” dinner party on the weekend with a gang of Remoaners. How does one handle such an awful event? BTW, they will not listen to any form of logic or facts.
IM_R, You could ask questions – in series – and see what answers you get:
Q:What advantages does the EU provide to the UK? A:Well, access to a large market for trade. Q:OK, is our trade deficit important? A:Oh yes, in trading it is vital. Q:Would you not want to leave a trade bloc that immediately put the UK in deficit and kept it there forever? A: Umhhh, er, has it? Q:What might enable the UK to escape our trade deficit with EU? More trade with EU or more trade with world? A: Er, more trade with everyone of course. Q:If the EU makes our trade deficit worse and we can only maintain trade with the rest of the world via the EU & its rules, what is likely – almost guaranteed – to happen with our trade deficit in future? A: Ummmh
(They might go down a political route and then you would need to have a grasp of UN/Commonwealth/etc roles and some history. You could ask, for example, what tends to happen to Treaties in the long run.)
Or you could try a more personal approach. Many Remoaners seem to me to own property in the EU or to enjoy frequent holidays or even weekending there frequently and are somewhat oblivious to the EU funding, UK taxpayers on smaller incomes who are unable to afford or more affluent who choose not to afford that lifestyle. That might need a more delicate and highly diplomatic approach from you. Could cost you an invite to future meals!
In your advantage, Remoaners tend not to have a good grasp of the EU itself and its history and the variations of things like the much-vaunted Four Freedoms. Study up on those beforehand. Ask questions to which you know the answers in advance.
Real Men Voted For Brexit.
That`d be my T-shirt.
Ahh ha the dreaded Remoaner party – I have found that challenging them with why they voted remain usually works and then quoting either statistics or the EU statutes normally works but only after you let them call Brexiteers dumb racists – it’s worth it just to see their faces as they know I am none of the above..and normally their reasons for voting Remain are so facile…and do it with a big smile – cos they always look at me and say – You are joking aren’t you…
If it were me I would hear all, see all and say f__k all. You can’t converse with a shithouse wall so drink the wine eat the grub and if the occasion arises bury your bone. Well it’s a party innit?
R5 Afternoon has Guardian feminist on @HarrietMinter
(another schreeching voice)
“Jordan Peterson got made to look a little bit stupid on TV by a woman,
so maybe he is beginning to feel a little bit delicate”
…. Even Nihal was stunned
“You genuinely thought that Cathy Newman won that ?”
Female presenter “moving on”
@HarrietMinter continued
“There is a patriachal structure at the BBC”
“there are very right wing people , who twist the feminist agenda”
..Irony city she has twisted the picture of all the people who challenge her ..and smeared them with the boo-word “very right wing”
Then she shouted down the other woman who said that women under 30 outearn men
That woman then put up a whole chain of replies
‘Jordan Peterson got made to look a little bit stupid on TV by a woman’ – when we deny reality – fantasy is the only thing left.
“Jordan Peterson got made to look a little bit stupid on TV by a woman,
so maybe he is beginning to feel a little bit delicate”
Apart from anything else, he “got made” ????