Corbyn has his ‘Momentum’ stormtroopers, the Remainiacs have ‘Dementum’, their stay-behind-the-lines Dad’s Army band of guerrillas on a mission to sabotage Brexit.
A crackers squad of dyed-in-the-wool diehard blowhards who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the ‘good of the country’…naturally it is the ‘good of the country’ as they see it. They believe that the voters were too stupid, too blinded by their own bigotry and prejudice to understand what they were voting for therefore it is only right and sensible that this small band of highly trained, highly privileged, intelligent, articulate, clever, highly educated and ethically superior EU mercenaries be allowed to make the decisions on their behalf….power of attorney you might say for the mentally and morally deficient plebs.
Today they launched a sneak attack ‘out of the bushes’, as Lord ‘adiEU’ Adonis might not say. A classic tactic of dropping a fake document into enemy hands in the hope that they will believe it and act accordingly to their detriment. Naturally it helps if you have a willing collaborator in the plan to help disseminate the ‘fake news’ far and wide, one who is supposedly neutral, honest and beyond reproach.
And luckily for Dementum they had just the platform, one that gladly broadcast the bad tidings, that the British economy would tank if it left the benevolent clutches of the EU, without question….repeated frequently throughout the day the broadcasts gave hope to those Dementum saboteurs stuck behind the lines that the cavalry, or is it Calvary, was on its way. D-Day would once again free Europe from the dark, looming prospect of a Nazi take-over…otherwise known by the code-name ‘Brexit’. Dementum Day….put the flags out for that one, the day we rejoin the EU.
Fifteen years to the minute from today, the document warned us, the British economy will implode, apocalypse not now but in 15 years time. Birds will fall from the trees, the skies will darken, dogs will run wild in the streets and Murdoch will buy Sky. Be assured, if Brexit happens, no good will come of it.
The fake news document, launched like a cruise missile targeted right at the heart of Brexit, turned out to be more of a North Korean firecracker as it veered wildly off target and took out its own control centre packed as it was with Herr Hammond and his Treasury manadarins who had cobbled this piece of junk news together as yet another part of their grand plan to stop Brexit…. ‘Project Fear’. The true Brits looked on as they had during the last time Europe had tried to blitz them and they laughed, flicked the V-sign and dug in for the long war.
Yes, the ‘True Brits’, the ‘conscies’, ‘treacherous’ conscientious objectors who refuse to be conscripted to the Dementum cause….they who paused for thought and decided life under a totalitarian regime was not for them and who bravely stood up for the real good of the country, the good that the majority of the country voted for rather than the conveniently shaped self-serving fantasies of the Dementum.
‘V’ for Victory over Europe. Go tell that to the German ambassador.
The ‘leak’ is just another pathetic attempt at delaying tactics.
Full Hansard transcript:
They’re just like Premier League football managers whingeing about the game they’ve just lost. ”It can’t be true, can it, we lost, it’s not our fault, it’s the refs fault……it’s the VAR’s fault…it’s the fault of those stupid, Imperialist, xenophobic, blinkered, bigoted, prejudiced, Brexiteers!” Best out of three??
Or they say “Just because they scored more goals than us doesn’t mean to say they won”
Alan, maybe what is really needed is some Calvary – not Cavalry.
Theresa May should be well acquainted with Scripture as she claims to be a Christian and practising Anglican. We are not far off the season of Lent, and abstaining from something for the season is said by Anglicans to hold both significance and benefits.
Perhaps Theresa May might take some strength from this and – in the light of Michel Barnier’s statement on behalf of the EU yesterday – remove the £39billion UK giveaway from the negotiating table and announce an end to British negotiations on a trade deal for post March 2019. If she backs this up with an appropriate statement to the House of Commons and an abstinence from Brussels until after Easter, maybe even Pentecost, then she may stand to receive the blessing of a revived, dare I say resurrected even, career as PM. If she folds into a grovelling knapkin on the high altar of the EU then the career she has longed for all her life is as good as over.
It is time for a courageous act from the Prime Minister, not a cowardly denial of democracy. She has arranged against her some devilish opposition in the form of pharisaical Remainers in the House and the Other Place, aided and abetted by legions of demons stirred by and encouraged by most of the media, led by the BBC.
I detect a growing bolshiness among the public. This BBC pay thing, strangely, may be helping the Brexit cause. However much the BBC and its legion of media fiends call for Brexit to be overturned, or for second Referendums or grovelling acceptance of whatever scraps Brussels & the EU wishes to let fall from the negotiating table, I think some leadership – exemplified in your choice of photograph, Alan, might just result in 60%, 65%, 70% even, of the general population swinging in behind the Prime Minister as she ‘heads straight for the Brussels door’.
Prime Minister, it is time to take a stand for your country and for its democracy.
Good points Up2snuff.
Unfortunately May is just the limp moribund kind of Christian that gets rolled over and mugged-and pities the thugs that did it to her, and yells at the Good Samaritan for not choosing to use the NHS.
The EU is now a religion and a sacred creed with its Virgin Mary halo of a flag(c/o the Popes bunch).It has its own Vicar here on earth-the Reverend Blue Jeans squit called Blair.
And what was recently a vote to get a clean Brexit is now becoming soem Lapland farce for pole dancing round Junckers Minibar. Utterly pathetic. And we`ll raise up hell if not a nasty little army to deal with these traitors-noe of who speak for me.
A country is never at its most dangerous when the expressed will and instincts of its people are not in alignmnent with those who presume to speak and act for them.”
Enoch Powell, 1969.
chrisH, I fear that your analysis of Theresa May is correct.
There’s a troubling whiff of John Major’s continually failing Government from 1992-on around the PM. There’s only one way of dealing with it: stand up and deliver for the people.
Just the news from her Press Conference this a.m. should be sufficient evidence. “I am not a quitter.”
If you know anything about politics, you just do not answer questions like that. Theresa May may serve out one term but it looks like being 1992-97 all over again. She will then be held in the same awe and respect afforded John Major.
At the end of the day, they just can’t believe that an Independent, Sovereign Nation has told them to toddle off. They still want OUR cash, the ability for their nationals to emigrate willy nilly to OUR country, OUR fishing grounds….OUR military to defend them because they don’t want to spend their own money and to top it off, they want us to agree to this with no say in the laws they want to pass in the future? Even then, they can’t even come up with more imaginative phrases than ‘cherry picking’ or ‘you can’t have your cake and eat it’ (Jeez). Anybody want a slice of cherry cake, anybody, anybody??
And then OUR national broadcaster (The beloved BBC), prints every one of their words as if it were gospel? Has there EVER been a documentary, or an article on the BBC website or a report on the BBC News channel looking at the positive side of leaving? Oh, the silence is deafening!
Presented to you by that most reliable of sources…buzzfeed. The same ‘media outlet’ that gave us the Steele dossier that the MSM have been telling us fervently for over a year has been partially verified….forgetting to mention that the bit that was verified by the FBI according to Mccabe’s testimony to Congress was the fact Carter Page travelled to Russia…well that’s alright then. No FISA court judge could possibly say no to granting a warrant in the face of such overwhelming evidence of collusion
Reading about McCabe, Fisa and something about a memo.
Watergate? I’ve been buying shares in popcorn.
No.7, I think you’ve put your finger on what is driving sections of the US & UK media, especially the BBC.
Woodward and Bernstein wannabes.