

As Jordan Peterson said, it might pay to be a disagreeable woman, maybe the BBC women could learn something from C4 women…..[you’ve got 12 minutes and counting till the interview on C4 at 19:00]






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15 Responses to Frit?

  1. Guest Who says:

    BBC Today Programme

    BBC Director General Tony Hall admits he was wrong about #bbcpay transparency #wato
    More here:


  2. JimS says:

    Lord Hall should take some lesson from the professor!

    Sitting there with his hands in his lap like a naughty boy, while Cathy lunges at him like his angry mother!

    (It couldn’t happen to a nicer person.)



    • Synchronised says:

      Didn’t trust Cathy with JRM tonight so we had Krishnan trying to trip him up. Failed miserably. C4 news really has descended to tabloid level.


    • Oaknash says:

      Jim – Picture is quite funny though – Sorry mummy I have wet myself again! Or maybe she has declared her intent to remove his bollocks and have them surgically grafted onto her instead – I think she could be much happier if this happened. Power heels seem a bit over the top though.

      Its a bit like a losing boxer undertaking a comeback fight. With Peterson she was shown up as the nasty aggressive but fundamentally empty vessel she obviously is. So now she is given an opponent who is high profile but damaged goods and literally doesnt have a leg to stand on (as in many ways as a fellow lefty traveler he has to agree with her) and therefore is trying to defend the indefensible.

      What a pair the ghastly vs the greedy!

      Couldnt care less who won as in reality the real issue should be the fact that all this talentless “talent” (male and females) are all paid disgusting amounts of money for very little. Cant see our brave Cathy bringing this up though as she is far more interested in the “wimmin” issues rather than focus on the undeniable greed which infects the media industry and in particular the BBC.

      I suppose what Cathy is really fighting for are the rights of female presenters to be able to rip off the licence payers as much as the men have.


      • Jagman84 says:

        Following a prepared ambush script and having to keep ‘on-message’ has removed her ability to think on her feet. She was a sitting duck for a careful thinker like Peterson. Expect her future victims to get it in the neck as she tries to regain street cred.


    • Guest Who says:

      The trying to reach the floor on his tippy-toes is a nice touch too.


    • NCBBC says:

      IMagnify the picture – Lord Hall cant meet here eyes.


  3. ChrisMorrison says:

    Cathy Newman tries to pull her journalistic career back up the ubend by chatting about pay with an organization that showers privileged women with hundreds of thousands of pounds for reading the news and promoting their own virtues. What must the silent majority on average wages think about this poll tax funded two finger salute? Give me strength.


  4. G.W.F. says:

    Sisters, Comrades, take to the streets. Solidarity with the downtrodden masses at the BBC.
    Seize the means of production now.
    From each according to her ability to each according to her needs innit


  5. Guest Who says:

    Views are split.


    • Jerry Owen says:

      Guest Who
      Funny you should post that blog. My wife was saying only this morning that some people at her work place hadn’t had a pay rise for six years and it is causing financial problems… but then that’s the real world for you I guess !
      Do these people really not see just how unbelievably fortunate they are… are they really totally devoid of any kind of self awareness ?
      Clearly they are.


      • Fedup2 says:


        Mustn’t it be terrible for these loved to be paid £100 000 less than some one else and al beeb is talking of a £350 000 pay base line. Poor souls – who could live on that !!


  6. Beeb Brother says:

    Interesting the sign about visitors having to be searched. I thought the BBC were all against stop and search? Don’t they know how much it hurts people’s feelings? And it is not like they have hardcore gangsters roaming around like we have to put up with in East London. It looks like they have strong borders and tight security at their building as well. Yet they say Trump is evil for wanting strong borders and tight security.

    Virtue signalling goes against the golden rule that you should do as you would be done by.


  7. s.trubble says:

    I see Guru Murty is using the Cathy Come Home line (old lefty play for the day……… (for the youngsters reading , can we still call them that?)………………
    But shoudn’t it be Poor Cow……another old play for to-day………….

    especially after her being owned by the Psychologist/Blogger

    Or is this just bBC deflection on the day £211 million of out Licence Tax was shipped out to continue MOTD and Gary Crisps fat fee.