BBC review finds ‘no gender bias in on-air pay decisions’
Er….‘We’re addressing unfairness in individuals’ pay and want to close the gender pay gap’
“The BBC has a special role representing Britain. That is why we need to be, and want to be, an exemplar on gender pay, and equal pay.
Now some of its own know what it is like to go up against the monolithic BBC and find themselves stonewalled and dismissed out of hand. An irony that the BBC which campaigns relentlessly for equality of varous kinds is now being taken to task for its own lack of equality…its own bias. Like the Roman Empire it is its own follies and indulgences that bring it down.
Despite massive evidence to the contrary PWC have concluded that the BBC doesn’t have an equal pay problem….which is why some of its highest paid men are taking huge pay cuts and hundreds of women are getting pay rises….why might that be?
From the Guardian today:
‘The BBC doesn’t do equal pay’: Why female staff are fighting back
National radio presenter: “The line manager told me ‘the BBC doesn’t do equal pay’”
National broadcaster: “I have been offered a 65% pay rise, whilst also being told ‘there was no issue of equal pay’”
The TV news presenter: “I sat next to a man with an identical job paid tens of thousands more”
Eleanor Bradford, BBC Scotland: “I discovered I was one of the lowest-paid correspondents”
BBC reporter: “I don’t resent my male colleague… but we need parity of pay”
News programme presenter: “I am paid £45,000 less than my immediate male predecessor”
Sports broadcaster: “What you are worth is solely at the whim of management who essentially in sport are always men”
UK-based on-air editor: “The BBC has refused to accept there is an equal pay issue, but offered me an on-the-spot 10% increase”
Nations and regions presenter: “I raised the equal pay issue many times over the years, but nothing was done”
Sports editor: “Four men doing the same job have confirmed their salary is higher by up to £10,000”
Reporter, Radio 4: “I am considering further action as they refused to backdate my pay”
National radio presenter: “I have worked with my male co-host six years and for all that time been paid one-third the rate he is paid”
Presenter, national radio: “My salary was only half the amount being paid to my male co-presenter”
Presenter, regional news: “There was a point blank refusal to a request for equal pay”
Parity of pay, if a woman does equal work. Neither Mishal Hussein, nor Sarah Montague are as good at interviewing as John Humphries. (neither are Nick Robinson or Justin Webb but that is another story). All are overpaid, and that includes the women on their present pay
I am all for equal pay for the same job, but surely there is a second question that needs to be asked here. For a publicly funded body, should the presenters at the BBC be paid such a high wage !!
There are many in the UK who do a more stressful job, including the emergency services and the NHS and they are paid a fraction of what the Beeboids are paid. It is disgusting !!
Well at least we know that a lot of the Beeboids , mainly women , aren’t going to heaven .
Although it’s not for the lies and deceit , the anti democracy , the contempt of the ordinary Joe , the furtherance of elite interests .
It would be for greed , envy and the dog in the manger attitude .
The usual lefty thing . As they don’t take heed of the Parable Of The Vineyard .
To summarise ; an owner of the vineyard employs some men at the beginning of the day for 1 denarius . At midday he employs more men for the same , 1 denarius . At three o clock he employs some more men for again , 1 denarius . At five he employs more men for again 1 denarius . At six they all finish .
The ones at the beginning of the day are furious that those employed later than them are paid the same . The first lot worked more hours and through the midday heat , the others were luckier .
But the vineyard owner pointed out they were happy with their wages until they saw others were luckier .
Perhaps we’ ll see this explained in Thought For Today instead of the usual rubbish .
Andrew Neil @afneil tweeted
Let us see what belief in your Country and its people can achieve …. Hiroshima 1945 and then 2007 (62 years) …
Let us see what belief in everything you say is correct without question does .. 1963 to 2017 (54 years)