Capita, the troubled company that the BBC outsourced its TV licence collection with menaces service to, has expanded too far and invested too little time and money. One, do they never learn? British Leyland should be a classic case study for these companies, and two, ha, the BBC rattles on about the government ‘privatising’ services by outsourcing and the BBC does it itself….not just the licence fee of course but programme making as well…telling us how it spreads the wealth, skills and jobs around. Funny how it then can cheerlead for Corbyn and his Momentum mob of Marxists who want to nationalise everything and stop outsourcing.
Spot the comic, the contradictions, the bias?…list it all here….
UPS has a policy of not employing delivery driver men with beards
…isn’t that a ploy to avoid Muslim radicals ?
..maybe they’ve had a bad experience
Sounds like those stories where they send toilet units to villages with no running water and wonder why they use them to keep the chickens.
H/T SilyAllen parody Retweeted World HijabDay
I’m so glad my taxes go towards paying these lovely young HR ‘feminists’ to play dress ups to support the enforcement of the mysogonistic oppression of Muslim women. Bless.
Did they read the Koran and convert to become a Muslim – or else it was just an empty statement.
When is Christian Cross Day?
When is Buddhist robe Day?
When is …. **INSERT RELIGION HERE ** Day?
When is world Naturist Day, that’ll sort out the men from the boys..
When is Pastafarian Day? (Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster)
What would they look like with everyone wearing colanders?
And time worshippers who wear callenders ?
When is Pastafarian Day? (Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster)
What would they look like with everyone wearing colanders?
I wonder if Jeremy Corbyn would like to take part in World Yarmulkah Day?
Always suspected people who work in Human Resources do sweet F.A. I’m sure the good citizens of Scotland are delighted to see how hard their civil servants are working.
HR a) work tirelessly to perpetuate their own existence and b) award themselves more and more money in order to do so. Their main ‘skill’ is cutting and pasting.
A brief look at their ridiculous website, if you can bear it, will tell you all you need to know
There is no PERFECT solution, just compromise.
If anyone says lib women are not nasty show them this patronising tweet a Remain QC sent Nadine Dorries
Enough straw men from Boom! Boom! Bowen to set up a Worzel Gummidge fan club:
I just can’t believe it!!
I have just switched on LBC and Iain Stale has just posed the question ” Why do people hate Muslims?”.
The guests seem to be the usual succession of muslim apologists. Hope not hate, 2 imams, 3 Mohammeds.
Even the imam Mohammed Mamahoud the man who protected Osborn on the fatal night. What a saint!
What a mindless fuckwit Stale is.
I am surprised the trial result is already in
Darren Osbourne convicted
Radio Lincolnshire went straight with a statement from police commissioner
“Brain washed by online far right propaganda”
(jury took less than an hour)
Foregone conclusion.
He is going to get a death sentence and the state, politicians and judge know this.
He’s just an alcoholic nutter; I expected his defence team to put forward evidence of insanity.
..Now a poss scenario is that he’ll be in jail a few months and then suddenly see the light and convert to Islam ..and be released to join Brendan Cox on the platform.
According to Stale the trigger for Osbourne’s action was a BBC documentary on Rochdale. The fact is that what muslims actually do and think is enough to “radicalise” anyone who would like to preserve their freedom. The same can be said about nazis. An extreme threat needs to be neutralised with extreme measures. But people like Stale have to invent some vast far right secret army that is carrying out terrorist attacks that noone except them are aware of.
Stale opines that “people have been given the licence to speak their minds” i.e. on social media. The arrogance of the cunt.
A free people does not need the “licence” to speak its mind.
Mostly I hate muzlims because muzlims = izlam, izlam = muzlims, and because of the false piety and holier than thou attitudes and claims to the moral high ground.
“Why do people hate Muslims?”
Could it be a result that Muslims hate everybody else and have been going around killing anybody who is enjoying themselves for years.
It’s funny that people don’t seem to hate Hindus, Sikhs, Jainists, Shintoists or Buddhists, isn’t it? I wonder why that is ……..
On sky news there’s a breaking news banner running along the bottom of the screen saying Osborn ran over ‘MUSLIM WORSHIPPERS OUTSIDE THE MOSQUE’
I think I saw on here that it actually wasn’t outside a mosque but quite a distance away.
You could say that I’m also outside the mosque (up here in the N.E.)
The banner headline is written to give the impression that a lot of devout worshippers were just leaving the mosque.
Not in itself a big thing but typical of the way words are used to get maximum sympathy and portray them in a beautiful and gentle way.
If it did happen in front of the mosque I hold my hands up (but I don’t think it did)
Times : The BBC is insulting the women it wronged
Hmm she does 2+2=5 certainty that BBC are discriminated against
@OReillyMiriam replied
@jennirsl Jenni, when I spoke out about age discrimination
… I was briefed against, undermined, made a pariah, work was withdrawn.
At my tribunal the #BBC was found guilty of victimising me.
This is corporate BBC acting against women who say no to discrimination.
Radio 4 5pm news.
Reporting on Finsbury Park murder.
How desperately they want to believe that the country is full of ‘far right’ terrorists.
Apparently you need to be ‘brainwashed’ into objecting to islamisation, implying that a non brainwashed person would have no problem with islam in our faces all day every day.
World hijab day? Pass the sick bag.
Why not ‘Throw off your damned hijab and dye your hair pink day’ in solidarity with oppressed women in izlamic countries.
LBC is the same, Ian Dale simply will not accept the many callers who say that denying people the right to question the ugly aspects of Islam only results in people gravitating towards those who will. Interesting caller stated:
“Why is that attacker after attacker across Europe are deemed as lone wolves with mental health issues. Yet this geezer who was radicalised over a 3 week period is painted as a fully paid up member of the Hitler youth, who apparently are opening new branches in every town due to public demand.
It seems to have been the Day of the Dullards on LBC.
Farage’s words of comfort to Britain’s non-muslim population were ” You can’t condemn a whole religion (i.e. islam) we would lose”. He seems to have accepted that submission to islam is the only possible outcome to muslim colonisation.
Obviously, if nothing is done, this is what will happen.
But Farage fears a “religious war on the streets of Britain”.
This just shows how seriously anyone can take the claim that Islam is the “religion of peace”
Why Farage thinks you cannot condem “a whole religion” is beyond me. Is he a secret believer in the omniscience and omnipotence of Allah as revealed by the prophet. If not, he can hardly be afraid of insulting a god he does not believe in. He simply recognises that to criticise islam is to risk being murdered by a fervent muslim shouting allahu akhbar.
When Lee Rigby was murdered, Farage found some friendly Muslims to be photographed with and parroted the usual lines.
Put no faith in Nige or UKIP when it comes to (really) controlling immigration or addressing the threat to Britain caused by it.
Yes, you are right.
Farage was giving Islam against Extremism a mention on his programme. This is just another bunch of apologists for muslim atrocities.
I came across this:
How to Deal With People Demanding That Muslims Apologise for Charlie Hebdo
Posted by Admin, Senior Editor in Articles
Topics: Charlie Hebdo • Paris
Listen to this man being put in his place so quickly, wittingly and effectively. Note: This audio posting does not mean that any other personal views of the host are endorsed, but it is to illustrate the fallacious reasoning of the caller – which is highlighted very skilfully by the host.
The host was, of course, James O’Brien. The Socrates of the Airwaves.
The man referred to was called Richard. Because the Shoe Bomber was called Richard, O’ Brien thought it made as much sense for the caller to apologise for the shoe bombing because they shared a name as a previous caller Abbas, a muslim to apologise for the Charlie Hebdo massacre because the perpetrators were muslim.
A ridiculous argument as sharing a name does not mean you share a murderous belief. I don’t hear the left exculpating the generality of nazis or far right extremists because the holocaust was carried out by a tiny number of nazis who were following a perverted form of nazism. There are nazis who have committed mass murder and those who haven’t – they all have the same beliefs which led to mass murder. The are muslims who have commited mass murder and those who haven’t – they all share the same muderous beliefs.
BBC Why the photo with the finger?
If you are pro lesbian, gay rights and marriage, pro Israel, friendly with Sikhs, Hindus, Afro Caribbean’s and indeed Muslims of conscience, want to genuinely aid those brainwashed by jihadi nut jobs
… but oppose the most dangerous ideological threat to our the Brit way of life that we have ever faced, Islam
…. the BBC considers you Far-Right.
They get well and truly snookered here … and exposed
So what is it with the finger?
The single raised index finger has so far escaped analysis, likely due to the fact that those making the gesture have often had a severed head in their other hand, but refers to the first half of the shahada, the affirmation of Muslim faith that his recited before every prayer.
Abu Ali al-Shishani ISIS Lebanon
Anas Sharkas, aka Abu Ali al-Shishani,making “the one” salute in a video from Lebanon. (YouTube)
It is the passage that so defines the Muslim faith: “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his Prophet.”
Drying their nail varnish I expect,
“Is the BBC obeying its legal requirement of equal pay for equal work?”
Plus Endemol’s Peter Salmon on how to get on in television.
Get the Media Show podcast with Amol Rajan BBC:
Peter Salmon open to pretty good guesses from outside the bubble?
“equal pay for equal work”???
Tap-washers all round then
Replace the F1 ladies with Robots like Saudi Arabia are about to do – and then give them more rights than women have – no need to wear Hijab and can travel and talk to the world freely.
I know these guys. They love actual real music. They do not get bought lunches by pluggers. They deserve better than being stiffed by the state broadcaster using public funds to provide niche opportunities to their mates with VIP access only to staff.
‘the problem here is that as a publicly funded entity, the Corporation should simply not be interfering in the commercial market.’
Ah… but… ‘unique’.
all too predictable
Are the ticket prices and artiste fees out there yet?
I’d wager that the subcontractor fee game is a rotten one.
I must admit that I don’t watch every BBC News programme.
But I cannot remember seeing a man reading the news on
national TV at all this year. Is it possible that there is a silent
protest by the two or three male newsreaders on the BBC?
Once again this evening nearly all the news items were about
women. 6 year olds wearing the Hijab. Nigerian women bob sledders.
Of course the main news was about the greatest atrocity in history
of the world the murder by the far right lunatic of a Muslim
in Finsbury Park. The Londonistan programme looked even
more deeply into the issue. Telling us how Mosques now need
You should see the Fort Knox security the Jewish schools have
to protect them from, I wonder who. Yes I know Riz Lateef , Assad
Ahmad and the rest of the plethora of ethnic reporters on the
programme that the murder of a worshipper of any faith is
obnoxious beyond belief. BUT still ,we indigenous Londoners still
account for 30% of the population.
The BBC is supposed believe and practice positive discrimination.
In London we few indigenous Londoners should be shown a
bit of positive discrimination if the BBC is standing up for its
As for men reading the news. Does anybody know why it’s not happening?
I think I have seen Clive Myrie reading the news …………
I can’t think why he would be the exception though ……..
Was Osborne right to act as he did? No.
Was he right to be angry? Absolutely.
Presently a headline on the BBC web site:
‘Model: ‘We’re treated like mannequins’
well… um… yes… – and ?
That model is obviously more intelligent than most to be able to string a sentence together without out a “like’ or ‘omg’( whatever that means – is it mutilations of genitals o?).
The c4 news prostitution outside Finsbury Park terrorist centre – sorry – mosque had a Freudian one as he did his commentary of the selfless courage of our Muslim friends when he said “ there were many acts of t e r r o r I s m that night when he actually was meant to say “heroism” .
Some might say it was a jumped up road accident but it needs to be terrorism to mitigate the next London Bridge, Manchester , 7/7 , Parliament …. Muslim terrorist attack.
Maxi – it’s cut and paste time- it’s 4am- oh yeah don’t forget your moral high ground .
Truly, abhorrent, that wouldn t be this Finsbury Park
“A leader of one of Britain’s most prominent mosques is a ruling member of Hamas, which is designated a terrorist organisation. Mohammed Sawalha, a trustee of the Finsbury Park Mosque in north London, has been appointed a member of the political bureau of Hamas”
… Mosque, would it? …. ch4 News left out that bit.
Dom seems keen to get in folks’ faces.
Don’t be like Dom.
She s at it again … After Theresa May’s nuclear kow towing to China that could have cost our UK households £30bn, then the shenanigans after …she s over there going for a double whammy … another Chinese takeaway
BBC- Theresa May hails ‘first step’ to trade deal after Xi Jinping talks
What a turncoat May has become. The Chinese clearly saw her coming-and she`s now a dream customer for any shyster. Useless. Imagine she`s got Axminster through one coat, and Wilton threaded through the other. Walk all over her, she`s not going to do much but grimace.
If we were being given the Brexit we wanted-she`d be OK.
But now she`s a shrivelled and cringing figure of fun-she`s no use to us.
Send for Owen Paterson with Deputy Jacob…or else the Tories will be out of power and laothed for the rest of their sorry lives.
If we get commies fighting freikorps on our streets again-then May will have to take much of the blame now.
Sadly Owen Paterson broke his back yesterday in a riding incident – allegedly . I’m suspicious enough to believe remainers would do anything…
It’s amazing when the libmob #OutRageBus stays in the garage
as if there were double standards.
No #OutRageBus in 2015 When the poor girls in an Inverness bar had hands shoved up their kilts.
No #OutRageBus in Aug 2017 when the Times published about how a firm in London provides CUTIES kilts
Oh may no Outrage cos it wasn’t WOMEN it was MEN in both those cases
#1 Photo in Tweet
Tomorrows news will contain results of a search of Osborne’s home where leaflets, email and facebook connections will lead to far right, alt right, neo Nazis, and more.
Congratulations to Finsbury Park Mosque trustee Mo Sawalha, who Nogginator reports is a member of the political bureau of Corbyn’s favourite terrorist group Hamas. No doubt this man of peace will have a word with Nahul the Bumblebee, or rather the chap who dresses up in a bumblebee outfit and urges his audience on Hamas children’s tv to grow up and shoot all the Jews.
I`m sorry-but following the Tommy Mair case, who on earth can trust the law and media to give us the truth, let alone a fair trial anymore?
Much of what he learned at that time seems to have been amended or beefed up into something else. Like Toomy Mair, I smell one big rat. Had they been open and relayed the trial as we went along i`d have been OK. But none of this sits well, again a la Tommy Mair.
I sense that they`re hoping to link it to Jayda, Tommy or UKIP-as if the Deep State and quasi legal show trials have to concoct a narrative for Rudd , rather than give us a fair tril and be seen to do so.
Europe has long had this kind of show trial , but that is their prerogative. Here in Britain, we don`t trust the state-we trust the law. And when the state massages all laws to hound some whilst exonerating others-then we`ve got a European style fo “justice” that none of us ever want.
Creepy, Kafka and the cosy lefty cartels seem to be oiling the floors as before-and it stinks to me.
Comments so far… could be going better if the BBC is hoping to be seen as an impartial seeker of truth.
More balanced here, if between people still unimpressed with the BBC narrative, and censorious nutjobs.
So far just one comment, but a doozy:
Do these people really think that the First Cause, Eternal Ruler of the Ceaseless Round of Planets, King of Kings and only ruler of princes, really cares if they talk to Him within a few feet of a toilet?
I would have thought being closer to a shithole would make them feel more at home….how caring of us, the judge should be praising us, not condemning us.
Tommy Robinson was on Newsshite tonight at about 10:40pm giving the BBC a proper bashing!
They got him in to ask if he takes responsibility for the Finsbury Mosque murder because one of Tommy’s tweets was on the dashboard of the white van ffs! Tommy gave them a full on bashing accusing the BBC of misrepresentation, false news etc. He ripped them apart with real facts and figures – something the BBC don’t do. He suggested that perhaps the white van attack might have been to do with the umpteen Muslim attacks in the months before rather than his tweet which Kirtsy War lied saying was a hate crime tweet.
Of course the next person interviewed right afterwards, a Muslim, blamed Tommy for the Finsbury Mosque murder.
Well worth a re-watch on iPlayer.
For a textbook collection of every BBC manipulative editorial dodge in the book, this takes some beating:
So sweet, the Bbc has found a poll they like…
That Newsnight Tommy Robinson thing was daft
If you want to deal with a tweet which has a photo in it, then you have to put it on the screen’s TV not radio
– If such important context is missing that is lying by omission and therefore FakeNews
Tommy should have take a slow Peterson voice and said “You have actually only read half the tweet, that makes it look like you have an agenda. You have chosen not to put the tweet up on the screen, so that people can see the full context”
Tommy is dammed either way
If he doesn’t go on they’ll misrepresent him
– If he does go on they’ll try to misframe him and to trick him to get a Gotcha.
Anyway no one watches Newsnight.
If he did a lot of interviews, they’d simply pick the worst one to repeat
Maybe a good agent would have got him a high profile LIVE interview on the basis there’d be no trickery. Live means no editing tricks
And then all media would have reported the video from that one interview , cos it would be that or nothing.
That Newsnight Tommy Robinson thing was daft
If you want to deal with a tweet which has a photo in it, then you have to put it on the screen’s TV not radio
– If such important context is missing that is lying by omission and therefore FakeNews
Tommy should have take a slow Peterson voice and said “You have actually only read half the tweet, that makes it look like you have an agenda. You have chosen not to put the tweet up on the screen, so that people can see the full context”
Tommy is dammed either way
If he doesn’t go on they’ll misrepresent him
– If he does go on they’ll try to misframe him and to trick him to get a Gotcha.
Anyway no one watches Newsnight.
If he did a lot of interviews, they’d simply pick the worst one to repeat
Maybe a good agent would have got him a high profile LIVE interview on the basis there’d be no trickery. Live means no editing tricks
And then all media would have reported the video from that one interview , cos it would be that or nothing.
Housing shortage ? Too many people coming in ………………..
“Five migrants shot in huge Calais brawl”
“It started when an Afghan fired shots, AFP said.”
Where did he get his gun ?
and is he bringing it with him in the back of a lorry
Mohammed does have one good saying in his mass of sayings
Something like “you cannot punish the cat, for stealing the cream, because that is the nature of the cat”
Likewise nutty people like Osbourne are likely to nutty things
..Is it Tommy Robinson that facilitated that ?
No, cos Tommy did nothing other than tell the truth.
What fed the Osbourne’s motivation was the way he could see the authorities and media were deceiving
He saw that injustices were being done, fueled by dogma of Islam OR protected from criticism by fear critising Islam
like groom/rape gangs the Al Quds march ..and he lashed out
..stupidly and wrongly
cos standing outside a Mosque/Community Centre is not a thing that should be punished by death/violence
Osbourne probably thought that sex-abuse by white people like say in the Catholic church was also a wrong thing, but he would have been less likely to lash out about, cos he would have perceived that there is much less of a cover up about that and that for the most part justice is working for that.
Quiz programme Pointless is becoming THE show to appear on if you want to ‘identify’ as any form of life you feel like when you wake up. Watched last night’s show (Thursday), and saw that most boxes had been ticked with one contestant ; wheelchair, and a human being dressed as a woman with a female hair style on one side and almost shaved on the other. Its name was Emma, but clearly had a male voice. It was like looking at one of those identikit animal pictures where an animal has the body of a horse and the head of a giraffe ! Alexander Armstrong gets 10 out of 10 at being able to keep a straight face, cos I couldn’t.
This ‘identifying as’ stuff could actually be the death of leftist lunacy. We are already seeing clashes between ‘trans women’ (ie, men posing as women) and real women over feminist issues. There have been two high profile cases of women blacking up and identifying as different races (Rachel Dolezal and some German woman whose name I forget). They have been strongly criticised but why is this any different to thinking you are a different sex? This kind of logical inconsistency has to be noticed eventually.
One of the biggest stories globally is the fact that under Obama, the FBI faked a ‘peeing Russian hooker’ story to justify ‘investigating’ the Trump campaign and pass wiretapped information to Clinton. Even the Biased BBC has struggled to avoid this very bad news, but they compromised by producing a ‘report’ that entirely excludes the words ‘Obama’ and ‘Clinton’, as if the FBI did this for themselves, for no motive.
If you want the truth, try Breitbart :
Trade magazines often have a small section on the inside back cover where press releases of minor movements in the industry are published.
Vastly overpaid BBC Editors refer to these as a ‘SCOOP’.
Translation Google are moving their PR staff around
and Amol is so shallow he thinks that is news.
It shows us the BBC’s media editor is well in with the dirty PR industry
The dirty PR industry buys loyalty of naive BBC Media Editor by feeding him titbits. He should not be close to them
Google PR staff moving doesn’t win you a Pulitzer
… EMEA, APAC describes geography of the depts
‘EMEA’ Europe, Middle East and Africa is a geographical division used by many multinational corporations.
APAC=Asia Pacific
“Tim Chatwin, used to work in Strategic Comms for David Cameron”
Strange that Amol got a dig in at the Tories but forgot to mention
Barron was ex BBC guy
“Barron .. was previously editor of the BBC’s Newsnight programme and previously worked for ITV and Channel 4 News.”
Correction in his previous tweet Amol did mention
“Barron .. Former boss of @BBCNewsnight, revered in much of the BBC, has spent nearly a decade at Google”
SCOOP: Employer interviews Employee regarding women’s pay with no women present in the office of the organisation that caused the pay gap in the first place.
BBC Presenter Amol Rajan interviewed BBC Directory Lord Hall in the BBC offices regarding the BBC Pay in the BBC offices.
Second Referendum was explicitly ruled out by Cameron
Strange @BiasedBBC, MSM and lib-establishment media don’t play this video
Vid Nigel Farage has accused the Remoaner Lord Adonis of being ‘a lying weasel’ … directly to his face on camera!.. he continued to say that there should indeed be another referendum one to abolish the unelected House of Lords that is full to the brim of elitist relics who want to stop Brexit.
That clip should be played again and again to Adonis,Clegg Clarke Soubry and others. If al Beeb played it people would be reminded of the campaign and stiffen their resolve . Thanks for the clip stew –
Please punch it out every so often as a reminder to remainers
I note that Treezer was nodding in agreement also.
I have never seen that before.
That is an excellent video snip and should be used by all Brexiteers to counter the argument for a second referendum.
“A final decision”,
“A second referendum is not on the ballot paper”.
Just listen to our MPs shouting ‘hear! hear!’ at the end.
Filthy bias on News at Ten last night. Where do I start?!
1. Report on the trial of Darren Osborne, Finsbury Park van attacker, claimed his name was added to the ‘growing list of far right terrorists’. Also, attempt to link him with Tommy Robinson’s writings. However, no word from the writer of BBC’s ‘Three Girls’ play about Islamic rape gangs which they claimed tipped Osborne over the edge.
2. Report on one of our cultural enrichers who was stabbed to death in Wormwood Scrubs. No attempt to find out who, what, where, when, why, just tabloid style fearmongering about ‘could it happen again?’ Well how the **** will anyone know unless you ask questions of those in authority?
3. Some SJW journalist in China desperately trying to build a narrative about oppressed Muslims. Trying to film in forbidden areas and claiming this meant the Chinese had something to hide. Openly questioned local people (who did not want to talk) and made no attempt to disguise them, which could cause them serious problems or even beatings from the authorities.
I see this more and more with the BBC. They ‘build a narrative’ – crafting the story to give the bias they want us to believe – and then make a token effort at neutrality by interviewing someone who briefly disagrees – such as Tommy Robinson – without allowing him to say why their story is twaddle.
I had exactly the same thought train as you
Kaiser, this method is used, I believe, to provoke the ‘well he would say t hat, wouldn’t he?’ disbelieving reaction that dates back to the Profumo scandal in the 1960s. They also use guilt-by-association by trying to link criminal acts with holding views that they disagree with. The general line is something like this:
‘Mr A Politician has been accused of lying, cheating, embezzlement racism, sexism, being pro-Brexit, Islamophobia and a host of other crimes. We spoke to Mr A Muslim, Ms U Feminist and Mr A Nice-Foreigner about it. (cue vox-pops).
We then asked Mr A Politician to respond.
Cut to studio.
A Politician: ‘None of this is true’.
Cut to newsreader and quickly on to next item.
Stop the BBC TV License and just follow our politicians for 24/7. Comedy Gold!
“At least the small nations didn’t go into it for selfish reasons.” – PM
“Really, Luxembourg is in it for the perks. The capital of the EEC all that foreign money pouring in. (note Juncker 1% tax in 2013).” – Civil Servant
“A very sensible central location.” – PM
“With the administration in Brussels. And the Parliament in Strasbourg. Minister, it’s like having the House of Commons in Swindon and the Civil Service in Kettering.” – Civil Servant
There was a hilarious moment at the end of TWT (yesterday, BBC R4 22.00hrs) with Sean Lay in the chair. He muddled up The Men from the Ministry (a radio programme) with Yes, Minister (a TV programme).
Martha Kearney earlier managed to label a Czech Government Minister as Romanian (later corrected) on TWatO. (R4, 1pm)
Bit of a nightmare week for the BBC.
usual acronym is TWatO
The Prime Minister needs to change her office again. She is being badly served.
She needs a Press Officer of the quality of Bernard Ingham or CJ Cregg. The mauling Theresa May was given by ‘Part-time’ this morning on the TODAY Programme could have been avoided by some good training & situation management.
I disagree – it’s not her office – it her and the job. How can a remainer PM oversee our exit from their EU ? All that is going to happen at the end is that no one will be happy with the outcome.
When we remain 17 million will be up in arms. When we leave it will be so watered down that we might as well still ticked the remain box.
All politicians want the top job. She just very clearly sold her soul.
Fed, you could be right – that it’s just down to her. And you are right in that she has the choice of CoStaff, Press and other advisors.
But OTOH, she lasted longer than many Ministers at Home. Timothy & Hills did a good job for her there but were obviously completely lost within the different environment & pressures of No10.
The PM suffered for it.
I am however detecting lack of a really good Press Officer right now for the PM. Whether Theresa May would listen to such a person, learn from them and always follow their advice, I know not. That may be another part of the problem and TM would be following in MT’s footsteps there! Mrs T was notorious for only listening to a selected band who were often telling her what she wanted to hear.
As to a Remainer being PM and getting us out, I’d refer you to my post on that extra specialist Thread put up by Alan at the weekend. The PM has no choice but to get us out. Article 50 has been served. If she wishes to be PM and to fight another GE, then she has to get either a very good deal or opt to play hardball, and just go for the door in March 2019 and leave everything to work out as it may.
The future of the Conservative Party is at stake.
That clear fact:
1. Should have been realised by the PM already, and
2. Others should be making that clear to her and probably have.
Up – I disagree – I think she is toast already and it looks like the Tory party is polarising publicly now . They are so entrenched that the remainers would accept a labour Mcdonald government in order to stay in their EU. They’d see a labour govt as a small price to pay for their precious reich/EU.
I know I’m guessing but I’m a chess player . Check .
At least five migrants have been shot in the French port city of Calais, after a mass brawl between Afghans and Eritreans.” “At least 13 more people were wounded due to “blows from iron bars”, the local prosecutor’s office said.”
You’d think all the doctors and children in the Calais camps would have better things to do with their time.
Which group in the Calais punch up were the far right?
Dread to think how the bbc editorial will ‘refine’ this still further.
In China, five people, including three attackers, were killed in 2013 when a 4×4 vehicle ploughed through a crowd in front of Tiananmen Gate in the center of Beijing. The attack was blamed on separatist extremists from the Turkic Muslim Uighur ethnic group native to northwestern China. {independent 02feb2018} .. bottom of the article, BBC generally miss these historical points in their articles.
What Beeboids don’t seem to understand is that unlike them, the Chinese do not see Islam as exempt from Chairman Mao’s belief that ‘Religion is poison’.
How thoughtful of the Chinese to arrange a van hitting pedestrians to make Treezer feel at home.
Beeb website reporting on the shootings in Calais migrant camp. Two photographs shown, one with a bunch of unsavoury looking characters wielding sticks (not being used for rambling one suspects) seemingly hell bent on a little tribal fisticuffs and another showing the aftermath with five medics trying to save somebody’s
life. Says it all really. Never mind, perhaps they can rush Geldof, Cumberbatch and Allen to help out with the stretchers and bring a few of these “children” back with them.
Maybe this was the turning point for the BBC … stop celebrating, always think of Islam no matter what you do …..
BBC ‘angers Muslim staff’ by hosting hog roast to celebrate Commonwealth Games under the windows of Arabic TV service {dailymail 03aug2014}
“Staff berated ‘disrespectful’ event held days after end of Ramadan”
“Britain Stronger In Europe” – on the Remain Campaign signs.
But we are not leaving Europe (landmass) we are leaving the EU (political system), this is a lie!
This should say “Stronger in the EU”.
The Remain campaign lied and everyone who voted remain didn’t know what they were voting for (landmass or political system) with this sign and should be revealed as liars.
** See what I did their, never ming the leave bus of £350 million … find all instances of this sign because it was a lie. The Remain camp lied!
“we send the EU £350million a week
lets fund our NHS instead ”
The £350 million bus was a stroke of genius the remoaners are still arguing about ,talking about and pointing to
all they are doing is pointing out that they understand neither english, nor the difference between gross and net
stupid uneducated remoaners
Yep Ur’in(e)
Strangely 5 Live have posted a logical audio clip on their Facebook page
Man says the police were right to Taser his mentally ill mother
Just like the police shooting a mentally ill chap on a recent edition of Silent Witness ! – the programme where pathologists are doubling up as detectives and the police just stand around making tea !
I am going to try and avoid the BBC for a few weeks and see if I feel better.
If you are a moron, believe their nonsense and just do as you are told I guess it is ok. But if you are aware of how much you are constantly being manipulated and lied to it gets you angry; it’s the sense of betrayal above all that infuriates me. I cannot watch that Tommy Robinson interview as it will be their standard garbage, which I imagine makes to reference to how mass murder and raping children en masse might provoke some people.
Good luck to everyone who contributes to this great site. I really feel the tide is starting to turn in our favour. I worry that it may be too late though.
Beeb Brother, I think you will feel better.
Once you see how the BBC operates and start watching with a critical eye, it becomes hard not to get angry.
Giving up the telly and knowing that not a penny of one’s hard earned cash is going to the BBC will make you feel even better!
It’s also important to retain a sense of humour. I no longer attempt serious debate on social media etc – it is pointless as they do not wish to engage in argument – I just make a lighthearted hopefully funny remark pointing out the silliness of PC/SJW leftism and leave it at that. (This is what mainstream satirists and comedians should be doing, but don’t because they are nearly all signed up to ‘the cause’.)
Beeb Brother
It is too late. Great cultures and nations eventually die.
The Roman general who raised Carthage to the ground wept. Not because of Carthage’s destruction but because he realised Rome would some day suffer the same fate.
What is depressing is the peculiar death wish amongst the elites.
“Managed decline” has been an idee fixe amonst the mandarins since the 1950s. The only oppostion to the notion of inevitable decline since then came from Thatcher – no wonder the left detest her so much. It is one thing to “manage decline” but post Thatcher most politicians have been doing their utmost to acceerate decline. Douglas Murray is right the West has simply lost its mojo. The British state is not strong enough to stop a few hundred IS mass murderers returning to Britain and even gives council housing to some. An entity that is so enfeebled cannot last long. Even Farage was claiming on his LBC slot that “you cannot condemn a whole religion” without starting a religious war on the streets of Britain. Muslim violence and threats seem to have cowed almost everyone into submission.
Beeb Brother: I don’t blame you. BUT. We don’t watch/or listen to the beeb for entertainment any more than the Allied troops in the trenches watched the German lines for entertainment during WW1. (There are nevertheless a few interesting and enjoyable programmes that are not manipulative or propagandistic, but that’s a bonus). The troops in the trenches watched the enemy lines because they needed as much up-to-date information as they could get. You need to try to figure out what they’re up to. You know their aim: to radically change your country so you won’t recognise it again. But what is their latest move?
So you keep watch….If you get depressed you pop over to e.g. Bill Still on You Tube and watch Joe Di Genova tearing the enemy to shreds, verbally speaking. Then you’ll feel better. Or a little Stefan Molineux? Or some Lionel Nation? They’re all winning. They don’t let the enemy get to them. When you feel better, return to Chris Mason or whoever on the Beeb. Now they sound a lot smaller.
A 2005 photo of Obama having a meeting with a known racist would be dynamite
“What Was Louis Farrakhan Doing At That Congressional Black Caucus Meeting With Obama?”
“I called Askia Muhammad, the journalist who took the photo and said he suppressed it at the request of a CBC staffer he has not identified”
Versions did appear with Farrakhan cropped off
As it was Hijab day yesterday {01feb2018} … I would reflect with this story …
Should crosses be banned from classrooms? { oct2003}
A court decision to order a state kindergarten to remove crucifixes from its classrooms has caused controversy in Italy.
The ruling by a judge in the central town of L’Aquila, following a complaint by an Italian Muslim leader, has re-opened a bitter debate about religious symbols.
BBC Breakfast Naga does her bit for woman’s rights – very inappropriately..
Chap Errol talking in a normal humorous way about his prostate cancer…he starts making a joke about his wife nagging him in the context of making him go get it checked….
Naga starts saying ‘Now now, now now’ telling him off, one must assume because he is making a jokey generalisation about women..
Her interruption was inappropriate as best and very rude at worst and displays the arrogance and victim playing inherent in the BBC.
What I liked is the way he just looked at her and carried on…then made another joke later about his wife and her cooking him a meal..all funny and acceptable and in context..Bloody normal..unlike the BBC
The whole point is the breakfast producers deliberately choose to use a sofa, cos they know viewers are interested in that 1 second the presenter might accidentally flash her knickers
..It’s very similar to grid girls idea.
Ha ! ha ! old Naga would have gone into meltdown if he had referred to his wife as ‘THE’ wife, like most chaps do.